Ecological Studies Vol 161, page proofs as of Juli 29, 2002
5 Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
M. Ritchie
5.1 Introduction
Competitive interactions among species lie at the foundation of our understanding of the structure and diversity of ecological communities. For the
past century, various theoretical, laboratory and field studies have sought to
understand how species that compete can coexist. Almost two decades ago,
two influential reviews (Connell 1983; Schoener 1983) demonstrated that, at
least in published studies, interspecific competition appears to be frequent.
Just as importantly, these reviews found little evidence for competitive exclusion, that is, when one species completely eliminates another species when
they occur together. In these reviews, competitive exclusion appeared especially rare for mobile animal species, as opposed to sedentary species such as
inter-tidal organisms and vascular plants. Since 1983, competition theory has
focused on identifying mechanisms to explain this “unexpected” prevalence
of coexistence. In this chapter, I show that mobile animal species are highly
likely to coexist because of their ability to move and make choices. These
choices result in resource or habitat partitioning that allow exclusive use of
resources, so that the structure of communities can be predicted largely in the
absence of detailed knowledge of competitive dynamics.
Because mobile animals move, their lives have an important feature: choice.
Mobile animals can sample many aspects of their environment and thus have
the ability to go to certain places and avoid others or to select certain patches
or types of resources and ignore others. These choices may be constrained by
particular physiological and morphological characteristics of the animals, so
that differences among species in these characteristics can dictate differences
in their choices. However, many of these choices are phenotypically or behaviorally plastic, or “adaptive” (Abrams 1988), and this plasticity allows individuals of a species to compensate in part to competition from other species.
The possibility of choice also suggests that heterogeneity in distributions
of resources and habitat plays a large role in competitive coexistence, because
greater heterogeneity implies more available choices. Scale is a central factor
F. Kröner, Heidelberg
Ecological Studies, Vol. 161
U. Sommer, B. Worm (Eds.)
Competition and Coexistence
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003
Ecological Studies Vol 161, page proofs as of Juli 29, 2002
M. Ritchie
affecting the importance of heterogeneity to choice, because the scale at
which animals perceive the environment may influence the amount and heterogeneity of resources they detect (Ritchie 1998). If organisms perceive the
environment at a large scale of resolution, they detect resources as being in a
few large clusters, or as coarse-grained. If they perceive the environment at a
small scale of resolution, they detect many fine-grained details and lots of
very small clusters of resources. This idea dates back to “fitness sets” (Levins
1962), whereby animals that perceive the environment as fine-grained have
many more available choices than animals that perceive it as coarse-grained.
However, the importance of scale in affecting an organism’s grain, choices and
perceived heterogeneity, and thus competitive coexistence, still is not widely
appreciated or explored.
Choice and scale differences among species yield the potential for coexistence, but the details of how they generate it are not agreed upon. Classical
niche theory (MacArthur 1958; Levins 1968) assumed that differences among
two species in the use of a spectrum of resource types, such as prey size or
physical habitats, simply reduced the per capita competitive effects of the two
species on each other. This translated into smaller competition coefficients in
the classical Lotka-Volterra competition models. This made coexistence more
likely, but certainly not assured. Schoener (1976), however, suggested that
such differences in resource or habitat use among species allow exclusive
resources. That is, each species has exclusive use of some resources that cannot be used by other species, in addition to the resources the two species
share. If so, then the fundamental nature and outcome of competition is
changed, and coexistence and equilibrium population densities become a
function of the amount of a species’ exclusive resources relative to the amount
of shared resources and the exclusive resources of other species. This idea has
been largely ignored by ecologists, but has been found in several cases
(Belovsky 1984, 1986; Chase 1996; Schmitz et al. 1997). If competition commonly occurs for shared and exclusive resources, then this provides a major
new tool for a general understanding of competition. Competitive outcomes,
and thus coexistence, are dictated by constraints on the amount of exclusive
and shared resources for two species, and not by the detailed population
dynamics of competition for shared resources.
In this chapter, I review examples of the major mechanisms of competition
among mobile animals and how these mechanisms contribute to competitive
coexistence. These examples suggest that competition can and does occur
among mobile animals, that coexistence is very likely, and that competition
for shared and exclusive resources may be a major mechanism of coexistence.
Furthermore, recent work suggests that a general understanding of competition via coexistence through exclusive resources will allow ecologists to
address an old, but unresolved set of questions. These questions relate to
understanding competition among multiple species, not just pairs of similar
species, and how competition, together with predation, colonization, and local
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
extinction contribute to community structure and diversity.A critical component of this understanding lies in linking choice with heterogeneity and grain,
or the scale at which species respond to the environment. The most recent
work suggests that this linkage generates exclusive resources and contributes
significantly to coexistence among species.
5.2 Competition Among Mobile Animals
Extensive field experimental studies (Connell 1983; Schoener 1983; Sih et al.
1985) suggest that, among species pairs of mobile animals that seem likely to
compete, competition can be detected in 60–80 % of studies. Competition
occurs in a variety of taxa, including terrestrial and aquatic insects (Belovsky
1986; Evans 1995; Wissinger et al. 1996), salamanders (Hairston 1981, 1986;
Wilbur 1997; Brodman 1999), lizards (Losos and Spiller 1999; Petren and Case
1996, 1998), birds (Wiens 1992; Loeb and Hooper 1997) small (Heske et al.
1994; Rosenzweig and Abramsky 1997; Fasola and Canova 2000; Morris et al.
2000) and large mammals (Edwards et al. 1996), and fish (Werner and Hall
1979). Competition resulted in competitive exclusion of a species in very few
cases. Generally, each species differs in some critical way that allows it to avoid
competitive exclusion, even when competition is asymmetric, i.e., one species
is strongly numerically dominant to the other. Among sedentary organisms,
such as terrestrial plants and rocky intertidal organisms, species also differ
considerably, but one species very often competitively excludes others. Why is
coexistence much more prevalent among mobile animals? Although species
excluded in previous competition may no longer be present in existing communities, and thus experiments are biased against detecting competitive
exclusion, competition among existing mobile animal species appears much
more likely to result in coexistence than is competition among sedentary
organisms (Connell 1983; Schoener 1983).
The early theory of competition (Lotka 1925; Volterra 1926; Gause 1934)
readily showed that species could coexist if they each could not reach densities that would exclude the other. The common interpretation is that coexistence results when intraspecific competition limits a species’ density more
strongly than interspecific competition. In Lotka-Volterra competition, the
per capita effect of one species on another is constant, so coexistence is possible only if species’ effects on each other are weaker than their effects on themselves. Much later, Tilman (1982) showed that constant per capita competitive
effects result when species use all available resources only at different rates. If
species are limited by a single resource, such as silicon, nitrogen, or a food
species (Chaps. 3, 4, Rothhaupt 1988), then the species that can persist on the
lowest availability of that resource will competitively exclude the other. If
species compete for two or more resources, coexistence becomes possible, but
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only under a relatively narrow range of supply rates for the two types or
These models assume that resources are “well-mixed” in the environment
and that both species use all available resources, only at different rates. Two
decades of research of diets of mobile animals show that, for any given pair of
species, each species uses some resources (prey types, seed sizes, plant parts,
etc.) that the other cannot. Until the mid-1970s, the common interpretation
was that competition coefficients were constant but low if species showed low
overlap in resource use (MacArthur 1958; Levins 1968; Vandermeer 1972).
However, Schoener (1976) noticed that, if some resources used by each species
did not overlap, then species would not both use all available resources, only
at different rates. Instead, some resources would be exclusively available to
each species. In a series of mechanistic competition models, he showed that
sufficiently abundant exclusive resources for each species could support at
least a nominal density of each species regardless of the intensity of competition for shared resources, and thus virtually guarantee coexistence.
Why do exclusive resources for each species lead to coexistence whereas
constant per capita competitive effects yield it only under certain conditions?
Simple isocline diagrams of competitive interactions illustrate this (Fig. 5.1).
Classic Lotka-Volterra competition, in which per capita competitive effects
are constant, yields linear isoclines (Fig. 5.1A), or combinations of the two
species’ densities that lead to zero population growth for the two species.
Coexistence occurs only under a restricted range of conditions, i.e., species’
carrying capacities and per capita competitive effects – which begged the
question why coexistence was observed so often in the field (Hutchinson
1959). In laboratory experiments with fruit flies, Ayala et al. (1973) found that
per capita competitive effects of one fruit fly species were weaker when the
other species was at low density. These density-dependent, and thus not constant, per capita effects yield non-linear isoclines (Fig. 5.1B). Such effects
allow coexistence to occur under a wider range of conditions, but competitive
exclusion is still a likely possibility.
If each species has some exclusive resources in addition to shared
resources, then these exclusive resources can potentially maintain a certain
density of each species that is unaffected by competition from other species,
K'. Thus, interspecific competition cannot reduce a species’ density below K'.
This minimum density ‘bends” the competitive isoclines for each species, so
that they asymptote at the species’ density at K'. In this case, coexistence of the
pair of species occurs under all carrying capacities greater than K' (Fig. 5.1C),
and competitive exclusion is impossible as long as exclusive resources are sufficiently abundant that K' can be a viable population.
There is circumstantial evidence for exclusive resources among animal
species pairs in field data. First, literally hundreds of studies show that pairs of
species do not overlap completely in diet, so that diet items used only by one
species may constitute an exclusive resource. However, these “snapshots” of
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
(B) Density-Dependent Competition
(A) Constant Competition Coefficients
dN1/dt =0
dN1/dt =0
dN2/dt =0
dN2/dt =0
(C) Competition with Exclusive Resources
dN1/dt =0
dN2/dt =0
Fig. 5.1A–C. Hypothetical diagrams of zero net growth isoclines for two competing
species, with their respective equilibrium points. Isoclines represent combinations of the
numbers of the two species (N1, N2) that lead to either zero population growth of species
1 (dN1/dt=0) or of species 2 (dN2/dt=0). A Isoclines reflect classic Lotka-Volterra competition in which species use the same resources but at different rates. B Isoclines reflect
density-dependent competition in which the competitive effects of species 1 on species
2 weaken as species 2 becomes rarer, and vice versa, as observed in experiments with
fruit flies (Ayala et al. 1973). C isoclines reflect exclusive resources for each species, following Schoener (1976). In this case, N1' and N2' individuals of species 1 and 2, respectively, can persist only on their exclusive resource
diet overlap can be misleading, i.e., species may converge in diet toward the
more productive resource type as competition intensifies (Abrams 1990;
Ritchie and Tilman 1993) and diet overlap may change with species’ densities.
Likewise, diets may diverge under more intense competition in other situations (Abrams 1990; Ritchie and Tilman 1993), implying that more resources
are exclusively used and available under intense competition.
Better evidence for exclusive resources comes from field experiments with
herbivores. Among herbivores, species of different size may choose resource
items of different size and quality because of a trade-off between greater
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retention and digestion of low quality food in the digestive tract vs. higher
metabolic rate, and thus resource requirements, for larger animals (Van Soest
1985; Belovsky 1986, 1997). Different-sized herbivore species therefore may
partition plant parts (twigs, leaves, or parts of leaves) by their relative size and
quality (protein, soluble carbohydrate, and secondary chemical content) in a
way that generates unique sets of plant parts that are exclusively available to
each species (Fig. 5.2A).
Are there good examples of this trade-off generating the predicted exclusive resources and competitive coexistence? Moose (Alces alces) and snowshoe hare (Lepus canadensis) in the boreal forest on Isle Royale, Michigan,
USA, use exclusive sets of woody twigs during winter (Belovsky 1984)
(Fig. 5.2B). Moose require large twigs, but these can be of low quality (protein
content). Hares used smaller twigs than moose, but these were of higher quality than those required by moose. Furthermore, moose have access to twigs
growing higher aboveground than hares can reach, which provides them with
additional exclusive resources. Belovsky empirically derived competitive isoclines for each species (Fig. 5.2C) that strongly resemble those expected from
theory (Fig. 5.1C) and fit the curve shape expected from Schoener’s (1976)
model of competition for shared and exclusive resources better than the line
expected from a Lotka-Volterra model. The snowshoe hare isocline is generated from islands with hare but no moose and islands with moose at lower
than expected densities because of their difficulty in colonizing islands. The
moose isocline is generated from islands with moose but no hare, and sites on
the main island with different densities of hare. The expected equilibrium
densities from the fitted curves matches closely the average twig utilization of
moose and hare on the main island, and these densities closely correspond
with the densities that are apparently supported by their respective exclusive
Similar trade-offs and competitive dynamics were found for two competing grasshopper species in Montana grassland (Belovsky 1986) with experimental manipulation of densities in field cages (Fig. 5.2D). The isocline for
each species (target) was determined by placing the same number of the target species in the cage initially and maintaining the other species’ density at
different levels in different replicates and allowing populations inside cages to
decline to a constant density over the next 45 days. The amount of available
exclusive and shared resources was not measured, but the larger of the two
grasshopper species, the migratory grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes
(0.45 g), used larger leaves of lower dry-matter digestibility than the smaller
species, the red-legged grasshopper M. femurrubrum (0.25 g). The red-legged
grasshopper used smaller leaves of higher dry-matter digestibility than those
used by the migratory grasshoppers. Similar exclusive resources and asymptotic isoclines also were found in another study of competition in grasshoppers between a grass-feeding specialist and mixed feeder on both grasses and
forbs (Chase 1996). These few experiments are intriguing, but new experiF. Kröner, Heidelberg
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
(B) Moose and Snowshoe Hare
(A) Theory
Exclusive to Large
% Mineral + Protein
Exclusive to Small
Exclusive to Moose
Bite Size
(D) Grasshopper Isoclines
#Migratory Grasshoppers
# Twigs Removed by Hare
Twig Diameter (mm)
(C) Moose and Snowshoe Hare Isoclines
Exclusive to Hare
# Twigs Removed by Moose
Red-Legged Isocline
Migratory Isocline
# Red-Legged Grasshoppers
Fig. 5.2A–D. Examples of the application of competition for exclusive resources to generalist herbivores. A Hypothetical diagram (redrawn from Belovsky 1986, 1997) of minimum plant quality (QS*, QL*) and bite sizes (BS*, BL*) for small (S) and large (L) herbivores. Bite size (B*) is the minimum acceptable item size accepted by an herbivore
species. Trade-offs in these minimum thresholds lead to exclusive resources for each
species. B Observed minimum acceptable twig quality (mineral + protein content) and
twig bite size (diameter, mm) for moose and snowshoe hare relative to maximum twig
quality and size in the environment at Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA
(redrawn from Belovsky 1984). Note the much larger exclusive resource for moose and
the decline in maximum quality of shared twigs with increasing twig size (twigs decline
in quality as they get thicker and more woody). C Empirically derived competitive isoclines for moose and snowshoe hare (Belovsky 1984), assuming that the density of twigs
eaten by snowshoe hare (45° cut) and moose (shredded cut) are proportional to population density. D Experimentally determined isoclines and expected equilibrium point for
two competing grasshopper species in replicate field cages in Montana grassland
(redrawn from Belovsky 1986)
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mental tests with other taxa and trophic positions are needed to explore the
generality of competition for exclusive resources.
The average twig utilization levels for both moose and hare and the
observed densities of the two grasshopper species are near the values predicted from each species’ calculated exclusive resource. This occurs because
intense competition for shared resources quickly reduces each species’ population densities to their respective K’. Thus, densities approach those that can
be supported by only exclusive resources, despite the fact that the pairs of
species are competing for some shared resources.
Habitat segregation is another important mechanism of avoiding competition that can generate exclusive resources and robust conditions for species
coexistence. Habitat selection is often density-dependent (Fretwell 1972; Morris et al. 2000), so that, when a species is at sufficiently high densities, individuals may be forced to use a less-preferred habitat and face competition from
another species. Theoretically, such habitat shifts generate non-linear competitive isoclines with a perpendicular intersection, implying weak competition near equilibrium (Fig. 5.3). As shown with Rosenzweig’s (1981) “isoleg”
model, the “flattening” of isoclines, even over just a range of competitor densities, can make species coexistence likely. The isolegs reveal densities at
which each species find it profitable to occupy their less preferred habitat The
isoclines are flattened, or perpendicular, when two species, N1 and N2, are at
densities in the region between the isolegs. The species are able to use only
their different preferred habitats and avoid competition. At a high density of
species 1, N1>>N2 (below the isolegs), species 1 will also use shrubland in
addition to grassland and therefore compete with species 2, yielding linear
isoclines. Likewise, when species 2 is very abundant N2>>N1 (above the
isolegs), it will use grassland habitat, compete with species 1 and yield linear
isoclines. Exclusive habitat use among species can arise from trade-offs in
their risk of predation, food patch size and quality, or different abiotic conditions among different habitats. The best examples of this come from granivorous rodent communities in the Middle East (Brown et al. 1994; Rosenzweig
and Abramsky 1997; Garb et al. 2000) and southwestern United States (Brown
et al. 1979; Heske et al. 1994).
Although most experiments and other studies of competition have not
searched specifically for exclusive resources, the prevalence of coexistence,
and differentiation among species in size, diet, habitat selection, and predation risk constitute a strong fingerprint of exclusive resources. More importantly, exclusive resources imply that trade-offs in species traits do more than
just allow them to use resources at different rates. Instead, trade-offs generate
access to resources and spaces that make coexistence a probable, rather than
unusual, outcome of competition. If so, the detailed dynamics and full set of
parameters governing competition may be largely irrelevant to understanding competitive outcomes. Perhaps the most important thing to know about
two competing species is what determines their respective sets of exclusive
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
Competition with Habitat Segregation
Sp. 2 Uses
Species 2
Species 1
dN2/dt = 0
Habitat Preferences
Sp. 2 Uses
Sp. 1 Uses
Sp. 1 Uses
dN1/dt = 0
Fig. 5.3. Hypothetical example of Rosenzweig’s isoleg model for two small mammal
species (densities N1, N2) with density-dependent habitat selection. In this case, species 1
prefers grassland, while species 2 prefers shrubland. At density combinations, given by
the two increasing dashed lines (isolegs), where a species’ own density is low enough
and/or competitor density is high enough, a species will select completely for its preferred habitat. When both species do this (the region between the isolegs), the isoclines
for each species (dN1/dt=0, dN2/dt=0) flatten, so that each species is effectively using
exclusive resources and coexistence is assured
resources. Rather than measuring per capita competitive effects, measuring
the abundance of exclusive resources and how they are converted into population size K' may be more useful. Such measurements would require identifying the important morphological and physiological traits of species that
determine exclusive resources.
Ecologists ultimately wish to understand coexistence in whole communities, that is, among multiple species.While specific species pairs warrant more
detailed study of their competitive dynamics, a general understanding of
coexistence will probably come from relating competitive outcomes to traits
of multiple species. Resources that are exclusive when a pair of species competes might not be exclusive when multiple species compete. Consequently,
there is an increased need to understand competition in terms of exclusive
resources, and the multi-species trade-offs that generate them (Grime 1979;
Tilman 1990). If there are general patterns in the form of those trade-offs,
then coexistence models that ignore the detailed dynamics of species and
focus on the constraints on species’ exclusive resources may provide a powerful tool for understanding how competitive interactions structure communities and limit species diversity.
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5.3 Heterogeneity, Trade-Offs and Competition
Trade-offs between food quantity and quality, food abundance and predation
risk, or food and abiotic conditions may generally constrain competitive
interactions among mobile animals, just as trade-offs in resource use and colonization ability may define plant competition (Tilman 1994; Chaps. 2, 3, 7).
Why would the trade-offs be different for mobile vs sedentary animals? What
factors constrain these trade-offs? To answer these questions, we must return
again to issues of choice and scale. For animals to have choices in food and
habitat, and for species to differ in their choices, there must be heterogeneity
in food types (size, nutrition, ease of handling etc.) and habitat (patch size,
resource density). Heterogeneity in food size, patch size, or habitat patch size
is especially critical if competing species share a common resource type. One
species cannot choose large food patches or safe habitats if there is no variation in food patch size or habitat safety. Such heterogeneity must exist in
either space or time. Heterogeneity in space is particularly important for
mobile animals, since they encounter potentially many food patches and
habitat types in their movements, if such things vary across space.
Traditional competition models, such as Lotka-Volterra, assume, either
explicitly or implicitly, that resources are uniformly or randomly distributed.
In this case, resource density is not scale-dependent. There is thus no variation in resource density, food patch size, or habitat among which different
species can choose. Consequently, competition is determined by the different
rates at which species consume resources, leading to the classic resourcebased models of Tilman (1976, 1982) and Huisman et al. (1999) (see Chaps. 2,
3). If resources, food, or habitats are heterogeneous, then even species competing for a single limiting resource have the opportunity, through choices, to
select different-sized clusters of resources or habitat.
The importance of heterogeneity and size in influencing coexistence is
illustrated nicely in a field experiment with generalist grasshoppers in a Minnesota old-field prairie (Ritchie and Tilman 1992). This experiment showed
how the outcome of competition changed in association with heterogeneity in
plant food quality. For June (early) grass-feeding grasshopper species, the
smaller (0.5 g) speckle-winged grasshopper Arphia conspersa and the larger
(1 g) red-winged grasshopper Pardalophora apiculata competed strongly
when placed at high density in field cages. The speckle-winged grasshopper
competitively excluded the red-winged (5.4A), as predicted by their ability to
reduce grass biomass to a lower level than the red-winged grasshopper
(Fig. 5.4B). In this case, the diets of the two species contained about 80 % of the
grass Poa pratensis whether alone or in competition. These results are highly
consistent with the competitive exclusion of red-winged by speckle-winged
grasshoppers expected if both species reduced a completely shared single
resource but at different rates.
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
(A) Early Season
(C) Late Season
CV[N] = 0.16
CV[N] = 0.51
(B) Early Grass Biomass
Biomass (g/m2)
Biomass (g/m2)
Fig. 5
(D) Late Forb Biomass
Fig. 5.4A–D. Examples of competition among grasshopper species in June (early) and
August late in 0.36 m2 field cages (Ritchie and Tilman 1992). A Competitive exclusion of
the red-winged grasshopper by the speckle-winged grasshopper (mean ± SE densities
after 30 days in cages). B Mean (±) biomass of grasses (mainly Poa pratensis and
Schizachyrium scoparium) with different combinations of grasshopper species and without grasshoppers, showing the reduction in grass biomass by grasshoppers and the
greater reduction in grass biomass by the speckle-winged grasshopper. C Competitive
coexistence of the red-legged and two-striped grasshoppers, based on mean (±SE) densities after 30 days in cages. D Effects of grasshoppers on forb biomass (mean + SE),
showing about equal reduction of forb biomass by both species
In contrast, in August (late), the smaller (0.3 g) forb-feeding red-legged
grasshopper Melanoplus femurrubrum competed with but coexisted with the
larger (0.85 g) two-striped grasshopper M. bivittatus (Fig. 5.4C). This
occurred despite the fact that both species dramatically reduced forb biomass
by 75 %, and the red-legged grasshopper reduced it to a slightly lower level
than the two-striped grasshopper (Fig. 5.4D). Interestingly, the coefficient of
variation (C.V.) among different forb species in tissue N, a nutrient commonly
limiting to herbivores, was much higher in August than the C.V. of N in
grasses in June. In addition, both species consumed 75 % of their diet as forbs
when alone, but in competition, individual red-legged grasshoppers increased
the proportion of forbs in their diet to 95 %, while two-striped grasshoppers
decreased the proportion of forbs and increased the proportion of grasses
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diet to 50 %. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that the late-season
grasshopper species were able to partition a heterogeneous distribution of N
among grasses and forbs. Furthermore, the larger species selected resource
with lower N content (grasses) in response to competition, while the smaller
species selected the resource with higher N content (forbs) more strongly. It
was not determined in the study whether these diet shifts led to the use of
exclusive resources. However, these results, coupled with previous results
(Belovsky 1986, 1997; Chase 1996) for grasshoppers, provide circumstantial
evidence for the role of heterogeneity in generating exclusive resources and
competitive coexistence. More detailed experimental tests need to be performed in other systems and taxa to determine the generality of these results
and the role of exclusive resources in competition.
5.4 Scale and Heterogeneity
Heterogeneity is scale-dependent, but ecologists seldom recognize this
(Wiens 1995). One species, which detects variation at a very small scale of resolution or “grain”, finds many choices. Another species, which detects variation at a very large scale, may find the environment to be very homogeneous
because the species averages across the detailed variation detected by the
smaller-scaled species (Fig. 5.5). For example, humans might find a stretch of
beach sand to be very homogeneous because their scale of detection averages
across literally billions of sand grains.A sand flea, on the other hand, may find
tremendous variation in the density of algae from one clump of sand grains to
another, and thus find the beach to be very heterogeneous. Size is a critical
species characteristic that may influence the scale of resolution with which
animals perceive the environment, as seen in the size difference between a
human and a sand flea. It thus seems likely that body size, which is often different among coexisting species, influences how much heterogeneity is
detected and therefore what choices are available to a species. Thinking
explicitly about heterogeneity and size opens the door for incorporating size
into predictions about competitive outcomes.
Coupling organism scale with heterogeneity means that consumer choices
of different resource cluster size, as constrained by size or morphology, reflect
different scales of resolution. Larger-scaled species may only select resource
clusters that exceed a certain density, so that small resource clusters are effectively ignored (Fig. 5.5). This is a restatement of optimal foraging theory from
a resource distribution and scale perspective (Ritchie 1998). For non-randomly moving foragers attempting to maximize their encounter with
resources, smaller-scaled species should experience a higher average resource
density per patch (volume sampled) and greater numbers of acceptable
resource patches. Larger species encounter fewer acceptable patches, which
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
D = 1.64
Grain = 5
160 Patches
Density = 0.18
Grain = 20
74 Patches
Density = 0.12
Grain = 40
25 Patches
Density = 0.08
Fig. 5.5. Hypothetical landscapes (fractal dimension D=1.64) illustrating the reduction
in perceived resource density and increase in average resource patch size with increasing scale of perception, or “grain,” of foraging animals (bold circles). Smaller-grained
species detect all small resource patches and perceive large patches as conglomerates of
small patches. They thus perceive a high density (fraction of landscape occupied) of
resources but a low average resource patch size. Larger-grained species ignore the isolated small patches (colored gray when ignored), thus perceiving a lower overall density
of resources but a greater average patch size of resources. Note how the density of
resources within the spatial unit of resolution (circles, radius=grain) centered on
resource-occupied space, decreases as the size of the spatial unit increases. Thus, any
given “patch,” though larger on average, will decline in resource concentration as a forager’s grain size increases. (Ritchie 1998)
contain absolutely more resources per patch (volume sampled), but the
resources occur at a lower density per unit volume sampled. If large and small
species search the same number of patches per unit time, then the larger
species also samples a greater total volume per unit time. These mathematical
outcomes predict that species measure different quantities of a single
resource by virtue of their different scales, and may thus differ in the rate of
consumption of resources. Clearly, however, trade-offs in number, resource
density and size of resource patches encountered or accepted, as well as
search rate, suggest that differences in foraging scale among species provide
some potential for coexistence.
Recently, Wilson et al. (1999) has found that two marine snail species
(Tegula sp.) have different foraging strategies: (1) “diggers,” with a small scale
of resolution, reduce resource densities within patches to a lower level
(smaller minimum resource cluster size, and (2) “grazers,” with a larger foraging scale, leave patches with a higher remaining resource density but have a
higher search rate, i.e., sample more patches per unit time, than diggers. These
alternative strategies, which trade-off patch size selectivity with mobility and
search rate, contribute to the species’ coexistence in the field. Consequently,
size differences among species and non-uniform or non-random (heterogeF. Kröner, Heidelberg
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neous) distributions of resources and habitat allow species to differ in their
choices in ways that contribute to competitive coexistence.
Other traits besides size, per se, may determine a species’ grain or scale of
perception, such as activity range, and sensory system. For example, a terrestrial herbivorous snail is unlikely to perceive the environment at the same
scale of resolution as a more mobile grasshopper even though they are of similar body length and potentially consume the same food. Likewise, snakes,
which rely on olfactory perception to hunt small mammal prey, may perceive
the environment at a much smaller scale of resolution than raptors, which fly
and use vision to hunt similar prey (Capizzi and Luiseli 1996). Although the
idea of differences in grain size among species is not new (Hutchinson and
MacArthur 1959; Levins 1962), few data have been collected to test it. Recent
studies suggest that species behaviorally alter their scale of resolution, or minimum food density within a patch, in response to resource density and distribution (Morgan et al. 1997; Ritchie 1998; Kotler and Brown 1999) in a manner
predicted by optimal foraging theory. For example, Morgan et al. (1997) measured “giving up densities”, or GUDs, the density of seeds within a feeding
patch at which a forager will “give up” and move to another patch, for fox
squirrels (Sciurus niger). They found that squirrels applied a single GUD, or
minimum food patch size, when food patch density varied in a fine-grained
manner (among feeding trays), as predicted by classical optimal foraging theory (Charnov 1976).When food density varied at a large spatial scale (all trays
among different forest patches), squirrels varied their GUD according to the
food density at each site, with squirrels at the high food density site giving up
on patches at higher food densities than those at low food density sites. Therefore, species may differ morphologically, physiologically, and behaviorally in
ways that lead to differences in their grain or scale of perception and that
potentially allow competitive coexistence.
The issue of scale and heterogeneity becomes even more important when
one considers that many resource, food, and habitat distributions in nature
are approximately fractal. Fractal objects include the familiar Koch
snowflakes and Cantor sets of popular books (Mandelbrot 1982; Barnsley
1988) that repeat a particular geometric shape at ever-larger spatial scales,
such that it is impossible to determine what scale an image is being observed.
Distributions are also fractal if they are statistically self-similar, that is, have
the same statistical pattern of distribution across a range of scales of observation. In ecology, the resource distributions that affect competitive interactions
occur are typically evaluated across at least two to three orders of magnitude
in scale of observation. The measured quantities of fractal distributions are
scale-dependent: more of the quantity is detected when measured with a finer
scale of resolution (grain) (Fig. 5.6; Milne 1992; Milne et al. 1992; Ritchie
Some recent work (Palmer 1992; Milne et al. 1992; Brown 1995; Ritchie
1998; Ritchie and Olff 1999) suggests that fractal geometry may provide a new
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
Log (#pixels, M)
c= 0.19
c= 0.72
M = cxD
Log (x)
Fig. 5.6. Hypothetical resource distributions (dark areas) with identical density (15 % of landscape occupied), A
random, B fractal. The fractal nature of
distribution B is demonstrated in C by a
plot of average number of occupied
(dark) pixels within windows of length
x surrounding occupied pixels (the sliding window method of Milne 1997).
Distribution B shows a constant slope
across two orders of magnitude in scale,
but this slope, equal to the fractal
dimension D, is less than 2, which is the
slope of a similar plot for the random
distribution A. The intercept at
log(x)=0, x=1, is higher for the fractal
distribution because occupied pixels in
the fractal distribution are much more
likely to have adjacent pixels occupied
than those in the random distribution.
If a distribution is fractal, then its quantity (M) can be described with the simple power law M=cxD where c is a prefactor that is proportional to both
density and clustering
framework for thinking about community structure and competitive coexistence. This framework incorporates two major factors, heterogeneity and
scale, that influence mobile organisms. Fractal geometry can be used to
describe complex, heterogeneous distributions of resources in space
(Fig. 5.6). A species’ scale of perception influences its use of habitat and
resources within this complex habitat. Thresholds of resource cluster size that
different species use can generate exclusive resources available to multiple
competing species. These choices of different cluster size, as constrained by
size or morphology, reflect different scales of resolution, and influence the
resource density detected by each (Fig. 5.5). These exclusive resources can
define conditions for species’ persistence, regardless of the details of competitive dynamics, carrying capacities, and rates of resource consumption. In this
way, the role of competition in structuring a community is applied across all
species rather than particular pairs.
As an example of this approach, Han Olff and I developed a model to predict the coexistence and abundance of species of different body size within
communities that share a common resource (Ritchie and Olff 1999). These
resources, however, were assumed to be contained in some other material we
called food. We assumed that different-sized species perceived resources,
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food-containing resources, and habitat at grains (scale of resolution) proportional to their body size. These different perceptions led to a predicted tradeoff: larger species require larger food patches but can tolerate lower resource
concentrations within food, while smaller species can tolerate smaller food
patch sizes but these must be of higher resource concentration. This trade-off
emerges from the fundamental nature of scale-dependent foraging (Fig. 5.5)
and generates exclusive resources for species of different size: each species has
a unique set of food patches of a particular size and resource concentration
(Fig. 5.7). Regardless of competitive dynamics with any of the other species, a
given species can persist in a community if its exclusive resources are sufficiently available. Persistence thus depends on how far apart competing
species are in size. Thus, species diversity and community structure can be
predicted by calculating how many species can be “packed” into an environment (sensu MacArthur 1969).
Patch Size(P)
Resource Concentration(R)
Patch Size(P)
Rk* Rj* Ri*
Exclusive Niches
Pk *
Pj *
Resource Concentration(R)
F. Kröner, Heidelberg
Fig. 5.7a–c. Graphic representation of the model
of minimum acceptable food patch size (P) (food
density per sampling volume) and resource concentration (R) for species with different foraging
scale (grain) (Ritchie and Olff 1999). a Any given
forager can match resource losses by consuming
a minimum required resource amount. This
requirement can be met by consuming large food
patches that are low in resource concentration or
small food patches that are high in resource concentration (trade-off curve T). If the forager
simultaneously minimizes food patch size and
resource concentration (R*, P*) along this tradeoff curve to avoid competition, then it will use all
patches that exceed these minima in size and
resource concentration. b The R*, P* for each
species change in opposite directions with
increasing foraging scale (grain) indicating a
trade-off between food patch size and resource
concentration for species of different body size. c
Because of this trade-off, species of different size,
and presumably different foraging scale (grain)
have unique R*, P* values that give them an
exclusive niche, that is, access to food patches of a
particular size and resource concentration
(shaded areas). These exclusive niches (species k,
hatching; species j, shaded; species i, waves )
emerge because the trade-off curves for ever
larger species occur ever farther from the origin.
Intermediately sized species j coexists if its exclusive niche is sufficiently large, or if it sufficiently
separated in size from species i and k
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Competition and Coexistence of Mobile Animals
The model predicts patterns of body size ratios in communities, the distribution of diversity vs. body size, diversity-productivity relationships, speciesarea relationships and the effect of habitat fragmentation on diversity. For
example, the model predicts left-skewed distributions of diversity vs. size
(Fig. 5.8) for guilds, or species using the same resource type, that contrast with
log-normal or even right-skewed distributions normally reported for regional
or continental faunas in the literature. This left-skewed distribution arises
from the fact that small food patches with high resource concentrations are
statistically rare if both food and resources have a fractal distribution. This
forces smaller species to be separated more in size than larger species. This
prediction agrees surprisingly well with observed patterns of species diversity vs size for different guilds (Fig. 5.8). The other predictions about diversity-productivity, diversity-fragmentation and species-area relationships also
# Species
Chihuahuan Desert
Vertebrate Granivores
# Species
# Species
Great Basin Vascular Plants
1 1.5
2 2.5 3
ln(Crown Width(cm))
F. Kröner, Heidelberg
3.5 4
Fig. 5.8a–c. Size structure of locally
coexisting guilds of species (those consuming the same resource) from the
scale-dependent patch size and
resource concentration model
(Fig. 5.7). a Prediction, showing a
strong left-skewed distribution in the
number of species in different body
size classes. b, c Observed diversity vs.
size distributions for selected guilds
from b body lengths for desert granivores (Brown and Davidson 1977;
Brown et al. 1979; Davidson et al. 1980,
1985) and c average crown widths for
herbaceous and woody plants from a
sagebrush community in northern
Utah (Ritchie, unpubl. data). For other
similar patterns (not shown) for folivorous vertebrate herbivores from the
Serengeti, East Africa and herbaceous
plants in a Minnesota (USA) oak
savanna, see Ritchie and Olff (1999)
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agree surprisingly well with observed data for species guilds (Ritchie and Olff
1999; Olff and Ritchie 2001).
Other models that generate trade-offs and constraints on exclusive
resources can make similar predictions. For example, Belovsky (1997; Fig. 5.2)
derived trade-offs between food intake rate and digestive turnover rate with
body size for herbivores to yield exclusive resources in competition. Tradeoffs between food patch size vs within-patch resource concentration may
exist within granivorous rodent communities (Kotler and Brown 1999), as
they did for marine snails (Wilson et al. 1999). In field tests in the Negev
Desert, large gerbils (Gerbillus sp.) left patches (higher GUDs) with more
seeds remaining than smaller gerbils, suggesting that larger foragers select
only large seed patches and thus perceive the environment in a more coarsegrained manner than smaller rodents. These GUDs directly correspond to a
minimum seed consumption rate, and thus could conceivably be used to calculate a minimum size similarity and community structure for a guild of
granivorous species (Brown et al. 1994; Garb et al. 2000).
5.5 New Challenges
A quarter century of field experiments shows that mobile animal species do
compete, but not at all points in space and time, and that diet (resource) and
habitat separation are major mechanisms of coexistence among pairs of
species. Circumstantial evidence and a small number of experimental tests
suggest that many pairs of species may have exclusive resources, and such
resources effectively prevent competitive exclusion. This firming up of the
existence and importance of competition places us back at the same intellectual forefront ecologists faced in the early 1970s. The question remains: how
do the competitive interactions among species, when they are important,
structure ecological communities? This question effectively refocuses attention on mechanistic community ecology, in that ecologists must determine
how individual species traits influence their competitive dynamics with other
species. Despite two decades of experimental studies of species interactions,
predation, and indirect interactions (Wootton 1994; Schmitz et al. 2000) relatively little progress has been made in predicting community structure from
species’ traits, particularly of mobile animals. Understanding coexistence
among mobile species presents an array of challenges that have never been
resolved despite the issue’s popularity in the 1960s and 1970s.
The first challenge is deriving quantitative predictions of community
structure from competitive and other species interactions. Despite well over a
century of exploration of major patterns in species abundance, size structure,
and diversity within ecological communities, the theory of community ecology remains fragmented and poorly able to explain these patterns in a unified
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way. Spatial scaling may be a critical axis of niche differentiation that contributes to exclusive resources and coexistence. If so, using fractal geometry to
generate scale-dependent models of species coexistence (Palmer 1992; Milne
et al. 1992; Brown 1995; Ritchie and Olff 1999) is a first step towards linking
exploitative competition with community ecology. The ability of scale-dependent models to predict community-level patterns from first principles suggests new avenues of empirical research that explore patterns and experimentally test for relationships between body size differences among species,
trade-offs in resource use, exclusive resources, and the diversity and abundance of multiple species in communities. The models resulting from this
scaling approach should help ecologists more fully understand the role of
spatial heterogeneity in influencing community structure and species diversity.
More generally, ecologists need to expand the concept of “choice” to dispersal of sedentary organisms in space (Tilman 1994) and foraging of roots
and leaves (Campbell et al. 1991). They also need to better understand the
magnitude of temporal variation in resources. This will require matching life
history scaling laws (Charnov 1993) with temporal dynamics of resources
(Chesson 1994) and raises the possibility of temporal scales of resolution as
axes for coexistence. Thinking of organism scale, whether spatial or temporal,
in ways not related to body size, as I discussed earlier, may provide powerful
new insights.
Most of the attention in this chapter has focused on how species partition
resources in ways that affect their resource intake rates. However, these
choices can affect their loss rates of resources as well. Predation may vary in
space, and prey species may modify their choices in habitats with high predation risk in order to balance the gain in fitness from resource consumption
with the loss in fitness from predation. For example, foragers often increase
their food GUD in riskier habitats because the higher rate of resource return
from high within-patch food density is needed to balance the greater
expected mortality rate from predation (Sih et al. 1985; Kotler and Brown
1999; Schmitz et al. 1997, 2000). In light of Morgan et al.’s (1997) results for fox
squirrels, predation risk may influence habitat and food patch choice at different spatial scales, and may do so differently for larger vs smaller species
that differ in their inherent predation risk. This area of research needs more
explicitly developed hypotheses and experimental tests by comparing
resource patch selection under conditions with high vs low predation risk.
Similar types of trade-offs may also exist between varying abiotic conditions
and food or resource patch size (Ritchie 2000).
Although competition is but one species interaction that affects community structure, a new theory of community structure that incorporates scale,
heterogeneity and the concept of exclusive resources should spark many new
experiments and increased understanding of the simultaneous coexistence of
multiple species. At the least, coexistence should not be seen as an anomaly,
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and the question: “Why are there this many species?” should replace “Why are
there so many species?” This new understanding could greatly help in conserving biodiversity. Such theory could predict which species and communities are most vulnerable to habitat loss and fragmentation (Olff and Ritchie
2001), which communities might be most easily invaded (Leibold 1996), and
the necessary conditions for restored habitats to support high levels of diversity. Successful predictions of this sort would further the development of a
comprehensive synthetic theory of biodiversity and rejuvenate efforts to conserve diversity worldwide. The multitude of diversity patterns at all spatial
and temporal scales of data collection and observation may ultimately be unified as a single body of knowledge. Together with appropriate neutral models,
and mechanisms such as predation, colonization, extinction and biogeographic history, the role of competition in species coexistence should once
again be recognized and used to help understand controls on biodiversity.
Acknowledgements. I thank the editors, Sebastian Diehl, Han Olff, Joel Brown, and an
anonymous reviewer for comments on various aspects of the manuscript. My own work
reported in this chapter was supported by the US National Science Foundation, the Utah
State University Ecology Center and Utah Agriculture Experiment Station.
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