Journal of Human Evolution 58 (2010) 418e423
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The Olduvai Hominid 8 foot: Adult or subadult?
Jeremy M. DeSilva a, *, Bernhard Zipfel b, Adam P. Van Arsdale c, Matthew W. Tocheri d
Department of Anthropology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA
Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, School of Geosciences, Institute for Human Evolution, University of Witwatersrand, PO Wits, 2050 Wits, South Africa
Department of Anthropology, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA, USA
Human Origins Program, Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20013-7012, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 16 November 2009
Accepted 8 March 2010
Olduvai Hominid 8 (OH 8), an articulating set of fossil hominin tarsal and metatarsal bones, is critical to
interpretations of the evolution of hominin pedal morphology and bipedal locomotion. It has been
suggested that OH 8 may represent the foot of a subadult and may be associated with the OH 7 mandible,
the type specimen of Homo habilis. This assertion is based on the presence of what may be unfused distal
metatarsal epiphyses. Accurately assessing the skeletal maturity of the OH 8 foot is important for
interpretations of the functional morphology and locomotor behavior of Plio-Pleistocene hominins. In
this study, we compare metatarsal fusion patterns and internal bone morphology of the lateral metatarsals among subadult hominines (85 modern humans, 48 Pan, and 25 Gorilla) to assess the likelihood
that OH 8 belonged to either an adult or subadult hominin. Our results suggest that if OH 8 is indeed from
a subadult, then it displays a metatarsal developmental pattern that is unobserved in our comparative
sample. In OH 8, the fully fused base of the first metatarsal and the presence of trabecular bone at the
distal ends of the second and third metatarsal shafts make it highly improbable that it belonged to
a subadult, let alone a subadult that matches the developmental age of the OH 7 mandible. In total, the
results of this study suggest that the OH 8 foot most likely belonged to an adult hominin.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Epiphyseal fusion
Homo habilis
Olduvai Hominid 8 (OH 8) consists of an articulating set of seven
tarsals and five metatarsals, all of which were discovered by Mary
Leakey in situ in 1960 in the Middle Bed I deposits at the FLK NN
locality (Leakey, 1960; Tobias, 1991). Fifty years have now passed
since its discovery, yet OH 8 still represents one of the geologically
oldest, most complete sets of foot bones in the hominin fossil
record. All of the tarsals are well preserved and relatively complete
except for the calcaneus, which only preserves the distal portion.
All five metatarsals are missing their distal ends but their bases and
shafts are reasonably well preserved.
The assumption that all twelve bones belong to a single individual is based on the fact that all were recovered within one
square foot and all mutual articular surfaces appear well-matched
in size and shape (Day, 1986). The morphology of the first tarsometatarsal joint suggests that the hallux was adducted and the
robusticity formula of the metatarsals is more similar to modern
humans than great apes (Archibald et al., 1972). Together, these
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J.M. DeSilva).
0047-2484/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
features argue that OH 8 represents a bipedal hominin, a functional
and phylogenetic interpretation generally agreed upon by most
paleoanthropologists. No serious argument exists to suggest that
OH 8 does not represent a single, bipedal hominin individual that
lived and died approximately 1.8 Ma. Instead, debates, both past
and present, are centered on the maturity and taxonomic attribution of the individual represented by OH 8.
OH 8 was originally thought to be associated with the juvenile
OH 7 mandible (Leakey, 1961). This interpretation was later revised
and OH 8 was interpreted as a second adult individual, based on the
presence of arthritic bony growths on the lateral aspect of the
tarsometatarsal region (Day and Napier, 1964; Leakey et al., 1964).
Leakey (1971) also regarded the foot as belonging to an adult
female. The adult status of OH 8 was reiterated in an early study of
its functional morphology (Wood, 1974). Christie (1990) also found
differences in adult and juvenile tali and noted specifically that the
OH 8 talus was much more similar to that of an adult human talus
than a subadult. However, other studies of the Olduvai fossils have
suggested that OH 8 was from a subadult and that the OH 8 foot, OH
7 hand, mandible, and cranial fragments, and perhaps also the OH
35 tibia and fibula, may represent a single adolescent individual
(Susman and Stern, 1982; Susman, 2008). The subadult status of the
OH 7 mandible and hand is unequivocal, based on an unerupted
J.M. DeSilva et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 58 (2010) 418e423
third molar (Leakey et al., 1964) and unfused epiphyses on the
phalanges (Napier, 1962; Susman and Creel, 1979), although recent
analysis of the manual remains suggest that the hand and the
craniodental fossils of OH 7 may belong to different taxa (MoyàSolà et al., 2008). Nevertheless, the association between OH 7 and
OH 8 is reasonable, given that they were found in the same
stratigraphic layer of FLK NN (Level 3) and the nearest scattered
fragments of OH 7 are within 5 m of the OH 8 foot (Leakey, 1971).
However, the evidence that the OH 8 foot is from a subadult is not
as obvious as it is for the hand and craniodental remains of OH 7.
The second and third metatarsals of OH 8 are missing the distal
heads, a feature regarded initially as evidence for carnivore activity.
It has since been suggested that instead of being broken by carnivores, the ends of the second and third metatarsals are unfused
epiphyseal surfaces (Susman and Stern, 1982; Susman, 2008). Based
on this interpretation of the morphology, OH 8 was suggested to
have belonged to an individual of the same developmental age as
the OH 7 hand and the OH 7 mandible (Susman and Stern, 1982;
Susman and Brain, 1988). It is unlikely that modern humans are
the appropriate model for aging hominin remains, and therefore
Susman (2008) has emphasized that the relative ages of the OH 8
foot, OH 7 hand and OH 7 mandible are concordant. If true, then
arguments that the OH 8 foot belongs to the same individual as the
OH 7 material would be strengthened. Such an association would
be of great importance for phylogenetic and functional interpretations of early hominins, as this individual would be represented
by a mandible, skull fragments, a partial hand, and a partial foot,
making it one of the more complete specimens in the hominin
fossil record. Association with OH 7, the type specimen of Homo
habilis, would refute hypotheses that the OH 8 foot belongs to
Paranthropus boisei, as some have suggested (Wood, 1974; Grausz
et al., 1988; Gebo and Schwartz, 2006). However, the hypotheses
that OH 8 is: a) from a subadult, and b) associated with OH 7, has
been met with skepticism (Day, 1986; White and Suwa, 1987).
Despite arguments for and against the adult status of OH 8, no
comparative data on tarsal and metatarsal fusion patterns in
modern humans and African apes have been presented to allow
a reasonable test of these hypotheses.
Modern humans and great apes share a general pattern of
epiphyseal fusion in their tarsals and metatarsals. This general
pattern includes distal epiphyses for the four lateral metatarsals
and proximal epiphyses for the first metatarsal and calcaneus, as
well as epiphyses for the medio-plantar aspect of the talus, the
navicular tuberosity, and the base of the fifth metatarsal (lateral
tubercle). More rarely, humans and great apes may exhibit a pseudo
epiphysis for the distal end of the first metatarsal (Scheuer and
Black, 2000). Typically, among modern humans, the epiphyses for
the talus and navicular fuse first, followed by the epiphyses for the
calcaneus and the lateral tubercle of the fifth metatarsal. These are
then followed by fusion of the second through fifth metatarsal
heads, generally after the eruption of the second molar but sometimes not until the third molar is erupted as well, and finally the
base of the first metatarsal fuses last (Scheuer and Black, 2000;
Baker et al., 2005).
In OH 8, the navicular is well preserved and has a large navicular
tuberosity that appears to be already fully fused. The OH 8 talus is
slightly damaged in its medio-plantar area, making it difficult to be
certain of whether fusion of its epiphysis had occurred. Similarly,
the OH 8 calcaneus is missing the entire proximal half of the bone;
thus, whether its proximal epiphysis remains unfused cannot be
evaluated. The lateral tubercle (styloid process) on the base of the
OH 8 fifth metatarsal is also missing and it is unclear whether this is
the result of an unfused epiphysis, antemortem trauma, postmortem damage, or some combination of these factors. The base is
rounded off proximolaterally, quite unlike the styloid-like shape of
the lateral aspect of the fifth metatarsal in most modern humans
and African apes. The medial aspect of the fifth metatarsal has
osteophytic growths both plantarly and dorsally that match
growths on the lateral aspect of the fourth metatarsal (Fig. 1).
Similar osteophytic connections occur between the bases of the
fourth and third metatarsals. Reasonable arguments could be made
that these pathological growths are the result of either adult agerelated arthritis or a healed avulsion fracture of an unfused or
partially fused lateral tubercle epiphysis, but neither are conclusive
in demonstrating whether the OH 8 foot belonged to an adult or
subadult. Therefore, the evidence from the tarsals and proximal
fifth metatarsal is at best equivocal. If any of these areas showed
clear evidence of an unfused or partially fused epiphysis, then the
subadult status of OH 8 would be more than reasonably justified,
whereas full fusion of these epiphyses would not necessarily
preclude OH 8 from being a subadult.
Thus, the best available evidence for evaluating whether OH 8 is
a subadult or adult lies in its metatarsals. The OH 8 foot does not
preserve any of the five metatarsal heads. The fourth and fifth
metatarsals are broken distal to the midshaft and preserve the
proximal portions. Alternatively, the second and third metatarsals
preserve almost their entire length and both have a proximodorsal
to distoplantar angulation to their terminal surfaces. The end of
each bone occurs just as the diaphyseal surface begins to expand
into the metatarsal heads. If these are unfused epiphyses (Susman
and Stern, 1982; Susman, 2008), then it is curious that the proximal
epiphysis of the first metatarsal is fully fused to the diaphysis and
the diaphyseo-epiphyseal junction is completely obliterated both
visually and in published radiographs (Susman, 2008). The purpose
of this study is to compare metatarsal fusion patterns among
African apes and modern humans to determine the frequencies of
varying fusion patterns. Such frequencies can then be used to
establish the likelihood of finding a subadult hominin with
a particular fusion pattern. To address the possibility that early
Homo may have possessed a metatarsal fusion pattern unlike that
Figure 1. Osteophytic growths on adult fifth metatarsals. The medial side of fifth
metatarsals in an adult human (left) and OH 8 (right) are shown. Notice the osteophytic growths emanating distally and plantarly from the fourth metatarsal facet. This
condition was not seen in any of the juvenile metatarsals examined in this study.
J.M. DeSilva et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 58 (2010) 418e423
in either modern humans or African apes, we also compare the
fusion pattern of the OH 8 foot with the associated pedal and craniodental remains of a roughly contemporaneous early Homo
juvenile from Dmanisi, Georgia.
The metatarsal fusion pattern of 158 extant subadult hominines
was studied (85 Homo, 25 Gorilla, 48 Pan) and compared with those
of OH 8. A breakdown of specimens by taxonomy and place of
curation is given in Table 1. Study was restricted to a range of individuals whose second molar had erupted and whose third molar was
either unerupted or not fully in occlusion. For specimens without
associated craniodental remains, only those where the distal
humerus was fully fused were included. This typically occurs in
modern humans at approximately 10e14 years of age (White, 2000).
The original OH 8 foot was also compared with fossil metatarsals
listed in Table 1. Original mandibles D2735 and D211 were studied
at the Georgia National Museum and compared with high-quality
casts of OH 7 and OH 13 from the National Museums of Kenya.
Fusion of all epiphyses was visually scored as unfused (epiphyses separate from the diaphysis), partially fused (epiphyses
attached to diaphysis with epiphyseal lines present), or fully fused
(epiphyseal lines obliterated). Distal metatarsal shafts (unfused or
fused but broken postmortem) were examined further and the
visible bone scored as either irregular woven bone or trabecular
bone. These qualitative data were then used to evaluate the likelihood that OH 8 belonged to an adult versus a subadult individual.
The observed metatarsal fusion patterns and their relative
frequencies in Gorilla, Pan, and Homo are summarized in Tables
Table 1
Metatarsals examined in this study
sapiens 13
Raymond Dart Collection, University of Witwatersrand
Mistihalj Collection, Harvard Peabody Museum
Hamann-Todd Collection, Cleveland MNH
Libben Collection, Kent State University
Cleveland MNH, Harvard MCZ, University of Zürich, Royal
Museum for Central Africa, Smithsonian NMNH
Cleveland MNH, Harvard MCZ, University of Zürich, Royal
Museum for Central Africa, Smithsonian NMNH
Accession #
AL 333-78
Cast. Cleveland Museum
of Natural History
StW 377
School of Anatomical Sciences
and Institute for Human Evolution.
University of Witwatersrand
Homo habilis?
StW 435
StW 477
StW 496
OH 8
Homo erectus
KNM-ER 803
Homo sp.
Omo F.511-16
D 2021
D 2669
D 2671
1st Metatarsal base
Lateral metatarsal heads
Partially fused
Partially fused
Fully fused
Materials and methods
Table 2
Metatarsal fusion pattern in Gorilla
Tanzania National Museum and
House of Culture
Kenya National Museum
Cast. School of Anatomical
Sciences and Institute for
Human Evolution.
University of Witwatersrand
Photographs courtesy of
David Lordkipanidze
2e4, respectively. In our Gorilla sample, 24 have unfused or
partially fused lateral metatarsal heads. Of these, 22 (91.7%) have an
unfused or partially fused first metatarsal base and two (8.3%) have
a fully fused base. The one remaining Gorilla displays fully fused
epiphyses for all of the metatarsals. In our Pan sample, 37 have
unfused or partially fused lateral metatarsal heads. Of these, 36
(97.3%) have an unfused or partially fused first metatarsal base and
one (2.7%) has a fully fused base. Of the 11 Pan with fused lateral
metatarsal heads, seven have a fully fused base (63.6%) and four
have a partially fused base (36.3%). In our Homo sample, all 67
(100%) that have unfused or partially fused lateral metatarsal heads
also have an unfused or partially fused first metatarsal base. The 18
remaining Homo specimens have fully fused epiphyses for all of the
metatarsals. None of the 89 African ape and human feet with
unfused lateral metatarsal heads had a fully fused base of the first
metatarsal (Tables 2e4). Only three individuals (1.9%; two Gorilla,
one Pan) had partially fused lateral metatarsals along with fully
fused first metatarsal bases.
In individuals that had unfused epiphyses for the lateral metatarsals, a subsample (n ¼ 79) was examined by one of us (JD) for the
type of bone present on the epiphyseal surface of each metatarsal.
In all 79 cases, the epiphyseal surface of each metatarsal consisted
of roughened, unorganized bone. Even unfused metatarsals that
were eroded still had a film of unorganized bone covering the most
distal aspect of the epiphyseal surface. There were no cases of
subadult human or African ape metatarsals with trabecular bone
only at the most distal end of the bone. However, trabecular bone
was present in adult specimens that were damaged or broken in the
region of the metatarsal heads.
It has generally been reported that in modern humans, fusion of
the base of the first metatarsal occurs slightly after the fusion of the
second through fifth metatarsal heads. Hoerr et al. (1962) describe
the fusion of the first metatarsal base as “beginning” when the
fusion of the metatarsal heads is already “in progress.” According to
a comprehensive survey of the literature on human skeletal
growth, Scheuer and Black (2000, 2004) report that fusion of the
Table 3
Metatarsal fusion pattern in Pan
1st Metatarsal base
Lateral metatarsal heads
Partially fused
Partially fused
Fully fused
J.M. DeSilva et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 58 (2010) 418e423
Table 4
Metatarsal fusion pattern in Homo sapiens
1st Metatarsal base
Lateral metatarsal heads
Partially fused
Partially fused
Fully fused
first metatarsal base occurs between the ages of 13 and 15 years in
females and between 16 and 18 years in males; whereas fusion of
the metatarsal heads occurs between the ages of 11 and 13 years in
females and 14 and 16 in males. Similarly, Baker et al. (2005) also
suggest that fusion of the first metatarsal base is slightly delayed
relative to fusion of the metatarsal heads. Radiographic data from
Whitaker et al. (2002) indicate that metatarsal heads become fully
fused slightly before the base of the first metatarsal fuses to the
The results of this study suggest that African apes and humans
share a typical pattern of metatarsal fusion pattern, wherein
fusion of the base of the first metatarsal closely matches fusion of
the lateral metatarsal heads. For instance, 80.0% of Gorilla, 81.3%
of Pan, and 91.8% of Homo occur along the main diagonal of each
genus matrix (Tables 2e4). Moreover, although 13.6% of the
entire sample displayed a metatarsal fusion pattern off the main
diagonal of each genus matrix, not a single individual was
observed with a fully fused epiphysis of the first metatarsal in
combination with unfused epiphyses of the lateral metatarsals
(Bolded in Tables 2e4). These data suggest that if the OH 8 foot is
from a subadult with unfused second and third metatarsals, then
the base of the first metatarsal should also be unfused. At the
very least, the epiphyseal line on the proximal end of the first
metatarsal should be detectable, particularly in radiographs,
which is not the case for OH 8 (Susman, 2008). Instead, the
epiphyseal line on the first metatarsal base is fully obliterated,
which suggests that the second and third metatarsal heads were
either fully fused or at least partially fused in the OH 8 hominin.
If the metatarsal heads were fully fused, then there is little
likelihood that OH 8 is from a subadult, but if they were partially
fused, then we should consider the possibility that they may have
been broken off postmortem.
The absence of metatarsal heads in hominin fossils is not an
unusual preservation pattern, even from individuals who were likely
adults. All but the head of the metatarsal is preserved in Sterkfontein
metatarsals StW 377, StW 435, StW 477, and StW 496. Third metatarsals Omo F.511e16, KNM-ER 803, and Dmanisi D2021 also have
a similar pattern of damage with the lateral metatarsal head broken
off just as the distal diaphysis begins to expand (Fig. 2). It is certainly
possible that some of these individuals are juveniles. However,
based on the wear of associated teeth, KNM-ER 803 is clearly from an
adult (Day and Leakey, 1974) and D2021 is associated with an adult
skeleton (Lordkipanidze et al., 2007). It has also been suggested that
StW 435 is associated with the adult male Australopithecus africanus
partial skeleton, StW 431 (Toussaint et al., 2003).
Trabecular bone at the broken distal end of the D2021 third
metatarsal was presented as evidence that the bone was from an
adult (Gabunia et al., 1999). Trabecular bone is also present in the
distal ends of metatarsals StW 377, 435, 477, 496, Omo F.511e16,
and the OH 8 second and third metatarsals (Fig. 3). This is in
contrast to modern human and African ape subadult metatarsals,
which have a layer of roughened bone at the metaphyseal growth
plate (Baker et al., 2005). It is possible that this layer is eroded away
in the Olduvai fossils. The possibility that the absence of the woven
bone was an artifact of fossilization was assessed by examining the
metatarsals of the eight to ten-year-old Skhul VIII individual and
images of a Neandertal metatarsal from an w15-year-old individual
from Valdegoba (Quam et al., 2001). Though covered with
a preservative, it is clear that the end of the third metatarsal of the
Skhul VIII foot does not present trabecular bone, and instead
preserves a layer of unorganized bone at the distal metaphysis
(Fig. 3). A similar morphology is observed in the Valdegoba
subadult metatarsal. This is in contrast to adult metatarsals that are
broken at their distal ends, which instead show a layer of trabecular
bone, as found in the D2021, StW 477, and OH 8 (Fig. 3).
The 1.77 mya site of Dmanisi has also yielded a subadult
mandible (D2735), along with an associated skull (D2700), fourth
metatarsal (D2669), and first metatarsal (D2671) (Vekua et al.,
2002; Lordkipanidze et al., 2007). Both of the OH 7 and D2735
mandibles display a similar pattern of dental eruption and wear of
the preserved dentition and both preserve all of the dentition,
excluding the lower third molar (M3). In D2735, the M3 is
congenitally absent on the left side, while a preserved and open
alveolus on the right side suggests the M3 was just beginning to
erupt. The right side of OH 7 is broken just distal to M1, but
preserves a complete M2 and the beginnings of the M3 alveolus. It is
difficult to know with certainty what state of eruption the M3 was
Figure 2. Hominin metatarsals with the common taphonomic signature of a missing head. Hominin metatarsals are all in dorsal view. Note that the preservation of all but the
metatarsal head is common in the fossil record. This condition does not necessarily imply juvenile status, as both KNM-ER 803 and D2021 are known to have come from adult
Figure 3. Distal view of epiphyseal surfaces in unfused juvenile compared with broken adult metatarsals. Juveniles present a layer of unorganized, irregular bone at the epiphyseal
surface (chimpanzee and human upper left). This morphology can be preserved in the fossil record as demonstrated by the Neandertal metatarsal and the Homo sapiens Skhul VIII
specimens (PMAE 46-49-60/N7448.0) (upper right). The OH 8 second and third metatarsals display trabecular bone at their most distal ends, similar to what is seen in adult
metatarsals that have been damaged postmortem (bottom). The presence of trabecular bone precludes these from being epiphyseal surfaces.
Figure 4. Comparison of metatarsal fusion patterns in Dmanisi and Olduvai hominins. Both the human (upper left) and chimpanzee (lower left) had second mandibular molars that
were erupted and in occlusion, but had not erupted the third molars. This is the developmental status of both mandibles (D 2735, upper right; OH 7, lower right). Note the strong
epiphyseal line present in the subadult human and chimpanzee metatarsals. The epiphyseal line can also be seen in the D 2671 metatarsal from Dmanisi (indicated with arrows).
The fourth metatarsal (D 2669) also has a distal epiphyseal line present. However, the base of the OH 8 first metatarsal is fully fused and the epiphyseal line is obliterated. The
images of the Dmanisi metatarsals (right-side) have been reversed to facilitate direct comparison with OH 8 (left-side).
J.M. DeSilva et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 58 (2010) 418e423
in, but it is doubtful that it was much advanced beyond that of
D2735 on the basis of comparative dental wear between the two
specimens. Both specimens display moderate cusp flattening on M1
with several isolated pockets of dentin exposure. They both display
only mild dental wear on M2, with much of the cusp morphology
preserved and only the slightest beginnings of dentin exposure. The
premolars and canines of both mandibles show only slight polishing with weak apical wear. The Dmanisi specimen preserves
only its lateral incisors, which show moderate wear along the
occlusal surface comparable with that seen on OH 7. The corpus of
D2735 shows additional subadult characteristics; it lacks much of
the superficial topography (i.e., anterior marginal tubercle, lateral
torus) typically associated with adult or even late adolescent
mandibular development, such as seen on the D211 mandible from
Dmanisi or OH 13 from Olduvai. Unfortunately, the absence of the
basal half of the OH 7 mandible does not allow for similar
comparisons with D2735, but what is preserved of the alveolar
region does not suggest substantive differences in the stage of
development between these two subadult hominin mandibles.
Given that the OH 7 and D2735 mandibles are so similar in
terms of dental development and geological age, it is particularly
informative to compare the epiphyseal fusion patterns of the
metatarsals in relation to our extant comparative data. D2669, the
fourth metatarsal, clearly possesses a partially fused metatarsal
head (Fig. 4). As we would predict based on the comparative data
presented herein, D2671, the accompanying first metatarsal, is also
partially fused with a clear epiphyseal line across its base, and
unlike the fully fused condition in the OH 8 first metatarsal (Fig. 4).
In total, the comparative evidence of metatarsal fusion patterns
and internal bone morphology of distal metatarsals among modern
humans, African apes, and fossil hominins, suggests that it is highly
improbable that OH 8 possessed unfused lateral metatarsal heads.
Rather, it is more probable that, at the time of death, the lateral
metatarsal heads of OH 8 were fully fused, reducing the likelihood
that the individual was a subadult and, in particular, a subadult that
reasonably matches the developmental age of the OH 7 mandible.
The missing metatarsal heads may be the result of crocodilian
activity, suggested to have left bite marks on the OH 8 talus and
calcaneus as well (Njau and Blumenschine, 2007), or some other
taphonomic process.
The results of our comparative analyses of metatarsal fusion
patterns and internal bone morphology of distal metatarsals
suggest that the OH 8 foot more likely belonged to an adult hominin. If OH 8 did belong to a subadult, then it displays a metatarsal
developmental pattern that is rare for extant African apes and
humans and fossil hominins. Close examination of the distal
metatarsal surfaces reveals them to be broken ends, rather than
epiphyseal surfaces. Given the dental development of the OH 7
mandible and the results of our comparative analysis the hypothesis that the OH 8 foot and the OH 7 mandible are from the same
individual is unlikely to be correct.
The authors thank the Tanzanian Commission for Science and
Technology, A. Kwekason and P. Msemwa at the National Museum
and House of Culture for permission to study the OH 8 foot. We are
grateful to D. Lordkipanidze, C. Zollikofer, M. Ponce de León, and
R. Quam for providing photographs of the Dmanisi and Valdegoba
metatarsals. We thank W. Jungers, W.E.H. Harcourt-Smith, J. Njau and
B. Pobiner for helpful discussions. Thanks also to the University of the
Witwatersrand Fossil Primate Access Committee for permission to
study Sterkfontein metatarsals and N. Pather for access to the Raymond Dart collection of human skeletons. Study of original and cast
material was made possible thanks to E. Mbua, Y. Haile-Selassie, and
M. Morgan. Study of extant material was made possible by J. Chupasko, M. Morgan, C. Zollikofer, M. Ponce de León, L. Jellema, O.
Lovejoy, W. Wendelen, E. Gilissen (RMCA), L. Gordon, and R. Thorington (NMNH). Comments by two reviewers and an associate editor
helped to improve this paper. Funding was provided by the Palaeontological Scientific Trust (PAST) and the Leakey Foundation.
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