Journal of Academic and Business Ethics
External funding: Impact on promotion and retention of STEM
assistant professors
Estelle McGroarty
Michigan State University
Tiffeny R. Jimenez
National Louis University
Jodi Linley
Michigan State University
Yue Li
Miami University
Paulette Granberry-Russell
Michigan State University
Karen Patricia Williams
Michigan State University
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the relationship of external funding
on the recruitment and retention of assistant professors in STEM disciplines and gender
differences in the link between funding and promotion and retention. The external funding
patterns of two cohorts of recently hired science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) assistant professors at a major research university were collected and differential
outcomes of grant success by gender were measured, as well as gender differences in the
correlation between grant activity and reappointment, promotion and tenure (RPT) and retention.
The study found significant gender differences in grant submissions, average number and
size of awards, and percentage of grants submitted to federal agencies in the first cohort, but not
the second. Grant activity during the first cohort’s second probationary period was significantly
correlated with RPT for both men and women, but there were no correlations between grant
activity and RPT during the first probationary period. Also, women submitted proposals as the
lead principal investigator less often than men, and the average number of co-investigators was
higher on proposals submitted by women, compared to men. This framework will allow the
institution in this analysis to regularly monitor early career faculty and measure links between
grant activity and RPT. Results can be used to mentor early career faculty and address specific
issues that improve faculty success. This framework might be applied to other research-intensive
institutions which hold similar expectations regarding external funding of STEM faculty.
Keywords: STEM, gender, grant funding, promotion, tenure, retention
Copyright statement: Authors retain the copyright to the manuscripts published in AABRI
journals. Please see the AABRI Copyright Policy at
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There has been widespread interest recently in understanding and increasing women’s
participation and success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers,
especially in the academic sciences (National Academy of Sciences, 2007). One thread of
research about women’s participation in the professoriate is the promotion and tenure process
and potential barriers in the process for women faculty. An important evaluation criterion
associated with faculty reappointment, promotion and tenure (RPT) at research-intensive
universities is the level of effort in applying for and success in securing external grant funding to
support research and scholarship. A recent study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
suggested there are differences in the number of research grants submitted and awarded, as well
as the size of the awards, based on gender of the principal investigator(s) (Pohlhaus, Jiang,
Wagner, Schaffer, & Pinn, 2011). Since success in external funding is known to have a
significant impact on RPT, the present study was initiated to examine the grant activity of
assistant professors and differences by gender, as well as the correlation between grant activity
and RPT.
In this introduction, the relevant literature is discussed to present the case for studying
women faculty’s external funding patterns. Three areas of existing research influenced the
hypotheses and design of this study: the relationship between research and RPT, gender
differences in grant activity, and gender differences in retention and promotion. After reviewing
literature across these three areas, three propositions were defined for exploration in this study.
The Relationship between Research and Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
Research-intensive universities have historically fulfilled a basic science service for the
United States (Geiger, 2005). U.S. universities perform approximately 56 percent of the nation’s
basic research (Association of American Universities, 2011). As such, the federal government
financially supports approximately 60 percent of research conducted at universities (Association
of American Universities, 2011). Most research-intensive universities have a tripartite mission
of teaching, research, and service. All three of these responsibilities play a role in faculty
evaluation and whether or not a faculty member secures tenure; however, the importance of
research in the RPT process should not be understated.
Grantsmanship can easily be argued to be an important prerequisite to engaging in the
research productivity necessary to obtain promotion and tenure in research-intensive institutions.
However, a focus on the process of submitting or being awarded grant funding and its
relationship to acquisition of tenure has not been adequately explored in the literature (Collins,
1993). The literature on this topic mainly discusses RPT as a reward structure developed and
maintained by institutions in order to promote research productivity among faculty (Collins,
1993; Fox, 1983; Holley, 1977), and some literature has determined that the relationship is
unclear, whether correlational, causal, or lacking specified direction at all (Collins, 1993).
Despite this uncertainty, Schuster and Finkelstein (2006) established that research is a core
component of faculty evaluation within research-intensive institutions. These scholars found
ample evidence that “at those institutions that expect more of their faculty than being instructors,
the rewards of research are significant” and come in the form of tenure and salary, and research
productivity (Schuster & Finkelstein, 2006, p. 270). Although the criteria used for evaluating
research productivity are usually not explicitly stated, the value of research is typically based on
a combination of the quantity and quality of outputs such as publications and intellectual
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property (Collins, 1993; Comm & Mathaisel, 1998; Englebrecht, Iyer, & Patterson, 1994; Fox,
1983; Holley, 1977; Reis, 1997). The studies to date, however, do not show if there are specific
patterns in research grant activity for early career faculty during their probationary periods and
specifically if there are correlations regarding grant activity during the probationary years with
RPT that could be used to guide early career faculty.
Gender Differences in Grant Activity
Several studies have noted gender differences in the numbers of applications for and
award of research grants. Waisbren et al. (2008) found gender differences among Harvard
Medical School faculty in terms of the number of applications, success rate, and amounts
requested, particularly in the lower academic ranks, with men submitting and receiving more and
larger grants than women. Gordon, Osganian, Emans, and Lovejoy (2009) found similar gender
differences in grant activity as early as residency among the pediatric physicians they studied.
Another study (Pohlhaus, Jiang, Wagner, Schaffer, & Pinn, 2011) noted that men were awarded
more NIH Research Project Grants (R01s) than women at all points in their careers. Similar
results were reported by Boyer (2007), who found that, among faculty at U.S. two-year
institutions, women faculty were significantly less likely than their male counterparts to secure
grants. There were no studies found, however, that monitored the gender differences in grant
activity, including grant submission and success, for faculty during their probationary period.
Gender Differences in Retention and Promotion
Several studies have explored gender differences in STEM faculty success, as measured
by retention and promotion with tenure (Bonawitz & Andel, 2009; Brockopp, Isaacs, Bischoff, &
Millerd, 2006; Kaminski & Geisler, 2012; National Academy of Sciences, 2007).
As noted in Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic
Science and Engineering, women employed in 1995 as untenured, tenure-track science,
engineering, and social science faculty at research-intensive institutions were more likely than
men not to be retained in the academy in 2001 (2.5% of women and 0.6% of men) (National
Academy of Sciences, 2007). Additionally, data showed that women in their analyses “were less
likely to have received tenure in 2001 than corresponding men (56.3% of women and 61.6% of
men)” (National Academy of Sciences, 2007, p. 91).
Bonawitz and Andel (2009) noted that the “number of women who are tenured to full
professorships have not kept pace with women’s growing inclusion in the academy” (p. 2) and
this is true beyond STEM disciplines. They found that women faculty earn lower salaries than
equivalent men, and publish fewer journal articles and books, which has implications for tenure
since research productivity is highly valued in the RPT process (Bonawitz & Andel, 2009).
Brockopp et al. (2006) reported related findings of “evaluation inequities” linked to women’s
scholarship as compared to men’s (p. 255).
In contrast, Kaminski and Geisler (2012) found that overall, men and women faculty in
science and engineering disciplines at fourteen public universities were retained and promoted in
the academy at the same rate, with one major exception. In mathematics, they found a stark
contrast between the retention of men and women. In that discipline, women left significantly
sooner than men, after an average 4.45 years compared with 7.33 years (Kaminski & Geisler,
2012). These authors posited that gender disparity among science and engineering faculty can be
traced to differential application rates. “Once women apply for or are in consideration for a
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career move, they are equally likely to succeed, but they are often not in the pool” (Kaminski &
Geisler, 2012, p. 864).
Women’s absence from the pool is not a matter of education or preparation. In 2010,
women earned 55% of the life sciences doctorates, 29.5% of the doctorates in physical sciences,
and 23.1% of the engineering doctorates (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,
2012). However, as of 2003, women were less likely to be employed as tenured or tenure-track
faculty at research institutions than masters-granting institutions and medical schools (National
Science Foundation, 2008).
In summary, while the gender differences in the success of STEM faculty as measured
by retention and promotion, have been studied, the specific changes that occur in grant activity
that correlate with success during the probationary period have not been studied in detail.
Research Questions
Given the wide range of studies related to gender, research and grant activity, and RPT,
this study sought to explore these relationships at a major Midwest university.
The overarching question of this study was: how successful are early career women
faculty in STEM disciplines at this institution compared to men faculty in these disciplines, as
measured by retention and promotion? The study explores the extent to which faculty success is
related to research grant awards, and whether differences exist between men and women in their
probationary periods and at the time of tenure review.
Existing literature and interest in the experiences of pre-tenured faculty at this institution
led to the development of three broad propositions for the study. As the first research question,
this study asked if there are differences between pre-tenure women and men in their grant
activity (number of submissions, number of awards, size of awards, award agency) during the
pre-tenure period. Research Question 2 asks if there is a correlation between grant activity and
RPT, and if the correlation differs for women and men. Research question 3 asks if there are
gender differences in the composition of principal investigators (single, co-investigators) on
grants submitted by and awarded to pre-tenured faculty.
Research Setting
This research study was commissioned by Advancing Diversity through the Alignment of
Policies and Practices (ADAPP), an ADVANCE Institutional Transformation initiative funded
by the National Science Foundation to Michigan State University. The ADAPP project was
designed to promote a more inclusive work environment for STEM women at Michigan State
University (MSU). ADAPP seeks to increase the numbers of women faculty recruited; improve
their retention and advancement; and improve the climate for STEM women. These goals
address issues that have been identified as barriers for women in STEM disciplines both
nationally and at MSU. The intent of the present study was to determine whether or not there are
gender differences in early career faculty retention and promotion and the role of grant success in
promotion and tenure decisions. The study asks if there were defined associations or correlations
that were gender related. Although the results do not build a predicative model, the analyses
may inform the institution on approaches for improving success of early career faculty, and
potentially establish a method of monitoring early career data with institutional data analysis.
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This study may also inform a larger audience of research-intensive universities and provide a
model for institutional data analysis that can be carried out on other campuses.
At the institution of study, an assistant professor newly hired into the tenure system is
appointed for an initial probationary period of four years. During the first probationary period,
much of the research support for new faculty is provided through start-up funds. Reappointment
for an additional three year probationary period is based primarily on the activities of the
previous three years. Faculty reappointed for a second probationary period are normally
evaluated for promotion with tenure during the third year of the second probationary period, or
the seventh year following their initial appointment. Some assistant professors are evaluated for
promotion earlier than their seventh year. Also, extensions of the probationary periods can be
requested but may require approval at the unit, college and central administration levels. Since
newly appointed assistant professors are evaluated at the end of the two probationary periods, for
this study, grant activity of faculty was evaluated during their first probationary period, e.g., the
activities in their first three years of appointment, separate from their second probationary
period, years four through seven following their initial appointment. Those two sets of faculty
activities were then correlated with their ultimate promotion (attained associate professor status
by year seven) and retention (were still employed at the institution in year seven). A correction
was not made for faculty who were granted leaves that extended their probationary periods, nor
were faculty who were promoted early considered separate from their cohort. The study did not
consider formal evaluations resulting in non-reappointment or denial of promotion/tenure since
early career faculty who are not making sufficient progress are often counseled about their lack
of progress and leave the university without a formal evaluation. However the number of faculty
not retained for either reason were measured as an aggregate and analyzed.
Between 2001 and 2011, total external grant funding at the study institution increased
significantly. During that period, the institution saw changes in research infrastructure and
support. Several colleges started pre-award research offices to assist faculty in identifying and
submitting grant applications. Some colleges modified their new faculty appointment letters to
explicitly describe research expectations. In 2007, the faculty start-up process for all colleges
was rationalized to allow for more consistency in the criteria for allocating faculty research startup funds to colleges. This change provided faculty with more clearly defined research
expectations for promotion and tenure, placing a strong emphasis on external funding. During
this ten year period, the university facilitated the practice of faculty cluster hires and hiring more
mid-career and senior faculty with existing research programs, in an effort to increase mentoring
of assistant professors as well as to enhance existing research strengths and catalyze new areas of
research. Together, the changes that took place between 2001 and 2011 likely influenced the
transparency of understanding of research expectations and activity among pre-tenuretenured
Study Design and Analyses
The faculty members included in this study were assistant professors hired by nine STEM
colleges between 2001 and 2009 (451 total faculty). Information about these faculty members
obtained from the Human Resources office of the institution included gender, race/ethnicity, and
retention and promotion status as of October, 2011. The gender distribution in this pool was
40% women, 60% men. The pool was separated into two cohorts: cohort one included assistant
professors hired between 2001 and 2005 (45%; used to analyze promotion/retention in 2011) and
cohort two included assistant professors hired between 2006 and 2009 (55%). To better
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understand the demographic representation within each cohort, the racial/ethnic distribution of
faculty was defined. In cohort one, twenty-seven (13%) were from racial groups
underrepresented in the STEM disciplines (African American, Hispanic/Latino, American
Indian). Forty-one (20%) of the faculty in this cohort were Asian or Other Pacific Islander, and
one hundred thirty-three (66%) were White. In cohort two, twenty-seven (9%) were from racial
groups underrepresented in the STEM disciplines (African American, Hispanic/Latino,
American Indian). Sixty-four (22%) faculty members in this cohort were Asian or Other Pacific
Islander, and one hundred ninety-four (68%) were White.
For this pool of faculty, data on grants submitted and awarded were obtained from the
institution’s Office of Sponsored Programs’ database. The data included information on grants
submitted and awarded each year for each faculty member in the pool. For cohort one, the grant
activity was separated into two time periods: 1) grants submitted and awarded in the first three
years of appointment, called probationary period one, which is the period included in the
reappointment review, and 2) grants submitted and awarded in years four through seven
following the start of their appointment, up to the point of the promotion/tenure decision for most
faculty, called probationary period two. In the initial data requisition, data were collected by
faculty member. Data included number of grants submitted, award status, awarded amount, and
granting agency (federal or not federal). From these data, for each faculty cohort and for each of
the probationary periods, the average of the total number of grants submitted and awarded was
determined, the average percentage of grants submitted that were awarded was calculated, and
the average percentage of grants submitted that were to federal agencies was analyzed. In
addition, the total amount of grant funds awarded over the two time periods was determined as
was the average number of years that the faculty in different groups did not submit a grant.
To analyze the gender differences in number of co-investigators on the grants, a second
data set was collected for each grant submitted between 2001-2011 on which a faculty member
from our study was the lead PI or a Co-PI. The following data were collected per grant: gender
of the lead PI (if s/he was a faculty member in the study), the award status, the total size of each
awarded grant, and the number of co-PIs on the grant.
All faculty in the pool were assigned random identification codes by personnel in the
Ohio Evaluation and Assessment Center, who are partners on this study. The connection of the
human resources data to grant data was made using this coding system. No identifiers were
maintained by the research team.
Gender Differences in Grant Activity during the Probationary Period – Addressing
Proposition 1
For assistant professors in cohort one (hired 2001-2005), there were significant gender
differences in both probationary periods (years one through three or “probationary period one,”
and years four through seven or “probationary period two”) in terms of grant submissions.
Independent samples t-tests revealed that women and men differed in the number of grants
submitted across both probationary periods. In particular, women submitted significantly fewer
grants than men during probationary period one. Similarly, the total number of grants submitted
in probationary period two by women in this cohort was significantly less than the total number
of grants submitted by men (see Table 1, Appendix).
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The numbers of years that faculty did not submit any grants within both probationary
periods were also compared by gender. In each probationary period, and cumulatively over all
seven years of their probationary periods, women averaged more years of not submitting any
grants than did men (see Table 1, Appendix).
For assistant professors in cohort two (hired 2006-2009), no statistically significant
differences were found between women and men on either the total number of grants submitted
or the number of years that faculty did not submit grants during probationary period one.
When combining the two cohorts (all assistant professors hired 2001-2009), the gender
differences were significant for both the total number of grants submitted and the number of
years that faculty did not submit any grants during probationary period one, favoring men (see
Table 1, Appendix). Women and men were also compared separately across the two cohorts,
and no statistically significant differences between women in cohorts one and two or men in
cohorts one and two were found.
In addition to the number of grants submitted, the number of grants awarded was also
analyzed across gender, probationary periods, and cohorts. In cohort one, there were no gender
differences in the total number of grants awarded or in the grant award success rate (percent of
awarded grants among all submissions) within either probationary period. However, there were
gender differences in the dollar amounts awarded for this cohort. More specifically, when only
considering those faculty who were actually awarded grants, there were statistically significant
gender differences in the total amount awarded per faculty during probationary period two
[Mwomen = $706,186, SDwomen = $770,113, Mmen = $1,202,922, SDmen = $1,235,752, t(136) = 2.94, p = .004], and in the average amount awarded per faculty per year in probationary period
one [ [Mwomen = $159,656, SDwomen = $158,114, Mmen = $389,084, SDmen = $771,353, t(101) = 2.65, p = .009]. On average, women were awarded significantly less than men during
probationary period two, as well as per year within probationary period one.
For assistant professors in cohort two, similar to their cohort one peers, there were no
gender differences in the total number of grants awarded or in the success rate (percent of
awarded grants among all submissions) within probationary period one. While no statistically
significant gender differences were observed within this cohort, when only considering those
faculty who were actually awarded grants, women were awarded less funding than men during
probationary period one in total, as well as on average per year.
Correlation between Grant Activity and RPT – Addressing Proposition 2
To evaluate the relationship between grant activity and faculty success, as defined by
retention and/or promotion, grant and human resources data were analyzed for the first cohort of
faculty in the study. Faculty members in cohort one were in the tenure system for sufficient time
to allow for evaluation of retention and promotion. First, the number of grants submitted by
faculty in probationary period one was analyzed separate from those submitted in probationary
period two. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated to show the correlations between
number of grants submitted/years without submissions and promotion and retention. Fisher’s Ztests were employed to identify gender differences between the correlations (see Table 2,
Findings revealed that the number of grants submitted during probationary period one did
not show a significant correlation with the ultimate decisions regarding promotion and retention
for either men or women. However, as expected, the correlation between the number of grants
submitted in probationary period two and promotion and retention was significant for women,
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but was significant only with retention for men. Although the number of grants submitted in
probationary period two was positively correlated with promotion for men, the correlation was
not significant. As noted previously, men in this cohort submitted significantly more grants than
women during probationary period two.
Table 2 (Appendix) also summarizes data on the correlation between not submitting
grants and promotion and retention. Similar to the analysis of total grants submitted, the average
number of years that faculty did not submit a grant showed significant negative correlations with
retention and promotion only for activity in probationary period two; this was true for both men
and women. The lack of grant submissions during probationary period one did not correlate
significantly with faculty promotion or retention for either men or women.
A second analysis was undertaken for the same cohort to identify the correlation between
the number of grants awarded and promotion and retention. Similar to the grant submission
data, Pearson’s correlation coefficients and Fisher’s Z-tests showed there was not a significant
correlation between the number of grants awarded in probationary period one with either
promotion or retention, and this was true for both men and women (see Table 2, Appendix).
However, the number of grants awarded during probationary period two showed a significant
correlation with promotion for women (the correlation with retention was not significant) and a
significant correlation with retention for men (the correlation with promotion was not
significant). Note that the grant success rate (percentage of grants submitted that were awarded)
in either probationary period showed no significant correlation with promotion or retention for
either men or women (data not shown). And finally, the total amount of grant funding awarded
to faculty in probationary period one did not correlate with promotion or tenure for either men or
women, but the size of the awards in probationary period two was significantly correlated with
retention. Note that the correlation of the total amount of grant awards with promotion in
probationary period two, while positive, was not significant for either men or women (see Table
2). Also of note, the average amount of grants awarded had no significant correlation with
promotion or retention for either men or women in probationary period one, and in probationary
period two was not significantly correlated with promotion or retention for women, and only
significantly correlated with retention (but not promotion) for men.
The results of these analyses suggest that the grant activity, as analyzed by number of
submissions and awards during probationary period one, is not correlated with promotion and
retention. However, the grant activity during probationary period two had significant bearings
for both men and women. These results imply that grant submissions and awards during
probationary period two are related to faculty success. Since roughly 60% of university research
is funded by the federal government (Association of American Universities, 2011), one metric
that bears importance in faculty evaluations in STEM disciplines is the faculty member’s
activity in seeking and securing research funding from federal agencies. To address the question
of funding agency and its correlation with RPT, an independent-sample t-test was used to look at
submission and award rates to and from federal agencies for women and men, to identify any
differences by gender. When analyzing both cohorts together, during probationary period one,
women submitted a statistically significant lower percentage of their applications to federal
agencies, compared to men. As such, significantly fewer of the awards to women were from
federal agencies compared to men. However, when analyzing the cohorts separately, the
statistically significant gender difference was only found in cohort one. For cohort two, women
submitted a lower percentage of their applications to federal agencies than men, and their
average percentage of awards from federal agencies was lower than men’s, but neither difference
was statistically significant (see Table 3, Appendix).
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For faculty in cohort one, the application rate to federal agencies changed significantly
during probationary period two. The percentage of federal grant applications by women matched
that of men during probationary period two. Similarly, the difference in percentage of awards
that were from federal agencies in probationary period two went up for women in cohort one,
and was not significantly different than the percentage awarded for men in the same cohort.
To identify the association between funding source and RPT, the correlation of the
funding agency type (federal agency or other funding sources) with promotion and retention was
analyzed for cohort one using Pearson’s correlation coefficients, followed by Fisher’s Z-tests to
identify any gender differences between the correlations. These analyses showed no correlation
between the average percentage submitted or awarded to federal agencies during probationary
period one and promotion or retention for women or men (see Table 4, Appendix). In contrast,
the type of grant submitted and awarded during probationary period two had a significant
correlation with both retention and promotion. For women in probationary period two, there was
a significant correlation between the percent of federal grant submissions and awards with both
retention and promotion, and for men this correlation was significant for retention and not for
promotion (see Table 4, Appendix).
The Composition of Principal Investigators – Addressing Proposition 3
Pre-tenure faculty use various strategies to secure funding. A common strategy is to
submit a proposal as a co-investigator (sometimes referred to as a co-principal investigator)
along with senior faculty as the lead principal investigator. This strategy was used by women
more often than men in this study. Out of all the grants submitted by women as lead PI, 68.3%
were submitted by a single PI, 24.4% were by a PI plus one to two CoPIs, and 7.2% were by a PI
and more than three CoPIs. Out of all the grants submitted by men as lead PI, 71% were
submitted by a single PI, 23.5% were by a PI plus one to two CoPIs, and 5.5% were by a PI and
more than three CoPIs. There was a significant relationship between PI’s gender and the number
of CoPIs for grants submitted (χ2 (2, n = 4806) = 6.77, p < .034), with women submitting grants
with more CoPIs than men. However, men and women PIs are awarded grants with comparable
numbers of co-PIs. Yet, since the tenure evaluation rubric varies across departments and
disciplines, receiving a grant as a co-investigator may or may not fulfill the external funding
requirement for promotion and retention. Some departments and disciplines require that junior
faculty demonstrate independence by serving as the lead principal investigator; therefore, it is
important for women faculty to understand early in their career how serving as a co-investigator
is perceived. Conversely, developing research collaboration skills could provide an advantage to
women since problem solving in science is becoming more multidisciplinary.
In this study, research question 1 asked if differences existed between women and men in
their grant activity (number of submissions, number of awards, size of awards, award agency)
during the pre-tenure period. The findings revealed that, in probationary periods one and two,
women in cohort one submitted grant applications at lower rates than men. However, during
probationary period one, women in cohort two submitted grants at the same rate as men. This
finding could be a reflection of the shift in the university’s expectations regarding the importance
of grant funding. During that period, at this institution, administrative expectations regarding the
importance of applying for grant funding became much more explicit. Additionally, there were
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no gender differences in the success rates of grants awarded, which may imply that women are
not disproportionately awarded fewer grants than men.
The second research question was whether there was a correlation between grant activity
and RPT, and if the correlation differed for women and men. The results of this analysis
indicated that grant activity, including the number of grants submitted, awarded, size and type
(federal/non-federal) showed a significant correlation with RPT and retention, but only the grant
activity in probationary period two. There were gender differences regarding the correlation of
the number of grants submitted and promotion, with the number being greater for women. This
may reflect that, in cohort one during probationary period two, women submitted significantly
fewer grants than men. Similar gender differences were seen in the importance of the number of
grants awarded and the type of grants with promotion, also reflecting the gender difference in the
numbers and types of grants awarded during probationary period two. The size of grants did not
correlate with promotion. Taken together, these findings suggest that women faculty in cohort
one were not as active as men in submitting grant applications, including those to federal
agencies, during probationary period one. Women in cohort one also submitted fewer grants in
probationary period one than the women in cohort two in probationary period one.
Interestingly, there were no differences between the men faculty in cohort one and the men
faculty in cohort two; their productivity measures were approximately the same during both
probationary periods.
The third research question asked if there were gender differences in the composition of
principal investigators (single, co-investigators) on grants submitted by and awarded to pretenure faculty at MSU. The role of being a sole principal investigator; a lead principal
investigator with co-principal investigators; and a co-principal investigator each have
implications on how quickly junior faculty are able establish their research independence. In this
study, 68% of women (compared to 71% of men) submitted external proposals as the sole
principal investigator. This group of women could have had research collaborators within the
institution of study but those collaborators may not have been elevated to the role of co-principal
investigator. Data on co-principal investigators outside the institution were not available for this
study. Additionally it was out of the scope of this project to identify the faculty ranking and
tenure status of the co-investigators.
Similar percentages of women and men (24.4% and 23.5% respectively) were principal
investigators who invited one to two faculty to be co-principal investigators. This demonstrates a
willingness to collaborate among faculty at the institution, which counts as tacit check mark
within departments and colleges. The percentages decreased to fewer than 10% among both
genders, with regard to three or more co-principal investigators. Overall, women PIs, on
average, had more co-PIs than men, suggesting that women seek larger groups of collaborators.
However, the grants awarded to women had the same number of co-PIs as grants awarded to
men, suggesting that the larger number of collaborators on applications from women may not
positively impact decisions on awards.
This study had three noteworthy limitations. First, the data available were limited by the
database capabilities of the institution used in this study, and were only able to collect data from
2001 to 2011. Consequently, the results about RPT were limited to the analysis of faculty in
cohort one. A follow-up analysis will be carried out once cohort two has reached the tenure and
promotion stage. The study has also created an institutional framework for analyzing grant
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activity, its correlation to RPT, and gender differences. Moving forward, the institution of this
study now has the methodology to collect these data at regular intervals.
The second limitation of the present study is its single institution site, which renders the
results of the study as not generalizable to the wider STEM faculty population. The
methodologies, however, are transferable, and presumably the study design can inform other
institutional studies of a similar nature. In the future, the investigators plan to engage other
universities in a larger study of grant activity and its correlation to RPT.
Third, the questions in this study were to define gender specific associations and
correlations and not to develop a predicative model. To build a predicative model would require
access to additional data that would control for other possible factors. Such an analysis would be
built on the current study.
Implications for Policy and Practice
There are several theoretical and practical approaches that can be used to assist
universities in creating a better context that supports the success of their investments - new
faculty. The implications of this study use common best practices and organizational theory to
influence the adoption and implementation of both policy and practice that can impact faculty
success. Below, we discuss the need for greater transparency in communicating institutional
expectations of faculty, the potential role of mentoring, and the importance of continuously
monitoring policy implementation.
Research, including this study, has shown that securing external funding to support one’s
research is correlated with the success of pre-tenure STEM faculty, both men and women.
Success of early career faculty in research-intensive institutions is of critical importance because
to recruit such faculty requires significant investment, and their success, as measured by grant
funding and premier publications, impacts the standing of the institution. Among the women
faculty in this study, the results indicated dramatic differences in the grant activity of women in
cohort one and those in cohort two. As previously noted, there was increased clarity at the
institution used in the study in communicating the importance of external funding for retention
and promotion in the last six years, especially in the STEM disciplines. This greater clarity may
have had a differential influence on women faculty, and additional studies should be carried out
to determine if clarifying expectations and communicating them transparently to all early career
faculty might alter and improve their success. This study identified a difference in women
faculty’s efforts to secure external funding in the time period when those expectations were made
more transparent.
Through use of a continuous change framework to monitor the implementation of
policies and practices, including RPT, the university can more intentionally be transparent and
consistent in evaluating faculty (Weick & Quinn, 1999). This study has established an inquiry
framework for one institution that will allow for regular monitoring of faculty by cohort, and any
correlations between their grant activity and promotion and retention. Any future concerns
raised by regular monitoring can be addressed in a timely fashion. Additionally, we suggest that
monitoring and evaluation by assessing faculty perceptions about institutional policies and
practices could be added to future studies. Questions about transparency and clarity in
expectations could be used to measure any changes over time.
Overall, universities struggle with the same leadership support and development issues as
other organizations – how to best support the future innovators and leaders. Implications of this
study include transparency, clarity, mentoring, and continuous organizational learning and
External funding, page 11
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evaluation. The results of this study may not directly apply more broadly to other researchintensive institutions. However, most research-intensive institutions hold similar expectations of
their STEM faculty and may wish to consider how the creation and continuing analysis of
policies and practices related to early career faculty could enhance success.
Support for this study came from the Michigan State University ADVANCE grant,
National Science Foundation award #0811205. The authors thank the staff of the MSU Office
for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives for their assistance in securing human resource data,
staff in the MSU Office of Sponsored Programs for providing grant data, and Rene Stewart
O’Neal, Planning Director, MSU Office of Planning and Budgets, for providing context for
institutional changes and relevant policies and procedures, as well as providing feedback on the
manuscript. Additionally, the guidance and support of Sarah Woodruff, Director of Ohio’s
Evaluation & Assessment Center for Mathematics and Science Education was appreciated.
Lastly, Ann Austin and James Fairweather, both professors of higher, adult, and lifelong
education, are acknowledged and thanked for reading and providing feedback on this study.
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Table 1 Number of Grants Submitted and Number of Years Without Submission by
Gender, Assistant Professors Across Cohorts
Cohort 1: Total
number of grants
period 1
Cohort 1:Total
number of grants
period 2
Cohort 1: Total
number of years
not submitting
any grant,
period 1
Cohort 1: Total
number of years
not submitting
any grant,
period 2
Cohort 1: Total
number of years
not submitting
any grant across
Cohort 2: Total
number of grants
period 1
Cohort 2: Total
number of years
not submitting
any grant,
period 1
Combined: Total
External funding, page 14
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number of grants
period 1
Combined: Total
number of years
not submitting
any grant,
period 1
* p < .05, ** p < .01
Table 2 Cohort 1: Correlation between number of grants submitted / years without
submissions / number of grants awarded / amounts of awards and promotion and retention
by gender
Women (N = 79)
Men (N = 122)
Number of grants submitted probationary period 1
Number of grants submitted probationary period 2
.313 **
.262 *
.263 **
Number of years not submitting any grant
probationary period 1
Number of years not submitting any grant
probationary period 2
-.380 ***
-.530 ***
-.305 ***
-.520 ***
Number of years not submitting any grant years
-.358 ***
-.351 **
-.213 *
-.366 ***
Number of grants awarded probationary period 1
Number of grants awarded probationary period 2
.250 *
.181 *
Total amount awarded per faculty probationary
period 1 (including 0 submissions)
Total amount awarded per faculty probationary
period 2 (including 0 submissions)
.269 *
.351 ***
Average amount awarded per faculty per year,
probationary period 1 (including 0 submissions)
Average amount awarded per faculty per year,
probationary period 2 (including 0 submissions)
.296 ***
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
External funding, page 15
Journal of Academic and Business Ethics
Table 3 Average percentage of grants submitted to and awarded from federal agencies
by gender
Cohorts 1 & 2: Avg % of total
grants submitted that were to federal
agencies, probationary period 1
Cohorts 1 & 2: Avg % of total
grants awarded that were from
federal agencies, probationary
period 1
Cohort 1: Avg % of total grants
submitted that were to federal
agencies, probationary period 1
Cohort 1: Avg % of total grants
submitted that were to federal
agencies, probationary period 2
Cohort 1: Avg % of total grants
awarded that were from federal
agencies, probationary period 1
Cohort 1: Avg % of total grants
awarded that were from federal
agencies, probationary period 2
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
Table 4 Cohort 1: Correlation between percentage of federal grants submitted and awarded
and promotion and retention, by gender
Avg % of federal grants submitted
probationary period 1
Women (N = 79)
Men (N = 122)
Avg % of federal grants submitted
probationary period 2
.285 *
.267 *
.242 **
Avg % of federal grants awarded
probationary period 1
Avg % of federal grants awarded
probationary period 2
.341 **
.259 *
.304 ***
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001
External funding, page 16