Journal of Experimental Botany Advance Access published October 25, 2010
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Water uptake by seminal and adventitious roots in relation to
whole-plant water flow in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Thorsten Knipfer1,* and Wieland Fricke1
School of Biology and Environmental Science, Science Centre West, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
* To whom correspondence should be addressed: E-mail:
[email protected]
Received 14 May 2010; Revised 10 September 2010; Accepted 10 September 2010
Prior to an assessment of the role of aquaporins in root water uptake, the main path of water movement in different
types of root and driving forces during day and night need to be known. In the present study on hydroponically
grown barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) the two main root types of 14- to 17-d-old plants were analysed for hydraulic
conductivity in dependence of the main driving force (hydrostatic, osmotic). Seminal roots contributed 92% and
adventitious roots 8% to plant water uptake. The lower contribution of adventitious compared with seminal roots
was associated with a smaller surface area and number of roots per plant and a lower axial hydraulic conductance,
and occurred despite a less-developed endodermis. The radial hydraulic conductivity of the two types of root was
similar and depended little on the prevailing driving force, suggesting that water uptake occurred along a pathway
that involved crossing of membrane(s). Exudation experiments showed that osmotic forces were sufficient to
support night-time transpiration, yet transpiration experiments and cuticle permeance data questioned the
significance of osmotic forces. During the day, 90% of water uptake was driven by a tension of about –0.15 MPa.
Key words: Aquaporins, barley (Hordeum vulgare), cuticle, exudation, hydraulic conductivity, pressure probe, root water uptake,
night-time transpiration.
Plants appear in all shapes and sizes, yet in physical terms
they are variable hydraulic conductors that use a naturally
occurring gradient in the energy content of water (water
potential) between root environment (soil, hydroponics)
and shoot environment (atmosphere) to drive the uptake of
water and dissolved mineral nutrients (Fig. 1A). Hydraulic
resistances as they occur at the root and shoot level can
limit the flow of water through the plant, analogous to
Ohm’s Law (van den Honert, 1948; Landsberg and Fowkes,
1978; Frensch, 1997). The main hydraulic barrier to water
uptake by roots is the radial transport path, between root
epidermis and xylem, rather than the axial path along xylem
conduits (Frensch and Steudle, 1989; Steudle and Peterson,
1998). The radial resistance to water flow can be divided
into an apoplastic (cell wall, middle lamella, and intercellular air space) and a cell-to-cell (through plasmodesmata and
across membranes) component (see Fig. 1A, D), the latter
involving aquaporins.
The contribution of water flow through aquaporins to
root water uptake depends on water crossing aquaporincontaining membranes along the radial path. The main path
of water movement may differ in response to environment,
root developmental stage, prevailing driving force (osmotic,
hydrostatic), day/night, or changes in root anatomy induced
by stress (Steudle and Jeschke, 1983; for review see Steudle
and Peterson, 1998; Steudle, 2000; Maurel et al., 2010;
Murai-Hatano et al., 2008). Therefore, prior to a detailed
molecular study of the role of individual aquaporin isoforms in the control of root water uptake (for review see
Maurel et al., 2008), it is necessary to analyse the
contribution of different types of root to water uptake, in
dependence of the main radial path of water movement and
prevailing driving force. Root hydraulic properties can
change with the magnitude of water flow induced across
roots (e.g. Passioura and Munns, 1984). Therefore, integrating different measurements and scaling up to whole
ª 2010 The Author(s).
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plants is needed for a comprehensive analysis of hydraulic
properties. There exists a range of methods to analyse the
hydraulic behaviour of roots. Among the most commonly
used techniques are the root pressure probe, exudation, and
vacuum perfusion. These techniques involve different experimental set-ups, can apply different driving forces, and
induce different flow rates across roots. Since we do not
know how root hydraulics are affected by these differences
and which technique provides a ‘true’ reflection of root
hydraulic properties, these techniques should be used in
combination. This, however, has not been done.
Barley plants were analysed when they were 14–17 d old.
At this age, plants have two types of roots: seminal and
adventitious. Seminal roots contain an elaborate system of
lateral roots and are developed further compared with
adventitious roots, which only possess a well-developed
main root axis (Hacket, 1967, 1969). The thicker (in
diameter) adventitious roots have more cortical cell layers
and contain more central metaxylem vessels, of larger
diameter, than seminal roots. The difference in developmental state between seminal and adventitious roots is expected
to affect the functioning and development of the endodermis as the osmotic barrier for radial water and solute
transport (Steudle and Peterson, 1998; Schreiber et al.,
1999; Enstone et al., 2003), and impact on the radial and
axial hydraulic properties of the two types of root.
The experimental strategy of the present study was to use
the root pressure probe, exudation, and vacuum perfusion
techniques to determine the hydraulic conductance and,
together with determination of root surface area, the
conductivity of seminal and adventitious roots of barley in
response to osmotic and hydrostatic gradients. Together
with determination of axial hydraulic conductivity, this
allowed us to calculate radial in addition to osmotic
hydraulic conductivity. From the average number of
seminal and adventitious roots per plant and water flow
rates determined on individual roots the water flow (uptake)
rate of the entire root system could be calculated and
compared with experimentally determined values. Through
exudation experiments, we determined directly osmotic
forces during the day and night. Taking into consideration
that osmotic gradients decrease (dilution of xylem sap) with
increasing transpiration rates (Munns and Passioura, 1984),
which we determined gravimetrically during day and night,
we could calculate the contribution of osmotically driven
water uptake during day- and night-time transpiration.
Vacuum perfusion experiments provided a relationship
between hydrostatic forces and water flow rates. This
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Fig. 1. Hydraulic resistances along the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. (A) The picture shows a 15-d-old barley plant as analysed in the
present study. Water flow through the plant is driven by a difference in water potential, DW, between root medium (approximately –0.04 MPa)
and atmosphere (approximately –48 MPa at 70% relative humidity and 21 °C). Radial water uptake into roots can occur along an
apoplastic and a cell-to-cell path, the latter involving aquaporins. Water is transported axially along the xylem and may encounter
resistances within the root system, at the root–shoot junction, or within the shoot (leaf). In the shoot, radial flow of water and exit into the
atmosphere can be limited by the radial flow path or the conductance at the exit point (stomata, cuticle). (B–D) Major hydraulic
resistances arranged analogously to an electrical circuit. (B) Resistance of the root system (RR), the root–shoot junction (RR/S), and the
shoot (RS). (C) Within the root system, seminal and adventitious roots are treated as hydraulic resistances arranged in parallel (RSRs and
RARs, respectively). (D) In each root, axial and radial hydraulic resistance are treated as being arranged in series (Raxial, Rradial); the radial
resistance (Rradial) is divided into two resistances arranged in parallel, an apoplastic (RAPO
radial), and a cell-to-cell resistance (Rradial).
Barley root water uptake | 3 of 17
Materials and methods
To keep the volume of the manuscript at a minimum, all
calculations are detailed in Supplementary File S1.
Plant material and growth conditions
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf, Svalöf Weibull AB, Svalöf,
Sweden) plants were grown on modified half-strength Hoagland
solution in a growth chamber as described previously (Fricke and
Peters, 2002). Plants grew at a day/night length of 16/8 h and
temperature of 21/15 °C. Relative humidity was 70% and photosynthetically active radiation at the level of the developing leaf 3
was 300–400 lmol m2 s1. Plants were analysed when they were
14–17 d old. At this developmental stage, plants had two fully
expanded leaves (leaves 1 and 2). The main developing leaf was
leaf 3, and leaf 4 started to emerge from the sheaths of older leaves
when plants were 16–17 d old.
The first major roots that appeared, after radicle formation,
during germination of barley seedlings were seminal roots. Barley
plants had between six and seven seminal roots. Adventitious
roots, which differ in morphology and anatomy from seminal
roots (see Figs. 2, 3) started to appear when plants were 11–13 d
old (see also Esau, 1965).
Barley plants were analysed when they were 14–17 d old and not
when they were at more advanced growth stages, since the root
system became more complex and difficult to handle (tangled
lateral roots), which made it more likely that damage to roots and
formation of leaks (hydraulic, solute) would occur (Miller, 1987).
Also, results could be related to data on leaf growth, which have
all been obtained on 14- to 17-day-old plants (e.g. Fricke et al.,
1997, 2006; Fricke, 2002; Fricke and Peters, 2002).
Root growth, anatomy, and surface area
To obtain information about growth of roots during the developmental window when hydraulic properties were determined,
fresh weight and length of roots were measured daily when plants
were 14–17 d old. Three independent batches of plants with 12
plants each were analysed.
Root anatomy was studied on free-hand cross-sections that were
made from different root developmental regions, as specified in
text and figure legends. Sections were observed with a Leica
microscope (DM IL; Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) and captured with
a digital camera (DFC300 FX; Leica, Wetzlar, Germany). For
analyses of general root anatomy, e.g. detection of lignified cell
walls (bright blue signal) or polysaccharides rich in carboxy groups
(turquoise/pink signal), sections were stained with 0.5% Toluidine
Blue for 1 min and viewed under bright light (O’Brien et al., 1964).
For the detection of Casparian bands (bright yellow signal),
sections were stained for 30 min with 0.1% berberine hemisulfate
and counterstained for 1–3 min with 0.5% Toluidine Blue. Sections
were viewed under fluorescence light using a UV/violet filter with
an excitation wavelength of 390–420 nm (Brundrett et al., 1988;
Hachez et al., 2006; Bramley et al., 2009). Mature xylem vessels,
having highly lignified walls (bright blue/yellowish signal), were
identified with the same method. Suberin and lipid deposits
(intense red signal) were visualized by staining sections with Sudan
Red 7B (or Sudan III) for 2.5 h (Brundrett et al., 1991).
Surface area of roots was determined after each hydraulic
experiment by measuring the length and radius of the main axis of
roots and the number, length, and diameter of lateral roots.
Surface area was calculated by treating roots as cylinders.
Root hydraulic measurements
Hydraulic properties of roots were analysed when plants were 14–
17 d old. This made it possible to carry out replicate analyses on
each batch of plants. The alternative, to collect entire sets of data
for each specific age (e.g. 14 d, 15 d), would have required a very
high number of replicate analyses and restricted the parallel
application of a range of techniques.
Root pressure probe, vacuum perfusion, and root exudation
were used to determine hydraulic properties of roots, as detailed
previously (Knipfer and Fricke, 2010). Analyses were carried out
in the laboratory. Hydraulic measurements resulted in values of
conductance [unit: m3 (of water flow) s1 MPa1 (of driving
force)]. Conductance was either related to root surface area (m2) to
calculate conductivity (m s1 MPa1) or was converted into
resistance (inverse of conductance, s MPa m3). The calculation
of hydraulic parameters is detailed in Supplementary File S1 (see
also Knipfer and Fricke, 2010).
Root pressure probe experiments. Individual roots were excised
close (1–2 cm) to their base, fixed to the probe, and bathed in the
same medium in which the plant had been grown. The medium
was circulated to minimize external unstirred layer effects (see Fig. 3
in Knipfer and Fricke, 2010, for comparison of data for stagnant
and circulated media). When a stable root pressure was reached
(0.5–2h) pressure relaxations were induced, either by imposing
a hydrostatic pressure pulse (60.05 MPa, hydrostatic relaxations)
or by adding 25 mM NaCl to the root medium (osmotic
relaxations). Half-times of pressure relaxations (T1/2) were used
for calculation of root hydraulic conductivity. Possible internal
unstirred layers, which can occur at the cortex-facing side of the
endodermis during diffusion of solutes through the root cylinder
(Tyree et al., 2005), were considered as part of the overall root
hydraulic resistance, whereas internal unstirred layers on the stelefacing side of the endodermis were negligible (Knipfer and Fricke,
2010), in contrast to studies on corn (Knipfer et al., 2007).
Biphasic osmotic pressure relaxations consisted of an initial water
exit phase and a second much slower water uptake phase caused
by solute uptake (see also Knipfer and Fricke, 2010). When taking
into account that a permeant solute (NaCl) was used during
osmotic experiments, the initial water exit phase might have been
dampened by the slow solute, and associated water uptake phase.
However, for a typical half-time of the fast initial water exit and
slower solute uptake phase of 14 s and 320 s, respectively, the
underestimation of the half-time of the fast water exit phase
(and osmotic water permeability) was <1% (see also Supplementary Fig. S4).
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relationship could be used, by subtraction, to calculate from
whole-plant transpiration rates and osmotic root water
uptake the hydrostatic forces required to support transpiration rates. Finally, root excision experiments were carried
out, where day- and night-time transpiration rates were
measured in response to a reduction in the total number of
roots (and root surface), or causing major solute leaks from
the stele, or bypassing any radial resistance to water uptake.
By modelling the plant as an electrical circuit (van den
Honert, 1948) (Fig. 1B–D) these data allowed us to (i)
determine the main transport resistances along the plant
(root system, root–shoot junction, shoot); (ii) quantify the
contribution of seminal and adventitious roots to root
water uptake; (iii) relate hydraulic properties and flow rates
determined on individual roots to those determined on
entire root systems; (iv) conclude on the magnitude of
osmotic and hydrostatic forces required to drive root water
uptake during the day and night; and (v) assess the
potential contribution of water flow along a pathway involving membranes (and possibly aquaporins) to root water
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Axial root hydraulic conductivity and xylem development was
determined by successively cutting back roots from the tip
(Frensch and Steudle, 1989). After each cut half-times were
measured again. Measured changes in half-time were directly
proportional to changes in root hydraulic resistance. A rapid
decrease in half-time at a certain position along the root was an
indication that the main conducting (meta)xylem was mature and
fully functional (Frensch and Steudle, 1989). Axial root hydraulic
conductivity was calculated from half-times determined for the
basal 2 cm root segment.
Vacuum perfusion. A root was fixed to a glass capillary and
supported in such a way that water uptake could be measured
as gravimetric loss in weight of nutrient solution. Osmotically
driven water uptake was measured prior to hydrostatically driven
water uptake (application of partial vacuum using a vacuum
pump). Water flow was used to calculate hydraulic conductance
and conductivity. Axial hydraulic conductance and conductivity
was determined after roots had been excised 2 cm below the root
Root exudation. An individual root or an entire root system was
attached with the excised root base or excised mesocotyl,
respectively, to a glass capillary (diameter 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm,
respectively). The rise of xylem sap in the capillary was
measured at time intervals of 5 min over a period of 1 h
(individual roots) or at intervals of 15 min over a period of
2 h (entire root system). Exudate volume was measured after
each interval using the capillary diameter and increase in height
of the exudate column, when individual roots were analysed; or
exudate volume was determined by weighing the collected
exudate on a balance (1 g ¼ 1 ml; CP323P; Sartorius, Göttingen,
Germany), when entire root systems were analysed, which
resulted in exudate volumes that exceeded the capacity of
capillaries. The osmotic flow rate was calculated from the linear
part of the flow against time plot. The osmotic driving force for
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Fig. 2. Root and leaf growth in 14- to 17-d-old barley plants. (A) Typical root system showing (n¼6) seminal roots (SR) and (n¼2)
adventitious roots (AR). (B) Average length of the main axis of individual seminal and adventitious roots. (C) Total fresh weight per plant of
the entire set of seminal and adventitious roots and of leaves 1–3. (D) Total surface area per plant of the entire set of seminal and
adventitious roots and of leaves 1–3. Results are means6SD (error bars) of values from (n¼)12 plants, from three batches of plants.
Where error bars seem to be absent, they are smaller than the symbol size. The surface area of roots was derived from an independently
determined relationship between root fresh weight and surface area [seminal roots, n¼17, fresh weight (g) ;9.963area (m2)+0.0054,
r2¼0.75; adventitious roots, n¼7, fresh weight (g) ;168.43area (m2)+0.0033, r2¼0.88].
Barley root water uptake | 5 of 17
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Fig. 3. Anatomy and xylem development of seminal and adventitious roots of barley. (A–D) Cross-sections of seminal roots taken at
40–60 mm (A–C, lateral root zone) and 5–10 mm (D, tip region) from the tip. (A–C) Seminal roots have typically one central (cMX) and
eight peripheral metaxylem (pMX) vessels, the latter located close to the much smaller protoxylem vessels (PX). The stelar region is highly
lignified and metaxylem vessels are mature. The endodermis (ED) is mature and shows asymmetrically thickened cell walls, which is
typical of state III of endodermis development (Enstone et al., 2003), in all cells including passage cells (PC). Wall depositions of suberin
(SB, arrow) can be detected in all cells of the endodermis. (D) Close to the root tip only peripheral but not central metaxylem vessels are
mature. Casparian bands can be detected (CB, arrow). (E–H) Cross-sections of adventitious roots taken at 40–60 mm (E–G, root hair
region) and 15–20 mm (H, tip region) from the root tip. (E–G) Adventitious roots have typically 5–7 central and 14 peripheral metaxylem
vessels. The stelar region shows some lignification. The endodermis shows secondary wall thickening except in passage cells. There are
fewer suberin depositions in adventitious compared with seminal roots and depositions are lacking from some passage cells. Central
metaxylem appears less mature than in seminal roots. (H) Closer to the root tip, only peripheral but not central metaxylem vessels appear
mature. Sections shown in (A) and (E) were stained with Toluidine Blue and viewed under bright light; sections in (B) and (F) were stained
with berberine hemisulfate and counterstained with Toluidine Blue and viewed under fluorescence light (390–420 nm) to visualize
Casparian bands and xylem development (Brundrett et al., 1988). Sections in (C) and (G) were stained with Sudan Red 7B and viewed
under bright light to visualize depositions of suberin (Brundrett et al., 1991). (I–J) Root pressure probe analyses of axial and radial
hydraulic resistance (inverse of conductance) along (I) seminal and (J) adventitious roots. The axial hydraulic resistance was
experimentally determined from half-times obtained through root pressure probe experiments where roots were cut back successively
and in between measurements (data points) from the tip (see Frensch and Steudle, 1989). The radial resistance was calculated as the
difference between the overall root resistance and the axial resistance for a particular location. (I) In seminal roots, the axial resistance
decreases to very low values beyond 20 mm from the tip, whereas the radial resistance increases. This shows that central metaxylem
vessels become fully mature and the endodermis fully developed at ;20 mm (as indicated by asterisk). (J) In adventitious roots, changes
in axial and radial resistance (and corresponding changes in metaxylem and endodermis development) occur up to 60 mm from the tip
(asterisk). Results are pooled from three root analyses each, and the location of cross-sections shown in A–H is indicated. Scale bars:
(A) 55 lm, (B–D) 15 lm, (E) 75 lm, and (F–H) 25 lm.
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water uptake was calculated from the difference in osmolality
between root medium and exudate. Exudation measurements, as
all other hydraulic analyses, were typically carried out 5–9 h
into the photoperiod. For individual roots, exudation was also
measured 3–5 h into the dark period.
To determine the hydraulic conductance of the root–shoot
junction, a vacuum-perfusion set-up similar to the one for analyses
of individual roots was used. The shoot of a barley plant was
excised under water 1–2 cm above the seed, at the mesocotyl. The
remaining segment of the mesocotyl with the root system attached
was inserted into a water-filled glass capillary (diameter 1.5 mm).
The mesocotyl was sealed with a cylindrical silicone seal in the
same way as during root pressure probe experiments. A partial
vacuum was applied (–0.02 MPa) to the open end of the capillary.
Water flow was measured gravimetrically as for individual roots. It
took ;30 min for water flow to increase linearly with time. This
gave the hydraulic conductance of the combined root system,
root–shoot junction, and mesocotyl portion. Roots were subsequently cut off right below (mesocotyl plus root–shoot junction)
and above (mesocotyl) the seed and the corresponding flow rate
measured after each cut.
Root excision experiments
To test the significance of an intact, complete root system for
transpirational water loss and leaf growth, a set of experiments
was carried out on 13- to 17-d-old barley plants, in which
a specified number (see text and figure legends) of roots was cut
off close to their base (;2 cm from the root–shoot junction).
Roots were positioned in such a way that the cut was either
submerged in nutrient solution or above the nutrient solution, in
which case the cut was sealed with Vaseline to prevent air from
entering xylem vessels. In an additional type of experiment, the tip
region of seminal roots was cut off, in the root hair region (;2 cm
from the root tip), and the cut was kept submerged in nutrient
solution. Transpirational water loss of plants prepared in such
a way was determined gravimetrically for one day/night cycle, as
described above. For the determination of leaf growth, the length
of the developing leaf 3 was measured with a ruler in the morning
and afternoon, over several days, and the increment in length per
Osmolality measurements
Osmolality of root exudate and medium was determined by
picolitre osmometry as described previously for cell and bulk leaf
extracts (Tomos et al., 1994; Fricke and Peters, 2002). Samples
were analysed immediately following collection or were stored
beneath a layer of liquid paraffin (to minimize evaporation) in
0.2 ml centrifuge tubes at 4 °C for up to 3 d.
Experimentally determined and calculated values
Some data were determined experimentally, while others were
calculated. Hydraulic conductance and conductivity were calculated from experimentally determined values of flow rates, or halftimes of water exchange, driving forces, and root surface areas.
Transpiration rates were determined experimentally and the flow
component driven through osmotic and hydrostatic gradients was
calculated, as was the contribution of root types to plant water
uptake. Axial hydraulic resistance along roots was determined
experimentally and used to calculate radial hydraulic resistance.
The hydraulic resistance of the shoot (between root–shoot junction
and air) was calculated from experimentally determined values
of whole-plant, root system, and root–shoot junction resistance.
Any growth-related data (fresh weight, length) were determined
Root growth and xylem development
Seminal roots appeared during germination, in their final
number, whereas adventitious roots appeared when plants
were 11–13 d old. When plants were 14–17 d old—the
developmental stage at which they were analysed—there
were six to seven seminal roots and two to four stem-borne
adventitious roots per plant. Adventitious roots had a welldeveloped root hair region, but in contrast to seminal roots,
no lateral roots at the developmental stage analysed
(Fig. 2A; see also Hacket and Bartlett, 1971). The length
of seminal roots ranged from 47 to 105 mm (72 roots
analysed) and averaged 6567 and 6966 mm when plants
were 14 d and 17 d old, respectively (Fig. 2B). Some of the
variation in seminal root length might have been due to the
primary root being longer than the other seminal roots. In
comparison, the length of adventitious roots ranged from
7 to 75 mm (36 roots analysed) and averaged 2464 and
4968 mm at 14 d and 17 d, respectively (Fig. 2B). Between
days 14 and 17 of plant growth, fresh weight and surface
area of seminal roots increased largely as the result of
growth of lateral roots. In contrast, in adventitious roots,
increases were due to elongation of the main root axis
(Fig. 2C, D). The increase per plant in fresh weight and
surface area of roots occurred parallel to an increase in
fresh weight and area of leaves, particularly for seminal
roots at the time leaf 4 started to emerge (days 16–17,
Fig. 2D). The average surface area of an individual seminal
root (5.261.23104 m2) was 3-fold larger than that of an
adventitious root (1.660.63104 m2).
A detailed study on the structure of the barley root
system in terms of branching pattern and root dimensions
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Transpiration and whole-plant hydraulics
The rate of transpirational water loss of entire plants was
determined gravimetrically in the growth chamber. Single barley
plants were placed in a measuring cylinder, which was filled with
nutrient solution and placed on a balance (CP323P). Changes in
weight were recorded every 2 min over a complete day/night period
using computer software (sartoCollect 1.0; Sartorius, Göttingen,
Germany). Rates of transpirational water loss were corrected for
evaporational water loss from the solution surface of the measuring cylinder. The latter was determined in separate experiments
(under identical growth chamber settings) and accounted for <1%
and for 9% of water loss recorded during the day and night period,
respectively (not shown).
The hydraulic conductance and resistance of the whole plant
was calculated from the transpirational water flux rate and the
difference in water potential between root medium and atmosphere
(Wmedium–air was –48.32 MPa during the day and –47.50 MPa
during the night; Supplementary Table S1). By modelling the plant
as an electrical circuit (Fig. 1B), the transport resistance at the root
level, root–shoot junction, and shoot was determined. Seminal and
adventitious roots were treated as parallel-arranged hydraulic
resistances (Fig. 1C). The hydraulic resistance of the entire root
system was calculated from the hydraulic resistance of individual
roots and the number of roots. In individual roots, axial and radial
hydraulic resistances were treated as serial resistances (Fig. 1D).
The radial resistance was divided into two parallel resistances, one
representing the apoplastic and one representing the cell-to-cell
measurement interval was used to calculate leaf elongation velocity
(mm h1).
Barley root water uptake | 7 of 17
velopment prior to the formation of additional wall
depositions in the endodermis (compare above).
Judging from cross-sections, which were taken at 40–50 mm
from the root tip, it appeared that the large central
metaxylem vessels were developed further, and possibly
more conductive, in seminal compared with adventitious
roots. This was supported through root pressure probe
analyses in which the half-time of water exchange between
root medium and xylem was first measured for intact roots
and then measured while successively cutting back roots
from the tip (see also Frensch and Steudle, 1989). Data on
half-times and whole-root conductance could be used to
construct spatial profiles of axial and radial resistance
(inverse of conductance) along the main axis of roots (see
also Frensch and Steudle, 1989) (Fig. 3I, J). A large
decrease in axial resistance (faster water flow), which
reflected movement of water through a cut-open mature
xylem vessel, was observed in seminal roots at ;20 mm
from the tip; in contrast, in adventitious roots, this decrease
was not observed until ;60 mm from the tip (Fig. 3I, J; see
asterisk). Parallel to the decrease in axial resistance from
the tip towards the base of roots, radial hydraulic resistance
increased, reaching final high values at ;20 mm and 60 mm
from the tip in seminal and adventitious roots, respectively
(Fig. 3I, J).
When axial hydraulic conductance of xylem was estimated for the most mature root region based on metaxylem
dimensions, using Hagen–Poiseuille’s law, the axial conductance was by one to two orders of magnitude larger in
adventitious compared with seminal roots (Table 1).
Root hydraulic properties
The force that drove water uptake into roots and that had
to be known to calculate hydraulic conductance could be
determined directly in root pressure probe experiments from
the magnitude of induced changes in root pressure (through
hydrostatic or osmotic means); similarly, during vacuum
Table 1. Xylem dimensions and predicted axial conductance of seminal and adventitious roots of 14- to 17-d-old barley plants
Dimensions and number of mature xylem vessels were used to calculate axial xylem conductance [(m3 s1 MPa1)31012] for a 20 mm root
segment by applying Hagen–Poiseuille’s law. Seminal (more advanced) and adventitious roots differed in developmental stage and
architecture, and the root base corresponded to the lateral-root zone in seminal and the root-hair zone in adventitious roots. Values are given
as mean6SD of five (seminal) and three (adventitious) root analyses; the range of values is given in brackets ‘(min–max)’.
from tip,
Peripheral metaxylem
Central metaxylem
Calculated axial hydraulic
conductance (m3 s1 MPa1)31012
of vessels
Diameter of
Number of vessels
Diameter of
not mature
9723 (3817–19357)
not mature
Statistical significance of difference in diameter of metaxylem vessels between type of root and root zone is indicated by different superscripts
(P<0.05, Student’s t-test).
Downloaded from by guest on December 3, 2015
has been given by Hackett (1967, 1969) and Hackett and
Bartlett (1971). Seminal roots had a mean diameter of
509682 lm, between four and five cortical cell layers, and
typically one large central and eight smaller and circularly
arranged peripheral metaxylem vessels (Fig. 3). The peripheral metaxylem vessels were early metaxylem—being fully
functional during early stages of development of a root
segment—whereas the central vessel was late metaxylem—
being the last of the xylem elements to become fully
functional (at the root hair zone and towards the root base;
Heimisch, 1951; Esau, 1965). The average diameter of
central metaxylem vessels was 48 lm at the tip and 53 lm
at the base region of seminal roots; the average diameter of
peripheral metaxylem vessels was 17 lm (tip) and 14 lm
(base; see Fig. 3A, E, Table 1). Compared with seminal
roots, adventitious roots were 1.5- to 2-fold thicker (mean
diameter 968682 lm as compared with 509682 lm), had
seven to eight cortical cell layers, and ;14 peripheral and 6
central metaxylem vessels (Fig. 3A, E). The diameter of
vessels was larger than in seminal roots, with diameters
averaging 53 lm and 76 lm for central and 19 lm and
24 lm for peripheral metaxylem at the tip and base,
respectively (Fig. 3, see also Table 1). Stelar cells were less
lignified in adventitious as compared with seminal roots.
The endodermis of the mature region of seminal roots was
entirely in its tertiary state, with secondary wall thickening
and strong suberization throughout (Fig. 3 B, C). In
contrast, the endodermis of adventitious roots had passage
cells which lacked secondary wall thickenings and suberin
(Fig. 3 F, G).
Closer to the tip of both types of root, central metaxylem
vessels were not lignified and could be classified as
immature as compared with peripheral metaxylem vessels,
which had highly lignified walls (Fig. 3D, H; Brundrett
et al., 1988; Bramley et al., 2009; see also Supplementary
Fig. S3). Casparian bands could be detected in seminal but
not in adventitious roots in the region close to the tip (see
Fig. 3D, H). Casparian bands appeared during root de-
8 of 17 | Knipfer and Fricke
Table 2. Osmotic forces driving root water uptake
The driving force was calculated as the difference in osmolality
between root exudate and medium. Exudates were collected as part
of exudation experiments; media were collected in parallel. Results
are means6SD of seven or eight (day) and four (night period) root
Day or
mosmol kg1
Driving force
(mosmol kg1) [MPa]
Root medium Exudate
Adventitious Day
Entire root
(35610)a [0.08660.025]
(61618)b [0.15060.044]
(6767)b,c [0.16460.017]
(44617)a,b [0.10860.042]
(1464)d [0.03460.010]
Statistical significance of difference in exudate osmolality or in driving
force between day and night and between types of root analysed is
indicated by different superscripts (P<0.05, Student’s t-test).
set-up, but our most likely explanation is that roots were
difficult to fix (with super glue) (in)to glass capillaries and
that there may have been bypass flow of liquid between the
outer surface of the root and inner surface of the capillary
in a non-reproducible manner. Therefore, results from
vacuum perfusion experiments are shown only for seminal
Root hydraulic conductance determined with the root
pressure probe in hydrostatic experiments was four times
higher in seminal compared with adventitious roots
(6531010 compared with 1531010 m3 s1 MPa1, Table 3).
This was largely due to a difference in surface area
between the two types of root in these experiments
(5.1960.923104 m2 and 1.5360.223104 m2, in seminal
and adventitious roots). As a result, hydraulic conductivity
(conductance per unit surface area) was comparable between seminal and adventitious roots (Table 3). When
hydrostatic hydraulic conductance of seminal roots was
determined through vacuum perfusion, values were in the
same range, though almost 50% higher compared with
values obtained with the root pressure probe. Vacuum
perfusion data reflected steady state water flow whereas
root pressure probe data were obtained from transient
water flow. Any formation of unstirred layers and interference with measurements (lowering hydraulic conductance) would have been expected to be larger during
vacuum perfusion. However, this was clearly not the case.
Hydraulic conductance obtained through osmotic experiments ranged from 2731012 to 11931012 m3 s1 MPa1
in seminal and from 6.231012 to 1031012 m3 s1 MPa1
in adventitious roots. Osmotic hydraulic conductivity was
within the same range in the two types of root, with
a tendency towards higher values in seminal roots (Table 3).
Values of root conductance and conductivity obtained
through the three methods included a radial and an axial
component. To determine the radial component, the axial
component had to be known. The axial component was
determined for 20 mm long root segments close to the root
base, where conducting metaxylem vessels were most
mature and axial hydraulic conductance highest. The axial
hydraulic conductance close to the root base, as determined
with the root pressure probe, was almost 20 times higher in
seminal compared with adventitious roots; axial conductivity was six times higher in seminal roots (Tables 4, 5). The
radial conductance was orders of magnitude lower than the
axial conductance, particularly in seminal roots (Tables 4, 5).
Osmotic and hydrostatic experiments gave values for conductance that were within the same range. The same applied
to conductivity.
Root-system and whole-plant hydraulics
Average values of hydraulic conductance determined on
individual roots (Table 3) were used to calculate the
hydraulic conductance of the entire set of roots (seminal,
adventitious) and these values could then be used to
calculate the hydraulic conductance of the entire root
system of a plant. The entire set of seminal roots conducted,
Downloaded from by guest on December 3, 2015
perfusion the size of the applied vacuum gave the driving
force for hydrostatically induced water flow. For osmotically induced flow prior to and during application of
vacuum and during exudation experiments, the difference
in osmolality between medium and xylem had to be known.
Since both experiments effectively measured the flow rate
of exudate from an excised root (system), the osmotic
driving force was determined for the exudation set-up and
applied to both types of experiment. The osmotic driving
force in individually analysed roots was determined
during the day and night periods. The driving force was
twice as high in adventitious compared with seminal roots
(0.164 MPa as compared with 0.086 MPa). The driving
force was lowest (0.034 MPa) when entire root systems
were analysed (Table 2).
The reason for the much lower exudate osmolality of
entire root systems is not known to us. Entire root systems
contained, in contrast to individually measured roots, the
very base of roots, the root–shoot junction, and the very
base of shoot. The combined volume of these tissues was at
least one order of magnitude smaller than that of exudate
collected, which rules out any dilution effect through either
extrusion of water or uptake of solutes by these tissues.
Also, if anything, the exudate flow (m3 s1) obtained on
entire root systems was slightly lower, not larger, than that
calculated for a seminal root system using data obtained
through exudation analyses of individual seminal roots.
This rules out flow-dependent dilution of xylem solutes
(Munns and Passioura, 1984) in exudates collected from
entire root systems. The only alternative explanation that
we have is that there might have been a wound effect, which
caused the shoot base, through some signal, to impact on
radial solute uptake and xylem loading in roots. The
generally small standard deviation for replicate analyses
makes the possibility of an experimental artefact unlikely.
Vacuum perfusion provided reproducible results only for
seminal but not for adventitious roots (not shown). We do
not know why adventitious roots were not suitable for this
Barley root water uptake | 9 of 17
Table 3. Hydraulic conductance [(m3 s1 MPa1)31012] and conductivity [(m s1 MPa1)3108] of individual seminal and adventitious
roots of hydroponically grown barley plants
Values for each method are given as means 6 SD of three roots; the range of values is given in brackets ‘(min–max)’, together with the overall
Hydraulic parameter
Hydrostatically induced water flow
Osmotically induced water flow
Root pressure
Mean (range)
Root pressure
80 (65–94)
16.5 (13–20)
69 (27–119)
8.1 (6.2–10)
14 (5.4–25)
5.7 (5.1–6.3)
Statistical significance of difference in conductance or conductivity between types of root, experimental approach, and hydrostatically and
osmotically induced water flow is indicated by different superscripts (P<0.05, Student’s t-test). ‘–’, values obtained for adventitious roots through
the vacuum-perfusion set-up suffered from high variation between replicate analyses, suspect to artefacts, and were not considered.
Table 4. Axial and radial hydraulic conductance [(m3 s1 MPa1)31012] of seminal and adventitious roots of hydroponically grown
barley plants
Hydrostatically induced water flow
Root pressure
Osmotically induced water flow
Root pressure
Mean (range)
12040 (2980–21100)
81 (67–94)
70 (28–120)
9.3 (6.5–1 2)
Statistical significance of difference in axial, or in radial conductance between types of root and experimental approach is indicated by different
superscripts (P<0.05, Student’s t-test); ‘–’, not measured, or not applicable.
Table 5. Axial and radial hydraulic conductivity [(m s1 MPa1)3108] of seminal and adventitious roots of hydroponically grown barley
Conductivity was calculated by relating values of conductance shown in Table 4 to root surface area. The surface area ranged from 4.9 to
5.53104 m2 in seminal and 1.2 to 1.53104 m2 in adventitious roots. Conductivity is given as means6SD of three root analyses; the range of
values is given in brackets ‘(min–max)’, together with the overall mean.
Hydrostatically induced water flow
Osmotically induced water flow
Root pressure
2514 (548–4480)
16.6 (13.2–20)
Root pressure
7.3 63.4c,e,f
25.3 610.3a,b 11.861.8a,f
14.1 (5.4–25.3)
6.3 (5.4–7.3)
Statistical significance of difference in axial, or in radial conductance between types of root and experimental approach is indicated by different
superscripts (P<0.05, Student’s t-test); ‘–’, not measured, or not applicable.
on average, 4.531010 and 5.231010 m3 water s1 MPa1
in osmotic and hydrostatic experiments, respectively. This
compared with rates of 0.2431010 and 0.4531010 m3
water s1 MPa1, respectively, in adventitious roots and
resulted in an entire root system conductance of 4.731010
and 5.731010 m3 water s1 MPa1, respectively (Fig. 4). In
comparison, the hydraulic conductance determined through
exudation experiments (osmotic driving force) involving
entire root systems averaged 7.831010 m3 s1 MPa1
(Fig. 4).
Based on data from osmotic experiments, seminal roots
contributed between 85% and 98% (average 92%) and
adventitious roots between 15% and 2% (average 8%) to
plant water uptake. When the driving force was hydrostatic
figures were within the same range, 90–93% (average 92%)
and 10–7% (average 8%), respectively (Fig. 4). The major
Downloaded from by guest on December 3, 2015
Axial conductance was measured for a 20 mm long root segment near the root base (most mature root tissue); radial conductance was
calculated as the difference between the overall hydraulic conductance of a root and its axial conductance. Values for each experiment are
given as means6SD of three roots; the range of values is given in brackets ‘(min–max), together with the overall mean.
10 of 17 | Knipfer and Fricke
in which water flow was measured prior to and following
removal of the root shoot junction by applying a partial
vacuum of –20 kPa. By modelling plants as an electrical
circuit, conductance was converted into resistance. By far
the largest resistance to water flow was located between leaf
xylem and air (5.7961.5131011 s MPa m3, range: 3.5–
8.431011 s MPa m3). The resistance of the root system
(2.3061.503108 s MPa m3, range: 1.3–4.93108 s
MPa m3) was three orders of magnitude smaller, and the
resistance of the root–shoot junction (1.2562.463106 s
MPa m3, range: 0.007–4.93106 s MPa m3) even smaller,
by a factor of 100 (means6SD of four experiments). Based
on these data it could be assumed that the water potential
of xylem differed little between leaf and root.
type of root supplying water to 14- to 17-d-old barley plants
was the seminal root, irrespective of the driving force.
To relate root hydraulic conductance to whole-plant water
flow, transpirational water loss was measured continuously
throughout the day and night periods for undisturbed plants
in the growth chamber (Fig. 5A). Plants transpired water at
an average rate of 8.831011 m3 s1 during the day and
1.031011 m3 s1 during the night (Fig. 5A). The driving
force for whole-plant water flow between root medium and
air differed little between day and night (Supplementary
Table S1). Transpiration rates and driving forces calculated
to a plant hydraulic conductance of 1.831012 m3 s1
MPa1 during the day and 2.131013 m3 s1 MPa1 during
the night (Fig. 5B).
Apart from the root and shoot, the root–shoot junction
may present a hydraulic bottleneck to plant water flow
(Martre et al., 2001), and this could affect the distribution
of water potential gradient between root and shoot, which
drives water uptake. Therefore, experiments were conducted
Osmotic and hydrostatic forces driving plant water flow
Data on root hydraulic conductance and whole-plant water
flow (transpiration) made it possible to calculate the
gradients in water potential required to drive root water
uptake. Furthermore, since root conductance was known
for osmotic and hydrostatic forces, the contribution of each
to driving water uptake could be calculated. Vacuum
perfusion provided reproducible results only for seminal
roots. For this reason, and because seminal roots contributed 92% of root water uptake, only seminal roots were
considered. The average osmotic hydraulic conductance,
obtained through analyses of individual roots, of a seminal
root system was 4.531010 m3 s1 MPa1. In comparison,
osmotic hydraulic conductance determined through exudation
experiments for entire root systems was 7.831010 m3 s1
MPa1 (see Fig. 4). This would mean that a driving force of
between 0.11 MPa and 0.20 MPa between root medium and
xylem was required to sustain a transpirational water flow
of 8.831011 m3 s1 during the day. The water potential of
the root medium was –0.04 MPa and the water potential of
the root xylem, which should have been close to that of the
leaf xylem, would have had to be between –0.15 MPa and
–0.24 MPa to establish a gradient of 0.11–0.20 MPa. We
did not determine the water potential of leaf xylem, since
this would have involved considerable manipulation of
plants and altered transpiration rates. Instead, we used the
cell pressure probe, together with picolitre osmometry (see
Supplementary Table S1) to determine the water potential
of leaf epidermal cells, which should be close to that of the
xylem, of leaves 2 and 3 (main transpiring surfaces) of
transpiring plants in the growth chamber. Epidermal water
potential was –0.12 MPa (leaf 2) and –0.26 MPa (leaf 3).
This covered the range of water potential required to drive
daytime water uptake rates.
The next question to address was whether the water
potential gradient driving root water uptake consisted
mainly of a hydrostatic (tension) or osmotic component.
Exudation experiments on individual seminal roots carried
out during the day gave an average osmotic gradient of
0.086 MPa between root medium (–0.034 MPa) and root
xylem (–0.120 MPa, Table 2). Using this gradient and the
average osmotic conductance of seminal roots (Table 3), we
Downloaded from by guest on December 3, 2015
Fig. 4. Contribution of seminal and adventitious roots to water
uptake in 14- to 17-d-old barley plants in dependence on the
driving force (osmotic, hydrostatic). Hydraulic conductance was
determined through osmotic and hydrostatic experiments for
individual seminal and adventitious roots (see Table 3). The
average values of these experiments were then used to calculate
the hydraulic conductance of a typical seminal and a typical
adventitious root system of a barley plant, containing 6–7 (average
6.5) seminal and 2–4 (average 3) adventitious roots, respectively.
The sum of the two gave the conductance of the entire root
system of a plant. Percentage figures give the contribution of the
conductance of the seminal and adventitious root system to the
conductance of the entire root system of a barley plant. The range
of conductance values, as calculated from the range of means
given in Table 3 was as follows (unit: m3 s1 MPa131010):
hydrostatic force, seminal roots, 4.2–6.1; adventitious roots, 0.45
(results from only one analytical method used); entire root system
of plant, 4.7–6.6; osmotic force, seminal roots, 1.8–7.7; adventitious roots, 0.18–0.30; entire root system of plant, 2.0–8.0. Also
shown is an experimentally (exudation) determined osmotic
hydraulic conductance for an entire barley root system; average
and SD (error bars) of four independent root analyses.
Barley root water uptake | 11 of 17
Fig. 5. Day- and night-time transpiration, and whole-plant hydraulic conductance of hydroponically grown barley plants. (A) Typical trace
of gravimetrically determined transpiration of two barley plants (14 d and 15 d old at the start of measurement). Average (6 SD) day and
night transpiration rates of four plants are shown in the insert. (B) Whole-plant hydraulic conductance during the day and night;
means6SD of four plants (***, P<0.001, Student’s t-test).
Transpiration in plants with reduced root systems
To assess the significance for root water uptake and plant
transpiration of an intact and complete root system, where
no major leaks prevent osmotic forces from building up or
cause a bypass of radial hydraulic resistance, experiments
were conducted on barley plants in which part of the root
or root system had been removed through excision, and
transpiration measured continuously through a day/night
cycle (Fig. 7A). When ;90% of root biomass was removed
near the base of the roots, such that the open cut end of the
main root axis extended into the nutrient solution, daytime
transpirational water loss (per leaf surface area) decreased
on average by 70%, from 1.833108 (intact plants) to
0.553108 m3 m2 s1 (Fig. 7B). Night-time transpirational
water loss was reduced from 0.203108 (intact plants) to
0.093108 m3 m2 s1, a reduction of 55%. In comparison,
plants that had three or five from a total of six seminal
roots cut at their base, in such a way that the cut ends were
not extending into the nutrient solution but sealed with
Vaseline, transpired 1.17 and 0.193108 m3 m2 s1 during
the day and night, respectively (reductions of 36% and 5%).
Plants that had the tips of all seminal roots cut off at the
root hair region (mature xylem) showed a 17% reduction in
day and 10% reduction in night-time transpiration.
Removal of five of six seminal roots (cut end above
nutrient solution, sealed with Vaseline) slowed down leaf 3
elongation and growth, and decreased its final length but
did not delay its development. Leaf 3 was the main growing
leaf in plants subjected to root excision (Fig. 7C). Removal
of three of six seminal roots (cut end in nutrient solution)
affected the growth of leaf 3 only slightly.
Hydraulics and water uptake of barley roots
There exists much debate as to the role of aquaporins in
root water uptake (e.g. Steudle, 2000; Javot and Maurel,
2003; Vandeleur et al., 2005; Katsuhara et al., 2008; Maurel
et al., 2008). Molecular studies that involve plants with
altered expression levels of particular aquaporin isoforms
may appear currently as ‘the choice’ yet they often suffer
from redundancy among aquaporin family members or
from secondary effects of transformation events (e.g.
Schüssler et al., 2008 and studies cited therein); they also
assume that those root types or root zones studied are
actually important for whole-plant water uptake and
transpiration flow. Aquaporins can only be involved in
regulation of root water uptake if at least one membrane is
crossed along the flow path from root medium to xylem.
This appears to be the case for barley, as recently concluded
on theoretical grounds and determination of root reflection
coefficients (Knipfer and Fricke, 2010; but see also Steudle
and Jeschke, 1983). The more membranes are crossed along
the radial path, the potentially more important aquaporins
Downloaded from by guest on December 3, 2015
calculated an osmotic flow of 3.8631011 m3 s1 for an
entire seminal root system. Whole-plant transpiration rate
was >2-fold higher. Since xylem osmolality decreases with
increasing flow rate (see Munns and Passioura, 1984;
Passioura, 1984; Miller, 1985a; Munns, 1985), we had to
account for this dilution effect (Fig. 6A, for details of
calculations see Supplementary File S1). At flow rates
similar to those encountered during daytime transpiration,
osmotically driven water uptake accounted for ;10% of
root water uptake. The remaining 90% of water uptake was
driven through a tension of about –0.15 MPa (Fig. 6).
In comparison, exudation rates measured during the
night period on individual seminal roots resulted in
a calculated water uptake rate of the entire seminal root
system of 3.661.831011 m3 s1 (means6SD of four
experiments, not shown). This was 3.6 times the rate of
night-time transpiration of barley plants and meant that
osmotic gradients measured between root medium and
exudate (0.15 MPa, see Table 2) did not have to be
corrected for dilution and could have been sufficient to
drive root water uptake during the night in intact plants.
12 of 17 | Knipfer and Fricke
become in facilitating water uptake. Osmotic and hydrostatic forces affect the gradient in water potential that drives
water uptake along a membranous pathway. If radial water
uptake per unit hydrostatic force is significantly higher than
that per unit osmotic force, the apoplast should contribute
substantially to the flow path.
Downloaded from by guest on December 3, 2015
Fig. 6. Calculation of osmotic and hydrostatic forces required to
drive root water uptake during the day in transpiring barley plants.
(A) Osmolality of exudate of seminal roots was determined as part
of exudation experiments. Since the exudate flow rate was ;40%
of the rate of transpirational water loss, and since xylem solute
concentrations decrease with increasing flow rate (e.g. Munns and
Passioura, 1984), a simulation was carried out in which xylem
osmolality was calculated in dependence of flow rate (for details,
see Equation 13, Supplementary File S1). (B) Using the relationship
shown in (A) a water flow driven through osmotic forces (Root
system osmotic) was calculated in dependence of transpirational
water flow. The difference between transpirational water flow and
osmotically driven flow is water flow driven by a tension (Root
system hydrostatic). Based on the linear relationship between
hydrostatic flow rate and applied tension, as previously determined
through vacuum perfusion experiments (Knipfer and Fricke, 2010),
this allowed us to calculate the tension required to drive daytime
water uptake—in addition to water uptake driven through osmotic
gradients. For a transpirational water flow of 8.831011 m3 s1 as
measured in the growth chamber for barley plants during the day
(see arrow), osmotic forces drove 10% while hydrostatic forces
(tension of about –150 kPa) drove the remaining 90% of root water
The present study shows that by far the largest resistance to
water movement along the root medium–plant–atmosphere
continuum in 14- to 17-d-old hydroponically grown barley is
contained within leaves, most likely at the interface between
leaf tissues and atmosphere. Notably, the root–shoot junction
presents negligible resistance to water flow. The main root
type involved in water uptake is the seminal root. The lower
contribution to water uptake of adventitious roots is due to
a smaller number per plant and surface area per root but not
to differences in hydraulic properties between adventitious
and seminal roots.
Hydrostatic and osmotic radial conductivity are comparable in seminal roots, with averages differing by only 18%.
This suggests that water moves mainly along a membranous path between root medium and xylem. While osmotic
forces—in isolated root systems—are more than sufficient
to account for water uptake supporting night-time transpiration, tensions are needed to drive 90% of daytime water
uptake in transpiring plants. Still, osmotic forces drive
10% of daytime water uptake and are not as negligible as
implied by the composite model of water transport in roots
(Steudle and Peterson, 1998). The tensions required during
daytime transpiration (–0.15 MPa) are rather small and,
through lowering of xylem water potential, can drive water
uptake along a membranous path. There is neither the
need for a low resistance apoplast path nor the need for
large tensions to support daytime transpiration in a herbaceous, annual plant such as barley. This leaves open the
possibility that up to 100% of root water uptake is
controlled through aquaporin function. Root excision
experiments suggest that such a control is highly adaptive,
and future experiments, in which aquaporin inhibitors
such as HgCl2 and H2O2 or treatments such as anoxia and
acidosis are applied to roots (Tournaire-Roux et al., 2003;
Ehlert et al., 2009), will show whether this is really the
It is an often reported phenomenon in the study of root
and whole-plant hydraulics that the measured water flow
rate does not increase linearly with the applied force but
levels off at higher forces. This can lead to the (erroneous)
assumption that hydraulic conductivity changes in a flowdependent manner. Passioura and Munns (1984) observed
for barley that this non-linearity only applied to plants
grown and tested in hydroponics, but not to plants grown
and tested in soil or sand culture. The authors suggested
that filling of intercellular air spaces could explain some of
the difference in hydraulic behaviour of plants. Rather
than applying a tension, as in the present study, of –0.02
to –0.08 MPa, the authors (as others) applied an external
pressure in the range 0.25–0.8 MPa to the root substrate/
medium. The much lower tension applied in the present
study most likely explains why water flow rate increased
linearly with the applied force (for a relationship, see
Knipfer and Fricke, 2010). As the present data show, there
should be no need to apply tensions or external pressures
larger than (–)0.15 MPa in the study of transpiring barley
plants (for maize, see Miller, 1985b), effectively avoiding the
riddle of non-linear behaviour of flow.
Barley root water uptake | 13 of 17
Root hydraulic properties in relation to root
Root development affects hydraulic parameters in different
ways. Adventitious roots, which are not as fully developed
as seminal roots along their main axis, in particular with
respect to central metaxylem development, have an axial
hydraulic conductance that is several orders of magnitude
lower than predicted from anatomical data and measured
for seminal roots. As a result, axial hydraulic conductance
has some impact on the supply role with water of
adventitious but not of seminal roots. The ratio of axial to
Fig. 7. Day- and night-time transpiration, and leaf growth in
hydroponically grown barley plants with (partially) excised root
system. Barley plants had an intact seminal root system (control); or
had three or five of six seminal roots removed close to the root base,
just above the nutrient solution (the cut was sealed with Vaseline); or
all six roots removed close to the base, with the cut end extending
;2 cm into the nutrient solution; or had the tip 2 cm of all six
seminal roots removed, with the cut end extending into the nutrient
solution. Only seminal roots were manipulated, since adventitious
roots were developed little and contributed little to water uptake in
control plants (compare with Fig. 4). (A) Continuous recordings of
transpiration. Transpirational water loss was related to total leaf
area as determined at the end of experiments. The part of traces
that is boxed in was used to calculate average transpiration rates
during the day and night shown in (B) [means6SD of five (control)
and three (treatments) plant analyses]. (C) Growth of leaf 3 in
plants with an intact root system (control) and in plants that had
three or five of six seminal roots excised; means6SD of 12 plant
analyses from three batches of plants. In (B) statistically significant
differences between transpiration rates are indicated by different
letters (P<0.05, Student’s t-test).
Downloaded from by guest on December 3, 2015
The slightly higher radial hydraulic conductivity obtained
for seminal roots through vacuum perfusion as compared
with the root pressure probe technique may result from an
artefact: when a cut root is fixed to a glass capillary and
vacuum is applied, the tension acts on xylem elements in the
stele as in an intact transpiring plant, but it acts also on the
cortex, effectively bypassing a large portion of the radial
resistance to water uptake. Also, application of a tension
can be expected to have similar effects on the flooding of
intercellular air spaces in the root cortex as application of
an external pressure in the root medium through a pressure
chamber (Passioura and Munns, 1984). This will effectively
increase the contact area between root (internal) surface
and nutrient solution and result in a higher water flow (see
also Tazawa et al., 1997). In adventitious roots, the almost
2-fold difference between hydrostatically and osmotically
driven water flow most likely results from root hairs
forming a dense layer apposed to the root surface (Supplementary Fig. S2). This increases unstirred layers (Knipfer
et al., 2007), makes mixing of root medium less complete,
and results in a lower-than-predicted driving force during
osmotic experiments (see also Knipfer and Fricke, 2010).
An alternative—or additional—explanation is that water
transport through plasmodesmata of endodermal cells
driven by hydrostatic gradients (Pickard, 2003) contributes
to a slightly higher conductivity in hydrostatic compared
with osmotic experiments. Pressure gating of plasmodesmata has been proposed to explain some of the hydraulic
behaviour of barley roots (Passioura and Munns, 1984)
and has also been demonstrated experimentally for leaf
trichomes (Oparka and Prior, 1992).
14 of 17 | Knipfer and Fricke
radial hydraulic conductance in adventitious roots ranges
from 6.6 to 24, and axial conductance limits water transport
by up to 13% [1/(6.6+1)]. As adventitious roots grow longer
and plants grow older, the proportion of mature central
metaxylem will increase and axial resistance decrease.
Radial hydraulic conductivity is similar in seminal and
adventitious roots. The endodermis of seminal roots is
developed further, particularly with respect to suberin
depositions. If a purely apoplastic path contributes to radial
water uptake as proposed by the composite model of water
transport (Steudle and Peterson, 1998; Steudle, 2000) one
would expect seminal roots to have a much lower radial
hydraulic conductivity than adventitious roots. This is not
the case and further supports the idea that the contribution
to root water uptake of a purely apoplastic pathway
bypassing endodermal membranes is insignificant in barley
(Knipfer and Fricke, 2010) and other grasses studied
(Munns, 1985; Garcia et al., 1997; Läuchli et al., 2008).
Night-time transpiration has been explained through incomplete closure of stomata (Caird et al., 2007), but for
example Rawson and Clarke (1988) conclude for wheat that
cuticular water loss accounts for 13–50% of night-time
water loss. The difficulty in distinguishing between the two
major leaf conductance mechanisms, stomata and cuticle, is
that it is not possible to experimentally verify that a stomata
is 100% closed (if it ever is) or to remove 100% of the
cuticle. Transpiration rates measured here during the day
and night can be converted into their corresponding fluxes
(day, 8.83104 mol s1 m2; night, 1.13104 mol s1 m2)
and used to calculate leaf permeance (for calculations, see
Supplementary File S1). A leaf permeance of 3.33103 m
s1 for the day and 5.23104 m s1 for the night is
calculated. The day value differs by only 3% from previously determined stomatal conductivity (3.43103 m s1;
Fricke et al., 2004); the night value is about twice as high as
previously determined cuticle permeance (2.53104 m s1
when the total rather than projected leaf area is used as
reference system; Richardson et al., 2007). These data
suggest that 50% of the water that is lost through
transpiration during the night is lost through the cuticle
and that this causes a tension in the xylem which drives root
water uptake. A figure of 50% is supported through
experiments in which barley plants have all seminal roots
cut at the base, with the cut end extending into the nutrient
solution. These plants transpire water during the night at
about half the rate observed for intact plants. However,
despite having the main axis of all roots cut open, plants
maintain some positive root pressure (Supplementary Fig. S1),
and it cannot be excluded that this residual root pressure
facilitates the residual 50% of water uptake.
Root excision: highly adaptable and reproducible
Root excision experiments resulted in some surprising
observations, highlighting the adaptability of plants. The
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Night-time transpiration in barley
effect of excision on plant transpiration rate was remarkably reproducible between plant batches as shown by small
standard deviations of means (see Fig. 7B). This points to
tight control of transpirational water flow irrespective of the
available root mass, at least over the experimental period
studied. Night-time transpiration was affected neither by
removing five out of six seminal roots, nor by cutting the
tips of the main axis of all seminal roots. Cuts effectively
caused a large leak, which should have made it impossible
for xylem osmolality and root pressure to build up and,
similar to exudation experiments on excised root systems,
drive water uptake during the night. Clearly, plants were
able to maintain night-time water flow rates. Either, the cuts
sealed with time, as suggested by the existence of some root
pressure (see Supplementary Fig. S1) or xylem tension
drove much more water uptake than the 50% suggested by
cuticle permeance data. The initial effect on transpiration of
cutting roots was similar, regardless of how many (three or
five) roots were cut and whether roots had their tips intact
or removed. As long as plants had one remaining seminal
root, they seemed to cope with both large leaks and greatly
reduced root surface area, and entered the night period with
transpiration rates very similar to those of undisturbed
plants. Since the water potential gradient between root
medium and atmosphere, which drives transpirational water
flow, was not or little affected by root excision, maintenance
of transpiration rates shows that stomatal conductance was
not affected through root excision. Instead, larger tensions
in the xylem or larger radial conductance in the remaining
root tissues must have facilitated maintenance of transpiration. The latter points to compensatory mechanisms at the
root level (Vysotskaya et al., 2004), and prime molecular
targets for such a mechanism are aquaporins.
Plants that had three or five seminal roots cut transpired
at the same rates on the day following the excision event,
yet during subsequent days, leaf growth rate and final leaf
length was affected mainly in plants that had five roots
excised. Two explanations come to mind. First, a shortage
of solute supply may force a reduction in cell and leaf
elongation rate (see next paragraph). Secondly, the root to
shoot ratio is a well-regulated size in plants, which is
under tight hormonal control. The latter may ‘force’
a reduction in shoot growth on plants that have five roots
The transpiration stream provides mineral nutrients to
the shoot. Together with solutes imported along the phloem
into growing leaf tissues, these minerals are required to
enable growing barley leaf cells to maintain osmolality
during cell elongation (Fricke and Flowers, 1998). It can be
calculated (not shown) from published values of water
content and osmolality of growing leaf tissues of barley,
from leaf growth rates (Fricke and Peters, 2002), and from
daytime transpiration rates reported here that the total
xylem concentration of solutes needed to meet the demand
of growing leaf cells is ;3–4 mM (see also Wegner and
Zimmermann, 2009), irrespective of any demand from
mature leaf tissue (Fricke et al., 1994). The xylem concentration in the one remaining seminal root of plants
Barley root water uptake | 15 of 17
The authors thank Brendan and Eugene for provision of
additional laboratory space and Dr Emmanuel Reynaud for
help with stereomicroscopy. Special thanks also to two
anonymous referees for their very helpful comments on an
earlier version of the manuscript. This project was funded
through a PhD fellowship from IRCSET (Irish Research
Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, to T.K)
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Supplementary data
The following data are available at JXB online.
Supplementary File S1. Detailed description of calculations of hydraulic and associated (e.g. root surface area)
Supplementary Table S1. Summary of measurements of
water relations of leaf epidermal cells and calculation of the
driving force for transpirational water loss during the day
and night period.
Supplementary Fig. S1. Response of root pressure to root
excision, as measured with the root pressure probe, in
barley, over a period of several hours to days.
Supplementary Fig. S2. Cross-section of an adventitious
root of hydroponically grown barley, highlighting a dense
layer of root hairs covering the root surface.
Supplementary Fig. S3. Comparison of immature and
mature central metaxylem in seminal roots of hydroponically grown barley
Supplementary Fig. S4. Two-compartment analyses of
a typical osmotic pressure relaxation, which was induced
with NaCl and measured with the root pressure probe, for
a seminal root of barley.
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subjected to root excision would have had to be the same,
yet to compensate for the loss of the remaining five roots,
the uptake rates of solutes per root surface area would have
had to be six times as high as in non-disturbed plants (since
that one remaining root facilitated almost as much water
uptake as an intact root system). This is unlikely to have
imposed a limitation on leaf growth, since the xylem
concentration simulated here for transpiring conditions
exceeds 20 mM (Fig. 6A).
Transpiration in those plants that had the tips of the
main axis of all seminal roots cut off was almost as high as
in uninjured plants the day following excision. Different
root regions must have taken over the role of the missing
tips, both in terms of water supply and in terms of
communication between shoot and root. Candidates for
such a ‘substitute’ role would be lateral roots, with their
growing tip regions.
Given the present observations, one may ask: why do
barley plants actually have six or seven, rather than one or
three seminal roots? It can be predicted that the decrease
in leaf growth observed in plants with one remaining
seminal root affects leaf area expansion and photosynthetic yield in a cumulative and exponential way in the
long term and severely compromises plant growth. Transpirational water loss in a natural environment exceeds
water loss in a growth chamber and may not be sustainable by barley plants with three roots. Most importantly,
barley plants grown in hydroponics receive mineral
nutrients almost ‘on a plate’ in a highly convective medium
with no diffusion barriers, whereas roots in a natural
setting need to explore a soil environment that can be
patchy in its mineral nutrient distribution and pose major
diffusion barriers.
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