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Kegiatan evaluasi program pelatihan tidak hanya dilaksanakan pada akhir kegiatan program, tetapi sebaiknya dilakukan sejak awal, yaitu mulai dari penyusunan rancangnan program pelatihan, pelaksanaan program pelatahan dan hasil dari pelatihan. Penilaian hasil pelatihan tidak cukup hanya pada hasil jangka pendek (output) tetapi dapat menjangkau hasil dalam jangka panjang (outcome and impact program). Ada berbagai macam model evaluasi program yang dapat dipilih untuk mengevaluasi program pelatihan. Model mana yang akan digunakan tergantung pada tujuan maupun kemampuan evaluator. Siapapun yang ditunjuk menjadi evaluator, agar hasil evaluasi dapat maksimal maka kompetensi evaluator harus dipertimbangkan. Kompetensi evaluator meliputi kompetensi manajerial, kompetensi teknis, kompetensi konseptual dan kompetensi bidang studi.
Sigkdd Explorations, 2006
1 % -, / # 2 3 23 4 56# 787 ' 3 % 4 '889%
1 % -, / # 2 3 23 4 56# 787 ' 3 % 4 '889%
Some of the universities in Malaysia are still implementing hybrid Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) approach in managing Theses and Dissertations (TD). One of the limitations of the hybrid ETD approach is its online cataloguing method, which is only available at the physical location of the TD instead of enabling the information to be retrieved online. Maintaining the performance and the data accessing rate of an ETD system has become challenging, due in part to the high number of scholars who utilise and access the system. In order to allow remote access and maintain the services such as scalability, accessibility, availability and expressibility, a Grid Enabled E-Theses and dissertations repository system (GREET) has been proposed in this paper to provide uniform access of knowledge integration among distributed heterogeneous platforms and repositories by using data grid technology. Comparative performance results between a non-grid architecture and GREET has been benchmarked. It has been proven that GREET is able to increase the processing time approximately three times faster than the non-grid architecture. Furthermore, multiple file streams can be opened to support larger volume and larger capacity of file operation so that GREET is able to decrease the chances of network congestion caused by input/output file operations. For future direction, research will be focused on searching algorithm using data mining or pattern discovery to minimise the respond time.
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2008
German Law Journal, 2008
The goal of this piece is to put Laval into the macroflora of a wider context, inherent to the effects of the post-enlargement labour conflict and its implications for the fundamentalization of social rights in the Union.
The objective of the Injury Surveillance System (ISS) is to identify groups at risk for injury- related deaths, illnesses, hospitalization and cost due to injury. Three sub-districts are chosen for the ISS. The data collector collects data every month from each household on a fixed schedule 60-70 households on their assigned block. The surveillance system comprises a total of 133913
Conference (PROGRAM-Abstract-pdf) Myths and Narratives of Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism 1848–1918 1–3 November 2018, Copenhagen
Der Bewegungsraum der sozialen Frage. Wo Protest Platz hat und Raum findet, 2024
vergleicht die Proteste von prekären Migrant:innen in Berlin und Wien und analysiert die Dynamik der Bündnisbildung in prekären Mobilisierungen. Unter Rückgriff auf eine interaktionistische Perspektive werden die umkämpften und fragilen Interaktionen in einem heterogenen Akteur:innenfeld aus Migrant:innen mit unterschiedlichem Rechtsstatus und sozialem Hintergrund sowie unterstützenden Aktivist:innen und NGOs nachgezeichnet. Der Artikel veranschaulicht, wie konkrete räumliche Kontexte, darunter zum Beispiel Protestcamps oder besetzte Gebäude, die Bündnisbildung beeinflussen und somit sowohl zur Verstärkung als auch zur Fragmentierung von Protesten beitragen können.
From Climate Crisis to Conflict Zone: Climate Change and Somalia's Persistent Violence., 2024
Atlantic Studies, 2016
RIVAR, 2024
The Experience of Faith in Slavic Cultures and Literatures in the Context of Postsecular Thought, 2018
Contemporary Political Theory, 2008
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2019
Journal of Applied Oral Science, 2012
Revista Árvore, 2008
Critical and Radical Social Work
11th International Conference on Information Science and Information Literacy, 2020