October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
Review Paper:
Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma
Abdolkarim Rahmanian1
, Mohammad Samadian2
, Guive Sharifi2
, Navid Kalani3
, Ali Kazeminezhad4*
1. Department of Neurosurgery, Namazi Teaching Hospital, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2. Department of Neurosurgery, Skull Base Research Center, Loghman Hakim Hospital, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3. Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Management Research Center, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran
4. Department of Neurosurgery, Peymanieh Hospital, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran
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Citation Rahmanian A, Samadian M, Sharifi G, Kalani N, Kazeminezhad A. Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma.
Iran J Neurosurg. 2020; 6(4):181-194. http://dx.doi.org/10.32598/irjns.6.4.2
Article info:
Received: 13 Jan 2020
Accepted: 16 Mar 2020
Available Online: 01 Oct 2020
Background and Aim: One of the most prevalent neurosurgery conditions is Chronic Subdural
Hematoma (CSDH). Among neurosurgeons, there are various CSDH treatment approaches.
Methods and Materials/Patients: This is a narrative review examining the various aspects of the
CSDH. To provide up-to-date information on CSDH, we concisely reviewed the related articles.
All of the relevant articles retrieved from Google Scholar, PubMed, and Medline were reviewed,
and critically analyzed. We searched for keywords including chronic subdural hematoma, burr
hole craniotomy versus craniostomy, middle meningeal artery embolization, conservative therapy
versus surgical therapy in CSDH, and recurrence of CSDH in published articles from 1960-2020.
Results: CSDH may present with various clinical presentations. Medical symptoms range from
general and moderate symptoms (such as headache, tiredness) to severe symptoms (e.g.
hemiparesis, coma). A definite trauma history may be obtained in most cases. Contrast-enhanced CT
or MRI may help diagnosis. The treatment choice for uncomplicated CSDH is Burr-Hole Craniotomy
(BHC). The use of drainage to decrease recurrence rates has been shown to have limited outcomes
in most recent studies. Craniotomy is also used for treatment. Only asymptomatic or high-risk
operative patients are subjected to non-surgical management.
Chronic subdural hematoma,
Surgical operation, Craniotomy
Conclusion: Management of CSDH is still contentious. It is widely agreed that if neurological signs
and radiological observations are present, CSDH should be evacuated. Burr-hole craniotomy
appears to be the preferred surgical technique because, in most patients, it gives the best
treatment outcomes. Several issues are still uncertain, including the proper surgical technique
[Burr-hole craniotomy versus Twist Drill Craniostomy (TDC) and craniotomy], the advantage of 2
perforated holes over one, the location of drainage, the impact of irrigation of the hematoma, and
the duration of post-operative immobilization.
Corresponding Author:
Ali Kazeminezhad, MD.
Address: Department of Neurosurgery, Peymanieh Hospital, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran
Tel: +98 (917) 7918813
[email protected]
October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
● The recommended surgical technique is BHC since in most patients it offers the highest treatment-to-complication
● The best treatment for high-risk patients could be the bedside Twist Drill Craniostomy (TDC) under local anesthesia.
● A craniotomy is the best surgical procedure for draining CSDH with a significant membrane, acute contribution,
multiple recurrences, or calcification.
● After BHC, putting drainage in a closed system leads to a substantial reduction in the rate of recurrence.
Plain Language Summary
The CSDH complex is caused by a biologically active leakage and loose vessel forming mechanism that is vulnerable
to spontaneous bleeding. Risk factors include higher age, trauma, chronic alcoholism, anticoagulant, and antiplatelet
consumption, and other factors that are not fully known. There is not a clear indication for conservative versus surgical treatment yet.
1. Introduction
hronic Subdural Hematoma (CSDH) was
first defined by Virchow in 1857 who
named it pachymeningitis hemorrhagica
interna. Trauma has a great importance in
the development of CSDH [1]. The hypothesis of damage to bridging veins was later suggested by
Trotter and named CSDH as a subdural hemorrhagic cyst
[1]. One of the most common neurosurgical conditions
is chronic subdural hematoma. There is no agreement
among neurosurgeons on the use of preferential techniques for surgical care of CSDH [2]. The annual incidence of CSDH per 100,000 population is around 1.5 to
3 cases. Its incidence is growing due to the increasing
elderly population and related medical conditions, such
as hemodialysis, anticoagulants, or antiplatelet therapy.
While surgical procedures are expeditious; one of the
treatment challenges remains recurrences [3]. CSDH
is predominantly an elderly condition. CSDH normally
follows minor head trauma, but in half of the cases
there is no history of direct head trauma. Mental state
changes and focal neurological abnormalities are typical symptoms. Complications are higher in symptomatic
patients, but the outcomes in patients undergoing neurosurgery are good [4].
Pathophysiological perspectives
Two key theories explain CSDH development, the
osmotic theory and the hematoma capsule recurrent
bleeding theory. Based on the former, owing to the os-
motic pressure gradient through the semi-permeable
membrane, fluid is drained from adjacent vessels into
the cavity (hematoma capsule). However, hematoma
fluid osmolality is the same as blood and cerebrospinal
fluid osmolality, so the osmotic hypothesis was rejected
[5]. Based on the latter, bleeding from hematoma capsules is an established and accepted hypothesis. The
source of bleeding is from irregular and dilated blood
vessels in the hematoma capsule. It has also been considered for increasing fibrinolytic activity and coagulation defects in CSDH [6].
Chronic subdural hematoma is filled with fluids, blood,
and blood-thinning materials. Traumatic injury causes a
breakup of bridging veins. Typically, it takes a mean of
4 to 7 weeks following trauma for a CSDH to become
symptomatic but if trauma is considered as a cause of
CSDH there are some issues against this. Firstly slow venous hemorrhage accumulates enough to cause symptoms within a few days from the beginning. Secondly,
imaging scans may be completely normal and without
any signs of bleeding, but weeks to months later, the patient may quietly develop CSDH. And thirdly, the blood
pattern in CSDH, which involves the brain’s convexities
challenges the bridging vein as the source of bleeding.
Although CSDH may contain acute bleeding areas, many
of those are almost exclusively “old” hematomas that
are seen on CT scans and the CSDH enlarges gradually
so acute bleeding is not the only source of CSDH development and growth [7-10].
Rahmanian A, et al. Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Iran J Neurosurg. 2020; 6(4):181-194.
October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
High levels of fibrin degradation products suggest
excessive fibrinolysis (clot breakdown) in CSDH fluids,
which results in continued bleeding. One research clearly defined fresh red blood cells in CSDH fluid, implying
that new bleeding occurs with an average daily bleeding
rate of 10%. In those patients who have recently been
diagnosed with clinical deterioration, the highest levels
of new hemorrhage have been observed, indicating
that this new hemorrhage could be involved in CSDH
growth. In some patients [11], with mixed density and
layered CSDH, and those with recent bleeding, the levels of fibrin and fibrin degradation products are higher
and this can alter the growth of hematoma and formation of different patterns [12].
There is a higher degree of plasminogen or tPA in the
initial surgery in patients who subsequently experience
a recurrence of CSDH. Thrombomodulin is another
agent that can improve fibrinolysis and is present in
CSDH fluid at elevated levels [13].
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) helps clear out
clots, which is demonstrated by a slightly increased
amount of post-operative discharge and a significantly
lower rate of recurrence, rendering the hematoma
more fluid. However, only 15 tPA-treated patients were
studied in this study and, thus, this procedure is not well
certified [14].
Many CSDH formation mediators play a major role in
helping to form new blood vessels (angiogenesis). There
is a wealth of evidence that, relative to peripheral blood
and CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid), VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) and VEGF-R are present in CSDH fluid
with higher concentration levels. The difference in hematoma VEGF levels can be 28 times more than the serum
[15-21]. Angiogenesis and excessive vascular permeability may be caused by excess VEGF, which may lead to recurrent bleeding that is involved in CSDH development.
While VEGF has an antigenic and potentially anti-inflammatory function, promoting wound healing and immune
defense effects, it also has a contrasting role. In neurogenesis, it has also been shown to play a role in healing Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) [15-21]. Prostaglandin E
(PGE2) which regulates VEGF expression can be found in
CSDH. In the CSDH, high levels of PGE2 are identified, being related to time intervals after lesion formation.
Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a critical role
in angiogenesis. Inhibition of them suppresses the antigenic response, leading to the creation of small and
shortened blood vessels. The permeability of the BloodBrain Barrier (BBB) is increased with MMP proteolysis
of junctional proteins of endothelial cells, which helps
penetration of inflammatory cells into other compartments [22-27]. Based on two studies investigating MMPs
in CSDH and liquid membranes, MMP-1, 2, and 9 have
been illustrated as the potential factors affecting the
development of brittle capillaries and leakage. These,
in turn, help CSDH develop by allowing fluid to secrete
from the capillaries into the cavity of the hematoma.
VEGF concentrations are also correlated with MMP-2
and -9 levels, suggesting a combined angiogenesis process [22-27].
A study of CSDH pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines
revealed that both are higher than serum in CSDH blood,
but the balance is substantially higher for pro- than that
of anti-inflammatory ones. The balance of pro-and antiinflammatory molecules, and how they evolve over
time is important to remember. Inflammatory markers
are not necessarily harmful, but at later stages, these
markers may involve harmful pathways [28-33]. Studies
in mice have shown that IL-1β inhibition can lead to decreased activation of microglia and neutrophil and T-cell
infiltration, which may be associated with decreased
loss of hemispheric tissue and decreased cognition. It
is confirmed that patients with high IL-1Ra levels have
more favorbale neurological outcomes than patients
with low IL-1Ra level. Interleukin-1 Receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is used in early clinical and preclinical trials
as a possible preventive therapy against brain damage
caused by subarachnoid hemorrhage. IL-1β was tested
in only one sample, and it may be surprising that its levels were significantly lower in CSDH fluid than in serum
[34]. Interleukins-6 and-8 (IL-6 and IL-8) are monitored
together because their development, likely due to a
common signaling pathway, is coordinated in many instances. In response to damage and bleeding, secreted
IL-6 from soft tissue is associated with autoimmune
responses. Some neurotrophic effects and immune
system functions, especially in the context of TBI, are
also known to exist. A large rise in IL-6 levels in CSDH
fluids relative to peripheral blood has been illustrated
in several pieces of research [33]. IL-8 is a proinflammatory cytokine and with modulation of its own receptor
expression have been shown to modulate the inflammatory response. Production of IL-8 from endothelial
cells, leukocytes, and fibroblast lead to the formation
of capillary tubes, endothelial cell proliferation, and release of MMP-2, all of which play an important role in
angiogenesis [34]. In CSDH fluid, multiple chemokines
are also present at high concentrations: chemokine ligand 2 (also referred to as MCC1), chemokine ligand 9
Rahmanian A, et al. Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Iran J Neurosurg. 2020; 6(4):181-194.
October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
(CXCL9), and chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10, protein 10
or gamma interferon-induced IP-10) [28-30].
2. Methods and Materials/Patients
This narrative review investigated the various dimensions of the CSDH. The related articles were retrieved
from Google Scholar, PubMed, and Medline. They were
then reviewed and critically analyzed to find the most
recent information on CSDH through searching for keywords such as chronic subdural hematoma, burr hole
craniotomy versus craniotomy, middle meningeal an
artery embolization, conservative therapy versus Surg
cal therapy in CSDH, and recurrence of CSDH in all published articles from 1960 to 2020.
3. Results
In the production of CSDH, trauma is a significant factor. However, in about 30%-50% of cases, there is no
history of head injury (direct trauma). It seems that the
indirect effect is more significant. Nearly half of the patients have a history of falls but do not strike the ground
with their heads [41].
While minor head injuries are often not observable, serious accidents have typically been avoided. Prior head
injuries are the most relevant etiological factor [42].
Chronic alcoholism
Isolated neurological defects
There have been cases with bilateral chronic subdural
[31], nystagmus [32], oculomotor nerve palsy [31], upward gaze [33], reversible akinetic-rigid syndrome [34],
Gerstmann’s syndrome [35], quadriparesis [36], and
ease of falling [37] due to CSDH. It is thought that increased intracranial pressure can cause uncal herniation
and cranial nerve stretching [33]. Extrapyramidal symptoms are well-known in CSDH, which are Parkinson-like
symptoms with the suggested mechanism of basal ganglion pressure, midbrain compression, and basal ganglion circulatory disruptions are caused by the anterior
choroidal artery displacement and compression [34].
The literature has documented stiff-person syndrome
(right-left misalignment, finger agnosia, agraphia, and
stiffness of body) and progressive quadriplegia due to
CSDH. These patients recovered well after the evacuation of the hematoma [30]. Acute reciprocal inhibition
state secondary to basal ganglion lesion is also seen.
Small ischemic lesions are typically associated with this
manifestation [33, 34].
3. Risk Factors
Higher age
Our brain mass decreases as we age, increasing the
brain-skull space from 6% to 11% of the total space
inside the skull. This stretches the bridging veins and
leaves these veins vulnerable to the effects of further
brain movements within the skull [38, 39]. As confirmed
in previous research, CSDH in elderly patients is a more
common illness. Older individuals are more vulnerable
to CSDH due to brain atrophy. Brain parenchymal atro-
phy allows the subarachnoid space to widen and stretch
the bridging veins. The 7th decade of life was the peak
age recorded in the CSDH patients [40].
In chronic alcoholism, the recurrence of CSDH is explained by the fact that constant alcohol intake induces
brain atrophy and coagulation disorders. Chronic alcoholism also has a greater risk of unrecognized head trauma. From 6% to 35%, the estimated rate of CSDH with
alcoholism was reported in previous studies [43-45].
Anticoagulant and antiplatelet consumption
The use of Anticoagulant (AC) and Antiplatelet (AP) to
avoid cardiovascular accidents have recently become
widespread due to their specific cost-effectiveness and
availability. Warfarin interferes with vitamin K metabolism in the liver which contributes to the synthesis of
non-functional coagulation factors II, VII, IV, and X as
well as proteins C and S. Using warfarin increases the
occurrence of Intracranial Hemorrhagic Complications
(ICH); while its relationship with CSDH is uncertain. One
theory is that it can allow ICH to achieve clinical significance because these variables inhibit the normal bleeding mechanisms [46-52]. Therefore, the recent rise in
CSDH cases is not strange as it is related to these drugs
(AP/AC). With the widespread use of anticoagulant
and antiplatelet, this phenomenon would possibly become more pronounced in the future. Other variables
analyzed in studies do not have statistically significant
effects, such as underlying illness, prior shunt surgery,
and epilepsy [53]. Around 24% of CSDH patients are on
warfarin or antiplatelet treatment.
While class I evidence is not available to compare the
results of patients undergoing CSDH surgery with and
without anticoagulant reversal, there is a consensus
that when obtaining anticoagulant therapy, patients
Rahmanian A, et al. Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Iran J Neurosurg. 2020; 6(4):181-194.
October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
with CSDH require rapid improvement. Otherwise, the
possibility of complications during neurosurgical procedures will be quite large [52]. Vitamin K can be used
to gradually adjust the International Normalized Ratio
(INR) in instances where the immediate return is not critical. We can use Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) transfusion,
Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC), or recombinant Factor VIIa (rFVIIa) for rapid and urgent adjustment
of INR, and for avoiding INR rebound, vitamin K should
always be given adjuvant to FFP, PCC, and rFVIIa.
In favor of a conclusive decision to restart oral anticoagulation in these patients, there is no scientific evidence
and few studies on this topic exist. When anticoagulants
were restarted, they showed a lower risk of bleeding (11
vs. 22%) and, paradoxically, a higher risk of thromboembolism (versus prolonged discontinuation). They argued
that their data cannot be deduced because of the limited cohort sample (67 patients in 3 studies) [53-58].
It is not possible to provide definitive advice on when
to restart oral anticoagulation after CSDH drainage surgery; however, oral anticoagulants can be used 72 hours
after surgery [59-64]. When taking these medications,
patients tend to be at higher risk for CSDH. However, it is
not clear if antiplatelets have been influenced by the recurrence rate [65, 66]. Stopping antiplatelet therapy for
7 days is the most effective way to reverse antiplatelet
therapy. Aspirin irreversibly prevents platelet cyclooxygenase, ensuring that all platelets in the bloodstream
are inactive at the time of administration of aspirin, and
aggregation is blocked for the entire life of the platelets.
The amount of time needed after the last aspirin administration for a full recovery of platelet function is 7 days.
For patients undergoing emergency surgery, platelets
may be prescribed during surgery [65]. There is little
evidence to determine the optimal time for patients
undergoing surgery for CSDH to resume post-operative
antiplatelet re-treatment. Some research on the risk of
recurrence has provided controversial results. There
was a substantial difference in hematoma recurrence
in patients receiving or not receiving antiplatelet medicines before surgery in 2 trials.
Other risk factors
times more likely to be subject to head injuries than
women [66, 86].
4. Anticonvulsant Therapy in Patients With CSDH
There is no consensus on the efficacy of Antiepileptic
Drugs (AEDs) usage in symptomatic CSDH patients. In
patients undergoing CSDH surgery, the incidence of seizures reported ranges from 2.3% to 17% and affects 1%
to 23.4% of post-operative patients. A substantial difference in the incidence of secondary seizures prescribed
for AED prevention was not shown in the 2 studies [8996]. Those 2 studies concluded that, except for patients
at risk for seizures, such as alcoholics, the side effects of
AED outweigh the benefits. Another research reported
that patients with CSDH and new seizures had a substantial rise in mortality. Therefore, for 6 months after CSDH
diagnosis, they suggest AED. The prevention of pre-operative AED has been found to minimize the occurrence of
post-operative seizures in BHC-treated patients [88-94].
Different authors reviewed the treatment with corticosteroids and ACE inhibitors and showed good results [95-107].
While traditionally used as a drug that lowers cholesterol, laboratory studies have shown that atorvastatin
is associated with CSDH-related properties. The widespread effects of atorvastatin make it difficult to understand the processes involved in the pathogenesis
of CSDH. Chan et al. [108] identified the lower need for
surgical intervention in patients using atorvastatin. In
a sample of 24 patients, 80 CSDH patients used a prospective placebo-controlled trial. They demonstrated a
decline in surgical requirement in atorvastatin receiving patients. The paper was later retracted due to significant data errors. In addition, the same collection of
published data indicates that atorvastatin may decrease
CSDH recurrence after initial surgery, but this article was
subsequently retracted, leading to more uncertainty
about atorvastatin’s true effect [109-111].
Tranexamic acid
More than one efficient factor can be present and they
have a cumulative effect on the male gender, bleeding
propensity, kidney disease, liver failure, chemotherapy
agents, epilepsy, previous shunt surgery, renal dialysis,
low intracranial pressure, and arachnoid cysts [67-87].
CSDH is more common in men because they are 2-3
A recent study has previously supported its clinical capacity, showing that patients with acute trauma receiving tranexamic acid had reduced deaths due to bleeding.
Twenty-one patients with CSDH, 3 with a combination
of surgery and tranexamic acid, and 18 with tranexamic
acid alone were studied in a small sample. Both groups
Rahmanian A, et al. Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Iran J Neurosurg. 2020; 6(4):181-194.
October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
had absolute clarification of their CSDH without recurrence following the duration of various opioid treatment periods [112-114].
Other conservative methods
A small study identified effective treatment with 20%
mannitol in 95% of cases, resulting in no recurrence or
complications in follow-ups [115]. There is a need for
more studies on the normal course of CSDH and the different options of conservative care.
Surgical management
We have classified CSDH patients into 3 groups:
- Patients with neurological symptoms and radiologically proved CSDH that should be evacuated immediately.
- Asymptomatic patients who display no signs of brain
compression and/or midline changes should be monitored and studied in a controlled environment. Only if
there are major changes in neurological status, surgical
operation is recommended.
- CSDH patients contribute to brain compression and/
or midline shift, but there are no highly controversial
neurological signs, and no study has assessed conservative versus surgical management in this group of patients. In order to suggest surgical treatment, there is no
evidence-based research on the hematoma size.
Craniotomy was the treatment of choice for CSDH until the mid-1960s. Suvin and Jelti published a case series
of craniotomies and BHCs for the treatment of CSDH in
1964, showing a lower recurrence rate and better performance results with BHCs than those undergoing craniotomy surgery [115].
Twist drill craniostomy
Twist drill craniostomy can be combined with local anesthesia with a closed drainage system, making it an attractive treatment option, particularly for patients with
multiple diseases. In cases where the blood is nearly
completely liquefied and there is no membrane, Twist
Drill Craniostomy (TDC) is probably the most effective
surgical approach. It appears that the mortality rate after Twist Drill Craniostomy (TDC) is similar or even superior to BHC. Furthermore, when carried out in bed,
the risk of infection potentially increases [116].
Burr-hole craniotomy
BHC is perhaps the most widely used CSDH procedure
and appears to be the most successful approach because
it balances the low rate of recurrence better than TDC
and craniotomy. While BHC in most of the neurosurgery
departments is the treatment choice for CSDH and is
frequently performed; many controversies and concerns
remain unanswered about organizational strategies and
post-operative management. In fact, it is surprising that
few studies have been conducted over the past decades
to try to resolve these questions [117, 118].
The incidence of post-operative recurrence is between
5% and 33%. In elderly patients, late recurrence is more
common. In thick hematomas, recurrence is significantly higher. Late recurrence may be defined as fluid hematoma or persistent CSDH recurrence or enlargement 3
months after surgery [119].
The exact causes of the recurrence of hematoma are
not known. It appears that many variables are responsible for recurrence. Partial removal of the hematoma
may result in the complete destruction of the hematoma. The rate of recurrence of homogeneous and
trabecular hematoma is lower than that of layered or
multilayered hematoma [120]. A high incidence of recurrence is associated with high-density, mixed lesions
[121]. Recurrence may result from primary and metastatic dura mater diseases. Intracranial hypotension can
lead to CSDH recurrence [121]. In determining intracranial hypotension and preventing recurrence, spinal MRI
and/or radionuclide cisternography is useful. High levels
of tPA, IL-6, VEGF, and bFGF in subdural fluid and outer
membrane increase recurrence rate. Increased recurrence is associated with the dense subdural membranes
found during surgery and the brain remaining deep to
the dura and bone at the end of surgery [119-122].
Hematoma oxygen replacement is a useful treatment
for CSDH that has been associated with decreased rates
of recurrence. Subcutaneous suction drainage helps the
residual hematoma to be drained continuously and is
associated with low rates of recurrence and complications. Optimum management should be the simultaneous closure of the CSF dural fistula during CSDH
discharge. CSDH management alone can contribute to
recurrence without fixing CSF leakage. ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) inhibitors treatment decreases
the recurrence rate. In chronic cases, middle meningeal
Rahmanian A, et al. Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Iran J Neurosurg. 2020; 6(4):181-194.
October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
artery embolization is useful to disrupt blood flow to the
capsule of the hematoma and avoid recurrence [123].
Spontaneous resolution
In patients with normal neurologic findings, neurological and radiological monitoring coupled with medical
care may be necessary. Without the surgical procedure,
non-traumatic SDH or non-traumatic hygroma in infants
may often undergo substantial resolution within a few
months. Post-traumatic CSDH spontaneous resolution
can occur in patients without any accompanying coagulation, but rarely. Careful treatment should be taken
into account if the neurological and physical state of the
patient changes [124].
Middle meningeal artery embolization
operative bed rest as a way to allow the brain to regrow
after a subdural evacuation, but after MMA embolization, this is not required because subdural evacuation
does not occur. Patients are normally outpatient within
a few hours of embolization. Finally, without the need
for skin incisions, craniotomy, and drainage, the risk of
infection is significantly reduced [125-189].
Head position after surgery
Immediately after surgery, placing the head 30 degrees in CSDH did not have a major effect on outcome
and recurrence. Without raising the risk of recurrence
in patients 65 years or older, early post-operative mobilization may prevent post-operative pneumonia and urinary tract infections. In the standing position, the rate of
recurrence is substantially more [127, 128].
In the treatment of CSDH, MMA (Middle Meningeal
Artery) embolization has been demonstrated in nonrandomized case-control studies. To treat bleeding that is
venous in nature, it is important to understand the mechanism by which arterial blood supply stops. Understanding the mechanism of our therapeutic effects allows the
population to qualify for MMA embolization [125-127].
It may be a good choice to perform proximal MMA embolization using a coil because unwanted leakage of embolized particulate matter can cause eye and facial nerve
injuries. Whether the CSDH recurrence is causative or
consistent, or merely a coincidence, embolization as a
treatment for CSDH is prohibited by the ophthalmological origins of MMA. The choice of embolizing materials is
another technical issue. Most studies have used particles
of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) and a small number have used
liquid embolizing materials [125-127].
It has also been proposed to use MMA in the treatment
of CSDH by observing that MMA is submerged in CSDH.
Contrast enhancement of dura, CSDH capsule, CSDH fluid, and septation was shown by CT CSDH images obtained
after MMA embolization suggesting continuous vessels
between the membranes of CSDH and MMA [125-127].
- Pneumonia;
Compared to conventional open surgery for subdural
drainage, endovascular MMA embolization has several
benefits, making it a very attractive invasive treatment
option for the elderly. Under local anesthesia, transradial or transfemoral access through the skin is usually well
tolerated with a low risk of complications. MMA embolization procedures may also be done under mild sedation
or local anesthesia, thus reducing the risk of endotracheal intubation and general anesthesia causing cardiac and
respiratory complications. Physicians also practice post-
- Rapid hematoma decompression contributes to focal hyperemia of the cerebral cortex, which, in conjunction with causes such as labile hypertension and amyloid
cerebral angiopathy is considered to be the cause of intracerebral hemorrhage. By adding a subdural drainage
drain, the intracerebral complication might be iatrogenic.
By checking whether the bridging vessel or cortex is damaged or the drain has even entered the brain parenchyma, careful positioning of the subdural drainage under
visual control, and further irrigation of the subdural compartment will avoid this very rare complication [129-131].
- Seizure (1%-23%);
- Post-operative infections;
- Brainstem hematoma: This is a very rare complication
of subdural hematoma’s evacuation. This complication
can be avoided by slow decompression, management of
clotting disorders, and maintaining proper blood pressure before surgery. Rapid asymmetric decompression,
resulting in vascular dysfunction and a rapid increase in
blood flow to the brain, can lead to hematoma of the
brain stem. Therefore, slow rate decompression and
evacuation are recommended for CSDH drainage to
prevent severe complications such as secondary intracranial hematoma.
- Tension pneumocephalus [5].
Rahmanian A, et al. Tips and Pearls in Chronic Subdural Hematoma. Iran J Neurosurg. 2020; 6(4):181-194.
October 2020, Vol 6, Issue 4, No 23
In elderly patients with multiple illnesses and polymorbidity, all complications are more common. Patients
over 85 years of age have a lower rate of recurrence [5].
5. Conclusion
[1] Yadav YR, Parihar V, Namdev H, Bajaj J.Chronic subdural
hematoma. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery. 2016; 11(4):330-42.
[DOI:10.4103/1793-5482.145102] [PMID] [PMCID]
[2] Adhiyaman V, Asghar M, Ganeshram KN, Bhowmick
In neurosurgery patients, chronic SDH is one of the
most common and significant factors. The new membrane forms around the hematoma with delicate neocapillaries. Inflammation contributes to VEGF production and release of the profibrinolytic and anticoagulant
factors in the hematoma fluid, elements that are thought
to boost the growth of rebleeding and SDH. In the initial
assessment of CSDH, CT plays a vital role as it correctly
confirms the diagnosis and can predict the age of the
hematoma. The only evidence-based advice is the placement of a closed system drain during surgery to avoid
recurrence. Anti-platelet therapy should be stopped for
7 days in patients with mild symptoms and anticoagulants transferred to vitamin K alone and with near clinical
and radiological follow-up. Antiplatelet therapy may be
stopped for those who require emergency surgery, and
platelets should be administered during the procedure.
Rapid conversion can be achieved using PCC or FFP, an
adjunct to vitamin K, in patients receiving anticoagulants. No evidence exists to assess the best time for antiplatelet or anticoagulant re-treatment to resume.
Ethical Considerations
BK. Chronic subdural hematoma in the elderly. PostGraduate Medical Journal. 2001; 78(916):71-5. [DOI:10.1136/
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