VLDB Journal 4, 445-492 (1995), Malcolm Atkinson, Editor
TIGUKAT: A Uniform Behavioral Objectbase
Management System
M. Tamer Ozsu, Randal Peters, Duane Szafron, Boman Irani,
Anna Lipka, and Adriana Mufioz
Received June, 1993;revised version received, May, 1994; accepted March, 1995.
Abstract. We describe the TIGUKAT objectbase management system, which is
under development at the Laboratory for Database Systems Research at the University of Alberta. TIGUKAT has a novel object model, whose identifying characteristics include a purely behavioral semantics and a uniform approach to objects.
Everything in the system, including types, classes, collections, behaviors, and functions, as well as meta-information, is a first-class object with well-defined behavior.
In this way, the model abstracts everything, including traditional structural notions
such as instance variables, method implementation, and schema definition, into
a uniform semantics of behaviors on objects. Our emphasis in this article is on
the object model, its implementation, the persistence model, and the query language. We also (briefly) present other database management functions that are
under development such as the query optimizer, the version control system, and
the transaction manager.
Key Words. Objectbase management, database management, reflective system,
persistent storage system.
1. Introduction
The penetration of data management technology into new application areas with
m o r e demanding requirements than business data processing has generated a search
for appropriate data models and system architectures to support these requirements.
Some examples of these application areas are engineering design systems, knowledge
base system applications, office information systems, and multimedia systems. It is
now commonly accepted that relational database management systems (DBMSs),
M. Tamer 0zsu, Ph.D., is Professor,
[email protected], RandalPeters, Ph.D., was graduate student, Duane Szafron,
Ph.D., is Associate Professor, Bornan Irani, M.Sc., Anna Lipka, M.Sc., and Adriana Mufioz, M.Sc., were graduate
students, Laboratory for Database Systems Research Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. R. Peters is now Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba, B. Irani and A.
Mufloz are with Bell Northern Research, and A. Lipka is a Ph.D. candidate at University of Toronto.
with their flat representation of data, do not have sufficient power to fulfill these
requirements. The fundamental difficulty relates to the recognized semantic mismatch between the entities that are commonly encountered in these application
domains and the representation provided by the underlying DBMS.
Object-oriented technology is the topic of intense study as the major candidate to
successfully meet the requirements of advanced applications that use data management services. At the Laboratory for Database Systems Research at the University of
Alberta, we are engaged in the design and development of an objectbase management
system (OBMS) 1 called TIGUKAT, 2 which follows object-oriented methodology in
its own design. Consequently, all database functionality is incorporated within an
extensible object model. In this article, we provide a general overview of TIGUKAT
with special emphasis on its object model, its implementation, and the persistence
model. Some of the novel features of TIGUKAT are the following:
1. It has a purely behavioral object model where the user (a person or an
application program) interacts with the system only by applying behaviors
to objects. In this way, full abstraction of modeled entities is accomplished,
since the users do not have to differentiate between attributes and methods.
2. Its object model is uniform. Everything in the system, including types, classes,
collections, behaviors, functions, and meta-information, is a first-class object
with well-defined behavior. Thus, there is no separation between objects and
values, so the schema information is a natural part of the database that can
be queried just like other objects.
3. This uniformity extends to other system entities (e.g., queries, transactions,
views) which are treated as objects that can be created, stored, manipulated,
and queried like any other object,
Two different approaches have been followed in the development of OBMSs. The
first is to adopt the type system of an object-oriented programming language as
the object model of the OBMS. For example, ObjectStore (Lamb et al., 1991)
adopts the type system of C+ + (Stroustrup, 1986), while Gemstone (Butterworth
et al., 1991) follows the type system of Smalltalk (Goldberg and Robson, 1983).
The second alternative is what is known as language-independent or generic object
models where the OBMS defines its own object model, and appropriate mappings
are provided from languages to this object model. TIGUKAT follows the second
1. We prefer to use the terms "objectbase"and "objectbasemanagementsystem,"rather than the more
popular "object-orienteddatabase" and "object-orienteddatabase managementsystem,"since not only
data in the traditionalsenseare managed,but objectsin general,whichincludesthingslikecode in addition
to data.
2. TIGUKAT(tee-goo-kat)is a term in the languageof the CanadianInuit people meaning"objects."The
Canadian Inuits, commonlyknown as Eskimos, are native to Canada with an ancestryoriginatingin the
Arctic regionsof the country.
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Figure 1. TIGUKAT System Architecture
r~ ~
7 <~TQL~::7'
"TDL! ~'
• : -lnterraces
,Compiler . .
,;. J...,.
Quer y ~:
approach as does, for example, 02 (Deux et al., 1991). A database programming
language is being designed, which is tightly integrated with the TIGUKAT object
model. In addition, mappings will be provided from other programming languages.
TIGUKAT is an experimental system that is under constant development and
revision. We have, therefore, chosen to follow an extensible system design approach.
The uniformity of the model, which treats all system entities as objects, is the basis
of TIGUKAT's extensibility. The general architecture of the system is depicted
in Figure 1. To date, most of the development and implementation work has
concentrated on the object model, the query model, and the implementation of
query languages. The architectural framework of the query optimizer also has
been developed (Mufioz, 1993); the details of the optimizer (e.g., the full set of
transformation rules, and the detailed cost functions) have yet to be implemented,
The organization of this article is as follows. Section 2 provides an overview
of the TIGUKAT object model, presenting the primitive type system. We include
an example database application design to demonstrate the features of TIGUKAT.
Section 3 describes some of the more important implementation design decisions and
the approach we have taken. This is followed, in Section 4, with a description of the
persistence model of TIGUKAT. Section 5 presents the query model with emphasis
on the user-level languages. (A more detailed description of the object and query
models are given in Peters et al., 1993a, Peters, 1994.) In Section 6, we provide a brief.
overview of our approach to providing the common database management functions
such as query optimization, version management and transaction management. In
Section 7, we end with a discussion of our future research directions.
2. Object Model
The TIGUKAT object model is defined behaviorally with a uniform object semantics.
The model is behavioral in the sense that all access and manipulation of objects
occurs through the application of behaviors (operations) on objects. The model is
uniform in that every concept within the model has the status of a first-class object.
Uniformity in TIGUKAT is similar to the approaches of DAPLEX (Shipman,
1981) and its object-oriented counterpart OODAPLEX (Dayal, 1989). However,
our definition of uniformity is complete in that it unconditionally extends over
all forms of information, including the system components such as the schema,
meta-information, query model, query optimizer, view manager, and transaction
manager. We adopt another significant aspect of these models: their functional
approach to defining behaviors. TIGUKAT enhances this approach by providing a
separation of behavior, which is a semantic notion, from function, which is a means
of implementing behavioral semantics.
The TIGUKAT model defines a number of primitive objects that include: atomic
entities (e.g., reals, integers, strings); types for defining common features of objects;
behaviors for specifying the semantics of the operations that may be performed on
objects; functions for specifying the implementations of behaviors over various types; 3
classes for the automatic classification of objects based on their type; 4 collections for
supporting general, heterogeneous, user-definable groupings of objects; and higherlevel constructs to uniformly represent meta-information (i.e., schema) as objects
with well-defined behavior. This last feature gives the system reflective capabilities
(Peters and t)zsu, 1993).
The primitive type system of TIGUKAT is shown in Figure 2 with the type
T_object as the root of the lattice, and type T_null as the base. The type T_null
defines objects that can be returned by behaviors when no other result is known
(e.g., null, undefined). These are necessary because the result of every behavior
application in TIGUKAT must be a reference to an object. There are no dangling
references in TIGUKAT.
As a notational convenience, the prefix T_ refers to a type, C_ refers to a class, L_
refers to a collection, B_ refers to a behavior, and F_ refers to a function. Each prefix
also has its own font variation for the string following it. For example, T _ c i t y is a
type reference, C_eity is a class reference, L_historieSites is a collection reference,
B_population is a behavior reference, F_calcPopulation is a function reference, and a
3. Ass•ciati•nsbetweenbehavi•rsandfuncti•nsf•rmthesupp•rtmechanismf•r•ver••adingandlatebinding of behaviors.
4. Typesand classes are separate constructsin TIGUKAT.
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Figure 2. Primitive type system of TIGUKAT
T_collecfion~ o l l e c t i o n - c l a s s
~ T_behavior
~ T_function )
f r booie )
T_real ~
T_integer ~
T natural
reference such as Edmonton without any prefix represents some other applicationspecific object reference.
2.1 Behaviors and Functions
The access and manipulation of objects occurs exclusively through the application
of behaviors. This is similar to the message-based approach of Smalltalk (Goldberg
and Robson, 1983) and OODAPLEX (Dayal, 1989). Appendix A lists the signatures
for the native behaviors defined by the primitive types of Figure 2.
We separate the definition of a behavior from its possible implementations,
which are represented by TIGUKAT functions (corresponding to methods in other
models). The benefit of this approach is that common behaviors over different types
can have a different implementation in each of the types (known as overloading
the behavior). This gives the model the ability to dynamically bind behaviors to
implementations at run time (known as late-binding).
There are two kinds of implementations for behaviors. One is a computed
function, which consists of runtime calls to executable code, and the other is a
stored function, which is a reference to an existing object in the objectbase. Stored
functions eliminate the need for instance variables, which limit reuse (Wirfs-Brock
and Wilkerson, 1989b). The uniformity of TIGUKAT conceptually transforms each
behavioral application into the invocation of a function, regardless of whether the
function is stored or computed. This allows designers to concentrate on semantic
responsibilities rather than on data attributes (Wirfs-Brock and Wilkerson, 1989a).
For example, the type designer is free to develop a purely behavioral specification of
a type while the type implementor decides whether the behaviors are implemented
by stored or computed functions.
The semantic definition of a behavior has many forms. A simple approach,
common in other models, is a signature expression, consisting of a behavior name,
parameter types, and a return type. Signatures are useful and necessary for describing
the semantics of behaviors, but they are inadequate for characterizing the full
semantics. For now, we assume that a proper semantic specification mechanism
exists. In the current model design, a behavior is specified only by its signature.
However, the extensibility of the model makes it easy to incorporate a more complete
semantic specification when one is developed. The only extension required is to
modify the implementation of the B_semantics behavior on T_behavior to correspond
to the new, more complete semantics. We currently are investigating specification
techniques and denotational semantics as a complete semantic description mechanism
for behaviors.
Behaviors are applied to objects. The application of a behavior, say B_population,
to an object, say Edmonton, using some arguments, say al, ... ,an, can be denoted
by (B_population(Edmonton))(al .... ,an) or by use of the dot notation Edmonton.B_population (al, .,. ,an). In either case, the object Edmonton is called the
receiver of the behavior.
Behaviors are instances of the type T_behavior and functions are instances of
the type T_function. We use an arrow "--~" in function type specifications, and we
curry multiple argument functions. A function type is of the form A ~ Tg where
A represents the argument type expression of the function, and 7~ represents the
result type. In general, the argument and result types may be any type specification,
including a function type. Then, by currying, multiple argument functions may be
As defined in more detail in Section 2.3, types are related to each other via
subtyping (also referred to as behavioral inheritance). A behavior defined on a type
T_x is inherited in the type if and only if the behavior is defined in a supertype
of T_x. A behavior defined on a type T_x is native in the type if and only if the
behavior is not defined in any supertype of T_x.
Inherited behaviors do not necessarily borrow their implementation from their
supertypes (although this can be set as the system default). Therefore, we define
a separate reuse mechanism for implementations called implementation inheritance.
An implementation of a behavior in a type T_x is inherited if and only if the
behavior is inherited and the function implementing the behavior in T x is the same
as a function implementing the behavior in a supertype of T_x. Otherwise, the
implementation of the behavior is redefined (or oven,idden) in T_x.
TIGUKAT supports multiple subtyping. However, the separation of behaviors
from functions introduces the need for separating: behavioral inheritance from
functional inheritance, and for defining separate conflict resolution schemes for
both. Implementation inheritance conflicts are resolved using an approach similar
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-BehavioralObjectbase Management System
to the one used in Modular Smalltalk (Wirfs-Brock and Wilkerson, 1988). Specifically,
it is an error for a type to inherit two different implementations (i.e., two instances
of T_function) for the same inherited behavior. The error is resolved by explicitly
redefining5 the T_function for that behavior. Note that one choice for redefinition
is one of the two conflicting T functions. No separate mechanism is required to
solve inheritance conflicts between instance variables, because there are no instance
variables. Stored function conflicts are resolved in the same uniform manner as
computed function conflicts. Furthermore, in the context of a complete behavioral
semantics, there are no behavioral inheritance conflicts. That is, the inherited
behavior in the multiple supertypes will be semantically equivalent or not. When
they are equal, only one behavior is defined in the subtype. When they are not
equal, multiple behaviors are defined in the subtype.
2.2 Objects
An object is a fundamental primitive in TIGUKAT because the conceptual level
of the model deals uniformly with objects. Objects are defined as unique (identi~
state) pairs where identity represents a unique, immutable system-managed object
identity (or OID), and state represents the information carried by the object. There
are system defined mappings OID(o) and state(o) that accept an object o and return
the OID or state of o, respectively. These are internal mappings used only by
the system, and are not visible to the user. The existence of unique OIDs does
not preclude application environments such as object programming languages from
having many references (or denotations) to objects, which need not necessarily be
unique and may even change, depending on the scoping rules of the application.
In TIGUKAT, every object can be viewed as a composite object, meaning that
every object has references/relationships (not necessarily implemented as pointers)
to other objects. These other objects are returned as results of behavior applications,
but it does not matter whether the behaviors are implemented by stored or computed
functions. For example, even integers are composite objects since they have behaviors
that return objects.
Object existence, access, and manipulation in TIGUKAT is based on the notions
of reference, scope, and lifetime. This is similar to other model proposals (e.g.,
Kent, 1990; Snyder, 1990; Fong et al., 1991) in that the only user-expressible
representation of an object is a reference within a particular scope. A scope defines
the visibility, access paths, and lifetime of object references. The lifetime of an
object is independent of the lifetime of a reference to that object within a particular
scope. That is, when a reference to an object disappears at the end of a scope,
the object being referenced does not necessarily disappear along with it. This can
depend on the definition of the scope, and the persistence of the object. From the
database perspective, there is also the issue of explicit deletions and the dangling
5. Redefinition may be the explicit writing of a new function or simply choosing an existing function.
reference problem that follows. That is, when an object is explicitly deleted, all
references to that object should no longer point to the object and somehow be
invalidated. In TIGUKAT, every behavior application is a reference to an object.
Thus, we do not invalidate references, but rather biind them to an object whose
type is T_null. That is, when an object is explicitly deleted, the object is changed
to an instance of type T_null (called undefined), so that all references to it remain
valid. Garbage collection is used to reclaim the storage of deleted objects. The
deletion semantics is explained in more detail in Section 4 since a similar approach
is used when a persistent object is made transient. The similarity stems from the fact
that subsequent programs will not see the persistent object that was made transient
and it will appear as though the Object was deleted. Another condition for object
deletion and storage reclamation is if an object no longer has references through
its class.
Operations on objects are performed through behaviors, and object access is
specified through references. Therefore, an operation on an object reference in a
particular scope represents the application of a behavior to the actual object that
is referenced. We define several behaviors on the type T_obj act that are inherited
by all types and, therefore, are applicable to every object. A mechanism is required
to determine if two object references refer to the same object. This requirement is
met by the behavior B_equal. For any two object references Ri and Rj, the result
of (B_equal(Ri))(Rj) is true if and only if OID(Ri) and OID(Rj) map to the same
object identity. The above operation is more commonly specified as Ri = Rj.
This is the only kind of equality that the primitive model defines. It is quite
strong in that the only way two object references are equal is if they refer to the
same object (with the same identity). Our notion of object equality is the same
as "identity equal," defined in Khoshafian and Copeland (1986), or "0-equality"
defined in Lecluse et al. (1988). We do not define, at this level, any notions of
shallow or deep equality found in other models (Khoshafian and Copeland, 1986;
Lecluse et al., 1988; Osborn, 1988) or in their extended versions, which determine
equality at various levels (Shaw and Zdonik, 1990). These notions can be defined as
equivalence relationships on the behavioral characteristics of objects and, therefore,
should be left to customized interpretations at the behavioral level, rather than being
part of the primitive model definition. For example, one may define person equality
based on the equality of their social insurance numbers. The implementation of
B_equal in a type T_person can be overridden to implement this semantics.
Objects in the model are strongly-typed6 in the sense that each object is associated
with a single type. A type defines all the behaviors applicable to the objects of the
type. The B_rnapsto behavior, when applied to object o, returns the type of that
object. It is important in type-checking and query processing to know the type of
6. Note that this differs from another common meaning of strong typing, which refers to static typechecking.
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
an object (Straube and Ozsu, 1990b).
Another behavior defined on T obj ect is the identity mapping behavior B_self,
which maps every object to itself. That is, for any object o, B_self(o) = o. There
are additional behaviors whose presentation depends on other primitive concepts.
We introduce them as these concepts are defined.
2.3 Types
A type defines behaviors and encapsulates hidden behavioral implementations (including state) for objects created using the type as a template. The behaviors defined
by a type describe the interface for the objects of that type. Types are organized into
a lattice structure, using the notion of subtyping, which promotes software reuse and
incremental type development. Since TIGUKAT supports multiple subtyping, the
type structure is potentially a directed acyclic graph (DAG). However, this DAG
is transformed to a lattice by rooting it at T_obj oct and hfting with the primitive
type T_null.
The uniformity of T I G U K A T implies that types also are objects with their own
state and identity along with their own type. The type that describes all type objects
is T type, and it is accessible in the same manner as any object. Thus, in addition to
serving as descriptions of objects, types are objects themselves, and the type T type
serves as a description for all other types, including itself. This is known as the
type:type property (Cardelli, 1986) in programming languages. The state of a type
object consists of a structural specification of its instances (a template), references
to the encapsulated behaviors it defines, references to its subtypes and supertypes,
and a reference to its associated class.
Two relationships on types have been identified (Ozsu et al., 1994). One is the
concept of a type specializinganother type in a manner similar to what was described
in Maier et al. (1989). The other is the more popular, and stronger, notion of
explicitly creating a type to be a subtype of another type (Cardelli, 1984). A type
T_i specializes a type T_2 if T i defines all the behaviors of T_2 (and possibly
more). A type T i is explicitly created as a subtype of a type T2, which means
T_i specializes T_2, and all the instances of T i are also instances of T_2. Thus,
subtyping implies, specializes, and defines a subset inclusion relationship on type
extents. Conversely, specializes does not imply subtyping. Furthermore, subtyping
supports IS-A relationships between types whose consequence issubstitutability
and Zdonik, 1990). Accordingly, an object of type T x can be used (substituted) in
any context specifying a supertype of T x. Specialize on its own does not support
substitutability. Specialize is a semantic property derived from the behaviors defined
on types, while subtyping is an explicit use of this property to define a partial order
on types and a subset inclusion relationship on their extents.
A behavior is required on types that determines the class of a given type. To
create objects of a particular type, there must be a class associated with the type to
manage its instances. However, types do not require an associated class if there are
no instances of that type (e.g.,abstracttypes).T ~ y p e defines behavior B_classoffor
accessing the unique class (if it exists) associated with a particular type. Primitive
types such as T _ i n t e g e r and T_real also have associated classes (we refer to Peters,
1994, for a discussion of these classes).
2.4 Classes and Collections
A class ties together the notions of type and object h,stances. The entire group of
objects of a particular type, including its subtypes, is known as the extent of the
type, and is managed by its class. We refer to this as the deep extent, and introduce
a shallow extent that refers only to those objects created from the given type without
considering its subtypes. The deep extent imposes a subset inclusion relationship on
classes. We refer to this as subclassing, which has a direct relationship to subtyping
on types. That is, a class C_x is a subclass of a class C_y; that is, the deep extent
of C_x is a subset of the deep extent of C_y, if and only if the type associated with
C_x is a subtype of the type associated with C_y.
Objects of a particular type cannot exist without an associated class and every
class is uniquely associated with a single type. Another feature of classes is that
object creation occurs only through a class using its associated type as a template for
the creation. Thus, a fundamental notion of TIGUKAT is that objects imply classes,
which imply types. Defining object, type, and class in this manner introduces a clear
separation of these concepts. This separation is important in schema evolution,
which manipulates type objects into new subtype relationships and need not be
concerned with the overhead of classes. Furthermore, many object-oriented systems
include abstract types, whose sole purpose is to serve as placeholders for common
behaviors of subtypes and are never intended to have any instance objects. In these
cases, there is no reason to manage classes for abstract types, because there are no
instances of these types.
We define a collection as a general user-definable grouping construct (other
constructs include bags for maintaining duplicates, posets for partially ordered collections, and lists that encompass both properties). A collection is similar to a class
in that it groups objects, but it differs in the following respects. First, object creation
may not occur through a collection; object creation occurs only through classes.
This means that collections only form user-defined groupings of existing objects.
Second, an object may exist in any number of collections, but is a member of the
shallow extent of only one class. Third, the management of classes is implicit in
that the system automatically maintains classes based on the type lattice, whereas
the management of collections is explicit, meaning that the user is responsible for
their extents. Finally, a class groups the entire extension of a single type (shallow
extent), along with the extensions of its subtypes (deep extent). Therefore, the
elements of a class are homogeneous up to inclusion polymorphism. A collection
is heterogeneous in the sense that it can contain objects of types unrelated by
subtyping. Furthermore, there is no distinction between shallow and deep extents
for collections.
VLDB Journal 4 (3) 0zsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Figure 3. Three-tiered instance structure of TIGUKAT objects
IC_class-class I--}
...................i ................................................¢~.:.~......................................................
Class object
Type object
(~,ons ~
) D~K~I.
. object
In TIGUKAT, we define T _ c l a s s as a subtype o f T _ c o l l e c t i o n , which introduces
a clean semantics between the two, and allows the model to use them in a uniform
way. For example, the targets and results of queries are typed collections of objects
and, since classes are a subtype of collection, they may be used in queries as well.
This approach provides flexibility and expressiveness in formulating queries and
gives closure to the query model, which often is regarded as an important feature
(Blakeley, 1991; Yu and Osborn, 1991).
2.5 Higher Level Constructs and Reflection
The types T_class-class, T_type-class, and T _ c o l l e c t i o n - c l a s s in Figure 2
make up the meta type system. Their placement within the type lattice directly
supports the extensibility of the model. The meta-model uniformly represents metainformation as first-class objects with well-defined behavior, and it maintains the
behavior application abstraction on these constructs. This means that all properties
of the model apply to this higher-level information uniformly. This property has
been referred to as reflection (Peters and Ozsu, 1993).
The higher-level objects are called meta-objects because they provide support
for other objects. For example, T t y p e provides support for types, and C_class
manages the class objects in the system. These meta-objects are uniformly managed
by means of the primitives. This is possible through the introduction of higher level
constructs called meta-meta-objects. Our model defines a three-tiered structure for
managing objects, as depicted in Figure 3. Each box in the figure represents a
class and the text within the box is the common reference name of that class. The
dashed arrows represent instance relationships with the head of the arrow being
the instance and the tail being the class to which it belongs.
The lowest level of our instance structure consists of the "normal" objects
that depict real world entities, such as integers, dwellings, maps, and behaviors.
Type and collection objects also reside at this level, which illustrates the uniformity
in TIGUKAT. We define this level as m ° and classify its objects as m°-objects.
The second level defines the class objects whose associated types maintain schema
information for the objects below it. These include C_type, C_coilection, and most
other classes in the system. This level is denoted as m 1, and its objects are m 1objects. At this level, classes maintain the objects of the system (objects cannot
exist without classes), and they are associated with types that define the schema
information of their instances (classes cannot exist without types). Thus, classes
represent the binding management between objects, and the operations that can
be performed on them as defined by their type. ~ e upper-most level consists
of the meta-meta-information (labeled m2), which defines the functionality of the
ml-objects and is used to give definitional properties to these objects. The structure
is closed off at this level because the m2-class C_clas,s-class is an instance of itself,
as illustrated by the looped instance edge.
In the following discussion, we show the interactions among the various levels
of the structure, and how they contribute to the uniformity of TIGUKAT, which in
turn forms the foundation for reflection. We refer the reader to the primitive type
lattice in Figure 2, and to a portion of its companion primitive class lattice shown
in Figure 4. Each C_x class in Figure 4 is associated with the corresponding T_x
type in Figure 2.
Figure 4 illustrates the subset inclusion and instance structure of some of the
m °, m 1, and m2-objects in relation to one another. Starting from the left-side of
the lattice structure, we explain the relationships between these classes and their
instances. The class C_object is an ml-object that maintains all the objects in the
objectbase (i.e., every object is in the deep extent of class C_object). Two other
ml-objects in the figure are subclasses of C_object, namely, C_type and C_conection.
These two classes maintain the instances of types and collections, respectively. Class
C_collection is further subclassed by the m2-object C_class, because every object
that is a class is also a collection of objects. For example, the class C_city is an
instance of the class C_class, as well as a collection of city objects. The deep
extent of C_class manages all classes in the system, such as C_object, C_type, and
C_city. Finally, C_class is subclassed by m2-objects C_type-class, C_class-class, and
C_collection-dass. Intuitively, C_type-class is a class whose instances are classes
that manage type objects. Similarly, C_class-class is a class whose instances are
classes that manage class objects and C_collection-class is a class whose instances
are classes that manage collection objects.
This meta-architecture is sufficient for managing all objects, including metainformation, in a uniform way. This provides the foundation for reflective capabilities
such as the support for class behaviors and reflective queries. To support class
VLDB Journal 4 (3) 0zsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Figure 4. Subclass and instance structure of m 1 and m 2 objects
. . . . ~ Instance edges to
type objects
~in~c'e-~dge~ t-o-j C~typ;-~lass
other class objects/'
--, ",,
collection objects
HC-c'as"c'a" I'"
.......... "-.
~C collect'ion-class
Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instance edge
behaviors, each class can be made an instance of its own meta-class, instead of the
common meta-class C_class. For example, to define a class behavior B_averageAgeon
C_person that computes the average age of the persons, we can uniformly extend the
meta-model by creating a type T_person-class as a subtype of T_class, defining
the behavior B.averageAge on T_person-class, creating an m2-class C_person-class
as the associated class of T_person-class, and creating C_person as an instance
of C_person-class. Now, we can create person instances of C_person in the usual
way, and B_averageeAgeis applicable to C_person and returns the average age of all
persons in C_person. We can define many other class behaviors on T_person-class,
including various object creation and initialization behaviors. This approach is in
contrast to the usual way of making C_person a direct instance of C_class. If this
is done, it is difficult to define class behaviors for C_person since C_class typically
has many class instances and any class behavior defined on T_class would apply
to all class objects. Our approach is superior to an approach that defined an extra
rn2-class for every class (e.g., Smalltalk), since it has smaller space overhead.
More powerful extensions also are possible. For example, although C_personclass is a separate m 2-class for C_person, it can be used to group other related classes,
such as C_student and C_employee, simply by creating them as instances of this class.
Behavior B_averageAgewould then be applicable to all these additional classes. Our
approach provides a good balance between the flexibility of defining class behaviors
and the efficiency of grouping common classes under a single m2-class.
Reflective queries can be expressed naturally in TIGUKAT without any meta-level
extensions to the query languages. The reason is that the query model incorporates
the behavioral paradigm of the object model and, since the meta-system is uniformly
represented by objects with well-defined behaviors, the meta-objects can be used
in queries just like any other objects. For example, it is natural (through behavior
applications) to express a query that returns the types that define a behavior B_age
with the same implementation as one of its supertypes. Additional examples include
a query that returns a collection of all types with no associated classes (i.e., all
abstract types), a query that returns types that define a certain implementation for a
certain behavior, and a query that returns the classes that have a greater cardinality
than all other collections in the system. Moreover, we can use reflection to infer
the result type of a query during its execution. An example reflective query is given
in Section 5.
Our meta-class structure is similar to ObjVlisp (Cointe, 1987) and is a generalization of the one-to-one class/meta-class architecture of Smalltalk (Goldberg and
Robson, 1989). The generalization of Smalltalk stems from the fact that we do not
necessarily define an m2-class for every class, which is required in Smalltalk. We
can group several classes under a common m2-class. Full details of the reflective
features of TIGUKAT and its comparison with other meta-models were presented
in Peters and Ozsu (1993).
The introduction of the m2-objects adds a level of abstraction to the model that
encapsulates the schema as first-class objects. The benefit of this approach is that
the entire model is consistently and uniformly defined within itself. Every object
has well-defined behavior and, therefore, we can uniformly apply behaviors to the
higher-level objects.
2.6 Temporality
Temporality is introduced into TIGUKAT through an extensible set of primitive
time types. A rich set of behaviors is defined on these types to model the various
notions of time elegantly (Goralwalla and Ozsu, 1993).
We use the concept of a timeline to represent an axis over which time can be
specified. A timeline comprises a collection of time references. A time reference is
a means by which time can be specified (e.g., 5 seconds, t3, July 31, [1967,1968], 3
years, 9:17:54:20). We have identified three basic types of time references: a time
instant (e.g., moment, chronon), a time span (duration), and a time interval. These
are used to construct instant, span, and interval timelines.
We can model different kinds of timelines depending on (1) their domain
(discrete, dense, or continuous), (2) their boundedne, ss (bound or infinite), and (3)
their ordering (linear or branching). Any combination of these three features is
possible in forming a timeline. This gives applications built on TIGUKAT substantial
flexibility in choosing timelines to suit their needs.
Behavior histories are used to manage the properties of objects over time. A
subtype of T_behavior is introduced to specialize behaviors with temporal qualities
for managing histories. Instances of this subtype are called temporal behaviors.
Temporal behaviors specialize non-temporal behaviors and, thus, encompass all the
functionality of non-temporal behaviors. This introduces temporal transparency in
the sense that a temporal behavior can be used anywhere a non-temporal behavior
is expected. In other words, a user unconcerned with temporality can use temporal
behaviors as though they were non-temporal. This has the benefit of integrating
VLDB Journal 4 (3) 0zsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Figure 5. Type lattice for a simple geographic information system
T_house TjlisplayObject
d _map T_lande
T forest
T atomic
T_ ater
T_clear T_.ixmd
T developed
T behavior
_ "
T road
temporal applications smoothly into an existing system.
Temporal behaviors can manage independently valid time histories (when a value
for the behavior is valid) and transaction time histories (when a value for a behavior
is committed to the objectbase). Our approach adheres to the Well-recognized
orthogonal nature of the these two times (Snodgrass and Ahn, 1985), and allows
us to support valid time, transaction time, and bitemporal models.
2.7 ExampleSystem Design
In this section, we present the design of a simplified geographic information system
(GIS). This example is used throughout this article to demonstrate various features
of TIGUKAT The GIS example is selected because it usually is listed among the
application domains, which require the advanced features offered by object-oriented
A type lattice for a simplified GIS is given in Figure 5. The example includes the
root types of the various sub-lattices from the primitive type system, which illustrates
their relative position in an extended application lattice. The GIS example defines
abstract types that represent information on people and their dwellings. These
include the types T_person, T_dwelling, and T house. Geographic types that
store information about the locations of dwellings and their surrounding areas are
defined. These include the type T_location, the type T_zone, along with its subtypes
that categorize the various zones of a geographic area, and the type T_map, which
defines a collection of zones suitable for displaying in a window. Displayable types
that present information on a graphical device are defined. These include the types
T_display0bj ect and T_window, which are application-independent, along with the
type T_map, which is the only GIS application-specific object that can be displayed.
Finally, the type T_geometricShape defines the geometric shape of the regions
representing the various zones. For our purposes we only use this general type but,
in more practical applications, this type would be further specialized into subtypes
representing, for example, polygons, polygons with holes, rectangles, squares, and
splines. Table 1 lists the signatures of the behaviors defined on GIS-specific types.
3. Implementation Considerations
The persistence issues related to the implementation of TIGUKAT are discussed in
the next section. In this section, we discuss some of tile other issues that arise in the
implementation of a uniform and generic object model such as TIGUKAT. There
are three issues that we discuss: the implementation of the primitive type system,
behavior application, and the implementation of behavioral and implementation
inheritance. For more details, see Irani (1993).
3.1 Implementation of Primitive Type System
TIGUKAT is implemented in g + + , which is GNU's implementation of C + + .
However, since TIGUKAT has a generic object model, there is no one-to-one
mapping between TIGUKAT types and C+ + classes (i.e., we do not create a C+ +
class for each TIGUKAT type that is defined). Instead, there is a single foundation
C+ + class, Tg0bj ect, which is the principal template for instantiating all TIGUKAT
objects. That is, every TIGUKAT object (type, class, behavior, collection, function,
instance, atomic, and other primitive or user-defined objects) is an instance of this
fundamental C+ + class. This approach ensures the uniform representation of all
objects in the system, since they may each be treated as an instance of Tg0bject.
The TIGUKAT semantics is embedded within the Tg0bject structure. Following
this approach, the TIGUKAT model is implemented within itself.
From the structural viewpoint, every instance of Tg0bj e c t comprises an array
of records (Figure 6). These can be thought of as the attributes (data fields) of that
particular instance. Tg0bject is a dynamic array where each element is either an
integer, a character, or Tg0bj ect. Integers, reals, and characters are stored directly,
while all other objects, including the atomic objects such as sets, strings, bags, lists,
and posets, have only their references stored in the slots (this ensures efficient use
of memory). For any object, the first slot always contains a pointer to that object's
type, which was the template used for its creation. Thus, in line with the model,
every object carries knowledge about its type.
To implement uniform treatment of everything as first-class objects, we have
implemented different kinds of C + + object instances in the system (viz., type,
class, object, behavior, function, collection, and atomic objects). Although these
template instances are all Tg0bjects, they differ in their structural contents. For
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Table 1. Behavior signatures pertaining to example specific types
of Figure 5
T_display0bj oct
T_display0bj e c t
B_title: T_string
B_origin: T_location
B_region: T_geometricShape
B_area: T_real
B.proximity: T_zone --+ T_real
B_resolution: T_real
B_orientation: T_real
B_zones: T_collection<T_zone>
B_Pollutants: T_collection<T_string>
B_volume: T_real
B..Pollutants: T_collection<T_string>
B_Iow: T_integer
B_high: T_integer
B_name: T_string
B_birthDate: T_date
B.age: T_natural
B_residence: T_dwelling
B_spouse: T_person
B_children: T_person --+ T_collection<T_person>
B_address: T_string
B_inZone: T_land
B_inZone: T_developed*
B_mortgage: T_real
*Behavior was refined from supertype T_dwelling.
Figure 6. Representation of generic TgObj ec:t structure
- Pointer to the object's type
: String
- Set
example, a type object has a fixed number of slots dedicated for maintaining its
information, such as its corresponding class (implemented as a reference to another
C + + instance that is a class object), its subtypes set (reference to a C + + set
instance), and its supertypes. We do not discuss the detailed data structures of each
of these objects; we only discuss the structure of type objects, since this information
is relevant to the subsequent discussion on behavior application and inheritance
3.2 Behavior Application
Dispatching is the process by which the application of a behavior on an object (message
sending) is bound to a particular function (implementation of that behavior). In the
event that the applied behavior's implementation is not clearly evident (as a result
of subtyping), the right function associated with that applied behavior for the type
of the receiver object must be invoked. This requires what is called dynamic binding.
Thus, behavior application involves the retrieval and application of an appropriate
piece of binary code that is contingent on the receiver's type and the selector for
that behavior.
Dispatching may be considered a special case of what is called resolution (Zdonik
and Maier, 1990). Resolution has been defined as a runtime interpretation process
that selects a particular value from a possibly ambiguous set of values. Method
dispatch (behavior application), hence, seeks to select an appropriate function object
(method) whose code needs to be executed, from a set of function objects, each of
which implement the same named behavior object over different types. To correctly
make this decision, some additional information (actual type of the receiver and
the method selector) relevant to the context is required.
Since behavior application is such a fundamental operation in TIGUKAT, it
is important to have an efficient dispatch implementation. We have opted for a
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Figure 7. Type object's structure
Dispatch Cache
Cache Row
Corresponding Class
SubTypes Set
SuperTypes Set
SubLattice Set
SuperLattiee Set
Native Behaviors Set
Inherited Behaviors Set
relatively simple but fast mechanism at the cost of bearing the consequential memory
overhead. The system maintains a dispatch cache, which consists of a slot for each
behavior-type pair that exists in the system. This cache is a statically allocated
volatile structure that needs to be reinitialized on program startup. The size of
this lookup table is proportional to the total number of unique behaviors in the
system, and to the total number of types in existence. We sacrifice memory usage
for quick response time during execution (Andr6 and Royer, 1992; Dixon et al.,
1989), but an incremental coloring algorithm could be used to drastically reduce
memory consumption. We have not implemented this optimization in the current
version of TIGUKAT.
Each entry in the dispatch cache is a function pointer to some executable code,
which implements that behavior (column) for the concerned type (row). Every
unique behavior has a unique integer mapping associated with it. This integer
mapping, the method selector, provides access to the appropriate column of the
cache. That column is said to "belong" to the behavior. The addresses stored in
the slots of this column may be different or identical, depending on which of the
subtypes have inherited the same implementation of that behavior, and which have
had that behavior redefined, overridden, or reassociated (associated with a different
function). The process of filling the cache row with appropriate values during the
Figure 8. Behavior application process
Behavior Application
I Behavior
= methodSelector ~
Executable Code
- Type/
recObj's Structure
- ~i66:r~ - Dispatch Cache
creation of a new type has been termed implementation inheritance, and our system
handles it automatically up to a certain degree of complexity as discussed in the
next subsection.
Behaviors may be reassociated with functions at any time (redefinitiOn of behaviors), which makes it imperative that we support the., dynamic binding of behaviors
and perform dispatch on thefly. Although it is evident that static (compile time) dispatching is more efficient (Cattell, 1991), this seldom will be possible in our system.
The reference to an object of a particular type may potentially be referencing an
object of any of this type's subtypes. The ambiguity about which function should be
invoked can only be resolved at runtime when knowledge becomes available about
which type's instance is being referenced. Thus, the actual type of a receiver object
needs to be identified prior to function execution. We note that, although dynamic
binding might render static type checking difficult, it does not entirely preclude it.
The behavior application process for computed functions in TIGUKAT involves
the following procedure. With reference to Figure 8, given an object, say recObj,
as the receiver of a particular message, we extract its type, say recType, which is
readily available since every object knows its type. All types have knowledge of
their unique cache row (Figure 7). From the applied behavior object we extract
the methodSelector This integer value indexes into a unique column in the dispatch
cache. The slot in the determined row and column contains the address of the
function code to be executed. The list of arguments passed to the behavior is
supplied to the function after relevant type checking is done. Behavior application
is conveniently reduced to the execution of a single line of code:
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
JMP (recObj ~ recType --->dispatchCache [methodSelector])
where recObj is a pointer to the object on which the behavior is to be applied
(receiver object reference), recType is the receiver object's type, dispatchCache is the
matrix of executable addresses, and methodSelector gives access to the appropriate
column in the dispatch cache. Therefore, the two basic requisites for binding an
executable piece of code to the applied behavior at runtime are the type of the
receiver object and the method selector for the behavior.
3.3 Behavioral and Implementation Inheritance
As indicated in Section 2.1, two kinds of inheritance are supported by TIGUKAT:
behavioral and implementation inheritance. The implementation strategy for behavioral inheritance (subtyping) involves taking the union of the interface sets of all
the types declared as immediate supertypes of the new type being created. This set
forms the contents of the new type's inherited set, and comprises the minimum set of
behaviors to which all objects of this type should conform. The nature of the functions with which these behaviors have been associated is of no consequence to the
behavioral inheritance mechanism. The implemented algorithm iterates through the
relevant interfaces, and selects all the behaviors with unique signatures as candidates
for insertion into the new type's inherited set. This is a relatively straightforward
Implementation inheritance facilitates code reuse by ensuring that all code is
at a level where the maximum number of types can share it (Atkinson et al., 1989).
If only single inheritance is present, the inherited set of the new type is precisely
the contents of the interface set of its sole supertype. No conflict resolution is
necessary, and all entries in the dispatch cache and the supplementary cache are
merely duplicated in the row allocated for the new type for the complete set of
inherited behaviors. This implies that all implementations (function addresses) for
the inherited set of behaviors are inherited, too. However, the type implementor7
has the liberty to reassociate any or all of these inherited behaviors.
With multiple inheritance, the situation is more complex, because conflict
resolution has to take place. Figure 9 depicts an inheritance graph with multiple
subtyping. The arrows indicate a subtyping relationship from the tail to the head,
and the dotted arrow indicates an instance of the type. The dashed boxes contain
the interface sets of the corresponding types, while the matrices DC and SC are
the dispatch cache and the auxiliary cache, respectively. The auxiliary cache SC is
a bit cache that records whether a function is stored or computed. Execution of
7. We identify three classes of users: The type specifier is the person who designs the inheritance hierarchy
for the user application. The type implementor is the one who actually implements this required hierarchy
using TDL. The end user refers to the person or application program that may query the existing system and
instantiate new objects, but may not be authorized to modify the existing type structure.
Figure 9. Implementation inheritance requiring conflict resolution
[l] B setPollutants
[2] B_getPollutants
[3] Bvolume
I [ 11 B_setPollutants 'l
i! [2] B...getPollutants Ii
t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
°0 [4] B drainageRate a0
i 0
* [5] B_setDuckPop ~
0 [6] B__getDuckPop ,fI 1
T_marsh's instance
1 2 3 4 5 6
r_m sh
1 1
i i
1 2 3 4 5
s s
c c
S o ;c Is
. . . . .
the stored function simply sets or gets the contents of one of the receiver's slots
without executing any code. In this case, the slot number, rather than the function
address, is stored in DC.
Consider the GIS example that we introduced earlier. We create a new
type T_marsh as a subtype of T_land and T_water, with the native behaviors
B_drainageRate (to calculate the rate of water leaving or entering the marsh) and
B_DuckPop (to store the population of ducks in the marsh). This inheritance structure has a clash in behaviors that the system is unable to resolve automatically, and
requires the type implementor's intervention. The conflict resolution policy fails
because the behaviors B_setPollutantsand B_getPollutantsare defined in the interfaces
of both the direct supertypes (T l a n d and T_water are immediate supertypes of
T_marsh, and have conflicting implementations associated in each of these types,
being computed in T_water but stored in T_land, as depicted in auxiliary cacheSC).
We have assumed that the type implementor opted for the stored implementations
to be inherited and therefore each instance of T_marsh requires a total of three slots:
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
slot 0 holds the reference to the type, slot 1 holds the reference to the collection
of pollutants, and slot 2 holds the value of the duck population.
We iterate over each of the behavior objects in the inherited interface of T_marsh
generated during behavioral inheritance. If a behavior exists in only one supertype's
interface, this signifies a conflict-free condition; thus, no conflict resolution is
required. The implementation for that behavior may be safely inherited together
with its associated function (stored or computed). The appropriate entry in the
supplementary cache, indicating a stored or computed association, is inserted. If
the association is with a computed function, then the address of that function is
also inserted into the dispatch cache. All the stored functions will possess a NULL
entry in the dispatch cache until class creation time. At that time, slots will be
assigned to all the stored functions, one slot per pair of set-get accessors. This may
require a reallocation of slots to behaviors, which is entirely system managed.
For each conflicting behavior, the conflict resolution policy has to be applied.
The supplementary cache values for that behavior are examined. If they happen
to indicate a computed function for all the conflicting supertypes, the values of
the addresses of the functions from the dispatch cache are examined. If these are
identical for each of the types in the set of conflicting supertypes, then this behavior's
implementation is safely inherited and the corresponding address is inserted into
the dispatch cache. A computed indication is placed in the supplementary cache.
If the conflicting behavior is implemented by a stored function in all the supertype
entries, the corresponding value of T_function is examined for each type. If these
match, then a stored indicator is placed in the supplementary cache, and a NULL
is entered into the dispatch cache. Recall that, for all the stored functions, the
dispatch cache will hold the corresponding slot number to access (an identical value
for each paired set-get) instead of the address of the executable code. These slot
numbers will be inferred and allocated during class creation only, at which time it
will be possible to determine the total number of all the associated stored functions.
In the event that an inherited behavior is associated with a stored function in
one of the supertypes, and a computed function in another, or if there is mismatch in
the values of function pointers, then no conflict resolution is possible by the system,
and a NULL is entered in both caches. It is the type implementor's responsibility
to associate this behavior with an appropriate implementation of his choice, or to
specify which of the supertype's implementations is to be inherited. A messagerequesting intervention will be displayed. The cache values for this behavior must
be inserted (i.e., each behavior must be associated with some function) before class
creation so that the newly established type is considered functionally complete.
4. Persistence Modgl
A fundamental decision governing OBMS implementation is the strategy employed
for managing persistent objects. Persistence is defined as the ability of an object
to survive across multiple application program executions, and a persistent object is
one that has this property. The persistence model of TIGUKAT adheres to the
following principles:
1. Persistence is transparent to the user. TIGUKAT Query Language (TQL) and
TIGUKAT Control Language (TCL) provide a declarative specification for
indicating that an object is persistent. Users do not perform any explicit
input/output operations, and they do not open and close files. TIGUKAT
coordinates with the low-level storage manager to provide persistence transparently.
2. Persistence is orthogonal to the type of an object (Atkinson and Buneman, 1987).
A type can be made persistent or transient. The instances of a type can be
either persistent or transient. The only dependency is that, if an object is
made persistent, then its type must also be made persistent because an object
cannot exist without a type. These are described as persistence side-effects
(PSEs) below.
3. Persistence is independent of the query model (Atkinson and Buneman, 1987).
Queries do not differentiate between transient and persistent objects. Both are
queried in a uniform way, using the same language constructs. This principle
is followed in the development of a programming language interface to
Five basic approaches to persistence have been identified (Zdonik and Maier,
1990). The first strategy requires that a decision about persistence be made prior to
object creation. Depending on whether a persistent or transient object is needed,
an appropriate object creation routine is invoked on the object. Thus, there are
separate routines for creating transient and persistent objects.
The second approach is called reachability-based persistence. This methodology,
pioneered in PS-Algol (Atkinson et al., 1983) and incorporated by 02 (Bancilhon et
al., 1992), requires that persistent objects hang off a persistent root via a direct or
indirect reference. When an object o is made persistent, all objects in the transitive
closure (i.e., reachable from o) are made persistent. Object o becomes a root for
persistence. In this scheme, every object reachable from a root is made persistent
or transient when the root is made persistent or transient.
The third approach is allocation-based persistence. This approach restricts
the persistence of an object by requiring it to be allocated within a persistent
container (collection) during object creation. This requires the existence of a
persistent storage space with variables naming locations within that space. Objects
written into persistent variables are guaranteed to be persistent as long as they
are maintained in the persistent variable. ObjectStore (Lamb et al., 1991) takes
this approach, although it renders garbage collection difficult due to the dangling
references problem.
The fourth approach is type-based persistence where some types are declared
to be persistent, and an object is persistent if it is an instance of a persistent type.
The E language (Richardson and Carey, 1989; Richardson et al., 1989; Schuh et
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
al., 1990) uses a similar approach, and maintains a parallel hierarchy of persistent
and corresponding non-persistent types.
The fifth approach (which we follow) associates persistence with individual objects, and requires explicit declaration of persistence, which may occur anytime during
an object's existence. We define primitive behaviors B_persistent and B_transient on
T objec% which are applicable to all objects in the system. These behaviors coerce
the receiver object to be persistent or transient, respectively. The TIGUKAT user
languages provide declarative constructs for making individual objects or collections
of objects persistent or transient. The system translates these requests to applications
of B.persistent or B_transient on the affected objects.
We opted for object-based persistence because it best maintains the uniformity
of object access, and does not restrict the use of types for persistent or nonpersistent purposes. Any object created during a session (either a query session
or an application program execution session encapsulated as a transaction) can be
explicitly made persistent (or transient) at any time during the session. Thus, all
TIGUKAT objects are potentially persistent.
The support for persistence is a behavioral extension to the model. Behaviors
B.persistent and B_transient are added to the type T_obj e c t and, thus, are applicable
to any object. This clarifies the fact that all objects are potentially persistent (or
transient) in TIGUKAT. The language constructs for persistence in T Q L and TCL
invoke these behaviors.
TIGUKAT queries operate on collections and return collections as results: Since
collections are objects, we permit the existence of persistent as well as transient
collections, which can contain a mixture of both transient and persistent member
objects. The transient members of a collection must cease to exist at the end
of a particular session, even if the collection is persistent. On the other hand,
the persistent members of a collection must continue to exist in their respective
class extents after a particular session ends. This is true even if the collection is
transient and ceases to exist at the end of a session. This does not cause a problem,
because the persistent objects in a transient collection reside in the (persistent)
class associated with the type of these objects. Thus, these objects are available
following the session even if the collection is not. All collections generated as a
result of query execution are initially transient. The semantics of handling each case
of transience and persistence of objects, collections, classes, and types are described
by implementations for the B.persistent and B_transient behaviors, which we discuss
Coercing an object to be persistent could result in persistence side-effects (PSEs),
which propagates persistence to type and class objects related to the original object.
The persistence matrix (Figure 10) depicts the various alternative strategies involved
in making a TIGUKAT object persistent. Reading across rows, a "-b" entry indicates
a PSE, while a . . . . . entry indicates PSE-free persistence (the diagonal entries are
not a concern and, therefore, are PSE-free). Making a type persistent is PSE-free.
Its corresponding class and instances, if they exist, are not required to be persistent.
Figure 10. The persistence matrix
Inst ]
If a class object is made persistent, a PSE occurs, which makes its corresponding
type persistent as well. However, the instances of this class do not need to be made
persistent. The final case is when a particular instance object is made persistent.
This causes PSEs that make both its class and its corresponding type persistent.
This protects against the object being stored as a persistent instance of a transient
type and, sometime later, being erroneously accessed as an instance of a nonexistent type (if its transient type disappears in the meantime). The primitive types,
classes, behaviors, and functions are, by default, perpetually persistent and cannot
be deleted. This is necessary for the integrity of the system.
The complement of the persistence matrix is the transience matrix (not shown).
This matrix is derived from the repercussions of making persistent objects transient
(by applying a behavior B_transient defined on T obj e c t for example). The effects
are precisely the opposite of those described in the persistence matrix (i.e., making
an instance transient will not affect its type or class; making a class transient does not
affect its corresponding type, but all its instances will be made transient; and making
a type transient will make its corresponding class and all its instances transient).
This model of persistence is fairly low-level, and the referential integrity among
objects is a problem to consider. In particular, when a transient object disappears,
how are dangling references to this object handled?
One approach is to offload the responsibility onto the application programmer,
who must update references to transient objects before the end of a session. This
approach is unacceptable for obvious reasons. Another approach is to use reachability
persistence, which disallows persistent objects to reference transient ones, since,
when an object is made persistent, the transitive closure of all objects reachable
from that object are made persistent as well. Reachability-based persistence is not
useful in a uniform model like TIGUKAT because, conceptually, all objects in the
entire objectbase are reachable from any object. Consider an arbitrary object. Since
every object knows its type, the type of the object is reachable, and must be made
persistent. Every type knows its class and, therefore, the class is reachable, and
should be made persistent. Every class knows its instances, and all instances of
that class are made persistent. Every type knows it supertypes and subtypes and,
thus, the class/instance persistence propagates over the entire lattice and makes all
objects persistent.
The approach that we use has the net effect of transforming transient objects
into perpetually persistent undefined objects at the end of a session (or transaction).
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
This always is safe because undefined is an instance of T_null, which is a subtype
of all types. The substitutability property allows us to use undefined anywhere an
instance of a supertype is used.
Operations on a TIGUKAT objectbase occur within a given user session (which
will be modeled as a transaction when the programming language is developed). A
session defines a scope for the transience of objects. There are save (commit) and
quit (abort) statements that can be used in a session. In this sense, a session serves
as a simple, fiat transaction model. At the end of a session, all transient objects
are logically replaced by the perpetually persistent undefined object. This can be
efficiently implemented by pointer swizzling. That is, we modify the OID mapping
so that it appears as though the transient object was written to stable storage at the
location where the persistent undefined object exists. Then, all persistent objects
that referenced the transient object will now reference the persistent undefined
object and there will be no dangling references.
In this approach, there is the potential for wasted stable storage when a persistent
object is made transient. The transformation to the persistent undefined object
occurs as usual, but we must somehow reclaim the storage occupied by the object
when it was persistent. With a central OID to disk address mapping we can simply
update this mapping, and reclaim the storage immediately. If, however, objects
hold the disk addresses directly, then there may be other persistent objects that
reference the old disk address and we cannot simply reclaim the space without
updating these references. In this case, a garbage collector can be used to manage
reference counts and reclaim the storage after all references have been updated.
In the meantime, the storage must be transformed into a persistent undefined
object so that objects referencing it will not see the old persistent object, but rather
the undefined object. This transformation easily is implemented by encoding the
information in the header of the old object on disk.
Our approach to single-object persistence and the maintenance of the PSEs are
described in the F_makePersistent and F_makeTransient functions below that serve as
implementations for the B_persistent and Biransient behaviors defined on T_obj ect.
F_makePersistent (o)
This is the implementation of the B_persistent behavior defined on T_object.
INPUT: An object o to be made persistent.
if object o is transient then
Call storage manager to write o to stable storage and update log
Apply B_persistent to the type and class of o:
o. B_mapsto. B_persistent
o. B_mapsto. B_classof B_persistent
if object o is a class then
Apply B_persistent to the associated type of the class:
o. B_typeof B_persistent
The recursion of the F.makePersistent implementation is ended by making primitive T type and primitive classes C_type and C_class-class perpetually persistent.
T type and C_type represent the end of the type chain, while C_class-class represents the end of the meta-class chain. Note that these are the minimal primitive
persistent objects. In practice, the recursion is ended much sooner, because many
more primitive objects are perpetually persistent (like C_class, for example).
At commit time (or the end of a session), the transaction management facility
ensures that persistent objects are written out to st~,ble storage. No changes are
made to persistent objects with respect to references to transient objects. Dangling
references are avoided by the transformation described above.
The implementation for the B_transient behavior is as follows:
F_make Transient (o)
This is the implementation of the B_transient behavior defined
T_obj ect.
INPUT: An object o to be made transient.
if object o is persistent then
Call the storage manager to mark object o transient and update log
if object o is a class then
Apply B_transient to every member in the shallow extent of the class
if object o is a type then
Apply B_transient to the associated class of the type:
o. B_classof B_transient
At commit time, all transient objects are replaced by the persistent undefined
object. This ensures that there will be no dangling references to the transient objects,
because persistent objects that reference the transient object will now reference the
persistent undefined object.
The explicit deletion semantics for persistent and transient objects are closely
related to the F_makeTransient implementation and the transient-to-undefined object
transformation. The reason is that, when an object is explicitly deleted, there is
still the problem of dangling references to consider. The B_drop behavior defined
o n T_object can be used to explicitly delete an object. The deletion semantics is
related to schema evolution when the object to be dropped is part of the schema
(i.e., a type, class, collection, behavior, or function). Schema evolution is beyond
the scope of this article, but is addressed in Peters (1994).
The only difference in the transient object and deleted object semantics is the
timing of events. When an object is deleted (whether it be transient or persistent),
it is immediately replaced by the persistent undefined object, rather than at the
end of a session, as is the case for transient objects.. A simplified implementation
VLDB Journal 4 (3) I)zsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
of the B_drop behavior for deleting objects is defined as follows and the similarities
to F_makeTransient are apparent:
F_deleteObject (0)
A simplified implementation of the
B_drop behavior defined on T_object.
INPUT: An object o to be deleted.
Call the storage manager to mark object o as deleted and update log
if object o is a class then
Apply B_drop to every member in the shallow extent of the class
if object o is a type then
Apply B_drop to the associated class of the type:
o. B_classof. B_drop
Perform schema evolution operations if o is a schema object
The single-object persistence approach can be transitively applied to all objects
referenced by the object being made persistent. This can proceed to any number of
levels until the transitive closure is reached. Thus, we can identify the boundaries
for the transitive application of persistence. The lower bound is when only a single
object is made persistent (our approach). The upper bound is when all objects
in the transitive closure are made persistent (reachability persistence). In a finite
objectbase, there are a finite number of levels between these two boundaries. We
call the lower limit O-persistence, the upper limit n-persistence, and any level between
these two i-persistence. For example, the persistent all construct of TQL and TCL
performs 1-persistence on a collection argument. That is, the collection and all of
its members (1 level of reference) are made persistent. We show that, in a uniform
model like TIGUKAT, the transitive closure from any object is the entire objectbase
and, so, n-persistence is not useful.
5. Query Model and Language
An identifying characteristic of the TIGUKAT query model is that it is a direct
extension to the object model. In other words, it is defined by type and behavior
extensions to the primitive model. We define a type T_query as a subtype of
T_function in the primitive type system. This means that queries have the status
of first-class objects, and they inherit all the behaviors and semantics of objects.
Moreover, queries are functions and can be used as implementations of behaviors,
they can be compiled, and they can be executed.
Incorporating queries as a specialization of functions is a natural and uniform
way of extending the object model to include declarative query capabilities. The
major benefits of this approach are as follows:
1. Queries are first-class objects, meaning they support the uniform semantics of
objects, they are maintained within the objectbase as another kind of object,
and they are accessible through the behavioral paradigm of the object model.
2. Since queries are objects, they can be queried, and can be operated on by
other behaviors. This is useful in generating statistics about the performance
of queries, and in defining a uniform extensible query optimizer.
3. Queries are uniformly integrated with the operational semantics of the model
and, thus, queries can be used as implementations of behaviors (i.e., the result
of applying a behavior to an object can trigger the execution of a query).
4. The query model can be extended by subtyping T_query. This can be used to
specialize the notion of queries into additional types that can be incrementally
introduced and developed as new kinds of queries are discovered. For example,
we subtype T_query into T_adhocQuery and T_productionQuery and then
define different evaluation strategies for both in the query optimizer. Ad hoc
queries may be interpreted without incurring high compile-time optimization
strategies while production queries are compiled once and executed many
The languages for the query model include a complete object calculus, an
equivalent object algebra, and an SQL3-1ike user language. The TIGUKAT object
calculus is a first-order predicate language. Predicates of the calculus are defined on
collections (essentially sets) of objects, and a calculus expression returns a collection
of objects as a result. This gives the language closure. The calculus includes a function
symbol for behavior evaluation to incorporate the behavioral paradigm of the object
model. This allows the specification of path expressions (or implicit joins) in calculus
formulas. The calculus is object-creating, and supports a controlled creation and
integration of new collections, classes, types, and objects into the existing schema.
The safety of the calculus is based on the evaluable class of queries (Gelder
and Topor, 1991), which is arguably the largest decidable subclass of the domain
independent class (Makowsky, 1981). We extend this class by making use of
equivalence ( = ) and membership (C) operators in queries for object generation.
This alleviates the need for explicit range specifications for those variables that can
be generated from the given operators.
The TIGUKAT object algebra has a behavioral/functional basis as opposed to
the logical foundation of the calculus. Algebraic operators are modeled as behaviors
on the primitive type T_collection. Like the calculus, the algebra is closed in that
every algebraic operator works on collections and returns a collection as a result.
The operators of the algebra include typical set operations, a collapse operator
for flattening nested collections, a select for returning objects that satisfy a predicate,
an operator for applying a series of behaviors to a collection of objects, an operator
to project behaviors, an operator for unconditionally combining objects, a join for
combining objects based on a join predicate, a generating join for producing objects
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
from other objects and joining the generated objects with the ones from which they
were generated, and a reduction operator for separating joined objects into their
original components.
The first-order expressiveness of the calculus, its safety, as well as the equivalence
of the calculus and algebra were proven elsewhere (Peters, 1994; Peters et al., 1993b).
In this context, a calculus expression is considered safe if it can be evaluated in
finite time, and produces finite output (Ozsoyoglu and Wang, 1989; Peters, 1994).
The remainder of this section describes the user language of TIGUKAT, with a
focus on its constructs for managing persistence and querying the objectbase.
The main function of the TIGUKAT language is to support the definition,
manipulation, and retrieval of persistent (and transient) objects in an objectbase. The
language consists of three parts: the TIGUKAT Definition Language (TDL), which
supports the definition of meta-objects (i.e., types, collections, classes, behaviors,
and functions), the TQL, which is used to manipulate and retrieve objects, and
the TCL, which supports the session specific operations (e.g., open, close, save).
We focus on TQL and TCL in this article (the complete specification of all three
languages was given in Peters et al., 1993b; Lipka, 1993).
TQL has a syntax based on the SQL3 select-from-where structure, and a formal
semantics dictated by the TIGUKAT object calculus. Thus, TQL combines the
power of declarative query languages with object-oriented features in the form of
the international data-speak of SQL. The broad acceptance of SQL as a standard
query language in relational databases, together with the current efforts on SQL3
to extend the syntax and semantics with object-oriented features (Gallagher, 1992)
are the main motivations for our SQL basis.
The semantics of TQL is defined in terms of the object calculus. In fact, there
is a complete reduction from TQL to the object calculus (Lipka, 1993). In addition,
TQL accepts path expressions (implicit joins; Kim et al., 1989) in the select, from,
and where clauses. Object equality is defined on the primitive type T_obj oct, thus
explicit joins are also supported by TQL. The results of queries can be queried,
since queries operate on collections, and always return a finite collection as a
result. Queries can be used in the from and where clauses of other queries (i.e.,
nested queries). Objects can be queried regardless of whether they are persistent
or transient.
Note that the syntax for the application of aggregate functions is not explicitly
supported in the current implementation of TQL. However, because the underlying model is purely behavioral, these functions are defined as behaviors on the
T _ c o l l e c t i o n primitive type, and can be applied to any collection including those
returned as a result of a query.
TQL consists of the four basic operations: select, insert, delete, and update,
along with three binary operations: union, minus, and intersect. In this article, we
only discuss the select, union, minus, and intersect statements.
The basic query statement of T Q L is the select statement, which has the following
syntax. 8
<select statement > : select <object variable list >
[into [persistent [all]] <collection name > ]
from <range variable list >
[where <boolean formula > ]
The select clause in this statement identifies objects to be returned in a new collection.
T h e r e can be one or more object variables of different formats (constant, variables,
path expressions, or index variables) in this clause. They correspond to the free
variables in an object calculus formula. The into clause declares a reference to a
new collection that will hold the result. This collection optionally can be m a d e
persistent by specifying the persistent keyword. This does not make the m e m b e r s
of the collection persistent; to do this, the all keyword must be specified as well.
If the into clause is not specified, a new transient collection is created. T h e r e is no
reference to this collection, and it disappears at the', end of a query. In this case,
the result cannot be retained for later use by another query. It can be printed only
to the screen, for example. The from clause declares the ranges of object variables
in the select and where clauses. Every object variable can range over an existing
collection or a collection returned as the result of a subquery. A subquery is a
nested select-from-where clause that can be given explicitly or specified as a reference
to an existing query object. A range variable statement in the from clause is as
<range variable > : <identifier list > in <collection reference> [--]
<collection reference > : <term > [ ( <quely statement >)
The collection reference in the range variable definition can be followed by a minus
--, which refers to the shallow extent of a class, which is a collection of objects 9
The default is the deep extent for classes. The term in the collection reference
definition is either a constant reference, a variable reference, or a path expression.
The where clause defines a boolean formula that must be satisfied by the objects
returned by a query. Boolean formulas have the following syntax:
8. The notation used throughout this section is as follows: all bold words and characters correspond to
terminal symbolsof the language (e.g., keywords,special characters). Nonterminal symbols are enclosed
between < and > . Verticalbar [ separates alternatives. The square brackets [ ] enclose optional material
which consists of one or more items separated by vertical bars.
9. In earlier articles, we used the plus -Jr-sign for the shallow extent. However, it was pointed out to us by
the referees that this was counter-intuitive, because the shallow extent actually reduces the cardinality of
the range. We have, therefore, changed the symbolto --.
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-BehavioralObjectbase Management System
<boolean formula >: <atom>
not <boolean formula >
<boolean formula > and <boolean formula >
<boolean formula > or <boolean formula >
(<boolean formula >)
<exists predicate >
<forAll predicate >
<boolean path expression >
where an atom is defined as follows:
<atom >: <term > = <term > ]<identifier > E <term >
and a term is either a variable reference, a constant reference, or a path expression.
Two special predicates are added to TQL boolean formulas to represent existential and universal quantification. The existential quantifier is expressed by the
exists predicate of the form:
<exists predicate >: exists <collection reference >
The exists predicate is true if the referenced collection is not empty. The universal
quantifier is expressed by the forAllpredicate, which has the following structure:
<forAll predicate >: forAll <range variable list > <boolean formula>
The syntax of the range variable list is the same as in the from clause of the select
statement. It defines variables that range over specified collections. The boolean
formula is evaluated for every possible binding of the variables in this list. Thus, the
entire forAllpredicate is true if, for every element in every collection in the range
variable list, the boolean formula is satisfied.
The last component of the boolean formula definition is the boolean path
expression defined simply as:
<path expression ~> = TRUE/FALSE
To avoid such an artificial construct, we include a boolean path expression in the
definition of a TQL formula under two conditions. First, all invoked functions are
assumed to be side-effect-free (which is a common assumption in many object query
models) and, second, the result type of the entire path expression must be a boolean
There is a sizeable literature on object query models and languages. This
continues to be an active area of research with many language and query model
definitions. We do not provide a detailed comparison of our model and language
with others. We refer the interested reader to Mitchell et al. (1993) for an overview
of these languages and models.
The following queries on the GIS example objectbase illustrate the expressive
constructs of TQL and how the persistence of results are specified.
Example 1. Return the zones that are part of some map, and are within 10 units from
water. Project the result over B_title and B_area. Place the result into a persistent
collection called L_floodZones and make all members persistent.
select o [B_title, B_area ]
into persistent all L_floodZones
from p in C_map, o in p. B_zones O, q in C_water
where o. B_proximity (q) < 10
Example 2. Return pair's consisting of a person and tile title of a map such that the
person's dwelling is in the map. The result is a transient collection that disappears
at the completion of the query.
select p, q. B_title 0
fromp in C_person, q in C_map
where p. B_residence O. B_inZone 0 E q. B_zones 0
The following is an example of a reflective query and illustrates that no new
constructs are needed in the language to query the :schema.
Example 3. Return the types that define the behavior B_age with the same implementation as one of its supertypes. Place the result into a persistent collection
called L_inheritedAgeTypes, but do not make the members persistent.
select t
into persistent L_inheritedAgeTypes
from t in C_type, r in t. B.supertypes 0
where B_age C t. B_interface 0 and B_age C r. B dnterface 0
and B_age. B_implementation (t) = B_age. B_implementation (r)
T Q L also supports three binary operations: union, minus, and intersect. The
syntax of these statements is specified below. The <.'collection reference> field can
be specified as a subquery or as a reference to an existing (transient or persistent)
<collection reference > union <collection reference >
<collection reference > minus <collection reference >
<collection reference > intersect <collection reference >
T Q L has a proven equivalence to the formal languages, making it easy to perform
logical transformations and argue about its safety. The theorems and proofs of
equivalence were given in Lipka (1993).
The T I G U K A T control language (TCL) defines statements for controlling operations within an objectbase session. In the absence of a computationally complete
programming language, T C L serves to provide a scope for execution and interaction
with a T I G U K A T objectbase.
Since everything in T I G U K A T is treated as a first-class object, sessions are
also represented by objects. Specifically, session objects are instances of T _ s e s s i o n
type, which is a direct subtype of T_objec'e. Every T I G U K A T user has at least
VLDB Journal 4 (3) 0zsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
one instance of T_session, which is referred to as a root session. Other sessions
can be opened and manipulated from this session by issuing session-specific TCL
operations: open, close, save (commit), and quit (abort). TCL also provides an
assignment statement for creating object references, as well as two forms of a
persistent operation whose syntax is as follows:
1. persistent <object reference list >
2. persistent all <collection reference >
The semantics of the first form is t o make every object in the given object
reference list persistent according to the rules defined in Section 4. The second
form requires the argument to be a collection. The semantics is to make the
collection persistent and all of its members persistent as well.
The inverse operations of the persistent statements are the transient statements
whose syntax is as follows:
1. transient <object reference list>
2. transient all <collection reference>
6. Other DBMS Functionalities
In addition to the powerful object and query models that TIGUKAT provides,
the system is enhanced by a number of other functions commonly associated with
DBMSs. In this section, we provide a brief overview of three functions that have been
under development: query optimizer, the versioning scheme, and the transaction
6.1 Query Optimizer
The goal of query optimization is the choice of the "optimum" execution plan for
a query from a set of equivalent execution plans specified as algebraic expressions.
The set of equivalent execution plans are obtained by the application of algebraic
transformation rules and the optimum strategy is the one with the lowest cost
according to a cost function. Thus, to characterize a query optimizer, three things
need to be specified:
1. The transformation rules that generate the alternative query expressions,
which constitute the search space;
2. A search algorithm that allows one to move from one state (i.e., execution
plan) to another in the search space; and
3. The cost function that is applied to each state.
The TIGUKAT query optimizer (Mufioz, 1993) follows the philosophy of representing
system concepts as objects, and is along the lines of Lanzelotte and Valduriez (1991).
The search space, the search strategy, and the cost function are modeled as objects
Figure 11. Optimizer as part of type system
[ r-obJ~ I
T..AlgEqRule I
I -.o
T_bel~vi~ [
~11 ~ ........
(Figure 11). The incorporation of these components of the optimizer into the type
system provide extensibility via the basic object-oriented principle of subtyping and
The states in the search space are modeled as processing trees (PT) whose
leaf nodes are references to collections, and whose non-leaf nodes denote behavior
applications whose results are other objects. Those nodes that correspond to
algebraic operator behaviors return temporary collections as result.
Algebraic operators (e.g., B_Select, B.Join) are defined as behaviors of the
T_collecZion type. They are modeled as instances (shown a s dashed boxes in
Figure 11) of type T_algebra, which is a subtype', of type T_behavior. The
implementation (execution) algorithms for these algebraic operators are modeled
as function objects (e.g., F_HasMoin, F_ScanSelect). These implementation functions
cannot be used as nodes of a PT, since these nodes should represent execution
functions all of whose arguments have been marshalled. Therefore, T Alg0p is
defined as a type whose instances are functions with marshalled arguments, and
represent nodes of a PT. In this fashion, each node of a PT represents a specific
execution algorithm for an algebra expression.
Search strategies are similarly modeled as objects, but separate from the search
space. T_SearchSZrat is defined as a subtype of type T_function and it can, in turn,
be specialized. Figure l l shows the specialization of T_SearchStral; into enumerated
search strategies T_EnumSS and randomized search strategies T_RandoraSS. The
algebraic transformation rules that control the movement of the search strategy
through the search space are implemented as instances of T_AlgEqRule, which is
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
a subtype of T_Rule.
Cost functions (instances of T_CostFunc) are defined as special types of functions,
making them first-class objects. Each function is associated a cost through the
behavior B_costFunction. Application of this behavior to a function object f (i.e.,
f.B_costFunction) returns another function object g of type T_CostFunc, which
implements the computation of the cost of executing functionf. This allows definition
of parameterized cost functions, whose values are dependent upon a number of
Modeling the building blocks of a cost-based optimizer as objects provides the
query optimizer with the extensibility inherent in object models. The optimizer
basically implements a control strategy that associates a search strategy and a cost
function to each query.
6.2 Versioning
Traditionally, a version of a particular modeled entity (e.g., object, type, schema,
objectbase) is perceived as a state of that entity as it existed at a particular time
during its evolution. Version control is the ability to effectively and selectively
manage versions of entities. For example, engineering design applications may
track versions of components that have been put into production, stock market, and
taxation analysis applications, and may use versions of a futures model to evaluate
"what if" scenarios, and to provide alternate futures scenarios. Collaborative systems
may have different design teams working on different versions of an overall design,
and a system may even version the schema as it evolves, so that old and new objects
can coexist in the system without having to perform conversions on the instances
of the schema (Skarra and Zdonik, 1986). Some researchers have separated userlevel versions from system-level versions, and then limited the version model to
encompass user-level versions only (Sciore, 1994). With uniform object models such
as TIGUKAT, both user-level and system-level versions can seamlessly coexist, and
a single version model suffices to support both. The version model developed for
TIGUKAT (Peters et al., 1995) uniformly supports both user-level and system-level
Temporal behaviors and branching time (i.e., branching behavior histories) are
the framework for version support in TIGUKAT A behavior can be temporal or
non-temporal. The non-temporal behaviors maintain the most recent (i.e., snapshot)
results, while the temporal behaviors maintain a history of results as the behavior
changed over time. This history may be represented by a linear time-model or a
branching time-model. We propose to use the latter where each branch represents
an alternate future (or version) of the behavior history. The unique aspects and
advantages of our approach are the following:
1. The model is general in that it can be applied to any history tracking system
that incorporates branching time. For example, it can be used on both valid
time and transaction time as long as (1) they are modeled as histories, and (2)
branching time is supported. Other systems support valid and transaction time
histories (Rose and Segev, 1991; Dayal and Wu, 1992), however, branching
time is not directly supported in these systems (branching time is supportable
in the model discussed in Dayal and Wu, 1992), but the burden of developing
a branching model is left up to the user).
A portion of a behavior history (called a version slice) can be defined by
specifying a start time and an end time on the history timeline. A version
slice denotes the initial history of a temporal behavior for a given version,
and only that portion of the original behavior hJistory is visible in the version.
This is useful for excluding parts of the behavior history from the version.
Version slicing is unique in that other temporal versioning models define a
version based on the entire behavior history up to a certain end time.
Each version slice can spawn an independent branch on the timeline after the
end of a slice. This is useful since it allows the behavior to temporally evolve
along this branch, independent of any other versions. We are unaware of
any other model that allows version slices and versions to temporally evolve
independent of other versions in this manner.
A version slice can mirror or copy the portion of the history on which it is
defined. A mirrored slice reflects all changes to the slice in both the original
and the version (i.e., updates to the version or the original within the slice are
visible to both). A copied slice is a separate, independent copy of the original
behavior history that becomes part of the new version (i.e., the original and
the version have their own copy of the slice, and updates to the version or
the original within the slice are not visible in the other).
The version model is general and, when incorporated into a uniform object
model like TIGUKAT, system-level versions such as versions of schema and
versions of the entire objectbase can be modeled in addition to user-level
versions without the need for extensions. This unifies user-level versions and
system-level versions within a single framework.
We have completed the design of the branching time version model, defined a
uniform behavioral representation of this model within TIGUKAT, and developed
user language support for managing versions. The versioning approach has been
mapped to other approaches such as versions of types, versions of schema, and
versions of the entire objectbase, which are useful for schema evolution. This
signifies the uniform feature of the version model as an underlying framework
to support all types of versioning approaches. We are currently undertaking the
implementation of the version model.
6.3 Transactions
Conventional transaction management involves the synchronization of simple
write access to a shared database in an environment that is not failure-free.
the transaction models and the synchronization principles that are used in
environments are simple compared to those that are needed in OBMSs.
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
complexity of the application domains that the OBMS technology is expected to
serve is reflected in the type of transaction management support that they require. In
these systems, there is a recognized need for more general and powerful transaction
models (Elmagarmid, 1992). An overview of transaction management concerns in
OBMSs was given in Ozsu (1994).
One important characteristic of the relational data model which is the basis
of most current commercial systems--is its lack of a clear update semantics. The
model, as it was originally defined, clearly spells out how the data in a relational
database are to be retrieved (by means of the relational algebra operators), but it
does not specify what it really means to update the database. The consequence
is that the consistency definitions and the transaction management techniques are
orthogonal to the data model. It is possible--and indeed it is common--to apply the
same techniques to non-relational DBMSs or even to non-DBMS storage systems.
The independence of the developed techniques from the data model may be
considered an advantage, since the effort can be amortized over a number of different
applications. Indeed, the existing transaction management work on OBMSs have
exploited this independence by porting the well-known techniques to the new system
structures. During this porting process, the peculiarities of OBMSs such as class
(type) lattice structures, composite objects, and object groupings (class extents) are
accommodated, but the techniques are essentially the same.
In TIGUKAT, we are taking a different approach. It is our claim that, in
OBMSs, it is not only desirable to model update semantics within the object model,
but it is indeed essential for the correct operation of these systems. The arguments
are as follows:
1. In OBMSs, both data and operations on data (which are called methods,
behaviors, or operations in various object models) are stored. Queries that
access an object-oriented database refer to these operations as part of their
predicates. In other words, the execution of these queries invokes various
operations defined on the classes (types). To guarantee the safety of the query
expressions, existing query processing approaches restrict these operations to
be side-effect free, in effect disallowing them to update the database. This
is a severe restriction that should be relaxed by the incorporation of update
semantics into the query safety definitions.
2. Transactions in OBMSs affect the type (class) lattices. Thus, there is a direct
relationship between dynamic schema evolution and transaction management.
Many of the conventional techniques employ locking on this lattice to accommodate these changes. However, locks (even multi-granularity locks)
severely restrict concurrency. The definition of what it means to update an
objectbase, and the definition of conflicts based on this definition of update
semantics would allow more concurrency.
It is interesting to note again the relationship between changes to the type
(class) lattice and query processing. In the absence of a clear definition of
update semantics and its incorporation into the query processing methodology,
most of the current query processors assume that the database schema (i.e.,
the type (class) lattice) is static during the execution of a query (Staube and
Ozsu, 1990a).
3. Since TIGUKAT treats all system entities, including the database schema
(i.e., meta-objects) and queries, as objects that can themselves be queried, it
is only natural to model transactions as objects. However, since transactions
are basically constructs that change the state of the database, their effects
on the database need to be clearly specified.
Within this context, it should also be noted thai: the application domains that
require the services of OBMSs tend to have somewhat different transaction
management requirements, both in terms of transaction models and in terms
of consistency constraints. Modeling transactions as objects enables the
application of the well-known object-oriented techniques of specialization
and subtyping to create various different types of transaction managers. This
gives the system extensibility.
4. Some of the requirements require rule support and active database capabilities.
Rules themselves execute as transactions, which may spawn other transactions.
It has been argued that rules should be modeled as objects (Dayal et al.,
1988), but if that is the case then, certainly, transactions should be modeled
as objects too.
Consequently, we are now working to define the update semantics of the TIGUKAT
object model, and are investigating a powerful transaction model (which may better be
called a workflow, following more current terminology) that meets the requirements
of the application domains that OBMSs are likely to serve, and is modeled in the
system as objects. The concurrency control algorithms that are appropriate for
these models exploit the semantics of operations and provide flexibility to the type
implementors in defining the concurrent execution semantics. Our work in this area
is relatively recent and more concrete results will be reported in future articles.
7. Conclusions and Future Directions
In this article, we provide an overview of the TIGUKAT objectbase management
system under development at the Laboratory for Database Systems Research at the
University of Alberta. TIGUKAT has a uniform behavioral object model where
everything is a first-class object, and the only means of accessing the objectbase is
through behavior application.
We have defined a query model for the system, complete with an object calculus,
an object algebra, and a user language. The user-language consists of a definition
language, a session language, and an SOL-based query language. The interpreters
for the first two, and the compiler for the last one, have been implemented. An
extensible query optimizer has been defined, and a type system to support this
architecture has been implemented. The optimizer is being developed as a uniform
VLDB Journal 4 (3) Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
extension to the object model and, therefore, will be integrated with the model just
like the query model has been.
Current work on the system is progressing along five lines: (1) the incorporation
of time into the object and query models, (2) the definition of the update semantics
for the model, (3) the development of a view manager, (4) the development of
storage structures to support query optimization (i.e., indexing and clustering issues),
and (5) the definition of a transaction model and its incorporation into the model.
This research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
(NSERC) of Canada under reserach grants OGP0951 and OGP8191, as well as
by the Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research (CITR), a federally
funded Centre of Excellence.
The authors thank the anonymous referees as well as Malcolm Atkinson for
numerous suggestions that significantly improved the article.
Technical reports and papers related to TIGUKAT are available via the World
Wide Web at http://web.cs.ualberta.ca/Ndatabase/tigukat.html.
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Appendix A: Primitive Type System
The following tables show the signatures of the behaviors for the non-atomic types
(except the container types), the signatures of the behaviors for the container types,
and the signatures of the behaviors for the atomic types. The receiver type of
a behavior is excluded, because the receiver must be an object of a type that is
compatible with the type defining the behavior. The notation T_collection<T> is
used to define a collection type whose members are of type T. The type specifications
for the behaviors are the most general types. Types for some of the behaviors are
revised in the subtypes. For example, the result type B_self is always the type of
the receiver object and the result type B_new is always the membership type of the
receiver class.
Table 2. Behavior signatures of non-atomic types of primitive type
J Type
T_obJ e c t
T_obj ect
B .specialize:
B .subtypes:
T_type --~ T_boolean
T_object ~ T_boolean
T_object ~ T_boolean
T_obj ect
T_obj ect
T_list<T_objecZ> .-+
T_list<T_set<T_behavior>> --~ T_object
T_type --~ T_boolean
T_type --~ T_boolean
T_poset <T_type>
T_poset <T_type>
B_tmeet: T_set<T_type> -~ T_type
B_tjoin: T_set<T_type> --~ T_type
B_tpmduct: T_list<T_type> --~ T_type
B_compTypes: T_list<T_type>
B ~primitiveApp~:
B _apply:
T_type --+ T_type
T_obj ect
T_type --~ T_function --~ T_behavior
T_type --~ T_function
T_object --~ T_object
T_object --~ T_lis¢ --~ T_objec¢
T_object --~ T_object
T_list --+ T_object
T _ l i s z --+ T_objec¢
VLDB Journal 4 (3)
Ozsu: TIGUKAT-Behavioral Objectbase Management System
Table 3. Behavior signatures of container types of primitive type
B.ai~.. T_collection--+T_collection
B.intersect: T_collection-~T_collection
B _collapse: T_collection
B_select: T_string--+T_list<T_collection> --+
B.project: T_set<T_behavior>--~T_collection
B .map: T_string-~T_list<T_collection>--÷
B.product: T_set<T_collection>--~
B.join: T_string--~T_list<T_collection>--*
B.genjoin: T_string-~T_list<T_collection>--+
B.setEquak T_collection--~T_boolean
B_containedBy: T_collection--*T_boolean
B.cardinality: T_natural
B_elementOfl T_object--~T_boolean
B_insert: T_object--~T_collection
B .delete: T_object--*T_collection
B~ccun~nces: T_objec¢ ~ T_natural
B.count T_natural
Inherited behaviors refined to preserve duplicates
B.ordered: T_object ~ T_object ~ T_boolean
B.ordering: T_behavior
Inherited behaviors refined to preserve ordering
B_first: T_object
B_last: T_object
B_next: T_obj ect
B.previous: T_obj ect
Inherited Behaviors refined to preserve duplicates and ordering
BJI~v: T_type ~ T_class
B_new: T_set<T_type> --~ T_set<T_behavior>
--~ T_type
B.~4~: T_type --* T_collection
B.tWw: T_list<T_object> ~ T_objec¢
Table 4. Behavior signatures of atomic types; of primitive type
n f..
T_object -+ T_object--+T_object
BLoncat T_string -+ T_string
B_succ: T_real
B_pred: T_real
B_add: T_real--+T_real
B_subtract: T_real --+T_real
B_multiply: T_real--+T_real
B _divide: T_real--~T_real
B_trunc: T_integer
B_round: T_integer
B_less Than: T_real--+T_boolean
B Jess ThanE Q : T_real--~T_boolean
B.greater Than: T_real--+T_boolean
B_greaterThanEQ: T_real--+T_boolean
Behaviors from T_real refined to work on integers
Behaviors from T_integer refined to work on naturals