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K. Gabler, R. Gautschy, L. Bohnenkämper, H. Jenni, C. Reymond, R. Zillhardt, A. Loprieno-Gnirs, and H.H. Munch eds., Text-Bild-Objekte im archäologischen Kontext. Festschrift für Susanne Bickel, (Lingua Aegyptia. Studia Monographica 22, 2020
Binden und Entflechten? Bemerkungen zu den Beschädigungen des smA-tAwj-Motivs an den Thronen des Tutanchamun .
El Universal , 2024
Information has long been recognized as an important tool of power, diplomacy, and armed conflict. The increase in technological developments thanks to globalization, especially after the 1990s, caused the spread of information and communication technologies in all areas of life. In this way, the role of information in international relations and security has diversified and its importance in political problems has started to increase. In this process, the control over knowledge, belief and ideas, military forces, raw materials, and the ability of economic productivity have caused cyber security issues to become a security problem for states and companies, especially after the 2000s. States, companies, and even individuals, whether their data is on paper or in information systems, information always needs to be protected against threats to it and to be protected by those who use it. With the development of information technologies day by day, the digitalization of information, and the fact that it is kept and stored in local and cloud systems, the problem of safe storage, protection, and use when necessary has become a common issue for everyone who has information systems. Cyberspace, which is the most frequently used for accessing information, has been the most important source for accessing information concerning personal and national security. The infrastructure systems used to play a critical role, from ensuring the security of the information concerning public security and sharing it among the institutions that provide national security. Changes in areas such as the internet and metaverse in today’s world have led to the expansion of cyberspace. The field of cyberspaces used in military, political, and economic fields has also expanded, with communication being made in less than a second thanks to newly emerging 5 G technologies and fiber optic cables. At this point, the fact that intelligence activities, which form the basis of public security in terms of states, are carried out in the cyber field as well as the physical field, has made cyberspace a part of the defense strategies of the countries. Of course, this situation brings with it many risks. Countries that are one step ahead in reaching valuable information gain an advantage in their moves to establish a new world order. Cyber Intelligence has therefore become much more important. Because cyber intelligence teams, who are not always on the field, feel more secure in the virtual environment, resulting in new strategies. This study will be tried to examine what Cyber Intelligence methods are and how these methods are used within the scope of cyber espionage activities.
Over the past 30 years, whole bode vibration (WBV) has received much attention in research, therapeutics, and athletics as a means to restore or improve motor function and athletic performance. The purpose of this review was to determine if WBV could increase athletic performance in competitive and/or elite athletes. As reported in 19 studies, WBV (36.1 Hz, 3.1 mm) had an overall 2.5% acute effect on MVC force (-2.1%), power (3.1%), flexibility (9.2%), and athletic performance (-0.2%) in 379 (172 male, 207 female) athletes representing 11 sports. Only nine or 33% of the 27 comparisons between WBV and active controls were statistically significant. There were three comparisons, suggesting unfavorable effects of WBV on performance. In 15 studies, WBV (32.1 Hz, 4.6 mm) had an overall 10.3% chronic effect on MVC force (14.4%), power (9.1%), flexibility (16.5%), and athletic performance (1.1%) in 303 (81 male, 222 female) athletes, representing eight sports. Nine or 55% of the 19 comparisons between WBV and active control were statistically significant. Taken all of the data from the 34 studies, WBV increased acute and chronic performance by 6.4% in 682 (253 males, 429 female) athletes, representing 14 sports. However, only 18 or 44% of the 46 comparisons between WBV vs. active control were statistically significant. Strictly speaking of 'athletic performance', the acute and chronic WBV-effect, respectively, was -0.3% and 1.1%. In conclusion, the present scoping review found little and inconsistent evidence that acute and chronic WBV would improve athletic performance in competitive and/or elite athletes.
Cultura Visual, 2009
O campo da história da arte foi sacudido por grandes transformações metodólogicas e temáticas durante as décadas de 1970 e 1980, principalmente no mundo anglo-americano. A chamada "nova história da arte" trouxe à pauta novos autores e assuntos, dentre os quais uma ênfase renovada em questões ligadas à história social, como classe, raça e gênero. Em decorrência dessas mudanças, o antigo paradigma de "connoisseurismo" sofreu forte rejeição, alterando velhas práticas e substituindo-as com nova ênfase em estruturas teóricas advindas das ciências sociais. Essa "nova" história da arte -nem tão nova assim -nunca foi inteiramente assimilada no Brasil. O presente artigo fornece um panorama dos principais autores e temas ligados a essa transformação, com o intuito de introduzir ao leitor as bases dessa visão, hoje amplamente aceita.
Mystagogie (mystes, mystagogues : action de conduire -agaguéin : infinitif de l’aoriste grec agéin conduire - un initié ou mustès) est le terme utilisé par le grand barde gaélique fondateur de la Libre-pensée moderne, que l’on évoque habituellement sous le nom anglicisé de John Toland (1670-1722 ) né Seán Ó Tuathaláin mais qui signait Seán Eoghain na leabhar en gaélique Janus Junius Eoganesius Cosmopoli en latin . Les Grecs appelaient mystagogie « l’initiation aux mystères » à l’aide des mythes. La mystagogie est donc l’initiation aux mystères sacrés de la religion, faite par un mystagogue, un prêtre instructeur. Mais les mystères se comprennent mieux quand on les a célébrés. Les gestes, les mots, et les objets, d’un rituel, ne délivrent que peu à peu leur sens; et en ce domaine la répétition est l’art d’enseigner. D’où le petit côté très répétitif de cette tentative «reconstructionniste» avant la lettre. N’est pas Shakespeare qui veut (car Shakespeare lui aussi a mis en scène certaines légendes celtes).
International journal of economics, business and management research, 2022
Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public, 2016
IKHLAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Dosen Dan Mahasiswa, 2023
Brazilian Journal Of Pain, 2020
Agrociencia, 2010
Italian Journal of Geosciences, 2017
Revista de Administração da UFSM, 2017