Inte r na t io na l J o ur na l o f A pp lie d Re se a r c h 2 0 2 0 ; 6 (8 ): 1 7 3 -1 7 6
ISSN Print: 2394-7500
ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2
IJAR 2020; 6(8): 173-176
Received: 08-06-2020
Accepted: 10-07-2020
Hafiz Muhammad Bilal
Department of Horticulture,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Rabia Zulfiqar
Department of Horticulture,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Muhammad Adnan
Department of Agronomy,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Muhammad Shakeeb Umer
Department of Horticulture,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Haseeb Islam
Department of Horticulture,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Hamza Zaheer
Department of Horticulture,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Wazir Mohsin Abbas
Department of Horticulture,
Crop and Food Sciences Pir Mehr
Ali Shah Arid Agriculture
University, Rawalpindi,
Fateen Haider
Department of Horticulture,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Rai Ikhlaq Ahmad
Department of Horticulture,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Corresponding Author:
Muhammad Adnan
Department of Agronomy,
College of Agriculture,
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Impact of salinity on citrus production; A review
Hafiz Muhammad Bilal, Rabia Zulfiqar, Muhammad Adnan,
Muhammad Shakeeb Umer, Haseeb Islam, Hamza Zaheer, Wazir
Mohsin Abbas, Fateen Haider and Rai Ikhlaq Ahmad
Citrus is one of the important horticultural fruit crop growing all over world. However, it is sensitive to
many environmental stresses such as drought, excessive watering (water logging), extreme
temperatures (cold, frost and heat), salinity and mineral toxicity, among all these stresses salinity stress
is one of them. Salinity is abiotic factor that decrease the vegetative growth and yield by causing
hyperosmotic and hyperionic effects on soil rhizosphere. Citrus is a crop susceptible to salt because
citrus growth and yield is more significantly reduce in salt stress condition as compared with other fruit
crops. There are many ways to combat the negative effect of salinity like alternate irrigation or
selection of resistant root stocks. Therefore, this review focuses on the effect of salinity on citrus
production and possible measures to reduce the losses.
Keywords: Citrus; stresses; salinity; rootstocks; losses
1. Introduction
Citrus is a subtropical crop and grown in almost all over of the world. It is susceptible to low
temperature and poor soils. Major portion of citrus comes from northern hemisphere,
Mediterranean countries and from United States, while largest citrus producer is Brazil.
Citrus production is more successful in such type of areas where climatic condition is warm
and have well drained soils. It requires supplemental irrigation and better irrigated water
quality. The use of chemical product and fertilizers also boost salt reinforcement with soil
which causes salt stress (Syvetrsen 1989) [23]. River water that used for irrigation purpose
having negative effect on citrus plant due to presence of higher amount of soluble salt and
also higher electrical conductivity > 3 dS m -1 (Garcı́a-Sánchez et al. 2002) [8]. Citrus is a crop
susceptible to salt because citrus growth and yield is more significantly reduce in salt stress
condition as compared with other fruit crops (Maas 1993; Storey and Walker 1998) [15, 20].
Soil salinity is one of the most important abiotic factors that adversely effect on plant growth.
In addition, nursery and greenhouse industry is under pressure to recover and recycle
fertilizer solution and wastes. Most of these contains significantly higher salt concentrations
that could cause harm to susceptible species of plants (Bilal et al., 2020) [6]. Salt stress is
depending upon climatic conditions, quality of irrigation water, soil condition (Grieve and
Bevington 2007; Prior et al. 2007) [12, 17]. It occurs due to poor drainage of soil, toxicity of
boron, imbalance or deficiency of nutrients and flooding. Salt stress negatively influence all
plants (Camara-Zapata et al. 2004) [7]. Therefore, this review focuses on the effect of salinity
on citrus production and possible measures to reduce the losses.
2. Salinity Impact on Citrus Growth and Production
Salinity is the main abiotic factor that decrease the vegetative growth and yield by causing
hyperosmotic and hyperionic effects on soil rhizosphere. Syvertsen and Garcia-Sanchez
(2014) [21] reported that salts stress through cause on roots predisposing trees to the biotic
environmental stresses, also include effect by nematodes, bacterial disease and root rot. Balal
et al. (2011) [5] study the influence of salt stress on plants. Results showed that maximum salt
application gives rise to excessive reduction in the growth parameters, i.e., dry and fresh
weight of root and shoot and also declared that through rise in salinity concentration sugar
and proline contents were also improved. Wei et al. (2013) [25] investigated the influence salt
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International Journal of Applied Research
tolerance of citrus. The NaCl concentration decrease dry
mass (DM), respiration levels and leaf area, but the looseskin mandarins lower the leaf transpiration rate (Tr) than
sweet oranges. The variation in basic nutritional value
ranged between the salted cultivars and loose mandarins of
the skin to indicate less leaf decline Mg2+ and Ca2+. The
increased salt Beranium demonstrated weak- skin mandarins
might well be associated with the ability to exclude Na + and
Cl- from leaf in particular Mg+ and Ca2+ in their leaf.
Gimeno et al. (2009) [10] conducted a research trail to study
the effect of irrigation by salty water in semi-arid and arid
areas. Fertilization and rootstocks show the central role in
citrus salts tolerance. The salinity decreases; the growth of
leaf was identical in S + N and S trees. The reason was the
osmotic impact and the sensitivity of Cl- and Na+ leaves
played a key part in a growth response to salt stress of fino
49 lemons. They also reported that foliar spray of the
concentrations of the Cl- leaf of nitrogen in S + N treatment
was also lower relative to the S therapy, but the leaf growth
was lowest for the treatment of N trees. Salt reduced water
from leaves and osmotic potential to increase leaf turgor.
García-Sánchez et al. (2006) [9] conducted a research trail to
evaluate the effect of different salinity concentrations on
citrus and noted decrease in leaf gas exchange and leaf
growth. They observed that shade reduced applications in
salinized tree leaves but did not affect the root or leaf Cl- of
trees in Cleo. In the leaf gas exchange parameters of shaded
and un-shaded salinized plants there are no major variations.
The growth has also been decreased by the salinity which
has been documented to be superior to un- shaded trees. The
damaging effects of salinity for accumulation and growth of
Na+ were not overcome by shading. Thy also reported that
growth is reduced from salinity stress is superior for shaded
than for un-shaded trees. Shading did not overcome the
harmful effects of salinity on Na+ accumulation and growth.
(Adnan 2004) [3] reported that water salinity is the main
issue due to its adverse impact on the yields of numerous
horticultural crops. It inhibits the growth of citrus trees and
often induces physiological issues. In addition to
the accumulation of the extreme concentration of chloride or
sodium in the leaves the salt stress mainly reduces net
carbon dioxide integration, transpiration rate and water
prospective citrus leaves. They observed that the best
research tells that the citrus is genetically sensitive to salt.
Zekri and Parsons (1992) [26] conducted the experiment to
check the effect of sodium chloride (NaC1) on the different
citrus rootstocks at greenhouse. Increasing the levels of
sodium chloride in the nutrition solution decreases the leaf
and root mineral levels of the seven citrus rootstock grow
substantially and distinct. It was noted that substantial
variations across all leaf and root concentrations were also
discovered in adverse condition by many citrus rootstock.
They also reported that the sodium chloride sensitivity of
different citrus rootstocks in the phrase of leaf burning
symptoms observed and growth reducing could be assigned
more C1- than to Na+. Sodium and CI- concentrations were
higher in the leaves as compared with the roots of seven
citrus rootstocks. (Zekri 1993) [27] conducted an experiment
in order to examines the impact of greenhouse experiment
NaCl induced pressure on early development and the
emergence of citrus rootstock cultivars, i.e. Citrumelo,
Rough lemon, Volkamer lemon, Rangpur lime, Swingle
citrumelo. Seeds were irrigated with a solution containing
NaCl at different concentrations. The results showed
remarkable effects of salinity on the growth of seedlings and
emergence but no impact on the final emergence rate. They
also observed that little tolerance results were found in sour
orange, and rough lemon while highest in Rangpur lime and
Swingle citrumelo.
2. Salinity Impact on Production and Efficiency of Crop
The citrus crop is sensitive to salt stress. Irrigation of saline
water decreases the yield of the citrus crop. (Hepaksoy
2000) [13] conducted a research trail to check the yield and
quality of rootstocks in saline conditions. They observed
that fruit yield of citrus crop was reduced by approximately
13 %, 1.0 dS /m higher in electrical conductivity of the
saturated soil extract when soil salinity is overshot a
threshold electrical conductivity of 1.4 dS m -1. The
accumulation of high Cl- and Na+ can effect particular ion
toxicities, but this issue can be overcome by the selection of
different rootstocks. Ashutosh et al. (2005) [24] investigated
the harmful consequences of salt stress and reported
depletion in fruit quality and yield. They observed that the
feasible process (nutritional, biochemical, physical), which
plants modify to assist salt stress, might give a sign to
biotechnologists, and plant breeders to begin further in crop
Sharma et al. (2013) [19] in-vitro work has been carried out
in order to examines the impact of salt stress on raw lemon
seed production. The seed were treated with sodium salt in
different concentrations. Results indicated that the tolerance
index was found highest in NaCl treatments and the slightest
in control. Syvertsen and Levy (2005) [22] conducted a
research trail in citrus to study indirect and direct
connections among salinity and other physical abiotic
stresses like irradiance, drought, poor soil drainage, leaf
atmospheric evaporative demand and leaf temperature. In
accumulation, salinity relates to biotic pests and diseases
containing Nematodes, root rot (Phytophthora spp), and
mycorrhizae. Refining tree water association through ideal
irrigation management lessening evaporative claim, and
sustaining nutrient balances can improve salt injury and
decline noxious ion accretion. They reported that salinity
can also dispose of citrus rootstocks to ambush by
nematodes, and root rot. Not all properties of salinity are
negative, though, as modest salinity stress can lessen growth
and physiological activity, permitting citrus seedlings
survive under cold exposure and may also boost vegetation
after the release of salt stress.
Abad et al. (2002) [1] carried out a research to check the
impact of salts and observed that salinization decreases the
plant dry weight higher in Sour orange as compare to in
Cleopatra mandarin plants of citrus. They also reported that
there is no correlation among Na+ and Cl-concentration in
shoot fresh weight and leaves lessening. Salinity influence
the overcome Ca2+, K+ and total nitrogen in Cleopatra
mandarin leaves and higher K+ in Sour orange leaves of
citrus cultivars. Gregorio et al. (2003) [11] determined the
effects of salinity on uptake, growth, accumulation of Na +
and Cl- ions and transport in the stem, leaves and root of two
rootstocks, i.e., Sour orange and C. macrophylla. The results
showed that in response to escalate salinity, shoot and root
attentiveness of Na+ and Cl- improve in sour orange, but not
in C. macrophylla and also suggest that C. macrophylla and
sour orange have the dissimilar structure for transport and
uptake of Cl- and Na+.
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International Journal of Applied Research
3. Approaches to Combat Salinity Stress in Citrus
The citrus crop is very sensitive to salts. Aboutalebi and
Hasanzadeh (2014) [2] reported that inters tock between
rootstock and scion can not only enhance production,
durability, productivity and fruit quality but can also
improves salinity tolerance. Murkute et al. (2006) [16]
conducted a research trail to evaluate the response of citrus
cultivars under the salinity. Mycorrhizal fungi, a symbiotic
relationship among beneficial fungi and plant roots are
supposed to impart the salts stress bear in the host plants.
They observed that the salts stress improved due to
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AM fungi) colonization can
be attributed to enhanced mineral nutrition. They also
reported that the proline accumulation increases while the
chlorophyll, calcium, and magnesium contents decrease
significantly with increasing salinity. In general, the reduced
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal colonization did not show any
significant effects under salt stress. Anjum et al. (2001) [4]
conducted a trail to check the effect of salinity. They select
some citrus rootstocks, i.e., Yuma citrange, Cleopatra
mandarin, Jatti khatti, Kharna khatta, Gada dehi, were
assessed with different salinity levels. They were flourished
by combining NaCl, MgSO4, Na2SO4 and CaCl2 salts in the
soil. The results manifested that a higher number of leaves,
minimum toxicity symptoms and more plant height were
observed in these rootstocks at the highest ECe level and
also showed that Kharna khatta proved to be minimum
tolerant rootstock and Gada dehi determine the most tolerant
Ruiz et al. (1997) [18] conducted an experiment to evaluate
the salinity effect on relative growth rate (RGR), net
assimilation rate on a leaf weight basis (NAR), leaf weight
ratio (LWR), and nutrient uptake and utilization of citrus.
They used four citrus rootstocks (Sour orange, Cleopatra
mandarin, Carrizo citrange, and Citrus macrophylla with
nutrient mixture and sodium chloride (NaCl) for the 20, 40
and 60 days. They observed that the relative growth rate
declined with the time after applying all the concentrations
of salts on rootstocks. After 60 days, salinity shows a
significant effect on the leaf concentrations of Cl, Na, K, Ca,
Mg, P, Fe, Mn and Zn and on the SAR and SURL of many
elements. They also reported that the imbalance use of
essential nutrients may also cause the disorder in plant
growth at varying salinity levels. Iglesias et al. (2004) [14]
conducted the research trail and they observed that salt
effect decreases the total biomass of plant 27–38%;
however, potassium nitrate supplementation relatively
counteracted the influence by an increased dry matter of
plant, and fresh leaf area. They also reported that the
nitrogen and photosynthetic activity, and chlorophyll
contents are also improved in leaves of the nitrate
supplemented salinized plants. In salinized crop nitrate
supplementation, decrease the leaf abscission, stimulated
photosynthetic movement and enhance the growth rate of
fresh leaves. The nitrate action did not respond to chloride
concentration in the leaves, but it compact chloride
absorptions in Carrizo and Macrophyll roots.
4. Conclusion
It is concluded from the review that citrus production is
negatively affected due to salinity but proper measures and
uses of salt tolerant root stock can reduce some losses.
Moreover, more salt tolerant rootstocks need to be identified
and selected for cultivation in saline areas. Additionally,
water and nutrient management may be used to alleviate
some aspects of salt stress.
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