MC Bekker (Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria)
H Steyn (Graduate School of Technology Management, University of Pretoria)
Project governance has become part of the project management vocabulary. As a formal definition of the
term lacked, it has been used in various contexts that caused confusion and misunderstanding. This paper
provides a formal definition for ‘project governance’ based on a Delphi study. Combining the results from the
Delphi study with existing corporate governance principles led to a concept project governance framework
that was validated and developed further by means of two primary case studies and 15 secondary case
studies. The end result is a final project governance framework that provides a practical checklist for the
governance of major capital investments.
Key phrases: Project governance, project management, project control, audits
The term project governance is a popular, and probably one of the most
misunderstood, terms in modern project management. Due to a the lack of a
comprehensive, formal definition, various industries, institutions and organisations
have adopted the term and derived their own connotations to suit their specific
applications. The information technology industry, for example, associates project
governance with protection of and access control to information (Turbin
2003:Internet; Liu and Yetton 1995; OGC 2005:Internet), while the public-private
partnership (PPP) related organisations (Miller & Hobbs 2005) use the term to
describe the macro controlling environment within which projects should function.
The Association for Project Management (APM) even developed a Guide to
Governance of Project Management (APM 2004:Internet) that aims at ‘governing’ the
actions of the project manager. A common thread through all the definitions is the
quest to improve overall project performance.
In order to define a common understanding of the term project governance, and to
provide guidelines for the governance of capital projects, a five step process was
A detailed literature study to investigate the origin of governance in general and
its association with project management.
A Delphi study to stimulate discussion and debate around the definition and
interpretation of project governance and to reach consensus on a definition
From the Delphi results a concept framework was developed for project
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ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
In order to test and refine the concept framework two comprehensive case studies
were conducted.
Lastly, by collating the results from the case studies, a final framework for project
governance is proposed.
The above steps are discussed below and a definition of project governance is
provided. A framework that can serve as checklist for the governance of capital
projects is also proposed.
The vast majority of research efforts in the field of project management are
concerned about project performance. Completing a project within the predetermined
time and cost constraints and with the end product or service performing to
expectations remains the ultimate project quest. Studies in various industries, from
information technology (The Standish Group 1995:Internet) to large capital projects
(Miller et al 2000; Merrow et al 1988; Morris & Hough 1987; Flyvbjerg et al 2003;
Skamris 1994), have proved that project performance is well below acceptable
performance levels. In response to this concern, various studies have been
conducted in the past to identify parameters that cause poor project performance and
even failure. Belassi and Tukel (1996) collated seven such studies and together with
the results from studies by Gioia (1996) and Black (1996) the common parameters of
monitoring and control surfaced. This observation is also supported by Ives (2005).
These parameters are the foundation of project management and with various tools,
techniques, training, software, etc available to the project manager to monitor and
control projects, the question remains; ‘why do projects still fail?’ With research on
factors causing project failure being to a large extent exhausted, an attempt was
made to look beyond the immediate project environment to factors in the
environment that affect the management of projects.
Project management is part of the macro organisational and business environment
and a project is usually initiated to achieve corporate goals. The macro environment
has also experienced failures, including significant corporate scandals like Enron,
Worldcom and Parmalat to name but a few. The corporate world responded to these
failures and established, through much research and consultation, the concept of
corporate governance. The word ‘govern’ is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary
(1995) as “to have a controlling influence on, to have a direct effect on or to fix or
decide”. Corporate governance became synonymous with large institutions with
country-specific guidelines, and even the development and promulgation of
legislation in the form of the Sarbanes Oxley Act (The United States of America,
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
2002). As a result of a significant decrease in corporate misconducts and failures
since instituting corporate governance the question was raised whether project
management should not also investigate governance principles. Obviously projects
are subject to corporate governance guidelines; however the multi-company, multiindustry and especially multi-country nature of projects pose a challenge for the
application of corporate governance principles in project environments.
Corporate governance is not about corporate control (McGregor 2000) – it merely
provides the overall framework within which corporate control should be exercised.
From a management perspective, projects have nearly all the functional components
of corporate organisations, including human resources, finance, administration, etc.
Due to these similarities projects are often referred to as temporary organisations
(Lundin & Söderholm 1995; Miles 1964), with temporary referring to the finite
duration of projects as opposed to the more or less permanent nature of corporate
organisations. This observation prompted the idea to learn from corporate
governance by investigating the similarities and differences between corporate
organisations and projects from a control and governance perspective and to
conclude with a definition of project governance that will remove misunderstanding
about the concept and also provide a practical framework within which projects, like
corporate organisations, can function and be properly managed.
Given the lack of a formal definition for project governance, as well as the lack of
consensus in the project management fraternity of what it entails, a study was
launched to obtain the views of knowledgeable and experienced academics and
practitioners regarding their view of what the term should entail.
Arguably the most appropriate research method to obtain the most reliable
consensus of opinion from relevant parties is the Delphi technique (Dalkey & Helmer
1963; Lindeman 1975; Phillips 2000). This technique lends itself to obtaining
independent, objective responses from individuals that are geographically dispersed
and facilitates the objective of this study of obtaining a globally representative
definition of project governance (Xiao et al 1997).
The Delphi method is often criticised for not providing empirical evidence. Since this
study is predominantly exploratory by nature it was argued that such evidence would
not be required.
The selection of the Delphi participants was aimed at involving credible individuals
that would include both practitioners and academics from a number of different
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Project governance: definition and framework
countries. Eventually a total of 23 practitioners and nine academics from eight
different countries were identified and contacted, either telephonically or via
electronic mail. Of these potential participants 13 practitioners and only two
academics responded. Attrition occurred between the first and second rounds of
responses solicited and resulted in a final panel of eight respondents. Literature on
Delphi studies indicates that a number of eight responses is still acceptable for this
type of study (Phillips 2000; Linstone 1978; Cavalli-Sforza & Ortolano 1984).
Given the exploratory nature of the study the first round sample of 15 was considered
sufficient. The 15 participants had an average of 24.8 and a total of 372 years’
experience, had managed projects with a combined value of US$ 43.95 billion, and
authored a total of 12 books as well as 30 international papers. The two academics
and one of the practitioners were in possession of PhD degrees while eight of the
practitioners had master’s degrees and the other four bachelor degrees.
Deciding on the type of questions required a fundamentalist approach. The key
objective was to get to the core of project governance and to formulate a definition for
practical use. Therefore the questionnaire had to start with open-ended questions
and progress to questions that would help refining the definition of project
governance. The following questions were:
1 How would you define/describe the concept ‘project governance’?
2 Do current project management frameworks and practices fail to address project
governance? Please explain.
3 What are the similarities between corporate governance and project governance?
4 What are the differences between corporate governance and project governance?
5 What are the differences between project control and project governance?
6 To what extent should a project governance model for large capital projects be
project specific and/or company specific?
7 Much effort currently goes toward establishment of global corporate governance
principles. What challenges need to be considered and overcome towards the
development and establishment of a formal, global project governance model for
large capital projects that involve multiple countries and companies?
8 How should role player liability towards eventual project performance be
incorporated in global project governance model?
9 Please provide any other comments that you might have regarding the
development and implementation of a project governance model.
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
The feedback from respondents was diverse. In many cases the feedback was
elaborate and necessitated a careful selection of techniques to analyse the
responses and the obvious requirement of testing the consolidated results by means
of a second round. According to Page and Meyer (2005) the most suitable technique
to be used for this type of qualitative research proved to be informal content analysis.
The technique consists of scanning the content for recurring and repeated
themes/concepts/words and constructing a summarised/consolidated description of
the feedback. To verify the summarised/consolidated feedback the results were
returned to the respondents for comments, confirmation or criticism.
The overall feedback from respondents confirmed the belief that a need exists to
define and formalise project governance. A strong view from respondents was that,
whatever form of project governance model to be developed, focus should be on
practicality, alignment with corporate governance and general applicability.
Summarised feedback of first-round responses is provided below:
Question 1: The results confirmed that no generally accepted definition existed and
resulted in the following provisional definition: Project governance is a set of
management systems, rules, protocols, relationships and structures that provide the
framework within which decisions are made for project development and
implementation to achieve the intended business or strategic motivation.
Question 2: The results provided overwhelming confirmation of a lack of frameworks
for project governance. Specific issues that were raised included concerns about the
definition and management of risk, non-alignment of projects i.e. lack of integration
with strategic business parameters, authorities of project leaders, practical
application of governance concepts in projects and the discipline to refine and apply
project governance principles.
Question 3: There was general consensus that the principles of corporate
governance apply to project governance and half of the respondents added that
project governance should not only be aligned to corporate governance but be a
subset of corporate governance. Project governance should reflect the temporary
nature, and address the uniqueness, associated with projects. For example, where
corporate governance addresses the functioning of a corporate board, project
governance should do the same for the project steering committee.
Question 4: Corporate governance is clear regarding the level of detail of financial
and legal disclosures while the details of disclosure regarding projects are unclear.
The difference in timeframes - the project life-cycle has a much shorter life-span than
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
a corporate entity - requires an alternative approach towards the process and speed
of decision making.
Question 5: Project control is a subset of project governance. Project governance
should be a proactive measure that sets the scene for, and the framework within,
which project management – and subsequently project control – should function.
Question 6: A project governance model should be largely generic with room to
incorporate project-specific and unique requirements.
Question 7: International projects pose a number of challenges, including: (a)
accommodating a financier’s requirements and risks, (b) application in countries with
weak corporate governance, (c) application in countries where senior or influential
individuals “do not want better control” for selfish reasons, (d) complexities
associated with globalization and virtual work, (e) making project governance simple
and practical to apply and (f) overcoming stakeholder resistance to “another” form of
statutory requirements.
Question 8: The panel was divided about the incorporation of role player liability
towards performance: about half of the panel members proposed that stakeholder
liabilities should be clearly defined in detail while the other half argued that any items
or actions that could create potential adversarial situations should be avoided and
handled outside of the project context.
Question 9: Additional comments confirmed some of the previously mentioned
notions, e.g. that project governance should be a framework for decision making and
should contain an element that promotes self-governance. Project governance
should also aim at preventing runaway project spending in the same way that
corporate governance aims to reduce uncontrolled losses and financial
A summary of the above results was sent for comments to the 15 respondents. They
could accept the results, reject it or else agree in principle and indicate specific
conditions or constraints. Eight of them replied and they were, in general, in
agreement with the direction followed. One respondent indicated that project
governance should be project specific while the other seven agreed on a generic
model with flexibility to accommodate project specific aspects. This round set the
scene for the development of a concept framework for project governance.
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
A key requirement from the respondents was that the project governance framework
or model should be aligned with that of corporate governance requirements. A review
of various corporate governance guidelines and laws, including Sarbanes Oxley Act
(The United States of America 2002), British Cadbury Report (Cadbury 1992),
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 2004) and the
United Nation guidelines on Governance in Public-Private Partnerships (2005),
indicated that guidelines from the developed world and the developing world differ in
context. Guidelines from the developed world focus more on financial control while
the developing world emphasise social responsibility. The South African King II
Report (King Committee on Corporate Governance 2002) is one of the most
comprehensive corporate governance guidelines that could be found from developing
countries. Since many projects are developed and implemented at a global scale
where the developed and developing world has to work together, the governance
needs of both should be addressed. For this reason the principles of the Sarbanes
Oxley Act and the King II Report (King Committee on Corporate Governance 2002)
where used as anchor documents to develop a Concept Framework for Project
Governance (CFPG) with input from other guidelines.
From the guidelines mentioned above the following general categories for corporate
governance were derived:
Composition and functioning of the Steering Committee,
Cost and Benefit Management,
Project Reviews and Audits, and
Ethical, responsible conduct and conflict of interest.
These categories were populated with sub-categories to ensure proper and detail
attention to each of the governance requirements. The CFPG where then used as
protocol for testing and refinement against two primary, detail case studies and 15
secondary case studies obtained from literature.
The case study part of the research was aimed at validating the CFPG and also
assess to what extend the practical application of the CFPG principles could have an
impact on potential project outcomes. The case studies were divided into two main
categories namely primary case studies and secondary case studies.
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a Primary case studies
The two primary case studies were studied in-depth and included a nominal group
technique (NGT) and personal interviews. The two case studies were selected based
on the multi-company and cross-country nature as well as the large scale of capital
investment involving developing and developed countries. The first case was the
Mozal 1 project, a large smelter project in Mozambique that won the 2001 Project of
the Year Award of the Project Management Institute (Mozal 2005:Internet). The
second case study investigated the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP 2005),
also a fairly successful project. In both cases various representatives were invited to
participate in a NGT with follow-up interviews where required. Representatives in
each case study included investors, project managers and government officials. The
only stakeholders not involved were representatives from construction contractors.
For the primary case studies the CPGF were used as reference and protocol to
facilitate questions and discussions. The main questions discussed were:
To what extent were concepts contained in the CPGF applied formally and / or
informally to each specific case and what was the impact thereof?
What changes and / or refinements are required to the CPGF to make it more
Rank the components in the CPGF from most important to least important.
The Mozal I project had private funding and it was clear that private investors will be
especially protective regarding their capital investment. General notes and
observations included the following:
For privately funded projects, the chairperson of the steering committee will
almost always be from the main sponsoring entity.
A significant portion of remuneration should be performance based.
Despite the success of the project it was quite evident that project governance
was not applied formally in the format proposed in the CPGF. However, because
of the high level of experience and skill of the senior managers on the project,
most of the items were addressed.
Towards the end of the session all participants unanimously agreed that a formal
project governance framework and guideline would have helped to reduce the time
spent in addressing the most important items.
For the LHWP the following results were obtained (Bekker & Steyn 2008):
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
As in the case of Mozal, the NGT panel agreed that a governance environment for
the project manager is usually lacking in projects. Thus, the necessity of a formal
approach towards project governance cannot be disputed and currently
documented theories and practices do not cater for the required approach.
The importance of skilled personnel, consultants and contractors cannot be over
emphasised. As with the Mozal I project, most of the items were addressed
because of the high level of experience and skill of the senior managers on the
Clarity of project scope is a determining factor. If the scope is clear, the
manageability of the project increases drastically, thereby simplifying the
establishment of a project governance framework. The core competency of scope
development listed in the CPGF is of critical importance.
The LHWP had the luxury of sufficient time (3 years) to develop a Treaty which
contained many of the project governance items. Not all projects have this luxury
and therefore some guideline would be beneficial.
In the Treaty it appears that issues of potential misconduct and unethical
behaviour as well as the environment were not dealt with in as much detail as
managerial arrangements and thus the project could have benefited from a formal
project governance framework.
A prominent feature of the project was the lack of attention to health and
environmental issues. This was partly due to the fact that safety, health and
environmental issues were not such critical issues during the mid 1980s when the
project was initiated and planned and few legal requirements on the subject
The participants in both case studies agreed that the CPGF provided a
comprehensive guideline to address the most important governance issues on
especially large capital projects. Participants also agreed unanimously that ranking of
the items will not be possible since different projects might require different
approaches, depending on specific sensitivities.
b Secondary case studies
Secondary cases studies were sourced from literature and assessed against the
CPGF guidelines. Case studies considered met the following criteria:
A capital value of more than US$ 10 million
Each project should have multiple stakeholders, including the broader society
Preferably various sources of funding.
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
The secondary cases studies were eventually retrieved from the following main
United Nations (
World Bank (
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD);
Qualifying projects were categorised as being successful, failed or questionable. The
successful and failed projects were categorised in terms of their eventual outcomes,
economical / social / environmental and sustainability impact, whilst the questionable
projects still had pending issues during the evaluation. . In total, eight projects were
successful, four were failures and three were still questionable upon writing of this
From the results, it was clear that for every project at least one CPGF category could
be linked to the main causes of the project outcomes.
An important observation made during the secondary case studies was that certain
assessment categories have a higher frequency of occurrence than others. Although
this could be due to the type of projects assessed, the following two criteria seemed
The composition of the steering committee, especially the members’ ability, or
inability, to structure the project financially and contractually, had a major impact
on project outcomes, contributing equally to project success and failure.
The adherence, or non-adherence, to a code of ethical, responsible conduct and
conflict of interest, also had a significant impact on project outcomes. In most of
these cases, addressing socio-economic sustainability and environmental
concerns proved to be key to ensuring a positive project outcome.
Thus, in terms of general application and completeness, the CPGF content proved to
be sufficient and these fifteen cases did not indicate any further need for fundamental
modification of the CPGF.
Considering the basic requirements for a Project Governance Framework (PGF), as
stipulated by the Delphi participants, and the results from the primary and secondary
cases studies, a PGF is proposed for application and further refinement in industry.
The PGF content is given below in Table 1.
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
The PGF provides a generic baseline for country, company or project specific
requirements and offers a practical guideline and checklist for the governance
(including auditing) of capital projects.
Table 1: Project Governance Framework – adapted from PICMET [34]
P. Project Governance
A. Project Steering Committee
1 Composition
Core Competencies
Project finance and cost management
Project scope development and confirmation
Risk assessment
Project control requirements
Business / project alignment
Upfront phase management
Crisis response
Industry knowledge
International experience
Strategic alignment capability
Contract management capabilities
Understanding of social and environmental requirements
Political influence
Local legal requirements
2 Steering Committee Size
Determined by project type, complexity and magnitude. Sub-committees for cost control,
environmental, socio-economic, etc.
3 Member Mix
Comprise members with direct interest, as well indirect stakeholder representatives i.e.
socio-economic and environmental.
4 Chairperson Independent
For state expenditure - the chairperson should be independent from all project
For own / private capital funding, the chairperson should be from the major
shareholder and / or operating company
2 Responsibility
Committee Accountability
Overall accountability
Bridging gap between project and immediate external and statutory environment
Project promotion and stakeholder enablement
Obtaining finance
Establish levels of authority
2 Charter
Development and adherence to project charter, including project policies and
3 Audit Committee
to Board of
1 Levels of Independence
The project audit committee should be independent, with the steering committee excluded
from the audit committee.
2 Project Literacy
The audit committee should have extensive project experience.
1 Financial
Scope of the auditors to be vetted by the steering committee
B. Cost and Benefit Management
1 Steering Committee
Report against approved budget.
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Project governance: definition and framework
2 Project Governance Charter
Report on adherence to the Charter.
2 Financial
1 Project Finance
For any financial activities outside the GAAP requirements, full disclosure will be required.
2 Reports
Project’s financial status to be reported on a quarterly basis.
3 Corrections and Adjustments
To be reported quarterly.
3 Internal Controls
1 Risk Management Process
Formal risk management processes should be in place.
2 Risk Management
The steering committee must actively ensure that proper risk identification, quantification
and mitigation planning is done on the project and not only on the financial aspects, but
covering all aspects of the project.
3 Risk Disclosure
Disclosures must be made about all the risks on the project during the total project lifecycle.
4 Risk Certification
Requirement for monthly certification by the chairperson of the steering committee of
disclosure controls and procedures.
C. Project Reviews and Audits
1 Independence
1 Objectivity
Independence and objectivity of the project auditors and reviewers must be ensured.
2 Scope
Project reviews and audits should not be confined to adherence to in-house
methodologies and practices, but should include items that the review / audit deem
necessary to protect stakeholder interests.
3 Rotation
Auditors should have no direct or indirect interest in the project or in the contractors /
suppliers involved with the project.
2 Interaction with
1 Internal Charter
The internal charter should include the approach to the auditing of project management,
the adherence to project methodologies, processes and agreed practices and the project
team’s functioning.
2 Communication
As with corporate governance, it requires mandatory communication between the external
auditor and the audit committee.
3 New Attestation
1 Report
External auditor must issue an attestation report on the project’s internal control report.
4 Disclosure
1 Non-audit services
As with corporate governance, it is required that separate disclosure of the amounts paid
to the external auditor for non-audit services is provided, together with a detailed
description of the nature of services.
2. Fees
Requires disclosure of fees paid to a company’s principal external auditor since project
D. Ethical, responsible conduct and conflict of interest
1 Code
1 Standards
A code of ethics should be established and signed by each member of the steering
committee. The code should include (as a minimum):
Social aspects
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Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
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Project governance: definition and framework
Socio-economic aspects
Conflict of interest guidelines
2 Adherence
Adherence to the code of ethics should be disclosed and reported on a monthly basis.
3 Disclosure
Code should be made publicly available and any changes to the code or waivers from the
code must be disclosed.
2 Compensation
1 Performance
Performance-related elements of compensation should represent a substantial portion of
the total compensation package.
3 Safety, Health
and Environment
1 Adherence
SHE requirements should be to international standards as minimum and be
supplemented by host country requirements.
4 Social
1 Adherence
Social and socio-economic considerations should be to international standards as a
minimum and be supplemented by host country requirements.
Project governance can be defined as: a set of management systems, rules,
protocols, relationships and structures that provide the framework within which
decisions are made for project development and implementation to achieve the
intended business or strategic motivation. To assist with the practical application of
project governance principles, a project governance framework was developed and
validated by means of two case studies. The proposed framework provides a
guideline and serves as reference for project stakeholders to establish their own
governance principles and protocols. The framework supports corporate governance
principles and incorporates views from both developed and developing countries
regarding governance.
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Journal of Contemporary Management
DoE accredited
ISSN 1815-7440
Volume 6 2009 Pages 214 - 228
Page 228