Influence of toe restraint on reinforced soil
segmental walls
Bingquan Huang, Richard J. Bathurst, Kianoosh Hatami, and Tony M. Allen
Abstract: A verified fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC) numerical model is used to investigate the influence of
horizontal toe stiffness on the performance of reinforced soil segmental retaining walls under working stress (operational)
conditions. Results of full-scale shear testing of the interface between the bottom of a typical modular block and concrete
or crushed stone levelling pads are used to back-calculate toe stiffness values. The results of numerical simulations demonstrate that toe resistance at the base of a reinforced soil segmental retaining wall can generate a significant portion of the
resistance to horizontal earth loads in these systems. This partially explains why reinforcement loads under working stress
conditions are typically overestimated using current limit equilibrium-based design methods. Other parameters investigated
are wall height, interface shear stiffness between blocks, wall facing batter, reinforcement stiffness, and reinforcement
spacing. Computed reinforcement loads are compared with predicted loads using the empirical-based K-stiffness method.
The K-stiffness method predictions are shown to better capture the qualitative trends in numerical results and be quantitatively more accurate compared with the AASHTO simplified method.
Key words: reinforced soil, segmental walls, numerical modelling, toe restraint, K-stiffness method, simplified method.
Résumé : Un modèle numérique vérifié FLAC est utilisé pour investiguer l’influence de la rigidité du pied horizontal sur
la performance de murs de soutènement segmentés faits de sol renforcé en conditions de contraintes de travail (opérationnelles). Des essais en cisaillement à grande échelle à l’interface entre le bas d’un bloc modulaire typique et les plaques de
nivellement de béton ou de pierre concassée ont été effectués. Les résultats de ces essais ont été utilisés pour déduire les
valeurs de rigidité du pied. Les résultats des simulations numériques démontrent que la résistance du pied à la base d’un
mur de soutènement segmenté en sol renforcé peut générer une portion importante de la résistance au chargement horizontal dans ces systèmes. Ceci explique en partie pourquoi les chargements de renforcement en conditions de contraintes de
travail sont généralement surestimés à partir des méthodes courantes de conception basées sur les limites à l’équilibre. Les
autres paramètres qui ont été évalués sont la hauteur du mur, la rigidité en cisaillement à l’interface entre les blocs, ainsi
que l’espacement entre les renforcements. Les chargements de renforcement calculés sont comparés aux chargements prédits à l’aide de la méthode empirique basée sur la rigidité K. Les prédictions obtenues à partir de la méthode de la rigidité
K permettent de mieux représenter les tendances qualitatives des résultats numériques et d’être plus précis quantitativement
que la méthode AASHTO simplifiée.
Mots-clés : sol renforcé, murs segmentés, modélisation numérique, restriction au pied, méthode de la rigidité K, méthode
[Traduit par la Rédaction]
Current design for the internal stability of geosynthetic reinforced soil walls is based on the ‘‘tie back wedge method’’
Received 11 October 2008. Accepted 11 December 2009.
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at cgj.nrc.ca on
21 July 2010.
B. Huang. GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC,
Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston,
ON K7K 7B4, Canada.
R.J. Bathurst.1 GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC,
Department of Civil Engineering, Royal Military College of
Canada, Kingston, ON K7K 7B4, Canada.
K. Hatami. School of Civil Engineering and Environmental
Science, University of Oklahoma, 202 W. Boyd Street, Room
334, Norman, OK 73019, USA.
T.M. Allen. Washington State Department of Transportation,
State Materials Laboratory, Olympia, WA 98504-7365, USA.
author (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Can. Geotech. J. 47: 885–904 (2010)
or variants thereof (BSI 1995; AASHTO 2002; CFEM 2006;
NCMA 2009). These approaches assign a load to each reinforcement layer based on the total load developed by a classical active failure wedge located directly behind the wall
facing within the reinforced soil zone. The total active load
(or pressure) is partitioned to each layer based on the tributary area of each reinforcement layer. For nonsurcharged or
uniformly surcharged walls with reinforcement layers placed
at uniform spacing, the tensile load in each layer increases
linearly with depth below the top of the wall.
Back-analysis of more than 30 full-scale instrumented
field and laboratory geosynthetic reinforced soil walls has
demonstrated that load predictions at the end of construction
(working stress condition) using the AASHTO (2002) approach (the ‘‘simplified method’’) are very conservative for
design (i.e., excessively safe). Specifically, predicted loads
are (on average) three times greater than ‘‘measured’’ loads
(Allen et al. 2003; Bathurst et al. 2005; Miyata and Bathurst
2007a, 2007b; Bathurst et al. 2008b). Typically, measured
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loads have been computed from best estimates of geosynthetic axial stiffness and strains recorded by strain gauges
or extensometer points affixed to the reinforcement layers.
The reasons for this discrepancy are as follows:
(1) The underlying limit equilibrium-based deterministic
model is not appropriate for walls under operational
(working stress) conditions (i.e., an ultimate limit state
is not present in walls with good performance at the end
of construction).
(2) Soil shear strength is typically underestimated.
(3) The contribution of the structural facing in combination
with a restrained toe to carry earth loads is ignored.
A series of 11 instrumented full-scale reinforced soil
walls have been constructed at the Royal Military College
of Canada (RMC; Bathurst et al. 2000, 2006; Hatami and
Bathurst 2005, 2006), some details of which appear later in
this paper. Bathurst et al. (2006) quantified the contribution
of a structural facing to carry earth loads by comparing the
performance of two of these walls that were nominally the
same with the exception of the facing. The sand backfill
walls were 3.6 m high and reinforced with a polypropylene
geogrid. One wall was constructed with a dry-stacked column of modular blocks and the companion wall was constructed with a very flexible wrapped face that provided
little or no wall load capacity. They showed that the simplified method was able to make reasonably accurate estimates
of the maximum load in the critical reinforcement layer of
the wrap-faced wall if the peak plane strain friction angle
was used in computations. However, the same method overpredicted the maximum reinforcement load by about a factor
of 3 for the hard-faced wall, which is consistent with backanalyses of other full-scale walls in the database mentioned
above. The paper by Bathurst et al. (2006) prompted a discussion (Leshchinsky 2007) and response (Bathurst et al.
2007) regarding the influence of the restrained toe boundary
condition on the performance of the hard-faced wall. Leshchinsky (2007) opined that the toe in the RMC wall was an
unusually severe constraint that resulted in undermobilization of reinforcement load capacity. Furthermore, the rigid
foundation and low height of the RMC walls could be expected to further amplify the contribution of the toe to load
capacity beyond what may be expected in actual field walls
of greater height and with less rigid foundation support.
Bathurst et al. (2007) responded that the toe constraint used
in the RMC walls with a structural facing is reasonable because most field walls are embedded at the toe, mechanically attached to a footing, and (or) develop significant
frictional resistance at the base of the wall facing. However,
they acknowledged that the relative contribution of the toe
to load capacity can be expected to decrease as wall height
increases and all other parameters remain the same. Some
evidence in support of this hypothesis was presented using
preliminary numerical modelling work by the writers
(Huang et al. 2007). However, the results of a systematic
quantitative investigation of this important issue were not
available at that time.
This paper first presents measurements taken from fullscale reinforced soil walls that directly or indirectly show
the influence of the toe boundary condition on wall performance. However, the bulk of the paper reports results from a
Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 47, 2010
numerical investigation focused largely on the influence of
toe restraint stiffness on the performance of segmental
(modular block) geosynthetic reinforced soil walls. The numerical simulations were carried out using a previously verified numerical code for the RMC test walls (Hatami and
Bathurst 2005, 2006; Bathurst et al. 2009a; Huang et al.
2009). Verification was carried out using model material
properties deduced from independent laboratory testing of
the wall components and quantitative comparison of wall
performance predictions with measurements from several of
the walls in the RMC test program. The current study includes equivalent toe stiffness values back-calculated from
direct shear tests on concrete blocks placed over crushed
stone and concrete levelling pads. This numerical study allows the effect of toe restraint on wall behaviour to be investigated more fully than is possible using the results from
full-scale tests alone. Other parameters investigated are wall
height, interface shear stiffness between blocks, wall facing
batter, reinforcement stiffness, and reinforcement spacing.
Results from full-scale wall testing
A cross-sectional view of the control structure (wall 1) in
the series of 11 structures built in the RMC retaining wall
test facility is shown in Fig. 1. The solid segmental blocks
used in these tests were 0.3 m wide (toe to heel). The base
of the wall facing column was placed on steel plates and
rollers and was supported by load cells. This arrangement
allowed the measured horizontal and vertical toe loads to be
decoupled. The horizontal toe was restrained laterally by a
series of load rings and a steel reaction frame bolted to the
laboratory structural floor. The horizontal stiffness of the reaction system was 4 (MN/m)/m computed from measured
loads and horizontal displacements (Hatami and Bathurst
2005). Load rings were used to record the (connection) load
transferred from each layer of reinforcement to the structural
facing column. Details of the instrumentation deployed in
this wall can be found in earlier related papers and are not
repeated here (e.g., Bathurst et al. 2000, 2006).
The wall was constructed from the bottom up at a target
batter of u = 88 from the vertical. After each row of facing
blocks was seated, a 150 mm thick lift of sand was placed
and compacted. Following construction, uniform surcharge
loading was applied in stages across the entire backfill surface using a system of airbags. Surcharge loading was continued until large facing deformations were recorded and an
internal soil failure mechanism was detected in the reinforced soil zone. Following surcharge unloading, the horizontal structural support at the toe was removed.
The evolution of horizontal toe load and sum of connection loads during construction and during staged uniform
surcharge loading is shown in Fig. 2. The data show that
horizontal toe and connection loads were mobilized progressively with height of wall during construction and during
subsequent surcharging. There was a small local deviation
from the general trends in the plots at low wall height that
was likely the result of construction activities. The uneven
toe load response at high surcharge load levels (i.e., greater
than an equivalent height of 6 m) was likely the result of
redistribution of earth loads to the reinforcement layers at
locations back from the connections. At the end of construcPublished by NRC Research Press
Huang et al.
Fig. 1. Cross-section view of wall 1. u, facing batter.
Fig. 2. Evolution of horizontal toe load and sum of connection loads in RMC wall 1. h, height of wall above toe; q, post-construction uniform surcharge pressure; g, bulk unit weight of sand backfill.
tion approximately 80% of the total horizontal load acting
against the facing column was carried by the restrained toe.
At the end of surcharging, about 60% of total load was carried by the reinforcement and the remainder by the toe. The
initial greater load carried by the toe is attributed to larger
toe stiffness compared with that of the reinforcement layers.
However, as the wall moved outward the reinforcement
layers strained axially, thus mobilizing tensile load capacity
and reducing the amount of load that must be carried by the
wall toe to maintain horizontal equilibrium. The distribution
of load between the reinforcement layers and the toe can be
expected to be influenced by the interface stiffness between
facing column blocks. The influence of block interface shear
stiffness is investigated numerically later in the paper.
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Post-construction wall profiles up to the maximum surcharge load applied are shown in Fig. 3. At the end of the
test, the horizontal toe support was removed. The resulting
outward toe displacement was about 20 mm. Figure 4 shows
connection loads and horizontal toe load at the end of surcharge unloading and at subsequent toe release. The plots
show that a portion of the load taken by the toe was redistributed to the lowest layer, causing the load in this reinforcement layer to increase. Interestingly, the total load on
the back of the facing column, computed as the sum of the
connection loads plus the toe load, decreased. This is attributed to the further mobilization of soil shear strength consistent with the notion of a stress state in the soil that is closer
to an active earth pressure condition.
Clearly, a significant amount of horizontal load was carried by the toe during this test. This was true for all RMC
walls constructed with a modular block facing in this test
series, although there were some quantitative differences depending on wall batter angle, reinforcement type (stiffness),
number of reinforcement layers, and type of compaction
equipment used to prepare the sand backfill. However, it
should be noted that toe release occurred after the maximum
surcharge load had been applied to the structure and an internal soil failure mechanism was fully developed. Internal
soil failure was detected based on local strain peaks measured in the reinforcement layers and large increases in wall
deformation (Bathurst et al. 2009c). Had toe release been
carried out at the end of construction, while the wall was
under working stress conditions, it is reasonable to expect
that the magnitude of toe movement would have been
Evidence of the combined effect of toe fixity and facing
type (stiffness) on load distribution to the wall toe (or foundation) and reinforcement layers can be seen in Fig. 5. All
the walls in this figure were vertical-faced and were constructed with geosynthetic reinforcement and sand backfill.
Furthermore, the walls had uniform spacing, but only selected layers were instrumented. The strains (3max) are the
maximum strains recorded in the instrumented layers at the
end of construction. These values do not include strain
measurements that may have been influenced by proximity
to the facing connections. Locally high strains may be anticipated at these locations due to soil settlement relative to
the structural facing. The reader is directed to the papers by
Allen et al. (2003), Bathurst et al. (2008b), and Miyata and
Bathurst (2007a, 2007b) for detailed descriptions of the case
studies identified in Fig. 5.
Figure 5a presents data for instrumented field walls.
Walls GW5, GW8, and GW10 show that the bottommost
monitored layer (where the layer is within 10% of the height
of the wall from the base) has the locally lowest strain
value. Wall GW26C shows a reduction in the rate of strain
accumulation with depth at the wall base. However, the
strain in the lowermost layer may be less due to the higher
stiffness of the reinforcement at this location compared with
layers located higher in the wall. For walls GW5, GW8, and
GW10, the maximum strains in the reinforcement increase
with decreasing facing stiffness (i.e., in the order of GW5,
GW8, and GW10). There is an exception to this trend for
wall GW26C, but this may be because this wall was designed using the original K-stiffness method (Allen et al.
Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 47, 2010
2003; Allen and Bathurst 2006) and hence, higher strains
were anticipated compared with values using the more conservative simplified method (AASHTO 2002). Data for carefully instrumented field walls are limited compared with
full-scale laboratory walls, and deviation from the trends
noted here may be expected for walls with other foundation
conditions, facing types, and qualities of construction.
Figure 5b shows similar strain data for a series of walls
built at the Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) in Japan. In these tests, the bottom of the wall was horizontally
restrained with the exception of GW21. For these walls
there is visually apparent local reduction in strain for layers
located within the bottom 20% of the wall height for those
structures with a restrained toe. There is a visually apparent
reduction in rate of strain accumulation with depth below
the wall crest for the wall with the least restrained toe condition (GW21). For the walls with the same toe fixity but
varying facing type, there is a trend towards decreasing
strains with increasing wall structural stiffness (wall structural stiffness increasing in the order of GW22 to GW25).
Taken together, the data in Figs. 3–5 show that strain (or
load) in reinforcement layers is often attenuated with increasing proximity to the wall toe (foundation) and that
strain (or load) is further attenuated with increasing stiffness
of the wall facing. An important implication to wall performance is that load that is not being resisted by the bottom
layer(s) must be carried by the foundation (including the
toe) to satisfy horizontal equilibrium. Horizontal toe load capacity is considered by the writers to be typical for a wall
with a structural facing due to friction between the base of
the facing column and a concrete or gravel levelling pad,
embedment, and (or) structural attachment to a concrete
footing. However, there is no data from physical full-scale
testing that can be used to quantitatively isolate the contribution of horizontal toe stiffness to wall capacity. The only
practical methodology is numerical modelling using computer codes previously verified against carefully instrumented and monitored physical tests. This is the strategy
adopted in this paper.
Numerical model
General approach
The writers have developed a series of numerical twodimensional finite difference fast Lagrangian analysis of
continua (FLAC) codes (Itasca 2005) to predict performance
features of several RMC test walls including the control wall
described earlier (Hatami and Bathurst 2005, 2006; Bathurst
et al. 2009a; Huang et al. 2009). The models have used
strain- and time-dependent constitutive models to simulate
the behaviour of the polymeric geogrid reinforcement materials used in the RMC walls and three different constitutive
models for the sand backfill. In order of increasing complexity, the soil models were (i) linear elastic–plastic Mohr–
Coulomb; (ii) modified Duncan–Chang hyperbolic; and
(iii) Lade’s single hardening. Calculated results were compared against measured toe footing loads, foundation pressures, facing displacements, connection loads, and
reinforcement strains. In general, all three approaches gave
similar results for wall performance under operational
(working stress) conditions prior to development of contiguPublished by NRC Research Press
Huang et al.
Fig. 3. Post-construction wall deformation profiles for RMC wall 1.
Fig. 4. Connection and toe loads at end of surcharge unloading and
toe release for RMC wall 1.
ous shear failure zones in the reinforced soil zone. Furthermore, the predictions were typically within measurement accuracy for the end-of-construction and surcharge load levels
below pressures needed to generate soil failure. However,
numerical results using the linear elastic–plastic Mohr–Coulomb model were sensitive to the choice of a single-valued
elastic modulus, which is problematic when this value is deduced from conventional triaxial compression tests. The results of these investigations show that numerical models that
incorporate the hyperbolic soil model are adequate to predict
the performance of reinforced soil walls under typical operational conditions provided that the reinforcement, interfaces,
construction sequence, soil, and soil compaction are modelled correctly. The writers concluded that further improvement of predictions using more sophisticated soil models is
not guaranteed. A similar conclusion has been reached by
Ling (2003), who compared results of numerical simulations
using a hyperbolic soil model with measured results from an
instrumented full-scale reinforced soil wall constructed in
In the current investigation, a version of the numerical
code described by Bathurst et al. (2009a) and Huang et al.
(2009) was used. The construction process was modelled by
sequential bottom-up placement of the blocks and matching
soil layer placement and compaction. The thickness of each
block–soil layer was taken as an individual block height
(0.15 m). Compaction effects were simulated as a transient
uniform surcharge pressure of 8 kPa applied to the top surface of each soil layer following the procedure described by
Hatami and Bathurst (2005). Computations were carried out
in large-strain mode to ensure sufficient accuracy in the
event of large wall deformations or reinforcement strains.
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Fig. 5. Maximum reinforcement strains from instrumented full-scale vertical walls with granular backfill (data from Miyata and Bathurst
2007a; Bathurst et al. 2008b): (a) field walls; (b) Public Works Research Institute (PWRI) of Japan test walls. EPS, extruded polystyrene;
H, wall height; z, the depth below crest of wall.
The numerical mesh was updated to simulate the moving local datum as each row of facing units and each soil layer
was placed during construction. The same reinforcement
length to wall height ratio of 0.7 matching the original
RMC test walls was used in the numerical models. This
value is also recommended by AASHTO (2002). The ratio
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Fig. 6. Example numerical FLAC grid.
of wall height, H, to length of soil mass, B, was kept the
same at 0.65 in the wall models of different height. Figure 6
shows a typical numerical FLAC grid.
Material properties
The compacted backfill sand was assumed to be an isotropic, homogeneous, nonlinear elastic material using the
Duncan–Chang hyperbolic model. The elastic tangent modulus, Et, is expressed as
Rf ð1 sinfÞðs 1 s 3 Þ 2
Ke pa
Et ¼ 1
2c cosf þ 2s 3 sinf
where s1 is the major principal stress, s3 is the minor principal stress, pa is the atmospheric pressure, and other parameters are defined in Table 1. The original Duncan–Chang
model was developed for axi-symmetric (triaxial) loading
conditions and therefore the bulk modulus is a function
only of s3; specifically
Bm ¼ Kb pa
where Kb is the bulk modulus number and m is the bulk
modulus exponent.
However, under plane strain conditions, s2 > s3, where s2
is the intermediate principal stress, and the confining pressure is hence underestimated. Hatami and Bathurst (2005)
showed that the Duncan–Chang parameters back-fitted from
triaxial tests on the RMC sand underestimated the stiffness
of the same soil when tested in a plane strain test apparatus.
In the current study and in previous related modelling (Bathurst et al. 2009a; Huang et al. 2009), the bulk modulus formulation proposed by Boscardin et al. (1990) was used to
Table 1. Material properties.
Elastic modulus number, Ke
Unloading–reloading modulus number, Kur
Elastic modulus exponent, n
Failure ratio, Rf
Tangent Poisson’s ratio, nt
Peak plane strain friction angle, f (8)
Cohesion, c (kPa)
Initial bulk modulus number, Bmi/pa
Asymptotic volumetric strain value, 3u
Density, r (kg/m3)
Stiffness of polyester, JPET (kN/m)*
Stiffness of steel, Jsteel (kN/m){
*Ultimate (index) strength: 80 kN/m.
Yield strain: 0.2%.
replace the original formulation. The bulk modulus, Bt, is
expressed as
sm 2
Bt ¼ Bmi 1 þ
Bmi 3u
where sm is the mean pressure, (s1+s2+s3)/3, and Bmi and 3u
are material properties that are determined as the intercept
and the inverse of slope from a plot of sm/3vol versus sm in
an isotropic compression test, where 3vol is the volumetric
strain. Table 1 summarizes the properties of the backfill
soil. The Duncan–Chang parameters were taken from Boscardin et al. (1990) with some adjustments to represent a
high quality sand material prepared to 95% standard Proctor
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dry density and designated poorly graded sand (SP) using
the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM 2006).
Soil reinforcement layers were simulated using FLAC cable elements. Two reinforcement materials were used to represent polymeric geogrid and steel strip reinforcement
products having very different stiffness properties (values).
To simplify parametric analyses and focus the results on the
influence of toe stiffness, both materials were assigned linear
load–strain properties. The stiffness of polyester (PET) geogrid materials has been shown to be sensibly time- and
strain-independent over the range of strains anticipated at
the end of construction in typical reinforced soil walls (Walters et al. 2002; Bathurst et al. 2009c). Reinforcement stiffness values are given in Table 1. The stiffness value for the
PET material is within the range of stiffness values for geosynthetic reinforcement materials. The steel material is approximately 100 times stiffer than the polymeric material,
but only about 50% of the stiffness of typical steel strip reinforcement (Bathurst et al. 2009b). Nevertheless, the focus of
this paper is on geosynthetic reinforced soil walls. A very
stiff reinforcement material (steel strip) was used in numerical simulations to generate large detectable qualitative and
quantitative differences between walls that can be ascribed
to the influence of reinforcement stiffness. The (index)
global reinforcement stiffness of the walls with PET and
steel reinforcement materials falls within the range of values
determined from instrumented field and full-scale laboratory
walls (Allen et al. 2003, 2004). The (index) global reinforcement stiffness value, Sglobal, is calculated as
Sglobal ¼
where Ji is the tensile stiffness of an individual polymeric
reinforcement layer at 2% strain as measured in a laboratory
tensile test (e.g., ASTM 2001) and at the elastic limit for
steel strip reinforcement; and Jave is the average tensile
stiffness of all n reinforcement layers in a wall with height
H. Using eq. [4], the (index) global reinforcement stiffness value for walls with spacing Sv = 0.6 m is 475 and 50 (MN/m)/m
for the PET and steel reinforced walls, respectively.
Interfaces and boundary conditions
The interfaces between facing–backfill, block–block,
foundation–backfill, and reinforcement–backfill were modelled as linear spring–slider systems with interface shear
strength defined by the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. Details can be found in the FLAC manual (Itasca 2005).
In this study, the facing column stiffness was assumed to
be controlled by the interface shear stiffness between modular blocks. The value for the solid masonry blocks used in
the original RMC test walls was back-calculated to be
40 (MN/m)/m from direct shear tests (Hatami and Bathurst
All RMC test walls were built on a rigid concrete floor
(Fig. 1). In the numerical models, a fixed boundary condition in both horizontal and vertical directions was assumed
at the foundation level representing a similar rigid founda-
tion condition. A fixed boundary condition in the horizontal
direction was assumed at the backfill far-end boundary. The
toe of the facing column was restrained horizontally by a
spring element whose stiffness was varied in the current
study to represent different toe restraint conditions. The control stiffness value was taken as 4 (MN/m)/m, matching
measurements recorded at this boundary in the RMC physical tests. The bottom of the facing column was fixed in the
vertical direction, but free to translate in the horizontal direction and to rotate. The interface between the bottom
block and the foundation was unrestrained (as in the RMC
physical tests) so that the axial force recorded in the spring
element could be interpreted as the toe load. In some simulations, a perfectly rigid horizontal toe condition was applied
by fixing the toe of the facing column in the horizontal direction. In this case, the horizontal toe force was computed
from the horizontal reaction force at the corresponding numerical grid point.
Direct interface shear testing was carried out using a large
dry-cast masonry concrete block seated on three different
base materials. The bottom of the block was flat. The bases
were a poured-in-place unreinforced wet-cast concrete mat
and two different crushed stone materials. Crushed stone 1
was well-graded with a mean particle size, D50, of 12 mm
and crushed stone 2 was uniformly graded with D50 =
22 mm. The tests were carried out under a range of normal
loads corresponding to wall heights up to about 12 m. The
shear load per unit length (V) to generate 2 and 6 mm of
shear displacement (D) was recorded and the interface shear
stiffness computed as V/D. The results of these tests are
plotted in Fig. 7. The value of 2 mm corresponds to the displacement estimated for the RMC walls at the end of construction. The value of 6 mm is a typical maximum
displacement value predicted for the PET wall simulations
presented later using H = 6 m and a toe stiffness value
4 (MN/m)/m. It is also a maximum value from the results
of steel wall simulations of the same height. The shear test
results show that the concrete mat provided the greatest
shear stiffness using the same displacement criterion. For
the same configuration, the computed stiffness values decreased with increasing displacement. The data show that
the toe stiffness computed for the RMC walls falls within
the range of values plotted in Fig. 7 and, hence, a value of
4 (MN/m)/m is considered reasonable for these structures. It
is possible that greater interface shear stiffness values would
result for a block with a rougher base or a shear key that
projects below the base of the block into a granular base
material. However, later in the paper, it is demonstrated that
equivalent toe stiffness values orders of magnitude lower
than those shown in Fig. 7 are required to generate qualitatively different wall response from walls with a reference
toe stiffness of 4 (MN/m)/m.
The reinforcement was bonded to the backfill using the
FLAC built-in grout algorithm. A large bond strength value
was assigned to the reinforcement–backfill interface to prevent slip. A perfect bond assumption has been adopted in
other numerical studies to simplify modelling and the interpretation of results (Rowe and Ho 1997; Leshchinsky and
Vulova 2001; Hatami and Bathurst 2005, 2006). Experience
with the high quality sand used in RMC tests and measured
reinforcement displacements suggest that this is a reasonable
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Huang et al.
Fig. 7. Toe interface shear stiffness values computed from block–foundation interface shear testing. W, width of block.
Table 2. Interface properties.
Backfill soil–block
Friction angle, dsb (8)
Dilation angle, jsb (8)
Normal stiffness, Knsb ((MN/m)/m)
Shear stiffness, Kssb ((MN/m)/m)
Friction angle, dbb (8)
Cohesion, cbb (kPa)
Normal stiffness, Knbb ((MN/m)/m)
Shear stiffness, Ksbb ((MN/m)/m)
Friction angle, fb (8)
Adhesive strength, sb (kPa)
Shear stiffness, Kb ((MN/m)/m)
assumption to simulate the soil–geogrid shear transfer under
working stress conditions. To keep the interpretation of results as simple as possible, the same no-slip interface was
assumed in all simulations in this numerical study. The influence of reinforcement–sand interface stiffness and
strength was not investigated in this study. Leshchinsky and
Vulova (2001) carried out similar numerical modelling and
reported that reducing the interface friction angle did not
significantly change simulation results. Interface properties
used in the current study are summarized in Table 2.
Variables in the parametric study
A total of 42 wall cases were simulated in this study
although not all results are presented. The model parameters
that were investigated are summarized in Table 3. The simulation matrix was carried out with the objective of investigating the influence of parameter values in the first four
rows of Table 3 in combination with the range of toe horizontal stiffness values shown in the bottom row. It should be
recalled that the focus of this paper is on wall behaviour
under operational conditions (i.e., working stress conditions). Allen et al. (2003) reviewed a large number of monitored geosynthetic reinforced soil walls with granular
backfills and concluded that contiguous failure zones from
the heel of the wall facing to the backfill surface and other
obvious signs of poor wall performance did not occur if
polymeric reinforcement strain levels were kept to less than
about 3%. Using this value as an indicator of working stress
conditions, it was found that all numerical results for PET
wall models satisfied this constraint. The yield strain limit
of steel reinforcement was assumed to be equal to 0.2%
(Hatami and Bathurst 2006). Numerical results from the current study confirmed that strains in the steel reinforcement
layers were less than this limit.
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Table 3. Values used in the parametric study.
Wall height (m)
Facing column interface shear stiffness ((MN/m)/m){
Facing batter from vertical (8)
Spacing (m)
Toe stiffness ((MN/m)/m)
(3.6), 6, 9, 12
0.4, 4, 20, (40), 80
0, 4, (8), 13
0.3, (0.6), 0.9
0.04, 0.4, (4), 40, fixed
Normal load dependent (Fig. 7)
*Values in parentheses match RMC control test (wall 1).
Block-to-block interface shear stiffness, Ksbb.
Fig. 8. Influence of toe stiffness and reinforcement stiffness on facing displacements (H = 6 m, Sv = 0.6 m, u = 88 from vertical): (a) PET
reinforcement; (b) steel reinforcement.
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Numerical results
Facing displacements
Normalized relative facing displacement profiles for a
6 m high wall with PET and steel reinforcement layers at
spacing Sv = 0.6 m are plotted in Fig. 8. The target facing
batter was u = 88 from the vertical. The displacements were
computed with respect to the time that the layer was placed.
Hence, the displacement profiles represent a moving datum
and should not be confused with wall profiles at the end of
construction. The normalized facing displacements in
Figs. 8a(ii) and 8b(ii) are taken with respect to values for
the case using the toe stiffness value of the RMC control
wall (4 (MN/m)/m).
Facing displacements at each elevation decrease nonlinearly with increasing toe stiffness (Figs. 8a(i), 8b(i)). The
difference in deformations between walls with a fixed toe
and a toe with stiffness of 40 (MN/m)/m is negligible. Not
unexpectedly, displacements are larger for walls with lower
reinforcement stiffness. The ratio of maximum wall displacements ranges from about 2 to 3 between the PET and
steel reinforcement cases, respectively. The influence of relative toe stiffness value with respect to the control case can
be seen to diminish with height above the toe and with increasing reinforcement stiffness. For toe stiffness values
greater than 4 (MN/m)/m, the influence of the magnitude of
toe stiffness on wall deformations can be argued to be limited to about 0.25H above the base of the wall (Figs. 8a(ii),
8b(ii)). The data plotted in Fig. 8 demonstrate that it is the
combination of toe stiffness and global reinforcement stiffness that influences end-of-construction wall deformations.
Figure 9a shows the influence of toe release on wall displacements for the same wall as in Fig. 8. The toe of the
wall can be seen to move almost 20 mm and additional outward movements are largely restricted to the bottom half of
the wall. These observations are similar to those for wall 1
in the RMC physical test program (Fig. 3) even though the
RMC wall was shorter, less stiff reinforcement material was
used, and the wall was surcharge-loaded well beyond working stress levels. The redistribution of the load from the toe
to the two bottom-most reinforcement layers computed at
the connections can be seen in Fig. 9b. Qualitative features
are similar to those shown in Fig. 4. For example, the total
load on the back of the wall decreases after toe release.
However, individual connection loads do not become less
than the end-of-construction values as shown in Fig. 4. This
is because the numerical wall was not heavily surcharged at
the end of construction and possibly because reinforcement
stress relaxation was not simulated in the numerical model.
Toe and connection loads
The contribution of the toe to wall lateral load capacity
can be quantified by considering the wall facing column as
a free body. In this simple approach the sum of connection
loads and toe loads must be equal to the horizontal component of total earth force acting against the back of the facing
to satisfy horizontal equilibrium. Figure 10 shows plots of
toe load, total load, and relative contribution of toe and connection loads to resist the total horizontal load acting against
the wall facing. The load carried by the toe increases
roughly log-linearly with increasing toe stiffness over much
of the range of stiffness values investigated (Figs. 10a(i),
10b(i)). Furthermore, there is a log-linear trend when the
fractions of the total horizontal earth load carried by the toe
and connections are plotted against toe stiffness
(Figs. 10a(ii), 10b(ii)). However, the magnitude of loads
and fractions of the total load carried by the toe and connections are sensitive to the magnitude of the reinforcement
stiffness. As reinforcement stiffness increases the contribution of the toe decreases. This can be understood if the
free-body analogue for the wall facing is further developed
by considering the wall facing as a continuously supported
beam with the toe and connections acting as spring reactions
and the earth pressure as the distributed load (Bathurst et al.
2007). This analogue then leads to the expectation that as
the toe stiffness increases, more load is carried by the stiffest spring (toe). For the reinforcement layers to carry the total earth load acting against the back of a wall with a
structural facing, the toe must be unrestrained, which is, in
the opinion of the writers, an unlikely boundary condition.
Finally, the data show that the reference toe stiffness value
(4 (MN/m)/m) used earlier gives results that fall roughly in
the middle of the range of dependent values on the vertical
axes in these plots. This gives some support to the argument
that the RMC walls have a horizontal toe stiffness that falls
in the middle of the range for walls with idealized unrestrained and fixed horizontal toe conditions.
Reinforcement strains
The magnitude and distribution of reinforcement strains at
the end of construction for the 6 m high wall used in the
parametric study are plotted in Fig. 11 for selected layers.
The results for the fixed toe case are not visually distinguishable from the case with toe stiffness of 40 (MN/m)/m
and, hence, are not presented here. In general, the strains increase with decreasing toe stiffness consistent with observations for connection loads discussed in the previous section.
However, with the exception of layer 3 in the wall with the
least stiff toe, the strains at the connections are the largest
along the reinforcement length. This is attributed to the effect of relative soil settlement behind the facing column: as
the soil is compacted, it compresses under self-weight and
the wall facing rotates outward during construction. The observation that the highest strains in a reinforcement layer occur close to the connections has been made for the RMC
walls and other instrumented field and full-scale laboratory
walls where strain monitoring was carried out in close proximity to the back of structural facings. As toe stiffness decreases, there is a detectable increase in local strain at
locations well beyond the back of the facing. This is attributed to the onset of internal soil shear failure mechanisms in
the reinforced soil zone. The development of soil shear
zones can be seen in Fig. 12. The contours are shown with
two intervals (<2% and 2%–5%). For the two least stiff toe
cases, there are local high strain levels at the heel of the
wall that were developed during initial bottom-up construction. However, these zones are not contiguous through the
height of the backfill and reinforcement strains are less than
3% (Fig. 11). Hence, these walls are assumed to be under
working stress conditions according to criteria introduced
earlier in the paper.
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Fig. 9. Influence of toe release following end of construction (EOC) for wall with PET reinforcement (H = 6 m, Sv = 0.6 m, u = 88 from
vertical): (a) wall displacements; (b) connection and toe loads.
Fig. 10. Influence of toe stiffness and reinforcement stiffness on magnitude and distribution of toe and connection loads (H = 6 m, Sv =
0.6 m, u = 88 from vertical): (a) PET reinforcement; (b) steel reinforcement.
Influence of wall height
The influence of wall height on toe and connection loads
is shown in Fig. 13. The reference toe stiffness value of
4 (MN/m)/m and a fixed toe condition were used in these
simulations. The magnitude of toe load can be seen to increase with wall height for both reinforcement stiffness
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Fig. 11. Influence of toe stiffness on reinforcement strains for wall
with PET reinforcement layers (H = 6 m, Sv = 0.6 m, u = 88 from
wall batter (Fig. 14a). However, in these simulations, the
magnitude of toe load remained reasonably constant for the
same toe boundary condition while the fraction of total load
carried by the toe increased with increasing wall batter
(Fig. 14b).
Influence of reinforcement spacing
It can be expected that, as the reinforcement spacing increases, the magnitude of reinforcement (or connection),
loads and toe load will increase when all other parameters
remain the same. To remove the influence of reinforcement
stiffness as a variable when investigating the effect of spacing, simulations were carried out with different reinforcement spacing, but with the same global reinforcement
stiffness value (Sglobal = 475 ((kN/m)/m) computed using
eq. [4]). Using a common global stiffness value, the plots in
Fig. 15 show that the magnitude of loads and the distribution of total load to the connections and toe are sensibly independent of spacing for the same toe boundary condition.
This observation is consistent with load predictions using
the working stress method (K-stiffness method) originally
proposed by Allen et al. (2003). This method was calibrated
by fitting to loads deduced from instrumented full-scale field
and laboratory walls. The influence of reinforcement stiffness is not accounted for in current limit equilibrium-based
(tie-back wedge methods) such as the AASHTO (2002) simplified method. For example, for a set of nominally identical
walls varying only with respect to stiffness of the polymeric
reinforcement, the loads in the reinforcement layers are always the same.
cases (Fig. 13a). For the same height and reinforcement
type, the magnitude of toe load is less for the compliant toe
case. However, for the same wall height and toe condition,
the load is generally higher for the PET reinforcement case,
which is attributed to the relatively higher toe reaction stiffness with respect to the reinforcement layers as discussed
earlier in the context of the continuously supported beam
analogue. The relative contributions of the toe reaction and
reinforcement layers are plotted in Fig. 13b. For both reinforcement stiffness cases, the relative contribution of the toe
to carry horizontal earth loads decreases with wall height,
but at a diminishing rate. However, the contribution of the
toe for the PET reinforcement model is greater than for the
steel reinforcement case for walls of the same height and toe
boundary condition. For the highest wall considered (12 m)
and a toe stiffness value of 4 (MN/m)/m, 70% of the load is
carried by the PET reinforcement layers; whereas for the
matching steel reinforcement case, the reinforcement layers
carry about 90% of the total load. A practical implication of
this observation is that, for tall steel reinforced soil walls,
the assumption in current AASHTO (2002) design practice
to assign all earth loads to the reinforcement layers may be
reasonable. For walls with more extensible reinforcement
materials (i.e., geosynthetics), this assumption leads to very
conservative (i.e., excessively safe) internal stability design.
Influence of block–block interface stiffness
Segmental retaining wall units transmit shear through interface friction, shear keys, pins, and various types of connectors (NCMA 2009). The shear capacity and magnitude
of interface stiffness may vary widely between different facing systems (Bathurst et al. 2008a). It may be expected that
the interface shear stiffness will influence wall deformations
and the distribution of total load to the toe and connections.
Figure 16 shows the influence of block–block interface stiffness on wall facing loads. The total load and the load carried by the toe increase as interface shear stiffness
increases, but at a diminishing rate (Fig. 16b). The distribution of the load to the toe and reinforcement layers (connections) becomes sensibly constant beyond (say) Ksbb =
20 (MN/m)/m, which is five times the reference toe stiffness
value of 4 (MN/m)/m that is judged to be a reasonable value
for these systems when seated on a rigid foundation.
Influence of wall batter
The influence of wall batter on toe and connection loads
for PET reinforced soil walls is shown in Fig. 14. A facing
batter angle of u = 08 corresponds to a vertical face. Most
reinforced segmental retaining walls are constructed with
18 < u < 158 (NCMA 2009). As expected, the total load acting on the back of the wall facing decreases with increasing
Maximum reinforcement loads computed in numerical
simulations can be compared with predicted loads using the
AASHTO (2002) simplified method (tie-back wedge
method) and the most recent version of the K-stiffness
method (Bathurst et al. 2008b). According to the AASHTO
approach, the maximum reinforcement load, Tmax, for nonsurcharged walls can be calculated as
Comparison of reinforcement loads with
predicted values using current design
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Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 47, 2010
Fig. 12. End-of-construction soil shear strain contours for walls with PET reinforcement and different toe stiffness (H = 6 m, Sv = 0.6 m,
u = 88 from vertical): (a) 40 (MN/m)/m; (b) 4 (MN/m)/m; (c) 0.4 (MN/m)/m; (d) 0.04 (MN/m)/m.
Tmax ¼ K g z Sv
where z is the depth of the reinforcement layer below the
crest of the wall; g is bulk unit weight of soil; and K is calculated as
cos2 ðf þ uÞ
sinf 2
cos2 u 1þ
cos u
All other parameters have been defined previously. The
maximum reinforcement load using the K-stiffness method
and nonsurcharged walls is
Tmax ¼ KgHSv Dtmax Fg Flocal Ffs Ffb Fc
where Dtmax is the load distribution factor that modifies the
reinforcement load based on layer location. The remaining
terms, Fg, Flocal, Ffs, Ffb, and Fc are influence factors that
account for the effects of global and local reinforcement
stiffness, facing stiffness, face batter, and soil cohesion, respectively. The coefficient of lateral earth pressure is calculated as K = 1 – sinf, where f is the secant peak plane
strain friction angle of the soil. It is important to note that
parameter K is used as an index value and does not imply
that at-rest soil conditions exist in the reinforced soil back-
fill according to classical earth pressure theory. In the current parametric study with PET reinforcement, spacing Sv =
0.6 m and facing batter u = 88, the influence factors are
Fg = 0.37; Flocal = 1; Ffs = 0.51, 0.63, 0.76, and 0.86 for
3.6, 6, 9, and 12 m high walls, respectively; Ffb = 0.84; and
Fc = 1. Details to calculate these values for the wall used as
an example here can be found in Bathurst et al. (2008b). To
remove the choice of friction angle as a variable between
calculation methods, the same value of peak friction angle
is used in all calculations (i.e., f = secant peak plane strain
friction angle of the soil = 488; see Table 1).
The reinforcement loads (Tmax) plotted in Fig. 17 are the
maximum load in each reinforcement layer at the end of
construction excluding connection loads (which are higher
in some cases as illustrated by the strain plots in Fig. 11).
The plots show that, as toe stiffness decreases, the magnitude of reinforcement load at each elevation increases and
the load distributions become more triangular in shape.
Nevertheless, the AASHTO (2002) simplified method overpredicts Tmax values regardless of toe stiffness magnitude
and the overprediction increases with increasing toe stiffness. In practice, this overprediction would be greater because lower friction angle values from direct shear and
triaxial compression tests are used in computations rather
than larger values from plane strain tests. For the fixed toe
and toe stiffness case with 40 (MN/m)/m, the K-stiffness
Published by NRC Research Press
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Fig. 13. Influence of wall height, reinforcement stiffness and toe stiffness on loads carried by the toe and connections (Sv = 0.6 m, u = 88
from vertical): (a) toe load; (b) relative contribution of total load carried by toe and connections.
method is conservative. However, for the reference case corresponding to simulations matching the toe stiffness of the
RMC walls, the K-stiffness method is very close, but
slightly conservative for design. For less stiff toe cases
(£0.4 (MN/m)/m), the K-stiffness method is nonconservative
for design and simulation results can be seen to fall between
predictions using the two methods. However, the database of
wall case studies used to develop the K-stiffness method
shows that the distribution of reinforcement loads deduced
from measured strain values is typically trapezoidal with
depth (Allen and Bathurst 2002; Allen et al. 2003; Bathurst
et al. 2005, 2007, 2008b) lending support to the argument
that the distribution of Tmax for numerical results with toe
stiffness ‡4 (MN/m)/m represents typical field walls.
Furthermore, the results of direct shear testing presented
earlier in the paper (Fig. 7) show that this value is
reasonable for modular block units seated on a concrete or
granular levelling pad.
As a further check on the influence of toe stiffness on reinforcement loads, an additional set of simulations were carried out using normal load (height) dependent toe stiffness
values (see Fig. 7) and a range of wall heights. The stiffness
values correspond closely to shear stiffness values computed
for a concrete levelling pad and 6 mm displacement crite-
rion. The numerical results in Fig. 18 show that the influence of toe restraint on the distribution of reinforcement
loads with height becomes trapezoidal in shape as wall
height increases. Predicted loads using the K-stiffness
method are compared with numerical results in the same figure. The trapezoidal shape, which is a distinguishing feature
of the K-stiffness method, is judged to capture the trend in
numerical results particularly for the higher walls, while
being conservatively safe (for design). This independent
check of the accuracy of the K-stiffness method shows that
this empirical-based design method is a promising approach
for the internal stability design of these systems for working
stress conditions.
Conclusions and implications to design and
Geosynthetic reinforced soil segmental retaining walls are
mechanically complex systems. The magnitude of reinforcement loads under working stress conditions (i.e., operational
conditions) is influenced by wall geometry, properties of the
material components, boundary conditions, and construction
method. The number of carefully instrumented and monitored walls (other than the 11 walls in the recent RMC test
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Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 47, 2010
Fig. 14. Influence of facing batter (u) and toe stiffness on loads carried by the toe and connections for walls with PET reinforcement (H =
6 m, Sv = 0.6 m): (a) toe and connection loads; (b) relative contribution of total load carried by toe and connections.
program) is limited. For example, there are 13 case studies
for walls with granular backfills and another 18 case studies
for walls constructed with c–f soils (Bathurst et al. 2008b).
Nevertheless, there is strong evidence that the current
AASHTO (2002) simplified method (or variants) is very
conservative for walls (i.e., excessively safe) when predicting maximum reinforcement loads under typical operational
conditions in internal stability design. Furthermore, the distribution of reinforcement loads using the simplified method
does not match loads deduced from measured strains. The
K-stiffness method, which is an empirical-based working
stress method calibrated against measured reinforcement
loads, has been demonstrated to give better predictions of
reinforcement loads (e.g., Bathurst et al. 2008b). However,
because the database of physical measurements used to develop the K-stiffness method is limited, numerical modeling
is required to systematically investigate the sensitivity of
material properties and boundary conditions on wall performance. The parametric study reported here is a small subset of a much wider range of parameters that could be
investigated. An important advantage of the numerical
model adopted in this investigation is that the accuracy of
the model has been previously verified against a wide range
of measured performance responses from a series of care-
fully constructed, instrumented, and monitored RMC physical test walls (Hatami and Bathurst 2005, 2006; Bathurst et
al. 2009a; Huang et al. 2009). The major conclusions from
the current investigation are
(1) A toe stiffness of 4 (MN/m)/m is a reasonable value to
simulate the interface shear stiffness between the bottom of a 0.3 m wide concrete block and a concrete or
crushed stone base.
(2) For numerical simulations with toe stiffness greater
than 4 (MN/m)/m, the influence of the magnitude of
toe stiffness on wall facing displacements was limited
to about 25% of the height of the wall above the base.
(3) The magnitude of toe stiffness has a potentially significant effect on the magnitude and distribution of reinforcement loads. In general, for walls with uniform
reinforcement spacing and type, as the toe stiffness decreases, reinforcement loads increase and their distribution with depth becomes more triangular. However,
to generate a triangular load distribution for the reinforced soil walls with extensible geosynthetic reinforcement in this study, it was necessary to reduce the
magnitude of toe stiffness to values that are orders of
magnitude lower than those deduced from full-scale
interface shear tests.
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Fig. 15. Influence of reinforcement spacing and toe stiffness on loads carried by the toe and connections for walls with PET reinforcement.
(Sglobal = 475 kN/m2, H = 6 m, u = 88): (a) toe and connection loads; (b) relative contribution of total load carried by toe and connections.
(4) The influence of toe stiffness on reinforcement loads
diminishes with height of the reinforcement layer
above the toe. For a 6 m high wall and the range of
toe stiffness values investigated, the toe effect was
limited to the bottom half of the wall.
(5) The fraction of total load carried by the toe increases
with increasing horizontal toe stiffness, while the fraction of total load carried by the reinforcement layers
(6) The magnitudes of load carried by the toe and reinforcement layers are influenced by the stiffness of the reinforcement layers. As reinforcement stiffness
increases, reinforcement loads increase and the fraction of total earth load carried by the reinforcement
layers increases.
(7) The distribution and magnitude of load (strain) in each
reinforcement layer is influenced by the magnitude of
toe stiffness. Maximum strains in numerical simulations typically occurred at the connections. In the example 6 m high wall, the reinforcement strains at the
connections increased with decreasing toe stiffness
over the bottom half of the wall.
(8) The fraction of load carried by the reinforcement
layers increased with wall height. For the same wall
height, the fraction of load carried by the reinforcement layers increased with increasing reinforcement
stiffness. However, for walls with H £ 12 m, a typical
geosynthetic reinforcement stiffness, and a toe stiffness value of 4 (MN/m)/m, the fraction of load carried
by the reinforcement layers did not exceed about 70%.
As facing batter increased from 48 to 138 in this study,
the magnitude of toe load remained reasonably constant, but the fraction of total earth load carried by the
toe increased.
For the walls in this numerical investigation with the
same global reinforcement stiffness value, there was
no practical influence of reinforcement spacing on reinforcement and toe loads.
There was a diminishing influence of increasing magnitude of block–block interface stiffness on magnitude
of toe and reinforcement loads for the range of block–
block stiffness values investigated.
For all toe stiffness cases investigated, the current
AASHTO (2002) simplified method overpredicted the
reinforcement loads. The K-stiffness method (Bathurst
et al. 2008b) provided a very accurate estimate of endof-construction reinforcement loads when a singlevalue toe stiffness of 4 (MN/m)/m was used in compuPublished by NRC Research Press
Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 47, 2010
Fig. 16. Influence of block–block interface stiffness and toe stiffness on loads carried by the toe and connections for walls with PET reinforcement (H = 6 m, Sv = 0.6 m, u = 88): (a) toe and connection loads; (b) relative contribution of total load carried by toe and connections.
tations for a 6 m high segmental wall seated on a rigid
foundation and reinforced with a typical PET reinforcement material. The K-stiffness method was shown
to capture the trend towards a trapezoidal distribution
of reinforcement loads with increasing wall height,
while being slightly conservative (i.e., safer for design).
An important implication of the results of this numerical
investigation to wall performance and design is that the horizontal toe of a reinforced soil segmental retaining wall can
significantly contribute to the resistance against horizontal
earth loads developed behind a structural facing under operational conditions (i.e., working stress conditions). The required toe resistance is available from interface shear
capacity developed between the base of the modular block
facing and a concrete or crushed stone levelling pad. This
contribution is ignored in current design methods (e.g.,
AASHTO 2002) and partially explains the overestimation of
reinforcement loads and the more uniform distribution of
load observed in instrumented walls. This constraint can
also be considered to be available at collapse of the structure
if sufficient surcharge loading can be applied. However, the
tests at RMC and the numerical modelling described herein
demonstrate that an ultimate limit state defined by a contig-
uous failure zone through the reinforced soil will occur well
before these walls collapse due to reinforcement pullout or
rupture. This internal ultimate (failure) limit state has been
introduced in the K-stiffness method (e.g., Allen et al. 2003;
Bathurst et al. 2008b).
The focus of this investigation has been on walls under
working stress conditions. This emphasis has been prompted
in part because loads due to working stress (operational)
conditions are assumed in current reliability-based design
(load and resistance factor design (LRFD)) in North America (e.g., Canadian Geotechnical Society (CSA) 2006;
AASHTO 2009). Hence, analytical methods and numerical
models that can accurately predict reinforcement loads under
operational conditions are of great interest to develop data
for rigorous LRFD calibration.
The empirical-based K-stiffness method was developed by
fitting to measured reinforcement loads in instrumented fullscale walls and is demonstrated to better capture the qualitative trends in the numerical results and the magnitude of
predicted loads. It should be noted that the database of fullscale walls used to calibrate the K-stiffness method did not
include any of the RMC walls that were used to verify the
numerical model in this investigation. Hence, this study is
an independent verification of the K-stiffness method.
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Huang et al.
Fig. 17. Influence of (constant) toe stiffness on maximum reinforcement loads and comparison with predictions using AASHTO (2002)
simplified method and K-stiffness method (Bathurst et al. 2008b) for
wall with PET reinforcement (H = 6 m, Sv = 0.6 m, u = 88).
Fig. 18. Influence of normal load-dependent toe stiffness and wall height
on maximum reinforcement loads and comparison with predictions
using K-stiffness method (Bathurst et al. 2008b) for wall with PET reinforcement (Sv = 0.6 m, u = 88, toe stiffness values from Fig. 7).
An important implication of this investigation to good
construction practice is that the wall toe should be embedded (this is typical design practice), good contact be developed at the base of the wall facing column and the
concrete or granular levelling pad or a mechanical shear
key be located between the bottom block and a concrete
Direct interface shear testing has shown that adequate
shear resistance is available to develop significant toe resistance provided the levelling pad or footing is seated on a
rigid or very stiff foundation. In practice, the bottom of retaining walls is typically embedded and can provide passive
earth resistance according to classical notions of earth pressure theory. This potential additional toe capacity under
working stress conditions has not been investigated in this
study, particularly if the mobilized passive resistance is removed by excavation over the life of the structure. However,
our work shows that significant toe restraint can be generated by friction alone between the bottom of the concrete
wall and the concrete toe or levelling pad. The presence of
passive fill in front of the wall may not be an issue because
the lateral deformations required to fully mobilize passive
resistance in front of the embedded toe are likely larger
than the deformation required to fully mobilize base shear
resistance. In our physical direct shear tests, the deformation
required to fully mobilize base shear resistance was only
2 mm. Nevertheless, this issue requires further investigation.
It is possible that, if poorer quality aggregate is used for
the levelling pad and (or) more compliant foundation conditions are present, the effective horizontal toe stiffness available at the base of the wall may be less than that determined
from the laboratory shear tests reported in this paper. The
influence of foundation compressibility on wall performance
is currently under investigation by the authors.
The work reported in this paper was supported by grants
to the second author from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, the Ministry
of Transportation of Ontario, the Department of National
Defence (Canada), and the following state departments of
transportation in the USA: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon,
Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
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