Text Mining using Fuzzy Association Rules
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. University of Granada.
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, 18071, Granada, Spain.
[email protected]
Summary. In this paper, fuzzy association rules are used in a text framework. Text
transactions are defined based on the concept of fuzzy association rules considering
each attribute as a term of a collection. The purpose of the use of text mining
technologies presented in this paper is to assist users to find relevant information.
The system helps the user to formulate queries by including related terms to the
query using fuzzy association rules. The list of possible candidate terms extracted
from the rules can be added automatically to the original query or can be shown to
the user who selects the most relevant for her/his preferences in a semi-automatic
1 Introduction
The data in the Internet is not organized in a consistent way due to a lack of
an authority that supervises the adding of data to the web. Even inside each
web site, there is a lack of structure in the documents. Although the use of
hypertext would help us to give some homogeneous structure to the documents
in the web, and therefore, to use data mining techniques for structure data, as
it happens in relational databases, the reality is that nobody follows a unique
format to write documents for the web. This represents a disadvantage when
techniques such as data mining are applied. This leads us to use techniques
specifically for text, as if we were not dealing with web documents, but with
text in general, since all of them have an unstructured form.
This lack of homogeneity in the web makes the search process of information in the web by querying not so successful as navigators expect. This
fact is due to two basic reasons: first, because the user is not able to represent
her/his needs in query terms and second, because the answer set of documents
is so huge that the user feels overwhelmed. In this work, we address the first
problem of query specification.
Data mining techniques has been broadly applied to text, generating what
is called Text Mining. Sometimes, the data mining applications requires the
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
user to know how to manage the tool. In this paper, the rules extracted from
texts are not shown to the user specifically. The generated rules are applied
to help user to refine the query but the user only see, considering a process
non automatic completely, a list of candidate terms to add to the query.
When a user try to express her/his needs in a query, the terms that finally
appear in the query are usually not very specific due to the lack of background knowledge of the user about the topic or just because in the moment
of the query, the terms do not come to the user’s mind. To help the user
with the query construction, terms related to the words of a first query may
be added to the query. From a first set of documents retrieved, data mining
techniques are applied in order to find association rules among the terms in
the set. The most accurate rules that include the original query words in the
antecedent / consequent of the rule, are used to modify the query by automatically adding these terms to the query or, by showing to the user the related
terms in those rules, so the modification of the query depends on the user’s
decision. A generalization or specification of the query will occur when the
terms used to reformulate the query appear in the consequent / antecedent
of the rule, respectively. This suggestion of terms helps the user to reduce the
set of documents, leading the search through the desired direction.
This paper is organized as follows: in section 2, a summary of literature
with the same purpose of this work is included. From section 3 to section 6,
general theory about data mining and new proposals in the fuzzy framework
are presented. Concretely, in section 3 and 4, the concepts of association rules,
fuzzy association rules and fuzzy transactions are presented. In section 5, new
measures for importance and accuracy of association rules are proposed. An
algorithm to generate fuzzy association rules is presented in section 6. An application of this theory to text framework is proposed in section 7 and 8. The
definition of text transactions is given in section 7, while the extracted text
association rules are applied to query reformulation in an Information Retrieval framework in section 8. Finally, concluding remarks and future trends
are given in section 9.
2 Related Work
One of the possible applications of Text Mining is the problem of query refinement, which has been treated from several frameworks. On the one hand,
in the field of Information Retrieval, the problem has been defined as query
expansion, and we can find several references with solutions to this problem.
A good review in the topic can be found in [20]. On the other hand, techniques
such as Data Mining, that have been applied successfully in the last decade
in the field of Databases, have been also applied to solve some classical Information Retrieval problems such as document classification [33] and query
optimization [46]. In this section, prior work in both frameworks, Information
Text Mining using Fuzzy Association Rules
Retrieval and Data Mining is presented, although the number of approaches
presented in the first one, is much more extended than in the second one.
2.1 Previous Research in the Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery Framework
In general terms, the application of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
techniques to text has been called Text Mining and Knowledge Discovery in
Texts, respectively. The main difference to apply these techniques in a text
framework is the special characteristics of text as unstructured data, totally
different from databases, where mining techniques are usually applied and
structured data is managed. Some general approaches about Text Mining and
Knowledge Discovery in Texts can be found in [17], [21], [28],[31]
In this work, association rules applying techniques form data mining will
be discovered as a process to select the terms to be added to the original
query. Some other approaches can be found in this direction. In [46] a vocabulary generated by the association rules is used to improve the query. In
[22] a system for Finding Associations in Collections of Text (FACT) is presented. The system takes background knowledge to show the user a simple
graphical interface providing a query language with well-defined semantics for
the discovery actions based on term taxonomy at different granularity levels.
A different application of association rules but in the Information Retrieval
framework can be found in [33] where the extracted rules are employed for
document classification.
2.2 Previous Research in the Information Retrieval Framework
Several classifications can be made in this field according to the documents
considered to expand the query, the selection of the terms to include in the
query, and the way to include them. In [50] the authors make a study of
expansion techniques based on the set of documents considered to analyze
for the query expansion. If these documents are the corpus as a whole, from
which all the queries are realized, then the technique is called global analysis.
However, if the expansion of the query is performed based on the documents
retrieved from the first query, the technique is denominated local analysis,
and the set of documents is called local set. This local technique can also be
classified into two types. On the one hand, local feedback adds common words
from the top-ranked documents of the local set. These words are identified
sometimes by clustering the document collection [3]. In this group we can
include the relevance feedback process, since the user have to evaluate the
top ranked documents from which the terms to be added to the query are
selected. On the other hand, local context analysis [50], which combines global
analysis and context local feedback to add words based on relationships of the
top-ranked documents. The co-occurrences of terms are calculated based on
passages (text windows of fixed size), as in global analysis, instead of complete
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
documents. The authors show that, in general, local analysis performs better
than global one.
In our approach, both a global and a local technique are considered. On
the one hand, association rules will be extracted from the corpus and applied
to expand the query, and on the other hand, only the top ranked documents
will be considered to carry out the same process.
Regarding the selection of the terms, some approaches use several techniques to identify terms that should be added to the original query. The first
group is based on their association relation by co-occurrence to query terms
[47]. Instead of simply terms, in [50] find co-occurrences of concepts given by
noun groups with the query terms. Some other approaches based on concept
space are [12]. The statistical information can be extracted from a clustering
process and ranking of documents from the local set, as it is shown in [13] or
by similarity of the top-ranked documents [36]. All these approaches where a
co-occurrence calculus is performed has been said to be suitable for construct
specific knowledge base domains, since the terms are related, but it can not be
distinguished how [8]. The second group searches terms based on their similarity to the query terms, constructing a similarity term thesaurus [41]. Other
approaches in this same group, use techniques to find out the most discriminatory terms, which are the candidates to be added to the query. These two
characteristics can be combined by first calculating the nearest neighbors and
second by measuring the discriminatory abilities of the terms [38]. The last
group is formed by approaches based on lexical variants of query terms extracted from a lexical knowledge base such as Wordnet [35]. Some approaches
in this group are [49], and [8] where a semantic network with term hierarchies
is constructed. The authors reveal the adequacy of this approach for general
knowledge base, which can be identified in general terms with global analysis,
since the set of documents from which the hierarchies are constructed is the
corpus, and not the local set of a first query. Previous approaches with the
idea of hierarchical thesaurus can be also found in the literature, where an
expert system of rules interprets the user’s queries and controls the search
process [25].
In our approach, since we are performing a local analysis, fuzzy association
rules are used as a technique to find relations among the terms. The aim of the
use of this technique is detail and give more information by means of inclusion
relations about the connection of the terms, avoiding the inherent statistical
nature of systems using co-occurrences as relationships among terms, which
performance is only good where the terms selected to expand the query comes
from relevant documents of the local set [27]. Previous good results of the use
of fuzzy association rules in comparison with crisp association rules and pure
statistical methods have been presented in the relational database framework
[4], [16], [18].
As for the way to include the terms in the query, we can distinguish between automatic and semi-automatic query expansion [41]. In the first group,
the selected terms can substitute or be added to the original query without
Text Mining using Fuzzy Association Rules
the intervention of the user [10], [25], [47]. In the second group, a list of candidate terms is shown to the user, which makes the selection [48]. Generally,
automatic query expansion is used in local analysis and semi-automatic query
expansion is more adequate for global analysis, since the user has to decide
from a broad set of terms from the corpus which are more related to her/his
3 Association Rules
The obtaining and mining of association rules is one of the main research
problems in data mining framework [1]. Given a database of transactions,
where each transaction is an itemset, the obtaining of association rules is
a process guided by the constrains of support and confidence specified by
the user. Support is the percentage of transactions containing an itemset,
calculated in a statistical manner, while confidence measures the strength of
the rule. Formally, let T be a set of transactions containing items of a set
of items I. Let us consider two itemsets I1 , I2 ⊆ I, where I1 ∩ I2 = ∅. A
rule I1 ⇒ I2 is an implication rule meaning that the apparition of itemset
I 1 implies the apparition of itemset I 2 in the set of transactions T. I 1 and
I 2 are called antecedent and consequent of the rule, respectively. Given a
support of an itemset noted by supp(I k ), and the rule I1 ⇒ I2 , the support
and the confidence of the rule noted by Supp (I1 ⇒ I2 ) and Conf (I1 ⇒ I2 ),
respectively, are calculated as follows:
Supp (I1 ⇒ I2 ) = supp (I1 ∪ I2 )
supp (I1 ∪ I2 )
supp (I1 )
Conf (I1 ⇒ I2 ) =
The constrains of minimum support and minimum confidence are established by the user with two threshold values: minsupp for the support and
minconf for the confidence. A strong rule is an association rule whose support and confidence are greater that thresholds minsupp and minconf, respectively. Once the user has determined these values, the process of obtaining
association rules can be decomposed in two different steps:
Step 1.- Find all the itemsets that have a support above threshold minsupp.
These itemsets are called frequent itemsets.
Step 2.- Generate the rules, discarding those rules below threshold minconf.
The rules obtained with this process are called boolean association rules
in the sense that they are generated from a set of boolean transactions where
the values of the tuples are 1 or 0 meaning that the attribute is present in the
transaction or not, respectively.
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
The application of these processes is becoming quite valuable to extract
knowledge in business world. This is the reason why the examples given in
the literature to explain generation and mining processes of association rules
are based, generally, on sale examples of customers shopping. One of the most
famous examples of this kind is the market basket example introduced in [1],
where the basket of customers is analyzed with the purpose of know the relation among the products that everybody buy usually. For instance, a rule with
the form bread⇒milk means that everybody that buy bread also buy milk,
that is, the products bread an milk usually appears together in the market
basket of customers. We have to take into account, however, that this rule
obtaining has an inherent statistical nature, and is the role of an expert the
interpretation of such rules in order to extract the knowledge that reflects
human behavior. This fact implies the generation of easy rules understandable for an expert of the field described by the rules, but probably with no
background knowledge of the data mining concepts and techniques.
The consideration of rules coming from real world implies, most of the
times, the handling of uncertainty and quantitative association rules, that is,
rules with quantitative attributes such as, for example, the age or the weight
of a person. Since the origin of these rules is still considered as a set of boolean
transactions, a partition into intervals of the quantitative attributes is needed
in order to transform the quantitative problem in a boolean one. The discover
of suitable intervals with enough support is one of the problems to solve in the
field proposed and addressed in several works [14], [23], [39]. In the first work,
an algorithm to deal with non binary attributes, considering all the possible
values that can take the quantitative attributes to find the rules. In the last
two works, however, the authors strengthen the suitability of the theory of
fuzzy sets to model quantitative data and, therefore, deal with the problem
of quantitative rules. The rules generated using this theory are called fuzzy
association rules, and their principal bases as well as the concept of fuzzy
transactions are presented in next section.
4 Fuzzy Transactions and Fuzzy Association Rules
Fuzzy association rules are defined as those rules that associate items of the
form (Attribute, Label), where the label has an internal representation as fuzzy
set over the domain of the attribute [18]. The obtaining of these rules comes
from the consideration of fuzzy transactions. In the following, we present the
main and features related to fuzzy transactions and fuzzy association rules.
The complete model and applications of these concepts can be found in [14].
4.1 Fuzzy Transactions
Given a finite set of items I, we define a fuzzy transaction as any nonempty
fuzzy subset τ̃ ⊆ I. For every i ∈ I, the membership degree of i in a fuzzy
Text Mining using Fuzzy Association Rules
transaction τ̃ is noted by τ̃ (i). Therefore, given an itemset Io ⊆ I, we note
τ̃ (I0 ) the membership degree of I0 to a fuzzy transaction τ̃ . We can deduce
from this definition that boolean transactions are a special case of fuzzy transactions. We call FT-set the set of fuzzy transactions, remarking that it is a
crisp set.
A set of fuzzy transactions FT-set is represented as a table where columns
and rows are labeled with identifiers of items and transactions, respectively.
Each cell of a pair (transaction, itemset) of the form (I0 , τ̃j ) contains the
membership degree of I 0 in τ̃j , noted τ̃j (I0 ) and defined as
τ̃ (I0 ) = min τ̃ (i)
The representation of an item I 0 in a FT-set T based in I is represented
by a fuzzy set Γ̃I0 ⊆ T, defined as
Γ̃I0 =
τ̃ (I0 )/τ̃
τ̃ ∈T
4.2 Fuzzy Association Rules
A fuzzy association rule is a link of the form A ⇒ B such that A, B ⊂ I
and A ∩ B = ∅, where A is the antecedent and B is the consequent of the
rule, being both of them fuzzy itemsets. An ordinary association rule is a
fuzzy association rule. The meaning of a fuzzy association rule is, therefore,
analogous to the one of an ordinary association rule, but the set of transactions
where the rule holds, which is a FT-set. If we call Γ̃A and Γ̃B the degrees of
attributes A and B in every transaction τ̃ ∈ T, we can assert that the rule
A ⇒ B holds with totally accuracy in T when Γ̃A ⊆ Γ̃B .
5 Importance and Accuracy Measures for Fuzzy
Association Rules
The imprecision latent in fuzzy transactions makes us consider a generalization of classical measures of support and confidence by using approximate
reasoning tools. One of these tools is the evaluation of quantified sentences
presented in [51]. A quantified sentence is and expression of the form ”Q of F
are G”, where F and G are two fuzzy subsets on a finite set X, and Q is a relative fuzzy quantifier. We focus on quantifiers representing fuzzy percentages
with fuzzy values in the interval [0,1] such as ”most”, ”almost all” or ”many”.
These quantifiers are called relative quantifiers.
Let us consider Q M a quantifier defined as QM (x) = x, ∀x ∈ [0, 1]. We
define the support of an itemset I 0 in an FT-set T as the evaluation of
the quantified sentence,
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
QM of T are Γ̃I0
while the support of a rule A ⇒ B in T is given by the evaluation of
QM of T are Γ̃A∪B = QM of T are Γ̃A ∩ Γ̃B
and its confidence is the evaluation of
QM of Γ̃A are Γ̃B
We evaluate the sentences by means of method GD presented in [19]. To
evaluate the sentence ”Q of F are G”, a compatibility degree between the
relative cardinality of G with respect to F and the quantifier is represented
by GDQ (G/F ) and defined as
¯(G ∩ F ) ¯
GDQ (G/F ) =
(αi − αi+1 ) ·Q
|Fαi |
αi ∈∆(G/F )
where ∆ (G/F ) = Λ (G ∩ F ) ∪ Λ (F ), Λ (F ) being the level set of F, and
∆ (G/F ) = {α1 , . . . , αp } with αi > αi+1 for every i ∈ {1, . . . p}. The set F
is assumed to be normalized. If not, F is normalized and the normalization
factor is applied to G ∩ F .
We must point out, moreover, that when we are dealing with crisp data in
a T-set T , the evaluation of sentences are the ordinary measures of support
and confidence of crisp association rules. Therefore, the evaluation of sentence
”Q of F are G” is
|F ∩ G|
|F |
when F and G are crisp. The GD method verifies this property. For more
details, see [19]. We can interpret the ordinary measures of confidence and
support as the degree to which the confidence and support of an association
rule is Q M . Other properties of this quantifier can be seen in [14].
This generalization of the ordinary measures allow us, using Q M , provide
an accomplishment degree, basically. Hence, for fuzzy association rules we can
QM τ ∈ T, A ⇒ B
5.1 Certainty as a New Measure for Rule Accuracy
We propose the use of certainty factors to measure the accuracy of association
rules. A previous study can be found in [15]. Certainty factors were developed
as a model for the representation of uncertainty and reasoning in rule-based
systems [45], although they have been used in knowledge discovery too [24].
Text Mining using Fuzzy Association Rules
We define certainty factor (CF ) of a fuzzy association rule A ⇒ B based
on the value of the confidence of the rule. If Conf (A ⇒ B) > supp (B) the
value of the factor is given by expression (11); otherwise, is given by expression
(12), considering that if supp(B)=1, then CF (A ⇒ B) = 1 and if supp(B)=0,
then CF (A ⇒ B) = −1
CF (A ⇒ B) =
Conf (A ⇒ B) − supp (B)
1 − supp (B)
CF (A ⇒ B) =
Conf (A ⇒ B) − supp (B)
supp (B)
We demonstrated in [7] that certainty factors verify the three properties by
[29]. From now on, we shall use certainty factors to measure the accuracy of a
fuzzy association rule. We consider a fuzzy association rule as strong when its
support and certainty factor are greater than thresholds minsupp and minCF,
6 Generation of Fuzzy Association Rules
Several approaches can be found in the literature where efficient algorithms for
association rule generation like Apriori and AprioriTid [2], OCD [34], SETM
[30], DHP [37], DIC [9], FP-Growth [26] and TBAR [6], have been presented.
Most of them include and describe the process of generating fuzzy association
rules with two basic steps, as we mentioned in Sect. 3: the generation of
frequent itemsets and the obtaining of the rules, with their associated grades
of support and confidence. As we are considering fuzzy association rules, in
Algorithm 1, we show a process to find the frequent itemsets. For this purpose,
the transactions are analyzed one by one and the itemsets whose support is
greater than threshold minsupp are selected. The items are processed ordered
by size. First 1-itemsets, next 2-itemsets and so on. The variable l stores the
actual size. The set Ll stores the l -itemsets that are being analyzed and, at
the end, it stores the frequent l -itemsets.
In order to deal with fuzzy transactions, we need to store the difference
between the cardinality of every α-cut of Γ̃I0 and the cardinality of the corresponding strong α-cut, α ∈ [0, 1], for all considered itemsets I 0 . Specifically
¯³ ´ ¯ ¯¯³ ´ ¯¯
¯ Γ̃I0 ¯ − ¯¯ Γ̃I0
³ ´
³ ´
where Γ̃I0
= τ̃ ∈ T ¯ Γ̃I0 (τ̃ ) ≥ α and Γ̃I0
= τ̃ ∈ T ¯ Γ̃I0 (τ̃ ) > α .
We use a used a fixed number of k equidistant α-cuts, (specifically k=100,
although we a lesser value would be sufficient). By this information, we obtain
the fuzzy cardinality of the representation of the items, which is stored in an
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
³ VI0 . This
´ array can be easily obtained from an FT-set by adding 1 to
VI0 Γ̃I0 (τ̃ ) for every itemset I 0 each time a transaction τ̃ is considered.
The function R(x,k) maps the real value x to the nearest value in the set of k
equidistant levels we are using.
The procedure CreateLevel(i, L) generates a set of i -itemsets such that
every proper subset with i -1 items is frequent (i.e. is in Li−1 ). Since every
proper subset of a frequent itemset is also a frequent itemset, with this procedure we avoid analyzing itemsets that do not verify this property, saving
space and time.
Algorithm 1 Basic algorithm to find frequent itemsets in a FT-set T
Input: a set I of items and an a FT-set T based on I.
Output: a set of frequent itemsets F.
1. {Initialization}
a) Create an array V{i} of size k+1 for every i ∈ I
b) L1 ← { {i} | i ∈ I }
c) F=0
d) l ← 1
2. Repeat until l > |I| or Ll = 0
a) For every τ̃ ∈ T
i. For every
¡ I∗¡ ∈ Ll
¡ ¡
A. VI∗ R Γ̃I∗ (τ̃ ) , k ← VI∗ R Γ̃I∗ (τ̃ ) , k + 1
b) For every I∗ ∈ Ll ¡
± ¢
i. Calculate GDQ Γ̃I∗ T
¡ ± ¢
ii. If GDQ Γ̃I∗ T < minsupp × |T |
A. Ll ← Ll \ {I∗ }
B. Free the memory used by VI∗
c) {Variables updating}
i. F = F ∪ Ll
ii. Ll+1 ← CreateLevel (l + 1, Ll )
iii. l ← l + 1
3. Return(F )
The complexity of this algorithm is an exponential function of the number
of items. The hidden constant is increased in a factor that depends on k as
this value affects the size of the arrays V. For more details of the algorithm,
see [14]
Once we have obtained the frequent itemsets with the former algorithm,
we obtain the confidence by calculating GDQ (B/A) from V A and V A∪B .
From confidence and support of the consequent, both available, we obtain
the certainty factor of the rules. Finally, we can identifier the strong rules by
analyzing the values of support and certainty for the rules.
Text Mining using Fuzzy Association Rules
7 Text Mining for Information Access
The main problem when the general techniques of data mining are applied
to text, is to deal with unstructured data, in comparison to structured data
coming from relational databases. Therefore, with the purpose to perform a
knowledge discovery process, we need to obtain some kind of structure in the
texts. Different representations of text for association rules extraction have
been considered: bag of words, indexing keywords, term taxonomy and multiterm text phrases [17]. In our case, we use automatic indexing techniques
coming from Information Retrieval [44]. We represent each document by a set
of terms with a weight meaning the presence of the term in the document.
Some weighting schemes for this purpose can be found in [43]. One of the more
successful and more used representation schemes is the tf-idf scheme, which
takes into account the term frequency and the inverse document frequency,
that is, if a term occurs frequently in a document but infrequently in the
collection, a high weight will be assigned to that term in the document. This
is the scheme we consider in this work. The algorithm to get the representation
by terms and weights of a document d i can be detailed by the known following
steps in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2 Basic algorithm to obtain the representation of documents in
a collection
Input: a set of documents D = {d1 , . . . dn }.
Output: a representation for all documents in D.
Let D = {d1 , . . . dn } be a collection of documents
Extract an initial set of terms S from each document di ∈ D
Remove stop words
Apply stemming (via Porter’s algorithm [40])
The representation of d i obtained is a set of keywords {t1 , . . . , tm } ∈ S with
their associated weights {w1 , . . . , wm }
We must point out that, as it has been commented and shown in [21], [42],
standard Text Mining usually deal with categorized documents, in the sense
of documents which representation is a set of keywords, that is, terms that
really describe the content of the document. This means that usually a full
text is not considered and its description is not formed by all the words in the
document, even without stop words, but also by keywords. The authors justify
the use of keywords because of the appearing of useless rules. Some additional
commentaries about this problem regarding the poor discriminatory power of
frequent terms can be found in [38], where the authors comment the fact that
the expanded query may result worst performance than the original one due
to the poor discriminatory ability of the added terms.
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
However, in document collections where the categorization is not always
available, full text is necessary to be considered as starting point. Additionally,
special pre-processing tasks of term extraction and selection can be applied
to get keywords in these collections. We are not referring here to statistical
counts of term occurrences and assigning of weighting schemes such as the tfidf one, but to more elaborated methods that imply additional time process,
such as term taxonomy construction, thesauri or controlled vocabulary.
Nevertheless, in dynamic environments or systems where the response-time
is important, the application of this pre-processing stage may not be suitable.
This is the case of the problem we deal with in this work, the query refinement in Internet, where an automatic process would be necessary. Two time
constraints have to be into account: first, the fact that not all web documents
have identified keywords when is retrieved, or if they have, we do not have
the guarantee that the keywords are appropriate in all the cases. Second, in
the case of query refinement, information rule must be shown to the user online, that is, while she/he is query the system. Therefore, instead of improve
document representation in this situation, we can improve the rule obtaining
process. The use of alternative measures of importance and accuracy such as
the ones presented in Sect. 5 is considered in this work in order to avoid the
problem of non appropriate rule generation.
7.1 Text Transactions
From a collection of documents D = {d1 , . . . , dn } we can obtain a set of terms
I = {t1 , . . . , tm } which is the union of the keywords for all the documents
in the collection. The weights associated to these terms are represented by
W = {w1 , . . . , wm }. Therefore, for each document d i , we consider an extended
representation where a weight of 0 will be assigned to every term appearing
in some of the documents of the collection but not in d i .
Considering these elements, we can define a text transaction τi ∈ T as the
extended representation of document d i . Without loosing generalization, we
can write T = {d1 , . . . , dn }. However, as we are dealing with fuzzy association
rules, we will consider a fuzzy representation of the presence of the terms in
documents, by using the normalized tf-idf scheme [32]. Analogously to the
former case, we can define a set of fuzzy text transactions F T = {d1 , . . . , dn },
where each document d i corresponds to a fuzzy transaction τ̃i , and where
the weights W = {w1 , . . . , wm } of the keyword set I = {t1 , . . . , tm } are fuzzy
8 Query Reformulation Procedure
The purpose of this work is to provide a system with a query reformulation
ability in order to improve the retrieval process. We represent the query a
Q = {q1 , . . . , qm } with associated weights P = {p1 , . . . , pm }. To obtain a
Text Mining using Fuzzy Association Rules
relevance value for each document, the query representation is matched to
each document representation, obtained as explained in Algorithm 2. If a
document term does not appear in the query, its value will be assumed as
0. The considered operators and measures are the one from the generalized
Boolean model with fuzzy logic [11].
The user’s initial query generates a set of ranked documents. If the topranked documents do not satisfy user’s needs, the query improvement process
starts. From the retrieved set of documents, association relations are found.
As we explain in Sect.2, two different approaches can be considered at this
point: an automatic expansion of the query or a semi-automatic expansion,
based on the intervention of the user in the selection process of the terms to
be added to the query. The complete process in both cases is detailed in the
Case 1: Automatic query reformulation process
1. The user queries the system
2. A first set of documents is retrieved
3. From this set, the representation of documents is extracted following Algorithm 2 and fuzzy association rules are generated following Algorithm
1 and the extraction rule procedure.
4. The terms co-occurring in the rules with the query terms are added to the
5. With the expanded query, the system is queried again.
Case 2: Semi-automatic query reformulation process
1. The user queries the system
2. A first set of documents is retrieved
3. From this set, the representation of documents is extracted following Algorithm 2 and fuzzy association rules are generated following Algorithm
1 and the extraction rule procedure
4. The terms co-occurring in the rules with the query terms are shown to
the user
5. The user selects those terms more related to her/his needs
6. The selected terms are added to the query, which is used to again to query
the system
We must point out that, in both cases, the obtained association rules conform a knowledge base specific for the domain of the first query. Where several
queries are performed, a broader knowledge base may be constructed, so original queries will be enriched with more terms as the time passes. However, the
obtaining of a huge knowledge-based from iterated query expansions even in
different domains probably can not be used for any query in a successful way,
since additional semantic relation information should be also take into account
M.J. Martı́n-Bautista, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, and M.A. Vila
in order to get a general knowledge-base. As a future proposal, we can think
about combine both domain-specific knowledge base and general knowledge
base, looking at the terms appearing in association rules together with query
terms appear, and searching in a general knowledge-base additional terms,
WordNet [35], for instance, with a semantic relation with all the terms in the
rule. Some further discussion about this point can be found in [8]
8.1 Generalization and Specialization of a Query
Once the first query is constructed, and the association rules are extracted,
we make a selection of rules where the terms of the original query appear.
However, the terms of the query can appear in the antecedent or in the consequent of the rule. If a query term appears in the antecedent of a rule, and
we consider the terms appearing in the consequent of the rule to expand the
query, a generalization of the query will be carried out. Therefore, a generalization of a query gives us a query on the same topic as the original one,
but looking for more general information. However, if query term appears in
the consequent of the rule, and we reformulate the query by adding the terms
appearing in the antecedent of the rule, then a specialization of the query will
be performed, and the precision of the system should increase. The specialization of a query looks for more specific information than the original query but
in the same topic. In order to obtain as much documents as possible, terms
appearing in both sides of the rules can also be considered.
9 Conclusion and Future Work
In this work, an application of traditional data mining techniques in a text
framework is proposed. Classical transactions in data mining are first extended
to the fuzzy transactions, proposing new measures to measure the accuracy of
a rule. Text transactions are defined based on fuzzy transactions, considering
that each transaction correspond to a document representation. The set of
transactions represents, therefore, a document collection from which the fuzzy
association rules are extracted. One of the applications of this process is to
solve the problem of refinement of a query, very well known in the field of
Information Retrieval. A list of terms extracted from the fuzzy association
rules related to the terms in the query can be automatically added to the
original query to optimize the search. This process can also be done with the
user intervention, selecting the terms more related to her/his preferences.
As future work, we will implement the application of the model to this
query reformulation procedure and compare the results with other approaches
to query refinement coming from Information Retrieval.
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