International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September-2015
ISSN 2229-5518
Enhancing virtual switching system of on-chip
Rony Kassam, Talal Al-Aateky, Radwan Dandah
Abstract— the huge datacenters in the world - used in the social networks, researching and computing centers, and storage devices have faced fundamental problem reflected in the need for high throughput to switch between the large numbers of virtual machines
installed in these datacenters. The increased use of cloud applications will increase the need for greater numbers of virtual machines. In
order to meet the requirements of this increase, it must be increased the hardware capabilities in the datacenters, through increasing the
number of cores in the servers. Therefore, there is a need to provide network architecture that can connect all of these cores and chips
very quickly. Consequently, it is necessary to enhance the virtual switching system to achieve the maximum integration and efficiency
between the network segments, and analysis the scheduling and virtual queuing algorithms depending on the decisions from the
experiences implemented using high-level source code and hardware description scheme with Xilinx platform.
Index Terms— Datacenters, Hardware description scheme, Network on Chip, Network architecture, Virtual switching system, MPSoC,
Xilinx, SDF , MAMPSx.
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he Computer architecture of the datacenters consists of
multiple processors and memories connected through
interconnection networks, which have multiple schemes
like mesh, torus, tree, and others. These schemes have built
physically and logically on the chip, through advanced technologies such as NoC (Network on Chip). By using this network, it can balance the load of the computing and the data
exchange among the installed processing elements in the datacenter. Especially with the increasing of the number of these
elements, and the need to achieve the accurate level of the effective work of the datacenter, so there is not any additional
processing elements consumption if there is no need. In the
case of defining the requirements through the application installed in the datacenter, there will be proper mapping between the application and hardware architecture. It will be
effective mapping between the VMs (virtual machines), the
NoC routers, and processing elements, which will be responsible for operating these machines, switching, and routing
among them, taking into the consideration throughput and
power consumption. In this research, enhancing and optimization have performed on NoC to achieve the maximum integration and efficiency between the network segments, and analysis the scheduling and virtual queuing algorithms depending
on the decisions from the experiences implemented using C
source code and hardware description scheme with Xilinx
Research steps have been set to find the correct practical
environment to carry out scenarios that give the desired results. The application and load installed on the environment
were descripted by using the resources from Netmap[1], in
order to test the application and identify the source file that
must be relied upon. It was also analyzed the link between
VMs in the virtual switching system, by implementing
nSwitch[2], and then come with the necessary to use MPSoC
(Multiprocessor System on Chip) architecture, in order to
reach a valid and workable results. Then, a theoretical and
practical evaluation has been studied on routers, tiles, and
network schemes of the NoC, to choose the description
scheme, simulator, and development tool in this research [3].
It has been identified SDF3 (Synchronous Data Flow For Free)
as a description scheme, MAMPSx (Multi-Application MultiProcessor Synthesis) tool to generate the mapped MPSoC architecture, Xilinx platform in order to get the results, and
Matlab to build the diagrams.
• Eng. Rony Kassam – MSc Student – Department of Computer Systems
and Networks – Faculty of Information Engineering – Tishreen University
– Lattakia – Syria, PH-00963988225669. E-mail:
[email protected]
• Dr. Talal Al-Aateky – Assistant Professor – Department of Computer
Systems and Networks – Faculty of Information Engineering – Tishreen
University – Lattakia – Syria, PH-00963470858. E-mail:
[email protected]
• Dr. Radwan Dandah – Professor – Department of Computer Systems and
Networks – Faculty of Information Engineering – Tishreen University –
Lattakia – Syria, PH-00963944535235.
[email protected]
2.1 Application and load
To define the application and the load installed on the practical
environment, it has been relied on the Netmap[1], which is
Ethernet switch design for VMs, it is provide high-speed connections between these machines depending only on the software.
There is a problem faced by the network ports, especially in real
systems and hardware, it is the latency of system calls and
memory allocations for each packet. That is, because using specific API (Application Programming Interface) for the socket,
more specifically the use of “libpcap” package. Therefore, many
systems calls and memory operations will execute only to access
to the kernel level. The solution used in Netmap[1] greatly facilitate the process, by forming data paths between the wire and the
application at the user level; making the application very close to
the hardware, this principle is the goal that we seek in this research.
During the installation of Netmap on Ubuntu 14.10, according
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September-2015
ISSN 2229-5518
to the installation guide, it appears a problem about the need
for the kernel source and header files, and the need for the
driver of the network interface. Since, it is necessary to install
the source packages, because it will rebuild the driver of the
network interface, in order to insert the “netmap.ko” module
into the system. After that, a new problem appears when rebuilding the driver, because Netmap supports only specific
network interface. Because it is not available, it was set a parameter “no-drivers” to generate virtual network interface. All
of that because the need to identify the applications that deal
with Netmap, which are very the research. It is chosen packet
generator, the source file “pkt-gen.c”, because, this application
can send the packets in certain sizes from sender to receiver on
the same environment through physical layer. Because, this
generator is independent on the processors scheme, but its
dependence on the number of existing processors or cores,
and also its dependence on the network interface, therefore, it
has been modified to deal with the processing elements and
routers within the NoC. Taking into consideration the use of
appropriate tools in order to coordinate the work of this generator to be as a valid input for the hardware description
scheme and the other tools.
2.2 VMs networking technology
About the technologies that connect VMs with the virtual
switching system, many enhancements of the SR-IOV (Single
Root I/O Virtualization) have been done. SR-IOV is unable to
support switching between two VMs on the same computer
only through software switching. nSwitch is one of These enhancements to support hardware switching between VMs.
nSwitch technique was compared with software switching
vSwitch, and IEEE 802.1Qbg and 802.1Qbh pSwitch techniques[2]. As a result, using the vSwitch, which implemented
by Citrix XenServer 6.5 and OpenVSwitch. Due to the heavy
load on the CPU and the I/O queues to transfer between two
VMs, the maximum throughput was 744 Mbps, and this value
will be affected by increasing the VMs. About the IEEE
802.1Qbg and 802.1Qbh pSwitch technologies, and because the
traffic was transferred through the physical network interface,
so the throughput will be like the network interface throughput; 1 Gbps, and this value will be affected by the external
transfer. The nSwitch technology has exceeded the delay
caused by the network interface in the previous case, and
therefore the throughput does not suffer from any limitations,
only as to the PCIe 3.0 32-bit bandwidth, which is eight GigaTransfer/s.
Starting with nSwitch experience in this research, by reforming the network interface to enable two PFs (Physical
Function), which are PF0 and PF1, one for each processing
unit. Each function can take number of VFs (Virtual Function).
Installing this interface using Xilinx Vivado 2014.2, then building the design depending on the operating guide and experience within this platform [5]. It has been used Xilinx Virtex-7
FPGA, then set two PFs and six VFs with PCIe X8 Gen3, also
set interface AXI4-stream 256-bit, memory 4KB 32bit, and finally use read and write “Dword” 32bit transactions for
memory mapping.
During the work, it shows the necessary for a physical testing interface, but because of the difficulty to provide it, it has
been resorting to implement this interface virtually within the
“.bin” file. Taking the advantage of Xilinx ability to run specific Linux operating system on the virtual interface, but it did
not succeed in this experience, because it works only with
some virtualized boards like MPSoC boards. Therefore, it has
to do the work on MPSoC architecture to prepare the NoC
within. This architecture can load the operating system, and at
the same time can be modified to perfectly fit what we want
without having to provide PCIe interface, only integrate the
work into the board directly.
2.3 NoC architecture
This architecture benefited from the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model, in order to transfer between the specific components IPs (Intellectual property) [6], which can be
processors, memories, and others. The layers of the NoC are
NI (Network Interface), PL (Physical link), R (Router), and IP
[6]. Where, NI (data-link layer in the OSI) tasks’ are messages
encapsulating and caching, PL (physical layer in the OSI)
tasks’ are Signals and Phits (Physical Unit) transferring, R
(network layer in the OSI) tasks’ are network scheming, routing and switching, and IP (transport layer in the OSI) is responsible for data transferring between the specific components.
Within R, there are many technologies, starting from VCTlite
[4], which is a new implementation of the VCT (Virtual Cut
Through) adapted to multicore and multiprocessors on the
chip. It can take advantage of the VCT, which is characterized
by supporting broadcast and multicast. However, VCT requires large buffer size. This is not suitable for on-chip applications, but it is suitable for WH (Worm Hole), which deal
with small buffer size. Therefore, the target is to reach the best
technology that takes features of the two technologies. It is
VCTlite, which uses buffer size such as the size of control message, whereas data message must be packetized [4].
The basic architecture of this router equipped with input buffers, as well as five-stage pipelining: IC (Input Controller), RT
(Routing), VA-SA (Virtual channel And Switch Allocator), XB
(Crossbar), and LT (Link Traversal) (see Fig. 1). Each router
consists of a number of input and output ports, one port
communicates with the processing element, while the remaining ports communicate with neighbors routers, as to the specified network scheme [4]. About output units [7], which track
the status of the receiving VC, by using a group of registers.
"input_vc" records the VCs reserved for this output, "idle" indicates whether the VC has received the flit tail of last packet,
and "Credits" records a certain value reflects the possibility of
the port to proceed in its function; if it contain the value “1”
then can transfer one flit and so on.
Each PL allocates a set of VCs in order to support the coherence protocol that is used to coordinate between caches. It
has allocated one buffer to each VC with IC. In design view,
the buffer is implemented by conventional shift register. Despite the fact that this structure is not effective in terms of
power consumption, it does not introduce any additional circuits, which lead to increased router latency. VCs are grouped,
therefore any message can use the VCs of the same group, and
thus the traffic in different VCs groups cannot be mixed. This
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September-2015
ISSN 2229-5518
constrain is very necessary in order to avoid the case of a
deadlock within coherence protocol.
address these challenges. It is design flow, which takes application and architecture scheme and generates MPSoC architecture with hardware and software models suitable for Xilinx.
MAMPSx includes the stages, as follow: BONES is a model,
depended on an algorithm recursively improving the design
and quality time. DSE (Design) is an effective way to check
MPSoC design in order to achieve performance and area conditions. GEN (Generate) is a structured approach, which generates multi-processor systems with the hardware infrastructure for a specific application, suitable with Xilinx platform [8].
The target of this research is to prepare an effective laboratory environment, includes general application capable to
form and modify network packets. In addition, to link the application through description languages, which map it on a
specific hardware environment, and at the same time, it is not
limited to a specific development platform [9]. Therefore, according to [1], packet generator has been selected as an application, but this application is dealing directly with the operating system, so it has been modified in order to be deal with the
laboratory environment in this research.
Fig. 1. NoC router components.
The parameters of this router [4], VCs number is 5, link
width is 3 bytes, Flit size is 3 bytes, input buffers can store five
Flits to achieve short RTT (Round Trip Time) between neighboring routers. This time is affected by propagation and flow
processing delay. So small buffer size will appear bubbles in
the communication stream [7].
For flow control, it was implemented Stop&Go protocol to
control the Flits between neighboring routers. About routing
stage on each input port, it has been achieved to support a
routing algorithm DOR (Dimension Order Routing) [4]. The
VA of the input port determines which VC will compete with
other VCs of other input ports, in order to reach the XB. The
SA to be achieved for each output port, and use round-robin
arbitrator [4]. SA permissions will control for the entire packet,
in order to give priority for the VCs that got permission
through the switch [7]. To improve performance, VA-SA stage
does not depend on Flit-level arbitration, as the case in WH,
but they continue to route the Flit from the current message as
long as there are Flits ready to send. However, this is a critical
stage for the router, because it determines the operating frequency for this router. To reduce power consumption, clock
gating is used [7].
By reprogramming “pkt-gen.c”, detailing its components
and data streams within, and linking them with the description schemes. Then the files were initially created “sdf3PInoc.opt”, “archgraph-noc.xml”, and “usecase.xml”, which
represents the settings required by the tool SDF3. These files
are modified for each scenario, in order to be examined gradually. After that, all of the files become an input for MAMPSx
2.4 Specific MPSoC generation
Providing a design to evaluate the throughput constrained
applications on the MPSoC architecture [8]. It was merged
many schemes and tools to apply the load on Xilinx development platform. It was depended on SDF, which represents the
application, so it can be mapped with hardware units, and
determines the throughput in the most difficult status. After
the application modeling, it was used C language in order to
implement the scheme depending on a certain hardware architecture. Using these inputs, it is generated MPSoC architecture
designed specifically for the requirements and the schemes of
the application. Then take advantage of the MAMPS tool in
order to operate this architecture with Xilinx.
In order to achieve the best performance, taking into account time to market requirement, it presents MAMPSx to
Beginning with the data stream analysis, a consistency of
the scheme is analyzed to prevent the deadlock in the application by examining its resources, also by using the following
rule: the scheme of “archgraph-noc” is consistent, if the repetition vector is not equal to the null vector. It has been planned
MCM (Maximum Cycle Mean) analysis, to determine the
throughput in the scheme, in order to organize tokens registering and releasing of the Actors. The scheme is analyzed in
terms of repetition vector, in order to calculate all the comparisons between allocated buffers of channels identified in the
scheme and the mapped maximum throughput. In order to
make the resources of this model far from the unlimited, it is
determined the number of edges within the Actors, where this
number will be adjusted through the various scenarios.
At this stage, in order to reduce the use of resources and
provide guarantees on the application throughput in MPSoC
system, it is used iterative design flow consisted of four stages
[10]. it automatically and frequently does all stages, but the
only manual stage is to determine the application scheme
“usecase.xml”, NoC scheme “archgraph-noc.xml” within the
setting file. As a final step, it is planned to export several formats fit with the display, as well as fit with the input of
MAMPSx tool. SDF3 output files are placed into a folder that
includes “archgraph-noc.xml”, “usecase.xml”, and the source
files that implement the actors of the Packet generator.
Then, it is run the tool “mamps_template” on the applica-
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September-2015
ISSN 2229-5518
tion, which was named within the setting files, as
“RTRpktgen”. The generated files are “RTRpktgen.tar.gz”
and “RTRpktgen.backup.tar.gz”, where they contain the full
Xilinx project. In order to get the executable file on the MPSoC,
it is compiled through “make” command.
Thus, the system has become ready for evaluation within
the Xilinx development platform according to various scenarios. At each scenario, it will be back to the beginning of the
experiment and make adjustments on the parts of the
MAMPSx. This modification has named RTRNoC, which separates the formation of the NoC from the IP types within the
different version of Xilinx platform. In addition, it supports
Stop&Go flow control protocol. After doing all the modification, it will be started from the beginning of the experiment
steps, to analysis and generate. The part that concerns us
greatly in the research is the part located in the generated
folder “pcores”, which contains a hardware description by
VHDL (VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language) for the hardware components of
the NoC, NI, and PE which is represented by the MicroBlaze
Talking about the evaluation scenarios, and identifying the
parameters and metrics of the experiments, to reach for the
enhancement. It is implemented 218 scenario; each scenario
has 40 input parameters as their categories. In the scenario (X
for example), it is modified some parameters’ values, according to the results from the scenario (X-1), and so on. The number of modified parameters are 18 parameters, whereas the
other parameters remain constant. For system’s metrics that
determine the effectiveness and quality of the system are frequency, area occupied by the chip containing the whole system, latency of links, protocols and components consisting the
system, power consumed. The input parameters can be classified as following:
creases significantly. For power consumption, it increases significantly even up to the point where getting a bit, the reason
is the use of clock isolation, there is not additional tiles participated in the work.
Fig. 2. System output related to network scheme and its parameters.
The chip area increases in the case of 2D-Mesh and torus
linearly with the increase in the number of tiles. The latency
decreases at first, but with the increase in area, it increases
significantly. Power consumption and latency in torus are less
than the case of the 2D-Mesh, the reason is the low maximum
distance between tiles, because of the additional links on the
edges in the network scheme. Area dramatically increased in
the case of the tree, the reason is the design of a multi-level
tree. For the latency and power consumption in the tree, the
reason is bandwidth increasing in the main branches of the
* Fixed parameters related to the application: “executionTime” consumed by the actor in certain MicroBlaze (or number of the Actors that do the same function).
“MemoryElementSize” of the data memory “.data” and code
memory “.code”. Tokens number of channels within the application “channelTokensNum”, which expresses the relationship weight between two actors.
* Variable parameters related to network scheme: the number of nodes “tilesNum”, and their topology “NetworkTopology”. Certain link delay “tilesConnectionDelay”, work frequency within the network “networkFrequency”, and “linkWidth”. After making scenarios that include variable values of
these parameters, the resulting chart, see Fig. 2.
We note, with increasing the number of tiles in the network
scheme, the frequency decreases, because it is inverse proportionality to the time consuming during the transition. The area
increases, but have little increase in the first (more than doubled), and then become a big increase (two and more). With
this increase, latency reduced slightly, but after that, it in-
* Fixed and variable parameters related to network interface: the fixed includes, identify network interface model “niModel” that communicates with the PE. The variable includes,
determine the number of input and output channels of the
interface, “nrInputConnection” and “nrOutputConnection”, as
well as determine the bandwidth of input and output, “InBandwidth” and “outBandwidth”. These parameters have
been introduced into the scenarios, after choosing four
schemes from the Fig. 2, these schemes are 2D-Mesh Auto, 2DMesh 325MHz, Tree Auto, and Torus 325MHz. And, it is given
series of compound values for the previous parameters respectively (4,4,48,48 - 8,8,96,96 - 16,16,192,192 - 32,32,384,384); the
interface bandwidth is proportionate with the number of input
and output channels. Notice that, if the number of tiles is “4”
as shown in Fig. 3, increasing in frequency, decreasing of latency and stabling in power consumption and area, with the
increasing in input and output bandwidth of network interface. However, increased frequency stands at a value close to
600MHz when bandwidth close to 200 Mbps, as well as decreased latency stands at a value close to 30ns.
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September-2015
ISSN 2229-5518
Fig. 5. System output related to network interface parameters,
Fig. 3. System output related to network interface parameters,
If the number of tiles is “16”, as in Fig. 4, increasing in frequency, decreasing of latency and stabling in power consumption and area, with the increasing in input and output bandwidth of network interface. However, increased frequency
stands at a value close to 200MHz when bandwidth close to
200 Mbps, as well as decreased latency stands at a value close
to 150ns.
These parameters have been introduced into the scenarios,
after choosing four schemes from the Fig. 3, these schemes are
2D-Mesh Auto, 2D-Mesh 325MHz, Tree Auto, Torus 325MHz.
And, it is given compound values for network interface
(8,8,96,96), because the charts in Fig. 3. 4. 5 show that these
values are what make the system outputs in case of changing.
It has been given multiple values for the parameters of the
MicroBlaze and after noticing the results, it selects “wheelsize=1000” and the size “64KB” for the memories in the next
Fig. 4. System output related to network interface parameters,
When tiles number is “64” as in Fig. 5, increasing in frequency, decreasing of latency and stabling in power consumption and area, with the increasing in input and output bandwidth of network interface. However, increased frequency
stands at a value close to 50MHz when bandwidth close to 200
Mbps, as well as decreased latency stands at a value close to
* Fixed and variable parameters related to MicroBlaze PE:
identify the arbitration type of the scheduler “arbitrationMcroBlz” inside Microbalze. The variable parameters are
determining the “wheelsize”, and the size of the data and instruction memories, “dmemSize” and “imemSize”.
* Fixed and variable parameters related to the router: The type
of coherence protocol “coherencyProType”, the design of input buffers and registers “inpuBufferDesginType” “registerType”, determine the protocol to avoid a deadlock “deadlockAvoidPro”, flow control protocol “flowControlPro”. Routing algorithm “routingAlgo”, the switching mechanism within
the router “switchAllocate”, the type of arbitration within the
router “routerArbitration”, a mechanism to reduce power consumption “powerSaving”.
The variable parameters are the number of ports of the
router “routerPorts”, the number of virtual channels for each
physical link “VCsNum”, “bufferSize”, “flitSize”, “linkWidth”, and the size of the main packet “packetSize”. The
number of router’s ports relies on the network scheme, in the
case of the tree, the number is four, while in the 2D-Mesh and
the torus, the number is five. To determine the number of VCs,
many experiments have been done using different values of
VCs (2, 5, and 10). Notice from the results, the use of values (2,
5) more effective. The last four parameters have been given
series of compound values for respectively (6,3,3,6 - 15,3,3,1515,5,5,15 - 9,3,3,64). Each of previews compound values is considered as a model of router architecture. The model (15, 3, 3,
15) represents VCTlite [4].
Notice that in [4], it was planned to use 2D-Mesh network
scheme only, while this research includes an implementation
of VCTlite architecture and protocols and install it in our laboratory environment, in addition to input new parameters
IJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September-2015
ISSN 2229-5518
and schemes. The other models are contributions of the research after doing many experiments.
If the number of tiles is “4” as in Fig. 6, notice that the model
RTR155515 that implemented in tree scheme and two VCs
achieves an improvement in frequency while maintaining the
area and latency, but with a small increasing in power consumption. In the three models, which implemented in tours
scheme with frequency lock and five VCs, notice improving
the latency and small increasing in power consumption.
Fig. 7. System output related to PE and router parameters,
Fig. 6. System output related to PE and router parameters,
Note if the number of tiles is “16” as in Fig. 7. The three
models, which implemented in 2D-Mesh scheme with frequency lock and five VCs, achieve an improvement in latency
while maintaining of area and power consumption. However,
there is little increase in power consumption only in
RTR155515 model.
Note if the number of tiles is “64” as in Fig. 9, the model
RTR6336 that implemented in tree scheme and two VCs
achieves an improvement in frequency, area, latency, and
power consumption. In addition, the same model implemented in torus scheme with frequency lock with different VCs’
number achieves an improvement in area and power consumption while maintaining the frequency and latency.
Fig. 8. System output related to PE and router parameters,
It is prepared laboratory environment, which enables to
build any hardware emulator. By using the tools MAMPS,
SDF3, and RTRNoC, we can provide all the necessary sources
and descriptions files that reflect certain hardware for analyzing through any development platform, such as Xilinx. In adIJSER © 2015
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 9, September-2015
ISSN 2229-5518
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IJSER © 2015