tidsskrift for universitetsog høgskolepedagogikk
årgang 38 | 4-2015
Does academia disfavor
contextual and extraverted
Solve Sæbø
Uniped, å rg. 38, nr. 4-2015, s. 274–283
Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
[email protected]
ISSN online: 1893-8981
Trygve Almøy
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
[email protected]
Helge Brovold
Senior Adviser
National Centre for Science Recruitment
[email protected]
In a study conducted at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU),
288 students volunteered to answer an electronic questionnaire constructed to
classify their personality type (16 categories), their work habits and
preferences, operational values and preferred direction (leadership). In
addition, examination grades from nine undergraduate subjects, some
mathematical and some non-mathematical, were obtained for the same
students. Statistical analyses revealed a clear connection between grades and
certain personality characteristics. This should by no means interpreted as
differences in skills, but rather as an indication of biased teaching style and
pedagogical structure in the university. The results across all the nine subjects
show that the traditional teaching structure in universities with lectures in large
auditoriums with limited dialogue, a rigid and structured curriculum, textbook
reading and paper-and-pencil tests, clearly disfavors students who can be
characterized as extraverted and contextual/relational, and to some extent also
those who are intuitive and feeling. Among these students, we typically find
those who are altruistic, creative and out-of-the box thinkers. It is suggestive
that academia, probably to a large extent, fails to bring such resourceful people
to positions where their talents can really make a difference, for instance in
personality, myers-briggs, big five, exam performance, pedagogics, biased
teaching style.
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
UNIPED | ÅRG. 38 | NR 4-2015
I en studie utført ved Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskapelige Universitet (NMBU)
fylte 288 studenter frivillig ut et elektronisk spørreskjema for å kartlegge deres
personlighetstype (16 typer), deres arbeidsvaner og -preferanser, operative
verdier og foretrukket ledelse. I tillegg ble det gitt tilgang til
eksamenskarakterer for ni lavere grads kurs, noen matematiske og noen ikkematematiske, for de samme studentene. Statistiske analyser viste en klar
sammenheng mellom eksamenskarakterer og noen av personlighetsvariablene.
Dette bør ikke tolkes dithen at det skyldes forskjeller i evner, men heller som
en indikasjon på at undervisningsstilen og den pedagogiske strukturen
favorisere enkelte framfor andre. Resultatene viser på tvers av fagene at den
tradisjonelle undervisningsformen med forelesninger i store auditorier med lite
dialog, et fast og strukturert pensum, lærebokstudier og tekstoppgaver klart er
i disfavør av studenter som kan karakteriseres som ekstroverte og
kontekstuelle/ relasjonsorienterte, og til en viss grad også de som er intuitive
og «feeling». Blant disse studentene finner vi typisk de som kan sies å være
altruistiske, kreative og som «tenker utenfor boksen». Det er tankevekkende at
akademia antagelig i stor grad mislykkes med å bringe slike ressurssterke
personer fram til posisjoner, for eksempel innen forskning, hvor de virkelig
kan gjøre en forskjell.
personlighet, myers-briggs, big five, eksamensresultat, pedagogikk,
favoriserende undervisningsform.
In the fall of 2014, approximately 1,400 students at the Norwegian University
of Life Sciences (NMBU) were given the opportunity to do an online questionnaire developed by Brovold & Valeur (see Brovold, 2014). The questionnaire was developed as a tool for screening personality type and preferences
with regard to work, work (study) habits, operational values and preferred
direction (both self- and instructional direction). The personality test is a multifactor model, which includes the factors similar to the Myers-Briggs four-factor model (Myers & Myers, 1980), in the manner that the test persons are categorized into 16 main types; but also underlying continuous scores along five
personality variables are obtained in the same manner as another frequently
used personality test, the Big Five (five-factor model) (Goldberg, 1981). In
total, 288 students completed the questionnaire.
In addition, exam grade information was obtained for the same tested students
in nine subjects, some purely mathematical and some non-mathematical subjects. The subjects were all at an undergraduate level at the university with
typically a large number of students (50–300).
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
The purpose of this study was: (1) to get an overview of the distribution of personality types among the students at NMBU, (2) to analyze exam grading data
as a function of personality information, and (3) to reflect upon the results so
as to give pedagogical recommendations on how to reach groups of students
who are potentially disfavored by the way courses are taught today. Our focus
regarding the latter points was mainly the mathematical courses, since the problem of how to deal with math anxiety is of increasing interest, as well as the
problem of procrastination in study subjects demanding a steady progress or
even an accumulation of the curriculum.
Before this study was conducted, some hypotheses were formulated on the
basis of previous findings in literature. Both Myers and Myers (1980) and
Lawrence (1993) give insight into how information about personality type can
be taken into account in education, and in an extensive study, Brovold (2014)
shows relations between personality type and preferences with regard to work
(study) habits, operational values and how persons would like to receive direction (guidance) and whether they prefer self-direction or help with study sequencing/structure. Based on these references, we anticipated the following findings:
1 Due to the abstraction level of mathematical subjects, students with logicalrational and intuitive type personalities should score best on exams at university level mathematics courses.
2 The teaching structure in mathematics at universities, with typically large
class lectures, well-structured curriculum, textbook reading and paper-andpencil exams, should favor students characterized as introvert, logic/rational, and what Brovold (2014) refers to as digital/instrumental and sequential order thinkers. Students who are extraverts, the feeling (value/rational)
types and contextual/relational thinkers should statistically be disfavored
by the rigid course structure with lack of autonomy, lack of personal relevance, and also by the lack of dialogue process with the teacher.
Personality test and data
In order to obtain the personality type and preference data, a questionnaire containing in total 300 multiple-choice questions was used. A sub-section of these
questions measures personality along five continuous traits, also known as the
Big Five (Goldberg, 1981): Conscientiousness (J/P), extraversion (E/I) agreeableness (F/T), openness (N/S), and neuroticism. The extremes of the first four
mentioned traits correspond to the type preference dichotomies developed by
Briggs Myers (1980) from the theory of Carl Jung (1921) in this order: the Judgement (J) vs Perception (P) preference, the Extraversion (E) vs Introversion
(I) preference, the Feeling (F) vs Thinking (T) preference, and
the iNtuitive (N) vs Sensing (S) preference. In this study we will use the con-
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
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UNIPED | ÅRG. 38 | NR 4-2015
tinuous measures of the Big Five in the statistical analyses, but use the Briggs
Myers dichotomies extensively in the discussion of the results. The J/P preference corresponds to the Digital (D) vs Contextual (C) notation used by Brovold (2014). Since the D/C interpretation of the conscientiousness trait fits better in the pedagogic discussion of this paper, we will use the D/C dichotomy
throughout. A person who has the different types may briefly be described as
D (Digital): Prefers to have worked out plans, builds up understanding by
first understanding the parts (bottom-up thinking), and usually good at getting things done in due time.
C (Contextual): Likes to be flexible with regard to how and when to reach
a preset goal, often procrastinating as an effect of the need for more background information in respect to finding a relation or a big picture which
gives the parts a meaningful context (top-down thinking).
E (Extravert): Mainly interested in the outer world of things, often acts
before/while thinking, and likes to communicate and interact with others
and to work in groups.
I (Introvert): Mainly interested in the inner world of concepts and ideas,
thinks before acting, and likes to work individually.
F (Feeling): Tends to make decisions based on their values rather than pure
logic, is often empathetic, and strives to create a warm, personal and friendly environment.
T (Thinking): Tends to make decisions based on pure logic and theories
rather than values, and may seem impersonal.
S (Sensing): Makes perception mainly through the senses, and is fact oriented and down-to-earth (often classified as a bottom-up attention).
N (iNtuitive): Tends to perceive the world indirectly through the unconscious, associations and “reading between the lines” (often classified as a topdown attention).
In addition to the type dichotomies and the neuroticism trait, a number of preferences regarding work habits, work interests and areas of motivation, emotions, operational values and preferred (self-) direction were measured in addition to sub-facets of the Big Five model (McCrae & Costa, 2003). Brovold
(2014) found a clear connection between the personality types and these preferences, and this will be a valuable asset to the type information in order to
understand why certain students score higher than others on different exams.
Both the personality traits and the preferences are therefore used as explanatory variables in the statistical analyses described below.
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
Subjects and exam scores
Exam grades were transferred to numerical values as follows: A=6, B=5, C=4,
D=3, E=2, F/drop-out=1. Hence, for all results presented in the following, a
positive numerical effect of any predictor variable corresponds to an expected
better grade on exams. The subjects are all lectured in a traditional way with
common lectures in an auditorium, followed up by exercise groups (where student interaction is optional) and a written exam. The subjects are presented in
Table 1. The subjects vary in the level of abstraction as measured in mathematical content. The level of mathematical difficulty is more or less decreasing
from the top to the bottom of the table. The calculus subjects are the most
demanding theoretically, whereas MATH100 and STAT100 are taught with
more emphasis on automating methods, understanding and interpretation. The
two economics courses and general chemistry use simple mathematics as a
tool for computation, while no mathematics is used in the two latter subjects.
The grade data are used as response variables in the statistical analyses presented here.
TA B L E 1: List of subjects included in the study with the corresponding number of students
who completed the personality test and for whom exam grade information is available.
Subject code
Number tested
Calculus 2
Calculus 1
Introductory Mathematics
Introduction to Microeconomics
Cost Accounting, Fundamentals
General Chemistry
The Psychology of Organization and Leadership
Examen Philosophicum
Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed using subject specific univariate analysis, where the
differences in mean grade within type dichotomies were tested by standard
two-sample t-tests. For instance, tests were performed to check for a significant difference between Digital (sequential/detailed) or D students and Contextual (relational/holistic) or C students in all subjects. Two-sample tests were
also conducted for testing combinations of traits, such as the difference between students with code DI (Digital and Introvert) and all other students. A
bootstrap test (Efron, 1982) was also conducted to compare the fail/drop-out
rates for the D/C dichotomy.
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
UNIPED | ÅRG. 38 | NR 4-2015
The univariate analyses may give subject-specific conclusions, but they are
also vulnerable to low sample numbers for some subjects. Further, it may be
difficult to make global conclusions based on a series of univariate tests. Since
the effect of personality type and work preferences is likely to influence exam
scores similarly for many subjects, a multivariate regression analysis was conducted. A Partial Least Squares regression (PLSR) model was used (Martens
& Næs, 1989) with a multiple response matrix (Y) comprised by the (partly
incomplete) exam scores, and a predictor matrix (X) containing the (continuous) personality traits and preference data. In total, there were 50 predictor
variables and 9 response variables. The complexity of the PLSR-model and the
significance of the predictor variables was determined by means of leave-oneout cross-validation and jackknife-testing (see e.g. Efron, 1982). The jackknife
test provides p-values indicating the significance level of each predictor variable for the prediction of grade in each subject. In order to summarize the most
important variables, we extracted those predictors which were significant at
5 % test level for at least 3 of the 9 subjects.
In order to illustrate the multivariate results, a so-called correlation loadings
plot was constructed, which represents a “2D-window” into the 50-dimensional space spanned by the predictor variables. The window shows the main
covariance patterns between X and Y which are found in the data, and the plot
provides important information patterns “at a glance”.
Descriptive statistics
All 16 personality types arising from combining all four dichotomies D/C, E/
I, F/T and S/N were represented among the students completing the test, and
the distribution of these is given in Table 2.
TA B L E 2: Counts for the 16 personality types among the 288 students completing the test. The order of the latter two letters
varies in order to express the dominant (fourth letter) and the secondary (third letter) process, as discussed by Lowen (1982).
CENF = 12
CIFN = 6
DEFN = 3
DINF = 5
CENT = 4
CIFS = 8
DEFS = 20
DINT = 8
CESF = 9
CITN = 13
DETN = 6
DISF = 38
CEST = 21
CITS = 13
DETS = 39
DIST = 81
Univariate analyses (two-sample t-tests)
The exam data gave an estimated positive effect of having the following types
for ALL subjects (in parentheses are those subjects which are significant at test
level 5%): D: (MATH100, STAT100, ECN110, PHI100), I: (STAT100), IS:
(STAT100), whereas for the next types the estimated effect was negative for
ALL subjects: C: (MATH100, STAT100, ECN110, PHI100), E: (STAT100),
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
CE: (STAT100, ECN110), CF: (MATH100, STAT100, ECN110, BUS100,
PHI100), CN: (STAT100, PHI100), EF: (MATH100, STAT100, BUS100,
PHI100). No types were found significant for MATH112, MATH111 and
Figure 1 shows the correlation loadings plot from the PLS-regression with the
subject grade data as a multivariate response and the personality test data as
predictors (the jackknife test for testing significance was performed for one
PLS-component, which was found to give minimum cross-validated prediction error)
Discussion of results
Table 2 shows clearly that certain personality types dominate among the tested
students (DIST, DETS and DISF), and the total number of digital students is
higher than the number of contextual ones. Probably this reflects a true bias
towards digital types at STEM-oriented studies at NMBU, but the bias may be
smaller in the population since contextual students seem to have a different
motivation or “discipline” to start or complete a long questionnaire than the
digital students. There is a higher proportion of A-students in the sample than
in the population as a whole, whereas the distribution of the other grades is more
or less similar to the population frequencies. It is difficult to say how this bias
affects the results, but if we assume that those contextual and extravert students
who did finish the test are among the more disciplined kind, then the differences
between CE students and DI students would in general be even larger.
The main patterns of covariance between grades and the personality variables
may be read out of Figure 1. Variables located close together in the plot are
positively associated with each other, whereas variables at opposite sides in the
plot show negative association. The fact that all nine subjects lie together in the
lower part of the plot indicates that the effect of personality and preferences on
exam scores is very similar for all subjects. This means that we cannot detect
clear differences from these data between mathematical and non-mathematical
subjects in this respect, and that there are certain types that score best in general. In the lower half of Figure 1, we also see that the variables D, I and T are
significant, and this should be interpreted as follows: The digital, introverted
thinkers score significantly higher on exams than the opposite type, the contextual, extraverted feelers (CEF). This should by no means be interpreted as
the former group being more skilled or smarter than the latter, but rather that
the subjects are taught in a manner that favors the DI(S)T-students. This finding confirms the results from the univariate t-tests, but the multivariate test
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
UNIPED | ÅRG. 38 | NR 4-2015
shows more clearly that this is a general trend for all the nine subjects under
study, mathematical and non-mathematical. The finding is in line with the two
hypotheses postulated in the introduction, but it is somewhat surprising that the
non-mathematical subjects show very much the same tendency.
So which other characteristics are typical and significant for the students answering best to the pedagogical structure? We see that these students consider
themselves as systematic, disciplined, organized, proactive (avoid risks, be
prepared), effective, rational, modest and comely, they are attracted to theoretical labor and follow-up and account positions, and they view themselves as
producers and administrators. Finally, the facets df (disciplined, having a plan,
rigid), ds (steady worker, avoiding stress and multi-tasking), sty (loyal, predictable) and sri (practical, finisher, finding easiest way) were significant. It is
clear that this is a group of people who thrive under a well-sequenced pedagogic structure with lectures with an accumulating profile and an expectation of
individual homework between lectures. They work steadily toward the exam
without procrastinating, and for a subject like STAT100, a steady pace is crucial for obtaining good results. The students who appear to be disfavored by
the academic structure are the CE(N)F-type students located in the upper part
of Figure 1. These are the creative and contextual, extraverted, altruistic and
creative students. They consider themselves as brave, aggressive (or persevering/tough), postactive (venture, careless, improvising), are attracted to artistic
and more often to human-related work, and they consider themselves as entrepreneurs and also integrators, especially when they have a dominant F in their
personality code. For these, the facets cf (impulsive, unpredictable), cs
(procrastinating, multi-tasking), nri (creative, find new paths), and nty (dissenter, avoiding repetition) were significant. If we also mention at this point that
the contextual students have a significantly higher rate of fail/drop-out than the
digital students (p-value 0.036), it becomes apparent that academia fails to
reach this group of students, and fails to bring them to positions where their
talents could make a difference, for instance in research. Of course, there are
exceptions, but they are most likely fewer than they should be.
All subjects studied here were at an undergraduate level, where reproducing
material presented at lectures in the exams typically gives good grades. It is
therefore anticipated that a similar study for master’s level courses would give
another picture in which creativity, different ways of pedagogic involvement
and entrepreneurship is more focused and honored.
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
Figur 1: In this figure, the subjects (Y-loadings) are colored green, whereas the personality test variables are grey or blue (variables being significant at 5% level for at least
three subjects are colored blue).
Pedagogic considerations
In order to hold on to the creative, the altruistic and the contextual students and
to bring them to the forefront in academia, it is obvious that a change in, or perhaps better, a supplemental way of teaching should be offered to these students.
Apparently, we already have the “DIST-university”; maybe it is time also to
create the CNF/T-university? This group of students needs to grasp the big picture first, where the digits get their meaning from their web of relation, and less
from the instrumental correct sequential order of digits. Contextual students
need structure to help them keep a steady pace, but in order to be motivated they
should, if possible, be included in making the structure to minimalize the experience of loss of freedom. If the curriculum allows it, affording a certain flexibility with regard to the path to take towards the goal and letting the students
feel that they make the path as they go, would increase the probability of having
a motivated group of students. Furthermore, to practice more a kind of “backward teaching” starting with the answer or goal, and letting the students find the
methods or how, would trigger their curiosity. A “flipped classroom” style with
video-lectures as homework, would probably also be to the benefit of these students, since it would open up for more discussion-based teaching in class, possibilities for working in groups (great for EF-students) and working on (potentially self-defined) projects (for CNF/T students). The lecturers may then put
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
UNIPED | ÅRG. 38 | NR 4-2015
less effort into giving lectures, and more into the dialogue with the students. The
dialogue-based teaching has also another benefit, since it will likely reduce the
distance between the lecturer and each student, a distance which in classical
mathematics lectures is known to enhance math-anxiety among many students,
especially the Feeling type of students, as discussed in Brovold (2014). Basically, it boils down to creating a friendly, but sometimes more critical, relevant
and motivating context for good learning, although this is a very different way
of teaching than professors at universities (typically DINTs …) are used to
giving. These days, many question where universities will be in the near future.
Modern technology, the Internet, video lectures and Massive Open Online
Courses (MOOCs) may seem a threat to the existence of many universities, but
in the light of this study, this development should, perhaps, also be considered
as a threat to the CNF/T students. MOOCs are in their nature designed for digital and introverted people, who enjoy the solitude at home in front of the computer. So, if we turn this around, one can perhaps conclude that if online learning has come to stay, academia is perhaps more free to turn to a formerly
neglected groups of students? A general conclusion or guiding principle for
mathematical education applicable to every student may be: Use interaction,
find the differentiation and do the adaption. One size doesn’t fit them all!
This work has been supported by The Norwegian Association of Higher
Education Institutions (UHR). The authors would like to thank Olaf Valeur
(www.uroboros.as) for help and support in extracting and preparing the data
from the personality tests, and Harald Martens for his endurance in trying to
change the mindsets of the educators in mathematical subjects to create a
teaching style more suited for the CE(N)F type of students.
Brovold, H. (2014). Invarians drøftet i et nevropsykologisk perspektiv med spesiell
referanse til realfaglig kognisjon. ‘Fire veier inn i matematikken’. Thesis, NTNU, ISSN
Efron, B. (1982). The Jackknife, the Bootstrap and Other Resampling Plans (vol. 38).
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia.
Goldberg, I. R. (1981). Language and individual differences: The search for universals in
personality lexicons. In L. Wheeler (ed.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology,
vol. 2 (pp. 141–165). Beverly Hills, CA.
Jung, C. G. (1921). Psychologische Typen, Rascher Verlag, Zurich.
Lawrence, G. D. (1993). People Types & Tiger Stripes, Center for Applications of
Psychological Type. Gainesville, FL.
Lowen, W. (1982). Dichotomies of the Mind. A System Science Model of Mind and
Personality. Wiley, NY.
Martens, H., & Næs, T. (1989). Multivariate Calibration. Wiley, Chichester, UK.
McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T. (2003). Personality in Adulthood: A Five-Factor Theory
Perspective. Second Edition, Guilford Press, New York.
Myers, I. B., & Myers, P. B. (1980). Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type.
Davies-Black Pub.
This article is downloaded from www.idunn.no. © 2015 Solve Sæbø, Trygve Almøy og Helge Brovold.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the
material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any
purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.