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Meeting of the International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB), Montpellier, France, July 7-11, 2013.
Canada Watch, 2022
Myths, Damn Myths, and Voting System Change argues that the debate over voting system reform in Canada is all wrong-and that political scientists must bear most of the blame. Academics have framed the debate on the issue as a kind of popularity contest, one where the public is encouraged to take sides on the basis of the values they prefer their institutions embody. They claim that different voting systems reflect value tradeoffs on issues like simplicity, stability, local representation, and accountability. But these are myths. This essay examines each of these claims as well as arguments that insist referenda should be required to effect change, and finds that all lack compelling evidence. By contrast, Myths, Damn Myths, and Voting System Change argues that voting system reform is really an attempt to apply democratic values of inclusion, equality, and equity to Canadian electoral institutions, and offers a sounder, historically informed, evidence-based way to do it.
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi dergisi, 2022
Damla Aksel, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi'nde Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nde doktor öğretim üyesidir. Uluslararası göç, göç yönetişimi, diasporalar ve ulusaşırı hareketler konularında araştırmalar yapmakta ve bu alanlarda dersler vermektedir. Büke Boşnak, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi'nde Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nde doktor öğretim üyesidir. Lisans eğitimini Essex Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nde tamamlamıştır. Yüksek lisans derecesini London School of Economics and Political Science Avrupa Ensititüsü'nden, doktora derecesini ise Almanya'daki Eberhard Karls Tübingen Üniversitesi'nden Siyaset Bilimi alanında almıştır. Sivil toplum ve Avrupa çalışmaları konularında araştırmalar yapmakta ve bu alanlarda dersler vermektedir.
Diálogos sobre educación. Temas actuales en investigación educativa, 2024
Resumen La fenomenología hace referencia a un movimiento filosófico y a diversas perspectivas de investigación cualitativa. La propuesta del pedagogo Max van Manen es una propuesta de investigación fenomenológica con características propias y que resulta difícil de aprehender para los investigadores cualitativos que recién se interesan en ella. El presente texto tiene por objetivo describir los principios y los supuestos metodológicos de la fenomenología hermenéutica, también llamada fenomenología de la práctica, que no han sido difundidos de manera explícita en la literatura, lo cual dificulta la comprensión de este método. El artículo se divide en dos secciones principales, en la primera sección se describe el principio teleológico, el principio ontológico y el principio epistemológico. En la segunda sección se describen los supuestos metodológicos que incluyen la metodología al servicio de la práctica profesional, transitar de la actitud natural a la actitud fenomenológica, investigar la experiencia tal como es vivida, la experiencia vivida no puede conocerse a través de código ni categorías y el texto fenomenológico promueve el conocimiento pático. Se concluye que la fenomenología de la práctica es una metodología cualitativa fenomenológica no canónica, que investiga el fenómeno educativo tal como es vivido (principio ontológico), que promueve la adquisición de una sabiduría práctica (principio epistemológico) y que permite velar por el bienestar de los estudiantes (principio teleológico). Palabras clave: fenomenología-investigación cualitativa-Max van Manen. Abstract 'Phenomenology' refers to a philosophical movement and also several qualitative research approaches. Max van Manen's phenomenological research approach has its own characteristics, which are difficult to *Doctor en Psicología. Líneas de Investigación: Ethos y formación profesional, epistemología y eafectividad. Profesor-investigador, Benemérita
Forest Ecology and Management, 2011
Along the succession gradient of the boreal forest ecosystem, black grouse Tetrao tetrix inhabits the early and capercaillie Tetrao urogallus the latest stages. When converting old forest to clearcuts and plantations, commercial forestry has therefore been assumed to affect capercaillie negatively and to be favourable to black grouse. During a 30-year period (1979-2008) we monitored sympatric populations of the two species in a forest in southeast Norway based on annual spring and autumn censuses and radiomarked birds. During this period, the proportion of old, semi-natural forest was halved and clearcuts and young plantations increased accordingly. The grouse populations did not change as predicted. While the trend in August numbers of adult black grouse declined, males more than females, abundance of adult capercaillie remained unchanged. Number of males at leks showed similar patterns. Equally surprising, breeding success (number of chicks per female in August) of both species increased, thus indicating that the populations were regulated more by variation in adult survivorship than by recruitment of young birds. No correlations were found with changing climatic factors (precipitation and temperatures in winter and spring, snow depth and time of snow melt), except that year-to-year breeding success was positively correlated with minimum temperatures during 2 weeks posthatch. The results are explained by a combination of more flexible habitat selection than previously assumed and a changing predator regime: In the early period, nearly all capercaillie leks were located in old, semi-natural forest, but as plantations grew older (>30 years), new leks were established there. Similarly, while young capercaillie broods used old semi-natural forest almost exclusively when the study started, they frequently used middle-aged plantations, especially those with a ground cover of bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus, when these became common in later years. The increasing breeding success could largely be explained by more females rearing chicks successfully, presumably due to a marked decline in the main nest predator, the red fox Vulpes vulpes. A practice of thinning of the old, semi-natural forest some years prior to final harvesting probably facilitated predation of black grouse by goshawks Accipiter gentilis. Contrary to many beliefs, our results indicate that both capercaillie and black grouse are quite tolerant to changes in forest management regimes. In our study, numerical and functional responses of predators (mainly red fox and goshawk) apparently played a more important role in regulating grouse numbers than habitat factors per se.
Policy & Politics, 2024
JOYCED: Journal of Early Childhood Education
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2017
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2021
European journal of biochemistry, 1991
Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, 2003
Science of The Total Environment, 2020