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Comparative Critical Studies 6, 2, pp. 233–250
DOI: 10.3366/E174418540900072X
© BCLA 2009
Latin American Gender Studies in the
Twenty-First Century
In her much cited 1972 poem, ‘Meditación en el umbral’, Mexican
writer Rosario Castellanos captures vividly and unforgettably the sense
of potentiality and frustration that might be said to define the early days
of second generation women’s rights and cultural work: the threshold
exists, she can imagine crossing it, but cannot yet see what is on the
other side:
Debe de haber otro modo que no se llame Safo
Ni Mesalina ni María Egipciaca
Ni Magdalena ni Clemencia Isaura.
Otro modo de ser humano y libre
Otro modo de ser.1
There must be another way that is not named Sappho
Nor Mesalina nor María Egipciaca
Nor Magdalena nor Clemencia Isaura.
Another way to be human and free.
Another way to be.
For Castellanos, and for many other activists of her/my generation,
that struggle was punctuated by still-potent names like Tlatelolco, the
Sorbonne, and Kent State.2 It was the generation of authoritarian
regimes in the southern cone of Latin America, of the tremendous
upswelling of women-headed social movements: las Madres de la Plaza
de Mayo in Argentina, the Colectivo de la Media Luna in El Salvador,
the Flora Tristán Institute in Peru. Hers was the struggle to put women’s
rights on national and international agendas: to raise consciousness about
issues relative to wage work, domestic labor, motherhood, the body,
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reproduction, race, identity, sexualities, violence. Hers was the effort to
promote recognition of women’s creativity, and women’s claim to the
world of the mind.
The literary/academic side of this struggle was on the first level a
labour of rescue (to identify authors and reissue works by women, gays,
African-Latin-Americans) and of evaluation (to integrate these ‘marked’
categories into the largely heterosexual, male, dominant cultural understandings of national and international literary projects). At the same
time, Latin American and Latin Americanist scholars began to explore
the many varieties of feminist theorization: ‘French’, ‘American’,
socialist, maternalist, essentialist, ‘global’, local, international. Concomitantly in Latin America in the late twentieth century there was an
explosive growth of presses, galleries, exhibitions, performances; of
grassroots activism, position papers and theoretical writings, creative
work of all sorts by women writers and artists loosely agglomerated as
the so-called 1980s ‘boom’. ‘It is exhilarating’, says Joanna O’Connell
in an optimistic moment, ‘to recognize the dimensions of the changes
that have occurred in that short time: despite often extreme conditions,
women’s ideas, voices, and leadership are transforming the social and
political landscape of Latin America’ (220).3 These exchanges were
further instantiated in the creation of gender studies programmes in
many countries throughout the hemisphere, and the sharing of information and resources through NGOs and increasingly complex websites
and action networks. The result is that, today, an online search for
materials related to Latin American gender studies limited to the domain
‘edu’ gives the curious researcher access to many millions of sites.
And then, of course, as we all know, came what was on the other
side of that particular threshold. The political realm was marked by
institutionalization with the return of democracy and the establishment
of ministry-level women’s affairs appointments. The intense activity of
the 1960s–1980s was followed by a certain complacency as an already
empowered centre began to reproduce itself, as movement politics
fractured into lobbying factions, and parts of it were coopted. The history
of activism culminated in the 1995 Beijing conference and seemed to lose
focus after that historic event. In the academic realm, weakly established
feminist projects began to erode. Peruvian Maruja Barrig summarizes
this recent history succinctly:
Beginning in 1993, feminists in Latin America and the Caribbean worked tirelessly
to bring together scattered groups of women across the region and to create spaces
where women could debate and articulate their dreams prior to the 1995 Beijing
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Global Conference on Women. Those efforts produced the national documents of
the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and led to the parallel sessions that took
place alongside the official gathering of the United Nations in Beijing. [. . . ] In the
years since the burst of jubilation that was Beijing, the feminist movement in Latin
America has splintered into fragments, and other hands appear to have picked up
the pieces. As several studies of regional feminism in the post-Beijing era suggest,
not only has feminist militancy redefined itself in ways that opened the floodgates for
diverse and sometimes irreconcilable strategies, but also the linguistic codes – those
countersigns that we activists used to identify ourselves – have been picked up by
officialdom and endowed with new meanings, almost with the consent of feminists.4
Recent history, then, moves quickly from militancy (including armed
militancy) in the 1970s, through the new social movements and the
literary boom of the 1980s, to the fragmentation of the 1990s. Then came
the backlash.
Recently, a sobering re-evaluation has turned to the much-discussed,
supposed domination of women writers in the Hispanic literary scene
during the last decades. Only in the last few years have scholars begun to
look at the actual numbers and question whether the presence of women
writers during and since the so-called 1980s boom is as overwhelming
and real as we have been imagining, or something far more nominal.
Scholars like Christine Henseler, Jill Robbins, and Laura Freixas have
been conducting serious, sociologically-based studies of the publishing
industry and the media coverage of literary writers, and have learned that
the perceived feminization of the literary world is much exaggerated. In
Spain, the fifth largest publishing industry in the world5 and centre for
the publication of much Latin American fiction, the number of books by
women writers remains stable at approximately 20% of total published
titles. Furthermore, despite the touted visibility of those few women
writers who have garnered significant media attention, Henseler finds
that in almost every respect ‘the publishing panorama that women writers
faced in the 1990s displayed characteristics similar to those of the late
nineteenth century and first three decades of the twentieth century’.6
The woman writer, Freixas and Henseler argue, is still seen as a
novelty, and, while she can be perceived as newsworthy in the popular
press, particularly if she is young and attractive, she is seldom taken
seriously as an important writer or thinker by the more elite publications.
As Freixas has shown in her exhaustive review of quotes from Spanish
media, at the end of the twentieth century ‘femenino’ still meant
‘inferior’.7 Thus, it is not surprising that the most successful women
writers strongly prefer identification in gender-neutral terms, and firmly
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reject categorization as ‘women writers’ because, they find, such labels
stigmatize their work. Along parallel lines, even those fields of literary
and cultural inquiry that are most deeply indebted to feminist analysis
now frequently shy away from citing their foundational sources for fear of
marginalization.8 The case of the testimonio is a particularly evident one:
identified with underclass political activism and women testimonialists,
this was one of the hottest genres for analysis in the 1980s and early
1990s, but seems entirely obsolete now. In a few years, people like
Rigoberta Menchú and Domitila Barrios became celebrities, their works
made ubiquitous in academic courses across many fields, and in quick
succession they were canonized, absorbed into the mainstream, decried,
had the potency of their message diluted, and are now almost ignored.
Taking into account the metropolitan context reveals an additional,
and largely unexplored axis in the relation between feminization and
women’s writing. In Europe and in the U.S., feminized literature and
Latin America tend to go hand-in-hand as marginalized categories (this,
at the same time as, and not unrelated to, the phenomenon of the
lingering appeal of Che Guevara, Emiliano Zapata, and Subcomandante
Marcos, who in handsome silk screen prints retain their smoldering
and virile sexual power). These days, as García Canclini notes, the
choice of which books will be published and circulated in specific
countries is decided, not by the country, but by international editors
operating in Europe or the U.S.9 Thus, Jill Robbins’s question is highly
relevant: ‘Which Latin American texts do Spaniards choose as potential
best-sellers in Spain?’ Her analysis shows that metropolitans do not
choose women’s writing, but, significantly, ‘they choose those [texts] that
reflect Spain’s imaginary construction of Latin America as a feminized,
indigenized, exoticized, revolutionary trope’.10 Books that are marketed
for transnational sales and translation, that make international bestseller
lists, frequently play to these stereotypes. Even more critically, these are
the books that have the most access to the various national markets as
well. Openly feminist editors like Esther Tusquets were forced into early
retirement when their presses were sold to international conglomerates11 ;
feminism, and more broadly, gender and sexuality studies, tend to be
all but ignored in literary exchanges, as a complicating variable that
somehow seems to be uncomfortably, and indeed almost self-consciously,
displaced outside the boundaries of ongoing discussions.
Irenne García says, furthermore: ‘unlike the critics from the “first
world”, Latin American women have not created schools, currents, or
traditions [. . .] Photocopies of photocopies pass from hand to hand
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among the scholars avid to read each other, to debate each other, to
study each other [. . .] Tied to all that, Latin American criticism lacks
something essential: legitimacy – not just institutional, but also social
legitimacy’.12 Chilean scholar Raquel Olea adds: ‘Feminism comes from
“no-where” into spaces where its discursivity does not yet have a history,
where it does not yet have the capacity even to negotiate or enter into
Unfortunately, moreover, metropolitan theoretical discourse only
partially and imperfectly maps onto the Latin American situation.
The selective representation of reality in metropolitan discourse may
depend upon discriminatory projects as its very basis. In an acute
critique of Slavoj Žižek, for example, Catherine Walsh points out the
patterns of patronization in his thinking and argues that ‘the cultural
logic of global capitalism comes to serve as a modern day form of
colonization that obfuscates and at the same time maintains the colonial
difference through the discursive rhetoric of multiculturalism’.14 Oscar
Guardiola Rivera adds a recognition of ‘the constitutive role of gender in
producing colonial spatial differentiation and actual globalized epistemic
differentiation’.15 In a more responsible body of inquiry, these unequal
global exchanges of theoretical capital would be ameliorated by analyses
that recognize the limitations and shortcomings of metropolitan thought,
not only taking account of the fundamental challenges of local cultural
effects, but also by amending shortsighted projects so as more fully to
engage transnational thinking – and specifically a transnational body of
thought that sees how gender construction inextricably engages colonial
and globalized geopolitics of knowledge.
Clearly, from the perspective of thirty years later, the record of the late
twentieth-century activism with respect to the gay, lesbian, and feminist
social and literary movements is a mixed one. The outsider of the 1970s
has become incorporated in the 1990s without a sustained intellectual
grounding. The challenge posed in the 1970s and 1980s – of creating new
orders of representation that would reshape intellectual discussion such
that an awareness of gendered implications becomes part and parcel of
every discussion of the text, the nation, history, the author – has largely
evaporated, ignored in favour of a continuing, uncomfortable, tokenism.
Gender studies still seems to come from nowhere, and even with internet
exchanges of pdfs partly replacing the old photocopies, the possibilities
of engaged dialogue remain severely limited. As Jean Franco writes: ‘For
many on the left, feminism is still viewed as if the “woman question”
were somehow separate from the big macho topics of globalization, the
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financialization of the world, pauperization and the environment, when
in fact it is crucially involved in these issues’.16
Given all these obstacles, the question that exercises us, then, for the
rest of this paper, is: how are gendered perspectives incorporated into
the discussions of unmarked categories in the most recent major reference
works and theoretical texts?
The new benchmark Latin American literary histories from the end of
the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first century capture the shift
from activism to nervousness about presumed achievements in opening
up the critical field. Often, even as they celebrate a new inclusiveness,
they implicitly reflect upon their own discomfort with their continuing
practice of a merely token representation of the old, marked categories,
one that does not demand a fundamental, across-the-board rethinking
of the masculinist presuppositions that continue to dominate the bulk of
academic discourse. Three specific cases will serve as examples for our
purposes here.
The end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first
centuries saw the publication of competing monumental enterprises
headed by Mario Valdés (Oxford) and Roberto González Echevarría
(Cambridge). Both of these comprehensive literary histories make room
for an expanded understanding of the field, with chapters looking
at Amerindian, U.S. Latino, Brazilian, and Afro-Hispanic literary
traditions, along with the other formerly excluded categories marked
by gender: women and gay men. Likewise, many current anthologies
of an inclusive and theoretical bent, represented for our purposes by
the forthcoming Duke University Press volume Coloniality at Large
have similarly ambitious claims to a greater range in representation
for formerly marked groups, and, indeed, make claims to the projects’
novelness on these grounds. The Cambridge and Oxford literary histories
belong fundamentally to the same mid-late 1990s era,17 as work began on
them and invitations went out to collaborators at roughly the same time,
though the first saw print in 1996 and the latter not until 2004 (five years
after its originally projected publication date, with substantial revisions
and updating along the way). Work began on Coloniality at Large in 2003,
and it appeared in 2008. The three volumes, then, serve as a snapshot of
the state of the field of the decade starting in the mid-1990s.
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In some sense, these are very non-Latin American projects, in a
manner adumbrated by Sylvia Molloy, who has in several forums
discussed the different quality of diversity talk in the U.S./Europe and
Latin America, to the detriment of the latter. For example, she finds
that her use of the personal ‘I’ in a paper on queering Latin American
literature, identifies her in U.S. academic circles as a member of a
recognized and generally respected intellectual community, whereas in
the Latin American context it is ‘seen as a self-identifying gesture, but
one devoid of group representativeness and institutional backing; it is a
gesture of dissent within a monovocalizing cultural tradition not eager to
think through its diversity, sexual or otherwise’.18
Keeping in mind critiques like those of García, Olea, Walsh, and
Molloy, allows us to readily appreciate the dilemma faced by the editors
of these volumes, and it is indeed a damnably difficult one: always
skirting the threats of patronizing on the metropolitan side, parochialism
on the Latin American. By and large, the reader is asked to pick through
the volumes, looking for the unusual, happy instance of progressive,
ample thinking that enables a fuller understanding of Latin American
cultural realities, one that satisfies both the metropolitan and the various
Latin American perspectives.
The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature, edited by Roberto
González Echevarría and Enrique Pupo Walker, has come under
criticism along just these lines of pandering to metropolitan tastes.
The ‘General Preface’ argues for the importance of colonial Latin
American studies partly by citing ‘international symposia devoted solely
to colonial literature, as well as sessions within established, periodical
meetings, such as the yearly conventions of the Modern Language
Association of America’.19 Stephen Greenblatt cites this passage in an
article on changes in contemporary modes of literary history and notes
the curious turn by which the MLA is used to confer academic legitimacy
on a Latin American enterprise. He argues that, in such appeals
to metropolitan attention, ‘what we are witnessing is the pragmatic,
strategic appropriation of the national model of literary history [. . . ] in
order to confer authority on an emergent group’.20 In the metropolitan
context, then, the MLA and the Cambridge University Press to some
degree define and empower ‘Latin America’ as a valid cultural unit
of analysis, akin to a western nation, with a long and rich literary
history. Furthermore, the same measure is used to distinguish the Latin
American claims on metropolitan attention from the less worthy claims
of the third world. González Echevarría and Pupo Walker say it directly;
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comparing Latin American to Third World literature would lead to
‘gross distortion’, they write: ‘desire for solidarity with the Third World
is a significant element of recent Latin American literature perhaps
even as a movement, but it does not make of Latin American literature
a Third-World literature’.21 Interestingly, in this exchange, Stephen
Greenblatt, a metropolitan critic, is ascribing to the Cambridge History
editors the kind of anxiety about their ‘emergent group’ status that the
authors of the preface would be quick to deny as a third-world symptom.
The preface does, however, clearly indicate the intended audience for
their project: metropolitan-based and biased students of Latin American
literature for whom inclusion in the MLA is a significant marker of
The Cambridge History is divided into three volumes along traditional
literary historical lines, separating Spanish America from Portuguese
America, and subdividing Spanish America chronologically between two
volumes: I: ‘Discovery to Modernism’; II: ‘The Twentieth Century’; III:
‘Brazilian literature’. Each volume has seventeen to eighteen chapters,
authored mostly by very distinguished scholars, a few of whom have
more than one contribution to the project. Volume III also includes
extensive general bibliographies for all three volumes. In their ‘General
Preface’, the editors highlight their concern for addressing historically
marginalized categories: ‘this is the first history of Latin American
literature to provide detailed coverage of the colonial period, the
works of women writers, and the literature written in Spanish by
Chicano and other Hispanic authors in the various regions of North
America. Similarly, this is the first history of Latin American literature
to link meaningfully the works of Afro-Hispanic and Afro-American
Yet, for all the boldness of their statement about inclusiveness, from
the perspective of a diversity- and gender-conscious scholar, the context
surrounding it in the co-authored ‘General Preface’, and in González
Echevarría’s ‘Introduction to Volume II’, leaves a great deal to be
desired. The preface makes no reference to specific Afro-Hispanic or
indigenous writers, and only to a single woman writer – Sor Juana Inés
de la Cruz – who is referenced three times: once in a list of colonial era
writers, and twice as the subject of a book by Mexican Nobel-prizewinning poet Octavio Paz. Two other women’s names appear in the
preface. Asunción Lavrin’s name comes up as a contributor to Volume
I; and Alicia de Colombí-Monguió is cited as the author of an important
book on the Peruvian Petrarchan tradition. At the same time, important
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mid-twentieth century male writers like Octavio Paz, Pablo Neruda,
Alejo Carpentier, and Gabriel García Márquez receive multiple
In his ‘Introduction’, González Echevarría again makes multiple
references to Paz, Carpentier, and García Márquez, but Afro-Hispanism
and ‘indigenist’ or ‘indigenista’ writing (that is, literature by nonindigenous supporters or promoters of indigenous cultures) are given
only one sentence each, in the context of their importance as inspiration
for such dominant culture writers as Carpentier and Mario Vargas
Llosa.23 He does not include any reference in these general comments to
authors from the U.S.-Spanish language tradition, and outside of citing
the names of female chapter contributors to the volume, the only mention
of women writers appears in a single, vague, isolated paragraph, here
cited in full:
The work of women writers has been a focus of attention in the past few years.
Earlier writers like Teresa de la Parra and Rosario Castellanos have been the object
of numerous studies, and current ones like Elena Poniatowska, Luisa Valenzuela,
and Isabel Allende have received considerable critical acclaim. An effort to rewrite
the history of Latin American literature to include women writers unjustly neglected
previously has met with some success. This History has made a deliberate effort in
that direction.24
Valdés and Valdés cite a figure of 93.7% of total pages dedicated
to writing by men and 6.3% to women writers in Spanish literary
histories through 1975.25 While I did not tabulate actual pages of
coverage, The Cambridge History, by my rough and dirty count, has
at most a 10% representation of women’s names in its index for the
twentieth-century Spanish American and Brazilian volumes,26 and far
sparser representation of women in the volume covering literature before
the twentieth century – suggesting little improvement over the midtwentieth century model, and certainly far short of the conservative 20%
that would be the minimum representation one would expect, given the
pessimistic picture revealed by recent publishing studies.
The organization of the Brazilian volume is almost entirely
chronological, with each contributor taking responsibility for a specific
literary genre in a specific time period (e.g. ‘poetry from the l830s to the
l880s’). The Spanish American contemporary volume has more topical
chapters, and while they include Vera Kutzinski’s overview of AfroHispanic literature, there is no chapter focusing on indigenous writing
(there is one on indigenist literature). As promised, references to women
writers occur at least marginally in the individual chapters, but there is
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no chapter focusing specifically on questions of gender and sexuality,
and almost none that structurally incorporate the insights derived from
feminist theoretical approaches.
‘Feminism’ has index entries in both of the contemporary volumes.
In the Brazilian literature volume there are two references. One makes a
passing allusion to feminism in a long list of ‘dominant critical trends’27 ;
the other, longer reference occurs in K. David Jackson’s account of the
Brazilian short story, where, with a capaciousness unusual to this volume,
he dedicates four paragraphs to women writers: one each for Clarice
Lispector, Nélida Piñon, and Edla van Steen, as well as a miscellaneous
paragraph that refers to five other women (less than two pages total).28
The twentieth-century Spanish American volume has four references:
the obligatory mention in a list of critical trends29 and three more
substantial comments: (1) two sentences on Dolores Prida, including
mention of the importance of the United States women’s movement to
her theatre,30 and (2) a nearly two-page discussion of important Chicana
writers.31 The most important and integrated discussion reflecting an
awareness of the contributions to theory of gender analysis comes in
Sandra Cypess’ overview of Spanish American theatre, one of the few
places in this project where works by women and men of diverse races
and sexualities are woven together, balancing and enhancing the whole – a
model for the way in which a gender-conscious scholar can catalyze a
rethinking of the entire field.
The Oxford Literary Cultures of Latin America: A Comparative History
project has a very different structure.32 This is a monumental project
on any terms, involving thirty coordinators in ten subdivisions and over
two hundred separate contributions, two-thirds of which were originally
written in languages other than English (French, Portuguese, Spanish).
The project was undertaken after extensive research into the genre
of literary historiography and a series of multinational meetings with
collaborators over a period of eight years beginning in 1993. The overt
intent of this project is not only to provide a comprehensive literary
panorama of the continent, but more radically, to rethink literary history
as a format and Latin America as a conceptual space. In the ‘series
overview’ Valdés and Linda Hutcheon speak passionately about the
project that absorbed them for so many years, a personal and intellectual
commitment that responded to what they call ‘a moral imperative’.33
The words ‘literary’ and ‘history’ are widely separated in the title and
subtitle of the project. Especially important is the modifier ‘comparative’
in the subtitle, a clear indication of the transnational and transdisciplinary
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awareness that animates the work overall. Grounding this understanding
of literary history is the recognition that people live, work, and write
in more than one language community at the same time (that Linda
Hutcheon and Mario Valdés, two of the three animating intellects for
the volume, have Canadian, rather than U.S. affiliations is surely telling,
and the third, Djelal Kadir, specifically mentions the uniqueness of
someone with his name involved in a project of this sort).34 Indeed,
the first paragraph of Mario Valdés’s general introduction signals
that a comparatist perspective is crucial for this rethinking, so as to
appropriately recognize and give weight to all three main traditions of
American culture: European, Amerindian, and African. He follows this
observation with another comparatist reminder, one that crosses national
boundaries, to note that in studying the African diaspora, for instance,
the responsible scholar needs to take into account the fact than only 5%
of enslaved Africans went to the U.S., whereas 40% were sent to Brazil
and 40% to the Caribbean.35 By design, this project is, thus, comparative
in a broad sense: in Valdés’s definition: a ‘collaborative interdisciplinary
study of the production and reception of literature in specific social and
cultural contexts. The nation need no longer be the model’.36
The contributions to this project are gathered in three volumes,
divided along axes that do not reflect traditional period/genre
chronologies: I: ‘Configurations of Literary Culture’; II: “Institutional
Modes and Cultural Modalities’; III: ‘Subject to History’. Inspired by
Foucault and Braudel, this more flexible structure learns from Foucault
the value of a discontinuous history organized around ‘multiple dialectic
encounters’ that will require an active reader to participate in and pursue
inquiries.37 Braudel helps remind the editorial team of the importance
of paying attention to diverse elements within culture, and of opening
the project to the broader social context, including perspectives from
disciplines like sociology, economics, and demography that are not
traditionally part of literary historical studies. Individual articles range
widely: colonial women, contemporary lesbian and gay writers, Mayan
theatre, Zapotec poetry, Afro-Latin American fiction, museum culture,
the Catholic church, bio-politics. Because the range of topics is so broad,
and so suggestively interwoven, nothing stands out as tokenism. Overall,
Valdés and his collaborators have created a rich, fascinating sea to dip
into, but, as Valdés’s call to an active reader in his introduction intimates,
this comparative history is not as user-friendly as traditional literary
history volumes. While it is full of interesting material and unexpected
connections, unlike traditional studies, or even the Cambridge volumes,
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it is difficult to imagine using it in the time-honoured service of quickly
cribbing for exams.
Coloniality at Large’s three editors include a scholar well known for her
gender-attentive work, an internationally recognized philosopher, and
a young scholar with strong technological affiliations.38 The thirty-two
contributors represent a veritable who’s who in current Latin American
theoretical dialogue. The gender-conscious comparatist coming to this
volume from the expansive Valdés literary history will immediately see
how the two projects almost too neatly fall into a mid-90s openness on
the one hand, and a gradual closing of possibilities symptomatic of this
postfeminist moment on the other. Thus, the Cambridge literary history
makes an overt gesture toward inclusivity that goes largely unfulfilled,
the Valdés project offers a multi-threaded capaciousness, and the Duke
book largely seems to propose that gender studies are all well and good in
their place, but this volume is where real theorists speak about important
topics. Curiously, the contributor list to Coloniality at Large includes a
subset of prominent thinkers who in earlier decades had been closely
identified with spearheading a reevaluation of gender theory in Latin
American scholarship, but here seldom inflect their analyses with insights
from feminist theory or cite women scholars.
The volume is, of course, united by its focus on colonial and
postcolonial theory, and as such is strongly transnational and comparative
in its orientation. The roster of theorists referenced in general
background discussions, except for Gayatri Spivak, are all prominent
men. More than one scholar refers to the ‘holy trinity’, a set of
touchstone figures – Homi Bhabha, Edward Said, and Spivak – who are
cited over and over by almost everyone, and that list is supplemented
by Guha, Foucault, Lacan, and Derrida as the presiding theorymeisters
from the international canon. On the Latin America side, the most
significant citation index is entirely male: Dussel, Cornejo Polar, Rama,
O’Gorman, García Canclini, Martín Barbero, Mignolo, Quijano, and
Fernández Retamar, implicitly framing the strong subaltern studies
emphasis of most of the contributors to this volume. There is, almost too
obviously, the obligatory token gender article, here R. Aida Hernández
Castillo’s ‘On Feminisms and Postcolonialisms’. This article, along
with an isolated subsection of Arturo Escobar’s paper, ‘Engendering
Modernity/Coloniality’, that dedicates six pages to the inadequacy
of the dominant (male) theoretical models in addressing questions of
feminist epistemology, and five pages on Chilean feminist scholar Nelly
Richard in the contribution by Román de la Campa, constitute almost
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the entirety of overt gender analysis in this 900-page manuscript.
Scholars with strong feminist credentials but whose work here does
not embrace a gendered perspective include Sara Castro Klarén (on
Mariátegui), Elzbieta Sklodowska (on Benítez Rojo), Iris Zavala, and
Amaryll Chanady.
Only three of the thirty-two chapters, outside of the isolated ‘feminist’
article, fully incorporate a gender perspective as an integral aspect
of theoretical analysis – Mary Louise Pratt (who, without focusing on
gender per se, beautifully incorporates insights from feminist analysis
into her study of imperial perspectives), Silvia Nagi-Zekmi (looking
at transculturation in Gómez Peña and Anzaldúa with the help of
Judith Butler), and Arturo Arias (whose discussion of the problem of
machismo is fully integrated into his exploration of the significance of
the Maya movement). This is not unexpected in a high theory volume,
but discouraging in the mid-00s. It reminds us once again that despite
the 1980s promise that gendered analysis would inflect and enrich our
literary and cultural analyses across the board, little has changed in
the privileged and more valued realms of theoretical discourse, where
the obligation to think more inclusively continues to be met through
inclusion of a token article, or ghettoized subsection, perhaps even a
throw-away reference to the absolute cruciality of gender theory for all
serious study. As of yet, high theory has felt no imperative to rethink the
fundamental structures of its discourse, and continues to reproduce itself
through a limited bibliography of shared texts that define the discursive
field, and define it through an unmarked male perspective.
If these volumes represent the state of literary historical scholarship at
the turn of the twenty-first century, what, to use Castellanos’s term, is the
current threshold for gender-conscious scholars? In Latin America, the
post-Beijing ideological backlash and movement fragmentation occurred
at the same time as postfeminism took hold in the metropolitan centres.
Twenty years ago, says Marta Lamas, a prominent Mexican feminist and
founder of the influential journal Debate femenista, there was little interest
in the protests of ‘a few crazy feminists’ (‘unas cuantas locas femenistas’)
now, she argues, ‘there is a worldwide dispute over controlling women’s
ideology’ (‘hay una disputa mundial por controlar la ideología de las
mujeres’).39 In an environment where it seems that two steps back are
taken for every difficult step forward, activists like Rosario Castellanos,
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for good or ill, continue to set the agenda for contemporary thinkers:
we still echo her concerns about the body and subjectivity, about the
relationships to power, about the way national symbols interact with
both popular and high culture. At the same time, mutatis mutandis,
gender studies scholars and activists, as well as authors concerned with
representing gender diversity in their works, are learning to become
attentive to a restructuring of priorities with the transnationalization of
gender studies in the post-2000 neoliberal, globalized landscape.
As the activists of the 1960s to 1980s age, and as we become
the mothers and grandmothers of today’s young thinkers, generational
factors also come into play in a way recent scholarship is reluctant to
engage except as a symptom of backlash. Already a 1996 Mexico City
study offers a snapshot of this postfeminist trend: only one third of the
people surveyed in a study of 1,700 individuals of diverse educational,
age, and class backgrounds had positive feeling towards feminism (largely
women, with 16% of the men). The other two thirds of the respondents
were divided evenly between those with a negative attitude towards
feminists and feminism, and those who were uniformed or indifferent – a
63% negative response. Strikingly, the strongest negative responses came
from the most educated (university students) and the richest (upper class)
survey subjects.40
For women from the second generation, still scarred by the incomplete
nature of our long struggles, this repudiation or indifference is
confounding, particularly since, continentally, some form of girl power
is hot in popular culture. Do we interpret this phenomenon as the
consequence of an imperfectly consolidated movement that has lost its
purchase? A younger generation’s typical rejection of their mothers’
ideals? A hostility framed on socio-political grounds, but which is really
based on resentment of the older generation’s presuming to dictate what
is correct? Part of a resistance to theory in general? Or the mothers’
discomfort with their sons’ and daughters’ engagement with the popular
forms of the twenty-first century that we see as dispersing their creative
and activist energies? To what degree are the local/nationally focused
social movements of the 1970s to 1980s out of step with young Latin
America’s participation in the postmodern globalization of cultures?
Many of these younger scholars and writers are engaged in a
transnational field of work, including identity and gender work, that we
have been slow to recognize or support. We mothers may fall in line with
the fathers, mourning the loss of cultural specificity in recent literary
work – certainly, one of the most familiar charges against the MacOndo
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Latin American Gender Studies
generation of the 1990s was their overinvestment in international popular
culture and perceived lack of sufficient engagement with local realities.41
Yet, to be fair, from the perspective of the next generation, in the area
of gender and sexuality studies, in their understanding of their relation
to their cultural and identitarian investments, national and regionallybound models look insufficient. As students of Latin America and
Latin American authors themselves become increasingly transnational,
their commitments and networks likewise transcend continental borders.
Young, transnational writers with strong gender awareness in their work
would include novelists as varied as Cristina Civale (who comfortably
inhabits cyberspace) and many authors who live transnationally and write
biculturally in the U.S., Europe, or Asia as well as Latin America:
Lina Meruane (Chile and New York), Mario Bellatín (Mexico and
an imaginary Japan), Giannina Braschi (Puerto Rico and the U.S.),
Jaime Bayly (Peru and Miami), Karen Tei Yamashita (California and
Brazil), Anna Kazumi Stahl (U.S. born of Japanese-German descent, she
lives in Argentina and writes in Spanish).42 James Green and Florence
Babb argue that, increasingly, such writers are the norm rather than,
as in earlier eras, the privileged exception: ‘We must now be willing
to consider the flows of individuals, cultural products, information,
technologies, and political movements across borders that are fast altering
sexual landscapes in Latin America and beyond’.43
These young authors are turning ‘Latin America’ into a fact rather
than merely a useful hermeneutic fiction for Western scholarship, and
inhabit a world far different from the Paris or New York of an earlier
generation of writers, people like Alejo Carpentier, Carlos Fuentes,
Severo Sarduy, and Manuel Puig, as well as globetrotting foremothers
from Flora Tristán to Luisa Futoransky. Less overtly militant than
their activist mothers, their gender consciousness often seems more
integral to the shape of their narratives. Working from their multilingual
and transnational understandings, they respond indirectly to an earlier
generation’s questioning of the status of (national) literary studies, and
reinvent the task of the writer in an increasingly globalized intellectual
world. They use parody and pastiche to show, between the lines,
the association among power, knowledge, and gender. As writers and
thinkers from this generation rise to greater prominence in the academic
world as well as the literary one, we will undoubtedly see new forms
of comparative Latin American literary historical scholarship. But, as
Castellanos so wisely noted, that is a threshold we cannot imagine until
we cross it.
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1 Rosario Castellanos, Poesía no eres tú: Obra poética 1948–1971 (Mexico: Fondo de
cultura económica, 1972), p. 316.
2 This is not to ignore the long history of activism in many countries. In Mexico,
for instance, more than 700 women gathered in Mérida, Yucatán, in 1916 for what
was billed as the ‘First Feminist Conference’; and other national and international
conferences were held throughout the 1920s. See Jocelyn Olcott, Revolutionary
Women in Postrevolutionary Mexico (Durham: Duke University Press, 2005),
pp. 28–31 and p. 39.
3 Joanna O’Connell, ‘Social Justice’, Signs 20:1 (1994), 219–222.
4 Maruja Barrig, ‘Latin American Feminism: Gains, Losses and Hard Times’,
NACLA Report on the Americas 34:5 (2001). Accessed 16/5/2006. http:// proquest.
5 Book publishing has become increasingly international; for instance Lumen,
Mondadori, Grijalbo, Electa, Debate, Montena and Plaza y Janés are now owned
by U.S. publisher Random House, which is a subsidiary of the German-based
international giant, Bertelsmann, making this group the second largest Spanishlanguage publisher in the world. Many decisions about Latin American publishing,
thus, run through New York and Spain, and indirectly through Germany. See Jill
Robbins, ‘Globalization, Publishing, and the Marketing of “Hispanic” Identities’,
Iberoamericana 3:9 (2003), 89–101.
6 Christine Henseler, Contemporary Spanish Women’s Narrative and the Publishing
Industry (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003), p. 3.
7 See Henseler, Contemporary, p. 2. also Laura Freixas, Literatura y mujeres (Barcelona:
Destino, 2000), p. 37.
8 Amy Kaminsky, ‘Feminist Criticism and Latin American Literary Scholarship’,
Dispositio/n 49 (2000), 135–153.
9 Néstor García Canclini, La globalización imaginada (Mexico: Paidos, 1999), p. 152.
10 Robbins, ‘Globalization’, p. 99.
11 Ibid., p. 92.
12 ‘a diferencia de las críticas del “primer mundo” las latinoamericanas no han creado
escuelas, corrientes o tradiciones [. . . ] Fotocopias de fotocopias pasan de mano en
mano entre las estudiosas ávidas de leerse, debatirse, estudiarse [. . . ] Aunado a
todo esto, la crítica femenista latinoamericana carece de algo esencial: legitimidad,
no solo institucional, sino social, como femenista’; Irenne García, ‘Teoría literaria
femenista: el problema de la representación’, Debate femenista 5:9 (1994), 113–115,
this quotation p. 112.
13 Raquel Olea, ‘Feminism: Modern or Postmodern?’, in The Postmodernism Debate in
Latin America, edited by John Beverley, José Oviedo, and Michael Aronna (Durham:
Duke University Press, 1995), pp. 192–200, p. 197.
14 Catherine Walsh, ‘The (Re)articulation of Political Subjectivities and Colonial
Difference in Ecuador: Reflections on Capitalism and the Geopolitics of Knowledge’,
Nepantla 3:1 (2002), 61–97, p. 83.
15 Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, ‘In State of Grace: Ideology, Capitalism, and the
Geopolitics of Knowledge’, Nepantl 3:1 (2002), 15–38, p. 29.
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Latin American Gender Studies
16 Jean Franco, ‘The Long March of Feminism’, NACLA Report on the Americas
31:4 (Jan/Feb 1998). Accessed 16/5/2006. /pqdweb?did=25875719&sid=1&Fmt=3&clientId=8424&RQT=
17 Beyond their domination of international publishing, there is an obvious reason why
these U.S. and British publishers are privileged in this article. The concept of ‘Latin
America’ as a useful rubric has limited currency within the vastly different cultures
it references. The term, as is well known, was developed by the French so as to
include their own colonial history along with that of the Iberian countries, and to
exclude the Anglo cultures. However, except for the rare Canadian scholar, few
Latin Americanists would include Quebec in ‘Latin American’ surveys, which in the
best of cases make passing references only to Haiti. Likewise, the volumes that limit
‘Latin America’ to those territories formerly colonized by Spain and Portugal have
mixed records of attention to the majority languages in countries like Paraguay and
the United States, where Spanish is not the dominant language.
18 Sylvia Molloy, ‘Mock Heroics and Personal Markings’, PMLA 111:5 (1996),
1072–1075, p. 1074.
19 The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature, edited by Roberto González
Echevarría and Enrique Pupo-Walker (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1996), p. xiv.
20 Stephen Greenblatt, ‘Racial Memory and Literary History’, PMLA. 116:1 (2001),
21 González Echevarría, Cambridge History, p. xvi.
22 Ibid., p. xii.
23 Ibid., p. 3.
24 Ibid., p. 4.
25 María Elena Valdés and Mario Valdés, ‘Rethinking Latin American Literary
History’, in Latin America As Its Literature, edited by Mario Valdés et al. (New York:
Council on National Literatures, 1995), pp. 68–85, p. 72.
26 Thus in the Brazilian volume, out of 929 names cited in the index, 94 were women.
27 González Echevarría, Cambridge History, p. 339.
28 Ibid., p. 229–231.
29 Ibid., p. 414.
30 Ibid., p. 554.
31 Ibid., pp. 580–582.
32 Full disclosure: I am a contributor to this project.
33 Literary Cultures of Latin America: A Comparative History, edited by Mario J. Valdés
and Djelal Kadir (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004), p. xxx.
34 Ibid., p. xxxiii.
35 Ibid., p. xvii.
36 Ibid., p. xix.
37 Ibid., p. xx. Here, and elsewhere, Valdés and his collaborators seem to be pointing
to a hyperlinked electronic resource as the ideal form for this project rather than the
printed book.
38 Coloniality at Large: Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate, edited by Mabel
Moraña, Enrique Dussel, and Carlos Jáuregui (Durham: Duke University Press,
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39 Marta Lamas, ‘. . . que veinte años no es nada’, Debate femenista 6:12 (1995), ix–xiii,
40 Ana Lau, Eli Bartra and Anna Fernández Poncela, Femenismo en México: ayer y hoy
(Mexico: UAM-Xochimilco, 2000), passim.
41 A typical MacOndo writer’s response would be that the so-called “realities” they are
asked to represent are metropolitan wish fulfillments based on 1960s magical realism;
see earlier comment on publishing trends. Alberto Fuguet says: ‘I never felt that
Latin America was the way it was portrayed in the books we had to read’; and fellow
MacOndo writer Edmundo Paz-Soldán adds: ‘You can call us alienated kids who are
sold out on American pop culture, but it’s the truth of our times’ (in Nicole LaForte,
‘New Era Succeeds Years of Solitude’, New York Times 4 January 2003; accessed
42 See Amy Kaminsky, After Exile: Writing the Latin American Diaspora (Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press, 1999) for a suggestive analysis of the 1970s–1980s
diaspora of Latin American writers, mostly in Europe and the U.S. Analyses of
specifically gay and transgendered diasporas can be found in David William Foster,
‘The Homoerotic Diaspora in Latin America’, Latin American Perspectives 29:2
(2002), 163–189 and in Ben Sifuentes-Jáuregui, Transvestism, Masculinity, and Latin
American Literature (New York: Palgrave, 2002).
43 James N. Green and Florence E. Babb, ‘Introduction’ to the special issue: ‘Gender,
Sexuality, and Same-Sex Desire in Latin America’, Latin American Perspectives 29:2
(2002), 3–23, p. 18.