Psoriasiform Keratosis
Sarah N. Walsh, MD, Mark A. Hurt, MD, and Daniel J. Santa Cruz, MD
Abstract: Presented herein are 18 cases of erythematous, scaly
papules or plaques with microscopic features of both seborrheic
keratosis and psoriasis. There was, however, no known clinical
diagnosis of psoriasis in any patient, neither at initial presentation nor
on follow-up examination. Most lesions were solitary, present for 6–7
months, and identified on the upper or lower extremities. Other sites
included the scalp, neck, shoulders, and back. Men were affected
slightly more often than women. The mean age at diagnosis was 66.8
years. The most common diagnoses, clinically, were seborrheic
keratosis, followed by basal cell carcinoma, Bowen’s disease, actinic
(solar) keratosis, and squamous cell carcinoma, among others. The
lesions averaged less than a centimeter in diameter and were dome
shaped, scaly, and yellow to gray-tan. Histologic examination revealed irregular verrucous epidermal acanthosis, with hyperkeratosis,
parakeratosis, hypergranulosis, and intracorneal collections of neutrophils, often in alternating tiers. Vascular dilatation and lymphocytic chronic inflammation were present in the superficial dermis.
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain for yeasts or dermatophytes was
negative in all cases. There was no clinical evidence of disseminated
psoriasis in any patient; the mean follow-up duration was 22.6
months. We have coined the term psoriasiform keratosis as a
provisional appellation until the nature of these lesions is determined
more definitively. It is unclear whether a psoriasiform keratosis is
a rudimentary manifestation of psoriasis or a lesion sui generis.
Key Words: psoriasiform keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, keratosis,
psoriasis, solitary lesion usually, lichenoid keratosis, acanthosis,
case series
(Am J Dermatopathol 2007;29:137–140)
The recognition of lichenoid keratosis as a solitary
lesion with a tumor-like clinical presentation is now widely
accepted as a distinct clinicopathologic condition. The diagnosis implies that no disseminated dermatosis with lichenoid
histologic features is present.1–16 The concept of unilesional
presentations of conditions that, classically, are widespread is
also used, for example, in unilesional expressions of mycosis
We present herein 18 cases of a keratosis that mimic
lesions of psoriasis occurring usually as a solitary lesion in
patients without clinical psoriasis.
Cutaneous Pathology, WCP Laboratories, Inc, St. Louis, MO, USA.
Correspondence: Daniel J. Santa Cruz, MD, Cutaneous Pathology, WCP
Laboratories, Inc, 2326 Millpark Dr, St. Louis, MO 63043-3530, USA
[email protected]).
Copyright Ó 2007 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Am J Dermatopathol Volume 29, Number 2, April 2007
The cases were collected prospectively from our daily
dermatopathology practice between August 2001 and September 2004. PAS stains were performed in all cases to
evaluate for the presence of dermatophytes or Candida sp.
Patient demographics, lesional characteristics, and differential
diagnoses were gathered from the submitted specimens. The
treating physicians were contacted for further clinical information, including lesion duration and the possibility of
disseminated psoriasis (Table 1).
The patients ranged in age from 30 to 80 years, with
a mean age of 66.8 years. Of the 18 total cases, there were 10
men and 8 women. The lesions were distributed on the upper
extremities [arms (8), forearms (3), hand (1)], lower extremities
[legs (8), pretibial surfaces (4), thigh (1), knee (1), popliteal
fossa (1)], head [scalp (1), forehead (1)], neck (1), shoulder
(1), and back (1). The known duration of lesions ranged from 1
week to 2 years, with a mean of 6.75 months. In 9 patients, the
duration was not available. Follow-up information ranged from
3 months to 40 months, with a mean time of 22.6 months.
According to the clinical information provided, the lesions
were described as erythematous, scaly to crusted papules and
There were a variety of clinical diagnoses offered. In
order of frequency, these included seborrheic keratosis (9, with
3 being the irritated variant and 2 the inflamed variant), basal
cell carcinoma (7), Bowen’s disease (7), actinic (solar)
keratosis (6), squamous cell carcinoma (6), psoriasis (3),
lichenoid keratosis (2), eczema (2), large cell acanthoma (1),
verruca vulgaris (1), infection (1), excoriation (1), irritated
keratosis (1), and factitious (1).
All specimens were shave biopsies. On gross pathological examination, the specimens ranged in size from 1.2 3 0.9 3
0.1 cm to 0.3 3 0.3 3 0.2 cm, with average dimensions of
0.8 3 0.6 3 0.2 cm.
Microscopically, these were sharply defined exophytic
lesions composed of basophilic and eosinophilic squamous
cells. Irregular, verrucous acanthosis and hyperkeratosis were
pronounced (Fig. 1A). Focal to confluent mounds of parakeratosis intercalated with collections of neutrophils were
present in tiers throughout the cornified layer (Fig. 1B).
Areas of hypergranulosis were identified also, as well as
diminution of the granular cell layer overlying areas with
neutrophil embedded parakeratosis. Some lesions showed
pallor of the epidermis (Fig. 2A), and sparse numbers of
mitotic figures were present above the basal layer. The
papillary dermis contained vascular prominence and dilatation
(Fig. 2B). A chronic inflammatory infiltrate of predominantly
Am J Dermatopathol Volume 29, Number 2, April 2007
Walsh et al
TABLE 1. Clinical Findings in Patients With Psoriasiform Keratosis
70, 71
and inferior
Popliteal fossa;
arm, forearm
Lower leg
Clinical Differential Diagnosis
Hx of Psoriasis (f/u, mo)
Not stated
Not stated
2–3 mo
3 wk
1 wk
.1 mo
7–8 mo
BCC, Bowen, SK
Factitious, infection
Bowen, SK-inflamed
AK, Bowen, eczema
No (40)
No (32)
No (32)
No (31)
No (31)
No (24)
No (3)
Not stated; 4 mo
SCC, SK-inflamed; AK,
SCC, psoriasis,
SK-irritated, BCC
SK-irritated, Bowen, AK;
irritated keratosis, VV
SK, AK, BCC, excoriation
Bowen, LK
SCC, psoriasis
LK, SK-irritated
No (8)
Not stated
2 mo
Not stated; 2 y
Not stated
.1 y
2–3 wk
Not stated
Not stated
Not stated
No (26)
No (11)
No (22)
No (19)
No (4)
No (17)
No (29)
No (15)
No (32)
No (32)
AK indicates actinic keratosis; BCC, basal cell carcinoma; Bowen, Bowen’s disease; LCA, large cell acanthoma; LK, lichenoid keratosis; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma;
SK, seborrheic keratosis; and VV, verruca vulgaris.
lymphocytes, ranging from scant to confluent, was identified
consistently within the superficial dermis. In some of the biopsies, mild dermal edema and fibrosis were noted also (Fig. 3).
In light of the fact that superficial fungal infections are
associated with collections of neutrophils in the stratum
corneum, a PAS stain was performed on all cases, and the
result was negative for organisms in each case. Clinical
correlation by the treating physicians resulted in the exclusion
of disseminated psoriasis in all patients.
Psoriasis is a diffuse disease of the skin mediated by
various populations of lymphocytes and their respective
lymphokines, as well as chemokines, dendritic cells, and type
1 T cells or natural killer T cells.27 The diagnosis is determined, usually, on clinical grounds because of the presence of
multiple well-circumscribed erythematous patches with a silvery white, micaceous scale mainly on extensor surfaces.28
The diagnosis is confirmed histologically by identifying
classic epidermal and dermal changes. Within the epidermis,
there is uniform acanthosis and papillomatosis with hypogranulosis and occasional spongiform pustules. The cornified
layer contains tiers of parakeratosis with trapping of neutrophils (Munro microabscesses). The dermal papillae are
elongated and contain prominent tortuous, dilated venules.
There is thinning of the suprapapillary epidermis. As a rule, a
sparse superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate is present.29
The cases presented herein had the microscopic features
of psoriasis, but the patients did not exhibit clinical evidence
of disseminated disease. We believe these lesions, which
appear to be seborrheic keratoses with overlapping features of
psoriasis, have repeatable and reproducible morphological
features. Because of this, we propose the term psoriasiform
The concept of a single lesion in a condition that is
multiple and disseminated was advanced with the condition
known as pagetoid reticulosis (Woringer and Kolopp disease),
now regarded widely as a unilesional variant of mycosis
fungoides.17 This variant of mycosis fungoides is characterized
by a solitary lesion clinically and has features indistinguishable
from multilesional mycosis fungoides histopathologically and
The description of lichenoid keratosis as a distinct
condition was based on the fact that the lesion was tumor-like
clinically but lichenoid dermatitis histologically. The accurate
diagnosis of lichenoid keratosis rests on the exclusion of a
disseminated lichenoid dermatosis clinically.2
Lichenoid keratosis is also known as lichen planus-like
keratosis and benign lichenoid keratosis.18 The latter name is
used to differentiate it from the lichenoid actinic keratoses.11
Most lichenoid keratoses are present in conjunction with solar
lentigines, large-cell acanthomas, or epidermal actinic damage. Some acanthotic and verrucous proliferations with pronounced lichenoid patterns are seen often in daily practice;
these lesions are best understood as seborrheic keratoses or
verrucae with lichenoid inflammation.
The fact that most of the cases we present were solitary
favors a distinct keratosis. Three of the 18 patients, however,
presented with 2 or 3 lesions; one of these patients developed 2
additional lesions 10 months after the findings of the initial
biopsy. Thus, these patients could have psoriasis either in
q 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Am J Dermatopathol Volume 29, Number 2, April 2007
FIGURE 1. A, The low-power architecture of the lesion in case 1
is suggestive of a seborrheic keratosis with irregular verrucous
acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. B, At higher magnification, the
classic features of psoriasis are evident, with Munro microabscesses in the stratum corneum, hypogranulosis, a prominent intraepidermal spongiform pustule, and ectatic small
vessels in the papillary dermis.
evolution or as a rudimentary expression. None of the patients,
however, has psoriasis clinically despite several years of
follow-up. Therefore, authentic psoriasis appears to be unlikely because of the long latency.
The differential diagnosis of psoriasiform keratosis
includes such conditions as verrucous psoriasis, clear-cell
acanthoma, and various forms of actinic keratosis.
Verrucous psoriasis is a term that has been coined
recently for patients with known psoriasis who developed
verrucous lesions.30 We have seen several such cases in
patients with known disseminated psoriasis who develop
lesions that, histologically, have the classic features of either
seborrheic keratosis or verruca vulgaris but additionally show
overlapping features of psoriasis. These cases were not
included in this study. Although this pattern can be seen in
lesions of disseminated psoriasis, none of the patients in
this study has psoriasis, either at presentation or in follow-up.
Our cases, therefore, are not included in this variant.
q 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Psoriasiform Keratosis
FIGURE 2. A, B, There is pallor of the epidermis and a prominent
multilayered parakeratotic scale, with tiers of entrapped neutrophils in a lesion with irregular acanthosis and focal atrophy.
Dilated vessels and an underlying band of chronic inflammatory
cells are seen within the superficial dermis (Case 14).
Clear-cell acanthoma can have some features overlapping with those seen in psoriasis, including neutrophils
within the stratum corneum and thinning of the suprapapillary
plates. However, these lesions, as a rule, do not show the
prominent multilayered tiers of parakeratotic scale in which
neutrophils often aggregate within the epidermis and dermal
papilla. In addition, clear-cell acanthomas have the classic
distinct junction between normal keratocytes and the pale
glycogenated keratocytes, which aids in distinguishing them
from lesions of psoriasiform keratosis.
Actinic (solar) keratoses can have a variety of overlying
histologic features and should be considered in the differential
diagnosis. We have frequently seen cases of conventional
actinic keratosis with overlying inflammatory changes mimicking changes of psoriasis, particularly on the scalp.
Impetiginized actinic keratosis should also be considered
because it shows entrapped neutrophils within the cornified
layer. The constellation of features usually seen in psoriasis,
including the characteristic papillary dermal changes, is
lacking in these actinic keratoses. Clinical history also aids
Am J Dermatopathol Volume 29, Number 2, April 2007
Walsh et al
FIGURE 3. Medium-power view of case 5 highlights the
spongiform pustule in the epidermis, with multilayering of the
parakeratotic scale associated with accumulation of neutrophils. Changes within the upper dermis include fibrosis with
vascular prominence and dilatation, as well as a lymphocytic
chronic inflammatory infiltrate.
in differentiating such lesions. In addition, actinic keratoses
characteristically show sparing of the adnexal epithelium.
In conclusion, we believe that because lichenoid
keratosis is widely accepted as a clinicopathological diagnosis,
it is logical, by extension, that the same reasoning should apply
to the lesion we have named psoriasiform keratosis.
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