ISSN 1799-2591
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 348-354, February 2012
© 2012 ACADEMY PUBLISHER Manufactured in Finland.
Linguistic Features of Typographic Emoticons in
SMS Discourse
Natia Amaghlobeli
Faculty of the school of graduate studies, Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
[email protected]
Abstract—With the flourishing of information technology in the last 50 years, electronic communication has
become a significant part of our daily lives. As electronic language is written text, it is divorced from gestures,
facial expressions, and prosodic features such as intonation, rhythm, and volume. That is why emoticons have
entered cyberspace; they infuse electronic communication with an emotional, human touch. This paper deals
with typographic emoticons as linguistic units, and observes their structures and uses in sentences. The
research corpus covers 258 French text messages collected with anonym questionnaire around the years 2008 2009. After a graphic analysis of typographic emoticons, we define ―emoticon structure‖ as ―a pictogram-like
unit formed with alphagrams and topograms of distinctive significative function, and visually conditioned to
the referent‖. Morphological analysis has shown that, in emoticon structure, graphemes of entirely different
significances and functions become morpheme-like units, which, like word morphemes, can be derivational,
inflectional, or abbreviated, but never unbound. Relying on a corpus, we isolated the two main uses of the
emoticon: non-verbal and verbal. The former is the more frequent use, so it is considered in more detail in
this paper. Analysis has shown that emoticons are not only paraverbal devices, but also structural markers,
and they play a significant role in the formation of the sentence.
Index Terms—emoticon, smiley, sms language, paraverbal, morphological analysis
With the flourishing of information technology in the last 50 years, electronic communication has become a
significant part of our daily lives. As electronic language is written text, it is divorced from gestures, facial expressions,
and prosodic features such as intonation, rhythm, and volume. These features naturally led to the difficulty of
comfortable and smooth communication, as it is known that the contribution of the purely linguistic elements in our
actual face-to-face communication is much smaller than non-verbal information and prosodic features (Mehrabian,
1971). That is why emoticons (or smileys) have entered cyberspace to provide the electronic communication with
emotional and human touch. An emoticon (word from emotion and icon) is a facial expression represented by a
combination of punctuation mark, letters or other characters, that viewed from the side resembles a facial expression or,
more rarely, gestures. Today some software, such as Microsoft Word or email client programs, automatically convert
typographic emoticons into graphic ones, that are more expressive, often animated and represent images in Gif format.
The Hacker‗s Dictionary (Raymond, 1994) provides a section on the origins and proper use of emoticons, as well as
its generally accepted definition:‖An ASCII glyph is used to indicate an emotional state in e- mail or news‖. Sanderson
defined ―smileys‖ as ―a sequence of ordinary characters you can find on your computer keyboard. Smileys are used in
e-mail and other forms of communication using computers‖ (Sanderson, 1993, p. 1). For Rezabek and Cochenour
emoticons are ―visual cues formed from ordinary typographical symbols that when read sideways represent feelings or
emotions‖ (Rezabek and Cochenour,1998, p. 201). Godin agreed that ―until the advent of the smiley, otherwise known
as an emoticon, individuals using electronic communication had no way to indicate the subtle mood changes. They
couldn‘t tell jokes, use irony, slip in a pun or become bitingly sarcastic‖ (Godin,1993, p. 4). According to Marvin ―these
symbols are the paralanguage of the internet‖ (Marvin,1995).
The first smiley face, which represents eyes, a nose and a smiling mouth, was invented in 1982 by Scott Fahlman,
research professor specialized in artificial intelligence at Carnegie Melon School of Computer Science. Smiley faces
become more and more popular among Internet and SMS users, despite some researchers such as Andrews claiming
that ―emoticons waste bandwidth, have inconsistent definitions and are superfluous, a well-constructed sentence needs
no clarification and emoticons serve no purpose‖ (Andrews,1994).
The field of emoticon study has a long tradition and was observed from different perspectives with a focus on
specific objectives. Some research in psychology has focused on the emotional dimension of emoticons and their role in
message interpretation (Walther & D‘Addario, 2001). Emoticons are also considered as politeness indicators (Bunz &
Campbell, 2004). The feasibility of emoticons as answer categories for questions aiming at emotional states and feelings
has also been investigated (Meschtscherjakov, Weiss & Scherndl, 2009). In particular, Riva analyzed emoticons with
relation to socio-cognitive processes of emotional expression.
Gender differences in the use of emoticons are frequently examined (Witmer & Katzman, 1997; Fullwood & Martino,
2007). Huffaker and Calvert (2005) for example suggest that teenage girls use emoticons less frequently than teenage
boys. Drawing on the current literature, Witmer and Katzman (1997) on the other hand found evidence to suggest that
women use more emoticons than men in Computer Mediated Communication. The use of emoticons in communication
may be influenced to some extent by the sex of the partner with whom one is interacting. Indeed, Wolf (2000) found
that when males are communicating with females they tend to adopt the female standard of expressing more emotion.
Wolf (2000) also noted that men and women used emoticons for different purposes. Men tended to use emoticons in a
sarcastic or teasing manner, whereas women tended to uses emoticons more often when they were attempting to
communicate humorous messages.
Studies about emoticons‘ place within the speaking-writing dichotomy are also numerous. Most often, emoticons are
represented as conventions used to compensate for the absence of paralinguistic indicators, such as mimogestuality or
intonation (Baron, 2000; Kruger, Epleye, Parker, & NG, 2005; Marcoccia, 2000). Mourhlon-Dallies and Collin (1994)
compare smileys to the system of stage directions in theatrical texts, as they allow the reader to recreate absent reality
and corporality while reading the text.
Linguistic studies of emoticon offer their semantic and syntactic descriptions (Bodi & Veszelszki, 2006), thematic
and functional classification (Bodi & Veszelszki, 2006; Marcoccia & Gauducheau, 2007). The visual aspects of
emoticons are also examined (Herring, 2001).
Studies of emoticons from pedagogical perspective are also interesting. Azuma and Ebner have proposed the
implementation of a universal auxiliary language based on the use of emoticons and its possible educational
applications (2008).
The research corpus covers 258 French text messages collected with anonym questionnaire around the years 2008 2009. After providing their age (17 to 35 year), gender and profession informants were asked to copy 3 or 5 SMS from
their mobile phones into the questionnaires. The questionnaires with special cover letter were sent via e-mail to the
addresses collected in social sites. We have moved from the corpus publicity messages, SMS containing only non-letter
characters and messages written on the computer.
In general three types of emoticon can be found in electronic communication:
1. Typographic emoticons - :-) - formed with punctuation marks or other typographic symbols that can be found on
the computer keyboard or mobile phone‗s keypad.
2. Graphic emoticons - - often animated, represent images in Gif format. As said before, some software
automatically converts typographic emoticons into graphic ones.
3. Verbal emoticons (‗Happy Smiley‗) verbally represent graphic or typographic ones and become more and more
productive, parallel with the classical, non-verbal smileys. In this case, we observe the reverse process of imitation of
graphic symbol by linguistic means. It is a new and interesting type of emoticon that can be studied separately. This
type of emoticons cannot be found only in internet communication.
In our paper we will discuss typographic emoticons, their structure and use in sms discourse.
Emoticons consist of two, three, or four graphems corresponding to the zones of the human face described by
Ekman1. Semantically more changed and thus more variable are the eyes and the mouth. Two other zones, the nose
and eyebrows, can be added or omitted. In addition to these four basic graphems, emoticons may include additional
zones, such as tears, hair, saliva, teeth, tongue, etc.
The eyes are often encoded by a colon, but they can also be found as a semicolon, equal sign (=), the numeral eight
(8), the letter B, a percent sign (%), etc. All of these characters represent varying degrees of openness of the eye and
consequently, in combination with other characters of the face, they encode a variety of emotional nuances. The mouth
is denoted traditionally by the bracket (to encode a spread of emotions from sadness to joy), but different meanings may
be indicated by letters, typographic characters, numerals, and other characters. The nose rarely changes the meaning of
an emoticon, except in the case of mischief or tomfoolery, so it is traditionally denoted by a hyphen.
As it is known, the sign that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object is a pictogram.
Thus, emoticons can be viewed as pictograms formed with graphemes – the smallest units of the graphic form defined
by their function in written communication (Anis, 1988).
Anis delineates three classes of graphems:
Paul Ekman, Professor of psychology at the University of California, is recognized as a world expert in the study of emotions, including their
nonverbal facial expressions. He recorded that the majority of facial expressions and their corresponding emotions are not because of culture, but
derive from human biology. He considers six basic emotions to be universal: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise.
A principle of Ekman‘s study of emotions is that the face is divided into three horizontal areas: brow / forehead, eyes, and lids / root of nose and the
lower face, including the cheeks, mouth, most of the nose, and chin. Their juxtaposition allows recognition of the six basic emotions (Ekman, 1977).
1. Alphabetic graphems (or alphagrams): purely distinctive units constituting the heart of graphic systems;
2. Ponctuo-typographical graphems (or topograms): distinctive, significative units [parallel] to the syntagmatic and
enunciative structuring of the graphic chain;
3. Logogrammatical graphems (or logograms): unique graphems corresponding to a significant unit or group with a
synthetic function (acronyms, logos) (Anis, 1998: 15).
From these three classes of graphemes, we can easily observe that emoticons more frequently contain alphagrams
and topograms (logograms are extremely rare), although, according to Anis, alphagrams are only segmental units; in the
structure of emoticons, they have their own significance. For example, in picture 1 the final graphem (P) is an
alphabetic representation of an extended tongue. In the same emoticon, standard graphemes are used with non-standard
Picture 1
Pierozak (2003) compares the graphemes of emoticons to word morphemes and underlines the arbitrary relationship
between the signifier and signified. But as emoticons in their structure are pictograms, thus conveying their meaning
through their pictorial resemblance to physical objects, the relation between signified and signifier cannot be arbitrary.
Each grapheme in emoticons is visually conditioned.
Thus, we can define the structure of emoticons as follows: Emoticons are pictogram-like units formed with
alphagrams and topograms of distinctive significative function, and visually conditioned to the referent.
If, as Pierozak (2003) suggests, we define graphemes of emoticons as morphemes, then we can say that they are
lexical morphemes that have a completely different significance when standing alone. For example, in picture 2 the
bracket represents the mouth, but when standing alone, it is a punctuation mark. Thus the sign ―)‖ as a grapheme is free,
but as a morpheme in the structure of an emoticon, it is bound. The process of reduplication in the structure of
emoticons is also interesting. It is expressed in the repetition of the right (lower) part of the emoticon and serves to
reinforce the emotions. In this case, this part of the emoticon can be treated as an inflectional morpheme. These are
generally morphemes of the mouth, which through redoubling express the superlative (picture 3).
Picture 2
Picture 3
Besides the mouth, reduplication may also be applied to the components as a ―tear‖ and as ―saliva‖.
(1) Ca doit etre super bon :-)~~~~2
„It looks delicious :-)~~~~‘
The repetition of the character cannot be considered as reduplication when it does not reinforce the emotion, but
instead completely changes the meaning of the emoticon. Thus, the sign ―8-[ ]]” symbolises opening and closing the
mouth (or the jaw twitching), but it cannot be called reduplication.
Interestingly, like words, emoticons can also have reduced forms. Reduction in the emoticon concerns the elements
with less semantic function (i.e., not carrying significant information). Obviously, this process is conditioned by the
desire of the economy. Usually the most insignificant element of the emoticon is the middle section, which represents
the nose. As the image of the nose in most cases is the same and does not carry significant information, it simply is
omitted without any changes in the semantics of the emoticon.
Thus, we can conclude that in the structure of emoticons, graphemes with absolutely distinct significance and
function become morpheme-like units, which - like word morphemes - can be derivational or inflectional, as well as
abbreviated, but never unbound.
Typographic emoticons can be classified into two major groups (Table 1):
1. Emotional-attitudinal emoticons that provide emotional information and represent
Facial expressions
The examples are transcribed as they appear in the corpus (with orthographic or typographic errors/adaptations).
Objects, peoples, animals
2. Pictorial emoticons are simple pictures made with keyboard characters that do not convey non-verbal information.
Facial expressions
Objects, peoples, animals
:-) --- happy, smile
: -( --- sad
: -D--- hearty laughing
: - { --- angry
; -) --- wink
: *( ---crying softly
: -e --- disappointed
: -o or 8-0 --- shocked, amazed
%) or : -s --- confused
: ‖) --- embarrassed
: -T --- keep a straight face
: -/ --- skeptical
x:-/ --- uncertain
=:-O --- scared
0: -) --- angel
>:-> --- devil
@>--;-- --- a rose
O>-< hands up
[] friendly hugs
»»––(¯ `·´¯ )––» pierced heart
: -Q --- smoking while talking
( ( (H) ) ) --- big hug
1^o --- yawning or snoring
`:-) --- sweating
1-O --- yawn
:-@ --- screaming
:p~ ~ --- drooling
: - * --- kiss
:-? --- smoking a pipe
: #) --- drunk
: o) --- a big nose
( : - ) ---big face
>%-) --- cross eyed
{: -) --- hair parted in the middle
&: -) --- curly hair
8 *) --- glasses and a half mustache
: -)) --- double chin (or really happy)
: -}) --- handlebar mustache
B-) --- wearing glasses
: - { } --- wearing lipstick
: %)% --- a face with acnes
:-~) --- got a flowing or running nose
(- : --- Left handed
=:-H --- football player
*<|:-) --- Santa Claus
*<<<<+ --- Christmas tree
+:-) --- doctor or priest
C=:-) --- chef
= : -) --- punk
8(:-) --- Mickey Mouse
})i({ --- butterfly
><> --- fish
8 ) --- frog
:\/--- duck
:8) --- pig
3:-o --- cow
+<: -) --- pope
*<) :o) --- clown
:-[ --- vampire
@@@@:-) ---Marge Simpson
~(_8^(I) --- Homer Simpson
@(*0*)@ --- koala
()__)_____)}}~~~ --- cigarette
]---[''''I''''I''''I''''I'''']>-------- ---syringe
...D--| ---glass of champagne
>(///)< --- candy
Like other non-verbal means, emoticons can also supplement the verbal context as well as express the significance
independently. This feature of the graphic sign is very important in written communication, as it simplifies the
communication, makes it less ambiguous, and allows part of the semantic information to be transferred from the
grammatical form to the separate semantic unit. For example, an unpleasant message can be easily mitigated by putting
a smiley at the end. As in speech, sometimes, intonation identifies the intended meaning better than the verbal context,
and emoticons can radically alter the meaning of the message. Compare three different answers to the question, Veux-tu
aller demain au cinéma avec moi? [Will you go with me to the movies tomorrow?]
- “Non.”
- “Non >: /”
- “Non :(”
The three convey completely different meanings. The first answer is neutral, however, it could be considered
offensive. The second would likely be taken as offensive, because it means, ―Leave me alone.‖ Finally, the third implies,
―No, unfortunately,‖ and it would therefore come across as more positive.
Alternatively, for example, consider the following answers to the question: Veux-tu m‟aider? [‗Can you help me?‘]
- “OK”
- “OK :)”
- “OK:-/”
- “OK ;-)”
The first answer is just a simple statement of fact. The second means, ―I am pleased to help.‖ The third implies that
the person feels forced to help, while the fourth indicates ambiguity and flirtatiousness.
We can specify two different uses for emoticons: non-verbal and verbal.
Non-verbal emoticons express the para-verbal or non-verbal elements. They are not pronounced, but are expressed
through non-verbal devices, such as mime, gesture and intonation.
Some functions of non-verbal emoticons in sentences are as follows:
Addition of para-verbal elements to the message (when the verbal plane of the text does not contain information
about non-verbal elements):
(2) Quand je suis retournée il était déjà chez lui :(
‗When I returned, he was already home :( ‗
Here ‗he was already home‘ can be understood both in a positive and negative sense. The sad emoticon at the end
indicates that the message has a negative interpretation. Thus, para-verbal elements help to eliminate misunderstandings
while the verbal plane of a message can create it.
- Direct denotative correspondence between emoticons and verbal components (when emoticons express the same
emotion as the verbal plane):
(3) T‟a passe ton exam! :), heureux pr toi! :)
‗You have done your examination!:) I‘m happy for you!:)) ‗
In the example (3) the first emoticon expresses happiness, which is already clear from the verbal and punctuational
plane of the text. The second emoticon also expresses happiness, which, as mentioned, is already expressed with verbal
components. Thus, in both cases, the emoticon repeats the verbally expressed emotion.
- Indirect denotative correspondence (when emoticons reinforce or strengthen the significance of verbal components):
(4) Wow! Enfin t‟es libre! Heureux pr toi! :)
‗Wow! You are free! I‘m happy for you!:)) ‗
Here the emoticon represents tears of joy, which reinforces the emotion expressed verbally while also adding a little
humour to the message.
Antiphrasis (when emoticons are used to contradict or annul the verbally expressed meaning):
(5) Je suis heureuse pour eux :((
‗ I am happy for them :(( ‗
(6) tu sais je suis un ange moi >:(
‗I am a real angel you know >:( ‗
Entire turn (when emoticons serve the purpose of an entire message)
(7) – encor mal, po pa aller avc toi. :(
- :((
‗- I am still ill and can‗t come with you :(
-:(( ‗
Syntactic marker (often serving as punctuation). The role of intonation and other paralinguistic features in spoken
discourse is often decisive in the analysis of the structure of information (Hazaël-Massieux, 1993; Martinet, 1985). As
electronic discourse can be considered a ‗written oral language‘ (Anis, 1998), paralinguistic adaptations, especially
emoticons, often play the role of syntactic markers.
Consider some examples of different positions emoticons can take in the syntactic chain. Emoticons most often
appear at the end of a sentence, either with or in place of standard sentence-final punctuation marks. In this position,
emoticons often replace periods and sometimes exclamation marks, but never question marks. Consider the following
(8) Merci :) [Place of exclamation mark] D‟accord pour 11 h? :-)
‗Thanks :) do you agree to meet at 11? :-) ‗
In many cases, emoticons appear in the medial position. An interesting question is whether emoticons in this position
are related to other structural markers.
(9) Coucou Jojo:) Ca va? Pourquoi ne m‟ecris pas?
‗Hi Jojo :) how are you? Why don‗t you write to me?‗
In the example (9), an emoticon with a relatively neutral emotive color is connected to the salutation. It is positioned
after the greeting and serves as a politeness indicator. In addition, the emoticon performs the role of punctuation mark,
which is absent.
(10) Slt :-(ca va pa bien :((
‗Hi :( I am not very well :(( ‗
The example (10) contains a more salient emotive emoticon, ‗:(,‘ which is unrelated to the salutation emoticon and
expresses disappointment, areal emotion. Therefore, the message has to be understood in the following manner:
1) ―Hi‖
2) ―:( I am not very well :-((‖
The emoticon‘s function as punctuation is also evident: A smiley in the intermediate position not only marks the end
of the first segment but also introduces the second. In the examples cited above, the emoticons serve as single structural
markers. However, the message below presents an example of double marking:
(11) moi?:) je l‟ai aimee bien.:)
‗me? I liked her very much.:) ‗
In the example (11) the structural function is performed by both emoticons and punctuation marks.
Interestingly enough, the message below (12) starts with a smiley:
(12) :) oui, une bonne soirée. Tu veux voir des photos ? Je suis bon photographe tu sais ;)
‗:) Yes it was a very cool party. Do you want to view photos? You know I am a good photographer ;)‗
It is evident that in this case, the smiley presents an emotive answer to a previous message. The smiley is followed by
a verbal answer. The sentence ―:) Yes, it was very cool.‖ consists of two segments: an emoticon and a verbal message.
Ultimately, we can conclude that in SMS discourse, paralinguistic typography generally consists of para- and nonverbal cues, but at the same time, it can be considered anon-traditional source of information structure.
The verbal use of emoticons is new and less common. It means using an emoticon instead of a word or a phrase. Our
research corpus contains only a few examples of verbally used emoticons.
(13) Je t‟aime et je veux te :-*)
‗I love you and I want you to :-*)‘ (kiss)
(14) Je te dja di, :-Q e mal pr la sante;)
‗I have already told you, ;-Q (smoking) is damaging for the health;)‗
In these two examples, emoticons are used as verbs. They can also replace nouns and adjectives.
(15) Voici, c‟est por toi :===@
‗Here is for you :===@ ‗(a rose)
(16) Je suis tres >:(
‗I am very >:( ‗ (Angry)
Verbally are generally employed graphical pre-designed emoticons. They are animated versions of emoticons that are
more sophisticated than the simple combination of keyboard characters and are automatically offered in almost all
computer software as a part of instant messaging programs, forums, etc., as well as mobile phones.
The popularity of emoticons has increased scientific interest in this new phenomenon. As we saw in the introductory
part, studies on emoticons are numerous and adopt different perspectives. Linguistic studies concentrate on analyzing
the role of emoticons in the speech-write dichotomy. Therefore, the main objective of our paper was to analyze
emoticons as linguistic units and their structure and use in sentences.
Based on the graphic and morphologic analyses of emoticons, we have defined their structure as pictogram-like units
formed with alphagrams and topograms that have distinctive and significative functions and visually conditioned
relations to their referents.
Based on the research corpus, we have identified two main types of emoticon use, non-verbal and verbal. The first is
more frequent, and we describe it in more details in our paper.
Analysis has shown that emoticons are not only paraverbal devices but also structural markers and play a significant
role in the formation of sentences.
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Natia Amaghlobeli was born in Tbilisi, Georgia, in 1980. Graduated from Tbilisi State University, she has M.A. degree in roman
philology. From 2003 to 2006 she was French teacher and researcher at Pedagogical State University of Tbilisi. Has published 4
scientific articles and participated in 4 international conferences. Actually she is doctoral student in Ilia State University and is
working on her PhD thesis about language of French SMS discourse.