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2014, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web
2 pages
1 file
The betweenness centrality is a measure for the relative participation of the vertex in the shortest paths in the graph. In many cases, we are interested in the k-highest betweenness centrality vertices only rather than all the vertices in a graph. In this paper, we study an efficient algorithm for finding the exact k-highest betweenness centrality vertices.
We present a new parallel algorithm that extends and generalizes the traditional graph analysis metric of betweenness centrality to include additional non-shortest paths according to an input parameter k. Betweenness centrality is a useful kernel for analyzing the importance of vertices or edges in a graph and has found uses in social networks, biological networks, and power grids, among others. k-betweenness centrality captures the additional information provided by paths whose length is within k units of the shortest path length. These additional paths provide robustness that is not captured in traditional betweenness centrality computations, and they may become important shortest paths if key edges are missing in the data. We implement our parallel algorithm using lock-free methods on a massively multithreaded Cray XMT. We apply this implementation to a real-world data set of pages on the World Wide Web and show the importance of the additional data incorporated by our algorithm.
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Social Network Systems, 2011
Processing large graphs is an emerging and increasingly important computation in a variety of application domains, from social networking to genomics and marketing. One of the important and computationally challenging structural graph metrics is node betweenness centrality, a measure of influence of a node in the graph. The best known algorithm for computing exact betweenness centrality runs in time O(nm + n 2 log n), which makes it infeasible on graphs with millions of nodes and edges. The existing randomized algorithms for estimating betweenness centrality significantly reduce the execution time, but their accuracy decreases considerably with the size of the graph. This paper proposes an alternative way to identify nodes with high betweenness centrality. It introduces a new metric, κ-path centrality, and a randomized algorithm for estimating it, and shows empirically that nodes with high κ-path centrality have high node betweenness centrality. The randomized algorithm runs in time O(κ 3 n 2−2α log n) and outputs, for each vertex v, an estimate of its κ-path centrality up to additive error of ±n 1/2+α with probability 1 − 1/n 2. Experimental evaluations on diverse real and synthetic social networks show improved accuracy in detecting high betweenness centrality nodes and significantly reduced execution time when compared to known randomized algorithms.
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020
When it comes to finding the shortest path in a graph, most people think of Dijkstra's algorithm. While Dijkstra's algorithm is indeed very useful, there are some other parameters that can be used to find the shortest path while communicating in a weighted network. In a graph network, there are different types of centrality measures used to find the importance of a node. In that Degree Centrality, Closeness Centrality and Betweenness Centrality are useful for identifying the amount of importanceof a node in a graph. Centrality measures are used to find nodes that act as a bridge from one part of a network to another part of a network. In this paper, results shows that there is better possibility to find shortest path using Degree Centrality or Closeness Centrality or Betweenness centrality compared with Dijkstra's algorithm.
Journal of Big Data
Nowadays a large amount of data is originated by complex systems, such as social networks, transportation systems, computer and service networks. These systems can be modeled by using graphs and studied by exploiting graph metrics, such as betweenness centrality (BC), a popular metric to analyze node centrality of graphs. In spite of its great potential, this metric requires long computation time, especially for large graphs. In this paper, we present a very fast algorithm to compute BC of undirected graphs by exploiting clustering. The algorithm leverages structural properties of graphs to find classes of equivalent nodes: by selecting one representative node for each class, we are able to compute BC by significantly reducing the number of single-source shortest path explorations adopted by Brandes’ algorithm. We formally prove the graph properties that we exploit to define the algorithm and present an implementation based on Scala for both sequential and parallel map-reduce execut...
— Calculating betweenness centrality is one way to find influential vertices of a graph and identify vertices more traversed than others. The common method takes advantage of the shortest paths between two vertices in order to find the centrality. The problem with this approach is that in many real-world applications, traversing edges and vertices does not necessarily take place in the shortest paths (news, rumors and messages do not always pass from the shortest path to reach the target). For this purpose, random Betweenness centrality approach (or Random-Walk Betweenness) has been developed, in which the paths between source and destination are randomly selected. Random Betweenness centrality of the vertex v shows the number of traverses from vertex v in all random paths between all vertices. This algorithm has a high time complexity of O (n 3) and high computational requirement; therefore, it hat a limited use for very large graphs. Motivated by this limitation, different estimation methods are presented in this research to estimate the random Betweenness centrality. Estimation methods such as random, linear and bisection have been already tested on different algorithms. In shortest path based betweenness centralities, linear estimation gives better result comparing to random and bisection estimations. Here, a novel linear and bisection estimation methods are proposed particularly for random walk betweenness and then it is shown linear method gives better results comparing to other available methods. It also requires less computational complexity comparing to bisection method. The main contribution of this work is to develop an estimation method to achieve a fair estimation of random-walk betweenness centrality using linear estimation.
2010 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2010
Centrality measures are crucial in quantifying the roles and positions of vertices in networks. An important measure is betweenness, which is based on the number of shortest paths that vertices fall on. However, betweenness is computationally expensive to derive, resulting in much research on efficient techniques. We note that in many applications, the key interest is on the high-betweenness vertices and that their betweenness rankings are usually adequate for analysts to work with. Hence, we have developed a novel algorithm that efficiently returns the set of vertices with highest betweenness. The algorithm's convergence criterion is based on the membership stability of the high-betweenness set. Through experiments on various artificial and real world networks, the algorithm is shown to be both efficient and accurate.
Algorithms and models for the web-graph, 2007
Betweenness is a centrality measure based on shortest paths, widely used in complex network analysis. It is computationally-expensive to exactly determine betweenness; currently the fastest-known algorithm by Brandes requires O (nm) time for unweighted graphs and O (nm+ n 2 logn) time for weighted graphs, where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges in the network. These are also the worst-case time bounds for computing the betweenness score of a single vertex. In this paper, we present a novel ...
Computational Social Networks
BC(v) = s� =v� =t σ st (v) σ st ,
Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2012
This paper proposes an alternative way to identify nodes with high betweenness centrality. It introduces a new metric, κ-path centrality, and a randomized algorithm for estimating it, and shows empirically that nodes with high κ-path centrality have high node betweenness centrality. The randomized algorithm runs in time O(κ 3 n 2−2α log n) and outputs, for each vertex v, an estimate of its κ-path centrality up to additive error of ±n 1/2+α with probability 1 − 1/n 2. Experimental evaluations on real and synthetic social networks show improved accuracy in detecting high betweenness centrality nodes and significantly reduced execution time when compared to existing randomized algorithms.
Этнографическое обозрение, 2023
ISBN (electrónico): 978-958-5180-20-8, 2021
SARGA: Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
Thin-walled Structures, 2018
Biophysical Journal, 2020
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Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine
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Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 1998