University of Wisconsin-Madison
Institute for
Research on
Discussion Papers
Institute for Research on Poverty
Discussion Paper no. 1003-93
Attitudes that Make a Difference:
Expectancies and Economic Progress
Maria Szekelyi
Institute for Sociology
Eotvos Lorand University
Budapest, Hungary
Robert Tardos
Research Group for Communication Studies
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Eotvos Lorand University
Budapest, Hungary
May 1993
Our research, which was completed while we were guest scholars of the IRP, was made possible by a
nine-month fellowship given by the American Studies Program of the American Council of Learned
Societies; our leave was granted by the Sociological Institute and Research Group for Communication
Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at the Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest. We
would like to express our gratitude to Robert M. Hauser, James A. Sweet, Anne L. Cooper, Jay
Dixon, Paul Dudenhefer, John Flesher, Laura Guy, Burt Penn, and Ruth Sandor, from the Institute
for Research on Poverty, the Department of Sociology, and the Center for Demography and Ecology,
all at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for their assistance and the open atmosphere that
facilitated our research while guests of the IRP. Finally, we thank those who created and have
maintained the 25-year-long series of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, which is maintained by
the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, for the possibility of working with a very
rich longitudinal data set.
The authors estimate the influence that a person's expectancies and attitudes (about the future,
toward planning for future events, regarding saving or spending money, etc.) have on economic
outcomes. They find that people who expect to be economically successful generally will be so. The
findings of previous research on this topic have been controversial and anything but unanimous. The
present authors' results, which are based on longitudinal data from the Panel Study of Income
Dynamics, suggest that attitudes and expectancies help determine one's economic position.
Attitudes that Make a Difference:
Expectancies and Economic Progress
Students of sources of economic progress may meet a curious duality in the literature
concerning the role of motivations, attitudes, and cultural characteristics. The seminal studies on this
topic, conducted in the early 1960s, were by researchers who examined two or more countries
simultaneously and who used cross-sectional data, which were the only data available at the time.
These researchers regarded it as a cornerstone that the symbolic environment affected economic
progress. That is, they argued that the dominant values and attitudes of a society decisively influence
the character of its economic institutions and the economic behavior of its members. We refer not
only to the authors of the classic studies on this issue--authors such as McClelland (1961), who
focused on the role of motivations, or Katona et al. (1971), who emphasized the impact of
aspirations--but also to authors of recent investigations that also analyzed two or more countries
together. Inglehart (1990), for example, holds (among others) that materialistic vs. postmaterialistic
values have an impact on economic outcomes; Kohn and Slomczynski (1990), after examining the
situation in the United States and Eastern Europe, concluded that selfdirection helps determine one's
economic position.
Since the 1960s and early 1970s, scholars investigating the sources of economic progress have
had longitudinal data to work with and thus have avoided what are believed to be the methodological
constraints imposed by cross-sectional data. The use of longitudinal data has, however, been confined
so far to one country or to homogeneous cultural settings. Many of these "one-country" researchers
(as detailed below) have come to different conclusions about the significance of attitudes in the
formation of economic outcomes. Instead of arguing that attitudes influence economic progress,
several contend the opposite: that attitudes are conditioned by economic positions and changes in
those positions. Their results were greatly backed by the methodological consideration that
longitudinal data, in general, are more sound than those derived from cross-sectional data, and that
longitudinal data, it is generally agreed, permit one40 better determine causality.
The finding from the early cross-sectional studies--that motivations and attitudes influence
economic progress--was somewhat undermined by evidence from some longitudinal analyses; taken as
a whole, however, the results of the longitudinal studies of the origins of economic progress have not
been consistent. Some studies based on data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) have
concluded that attitudes are caused by economic position;' others have suggested the ~pposite.~
Analyses that used data from longitudinal sources other than the PSID also have yielded incompatible
conclusions that have been greatly debated. One study based on the National Longitudinal survey^,^
which found that attitudes influenced economic outcomes (and not vice versa), prompted researchers
using the PSlD data bases to reexamine the data and methodology as well as to reanalyze data on
comparable subsamples (see Duncan and Morgan, 1981; and Andrisani, 1981). Their reanalysis,
however, did not produce conclusive results.
The ambiguity engendered by conflicting findings was unfortunately exacerbated by an
intermingling of social policy implications. With regard to poverty issues, numerous references (see
Hill et al., 1985; Corcoran et al., 1985) have been made to the fact that some political observers
come close to "blaming the victim" by their use of the idea that attitudes influence economic
outcomes. It is likely that related considerations may have some impact (though we cannot assess the
degree of their relevancy), in some circumstances, on emphases of data interpretations and
We, in turn, have gained most of our practical and research experiences in a different cultural
setting (Hungary in particular, and Eastern Europe in general). We are therefore concerned with
somewhat differing points of interest. Central and Eastern European societies undertaking the
difficult task of changing from bureaucratic to market-type economic structures have to cope with the
additional burden of widespread skepticism and lack of confidence felt by large groups of the
population4--mentalities and attitudes deeply rooted in unfortunate experiences of the historical past.
We believe, and we could also call this a leading assumption or perhaps bias on our part, that
mentalities or attitudes of this type do not change fkom one day to the next. We would add that in
favorable cases (of which American history, for example, may provide ample evidence), optimism
and faith in solving emerging problems may facilitate economic development. Widespread lack of
confidence and distrust on the other hand may hinder economic progress.'
In approaching these
issues in the American context, we were lured by the unique possibility yielded by the more than
twenty-year-long longitudinal PSID data base. It has been of special significance for us that the PSID
is based on a large, nationwide sample and contains both attitudinal indicators for several years and
data on economic outcomes for nearly a quarter of a century. In spite of contradictory results of
prior research, we were encouraged by the following comment made by the authors of the summary
of the first volume of PSID studies: "It is after all difficult to believe that there are not some
situations where individual effort matters" (Five Thousand American Families, Vol. 1, 1974:339).
After studying the vast set of indicators of the AM Arbor data base, our impression is that a
shift in conceptual focus and modifications in measuring instruments may produce a greater number
of positive results in the disputed issues. (1) In part because of some practical considerations such as
the availability of a sufficient number of indicators and the "behavior" of attitudinal data themselves,
we selected "expectancy attitudes" as the principal variable of our analysis. We have accepted the
conceptual distinction made in most PSID studies as postulated by Gurin and Gurin (1970) and guided
by Atkinson's theory of motivation (Atkinson, 1964). These authors make a conceptual distinction
between "motive" (disposition to objects) and "expectancy" (estimate of the chances of reaching one's
goal). For both substantive (as indicated from our primary points of interest) and methodological
reasons (the availability of a more elaborate and temporally extended set of indicators), we focused on
the concept "expectancy," which we attempted to represent through the diverse array of available
attitude items. In contrast to the conception of expectancies as somewhat ephemeral phenomena
immediately subject to situational changes (as described by Hill et al., 1985:4.), we assumed that
expectancy is resistant to short-term changes (in line with the more balanced view of the original
Gurin and Gurin treatise). (2) Using hindsight on data of twenty-odd years, in composing the
measuring instruments, we took advantage of the long series of indicators (both the independent and
dependent variables). (3) In terms of outcome variables, we decided to use a more balanced set of
level and change-type indicators (instead of an emphasis on change-scores, which many PSID studies
use). We will discuss all of these points in more detail below.
After establishing some clear practical limits to the scope of our research, we attempted to
approach a set of interrelated questions which arose partially because of our original interest and
partially because of the disputed issues in the literature: (A) Since most studies based on PSID data
refute the existence of a strong relationship between attitudes and economic outcomes (especially
when attitudes perform as independent variables and economic outcomes perform as dependent
variables), our first question is: Can we prove that expectancies significantly affect subsequent
earnings when the effects of other basic variables are controlled? If any effect exists, can it be found
both in the level and change of earnings? Will the effect exist, even if we control for the initial level
of earnings? What is the temporal range if the effect exists? What is the order of magnitude of the
effect either in comparison to other variables or in absolute terms?
(B) Since many PSID analyses were carried out on various subsamples (with a special
emphasis on lower-income subpopulations), the second question concerns the studied relationships
among various sociodemographic strata: What differences can be found between the relationship of
attitudes and economic status (and mobility) in different subgroups of the population?
(C) Since it can be hypothesized that cultural influences and the cultural character of the
(wider or narrower) milieu play an autonomous role among factors of economic progress, a
consequent question is whether any contextual effects of expectancies exist, either on the macro-level
(such as the level of regions or communities) or on the micro-level (such as the level of family
@) Since a number of analyses indicate that a variety of opportunity structures (such as
differing labor market conditions) may play a decisive role in the formation of economic outcomes,
and since it can be assumed that opportunity structures have a bearing on the functioning of possible
expectancy effects, it is logical to study the existence of any cyclical fluctuations in the expectancyincomes relationships in correspondence with economic cycles. A possible hypothesis is that
strengthened economic constraints during recessionary periods constrain the playground of individual
motivations. But it could be argued just as well that individual differences manifest themselves most
vigorously in the very periods of economic hardships. Though in a twenty-year period only few
economic cyclical changes will occur, the longitudinal design of the PSID challenges us to determine
which hypothesis is true.
(E) Since the possible relationships between expectancies and economic outcomes (the
development of incomes) may occur through various methods (such as the extension of work input,
the pace of career advancement, forms of adult education, residential transfers for better jobs, and the
extension of the households' labor force participation), it is important to study which channels, if any,
effectively transmit attitudinal influences on economic progress.
We decided to limit the sample of analysis, because of data constraints. Items of attitudes
were assigned (from 1968 to 1975) to heads of households only, supplemented with a one-year survey
of wives in 1976. We focused our analysis on heads of households (those functioning as heads of
households at least from 1968 to 1976). First, to track the long-term influences of motivations, (for
the basis of our secondary analysis) we chose the 21-year (1968-1988) family-individual response file
of PSID data on individuals who had not dropped out of the sample before 1988.6
Second, we selected respondents categorized as "heads of household" (by the criteria of
"relationship to head") both in 1968 and 1976 (from the perspective of our topical issues their
subsequent family status was of less concern). Thereafter, following the path of previous PSID
analyses, we omitted the members of the sample prior to or beyond the prime earning age
(eliminating from the sample those who were 19 years or younger and those who were 61 years or
older in 1968, at the start of the study? In addition to this initial selection we also made a secondary
screening of the older members of the sample: on a year-by-year basis, we omitted the data on those
over the 61-year age-limit.)
Because we used an index of general expectancies as our central independent (-intervening)
variable, we utilized the data on only those with a more or less complete set of attitudes. Since a
percentage of family questionnaires (approximately 10 percent annually) were completed by wives
rather than male heads of households, we also omitted cases in which the main respondent was
substituted at least twice by someone else in the waves of the survey (1968 to 1972 and 1975).' In
the remaining cases, though applying a relatively strict limit (at most, two unusable attitude-items
during the six years), only a small number of respondents were eliminated from the analyses. (With
the scarce cases of remaining missing values, attitudes data were completed through the use of mean
As a consequence of the above screenings, at the outset of our analysis, we had obtained a
sample of 1713 persons. We will briefly discuss the representativeness of this set. We believe that
representativeness, in a strict sense, is not of first-order relevance with regard to our main topics.
Nevertheless, great deviance from the composition of the basic population is undesirable, especially
with regard to our principal variables. The implications of two possible biases are important in this
The concentration of the sample to respondents of relatively stable family and
economic status (by including heads of households and nondropouts from the sample for a longer
period) may increase the chance of "upgrading selection," with a greater occurrence of individuals
who are generally better off and with higher expectancies (as was raised by similar concerns related to
personal efficacy in Lachman, 1985).
Beginning with the original sample, an overrepresentation of lower-income families
(who are overrepresented in the PSID for analytical purposes) may involve an overrepresentation of
persons with less favorable life chances and lower general expectation^.^
Although both circumstances may entail important consequences, our analysis of the
composition of the sample indicates that the two biases of opposite character serve to neutralize each
other. The education, residence, and gender compositions of our 1713 head-of-household population
do not differ significantly from the initial PSID sample. (See more detailed data in Appendix 1. To
mention some slight differences: inhabitants of metropolitan areas are somewhat overrepresented in
our sample, while the percentage of those who have completed 6 to 8 grades of schooling is slightly
lower and those who have completed 9 to 12 grades is slightly higher, apparently related to
differences in the age composition.) With regard to the occupational composition, the number of
professionals, managers, self-employed, craftsmen, operatives, and farmers in the sample is
practically the same, while we have relatively fewer clerical workers and more laborers in our
sample. In the comparable age groups our sample has a slightly higher concentration of middle-aged
individuals (35 to 54 years at the beginning of the study). The most striking differences, with regard
to the racial and regional composition, are related to the overrepresentation of lower-income
households. It is important to note, however, that for a narrower subsample of our analysis
(embracing those with a persistent job status for a longer period), even the racial composition has
approximated that of the general population. The regional overrepresentation of the South is
somewhat lessened, as well. (Jn this narrower subsample the above-average concentration of laborers
and unskilled workers disappears, the number of professionals and managers slightly exceeds that in
the general population, while the underrepresentation of clerical workers remains).
The danger of a bias toward favorable expectancies does not occur, and if there is a slight
deviation from the population at large, it is in the opposite direction. Calculating the arithmetic
means of the twenty-five items and composing the expectancy-index used throughout our analyses, the
difference is only one-tenth on a five-point scale.1°
The construction of a coherent measure of general expectancies was one of the crucial stages
of our analyses. We referred to our view that prior studies have not taken full advantage of the
possibilities offered by the comprehensiveness of indicators and the relatively large number of
replications. Though the operationalization of applied motivational constructs underwent significant
changes throughout the decades of studies," the resulting indices remained too specific. Apart from
some exceptions,12motivational indices in most studies were based on one-year measurements
(possibly not unrelated to the fact that most of those studies explicitly emphasized the implications of
motivational changes from one year to another). We have postulated general expectancies as more
durable phenomena and regarded the yearly data as observed indicators for a temporally stable latent
variable. The strong across-year correlations of the various attitude items (as shown in detail by
Lachman, 1985) have provided an empirical foundation for this approach.
We based our attitudinal measurement on items available each year from 1968 to 1972 (as
explained below, in some analyses we also included items from the 1975 replication). The available
items embraced indicators of efficacy, planning, future orientation, and trust in others. Assuming
some conceptual overlap among these dimensions, we began with an exploratory factor analysis of
seven items year by year from 1968 throughout 1972.13 (See their exact wording in Appendix 2.)
The resulting factor structures practically coincided with each year. (See more details in Appendix
2.) The factor structures outlined two dimensions in their compositions from those presented by
previous studies. The first dimension, which we call the dimension of "general expectancies,"
embraces items that were taken into account earlier as indicators of sense of efficacy, planning, and
trust in others. As common elements with similar constructs, this set includes items on being sure of
whether one's life works out the way one wants it to and on one's experiences of the success or
failure of carrying out hisher plans. The dimension in question also contains the item on finishing
things or giving up (which was included by some analyses alongside with the above two items, and
excluded by others--on the basis of its somewhat poorer fit--from the index of eficacy). The item on
the habit of planning ahead, in turn (constituting in most previous studies a part of an index of future
orientation) though with somewhat higher loading on the second than on the first factor, fits the
"expectancy" dimension in a satisfactory fashion (as is shown more clearly by a next step when
including items of this dimension only). Finally, the item on trust in others, conceptually separated
by previous studies, fit surprisingly well with the first factor(s).
Items on thinking about happenings in the future and the habit of spending vs. saving were
separated from those of the expectancy dimension (complemented by the item on the habit of planning
ahead), composing a factor called "future orientation. "
In a next step we carried out a principal component analysis using the five-year set of items of
the first dimension. Table 1 presents data of the first umotated component, proving a definite
inter-item and temporal coherence. Q'he average loadings for each item range between 0.57 to 0.45
while the average loadings belonging in each year range between 0.48 to 0.55, slightly more in the
later than in the earlier years.)
The above umotated first component provided a basis for calculating factor scores. We used
these factor scores in our further analyses of the index of general expectancy. Although, as in
previous studies, a simple summation of values of individual items may also have been feasible, we
chose to use factor scores. Factor scores have slightly higher correlations with our principal
dependent variables based on incomes data. As the .99 correlation between factor- and simple
summation-scores indicates, however, the differences between the products of the two kinds of
calculation are only marginal.'
In spite of the empirical match, the substantial coherence of the above five items is
questionable. By taking a closer look, however, one can discover the common elements connecting
B u e to this strong relationship, we used summation scores for reliability estimates. The
coefficient alpha of reliability for the index embracing the 25 (5x5) items is -89. This indicates
rather high internal consistency either in absolute terms or when compared to coefficients of similar
indices based on fewer items and fewer (or only one) years. (Lachman [I9851 presents an average
internal consistency reliability of .57 [with a range of .51 to .60] for the personal efficacy measure.
This measure consisted of three efficacy items and was computed on a yearly basis.) As more
detailed computations indicate, reliability was enhanced first of all by extending the observation
period. The inclusion of two items usually omitted from the construct also entailed an (.05-.06 point)
increase in reliability. (If computed, the alpha coefficients in our sample for the "traditional" three
items are .50 for 1968 and .52 for 1969; when the further two items are added, the alpha coefficients
grow to .56 and .59, respectively. The five-year values, on the other hand, amount to .85 in the
former and .89 in the latter case.)
Principal Component Analysis (First Unrotated Component)
of the Items of the Dimension "General Expectancy"
each item. Efficacy indicators such as being sure of one's life-path, the positive experiences of the
realization of one's plans, and not giving up once things started all express confidence in one's future
and the capability to cope with problems. The habit of planning one's life ahead also implies some
positive expectancy of getting things done. And finally, the item on trust in others also expresses
some hope of not being hindered in one's plans or misused by hostile forces. In brief, all items in
this dimension reflect a degree of hope or optimism.
Data on differences among sociodemographic groups also contribute to the validity of our
index. The observed relationships coincide with those generally identified for efficacy indices in
PSID studies.14 In the first place, higher-educated people have a higher level of general
expectancies. Individuals with less education have a lower level of general expectancies. Race also
makes for significant differences, with blacks having less favorable expectancies than non-blacks.
Among heads of households, gender differences are worth mentioning (however, it should also be
emphasized that differences between male heads of households and their wives are much less
conspicuous than between male and female heads of households. It is likely that gender differences
are badly enhanced by the disadvantageous circumstances of single female heads of households.)
Regional characteristics are more noteworthy than those related to the indicator of residence (the size
of the largest city in area). The South had the less favorable expectancies, while among the other
three large regions the Midwest revealed the most optimistic attitudes. Occupational differences were
related to education, with professionals and managers on the pole of favorable and unskilled workers
on the pole of unfavorable expectancies. A more detailed analysis of variance (ANOVA adjusting for
the effects of the strongest determining variables such as education and race), however, has outlined a
somewhat differing pattern, with farmers and managers ranking highest, then self-employed
businessmen, while professionals rank only in the following place. This pattern suggests a role of
ownership and market-related activities in conditioning expectancy attitudes. (See more detailed data
on the above characteristics in Appendix 3.)'
As concerns the principal dependent variables of our analysis and in accordance with other
studies, we put special emphasis on the development of personal (wage and other labor) income of
heads of households as a basic indicator of economic outcomes. Though some analyses took other
indicators such as family income or income-to-needs ratio into consideration, we distinguished
earnings (annual or longer-term) as being most directly connected with individual economic efforts.
To eliminate possible biases we made some corrections in income data. First, on a year-to-year basis,
we omitted incomes which were derived from work input of less than 500 hours a year. Various
studies established various limits in this respect, ranging from 500 to 1500 hours. Since data led us
to the conclusion that the main threshold lies between 0 and 500 and not so much between 500 and
1500 hours, then, for reasons of sample size, we chose the lower 500-hours limit. Second, in
connection with the implications of retirement or the period preceding retirement (keeping in mind the
changing character of labor force participation), we omitted wage earners over the age of 61, for the
remaining years. We established this age limit partly on an empirical basis, but also considering
sample size aspects. Lastly, as in many previous PSID studies, we applied the (natural) logarithmic
"Though the measurement of attitude items surveyed from 1968 to 1972 was repeated for heads of
households in 1975, in most analyses we omitted this wave of data for three reasons: (1) The 1975
wave contained only four of the five items of our index (the item on trust in others was absent in
1975); (2) The inclusion of the other four items from the last year of questioning would have had
practically no effect on increasing the internal consistency of the index; (3) As the most important
consideration, the inclusion of the 1975 data would have significantly cut the time period of the study
of expectancy effects on subsequent income formation.
For some analyses, however, we included the 1975 attitudes. As will be presented in more
detail in the section on contextual effects, to measure the influences of the family milieu we also used
the data on the attitudes of the wives of household heads surveyed in the 1976 wave. Since the period
of study of subsequent income effects was necessarily curtailed, and the period of attitudes
measurement for household heads would have been even more separated from the 1976 date of survey
for wives, for this case we constructed a modified version of the index of general expectancies. This
index also contains the four attitude items for household heads from the neighboring 1975 year.
transformation of income data in order to eliminate biases resulting from the badly skewed
distribution of income data. In preliminary analyses we also made a further correction by cutting off
incomes with extreme values; however, through the use of the logarithmic transformation this further
correction turned out to be less important.15
We applied a constant set of variables controlling for the effect of attitudes on income. This
set consists of sociodemographic variables usually applied in PSID studies, mostly influencing
economic outcomes: education, residence (sue of largest city in area), region,16 age, sex, and race.
At a considerable part of our analyses we also included the initial income level (the income of 1967
first registered by the PSID).'
For the education indicator we used the eight-category data on the type of education ("number
of years of schooling" was introduced in the coding scheme only in a later phase of the study); since
the numerical codes of the categories reflect the years spent at various schools, we also included type
of education in regression equations. (Though methodologically more correct, we avoided the use of
separate dummy variables instead of a unified education variable so we could compare the s u e of
education effects with attitude effects in the formation of incomes.)'' Age of household heads
figured as a second basic item in the set of our control variables, which was also conceived of as a
proxy for work experience, usually measured by the difference between age and years of education.
For race and region we applied dummy variables contrasting black heads of households with nonblacks, and Southerners with non-Southerners, following the line of former PSID studies. Finally, as
an indicator of place of residence we used the available sixdegree measure of largest city in the area
W e do not claim to have used all the variables that could be used to determine income, such as
occupational or class-related (ownership and hierarchical) positions, that are in the foreground of this
strongly debated issue. (For recent discussions of the variables applied by these approaches see
Halaby and Weakliem [I9931 and Wright [1993].) We have intentionally used the basic variables of
the theoretical framework applied in most of the PSID studies--the human capital approach--with
special emphasis on the role of education; we wanted to measure expectancy effects by controlling
effects which proved to be significant in previous studies utilizing the same longitudinal data base.
(which we included in this original form in regression equations for similar reasons as the type of
Overall Effects of E X D ~ C Attitudes
on the Develo~mentof Earnines
In assessing the overall effects of expectancy attitudes on the formation of earnings, one of the
first strategic decisions is related to the choice between level and change indicators. This distinction
is important in defining dependent variables of economic outcomes.'' Though econometric models
often applied in PSID analyses tend to favor change indicators, in the framework of the underlying
human capital approach it is equally legitimate to work with data on level of incomes. For example,
when measuring the pecuniary gain of education as a given asset (usually non-changing after the
attainment of a certain school degree), it is quite natural to apply a level indicator to define the
dependent variable. If we conceive of general expectancies as possessing a longer-run inherent
stability, these attitudes can also be treated as assets positively (or negatively) influencing subsequent
levels of economic outcomes. Acknowledging at the same time the relevance of some types of change
variables, we decided to use both (level and change) types of indicators in our analyses.
Similarly, another problem concerns the inclusion of the initial level of earnings to the set of
control variables. If we treat general expectancies as ephemeral phenomena simply reflecting
fluctuating developments of existential circumstances (such as changes in earnings constraining one's
life-chances), we have to include the initial income level in our model as a factor principally
responsible for differing levels of general expectancy. However, if we treat these attitudes as
enduring constructs (and, as mentioned above, data on the temporal stability of our expectancy index
have not contradicted this assumption), temporal interdependencies cease to be given in a clear-cut
fashion (we may equally assume that some initial levels of incomes were significantly influenced by
the preceding state of expectancies). Setting out from such assumptions, the inclusion of initial level
of income will not be cogent any more. On the basis of these considerations, and to make our
evidence more solid, we decided to apply both options (that is, both the inclusion and the omission of
the initial level of income in various models of analysis).
Finally, we had to decide which time-spans to choose when defining (the levels or changes of)
earnings as our basic dependent variable. Since our basic expectancy index contains data from 1968
to 1972, the subsequent period embraces the years from 1973 to 1987. We had to consider whether
to base our analyses on annual income data (year by year) or to use some more aggregate data
embracing a longer period. The latter approach may eliminate some idiosyncratic fluctuations of the
income data and lend a higher level of generalizability to the findings. Data on the formation of
incomes on a year-to-year basis, however, may outline short- and long-term effects in more detail and
may reveal some cyclical effects, as well. With regard to the time-span of the income indicators, we
decided again to use various type of indicators (including both annual and longer-term incomes) in
defining our basic dependent variables. First, we will discuss data on the year-to-year level of
incomes from 1973 to 1987. Our regression analyses19 included respondents (under age 62) who
worked more than 500 hours in the respective years (the decreasing tendency in the number of cases
is explained by the shift in age of the members of the sample).
Table 2 presents the results of the first round of analyses with regard to the attitudes of
general expectancy not involving the initial level of income among the control variables (which
contain education, age, sex, race, region, and the size of the largest city in the area). As additional
information, we attach the data on the explained variances of the overall models and the zero-order
correlations of the index of general expectancy to the annual incomes for each year.
Though the strong zero-order correlations (.45 to .34) are also worth noticing, it is even more
important that after controlling for six basic sociodemographic variables, the values of the
Regression Results on the Effects of General Expectancy
on the Annual Earnings of Household Heads from 1973 to 1987,
not Controlling for the Initial Level of Income (control variables are
education, age, sex, race, residence, and region)
of Obs.
standardized regression coefficients (.17 to .lo) remain relatively large, and the effects of expectancy
attitudes on annual incomes prove highly significant throughout the observed period. The endurance
of these relationships is noticeable: in spite of a slight decrease in the middle of the eighties
(observable in both the zero-correlations and the beta-coefficients), the effects remain strong even ten
to fifteen years after the survey of the expectancy attitudes. This finding also supports the notion that
general expectancies are relatively stable attributes. If the attitudes had undergone significant changes
in consequence of changes in external conditions throughout the observed period, we could also
expect a steeper shrinkage of the impact of expectancies on subsequent incomes. Short of data on
subsequent attitudes we have to make do with the assumptions in this respect.
As to the relative role in determining incomes (in comparison with the other independent
variables of the model), general expectancies take place somewhere in the middle of the variable set.
They follow sex and education during the entire period (the beta-values of which range between -35
and .20), lead race, region and age, and fall more or less on par with the indicator of residence
(running ahead of it in the seventies and behind it in the eighties).P
As seen in Table 3, the inclusion of the initial level of incomes in the model brings about
considerable changes in the overall pattern of explanations, especially in the first period of
observation when correlations between annual and initial incomes maintain a high level (above .60
until the end of the seventies). The contributions of the expectancy attitudes diminish mainly in this
first period; however, their effects on incomes remain significant (on at least the .O1 level) in all but
one of the fifteen years.
With the restructuring of effects, the relative role of expectancies somewhat attenuates, being
pushed behind age (with the higher incomes of younger age-groups, adjusting for the initial lag),
residence, and sex. This is even more true for the initial income level and education, the two
Regression Results on the Effects of General Expectancy
on the Annual Earnings of Household Heads from 1973 to 1987,
Controlling for the Initial Level of Income (other control variables
are education, age, sex, race, residence, and region)
of Obs.
Corr .
variables clearly outstanding in this respect. General expectancies, on the other hand, are throughout
the whole period more effective in this case than race and region2'
The relative consistency of the year-to-year effects of our principal variables (which is true
for both the expectancy attitudes and the control variables) justifies the use of a longer-term indicator
of earnings. The fifteen-year span ranging from 1973 to 1987 embraces an aggregate of incomes
approaching the amount of life-earnings. Since, however, only a smaller part of our sample
possessed some income throughout the entire period (according to our criteria explained above), we
have been more liberal in defining the circle of the eligible respondents with this analysis. Dividing
the embraced period into two parts, the first five years after the survey of attitudes (1973-1977) and
the remaining ten years (1978-1987), we applied the criterion of existing labor incomes for at least
three years in the first period and at least six years in the second period. Thus, we included
respondents with at least nine years of earnings relatively evenly distributed over the 1973-1987
period. To correct for the differential number of years with income data, as the final measure we
used the yearly averages of incomes. (If we had not adjusted for inflation, the aggregate income
would have been higher [the inflation effect itself could engender the bias] for those who had the
larger share of their labor income in the later period, when wages were higher than previously.)
The next analyses (see Tables 4.A and 4.B) were also conducted in both ways of treating the
initial income level. Both analyses included the six control variables identified above.
The data on the long-range income effects of expectancy attitudes (correcting for the crossyear fluctuations of earnings) agree to a large extent with the findings presented above. In both
respects (either when the initial income is included in the model or when it is not), the standardized
regression coefficients and T-values reflecting the role of attitudes on incomes reach higher values
than in any of the distinct years in the period covered. Through a strengthening of effects related to
Effect of General Expectancy on the 15-Year (1973-1987) Aggregate Earnings
of Household Heads: Regression Data, not Controlling for the Initial
Level of Income (control variables are education, age, sex, race,
residence, and region)
- -
Beta Coeff.
Expectancy attitudes
Sex (male= 1, female=2)
Size of largest city in area*
Race (black= 1, non-black= 2)
Region (South = 1, non-South =2)
Effect of General Expectancy on the 15-Year (1973-1987) Aggregate Earnings
of Household Heads: Regression Data, Controlling for the Initial Level
of Income (other control variables are education, age, sex, race,
residence, and region)
Beta Coeff.
Expectancy attitudes
(1n)Initial income ('67)
Sex (male= 1, female=2)
Size of largest city in area*
Race (black = 1, non-black =2)
Region (South = 1, non-South =2)
the aggregate data on incomes also applied to the control variables, the amount of the increase
exceeds the variables of most significance such as education and sex (and the initial income level).'
The complications with regard to change-scores as dependent variables in PSID studies have
been raised by Augustyniak et al. (1985:241), with a reference to Bohrnstedt (1969) emphasizing the
inherent biases caused by "regression to the mean." We attempted to attenuate this bias by applying
differential instead of proportional scores in measuring income changes. In the first set of our
analyses we used the annual differences in earnings as our dependent ~ariables.~'
With one or two exceptions, the effects on the annual changes have generally not proved to be
significant on an acceptable level. As mentioned earlier, however, year-to-year data should be treated
with some caution, especially with regard to changes. Annual fluctuations in earnings can to a large
extent be caused by accidental events such as health problems or changes in family conditions outside
the scope of inquiry. The inexactness of personal estimates of incomes may also distort data on
changes rather than those on levels. The prevalence of idiosyncratic factors is clearly indicated by the
fact that even the controlling variables explain only a minimum of the variances in the annual income
Since it is presumable that in most cases the "normaln path of incomes is a gradual increase of
the nominal level, we also made analyses including only those with a positive change in the nominal
levels of income from one year to another. These calculations resulted not only in enhancement of
the overall explanation of changes (with the biggest influence of sex, education, and age) but also
identified slightly stronger effects for the expectancy attitudes (see the results of both sets of analyses
'Before turning to data with an explicit emphasis on the role of attitudes in income changes (as
opposed to the effects on the level of incomes), it is important to mention that one version of the
above models--that in which the initial level of incomes is included--is itself a kind of indicator of
change effects, since it implies a contrast in the initial and subsequent levels of incomes.
in Appendix 4 ) . p Since, however, a large portion (thirty to forty percent) of respondents possessing
some incomes are omitted by these analyses, we cannot overestimate their significance.
The relevance of annual income changes is also questionable for a substantive circumstance.
In a number of cases, especially those with typically high life-earnings such as businessmen or
entrepreneurs, a considerable increase in incomes in the long run is accompanied by frequent
fluctuations, even sharp drops at times.
With regard to all of the above considerations, long-range indicators of change in incomes
seem to be much more reliable than annual ones (we consider the increase in reliability to be even
greater than in the case of levels of incomes). For these analyses we made use of the entire range of
registered earnings and contrasted the aggregate amount of incomes between 1978 and 1987 with that
of the preceding decade (in the form of subtraction). This is quite a rigorous test of change effects:
as shown above in Table 2, the effects on the level of earnings somewhat faded by the second half of
the eighties, a finding that predicts decreasing rather than increasing change effects covering such a
long period.
As to the missing data, we applied the relatively liberal criterion of expecting at least six
years of labor incomes (for both five-year periods of the first decade we expected at least three years
of non-missing data). To adjust for the possible difference between the two contrasted time periods
(regarding the number of years with non-missing income data), we used the yearly averages for both
periods. When transforming the change scores into logarithmic form, only a negligible percentage of
cases had to be eliminated due to a negative change (with these analyses we made a distinct correction
for inflation effects for both ten-year periods of income development)."
As shown in Table 5, the effect of the expectancy attitudes on long-term changes in income is
much more significant than on one-year changes. It is also true that its value is lower than it was for
expectancy effects on the 15-year level of incomes. (The latter can be said of most control variables.
Effect of General Expectancy on the Ten-Year Change in Earnings of
Household Heads, Comparing 1978-1987 with 1968-1977 (regression data,
with control variables:' education, age, sex, race, residence, region)
Corr .
Beta Coeff.
Expectancy attitudes
Size of largest city in area*
Sex (male= 1, female=2)
Race (black= 1, non-black= 2)
Region (South = 1, non-South =2)
"Based on the considerations explained in endnote 23, we do not present data for the long-term change
model including the initial (1967) level of income. We note, however, that even if this variable is
involved, the expectancy effect would remain significant (with .09 beta-coefficient, 2.6 T-value,
p < .01).
Age is an important exception with the larger gain of younger age groups in the subsequent years of
their careers.)
Above we presented a number of data on the existing effects of general expectancies on the
development of earnings as a principal indicator of economic outcomes. The next step is to
demonstrate the magnitude of these effects. For this purpose we made a shift from treating general
expectancy as a continuous variable to treating it as a categorical variable by grouping cases according
to specific intervals. As a simple solution, we chose the use of tertiles in defining these intervals. To
provide for the temporal homogeneity of the sample, in these analyses we included only those
individuals with a complete record of incomes throughout the covered period. The data presented in
Figure 1 give a picture of the formation of the nominal levels of incomes of the various attitudes
groups. For the sake of clarity we restricted this analysis to those with high and low expectancies
(while omitting the intermediate group). Figure l.A presents the data on the average earnings of the
two groups from 1973 to 1987 in a nominal form (not controlling for the effects of other variables).
Figure 1.B, on the other hand, is based on data corrected for the effects of the control variables
applied in our previous analyses.
Though the unadjusted data of Figure l.A should be treated carefully, they are not without
interest.= As the gap between the curves indicates, differences between the incomes of high- and
low-expectancy groups increased from the first to the second half of the period not only in absolute
terms but to a smaller degree in relative terms, as well. This is also true with regard to the
development of real incomes. While the 160 percent price level increase during the observed period
was barely offset by the growth in wages for the low-expectancy group, the average real income grew
by about 10 percent on the opposite pole. (It is important to recognize that the increasing gap in the
eighties was to a degree caused by the appearance of some cases of annual incomes with a pitch well
inside the sixdigit zone pertaining largely to those with high expectancies.) The inclusion of the
Development of t h e Observed Average E a r n i n g s ( i n t h o u s a n d s of d o l l a r s ) from
1973 t o 1987 i n Groups w i t h High and Low G e n e r a l E x p e c t a n c i e s , n o t C o n t r o l l i n g
Development of t h e Average E a r n i n g s from 1973 t o 1987 i n Groups w i t h High and Low
G e n e r a l E x p e c t a n c i e s , C o n t r o l l i n g f o r E d u c a t i o n , Sex, Age, Race, R e s i d e n c e , and Region
25 .
Note: S=229 f o r t h e group w i t h h i g h g e n e r a l e x p e c t a n c i e s and 234 f o r t h e group
w i t h low g e n e r a l e x p e c t a n c i e s .
control variables as shown in Figure l.B significantly diminishes the differences between the two
groups but the gap remains, and even increases somewhat throughout the period. (Since differences
in the households' incomes assigned to necessary expenditures are generally smaller than those of the
"discretionary" part of incomes, an increase of the differences in absolute terms may entail an even
larger gap in assets available for unnecessary expenditures.)
E X D ~ C Effects
~ ~ ~ CinVVarious Submou~sof the Population
Previous PSID studies have put special emphasis on comparing various subgroups of the
population with regard to the functioning of effects that condition economic outcomes. Such analyses
are important contributions, complementing those carried out on the sample of the general population.
Contradictory results in various subgroups could also bring into question findings related to the
population at large. The following analyses can be regarded as further tests of the overall effects but
they also aim to reveal specific characteristics for various groups of the population.
Table 6 is based on two types of comprehensive data related to the sociodemographic
variables identified in our former analyses. The first set consists of regression data indicating the
effects of general expectancies on fifteen-year (1973-1987) earnings (as a level type of dependent
variable), with initial level of incomes as a control variable. The second set is based on aggregate
data on the long-term change in incomes, comparing the first and the second half of the twenty-year
As depicted in Table 6, the expectancy effects on long-term economic outcomes prove to be
more or less universal throughout the various subgroups of the population. For example, only five
out of the sixty regression coefficients have a sign opposite from the one expected (and four among
them concerning female heads of households, a point we will discuss below). Though the fact that
most signs are in the expected direction does not tell us about the significance of effects, it is,
however, an indication of consistency. Several PSID studies had contradictory findings even
Expectancy Effects on the Long-Term Development of Earnings
in Various Sociodemographic Groups: Regression Data,'
with the following Control Variables: Education, Sex, Age,
Race, Residence, and Region, Plus the Initial Level of lncomeb
for the 15-Year Aggregate Incomes
Dependent Variable
The Level of Fifteen-Year Aggregate
Earnings of Heads of Households
White male
Black male
White fem.
Black fem.
-35 (in 72)
45Large city
(table continues)
The Ten-Year Change of Heads of
Households' Earnings
TABLE 6, continued
Dependent Variable
The Level of Fifteen-Year Aggregate
Earnings of Heads of Households
The Ten-Year Change of Heads of
Households' Earnings
Prof. + Cler.
Higher inc.
"When making comparisons across subsets of data it is advised (e.g., by Asher, 197650) that the
unstandardized coefficient is more appropriate than the standardized one. The former is immune, it is
argued, to the effects of the differential variances in the same variable in various subgroups. We
have continued, however, the practice of presenting the standardized coefficients to relate these
findings to the ones contained in our earlier tables (and to identify the magnitude of the effects). The
T-values in Table 6 take into account the differential variances and allow for comparisons across
"The set of control variables was modified from case to case, depending on the classification criteria
(e.g., the variable sex was left out when defining the regression models for male and female
household heads).
T h e following categories were used to classify the size of the largest city in the area: 1: over
500,000; 2: 25,000-500,000; 3: under 25,000 inhabitants.
"We do not present separate data for occupational groups represented by less than 50 cases in the
sample (such as the self-employed and farmers). These groups, however, were included in the more
comprehensive categories presented below.
"We defined these two groups according to the median of the initial (1967) income level.
regarding the direction of the impact of attitudes on economic outcomes. As to the significance of
effects, in spite of the generally low number of cases, half of the results in Table 6 prove to be
significant at least at the .05 level, and less than a quarter of the T-values do not reach the more
liberal 1.0 threshold.
Turning to the differential characteristics across the various sociodemographic groups, the
observable gap between gender groups is worth mentioning. While in both (level and change)
respects expectancy effects for men are at least as solid as for the general population, those for female
heads of households are not only insignificant but in some cases have signs in the unexpected
direction. The relevance of these data should not be overstated, however, for as we will point out in
our following analyses, wives of male households (a subgroup more prevalent in the general
population than female heads of households) show more resemblance to male heads than to female
heads of households with regard to the relationships between general expectancies and economic
outcomes. The data for the female heads of households (a group with several disadvantages according
to pertinent studies), on the other hand, reflect to the suppression of expectancy effects amidst
constrained opportunity structures, a case that will appear with other subgroups as well.
Race is the next variable of interest, a pivotal issue for previous studies (with a reference to
the distinguished treatment of race and sex as grouping variables by prior PSID analyses we also
present data for the four subgroups based on their juxtaposition). In this respect, however,
differences are not as unequivocal as those between male and female household heads. Though
change effects for blacks are not significant, the expectancy effects on the subsequent level of
earnings are quite sizable for them (what's more, data for black male household heads show a degree
of consistency even when taking account of the change effects). As the more detailed data suggest,
the principal dividing line lies between gender rather than racial groups of households (thus, both
white and black female heads of households fail to turn out with the generally expected expectancy
effects). As to the lack of unequivocal change effects with black males, it is important to refer to the
marginal labor market position of a considerable part of this subgroup; cyclical fluctuations may have
a bearing on change type of indicators of economic outcomes, even when setting out from a longer
time-span. The temporal basis of the gain scores may be of similar importance; these indicators
contrast the late sixties and the seventies with the following decade of economic setbacks when a high
level of unemployment embraced more years than earlier.26
Differences in age (or age-cohorts) influence expectancy effects to a lesser degree (at least
when the oldest age-groups are excluded from the analyses), though the most solid effects can be
observed in the middle cohort. (It is more useful to speak of cohorts than of age-groups in this case,
for the analyses extend to nearly a generation-long period.) The poorer relationships for the oldest
members of the sample (even though before the passage to retirement) are no surprise, taking into
account some characteristics of the transition period. The lower values for the youngest cohort are,
however, not that natural, especially when considering that in the second half of the period under
study this cohort reached their middle ages. Here we certainly had to study a cohort- (or period-)
effect rather than a life-cycle effect. One possible explanation may relate, again, to the temporal
factor suggesting that the members of the youngest cohort came to the peak years of their careers
(with the chance of a higher jump of incomes) in a more unfavorable period than the preceding
cohort. Another line of interpretation that would involve observations on the declining role of
materialistic values and the spread of postmaterialistic values in the younger generations (such as
emphasized in Inglehart, for example) would reach too far, not to mention the fact that the extent of
the differences in the data between the two cohorts could not be regarded as vast.
Data across inhabitants of various types of settlements (more precisely, living in the area of
cities of different sizes) are rather similar. Though the effects of attitudes on economic outcomes are
the most solid in smaller communities, they do not differ strikingly from those in larger cities.
The observed characteristics are more noticeable with regard to another indicator of location,
region. Expectancy effects are strongest for the South and poorest for the Midwest. Though the
interpretation of these results would need more detailed analyses and specific knowledge in this field,
it is worth mentioning the peculiar congruence of the former data with the explications (such as
Olson, 1982) on the more rapid economic growth in the Southern than other states in the postwar
decades. This line of reasoning would not only imply a reference to the broader room for expectancy
effects in the more rapidly developing regions, but also a reciprocal relationship between economic
and motivational factors on the macro-level.)'
First-order data on the various occupational groups are in some cases problematic due to the
small numbers of cases (a few of the groups could not even be mentioned distinctly). Therefore, a
less detailed classification is appropriate, distinguishing four comprehensive categories: (1) owners
and managers typically employed in the business sphere (groups 2 and 3 of the original PSID
classification); (2) salary earners employed primarily outside of the business sphere (professionals,
technicians, clerical workers; groups 1 and 4); (3) skilled and semi-skilled manual wage-earners
(craftsmen, operatives; groups 5 and 6); and (4) primarily unskilled manual workers (laborers,
farmers; groups 7 and 8). The data indicate a dividing line between the non-manual and the manual
groups. Expectancy effects prove to work most solidly among business people, on the one hand, and
skilled (and semi-skilled) workers, on the other. Non-manuals outside the business sphere present, in
turn, only weak effects; perhaps being less preoccupied with pecuniary gains than owners and
'Considering the lack of observed effects on the Midwestern part, it is curious that the strength of
effects with regard to the various regions grows in opposite proportion with the order of the average
value of expectancy scores (let us remember that the Midwest stood out and the South lagged behind
in that respect), contrary to the general rule. We could risk the assumption that expectancy attitudes
in the Midwest are too homogenous (on a generally high level) to allow for the appearance of
differential effects on economic outcomes. Though there is only partial evidence of this, we note that
the standard deviation of general expectancies is somewhat lower in the Midwest than in the other
three regions.
managers, their motivations are directed toward other objectives. Finally, effects for unskilled
workers are strong with level-type indicators but not significant with change-type indicators, a finding
that reminds us of the above findings related to blacks; the interpretation of this bifurcation could also
run on similar lines.
The discrepancy between the level- and change-type indicators among lower strata is only
corroborated by the data on income groups (as defined by the location from the median of the initial
incomes). As in the similar cases above, the weakness of expectancy effects among the lower-income
group with regard to change scores may be related to the higher sensitivity to temporal fluctuations
due to less favorable labor market positions and greater vulnerability to economic hardships in the
second half of the observed period. It is important to mention, however, that expectancy effects with
regard to the level of subsequent incomes are as influential on the lower- as on the higher-income
The Role of Contexts
Since we hypothesized that on a larger plane the cultural climate of the social environment
(whether a more embracing or a smaller community) plays a decisive role in conditioning more or
less favorable, optimistic or pessimistic general expectancies, and because we also believe that some
influences of the milieu can be empirically approached, we looked for data in the PSID allowing for
such an attempt. We found two types of variables applicable in this respect: one for the influences
of the macro-context and one for those of the micro-context (e.g., the family).
In the macro-context, the county of residence was the most direct among the available
indicators of one's community membership. Following the mainstream line of contextual analysis (as
detailed by Boyd and Iversen, 1979), we computed an aggregate variable (the arithmetic means) of the
expectancy indices for each county (with more than twenty respondents) as a quantitative
representation of the attitudinal "spirit" of the respondents' localities. To briefly summarize the
results of these analyses, the group variable proved to exert much weaker effects than did the
individual variable treated above. Apart from the generally contradictory record of the findings from
the contextual analyses, perhaps our indicator was not a really suitable one. The county level may
have been too high of an aggregation (and may have embraced too many types of settlements) to
express the atmosphere of a given area.
We have obtained more positive results with regard to family contexts as approached by data
on the attitudes of the male household heads' wives. Following the series of attitude surveys of
household heads, a special block for wives in 1976 contained attitude questions as well as four of the
items composing our index of general expectancy (the item on trust in others was not included). The
set of four items constituted a coherent factor-structure (see Appendix 2 on the data of the related
principal component analysis), allowing for the construction of an expectancy index such as the one
for their husbands (apart from its covering only one year and the lower degree of its reliability).
Since the expectancy attitudes for husbands and wives proved to be congruous in important respects
(they strongly correlated: r = .40) and since wives' attitudes tended to produce similar outcomes to
those for the heads of households, a finding we shall deal with in more detail below, it seemed
reasonable to apply an index of their combination to approach the "expectancy climate" in this
micro-context. Before doing this, however, we had to deal with a technical problem. The items of
our index for the heads of households were surveyed from 1968 to 1972 while those for the wives
were surveyed in 1976. We attempted to bridge (though not eliminate) the temporal gap by including
the data from the last replication of the basic block on attitudes in 1975 into the heads' index (see
Appendix 2). This alteration allowed us to somewhat approach the periods covered by the household
heads' and the wives' surveys.
Following a general practice for measuring the joint effect of two variables, we applied the
interaction term: household head's expectancy index * wife's expectancy index (making a prior
correction for both indices by shifting the entire set of scores above zero). We shall refer to this in
the following section as the "interaction-index."
The analyses with this index embraced the 1978-1987 period, five years shorter than observed
in the previous cases. Another restriction regards the sample: its downsizing to married male
household heads followed naturally from the composition of the subjects of the interaction-index. To
allow for a direct comparison of the previous results with those produced by the use of the
interaction-index, we also made regression analyses for the household heads* expectancy attitudes of
Table 7 presents parallel results of expectancy effects, using
the same (married male) ~ubsarnple.~
the interaction-index in the first set and the original index in the second.
As data in Table 7 clearly indicate, in the majority of cases expectancy effects are more
significant when applying the interaction-index than when applying the one based solely on the
household heads* attitudes (t-values are higher for the latter ones in only four of the twenty-two yearto-year cases, and without exception, the cases of longer periods are lower). This is especially true
for the models that include the initial level of income (not unrelated to the fact that the zero-order
correlations with the income levels are lower for the interaction-index than for the original one).
Considering that it is not very common for "group-level" variables (as the index combining
husbands' and wives* attitudes could in a sense be conceived) to surpass the individual variables in
their effects, it is important to examine the possibility of artifactual results. First, the question arises
as to whether the individual components of the interaction index (that is, either the modified index for
the household heads including the 1975 attitudes, or the expectancy index for wives) or the composite
of the interaction index is indeed responsible for the increase of effects. Therefore we made
comparisons of the interaction-index with the components as well. As to the modified index for
household heads, its correlation with the original index reaches .99, and though in some cases its
regression values are slightly higher, with some exceptions they do not surpass those of the
Comparison of Regression Results by the Use of the Interaction-Index
and the (Original) Individual Index of Expectancy Attitudes, on the
Subsample of Married Male Household Heads (control variables: education,
sex, age, race, residence, and region)
Individual Index
of Expectancy Attitudes
(as independent variable)
of Expectancy Attitudes
(as independent variable)
Not controlling
the initial inc.:
ln(income77) .16
ln(income78) .19
ln(income79) .18
ln(income80) .17
ln(income81) .14
ln(income82) .16
ln(income83) .16
ln(income84) .13
ln(income85) .13
ln(income86) . l l
ln(income87) .14
the initial inc.:
ln(income77) .12
ln(income78) .16
ln(income79) .15
ln(income80) .15
ln(income81) .12
ln(income82) .13
ln(income83) .13
ln(income84) .10
ln(income85) .ll
ln(income86) .09
ln(income87) .12
15-year aggregate,
not controlling the
initial income .19
Controlling the
initial income .16
10-year change of
interaction-index either. It would have been a much bigger surprise if wives' attitudes had been at the
first place responsible for the development of their husbands' subsequent incomes, but the data
unequivocally contradicted this assumption.'
To complement the methodological counterarguments with a substantive one, the interactionindex might be regarded as an improved instrument of measuring individual attributes rather than
"emerging effects" of a higher-level entity such as "family climate." This argument refers to
preexisting "biases of selection" (such as the preference of similar rather than divergent attitudes and
the emphasis on related criteria in mating) or, in another vein, the differential ability of household
heads to influence their spouses' attitudes. These points may be plausible, but additional
measurements of the wives' attitudes (to the one in 1976)would be required to examine the implied
issues (such as the persistence or change in husbands' and wives' attitudes) on an empirical basis.
OD~ortunitvStructures and Cvclical Fluctuations
One of the initial assumptions at the start of our secondary analysis was that coping behavior
with economic hardships must be related to motivations and attitudes. We expected such relationships
can be revealed through the study of data of a relatively long period. When studying this issue more
closely, however, we encountered several difficulties, partly of a substantive nature and partly of a
more practical character. First, it was not easy to hypothesize how the expectancy-economic
outcomes relationship would be influenced by cyclical fluctuations. It could be assumed that
economic hardships mobilize more energy on the part of those possessing more favorable general
and thus differences in outcomes by differential attitudes would grow in recessionary
Keeping in mind that the interaction-index is based on the product of two rather highly correlated
components, it could also be posited that the interaction-index is a proxy for an individual-level
variable, expressing the non-linear effects of the expectancy attitudes. Thus we carried out some
analyses substituting the original index with its square-value: however, the interaction-index continued
to show stronger effects in this comparison as well.
periods. It was also plausible, however, that the differential availability of favorable opportunities
would put a brake on the realization of expectancy effects during slump periods. The empirical
separation of these two influences of opposite characters is not a simple task.
A much more practical problem is implied, on the other hand, by the very delimitation of
the cyclical periods. Though among economists some consensus exists on the beginning and end of
various recessions, this does not necessarily coincide with the periods of hardships as perceived by the
public. The latter tend to extend longer than the recessions in technical terms.29
Let us note that some of our above results can also be interpreted in light of this question if
not in the strict terms of recession. In sections 3.1 and 3.2 expectancy effects attenuated from the
seventies to the eighties (a finding that might also be attributed to the gradual exhaustion of the
expectancy momenta) and that this attenuation was most significant for the lower-income groups of
the population (resulting in a poorer expectancy effect with regard to change- and level-type of
outcome variables). These findings suggest the dominant role of opportunity constraints in the
differential functioning of attitudes, suppressing rather than reinforcing their effects under unfavorable
We took a closer look at these mechanisms when partitioning the observed time-span (from
1973 to 1987) into four 4-year (in the first case, 3-year) periods. These periods (1973-75, 1976-79,
1980-83, and 1984-1987) more or less correspond to the periods in which economic fluctuations
occurred, as depicted by pertinent manuals; when merging the years of two shortly consecutive
economic downturns (of the turn of the eighties and 1981-1982) into one period, we widened the
intervals of the "officially" registered recessionary periods. We also took account of the aftermaths
of approximately one year before a perceivable improvement occurred. As for the concrete
indicators, we calculated (for each subperiod) the change of earnings as compared to the average of
the preceding period (for arithmetic reasons, taking into consideration only positive changes; cases
with incomplete data for a given period were also eliminated).J0 Table 8 presents regression data
using the individual index of general expectancies.
Though the differences in expectancy effects between the four periods are not really salient,
their level of significance changes from one period to another. Albeit not giving basis for
far-reaching conclusions as to the rival hypotheses, the data support the role of increasing constraints
of opportunity structures during periods of economic downturns, rather than the enhanced efficiency
of general expectancies in these very periods. The lowest regression value pertains to the period of
the deepest and longest (with two shorter recessions in between) slump during the embraced fifteen
years, at the beginning of the eighties. The highest value occurred during the period of highest
economic growth throughout the fifteen years (1976-1979), and it is also in accordance with our
expectations that the value of the after-1983 recovery period exceeds that of the preceding one. The
results presented above on the enhanced role of economic constraints among low-income groups in the
eighties, however, indicate the need of more detailed analyses to better clarify this issue.
In our previous analyses we scrutinized the existence of expectancy effects (in general and
under specific conditions) but did not attempt to determine how such effects are actually realized.
This is a question no less complicated than those above and it could be the subject of a whole study;
given the practical (such as term) limitations of our secondary analysis, we could only make some
first steps in this direction.
To continue with a reference to some data constraints, as well, we could not find sufficient
clues to study some ways of income gain related to career mobility such as adult education or
geographic mobility. As to the former, we found few respondents with some degree attained during
the years under study to seriously investigate these relationships. The case was similar with regard to
moving from a city to another for vocational reasons during the observed period. (We assume that a
Effects of General Expectancies on Earnings in Periods of
Economic Downturns and Upswings: Regression Results, Controlling
for Education, Age, Sex, Race, Residence, and Region
change in earnings
from the preceding Number
periods for
of Obs.
long-distance residential move could lead in a number of cases to dropping out from the sample.) If
the data were available to study this line of analysis, it might be of special relevance, taking into
consideration the comparatively high rate of geographic mobility in the United States.
Data, on the other hand, have been ample on work hours, which indicate the extent of labor
force activity, and on pay rates, which indicate the qualitative attributes of jobs. Prior findings on the
trends of the last two decades are not without contradiction in these respects, either. Schor (1991)
gives, for example, an account of a considerable increase of labor force activity in the seventies and
eighties, including the growth of work hours by the main earners of households. PSID data,
however, have not corroborated Schor's findings; moreover, some analyses even point to another
direction concerning worklleisure relationships. As detailed in Duncan (1984: 101-102), the negative
relationships between the development of rates of pay and work hours yield more evidence for the
functioning of an "income effect" (an increasing preference for leisure with increasing income) than a
"substitution effect" (a preference for more work input with improving wage rates).
We attempted to approach this issue, too, by applying the expectancy concept, though our
remark to the degree of complication particularly holds true for this case. We made some analyses
for both work hours and rates of pay (as calculated by the ratio of annual labor incomes and annual
work hours). Their results help to disentangle the role of better-paying jobs and more work input in
bringing about income gains on the part of those with higher expectancies. On first sight (as
presented in more detailed in Appendix 4), there appears to be no contradiction between these two
ways. Applying multiple regression for annual work hours and for hourly wages with the inclusion
of expectancy attitudes as independent variables and the regular set of our analyses as control
variables, we found for each year from 1973 to 1987 positive effects of expectancy attitudes with
regard to both work hours and rates of pay (significant at a conventional level in all cases except one
for the latter). The absolute magnitudes of the two kinds of effects are close to each other, but, in a
relative sense, general expectancies prove to be more influential on the extent of work activity. They
rank higher in the set of included variables (as compared to the effects on pay rates), surpassed only
by sex (with male households working longer hours) for the seventies, and by sex and age (with
younger ones at the higher pole) for the eighties. As to hourly pay rates, expectancy effects follow
education, type of residence, and, for some years, race and region as well. The data suggest, on the
whole, that higher general expectancies prompt increased efforts in both directions of income growth.
Direct correlations between work hours and wage rates, in turn, put these relationships into a
somewhat different light. While we found only vague negative correlations for the general population
(for no year significant at a .05 level), partitioning the sample by the tertiles of expectancy scores (as
presented above in section 3.1) leads to different results.31 As can be seen in Table 9, work
hourslwage rates correlations are consequently negative (with quite a robust significance except two
years) for those with high expectancies while they show no regularity whatsoever for the lowexpectancy group (what's more, the only significant correlation is not negative but positive).32
The results may seem embarrassing if we interpret the negative correlations for the highexpectancy group as a sign of moderate pecuniary aspiration (a low preference of work input with
increasing income). Taking the previous findings (on the general impact of expectancy attitudes to
extend work hours) also into account, however, we interpret the above results in another way. Thus
it is first of all those with high expectancies but worse-paying jobs who attempt to compensate for
their income lags with a (further) increase of work input. Those with high expectancies and wellpaying jobs may be less prompted to enhance their work input. As to those with low expectancies,
the lack of any relationships (as depicted in Table 9) may be related to the less direct fashion in which
low-expectancy individuals react to wage differentials (recall the concrete components of the
expectancy construct suggesting that these persons may to a lesser degree feel capable of controlling
the balance of personal efforts and outcomes).
Correlation Coefficients between Annual Work Hours and Hourly Rates of Pay
from 1973 to 1987 for Groups of High and Low General Expectancies
High Expectancies
Low Expectancies
The data of the surveys provide some additional information to establish whether the increased
work input is exerted at the main jobs (overtime included) or at some extra jobs. According to our
analyses, the high-expectancy group tends to extend its labor force activity in the framework of the
main jobs rather than at some outside forms.33 Taken as a whole, all these data show that those with
high expectations could realize their goals either by obtaining well-paying jobs or, not given this
chance, by taking jobs with ample opportunity to work more hours. This line of conclusion is also
supported by the fact that in a separate question inquiring about the need for more work than
available, those with high expectancies were less inclined to complain about such a shortage."
Finally, we briefly turn our analyses to the extension of the households' labor force
participation by the wives' earning activity. It is understood that in the seventies and eighties many
American families coped with inflation and the decrease in real wages by having a second earner
enter the labor market. PSID data also give an account of this trend. Did expectancy attitudes have
something to do with these developments?
In section 3.3 we dealt with expectancy attitudes of household heads' wives (surveyed in
1976) and the way family milieu had an impact on husbands' incomes. We have, however, data on
wives' earning activity and their incomes, as well. While our analyses could prove no significant
expectancy effects for the number of years of wives' labor force participation during the observed
period (as defined by years with work hours over 500), and we could find only poor correlations
(though of the expected sign) with regard to yearly incomes, regression analyses for the long-term
(1978-1987) incomes of wives35(eliminating various transitory and idiosyncratic effects) have
already proved to be significantly influenced by wives' expectancy attitudes.% Resembling our
previous results, the "interaction-index" (the combined index of household heads' and wives' attitudes
expressing the motivational climate of the family context) has proved to be somewhat more influential
than individual effects in this respect, as well.37 On the whole, our data yield evidence that the
extension of the wives' labor force participation was an additional strategy of importance for highexpectancy families in the seventies and in the eighties.
It is not easy to convincingly prove the impact of such an elusive phenomenon as "general
expectancies" on such tangible matters as earnings, the economic progress of families. We believe,
however, that the results of our analyses have been consistent enough to corroborate the existence of
these effects from various aspects. We may also add that the order of magnitude of these effects was
in some cases comparable to several standard variables of social research. Our more specific analyses
(either as to various subgroups of the population, the family milieu, or the cyclical influences of the
wider economic environment) have shed light, at the same time, on the role of opportunity structures
and contextual factors in decisively constraining the room of such effects. Given the fragility of these
mechanisms, and taking into account some indications of temporal changes (such as the findings on
some cohort-effects or the slight diminution of relationships for the eighties), we cannot take for
granted that the revealed tendencies have not changed to date (even though the observed period of our
secondary analysis extends to quite recent years, at least with regard to some outcome data such as
Lack of more recent data on attitudes, in turn, does not only affect the possibility of checking
the temporal validity of the revealed relationships but also prevents us from taking full advantage of
the wide dynamic potentials of longitudinal analysis. Needless to say, it would greatly enrich our
findings if we could study attitudinal changes alongside with changes in economic outcomes for a
longer period (one or two decades). But data on subjective phenomena may be a missing link for
other related topics, as well. To refer to a recent statement, Haveman and Sawhill (1992), in
concluding a report on trends in poverty research, recommended that a "multipronged approach" be
used that would include "tastes, motivations and hopes" in a set of interdependent parameters.
Optimism and confidence have proved to be an important asset of economic progress in
American history, the value of which can be fully assessed in an international comparison.
Considering that even this asset is not a constant (inexhaustible) one, it may be worthy of long-term
A Comparison of Samples
The Original PSID
Sample (of Heads
of Households)
("How many grades of school did you finish?")
0-5 grades and has difficulty reading
0-5 grades, no difficulty reading
6-8 grades
9-1 1 grades
12 grades (compl. high school)
12 grades plus non-academic training
College, no degree
College, bachelor degree
College, advanced or professional degree
AGE (for 1968)
GENDER (for 1972)
RACE (for 1972)
Spanish American
(table continues)
The Sample of
Our Study
APPENDIX 1, continued
The Original PSID
Sample (of Head
of Households)
The Sample of
Our Study
LOCAL PLACE (for 1972) Largest city in area is
1. 500,000 or more
2. 100,000 - 499,999
3. 50,000 - 99,999
4. 25,000 - 49,999
5. 10,000 - 24,999
6. Less than 10,000
REGION (for 1972)
1. Northeast
2. North Central
3. South
4. West
OCCUPATION (for 1972)
1. Professional, technical, and kindred workers
2. Managers, officials, and proprietors
3. Self-employed businessmen
4. Clerical and sales workers
5. Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers
6. Operatives and kindred workers
7. Laborers and service workers, farm laborers
8. Farmers and farm managers
The source of PSID data "Study Design, Procedures, Available Data, 1968-1972 Interviewing Years,"
Volume I. ISR 1972.
The Items Taken into Consideration in Constructing the Indices of
General Expectancy, and the Results of Preliminary Factor Analyses
a) The Item Texts:
SURE68, SURE69...:
Have you usually felt pretty sure your life would work out the way you want it to, or have there been
times when you haven't been very sure about it?
1. Usually been pretty sure
2. Pretty sure, qualified
3. Pro-con, sure sometimes, not sure other
4. More times when haven't been sure, qualified
5. More times when not very sure about it
PLAN68, PLAN69.. .:
Are you the kind of person that plans his life ahead all the
time, or do you live more from day to day?
1. Plan ahead
2. Plan ahead, qualified
3. Sometimes plan ahead, sometimes not, pro-con
4. Live more from day to day, qualified
5. Live more from day to day
CARRY68, CARRY69.. .:
When you make plans ahead of time, do you usually get to carry out things the way you expected, or
do things usually come up to make you change your plans?
1. Usually get to carry out things the way expected
2. Usually get to carry out things, qualified
3. Pro-con, sometimes carry out, sometimes things come up
4. Things come up to make me change plans, qualified
5. Things usually come up to make me change plans
Would you say you nearly always finish things once you start them, or do you sometimes have to
give up before they are finished?
1. Nearly always finish things
2. Nearly always finish, qualified
3. Pro-con, sometimes finish, sometimes give up
4. Sometimes have to give up, qualified
5. Sometimes have to give up before they are finished
TRUST68, TRUST69.. .:
Do you trust most other people, some, or very few?
1. Most
2. Most, qualified
3. Pro-con, depends, should trust some
4. Few, not many, qualified
5. Very few, I trust no one
SAVE68, SAVE69.. .:
Would you rather spend your money and enjoy life today or save more for the future?
1. Would rather spend money and enjoy life today
2. Rather spend and enjoy, qualified, would if had it
3. Pro-con, want to do both
4. Save more for the future, qualified
5. Save more for the future
Do you think a lot about things that might happen in the future, or do you usually just take things as
they come?
1. Think a lot about things that might happen
2. Think a good deal, qualified
3. Pro-con, sometimes do, sometimes do not
4. Usually just take things as they come, qualified, but.. .
5. Usually just take things as they come
b) Year to Year (1968-1972) Results of the Seven Items Originally Included in the Factor Analyses
Rotated Factor Matrix:
Factor 1
Factor 2
Pct. of Var.
Rotated Factor Matrix:
Factor 1
Factor 2
Pct. of Var.
Factor 1
Factor 2
Pct. of Var.
Factor 1
Factor 2
Pct. of Var.
Factor 1
Factor 2
Pct. of Var.
Rotated Factor Matrix:
Rotated Factor Matrix:
Rotated Factor Matrix:
Principal Component Analysis (First Unrotated Component of the Items) of the Dimension
"General Expectancy" with inclusion of the 1975 items
Factor Matrix:
Factor 1
Pct. of Var.
Principal Component Analysis of the Dimension of "General Expectancy" for the Wives of
Heads of Households (wave 1976)
Factor Matrix:
Factor 1
Pct. of Var.
The (Unadjusted and Adjusted) Scores Of Various Soeiodemographic Groups
on the Index of "General Expectancy"
(deviation from the grand mean using ANOVA procedure)
Factor Scores
0-5 grades, difficulty in reading
0-5 grades, no difficulty reading
6-8 grades
9-1 1 grades
12 grades (compl. high school)
12th grade plus non-acad. training
College, no degree
College, bachelor's degree
College, advanced or prof. degree
RESIDENCE (The largest city in the area)
500,000 or more
100,000 - 499,999
50,000 - 99,999
25,000 - 49,999
10,000 - 24,999
Less than 10,000
(table continues)
APPENDIX 3, continued
Factor Scores
Professional, technical and kindred workers
Managers, officials and proprietors
Self-employed businessmen
Clerical and sales workers
Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers
Laborers and service workers, farm laborers
Laborers and service workers
Farmers and farm managers
Low income (lower than median)
High income (higher than median)
"The control variables included education, the initial level of income, age, and sex (depending on the
variable under analyses).
Regression Results on the Effects of General Expectancies on the Change in
Annual Earnings from the Previous Years
Regression Results on the Effects of General Expectancies on the Annual Work Hours
of the Heads of Households
O-order Corr.
APPENDIX 4, continued
Regression Results on the Effects of General Expectancies on the
Yearly Rates of Pay (Hourly Earnings of the Heads of Households)
0-order Corr.
'See Morgan (1974); "Seven Year Check" (1976); Duncan and Morgan (1981a); Duncan and
Liker (1983); and Corcoran et al. (1985).
%ee for example some partial results in Duncan and Hill (1975) (such as those concerning the
five-year changes in incomes for white men).
3For a description of the study and some of the findings, see Andrisani (1977).
4Let us only refer to the results of worldwide Gallup surveys of public mood, with postcommunist
countries repeatedly ranking high in the degree of pessimism.
'We do not believe that Central and Eastern European countries stand alone in this respect.
Hirschman (1973) called attention to similar problems of economic development in Latin America.
6For a detailed description of cumulative PSID data files see Hill (1992).
'Similar age delimitations can be found in the analyses in Duncan's volume (1984).
'Data for those with one year of substitution were regarded as missing for the given year. We
applied the same completion procedure for missing attitudinal items in other cases.
Prhe weighting procedure, widely applied in PSID analyses, could not be used in our case, since
our selection criteria (with the elimination of the youngest and oldest age-groups and those with nonstable family status) deviate significantly from certain characteristics of the general population.
''The arithmetic means were computed on the basis of the following item values: favorable
expectancies: 5 (1 or 2 codes in the original data file); ambivalent expectancies: 3; unfavorable
expectancies: 1 (1 or 2 codes originally). The resulting means are 3.55 for the 1713 respondents of
the sample of our analysis and 3.64 for the original data base.
"Compare, for example, the methodological appendices of the first volumes of PSID studies with
the index construction of a recent phase as presented in Hill et al. (1985).
12As an example of such exceptions, see the analysis in Appendix A of Volume IV of Five
Thousand American Families applying five-year average scores at the measurement of various
attitudes. (See "Seven Year Check" [1976].)
'Tor both these and the subsequent factor analyses, we used item scores as presented above in
endnote 10.
14Fora review of these results see Lachman (1985).
'The construction of longer-term income indices and the indices of income changes have implied
several methodological considerations but we shall treat these in more detail in the relevant sections.
16Witheducation, residence, and region, we chose the data for 1972, the year ending the basic
series of surveying the attitude data and halfway between the first and last years of attitude
measurement among household heads (1968 and 1975). We also made some attempts by applying
earlier or later data on these variables, but these modifications had only marginal effects on the basic
"As our test analyses indicated, this option had no significant consequence on the size of attitude
effects in our regression models.
''For a review of the complicated substantive and methodological problems connected with the
choice between level and change indicators, see Augustyniak (1981) and Augustyniak et al. (1985).
'We apply ordinary least squares multiple regression (method =enter) in the following analyses.
discussion in this paragraph is based on the results of the analyses on which Table 2 is
based (data for the control variables are not contained in the table).
21Thediscussion in this paragraph is based on the results of the analyses on which Table 3 is
based (data for the control variables are not contained in the table).
' Zn the case of annual changes we used the original values of incomes instead of the logarithmic
forms due to the large number of negative changes from one year to another. (Since the distribution
of changes in income differs from that in the level of incomes, the use of the original values may
present less of a problem in the former than in the latter cases.)
"In contrast with the analyses on the levels of earnings, we did not include the initial level of
income in these analyses. A principal reason for this was to avoid the double inclusion of prior
incomes (our change indicators by definition imply some preceding level as a component). Another
practical reason for the exclusion was the fact that the correlations of the initial incomes with the
annual changes are considerably lower than with the subsequent levels of incomes, and their inclusion
would result in much less modification in the pattern of explanations.
%If not distinguishing between the two periods, more than half of the respondents would have had
a negative change score.
25Wemay notice here again that the direction of the causal relationships is not self-evident even
for our models applying control variables.
T'hough in a somewhat different context, these data are in accordance with those on the decline
of college-entry rates among black Americans in the second half of the seventies and the first half of
the eighties (see Hauser and Anderson, 1991, a study also referring to the economic sources of this
decline among black families).
"For these analyses (contrary to those solely for wives' attitudes and incomes) we made no
corrections with regard to the subsequent maintenance of the marriage, assuming that the wives'
orientation (similar to other types of background variables) exerts a relatively lasting influence on
their partners' behavior, partly independent from the temporal extent of the relationship.
?For example, several findings of the study of Elder (1974) on the impact of the Great
Depression on young people's life courses may be interpreted in this light.
tendency has been exemplified by the last recession, the end of which was recorded as
1991. However, in public debates, reference to an existing recession has occurred well into 1993.
"Since this analysis embraced longer subperiods (contrary to the indicators of one-year changes),
we applied the logarithmic transformations of income data. Adjustment of incomes for inflation was
made from period to period.
31Differentlyfrom the above analysis, however, we computed the correlations for all respondents
with labor income in a given year.
correlations for the intermediate group are consequently negative, but they reach in no case
the threshold of significance.
33Westudied these relationships for the years 1970, 1976, and 1982.
' T h e question was put like this: "Would you have liked to work more if you could have found
more work?" We studied the relationships of this question with expectancy attitudes for the years as
above (1970, 1976, and 1982).
3SSimilarlyto that of household heads we have defined wives' long-term incomes as the annual
average of the period (adjusted by inflation). As a difference from husbands, we expected only three
years out of ten with existing labor income (and work hours over 500).
%As control variables we included wives' education, age, number of children, residence, region,
and the initial level of income (as defined by the first year of work hours over 500 from 1968 to
1975). The resulting beta-coefficient was .10 with a t-value 2.3 (p < .02, N =490).
W i t h the control variables as above, the beta-coefficient was .11, with a t-value 2.5 (p < .01,
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