Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
DOI 10.1007/s12289-009-0393-0
An appearance-based measure of surface defects
Michael Nordström & Niklas Järvstråt
Received: 24 October 2008 / Accepted: 12 January 2009 / Published online: 3 February 2009
# Springer/ESAFORM 2009
Abstract Surface defects on sheet metal panels such as
local out-of-plane geometric deviations, cause unwanted
deviations from the intended visual appearance. In the
automobile industry, these defects are commonly graded for
visual acceptability through reflection analysis on the
hardware. This widely used method is unfortunately
subjective and thus has low repeatability. The same method
can be applied on simulated sheet metal panels by the use
of ray-tracing. In this paper we present an objective,
appearance-based, measure by formalising the approach of
subjective reflection analysis. Hence, a natural connection
between an objective measure and the appearance is
obtained making it easy to establish acceptable levels. The
performance of this measure and three other objective
measures is discussed and demonstrated for a real panel and
a panel geometry obtained through sheet forming simulations. These examples illustrate that different measures
yield different information about the geometry, and the
proposed measure gives a useful quantification of the visual
appearance deviation.
Keywords Sheet metal forming . Appearance . Surface
defects . Ray-trace
M. Nordström (*)
Saab Automobile AB,
V. Bodane 290,
SE-460 64 Frändefors, Sweden
[email protected]
N. Järvstråt
Division of Production Engineering, University West,
Trollhättan, Sweden
[email protected]
This paper presents a measure for detecting and quantifying
surface defects on automobile sheet metal parts. Surface
defects are cosmetic defects appearing as a disturbance in
the reflection of painted sheet metal panels. Since the
surface defects negatively affect the appearance of a car and
eliminating them on hard tools is a costly process, it is
important to detect and quantify the severity of surface
defects as early as possible. Prior to making hard tools, in
the virtual development phase, making changes to the
virtual models are not as costly and by the use of Finite
Element methods it is possible to detect surface defects
although the accuracy is lower than on hard tools. Surface
defects is the most common name in previous literature
[1–5], but other names have also been used such as “surface
deflections” [6–8], “surface strains” by Yoshida [9] as well
as “highs and lows” or “cosmetic defects” by Sing and
Konieczny [10].
Surface defects appear during manufacturing and are
caused by local out-of-plane geometrical deviations of
small magnitude. These deviations typically occur on flat
areas in the vicinity of geometrical features, such as door
handle depressions. A number of authors have specified the
geometrical range of the surface defects in terms of in-plane
size and out-of-plane deviation. In-plane sizes have been
specified as: over 50 mm [2]; and between 50–100 mm [3].
The out-of-plane deviation has been specified as: 0.1–
0.5 mm [2]; up to 0.5 mm [3]; and up to 0.2 mm [9].
Generally, a surface defect with a short wavelength is more
severe than one with a long wavelength but with equal
amplitude [9].
At the tryout stage of the panel development phase, the
physical defects are commonly graded using a subjective
method called reflection analysis. This method will always
require experienced evaluators but even then the repeatability is low; it does, however, directly address the
requirement for visual appearance, and reflection analysis
will consequently remain the most commonly used method
for detecting and grading surface defects. During the virtual
panel development phase, however, the panel is only
available in digital form, through the use of Finite Element
Analysis. For characterising defects at this stage, several
objective methods of detecting surface defects have been
presented such as Andersson [4] and Kase et al [11] who
presented two different 3D curvature measures and Yoshida
[9] who presented a 2D curvature measure. Dutton and
Pask [3] and Sing and D’Silva [12] both made virtual
reflection analysis on the FEM mesh by ray-tracing. The
objective methods generally calculate a local geometric
value, which more or less characterizes the unwanted
shape; for some of the geometric values it is even possible
to see a correlation to the appearance. It is, however, hard to
establish acceptability criteria of these measures since the
acceptance is due to human perception of the panels’
appearance rather than down to the actual geometry.
Several hundreds of panels with different geometrical
features and grades of defects need to be examined in
order to be able to correlate the specific geometrical value
with the appearance before an acceptability criterion can be
established. It is desirable to find a measure that has direct
relation to the appearance, making it easier to establish the
acceptability criterion for the measure.
In this paper we present an appearance based measure that
has the intention of resembling the process of reflection
analysis made on hard on tools as described above. The
measure therefore has the potential to be as objective as
possible to a subjective process. The next section describes a
suggested algorithm to derive objective values from the
subjective reflection analysis as well as a study on how the
algorithm’s parameters are chosen. Furthermore, the measure
Fig. 1 Reflection analysis showing a single white line reflected
on the intended panel and on the
manufactured panel with different results. The deviation is the
appearance based measure for
this viewpoint
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
as well as three other measures are applied on a real panel
scanned from hard tools as well as a simulated panel from a
virtual model. This is presented in the Result section. The
result is discussed in the following section where the
appearance based measure is compared to the other three.
No criterion for establishing if a certain value is considered a
surface defect or not are given in this paper. However, a
practical implementation of the measure is also discussed
which also highlights the establishment of criteria.
The appearance-based measure
This section presents a measure based on quantifying the
deviation of the appearance as seen in traditional reflection
analysis. Reflection analysis consists of looking at zebra
patterned reflections on the manufactured panel from
several positions around a point of interest. With the
intended reflections in mind, a remark is made when a
deviation in the reflected zebra pattern shows up. The basic
idea of the measure presented here is simply to calculate
this deviation as illustrated in Fig. 1. If a real panel were
available it would be possible to measure this deviation
using a ruler and by estimating the location of the intended
line as this line should be smooth. Assuming a general case
including both real panels and virtual models, one has to
calculate the deviation by using an algorithm on digital
models of the panels.
In short, the algorithm assumes that a single zebra line is
reflected for each point on the intended panel. To calculate
the deviation, the intended panel is replaced by a
manufactured one and the reflection of the same zebra line
is calculated. It is thus possible to calculate the deviation by
superimposing these reflections. The deviation of each
point is calculated for a large number of viewing angles and
the largest deviation is chosen as the measure for that point.
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
This section explains how the deviation of the zebra pattern
reflection is calculated for an arbitrarily chosen point on the
panel. The algorithm is implemented in Matlab and it is
assumed that two sets of points define the surfaces of the
intended and manufactured panels. The surfaces are
oriented such that for each x-y coordinate pair there is only
one z-value, i.e. the usual orientation of a stamping tool. It
is also assumed that the manufactured surface is globally
aligned with the intended one.
For simplicity, the measure is first derived for a 2D
section, and then it will be developed for a 3D surface.
First, the point of interest, Pi, on the intended panel is
chosen. The viewing point, O is defined by Pi, the surface
normal, ni, the viewing angle, β, and the distance Li
between O and Pi according to Fig. 2. The screen in the
shape of an infinitesimal long cylinder is defined by Pi as
the centre of the cylinder, and the distance L2 as the radius
of the cylinder. It is now assumed that Pi is perfectly
reflecting a single zebra line. This mimics a human
evaluator finding a zebra line through the point, Pi, for
assessing how well the reflections agree with those of the
intended panel. The point, Ri, on the screen is easily
calculated using the law of reflection:
R i ¼ P i þ L2 ð v i
2ni ðni vi ÞÞ
where vi is the viewing direction of the intended panel
calculated by normalizing the vector between O and Pi. The
setup of the virtual reflection analysis for the point Pi is
now established. Such a setup needs to be made for all
points, Pi, view angles, β, and distances L1 and L2.
Zebra pattern
Next the location of the zebra line reflection on the
manufactured panel is established. This is made by calculating
which point of the screen is reflected on the manufactured
panel until the point with the zebra line is found.
The point on the manufactured panel with the same x-y
coordinates as Pi on the intended panel is chosen as a
starting point, Pm
. The point Rm on the screen is calculated
by solving the non-linear equation defined by the equation
of the screen radius and the equation of the line between
and Rm:
ðPm þ srm Þ ¼ 0
ðR m
Pi Þ2 L22 ¼ 0
where the scale factor s is the unknown and rm is derived
using the law of reflection.
The location of Ri and Rm is now known. In order to
have a convenient way of comparing these two, the angle
difference (with a sign) between the points as seen from Pi
is calculated. If this angle is within a tolerance, in this
paper, 0.001 degrees is chosen, the point Pi and Pm
considered to reflect the same point on the screen. If the
difference is not within the tolerance, Rm is calculated for
the next point, Pm
, on the section. In this manner the
section is traversed (in both directions) until the angle
difference between R i and R m for the new point
changes signs which indicates that the zebra line on
the screen has been passed as illustrated in Fig. 3. A simple
linear interpolation of the point Pm
that should have
reflected the white line is then made. The density of
available points will affect the accuracy of Pm
but it will
also affect the computation time. It is therefore important to
Zebra pattern
R (1)
(k) P(k-1)
Fig. 2 Reflection analysis setup looking from viewpoint O towards
the intended panel at point Pi with normal ni at distance L1 and angle
β, the zebra line at position Ri on the zebra pattern screen is reflected
in point Pi at distance L2 from Ri at an angle β
Fig. 3 The same reflection analysis setup as in Fig. 2 but here the
manufactured panel is first viewed at a starting point Pð1Þ
m and then the
panel is traversed until the zebra line defined by the intended panel is
ðk 1Þ
reflected at the point between PðkÞ
m and Pm
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
choose a density of points giving enough accuracy with a
reasonable computation time. When the correct point Pm
has been found the algorithm calculates the deviation of the
zebra line as the deviation seen in the current view position
as illustrated in Fig. 4.
Other deviation measures could be used, e.g. the
Euclidian distance between Pi and Pm
, but the choice
made here is motivated by the fact that when viewing a
small deviation from some distance properly judging the
depth deviation between Pi and Pm
seems difficult.
The section is traversed in both directions simultaneously as the direction the zebra line is deviating cannot be
known since the point Pm
does not contain information
about position and normal of neighbouring points. The
algorithm will choose the first encountered point with a
zebra line and stop. The reason for this is that it is assumed
that the geometric defect is a small one giving only one
reflection of the zebra line, compared to e.g. wrinkles where
there will probably be several reflections from the same
zebra line. This means that the measure will not detect
wrinkles properly, but this is not the objective and they are
in any case easily detected by other measures.
For a 3D surface the measure is simply calculated by
cutting 2-D sections of the panel in several view directions,
α, and then calculating the measure for each 2D section.
For each point, we can then define all view positions by the
angles α and β and the view distance, L1, similar to a
spherical coordinate system. Each chosen point on the
panel will thus have one value of zebra pattern deviation for
each section cut. To mimic that the examiner is trying to
find the worst deviation of the zebra line when going
around the panel, we will choose the highest zebra pattern
deviation value for each point among all section cuts.
reflection from all view directions α and view angles β and
distance L1 to detect the surface defect and grade the
severity of it on the fixed panel. In order to have a
reasonable computation time, the parameters L1 and L2 are
set to 1 m and 2 m respectively describing a certain
reflection analysis setup and process. Setting L1 and L2 to
other values, would generate a different result, therefore it
is important to set L1 and L2 at values resembling the
companies’ own reflection analysis setup.
In order to choose β, a simple artificial defect is
designed by fitting a polynomial to some basic boundary
conditions, making a rotationally symmetric, continuous
curvature defect with amplitude A and wavelength W. An
illustration of the reflections caused by the defect is shown
in Fig. 5a. Figure 5b shows a plot of the appearance based
measure using a β value of 90 degrees and the above
chosen values of L1 and L2. For simplicity, α is set to 0
degrees, i.e looking only in one view direction. Figure 6
shows the calculated maximum measure of the artificial
defect using the presented values, L1, L2 and α. The defect
has a constant wavelength of 60 mm but different amplitude
values and the maximum deviation is plotted as a function
of β. As seen, the biggest deviation is reached when viewing
the point perpendicular to the surface for all amplitudes.
Experimental data from a real panel obtained by
scanning is used to prove this further. The scanned data
was aligned with the intended geometry using an algorithm
based on Besl and McKay [13] which was implemented in
Matlab. Smoothing is applied to the calculation of surface
normals. Figure 7a and 7b show ray-traced images of a
reflection analysis setup for the intended and manufactured
panels, respectively. Figure 7c shows a plot of the
appearance based measure using a β value of 90 degrees
and as found for the simple defect an α value of 0 degrees
Parameter choice
The previous section described the principles of calculating
the measure. This section describes how parameters, α, β,
L1 and L2 are chosen. These parameters are dependent on
the actual setup and evaluation process of the reflection
analysis. In reflection analysis of the physical panel, the
evaluator goes around the point of interest checking the
P(int) + P
Fig. 4 Illustration of how the deviation between two reflected zebra
lines is calculated. The dashed grey line represents the intended panel
and the solid grey line represents the manufactured panel. Pi is the
reflected point on the intended panel. Pm
is the reflected point on the
manufactured panel.
Fig. 5 a shows a raytraced image of a reflection analysis of an
artificial rotation symmetric curvature continuous defect with amplitude 0.05 mm and a wavelength 60 mm; b shows the plot obtained
when the appearance based measure is applied on the same defect.
The reflection setup uses the values L1 =1 m, L2 =2 m, β=90 degrees
and α=0 degrees
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
Fig. 6 The diagram shows the
maximum zebra pattern deviation calculated for the artificial
defect as a function of the view
angle β for different defect
is used. The white area in the middle of the panel is where a
depression is located. This depression, as well as geometrical features outside the outer boundary, are causing
appearance problems. The depression is cutaway because
it is in this case assumed not interesting, referring to many
cases of depressions on automobile sheet metal panels that
are covered by other parts, e.g. glass parts such as rear
lights. Three areas of the panel as indicated in Fig. 7c are
extracted and the measure is calculated in these areas as a
function of β. The result is presented in Fig. 8 and it is
obvious that the same conclusion can be drawn on a real
panel. The biggest deviation is obtained by looking
perpendicular, i.e. β=90 degrees, to the surface using the
presented method of deviation calculation.
Up until now, the view direction α has been set to 0
degrees. In order to fully reflect that the examiner is
looking in several directions and choosing the maximum
deviation of each point and direction, we need to choose
appropriate values of α. To save calculation time, the
measure is only calculated for every 15 degrees of α up
until 165 degrees, which is considered to provide an
adequate angular sampling. Obviously, identical results
would be obtained for sample angles α+180°, dispensing
of the need to sample more than the first 180°.
Boundary conditions
Fig. 7 a raytraced image of a reflection analysis of the intended
appearance of a real panel; b raytraced image of a reflection analysis
on a real panel obtained by scanning; c the plot obtained by applying
the appearance-based measure on the same data. The reflection setup
uses the values L1 =1 m, L2 =2 m, β=90 degrees and α=0 degrees
Since only visible points are of interest, there will be cases
where the algorithm encounters an outer boundary or an inner
boundary. If a boundary is encountered when the section is
traversed, it is assumed the boundary is reflecting the zebra
line. However, before the algorithm is stopped, the opposite
direction is traversed until a possible zebra line is encountered.
If one is encountered, this is the one that is chosen. However,
if another boundary is encountered, the algorithm will choose
the point producing the smallest deviation.
Comparison to other measures applied on a real panel
and a simulated one
The real panel as previously shown in Fig. 7 will be used
for making comparisons with other objective measures.
Figure 9 illustrates the intended reflections, the reflections
of the real panel and the reflections of a simulated
equivalent panel. The simulation was made in the finite
element software Autoform. The blank draw-in of the
simulation was correlated to the real panel using the friction
coefficient. The appearance based measure will be applied
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
Fig. 8 The maximum zebra
pattern deviation on the real
panel as a function of the view
angle β for three areas indicated
in Fig. 7
Fig. 9 Raytraces of reflection analysis setup and appearance based measure plots for the α directions 0, 45, 90 and 135 degrees going from left to
right, a–d raytrace of the intended panel, e–h raytrace of the real panel, i–l raytrace of the simulated panel
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
to both the real panel and the simulated one using the setup
described in section 2 with α every 15 degrees, β 90
degrees, L1 1 m and L2 2 m. The point density for both the
intended and manufactured panel is one point per square
mm which is estimated to give a good enough accuracy.
The other measures are coordinate deviation (in z-direction)
between the intended and manufactured panels, the maximum slope deviation between the intended and manufactured panels and the mean curvature in each point. For the
scanned data of the real panel, smoothing is applied on
surface normal, slope and curvature values. Figure 10a–d
show the plots for the real panel and Fig. 11a–d show the
measures for the simulated panel.
A strong correlation between the measure and the appearance
can be seen when comparing the appearance based measure in
Fig. 10a with the raytraces in Fig. 9. The same strong
correlation can be seen on the simulated panel in Fig. 11a
compared to Fig. 9. Both the features around the inner
boundary and the outer boundary seen in the ray-traces are
captured well in the appearance based measure. It can also be
noted that there are similarities between the appearance of
the real panel and the simulated one, particularly around the
Fig. 10 Four different measures
applied on a real panel: a Appearance based measure, using
the values L1 =1 m, L2 =2 m, β=
90 degrees for the reflection
setup and α sampled at 15
degree intervals; b coordinate
deviation between manufactured
and intended panels; c maximum slope deviation between
manufactured and intended panel; d mean curvature on a real
inner boundary. However, although one cannot say that the
correlation between the real panel and the simulated one is
good, the agreement seems much better from the raytraced
images than from the geometrical measures (Figs. 10b–d and
11b–d). Indeed, only the appearance based measure provides
any information about where in the panel that the simulation
deviates from real panel.
Looking at the coordinate deviation plots of Figs. 10b
and 11b it is hard to find any correlation to the appearance
in Fig. 9. The maximum slope deviation on the other hand
shows some correlation and there is a similarity to the
appearance based measure. This is logical since the
appearance based measure uses the normal of the surface
to calculate the measure. The curvature plot of the real
panel in Fig. 10d is an example of how sensitive the
curvature, which is a second derivative of the geometry, is
to poor geometry scanning. Looking instead at Fig. 11d, it
can be seen that there is some correlation between the
appearance and the curvature of the simulated panel.
The coordinate deviation, maximum slope deviation and
curvature plot measures are all local values of the geometry or
geometry difference. Thus, the measures do not take into
account the whole defect. They can of course be a measure of
the severity of the defect in a local point within the defect but in
order to establish the extent of the defect one have to study
neighbouring points in a plot for example. The appearance
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
Fig. 11 Four different measures
applied on a simulated panel: a
Appearance based measure, using the values L1 =1 m, L2 =2 m,
β=90 degrees for the reflection
setup and α sampled at 15
degree intervals; b coordinate
deviation between manufactured
and intended panels; c maximum slope deviation between
manufactured and intended panel; d mean curvature on a
simulated panel
based measure on the other hand gives information on the
extent of the defect without having to study neighbouring
points. This is already included in the measure. Regardless of
algorithm used, the appearance based method is basically a
method of extracting the reflected line deviation as an objective
number using the same process as traditional reflection
analysis which is a subjective but much used method.
The measure could practically be implemented by
studying the current process of traditional reflection
analysis, either a general one or a company specific one,
and then adapting the view distance (L1) and the reflective
screen distance (L2) of the algorithm. Ideally, this would
lead to a situation where it would be possible to measure a
deviation on a real panel using a ruler and calculating the
same measure on the scanned panel. This means that
instead of giving the defect a subjective grade, an objective
number is established. Since, the objective number is a
number of what you see using traditional reflection
analysis; it should be fairly easy to establish criteria for
acceptable objective numbers by interview of the quality
inspectors of the real panels, if not already established.
Such a system would be very beneficial for use on virtual
models where the defects are predicted using the Finite
Element method as well as on real panels since the measure
is independent on the subjective quality inspector. As
described earlier, in traditional reflection analysis different
grades are given to the defects depending on their severity,
but depending on the location of the defect on the
automobile different grades are considered acceptable. For
instance, areas that the customer is likely to see, such as
around the door handle, is more important than areas which
the customer is less likely to see, such as the lower areas of
the door or on secondary surfaces such as ones made visible
when opening the trunk. This process is also easily
resembled by dividing the points into the different zones
that apply and thus giving them different criteria.
The behaviour of the panels when experiencing a large
global springback, such as big twisting or bending of the
whole panel, has not been tested in this study. The appearance
based measure is likely to work at its best if the springback of
the panel is only local, i.e. we only have surface defects and
low global springback. With a big global springback, the
deviation of the zebra lines will probably be so big that the
boundary of the panel is reached in many areas. A solution to
this problem could be to make a local alignment of the CADmodel and the FEM mesh for areas or points of specific
interest instead of a global alignment. Then, the zebra pattern
deviation would tend to be of a more local character.
Conclusion & further work
An appearance based measure was presented and applied to
two examples. The measure was shown to perform well on
Int J Mater Form (2009) 2:83–91
both a scanned and a simulated panel. It was also shown that
the curvature, at least on the simulated panel, shows promising
correlation to the appearance as do the slope deviation.
With the appearance based measure however, a non-local
objective measure is obtained where the units of the measure
is mm deviation of a reflection, i.e. for each point on the panel
we can calculate how much a reflected line would deviate due
to a defect much like the work of a quality inspector using
traditional reflection analysis. It is equally applicable to both
real panels (scanned) and simulated ones (Finite Element
mesh) but the big benefit will be on the latter, especially in the
virtual development phase.
A selection of industrial examples should be examined
to study the behaviour of the appearance based measure for
different types of surface defects and geometries. It would
be particularly interesting to assess the performance also for
less severe defects, since the panels in this study all had
several severe surface defects.
Further, an acceptability criterion using the measure
needs to be established according to the specific quality
requirements of each automobile company. The styling and
quality engineers can establish these levels by investigating
their grading procedure during the reflection analysis and
deciding on an acceptable zebra pattern deviation. Thus
having established an acceptability criterion using the
suggested measure, it would be straightforward to assess
surface quality without variations due to the human factor,
and perhaps even to perform fully automated surface
quality acceptance tests.
A variant of the presented measure that should also be
investigated is to calculate the curvature of the zebra pattern
on the manufactured panel. During reflection analysis, the
quality inspector is also looking for disturbances of the
reflected zebra pattern so instead of calculating the deviation
of the zebra pattern we could calculate the amount of
curvature of the reflected zebra line. Such a measure would
be more sensitive to appearance deviations, but it would
probably not be as amenable for establishing acceptability
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