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Strojnícky časopis, 2018
This paper treats influencing factors in the determination of vehicles speed on the pedestrian crash moment according to pedestrian throw distance and formulates a mathematical model for vehicle speed determination. Vehicle speed is one of the highest causes of accidents. The mathematical model formulation (as the target of this paper) for velocity calculation, in the case of pedestrian accidents, presents great help and guidance to experts of this field when dealing with accident analysis that through accurate determination of this parameter to find other circumstances as close as possible to the technical process of pedestrian accidents. The target of this paper is to define a mathematical model formulation for vehicle velocity calculation in pedestrian crash moment depending on relevant parameters. For the purpose of model formulating, we have selected three cases of real accidents that involved vehicles ("Peugeot 307", "VW Golf " and "Mercedes E 220") with different geometrical parameters of the front profile and pedestrians with different heights and weights. For regression analysis we used "R" and "SPSS" software, which enables the statistical analysis of the data and mathematical model formulation. Also, for analysis of impact of relevant factors, model formulation and model testing have used "Virtual Crash" and "PC Crash" software, which enables pedestrian-vehicle crash simulation using vehicles with real technical characteristics and various pedestrian characteristics. Inductive, comparative, and deductive methods are part of the research methods in this paper.
Contemporary Research: An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal
Work force diversity has become an organizational imperative and as such, it is important for organizations to understand, embrace and manage diversity to be able to outperform competitors. Researchers have produced mixed result on the impact of diversity on performance. Some scholars found a positive relation between diversity factors and performance whilst others have found negative relations between diversity factors and performance. This paper therefore examines the effect of work force diversity factors (generational diversity, gender diversity, ethnic/racial diversity) and the role of managerial expertise on organizational performance. This study followed the correlational research design as it intends to evaluate the impact of workforce diversity on banking sector performance. The population of the study was managerial level employees working in banking sector of Nepal and 156 responses were collected and analyzed. Five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to collect the...
Soziale Systeme, 2023
Zusammenfassung: Die Proteste in Chile, die am 18. Oktober 2019 begannen und seit der Coronakrise teilweise zum Stillstand gekommen sind, haben die Form einer sozialen Eruption, die bis heute bedeutende Konsequenzen zeigt. Wie ist aber dieses Ereignis soziologisch zu verstehen?-dies ist die leitende Frage des vorliegenden Artikels. Trotz des Risikos einer vorschnell entwickelten Betrachtung der Problematik sollen einige Reflexionen hierzu angestellt werden. Diese basieren auf einer heterodoxen Verbindung der theoretischen Ansätze von Karl Marx und Niklas Luhmann, welche die Entwicklung eines systematischen Beobachtungsrahmens ermöglicht, um die objektiven Auslöser der "Konzentrationskrise" zu erfassen, in welche die Gesellschaft-in diesem Fall die chilenische-verwickelt ist und unter der die darin involvierten Personen leiden. Die hier vorgestellten Beobachtungen zielen darauf ab, die Form, die eine solche Konzentration annimmt, zu untersuchen, nämlich: die Konzentration der Partizipation an den Leistungen der verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Systeme. Diese Art der Konzentration, die in Chile auf das Äußerste getrieben worden ist, trägt zur Erzeugung von Stratifikationsschemata bei, homogenisiert die Vielfalt der Optionen und Selektionen der Systeme und führt-sobald sie in Trägheitsspiralen verfangen bleibt-zu Krisenszenarien wie demjenigen, das in Chile festzustellen ist. Noch in dieser latenten kritischen Entwicklung steckend wird am Ende aber wohl klar werden, dass nur eine allgemeine Entscheidung, die sich gegen die Logik der Konzentration richtet, einen realen Ausweg aus dem beobachteten Konflikt bieten könnte. Abstract: The protests in Chile, which started on October 18, 2019 and are partially paused since the corona crisis, take the form of a “social explosion” that has shown significant consequences until the present. The question that guides the paper is clear: How to sociologically understand this sociopolitical crisis? With the risk of colliding with the over-demonstrated premise that indicates the need to wait for circumstances to decay so the reflection can rest and overcome the anxiety for comprehension, some theses based on combining the theoretical approaches of Karl Marx and Niklas Luhmann are displayed. This connection allows for the development of a systematic observation framework in order to detect the objective triggers of the concentration crises in which society is involved –in this case, the Chilean society. The reflections presented here seek to investigate the form that such concentration takes, namely: a concentration of the participation in achievements of the different societal systems. This kind of concentration, taken to the extreme in the Chilean case, contributes to the generation of stratification schemes, homogenizes the diversity of options and selections of the systems and, captured in inertial spirals, ends up producing crises scenarios such as the one observable today. Thrown into this latent critical track, it is possible to maintain towards the end of this paper that only a decision that allows facing the logic inherent to the concentration must be able to offer a definitive way out of the convulsion witnessed in that country.
Auxiliary languages, 2024
Τhis article is part of a research project on a pivotal era in the history of artificial languages, spanning from the 19th century to the first quarter of the 20th century. During this period, European intellectuals formed the belief that teaching worldwide a constructed code as a second language could yield substantial benefits for humanity, including, most prominently, the improvement of global communication. The article briefly outlines the first attempts made to devise and select such a language and discusses some of the most famous language systems that were constructed such as Esperanto, which, despite falling short of its intended role, has survived to the present day and even managed to acquire native speakers after overcoming all obstacles in its way. Remarkably enough, Esperanto's route can offer an alternative perspective on today's universal language question.
Cómo es bien sabido, el átomo está compuesto de núcleo que contiene subpartículas tales como el protón (con carga positiva) y los neutrones sin carga. En su periferia, orbitando alrededor del núcleo están los electrones con mucha menor masa que las partículas del núcleo (unas 2000 veces menor). Estos electrones pueden ser de dos tipos:
Siklus yang terpengaruh dalam audit kas adalah penjualan dan penemuan, perolehan dan pembayaran, gaji dan upah serta personalia, perolehan modal dan pembayaran kembali. Berikut adalah faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi audit kas akhir tahun : 1. Kas dipengaruhi oleh sebagian besar siklus lainnya, yang berarti bahwa banyak peluang terjadinya kesalahan (tes evaluasi hasil-hasil transaksi). 2. Kendatipun saldo kas biasanya tidak besar, tetapi jumlah dolar debet dan kredit mempengaruhi saldo tersebut pada umumnya lebih besar dari perkiraan (materialitas).
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Basilica Vaticana - Venerdì, 31 ottobre 2008.
Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 2024
Synergies Italie, pp. 57-76, 2024
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Biomedicines, 2024
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Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2019
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2021
Biomédica, 2021
Microbiology, 1985
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2012
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 1994
Health Notions, 2020