Research Article RECEIVED ON 14-10-2011 ACCEPTED ON 27-10-2011


Remusatia vivipara (RV) found throughout in hilly region and used in folk medicine to treat whooping cough and used for wound to dispel any worms and germs. The present study was undertaken to investigate effect of RV on haloperidol induced catalepsy in mice. The effect of deferent doses (100 and 200 mg/kg) of various extract i.e. Ethanolic, Chloroform and ether extract of leaves of RV was studied on haloperidol (1 mg/kg, i.p.) induced catalepsy using bar test. The result indicated that haloperidol induced catalepsy was significantly for ethanolic and chloroform extract.

Available Online through IJPBS |Volume 1| Issue 4 |OCT-DEC |2011|420-424 Preclinical Evaluation of Remusatia Vivipara Leaves Extracts On Haloperidol Induced Catalepsy In Experimental Animals Mayur Bhurat*, Mohd. Nasir, Swati More, Rupal Sanghavi, Pankaj Salunkhe & Arvind Umarkar Shree Sureshdada jain Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamner, Dist: Jalgaon (M.S.) *Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] Research Article RECEIVED ON 14-10-2011 ACCEPTED ON 27-10-2011 ABSTRACT Remusatia vivipara (RV) found throughout in hilly region and used in folk medicine to treat whooping cough and used for wound to dispel any worms and germs. The present study was undertaken to investigate effect of RV on haloperidol induced catalepsy in mice. The effect of deferent doses (100 and 200 mg/kg) of various extract i.e. Ethanolic, Chloroform and ether extract of leaves of RV was studied on haloperidol (1 mg/kg, i.p.) induced catalepsy using bar test. The result indicated that haloperidol induced catalepsy was significantly for ethanolic and chloroform extract. KEYWORDS: Remusatia vivipara, catalepsy, haloperidol, Neuroleptics. INTRODUCTION conception, in Whooping cough, For treatment Nature is the best source of medicinal of reddish boils constituents. From the vast natural resources, anti-inflammatory effect the plants are being used for therapeutic medicinal uses reported for Remusatia Vivipara purposes from the beginning of the civilization but no research persuades its central nervous [1] . Remusatia Vivipara (Roxb) Schott is a very system activity (CNS). Hence, to initiate and rare plant belonging to the family Areacea. exert a pull on CNS activity of Remusatia Plant Remusatia Vivipara (Roxb) Schott is Vivipara, we evaluate cataleptic activity of commonly known as Hitchhiker Elephant Ear. By Remusatia Vivipara. tribal people in the region of Nandurbar District, MATERIALS AND METHODS Maharashtra. Locally it is known as ‘Lalkand’. [2,3] Plant Material Mainly its leaves and leaves are edible, also the The fresh leaves of Remusatia Vivipara Roxb. leaves are used as folk medicine for treating (Araceae) were collected from Nandurbar . It also has analgesic and [3, 6]. Although several .Leaves Remusatia district Maharashtra in the month of July-Aug Vivipara were used as analgesic, on the wound and It was Identified and authenticated by Dr. to dispel any worms and germs, for disinfecting G.S Chaudhari, Department of Botany, M.J. genitourinary tract and for promoting College Jalgaon. A voucher specimen of the inflammation and arthritis Page 420 [3] [4,5] International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (eISSN: 2230-7605) Int J Pharm Bio Sci Mayur Bhurat* et al Available Online through IJPBS |Volume 1| Issue 4 |OCT-DEC |2011|420-424 leaves itself is deposited in department for The haloperidol (RPG Life Sciences, India) and future reference. various extract of Remusatia Vivipara were Extraction by Using Soxhlet Apparatus dissolved in saline. The haloperidol and EA (Continuous Hot Extraction) administered i.p. and orally respectively at The leaves of Remusatia Vivipara were oven- volume of 10 ml/kg. dried at 450C. Then it was powdered in grind Catalepsy Evaluation mill. The powdered drug was passed through The animals were divided into three groups sieve no.22 to get uniform practical size. The (n=5). Group I served as Control (Haloperidol powder was defatted with petroleum ether (601mg/kg, i.p.), Group II and Group III treated 80⁰c). Then successively extracted with with EA 100 mg/kg p.o. and 200 mg/kg p. o. chloroform and ethanol by using soxhlet apparatus [7,8] respectively. Catalepsy was evaluated according .The extract was dried under to the standard bar hanging procedure by reduced pressure using a rotary vacuum placing the animals with both forelegs over a evaporator, The dark green extract so obtain horizontal glass bar (0.5 cm o.d.), elevated 4.5 were kept in refrigerator for further use. cm from the floor [9] The time the mouse Animals maintained this position was recorded for up to Adult male albino mice weighing 25-30gm (bred 300 s; after three attempts the animal was in our animal house, Shree Sureshdada Jain replaced in cataleptic position. Catalepsy was institute of pharmaceutical education and considered finished when the forepaw touched Research, Jamner, India) were used for study. the floor or when the mouse climbed the bar. Animals were housed under a standard 12 h: 12 Measurement was performed 30 min after h light dark cycle and were provided with food saline, vehicle or extract administrations. and water ad labium. Animals were acclimated Statistical Analysis to laboratory condition before testing. Each All the data shown as mean ± SEM. Statistical animal was used once. The experiments were Analysis was performed with one way ANOVA performed between 10.00 and 16.00hrs. The followed by Dennett’s test. experimental protocol was approved by the Differences of p<0.05 considered as statistically institutional animal ethics committee and the significant. Page 421 study was conducted according to CPCSEA guidelines for the use and care of experimental RESULT AND DISCUSSION animals. Typical Drugs Neuroleptics agents such as chlorpromazine, haloperidol, reserpine induced International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (eISSN: 2230-7605) Int J Pharm Bio Sci Mayur Bhurat* et al Available Online through IJPBS |Volume 1| Issue 4 |OCT-DEC |2011|420-424 a cataleptic state in rodents which is widely Furthermore, the catalepsy state may be used as a model to test the extrapiramidal side modulated effects of antipsychotic agents. Neuroleptics- serotonergic or adenosinergic neurotransmitter induced catalepsy has been linked to a blockade systems. Thus, the cataleptic activity of of post synaptic striatal dopamine D1 & D2 Remusatia receptor. [9] despite this evidence, several other interacting with dopaminergic, serotonergic, neurotransmitters acetylcholine, adenosinergic or GABAnergic neurotransmitter serotonin angiotensin adenosine or opoids have systems. The results obtained in the present also been implicated in the catalepsy induced study require further investigation to elucidate by neuroleptic agents [10]. the catalepsy induced by using various extracts. such as by drugs vivipara that might modify be the associated The present result represents in Figure 1, the effect of Remusatia vivipara leaves extracts as cataleptic property in mice. Haloperidol induced catalepsy is one of the animal models for testing extrapyradimal side effects of antipsychotic drugs. Haloperidol is thought to induce catalepsy through the blockade of dopamine receptors in the striatum and nucleus accumbens. In our present study we observed that the various extracts enhanced duration of catalepsy in mice. Ethanolic extract at the dose of 200mg/kg shows increases in the cataleptic response. While Chloroform extracts also enhance the cataleptic property of Haloperidol CONCLUSION The various extracts of Remusatia vivipara potentiate haloperidol induced catalepsy in mice. This could potentially causes an adverse effect such as an increase in extra-pyramidal side effects of neuroleptic drugs or beneficial such as improving the therapeutic response in psychiatric patients. So, it may act by blocking dopaminergic receptors or other receptors. Furthermore, specific preclinical investigations are needed for selecting a target site as neuroleptics treatment. This plant will be a good candidature in a Neurological treatment. Page 422 in mice. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (eISSN: 2230-7605) Int J Pharm Bio Sci Mayur Bhurat* et al Available Online through Time in sec IJPBS |Volume 1| Issue 4 |OCT-DEC |2011|420-424 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Control Test A 1 Test A 2 Test B 1 Test B 2 Test C1 Test C2 30 min 60 min 90 min 120 min 150 min 180min ANOVA Test P-value p<0.05 Dunnett's Multiple Comparison test **p<0.01, *p<0.05 Figure 1: Effect of Remusatia vivipara extract on haloperidol induced catalepsy in mice n = 6; The differences in means are significant at P < 0.05. Test A1: Ethanolic Extract 100mg/kg Test A2: Ethanolic Extract 200mg/kg Test B1: Ether Extract 100 mg/kg Test B2: Ether Extract 200mg/kg Test C1: Chloroform ext 100 mg/kg Test C2: Chloroform ext 200 mg/kg 423 REFERENCES 1. Kirtikar KR., Basu BD., Indian Medicinal Plants. Second Page Edition. MP Singh and BP Singh, 1980, 902-947. 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International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (eISSN: 2230-7605) Int J Pharm Bio Sci Mayur Bhurat* et al