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1989, Bibliotheca Dissidentium
14 pages
1 file
28. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 16-19 Ekim 2024, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Itri Kongre ve Kültür ve Merkezi, Ankara.
Iliopsoas flexión de cadera Gluteo rotación externa de la cadera (medio) abducción de cadera Piramidal aducción Glúteo mayor: extensión de cadera(función principal)abducion y rotación externa Tensor de la fascia lata: abducir cadera y flexion de cadera Muslo posterior: tuberosidad de isquion bíceps femoral(lateral), semitendinoso(superficial), semimembranoso.(extensión de cadera y flexion de rodilla) Muslo anterior: cuádriceps: vasto lateral, intermedio, media(extencion de cadera)l y recto femoral (flexion de cadera) Sartorio (rotación externa y flexion de cadera y flexion de pierna o rodilla.) Muslo medial: aductor mayor (aduccion pierna o cadera), largo, corto, grácil, pectíneo Musculos de la pierna: Tibial anterior(codilo anterior de la tibia, I pie)(inversión del pie y flexion dorsal) Extensor del hillux Tensor largo de los dedos Tercer fibula (anterior) Fibular corto y largo(eversión del pie) Posterior: Poplíteo:lateral(va hacia la tibia por medial) flexion de rodilla Flexor largo de los dedos(medial) Flexor largo del primer dedo(lateral) Tibial posterior(mas profundo) Soleo (flexion plantar) Gastrocnemio(o superior de condulo,i calcáneo)(flexion de rodilla y flexion plantar) Musculo plantar(detrás de la rodilla)(flexion plantar y de rodilla) Miologia del tronco: El musculo que separa la cavidad abdonimal y toraccioca es el diafragma Pectoral mayor(origen costillas, esterno y medial clavicula, I humero) juntar el brazo Pectoral menor (elevación de las costillas) Serrato anterior (inspirar elevar las costilla, escupula a anterior) Para expirar no se usan musculos a menos que sea forzoza
We invite proposals to participate in a conference devoted to the history of violence in East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century. Especially welcome is work on different types of violence: physical, symbolic, psychological, and military. We invite papers that pose bold theses and explore different research categories: gender, class, race, ethnicity. We encourage discussion of stories of individual, but also collective violence, from the perspective of social history, legal history, cultural and military history.
Agradeço a minha irmã Cecília por todo apoio, incentivo e dedicação, pois em virtude deles foi possível a realização deste curso de Direito.
Academia Letters, 2022
has several key themes and foci. These include child development (Zigler and Gordon, 1981), social inequities (Wang and Gordon, 2014), compensatory and supplementary education (Gordon, Brigdall and Aumdra, 2004), using assessments to inform and advance student learning and growth (Rajagopalan and Gordon, 2016), and ecomentation (Haynes and Gordon, 2017). The exploration of these themes and Professor Gordon's perspectives on them are subjects for another paper or letter. The focus here is to consider the Gordon paradigm for inquiry and practice (GPIP) in terms of the multifaceted ways that educators, teachers, scholars, researchers, and practitioners may contribute to the discovery, generation and advancement of knowledge while bridging theory and practice and to offer a professional impact reflection framework for continually assessing and improving one's professional standing.
Public residential buildings represent significant investment of tax payers’ money, hence the need for their preservation. Owing to the neglect of maintenance practices in the country, many public residential buildings are in the state of disrepair. The purpose of this paper is to examine the maintenance practices being employed on residential buildings of public institutions within the Cape Coast Metropolis. The field investigations focused on the Ghana Police Service (GPS), Ghana Prisons Service (GPS) and Ghana Health Service (GHS). Bungalows, block of flats and single-unit houses were the three housing types defined for data collection and analyses. A mixed sampling technique was used to sample 179 buildings for the study, by means of stratified, systematic and two-stage cluster sampling techniques. The findings revealed that 75.9 percent of buildings surveyed needed some form of maintenance to put them in good condition. With regards to housing types, bungalows were found to be ...
The purpose of this work is the study of foreign trade and financial institutions, aimed at the creation of a tool of consulting for the brazilian legal operator. The broad subject was delimited, addressing: historical evolution and the current situation of financial institutions and international trade; systems and organizations relevant to financial institutions and international trade; as well as the main relationships between them, subdivided into exchange payment modalities, bank guarantees, financing and credit insurance.
This paper discusses some psychological aspects of post-modern architecture. It also touches on the life style of people of the post modernism. The post modern architecture tends to use elements of the Roman, the Rainassance, the Baroque. By using those elements, the postmodern works seems to produce irrational ones which avoid functionality ini order to produce monumental works. The works of the post-modern are strange, strong, and contrast with the local situation. Those are combining with characteristics of historicism, straight revivalism, neo vernacular, ad-hoc urbnist, metaphor, metaphysical and post-modern space. Other main characteristics of the post-modern architecture are in using colors and space. In addition, the information and communication technologies affect post-modern architecture works.
Ensaios sobre filosofia do direito, 2024
Este capítulo pretende defender uma teoria sistêmico-institucional do direito, ancorada na hipótese de que a diferenciação do sistema jurídico diante de outros sistemas sociais (moral, religião, política, ciência etc.) repousa sobre a construção interna de instituições e semânticas distintivamente jurídicas. Destaca-se aqui o papel do que se propõe conceituar como “arenas decisórias” do direito, definidas a partir de características organizacionais e procedimentais que modelam e operacionalizam uma variedade de discursos e comunicações jurídicas (jurisdicionais, arbitrais, legislativas, administrativas, privadas etc.). Assim, o texto se vale de uma teoria tradicionalmente classificada como sociológica – a teoria dos sistemas sociais de Niklas Luhmann – para apresentar seu potencial analítico em direção à construção de uma teoria geral do direito. Para tanto, contrasta a teoria dos sistemas com diversas posições relevantes na sociologia jurídica e na teoria do direito contemporânea.
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J. E. Hortal Muñoz (ed.), Politics and Piety at the Royal Sites of the Spanish Monarchy in the Seventeenth Century (Turnhout, Brepols), coll. Habsburg Worlds 5, 2021
Safety Science, 2018
Annals of Saudi Medicine, 2019
Brain Behavior and Immunity, 2010
Journal of Education, 2012
Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2012
Global Health Action, 2018
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2008