J Bioenerg Biomembr (2012) 44:487–493
DOI 10.1007/s10863-012-9447-y
Oxidoreductase activity of chromatophores and purified
cytochrome bc1 complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides:
a possible role of cardiolipin
Lucia Catucci & Vincenzo De Leo & Francesco Milano &
Livia Giotta & Rita Vitale & Angela Agostiano &
Angela Corcelli
Received: 23 April 2012 / Accepted: 29 May 2012 / Published online: 26 June 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Abstract Osmotic shock was used as a tool to obtain cardiolipin (CL) enriched chromatophores of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. After incubation of cells in iso- and hyper-osmotic
buffers both chromatophores with a physiological lipid profile
(Control) and with an almost doubled amount of CL (CL
enriched) were isolated. Spectroscopic properties, reaction
centre (RC) and reducible cytochrome (cyt) contents in
Control and CL enriched chromatophores were the
same. The oxidoreductase activity was found higher for CL
enriched than for Control chromatophores, raising from 60±2
to 93±3 mol cyt c s−1 (mol total cyt c)−1. Antymicin and
myxothiazol were tested to prove that oxidoreductase activity
thus measured was mainly attributable to the cyt bc1 complex.
The enzyme was then purified from BH6 strain yielding a
partially delipidated and almost inactive cyt bc1 complex,
L. Catucci (*) : V. De Leo : A. Agostiano
Department of Chemistry, Università di Bari Aldo Moro,
Via Orabona 4,
70126 Bari, Italy
[email protected]
L. Catucci : V. De Leo : F. Milano : A. Agostiano : A. Corcelli
IPCF-CNR U.O.S. di Bari,
Via Orabona 4,
70126 Bari, Italy
L. Giotta
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and
Technologies, Università del Salento,
SP Lecce Monteroni,
73100 Lecce, Italy
R. Vitale : A. Corcelli
Department of Basic Medical Sciences,
Università di Bari Aldo Moro,
P.zza Giulio Cesare,
70124 Bari, Italy
although the protein was found to maintain its structural
integrity in terms of subunit composition. The ability of CL
in restoring the activity of the partially delipidated cyt bc1
complex was proved in micellar systems by addition of exogenous CL. Results here reported indicate that CL affects
oxidoreductase activity in the bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides both in chromatophore and in purified cyt bc1 complex.
Keywords Rhodobacter sphaeroides . Osmotic stress .
Cardiolipin . Oxidoreductase activity . Cytochrome bc1
His-tagged histidine-tagged
light harvesting complexes I
light harvesting complexes II
ubiquinone reduction site
ubiquinone oxidation site
reaction center
Rhodobacter sphaeroides is a well-known purple photosynthetic bacterium generally considered a model organism in
the photosynthesis studies. All photosynthetic apparatus
elements, indeed, have been carefully studied in their structural and functional aspects. The bacterial photosynthetic
cycle can be briefly illustrated as follows: light harvesting
complexes, LH1 and LH2, absorb light and transfer the
resulting excitation to the reaction centre (RC). Here a series
of electron transfer reactions lead to the formation of a stable
ubisemiquinone near the cytoplasmic site and to the oxidation of a cyt c2 protein in the periplasmic space; in a second
light-induced turnover the ubisemiquinone is fully reduced
to ubiquinol with the uptake of two protons from the cytoplasmic space and a second cyt c2 is oxidized. The ubiquinol
is released by the RC and moves through the lipid bilayer
reaching the ubiquinol:cyt c2 oxidoreductase (cyt bc1 complex) which, in turn, catalyzes the re-oxidation of ubiquinol
to ubiquinone and the reduction of the cyt c2 releasing the
protons into the periplasmic space (Crofts et al. 1999). In
Rhodobacter sphaeroides actions performed by RC, cyt bc1
complex and cyt c2 generate a cyclic electron flow and a
proton gradient through the cytoplasmic membrane which is
necessary for ATP synthesis, for ion transport and other
forms of work (Verméglio and Joliot 1999). The entire
photosynthetic apparatus is housed in a series of invaginations in cell membrane called intracytoplasmic membranes
(ICM) formed during the photosynthetic growth of the bacterium; these membranes can be isolated as a set of small
vesicles named chromatophores (Drews and Golecki 1995).
Phospholipids play a major role in the photosynthetic
process not only providing the solubilizing environment
and separating the cytoplasmic and periplasmic sides, but
also directly affecting the enzymatic activity of the membrane proteins involved (Jones 2007; Fyfe et al. 2005).
Phospholipids in particular are essential for the activity of
cyt bc1 complex: previous studies carried out on bovine
enzyme showed that the delipidated enzyme was completely
inactive though it exhibited all the spectral properties of
native cyt bc1 complex. Cardiolipin (CL) has proved to be
essential for restoring the full electron transfer activity,
probably acting as allosteric stabilizer for the active conformation of the enzyme (Gomez and Robinson 1999). These
results point out that the activating effect depends on the
nature of the polar head group and is not merely due to a
hydrophobic phase effect (Schägger et al. 1990). Similarly,
lipid-depleted yeast cyt bc1 complex resulted stable but
catalytically inactive. Addition of CL reversed this effect:
a specific role for CL in respiratory supercomplex formation
was suggested (Wenz et al. 2009).
In the case of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, biochemical data
suggest that CL is not homogeneously distributed in the
plasma membrane: most of CL present in the total lipid extract
of the microorganism grown in anaerobic conditions, arises
from chromatophore membrane domains (De Leo et al. 2009;
Russel and Harwood 1979). Interestingly CL enriched chromatophores can be isolated from Rhodobacter sphaeroides
cells exposed to osmotic shock (De Leo et al. 2009). These CL
enriched vesicles can be used to investigate possible modifications of enzymatic activity induced by subtle changes in
lipid composition of the plasma membrane, avoiding the use
of detergents or addition of exogenous lipids.
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2012) 44:487–493
In this work we have studied the oxidoreductase activity
both in chromatophores having a physiological lipid profile
and in those enriched in CL. Specific inhibitors were tested
to prove that oxidoreductase activity measured in vesicles
was mainly attributable to cyt bc1 complex. This enzyme
was then purified from BH6 strain in two ways, using the
original protocol (Guergova-Kuras et al. 1999) and a modified one yielding a partially delipidated cyt bc1 complex.
These enzyme preparations were characterized in terms of
subunit composition and activity. The effect of CL in restoring the activity of partially delipidated cyt bc1 complex was
tested in micellar systems by addition of exogenous CL.
Experimental procedure
All chemicals were purchased of the highest purity available
and were used without further purification. The reagent
grade salts for the bacterial liquid medium and for Tris–
HCl (pH 8.0) buffer solutions, organic solvents for lipid
extraction, horse heart cyt c, decylubiquinol, antimycin,
myxothiazol, kanamycin and tetracycline were purchased
from Sigma. Standard CL (from bovine heart) and PC (from
soybean) were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids. TLC
plates (Silica gel 60A) were obtained from Merck. Ni-NTA
agarose resin was purchased from Quiagen. All aqueous
solutions were prepared by using water obtained by Milli-Q
Gradient A-10 system (Millipore).
Bacterial strains, cultivation and chromatophores
Rhodobacter sphaeroides wild-type (WT) 2.4.1 was photosynthetically grown in saturating light conditions and in
liquid medium 27 of the German collection of microorganisms and cell cultures (http://www.dsmz.de/) which
contains Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, and MoO42- as trace elements, at room temperature. The cells were collected in the
early stationary state by centrifugation and suspended in
Tris–HCl 20 mM, pH 8.00 (TRIS buffer).
Rhodobacter sphaeroides BH6 mutant strain was photosynthetically grown in Sistrom medium supplemented with
10 μg/ml kanamycin and 2 μg/ml tetracycline in order to
maintain the mutant plasmid. The temperature was kept at
29 °C. The strain was kindly provided by prof. A. R.
Crofts, Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Chromatophores were prepared as previously described
(Bowyer et al. 1979). The cells were washed with TRIS buffer
and then broken by French press (150 MPa), and after removal
of the unbroken cells by centrifugation (30 min, 5 °C,
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2012) 44:487–493
13000 g), chromatophores were sedimented by ultracentrifugation (105 min, 4 °C, 270000 g) and suspended in Tris–HCl
20 mM pH 8.00, EDTA 1 mM, NaCl 100 mM to a final
OD850 050.
measured from reduced minus oxidized difference spectra as
previously described (Vanneste 1966). The concentration of
RC was assayed by flash-induced absorbance change at
600 nm using Δε020 mM−1 cm−1 (De Leo et al. 2009).
Osmotic shock for altering the CL level in WT Rhodobacter
sphaeroides membranes
His-tagged cyt bc1 complex purification
An aliquot of cells (approximately 1.4 g wet weight), representing the Control, was suspended in 40 ml of TRIS
buffer (isosmotic) and incubated for 5 h at room temperature; an equivalent aliquot of cells from the same batch, was
suspended in the TRIS buffer supplemented with 0.7 M
NaCl, and incubated in the same conditions in order to
obtain the shocked sample. After the incubation, chromatophores were obtained from both Control and shocked cells
and suspended in Tris–HCl 20 mM pH 8.00, EDTA 1 mM,
NaCl 100 mM. Lipids were extracted from each sample of
chromatophores and CL relative amount (expressed as percentage w/w of CL in the lipid extract) of the two different
preparations was estimated by densitometric analysis of thin
layer chromatography plates based on a calibration curve as
reported in a previous work (De Leo et al. 2009).
Oxidoreductase activity
Enzymatic activity was assayed as previously described
(Guergova-Kuras et al. 1999) with horse heart cyt c as
electron acceptor and decylubiquinol as electron donor.
The reaction was triggered by adding 100 μM of decylubiquinol into the cuvette containing 2.5 ml Tris–HCl 20 mM
pH 8.00, NaCl 100 mM, DM 0.01 %, 25 μM horse heart cyt
c and either 20 μl of chromatophores at OD850 050 or 30 nM
purified cyt bc1 complex. The reduction of horse heart cyt c
was monitored at 550 nm. All the determinations of enzymatic activity were conducted in the dark to avoid interference from the RC. When needed, antymicin and
myxothiazol were added from ethanol stock solutions to
the samples five minutes before triggering the reaction with
decylubiquinol, in order to inhibit the cyt bc1 complex
activity. For testing the lipid effect on the purified enzyme,
the activity assays were conducted directly in solution,
delivering lipids by an ethanol lipid solution in the buffer
containing the cyt bc1 complex purified using lipid-free
buffers. Reported data represent mean values ± standard
deviations obtained from four replicates of two independent
Cyt b, c1 and RC quantification
Chromatophores were diluted in Tris–HCl 20 mM pH 8.00,
EDTA 1 mM, NaCl 100 mM to a final OD850 06. The
concentrations of cyt b and cyt c1 in chromatophores were
Purification of His-tagged cyt bc1 complex was performed
as described by Guergova-Kuras (Guergova-Kuras et al.
1999). Two types of purification were performed: the first
in presence of PC 15 μg/ml (in all buffers used for the
procedure), the second using lipid-free buffers. The integrity of the purified complex was verified by Tricine-SDS
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (Schägger and von
Jagow 1987).
Lipid profile of bacteria can be modulated by genetic mutations or through metabolic approaches (Zhang et al. 2011a).
We have previously shown that by varying the NaCl concentration of the extracellular medium and the incubation
time, the CL content of chromatophores can be even doubled (De Leo et al. 2009). Table 1 shows that the CL content
increases from about 2 % (w/w of total lipid extract) for
chromatophores isolated from Control cells, to 5 % for
chromatophores isolated from osmotically stressed cells.
No further changes in lipid composition were observed (data
not shown) after osmotic shock. The UV–vis spectroscopic
analysis of the isolated vesicles also shows identical patterns
for the two samples and no shift in the absorption peaks was
observed. In detail Fig. 1a shows the main absorption bands
centered at 800 and 850 nm that correspond to the QY
transition of LH2 complexes while bacterio-chlorophylls a
of the LH1 complexes bring about the shoulder at 875 nm.
In the blue region the QX transition of the LH1 complexes
originates the peak at 590 nm whereas carotenoid bands
range from about 440 to 505 nm (Hunter 1995). The RC
content was found the same in Control and CL enriched
Table 1 Characteristics of chromatophores used for oxidoreductase
activity assay
Chromatophores Cardiolipin [RC]
(% w/w)
[Total cyt
c] (μM)
activity (mol
cyt c s−1 (mol
total cyt c)−1)
1.7±0.1 0.84±0.05 60±2
CL enriched
1.7±0.1 0.80±0.05 93±3
Reported data are referred to chromatophores at OD850 050 and represent mean values ± standard deviations obtained from four replicates of
two independent experiments
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2012) 44:487–493
Fig. 2 Reduced minus oxidized difference spectra of Control and CL
enriched chromatophores
Fig. 1 a Absorption spectra of chromatophores obtained from Rhodobacter sphaeroides cells after 5 h of incubation in isosmotic (TRIS)
and hyperosmotic (NaCl) buffer solutions. b Absorption changes of
RC in Control and CL enriched chromatophores at 600 nm induced by
flash illumination. The arrow indicates the triggering of charge separation by light
vesicles, as shown by the same flash-induced absorbance
change at 600 nm, reported in Fig. 1b.
Dithionite-reduced minus oxidized difference spectra
recorded between 540 and 590 nm of the vesicles are displayed in Fig. 2. The 562 nm and 553 nm peaks correspond
to b-type and c-type heme mainly due to the cyt bc1 complex although a cbb3 oxidase and a membrane-bound cyt c
could contribute to the 560 and to the 550 nm region
respectively (Zhang et al. 2011b). No appreciable differences in the amplitude and in the absorption wavelengths
of the peaks have emerged. Overall these findings indicate
that the two samples contain similar amount of reducible
cytochromes (see also Table 1) and that they retain native
structure in suspended membranes even after treatment with
hyperosmotic solution, as indicated by unaltered spectral
Table 1 shows that oxidoreductase activity raised from 60±2
for the Control to 93±3 mol cyt c s−1 (mol total cyt c)−1 for CL
enriched chromatophores, taking into account a non-enzymatic
reaction rate (measured in absence of chromatophores) of about
2.5 mol cyt c s−1 (mol total cyt c)−1. In order to test if this
oxidoreductase activity can be attributed to cyt bc1 complex
exclusively or also to other enzymes of the chromatophores, we
measured kinetics in presence of two specific inhibitors of cyt
bc1 complex: antimycin, which irreversibly binds to the Qi site,
and myxothiazol which locks the Qo site (Gray and Daldal
1995). The oxidoreductase activity dropped to about 6 mol cyt
c s−1 (mol total cyt c)−1 for both Control and CL enriched
samples. This is a modest fraction of the reported data, accounting for at most the 10 % of overall reaction rate. Therefore the
oxidoreductase activity measured in vesicles can be attributed
reasonably to cyt bc1 complex. Consequently it can be deduced
that in CL enriched chromatophores the cyt bc1 oxidoreductase
activity becomes stimulated.
Furthermore we have examined the effect of exogenous CL
on the isolated and purified cyt bc1 complex in a micellar
system where the only variables are represented by the enzyme
and a lipid counterpart. To this end, polyhistidine-tagged cyt
bc1 complex was purified from BH6 mutant strain of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, using the one-step purification procedure
described by Guergova-Kuras et al. (Guergova-Kuras et al.
1999). The protein was purified both according to the original
protocol, i. e. in the presence of 15 μg/ml PC (Prep. I), and
without the addition of exogenous lipids (Prep. II); the electrophoretic analysis confirmed that the purified enzyme preserved
all its four subunits in both preparations (Fig. 3a). As expected
the activity of the cyt bc1 complex isolated in absence of
exogenous lipids was much lower than that of the enzyme
supplemented with PC during the purification (Fig. 3b).
Activity assays showed that the oxidoreductase activity for
Prep. I was about twice than that measured for the Prep. II (see
Table 2). This finding supports the idea that lipids play an
important role in modulating the enzymatic activity. Furthermore when PC was added in large excess to the Prep. II
(PC/cyt bc1 complex molar ratio0500) after the isolation, a
full restoration of its functionality was found, reaching values
comparable to those of Prep. I (Table 2).
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2012) 44:487–493
Fig. 3 a Tricine-SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (Schagger-von
Jagow gel) of His-tagged cyt bc1 complex. Lane 1 (M), molecular
weight marker; lane 2 (Prep. I), complex purified in presence of PC
15 μg/ml; lane 3 (Prep. II), complex purified in absence of lipids. b
Initial slope of the cyt c+3 reduction signal by the two preparation of
cyt bc1 complex. The arrow indicates the triggering of reaction by
decylubiquinol addition
In addition Table 2 shows that the oxidoreductase activity of
the Prep. II at CL/cyt bc1 complex molar ratio of 500 reached
values of 38±3 s−1, more than five times the value found for
the purified enzyme (7±2 s−1) and about twice with respect to
the activity measured in the presence of PC (18±2) at the same
molar ratio.
Therefore we were able to demonstrate the existence of a
direct relationship between the amount of CL and the increase
of specific activity of the cyt bc1 complex in vitro, supporting
the results we obtained in the isolated native membranes of
chromatophores. These data represent the first biochemical
evidence that CL has a stimulating effect on bacterial cyt bc1
complex activity of Rhodobacter sphaeroides.
exchange rate with the bulk lipids are referred to as boundary or as annular lipids; tightly bound lipids at the proteinprotein interface in multi-subunit proteins or between transmembrane α-helices are referred to as non-annular lipids
(Lee 2004; Contreras et al. 2011). There are several experimental evidences showing the importance of phospholipids
for the proper functioning of the mitochondrial bc1 complex.
It was demonstrated that progressive steps in protein delipidation lead to a gradual decrease of enzyme activity (Lange
et al. 2001; Schägger et al. 1990; Yu and Yu 1980). An
extensive delipidation performed using high amount of detergent followed by ion-exchange chromatography purification, may result even in the destabilization of the protein
quaternary structure (Gomez and Robinson 1999). In this
work we obtained a partially lipid-depleted bacterial enzyme
with a lower activity with respect to the control preparation,
but with an intact multimeric structure. The outcome is in
agreement with what found for the mitochondrial cyt bc1
complex (Schägger et al. 1990) and probably derives from
the destruction of the annular shell of lipid molecules around
the dimeric array. About 100 lipid molecules/enzyme
correspond to a single bilayer annulus for bovine enzyme
(Schägger et al. 1990). In our experiments of relipidation,
500 lipid molecules/cyt bc1 complex were used in order to
ensure the complete reconstitution of the lipid environment at
the protein interface. Our data clearly show that while exogenous PC proved to effectively restore the oxidoreductase
activity of cyt bc1 complex, CL addition not only restored
but also stimulated the enzymatic activity, thus highlighting
the specificity of this lipid in modulating the cyt bc1 complex
function. On the other hand an increase in oxidoreductase
activity of about 1.5 times, induced in chromatophores by
smaller variations in the CL content (from about 2 to 5 % of
total lipids), represents a further and stronger confirmation of
the role played by CL in regulating specifically the activity of
the bacterial cyt bc1 complex.
Similarly to what hypothesized for the yeast bc1 complex,
it is possible to argue that some molecules of CL sitting in
In a cellular membrane different types of lipids can be
distinguished depending on the residence time at the
protein-lipid interface and ultimately on the degree of interaction that these lipids have with the integral membrane
protein (Lee 2003). Lipids that diffuse rapidly in the bilayer
plane and which are not in contact with a protein are defined
bulk lipids; lipid molecules that form an annular shell
around the protein and that have a significant reduction of
Table 2 Enzymatic activity of purified cytochrome bc1 complex
Lipids/cyt bc1
(molar ratio)
Oxidoreductase activity
(mol cyt c s−1(mol cyt c1)−1)
Prep. I
Prep. II
Prep. II + PC
Prep. II + CL
Prep. I: purified in presence of 15 μg/ml of PC; Prep. II: purified
without lipids. Reported data represent mean values±standard deviations obtained from four replicates of two independent experiment
specific sites on the protein surface are more tightly bound
respect to common annular molecules but less tightly bound
than the non annular lipids (Lange et al. 2001). Some authors
suggest that individual lipids of a shell may vary their residence time depending on the local architecture of the membrane protein and their affinity for protein surface (Contreras
et al. 2011; Anderson & Jacobson 2002). This would explain
both the great influence that CL molecules exert on the bacterial enzyme activity (by occupying special positions on the
protein surface) and the attitude to be easily removed and
replaced (since less tightly bound). These CL could be placed
in proximity of the proton uptake pathways acting as a buffer
capable of concentrating protons as suggested for the yeast
enzyme (Lange et al. 2001; Haines 1983). The hypothesis is
strengthened by the great structural analogy existing between
crystal structures of the cyt bc1 complex of Rhodobacter
sphaeroides and its mitochondrial counterparts and by the
evidence that even the lipids resolved in the structures show
some degree of similarity (Esser et al. 2008). In analogy with
the mitochondrial complex (Lange et al. 2001), we can suppose that, besides CL molecules possibly present in the homodimer cleft, also CLs inside lipid annulus surrounding cyt bc1
complex could influence enzyme activity and stability, as
boundary lipids. Therefore inside a not necessarily homogenous shell (Contreras et al. 2011), a short range lipid domain
enriched in CL around cyt bc1 complex would favour its
enzymatic activity helping the redistribution of protons along
the membrane surface and therefore contributing to create a
proton gradient across the membrane. Moreover CL could
play an active role in quinol substrate binding, as recently
shown for nitrate reductase A of E. coli, another bacterial
respiratory complex (Arias-Cartin et al. 2011).
The osmotic stress is an effective environmental tool to
modulate the level and distribution of CL in bacterial membranes (De Leo et al. 2009; Romantsov et al. 2008). In this
work CL enriched chromatophores isolated from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides exposed to
hyperosmotic shock have been used as an experimental
model to investigate the CL influence on the oxidoreductase
activity. We found that the enzymatic activity, mainly attributable to bc1 complex, was stimulated in CL enriched chromatophores in comparison with Control membranes and that
the cyt bc1 complex exhibited a CL concentration dependence
similar to that previously described for the corresponding
enzyme in yeast mitochondria (Lange et al. 2001). The stimulating effect of CL was also demonstrated for the purified cyt
bc1 complex by addition of exogenous lipids. The modulation
of CL content in Rhodobacter sphaeroides membrane under
osmotic stress might represent a dynamic homeostatic factor
J Bioenerg Biomembr (2012) 44:487–493
which is able to optimize not only the functioning and the
stability of the photosynthetic apparatus protein complexes
(De Leo et al. 2009) but also the bioenergetic performance of
the cells.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by PRIN 2008
(Architetture Ibride Multifunzionali Basate su Biomolecole per Applicazioni nel Campo della Sensoristica, della Conversione di Energia e del
Biomedicale) and PRIN 2008 (Bioenergetica: Meccanismi Molecolari,
Regolazione e Ruolo Fisio-Patologico) of the Ministero Italiano dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica. Many thanks to Prof. A. R. Crofts for
providing the Rb. sphaeroides mutant strain, to Dr. S. Lhee for helpful
information about cell growth.
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