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ICRIER also organized several consultation workshops, dissemination and outreach events during the month. Several articles bearing the ICRIER imprint were published in leading newspapers and other media platforms on a variety of current issues such as economic growth, agriculture, trade, FTAs, RCEP and single use plastic, among others. We sincerely hope that you will take out some time to glance through these updates and engage further with anything that interests you. We hope you enjoy the newsletter’s new format. As always, we welcome your valuable feedback.
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers
OECD Working Papers should not be reported as representing the official views of the OECD or of its member countries. The opinions expressed and arguments employed are those of the authors. Working Papers describe preliminary results or research in progress by the author(s) and are published to stimulate discussion on a broad range of issues on which the OECD works. Comments on Working Papers are welcomed, and may be sent to
Journal of International Business Studies, 1988
As society is transformed by the use of new technologies, information policy issues cross traditional boundaries to be found in a wide range of decision-making arenas. The New World Information Order (NWIO) debate lies relatively quiescent in Unesco, but surfaces in international trade negotiations in response to the US push to get trade in services, or international information flows, included under the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), a set of international trade agreements designed to deal with goods.
El Centro Metropolitano de Información Económica y Empresarial (CEMDI) representa la integración de esfuerzos para generar y distribuir información y análisis económico oportuno para las ciudades de Tijuana, Tecate, Playas de Rosarito y Ensenada, en alianza con instituciones académicas y de investigación locales; constituyendose en un proyecto emblemático del Plan Estratégico Metropolitano (PEM 2034), con la coordinación del sector privado y el liderazgo del Consejo de Desarrollo Económico de Tijuana (CDT), el Consejo de Desarrollo Económico de Tecate (CEDT), el Consejo Consultivo de Desarrollo Económico de Playas de Rosarito (CCDER), el Consejo de Desarrollo Económico de Ensenada (CODEEN) y el Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE). CEMDI en su fase de iniciación se desarrolla con financiamiento del Fideicomiso Empresarial del Gobierno del Estado de Baja California (FIDEM).
This abstract book includes all the abstracts of the papers presented at the 7th Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications, 23-26 July 2012, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research. In total there were 52 papers and 60 presenters, coming from 29 different countries (Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and USA). The conference was organized into 14 sessions that included areas such as Macroeconomics, International Economics, Financial Economics etc. As it is the publication policy of the Institute, the papers presented in this conference will be considered for publication in one of the books of ATINER.
InTraders International Trade Academic Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2024
Research Article 1. Analysis of the Effects of the Covid-19 Process on the Financial Performance of Businesses in the Defense Industry By the TOPSIS, EDAS, CoCoSo Method: ISE Sample Cemalettin Aktepe , Fatma İzgi Page : 43-66 PDF Research Article 2. The Effect Of Digital Technologies On Financial Inclusion: The Case Of The Emerging European Economies Hilal Ok Ergün Page : 67-80
The Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) is an open regional network of research and academic institutions specializing in international trade policy and facilitation issues. ESCAP, WTO and UNCTAD, as key core network partners, and a number of bilateral development partners, provide substantive and/or financial support to the network. The Trade, Investment and Innovation Division of ESCAP, the regional branch of the United Nations for Asia and the Pacific, provides the Secretariat of the network and a direct regional link to trade policymakers and other international organizations. The ARTNeT Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about trade issues. An objective of the series is to publish the findings quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. ARTNeT Working Papers are available online at All material in the Working Papers may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgment is requested together with a copy of the publication containing the quotation or reprint. The use of the Working Papers for any commercial purpose, including resale, is prohibited. Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this Working Paper do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Where the designation "country or area" appears, it covers countries, territories, cities or areas. Bibliographical and other references have, wherever possible, been verified. The United Nations bears no responsibility for the availability or functioning of URLs. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations. The opinions, figures and estimates set forth in this publication are the responsibility of the author(s), and should not necessarily be considered as reflecting the views or carrying the endorsement of the United Nations. Any errors are the responsibility of the author(s). The mention of firm names and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations.
MS Melsbroek -Belgia As. Univ. Kinetoterapeut VALENTIN SERAC As. Univ. Kinetoterapeut VALENTIN SERAC As. Univ. Kinetoterapeut VALENTIN SERAC As. Univ. Kinetoterapeut VALENTIN SERAC As. Univ. Kinetoterapeut VALENTIN SERAC PARTEA I MOBILIZ{RI PASIVE |I EXERCI#II DE STRETCHING (ÎNTINDERE) CUI SE ADRESEAZ{? Aceste exerci@ii sunt adecvate pentru persoanele care nu-\i pot mi\ca mâinile sau picioarele pe toat[ amplitudinea din cauza redorii articulare \i lipsei de for@[ muscular[, datorate sclerozei multiple sau inactivit[@ii prelungite. SCOPUL Aceste exerci@ii va ajuta s[ v[ p[stra@i mobilitatea articular[. Pute@i solicita exerci@ii pasive numai pentru unele articula@ii. De exemplu, dac[ um[rul este blocat, dar ave@i mobilitate în celalalte articula@ii, pute@i urma programul pentru um[r oferit în aceast[ carte. PRECAU#II Nu v[ forta@i nici o parte a corpului. Toate mi\c[rile pasive trebuie f[cute ÎN RITM LENT, astfel încât în ]ntindere u\oar[, mu\chiul s[ poat[ r[spunde relaxându-se. Mi\c[rile rapide pot cre\te spasticitatea. Dac[ apare durere, ea va fi evitat[, lucrându-se numai pe amplitudinea de mi\care confortabil[. Oricum, încet-încet se va lucra pentru cre\terea amplitudinii de mi\care f[r[ durere. Este important s[ face@i distinc@ie între situa@iile în care sim@i@i durere \i cele în care sim@i@i întindere muscular[, aceasta din urm[ putând da o senza@ie temporar[ de disconfort. Când sim@i@i întinderea, este în regul[. Când sim@i@i durere, nu este bine. Nu uita@i! Dac[ sunte@i afecta@i numai pe o parte, v[ pute@i folosi membrele s[n[toase pentru a le mi\ca pe cele bolnave. Cere@i medicului sau kinetoterapeutului s[ adapteze aceste exerci@ii nevoilor dumneavoastr[ specifice.
Across Space and Time, 2015
in ISPI Dossier, "The Iranian Constellation: Reassessing the Power of Militias in the Middle East", Italian Institute for International Political Studies, edited by E. Ardemagni , 2023
Reviews in Aquaculture, 2018
International journal of advanced networking and applications, 2024
Geopolitica , 2024
Opini (Moderasi Beragama), 2024
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies (Volume 29, Issue 2), 2023
The Journal of Supercomputing, 2018
Cuadernos De Derecho Publico, 2007
Revista Amor Mundi
Translational Oncology, 2019
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 2016
The FASEB Journal, 2021
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society, 2017
Academia Medicine, 2024
Journal of Medical Laboratory Science & Technology of South Africa, 2020