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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Bridging the Air Gap: An
Information Assurance
Christopher John Richardson
Ministry of Defence
Defence College of CIS
Blandford Forum
27 August 2012
Engineering Doctorate
Bridging the Air Gap is a Ministry of Defence (MoD)
sponsored research into the assurance of Cross Domain
Solutions(CDS); to discover and examine the possible impact
and exposure implications of establishing, operating and
managing highly classified systems that are operationally
required to multilaterally, multilevel interface with lower
classified domains, coalition networks and possibly the
Internet. Information Assurance (IA) is the key to trusting,
maintaining and developing Defence Cyber Operations and
Information Exploitation capabilities. MoD’s Network
Enabled Capability (NEC) has intrinsic and often complex
interdependencies, information interactions and knowledge
transactions which can be chaotic, unsafe, insecure and
untrusted. To comprehend, structure, make safe, secure and
risk manage the NEC’s enterprise architecture, its integrity
and dependability requires educated IA practitioners and an
assured, cultured aware user community.
Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Crown Copyright 2012
Published by the Defence College of Communications and Information Systems
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by
any means (this includes photocopying, electronic, mechanical or otherwise) without the
permission of the copyright owner.
This report has been written by Christopher John Richardson, MoD sponsored Research
Engineer on the EPSRC Engineering Doctorate Degree Course, University of Southampton,
2007– 2012. This particular paper is a redacted version of the original UK Restricted Thesis.
The views expressed in this thesis, together with any recommendations, are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Defence College of Communication and Information Systems or
any of its staff. This report therefore has no official standing as a Ministry of Defence document
and must not be quoted as such. Further, such views should not be considered as constituting an
official endorsement of factual accuracy, opinion, conclusion or recommendation of the UK
Ministry of Defence or any other department of Her Britannic Majesty’s Government of the
United Kingdom.
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Christopher John Richardson
Research Student:
[email protected]
Electronics and Computer Science
Ministry of Defence
Industrial Mentors:
Mr Adrian Price and Mr Nigel Rich
Dr. Peter R. Wilson
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Research Engineer
Christopher John Richardson
Research Engineer
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
Telephone: 01202 966670
[email protected]
Industrial Sponsor
Adrian Price
Head of Information Security Policy
Directorate of Defence Security
Ministry of Defence
London SW1A 2HB
Telephone: 020 7218 3746
[email protected]
Industrial Supervisor
Nigel Rich
Head of Department
ICT Faculty, Old School Building
Defence College of Communications and Information
Blandford Forum
Dorset DT11 8RH
Telephone: 01258 482272
[email protected]
Academic Supervisor
Dr Peter R. Wilson
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
Telephone: 023 8059 4162
[email protected]
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Thesis Abstract
Name of university
Name of Faculty
Degree for which thesis is submitted
Title of thesis
Full name of author
The military has 5 domains of operations: Land, Sea, Air, Space and now Cyber. This 5th
Domain is a heterogeneous network (of networks) of Communication and Information
Systems (CIS) which were designed and accredited to meet Netcentric capability
requirements; to be robust, secure and functional to the organisation’s needs. Those
needs have changed.
In the globalised economy and across the Battlespace,
organisations now need to share information. Keeping our secrets, secret has been the
watchwords of Information Security and the accreditation process; whilst sharing them
securely across coalition, geo-physically dispersed networks has become the cyber
security dilemma.
The diversity of Advanced Persistent Threats, the contagion of Cyber Power and
insecurity of coalition Interoperability has generated a plethora of vulnerabilities to the
Cyber Domain. Necessity (fiscal and time-constraints) has created security gaps in
deployed CIS architectures through their interconnections. This federated environment
for superior decision making and shared situational awareness requires that Bridging
the (new capability) Gaps needs to be more than just improving security
(Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) mechanisms to the technical system
interfaces. The solution needs a new approach to creating and understanding a trusted,
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
social-technical CIS environment and how these (sensitive) information assets should
be managed, stored and transmitted.
Information Assurance (IA) offers a cohesive architecture for coalition system (of
systems) interoperability; the identification of strategies, skills and business processes
required for effective information operations, management and exploitation.
provides trusted, risk managed social-technical (Enterprise) infrastructures which are
safe, resilient, dependable and secure. This thesis redefines IA architecture and creates
models that recognise the integrated, complex issues within technical to organisational
interoperability and the assurance that the right information is delivered to the right
people at the right time in a trustworthy environment and identifies the need for IA
practitioners and a necessary IA education for all Cyber Warriors.
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Academic Thesis: Declaration of Authorship
I, Christopher John Richardson, declare that this thesis and the work
presented in it are my own and has been generated by me as the result of my
own original research.
Bridging the Air Gap:
An Information Assurance Perspective
I confirm that:
1. This work was done wholly or mainly while in candidature for a research
degree at this University;
2. Where any part of this thesis has previously been submitted for a degree or
any other qualification at this University or any other institution, this has
been clearly stated;
3. Where I have consulted the published work of others, this is always clearly
4. Where I have quoted from the work of others, the source is always given.
With the exception of such quotations, this thesis is entirely my own work;
5. I have acknowledged all main sources of help;
6. Where the thesis is based on work done by myself jointly with others, I have
made clear exactly what was done by others and what I have contributed
7. Either none of this work has been published before submission, or parts of
this work have been published as:
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Richardson, C. J. (2007). Security: a necessary compromise? NATO
Conference, Bletchley Park, 26 June 2007. Telindus.
Richardson, C. J. (2008). Bridging an IA Capability Gap. Realising Network
Enabled Capability (RNEC’08), NECTICE, Leeds, UK, 13 October 2008. NECTISE
Loughbourgh University.
Richardson, C. J. (2009). A Holistic Approach to Effective Information
Assurance Education. Military Information Assurance and Security
Symposium, MoD Abbey Wood, 16 April 2009. Cobham Technical Services.
Richardson, C. J. (2011). Cyberspace: The 5th Domain. Cyber Security 2011,
Brussels, Beliguim, 31 May- 1 June 2011. IQPC.
Richardson, C. J. (2011). Information Assurance: Holistic and Human Centric.
iGRC TD2 Presentation, Birkbeck, University of London Symposium, 15
December 2011. Bournemouth University
Richardson, C. J. (2012, June 5). The Assurance of Socio-Technical Enterprise
Operations. MSc Information Assurance Module 2. London, UK.
Date: 4th July 2012
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In loving memory of Shirley Richardson (May 1937- June 2010), my mother who
saw me through my life, but didn’t manage to see this Thesis completed.
This is my opportunity to say Thank You...
My inspiration has always been the challenge of the unknown, finding the limits of my
understanding and then pushing the barrier outwards. For that I thank Adrian Price
and Dr Stuart Wray for opening the door to Information Security and its Assurance.
Both had a totally different but authoritative perspective to this vast, complex domain
of knowledge and understanding. I also must thank my colleagues at the Ministry of
Defence (MoD) Defence College of Communications and Information Systems (DCCIS)
who have supported my work, analysis and evaluations, my line manager and Director,
Nigel Rich.
Thanks to my fellow researchers and friends Paul McCreeth and Dr Michael Jones who
have shared the pleasures of discovery and hardships of necessary selfishness in the
starting and completion of research degrees. A special appreciation to my friend and
fellow lecturer Alexander Wilson as his considerable insight to Traffic Engineering and
Network Simulation has given balance and some reality to the research. He’s an
enthusiastic engineer and an innovative artist that has made the impossible, possible.
Furthermore, I thank the support and encouragement from the research scientist at the
Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTL); the project engineers at the Defence
Equipment and Support (DE&S); the Directorate of Security and Safety, MoD’s Chief
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Information Office and The Defence Working Groups that have entertain and listen to
my opinions and observations which provoked insights to the complexities of this
research; and the National School of Government, in particular the listening and advice
from Sharon Wiltshire.
A special thank you to Dr Peter Wilson, my long suffering Academic Supervisor at the
University of Southampton whose encouragement and leadership was always been
implicit and timely; a wise man who knew the time when to inject and when to leave
alone; to Dr Neil Richardson, FESM Assistant Dean and Head of Industry Doctoral
Training Centre (IDTC) and his hard working assistant Sally Hawthorne who kept me
informed on everything and the staff of the School of Electronics and Computer Science
(ECS) at Southampton University, where many have contributed time and giving a
helping hand to my work. To the Southampton University’s School of Management who
broaden my strategic vision and most of the taught elements of the Engineering
Doctorate and to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and
the Ministry of Defence who financially sponsored my thesis and research engineering
My personal thanks go to my family and friends. To my three wonderful children,
Helen, Fiona and Alexander whose support and kindness I have needed on many a
tiring weekend. To my life-long friend Regina Elliott who open my mind to other
alternative interpretations of real and virtual space. Over the past years I have lost
many precious moments as thoughts, energies and time were devoted to the pursuit
and rigours of this doctorate’s academic goal and research. It has been a discovery and
an awaking to the constant determinant that Bridging the Air Gap has no foreseeable
final resolution and pursuing the goals formulates further, more intricate, problems,
however at some point a stake needed to be driven home and a Thesis written.
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Copyright ........................................................................................................................................ i
Disclaimer....................................................................................................................................... i
Thesis Abstract ............................................................................................................................. iv
Academic Thesis: Declaration of Authorship .............................................................................. vi
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... viii
Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................... xii
Thesis Tables .............................................................................................................................. xiv
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................... xvv
Bridging the Gap: An Information Perspective ............................................................................. 1
A New World .................................................................................................................... 5
Coalition Collaboration .................................................................................................... 7
1.2 The Research Approach ........................................................................................................15
Purpose…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
The Culture .....................................................................................................................18
The Threat ......................................................................................................................24
Convergence ..................................................................................................................45
The Assured Position of Information ..........................................................................................48
The Cyber Landscape: Understanding the Need to Share .............................................51
The FUD Contagion ........................................................................................................63
Shared Situational Awareness........................................................................................67
Assurance: From Machine to Organisation ...................................................................69
Assuring Layers of Interoperability ................................................................................70
Positioning Information Assurance at the Heart of Cyber Operations ..........................88
The Cyber Defence Jigsaw ..............................................................................................95
The Strategic IA Model .................................................................................................101
Human Factors of Assurance .......................................................................................104
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Modelling the Assurance Component ...................................................................................... 110
Assured Knowledge Transfer ....................................................................................... 113
Organisation’s Inherent Inabilities .............................................................................. 117
The 3-Layers of Understanding ................................................................................... 120
Information Vision ....................................................................................................... 123
The I-Stack Model ........................................................................................................ 131
The Socio-Technical Centre of Gravity ........................................................................ 133
The Policies and Practice Framework .......................................................................... 138
3.4 Creating a Reference Model for IA ..................................................................................... 152
Bridging Gaps in Education and the Profession ....................................................................... 154
4.1 Bridging the Professional Gaps........................................................................................... 158
Federated Education ................................................................................................... 175
The Right Skills ............................................................................................................. 175
4.3 Building an Information Assurance Competency Framework............................................ 190
Thesis Conclusion – Managing the Holistic Paradigms ............................................................ 195
5.1 Business Solutions to the Bridging the Gap ....................................................................... 200
Strategic Reprise .......................................................................................................... 203
Reprise of the Cross Domain ....................................................................................... 206
5.2 Assuring the Human-Cyber Interexchange ........................................................................ 207
Reprise of the IA Models ............................................................................................. 208
5.3 The Future Direction and Studies of IA .............................................................................. 212
Reprise Contributions .................................................................................................. 213
5.4 IA Bridges ............................................................................................................................ 215
Future Work ................................................................................................................ 216
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 217
References ................................................................................................................................ xviii
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Table of Figures
Figure 1: Netcentric Operations and Military Mobility (Benedict, 2011) ................................3
Figure 2: The LISI Interoperability Maturity Model (2004) ....................................................... 10
Figure 3: The Military Information Lattice (Richardson C. J., 2011) ....................................... 12
Figure 4: Discovering the Cause and Effects of Bridging the Gaps .......................................... 16
Figure 5: Network Centric Operations Layers of Interoperability (Källqvist, 2008) ....... 19
Figure 6: Network Centric Warfare Metric Framework (Tolk, 2003) .................................... 20
Figure 7: Strategic Asset of Assurance to the Enterprise (Borland, 2008)........................... 30
Figure 8: Human Centricity of Information Assurance................................................................. 31
Figure 9: Network and Information Enabled Situational Awareness ..................................... 42
Figure 10: GIG Incremental phased approach for the IA Component ................................... 44
Figure 11: The layers of Cyberspace (US PAM 525-7-8, 2010) ................................................. 50
Figure 12: DARPA’s National Cyber Range (Shatchman, 2010)................................................ 51
Figure 13: Sailing the Cyber Sea (Stavridis & Parker, 2012) ...................................................... 52
Figure 14: Assurance of Information Operations (Richardson C. J., 2008b)........................ 54
Figure 15: Elements of the Information Domain (Richardson C. J., 2009b)......................... 55
Figure 16: Gaining Information Superiority in the Information Environment................... 58
Figure 17: Stacking and interconnecting the KID-CIP loops in a Coalition Network ....... 59
Figure 18: Unmanned Aircraft Systems Control Segment Architecture (DoD, 2010) ..... 60
Figure 19: Persistent Threats and Emerging Missions (Richardson, C.J., 2010) ................ 65
Figure 20 Real and Virtual Communities to Maslow’s Hierarchy ............................................ 68
Figure 21: Composite Model of Interoperability (Richardson, C.J., 2010)............................ 74
Figure 22: A timeline of Computing and Cyber Insecurity (Richardson C. J., 2011)......... 77
Figure 23: The Plethora of Attack Vectors to Cyberspace (Richardson C. J., 2008b) ....... 82
Figure 24: OECD framework relating individual competencies (OECD, 2005) .................. 85
Figure 25: Fundamental principles by overlapping domains .................................................. 86
Figure 26: Strategic Positioning of Information Assurance in the Business Process....... 88
Figure 27 Strategic Goal of Information Assurance (Richardson C. J., 2008b) ................... 90
Figure 28: The Social Informatics Venn .............................................................................................. 91
Figure 29: The Ogdoadic Concept Map of the Computational Paradigm .............................. 92
Figure 30: A Framework of Social Information Systems (Ohta & Yamamoto, 1995) ...... 93
Figure 31: The Alignment of the Information Assurance across the CIS Domain ............. 96
Figure 32: The HCI of Assurance and Potential Threats ........................................................... 100
Figure 33: Cyber Trust and Crime Prevention-Web of Components ................................... 106
Figure 34: The Composite Strategic Information Assurance Model .................................... 108
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Figure 35: Information Pyramid Reference Model to Socio-Technical Enterprises ...... 112
Figure 36: The Common Approach to the US Federal Enterprise Architecture............... 114
Figure 37: The Enabling Architecture of the Socio-Technical Enterprise ........................ 115
Figure 38: System Security Failings: Insecurity in the Enterprise and its operations .. 117
Figure 39: The Assured Space – Structured, Dependable, Secure and Trusted ............... 118
Figure 40: Mapping the Defensive Components of a Socio-Technical Enterprise ....... 119
Figure 41: The Contextual Continuum of Real and Virtual Space ......................................... 120
Figure 42: Enterprise Architecture Business Drivers ................................................................. 123
Figure 43: Information Value Chain for government, (Gresham & Andrulis, 2002) ...... 127
Figure 44: Superior Decision Making Information Framework ............................................. 129
Figure 45: The Governance of a Socio-Technical Enterprise ................................................... 130
Figure 46: Components of Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) .............................. 132
Figure 47: The Information Stack and the Joint Functional Concept ................................... 133
Figure 48: The Influence of Assurance to the MoD S's Information Strategy ................... 134
Figure 49: The Strategic Information Asset Seven Ring Concept Model............................. 136
Figure 50: EBO Steps to creating the Centre of Gravity, (Vego, 2006)................................. 137
Figure 51: IA Policies and Practices ................................................................................................... 139
Figure 52: The Information Assurance Diamond Model ........................................................... 141
Figure 53: Building the IA Contextual Model Quadrants ........................................................... 142
Figure 54: An IA Perspective to the Human-Cyber Interexchange........................................ 144
Figure 55: The IA Model Quadrant ..................................................................................................... 144
Figure 56: The Cyclic Nature of the IA Model Quadrant ............................................................ 145
Figure 57: Assured Information Dependability of the Socio-Technical Enterprise ....... 147
Figure 58: Security Attributes to the IA Model .............................................................................. 148
Figure 59: The Sphere of Protection to the Socio-Technical Enterprise ............................. 149
Figure 60: Trust is the new ROI for the Socio-Technical Enterprise .................................... 151
Figure 61: Matching the Quadrant model to the Layers of Cyberspace .............................. 152
Figure 62: The Information Assurance Cuboid Model................................................................ 153
Figure 63: Force Field Diagram for the Assured Information Operations ......................... 156
Figure 64: The SWOT of Human Blissfulness in Cyber Communities .................................. 159
Figure 65: IBM view on UK’s information asset threats ............................................................ 166
Figure 66: The Constituents of a Society .......................................................................................... 169
Figure 67: The Strategic Positioning of Security ........................................................................... 170
Figure 68: JSP 822: The Defence System Approach to Training (2012) ............................. 173
Figure 69: Information Security Management............................................................................... 177
Figure 70: Encapsulating the Assurance of Information ........................................................... 178
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Figure 71: Education facilitating Understanding ......................................................................... 179
Figure 72: The Continuum of Understanding (Shedroff, 1999) ............................................. 180
Figure 73: The Proposed Modular CPD Roadmap ....................................................................... 184
Figure 74: Proposed Federated Master of Science (MSc) in Information Assurance ... 185
Figure 75: An Alternative Schedule for a Federated MSc in Information Assurance .... 186
Figure 76: A detailed sematic of the first proposed IA MSc Semester................................. 188
Figure 77 A detailed sematic of the second proposed IA MSc Semester ............................ 189
Figure 78: UK Government IA Framework ..................................................................................... 192
Figure 79: Ignorance of Network Behaviour, Management, Operations and Security . 194
Figure 80: The cost of doing business in military cyberspace ................................................ 197
Figure 81: The Socio-Technical System of Man and Machine ................................................. 201
Figure 82: Current MoD System Access Schema .......................................................................... 206
Thesis Tables
Table 1: Security issues and non-compliance......................................................................... 27
Table 2: IO Computer Network Management ......................................................................... 57
Table 3: Stability Operations – Joint Operating Concept Capability (DoD, 2006) .... 69
Table 4: IA Resiliency Maturity Model ................................................................................... 102
Table 5: Abridged CESG Information Assurance Maturity Model ............................... 103
Table 6: The Extended Enterprise Information Assurance Maturity Model ........... 109
Table 7: Business Drivers and Benefits of Enterprise Architecture .......................... 122
Table 8: Attributes of Information Quality (Wang R. Y., 2005a) .................................. 128
Table 9: IA Resilience Attributes .............................................................................................. 146
Table 10: ISPD Levels of Competencies ................................................................................. 182
Table 11: Competcy Levels of an IA Practitioner ............................................................... 193
Table 12: Compliance of the Research Primary Aims ...................................................... 199
Table 13: IA Methods to Build Bridges ................................................................................... 215
Table 14: Possible Future Work to this Thesis ................................................................... 216
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Command and Control
Command, Control, Communications, Computing, Intelligence and
Command and Battle Management
Cross-Domain Solution
Cyber, Identity and Information Assurance
Critical Information Infrastructure
Cognitive, Information and Physical
Cogitation, Information, Physical Environment – Virtual, Visual, Real
Communication and Information Systems
Computer Network Attack / Cyber Network Attack
Computer Network Defence / Cyber Network Defence
Computer Network Exploitation / Cyber Network Exploitation
Computer Network Management / Cyber Network Management
Computer Network Operations / Cyber Network Operations
Community of Interest / Communities of Interest
Coalition Network for Secure Information Sharing
Common Operational Picture
Commercial off the Shelf
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
Cyber Situational Awareness
Disclosure, Abuse and Denial
Defence Assured Information Architecture
Domain Based Security
Defence College for Communication and Information Systems
Defence Conceptual Frameworks
Direct, Collect, Process, Disseminate
Director of Equipment Capability
DEC Command & Control and Information Infrastructure
Defence Information Assurance Notice
Defence Information Infrastructure
Defence Line of Development
Demilitarized Zone
(US) Department of Defense
Defence Security Architecture
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Effects Based Approach to Operations
Essential elements of friendly information
Electronic Surveillance
Enabling Secure Information Infrastructure
Global Information Grid
Global Information Infrastructure
Global Operations Security and Control Centre
Human Intelligence
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Information and Intelligence
Information Assurance
Information Exchange Requirements
Internet Information Services
Information Management
Information Security
Information Operations
Information Services
Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
Information Technology Infrastructure Library
Information Exploitation
Joint Cross Domain Exchange
Joint Doctrine Publication
Joint Publication
Joint Service Publication
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System
Joint Warfare Publication
Knowledge, Information & Data
Knowledge Transfer
Management Information Base
Multilateral Interoperability Programme
Multinational Information Sharing
Ministry of Defence
Network Enabled Capability
Network-Centric Warfare
Network-based Intrusion Detection System
Network Infrastructure and Integration
(US) National Security Agency
Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act
Operations Security
Opportunities, Risk Assurance, Architecture and Complexities
Permanent Joint Headquarters
Privacy and Identity Management for Europe
Revolution in Military Affairs
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
Superior Decision Making
Skills for the Information Age
Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
Service Orientated Architecture
Socio-Technical Enterprise
Unified Cross Domain Management Office
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Bridging the Gap: An Information Perspective
The responsibility will fall on young officers to build trust across the ranks to improve
information sharing. In this age, I don’t care how technologically or operationally
brilliant you are; if you cannot build trust [across various multiple participants], you
might as well go home.
Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis
Commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command
In an age, where having accurate and timely Information makes the difference to
superior decision making (Khatri & Ng, 2000; Bradley, Pridmore, & Byrd, 2006) and
where Cyberspace has transformed how these decisions make immediate,
instantaneous impact on the global market place (Coyle, 1999), affecting many
communities of interests; it has become imperative to get the right information to the
right person at the right time. This imperative makes all the difference as the process of
sharing trusted information has far greater influence than mere communication (Katz
& Lazarsfeld, 2006).
Getting it right; through a process of gaining trust and managing risks, providing safe
and secure information that can flow across resilient and protected systems and where
the information assets are both dependable and timely should be, and within this thesis
will be argued as the aim and scope of Information Assurance (IA). Through providing
some solutions to the problems of interoperability and secure cyber communication,
this thesis will redefine the Art and Science of IA.
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Moreover, this thesis will provide an argued solution to its fundamental question:Can Information Assurance provide sufficient Trust and Risk Reduction to
allow information processed, stored and communication within highly
sensitive (often critical) networks, with their own discrete security domains
(including encryption mechanisms), which are often Air-gapped (physically
and electronically isolated) to interact safely and securely, particularly
across many interoperable networks and including the possibility of
interfacing with the Internet.
Substantiate the need to better define Information Assurance (making it more distinct
and effective than its current scope which is heavily dependent upon its roots within
Information Security); innovate an IA Architecture that is based on the developed this
thesis goals’ of assurance and not just on the dimensions of security; provide an eight
dimensional model to better understand the need for tolerance and trust across many
different interoperable networks and the maintenance of cross-domain solutions for
system (and system of systems) dependability; create a professional framework to
direct what IA skills we need today and define the necessary IA education that is
needed for the 21st Century Cyber workplace and ultimately argue how we should best
employ Information Assurance for Governments, Enterprises and the Military; to use it
more effectively and reliably.
Information Assurance has become one of the most important studies in Computer
Science, Information Technology and Cyber Knowledge Transfer and probably will
have a significant social and cultural impact to our globalised knowledge economy
(Drahos & Braithwaite, 2002). Without an assured process between two
interconnecting systems, trust can soon diminish, whilst risks will grow and the need to
share through its layers of interoperability will rapidly fall back to a defensive need to
know operation and the enterprise cyber operations will once again rely on more
critical (inefficient and unresponsive) stove-piped networks and their isolating security
domains and curtaining policies. An Assured environment is not risk free, but it
promotes the interoperability of services and communication channels between
communities of interest (COI) whilst actively reducing and managing risk through
education, professional best practices, Ignorance Management, Shared Situational
Awareness (SSA), controlled Information Exploitation (IX). Information Assurance can
provide a comprehensive cyber defence strategy; dependable Information Operations
(IO), resilient Infrastructure Architectures and networks and above all, through
Business (Enterprise and IA) Architecture, a Trusted environment. In the hierarchy of
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
human needs (Maslow, 1943; Huitt, 2007): water, food and shelter, law and order are
surely still the most important things to us all; but the transformation toward
increasing dependence on Information Technologies (Powell & Dent-Micallef, 1997)
and the continuance of digital interconnections, the network effects, have these
information systems and technologies becoming pervasive and essential to us all. It is
the control of this Cyberspace that has become a strategic priority to states and nonstate actors. As our Information and its infrastructures have become national assets,
they also constitute a tier-1 national security risk that requires appropriate
management controls and defences (Cabinet Office, 2011a).
There is an unprecedented reliance on information infrastructure as Governments,
Enterprises and the Military find that their transformation to Information driven
operations, increased operational transparency and exploitation have generated
complex risks and a considerable reduction in their ability to control the information
flows. The sense of necessity, comfort, wonder and curiosity within the virtual world is
a real paradigm where informed cyber actors and agents have increased their
transformation skills as they digitally create, adjust, innovate, exploit, survey,
manipulate, subvert or sabotage cyber domains. This poses varied and complex
assurance issues to managing Cyberspace.
Figure 1: Netcentric Operations and Military Mobility (Benedict, 2011)
Bridging the Gap is a holistic investigation to see whether there might be practical
technical or human factor solutions that assures interconnection of highly classified
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
domains to the information rich environment that the Internet offers. Without access to
timely and effective use of information our decisions become jaded, inappropriate or
suspect. We need our information to be accurate, trusted and not compromised, lost,
leaked, disseminated, unauthorised publication or corrupted.
“Our reliance on cyberspace stands in stark contrast to the inadequacy of our
cyber security,”
DoD Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace, 2011
This Ministry of Defence (MoD) sponsored research will determine how we achieve
acceptable assurance and limit the risk of establishing, operating and managing a highly
classified system interfacing to cross domains and ultimately the Internet. The Network
Enabled Capability (NEC) and its ISTARs community has intrinsic, often complex
interdependencies, where information interactions and knowledge transactions needs
to cross many domains. The NEC doctrine of Information Superiority predicates the
need for information security and its assurance to provide accredited, safe, secure,
robust and trusted sources. The foundation lies with better networks that provide
better information sharing which leads to better decision; actions and effects. The
benefit is operation efficiency and superior military capability (MoD, 2011). The
military’s robust, secure and extensive information domains are not what is generally
associated with the ubiquitous, open access Internet and its hosted web-based services
but rather a bespoke environment under full control of its owners or coalition
partnership. However, it is the mating, mash up and interconnection of any network
that needs to be investigated, because the boundary between military computer
network operations (CNO) and others have become blurred, removed or created
without authority. Recognising that Information and Knowledge in its various forms,
media, databases, reports, services, interpretation and usage have become one of the
most important assets to our business, but do we really comprehend this?
Analysis suggests that the only way to really secure a military system is to isolate it.
Disconnect the system from other networks, in particular the Internet and its
associated risks to Computer Network Attacks (CNA) and Computer Network
Exploitation (CNE) as well as to other elements of the information domain (see figure
3). From a security perspective the Internet is unorganised, chaotic, unsafe, insecure,
untrustworthy environment of viruses, worms, exploited vulnerabilities, denial-ofservice attacks, cyber power, cybercrime and cyber war but it can also be an assured
world of creativity, innovation, commerce and social cohesion.
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
1.1 A New World
The Council of the European Union (2010) has made Information Assurance one of its
14 main policies and it has become a key component of the US Comprehensive National
Cybersecurity Initiative (The US National Security Council, 2008) and the subsequent
International Strategy for Cyberspace (The US National Security Council, 2011). This
thesis will, in part, need to consider the impact of IA to the cyber environment
(Cyberspace) and in particular to current security policies and domain isolation.
Through IA, we need to find an effective approach and possible Cross-Domain Solutions
(CDS) between the “Need to Know” (keeping our secrets safe and available only to a
closed authorised community) and the “Need to Share” (allowing information to used
and accessed by global communities of interest); hence the thesis will demonstrate
how, when and most importantly, why we need to Bridge the Air Gaps: by developing
and employing the need for trust and risk management, education and skilled
practitioners, tolerant organised structures with resilient architecture, dependable and
safe procedures and appropriate use of security and protective countermeasures: in
effect by applying the proposed IA definition, models and frameworks. The Council
defines Information Assurance in the field of communication and information systems is
the confidence that such systems will protect the information they handle and will
function as they need to, when they need to, under the control of legitimate users. Effective
IA shall ensure appropriate levels of confidentiality, integrity, availability, nonrepudiation and authenticity. IA shall be based on a risk management process. This
definition derives authority from many similar declarations in national policies (CESG,
2003), Security Taxonomy (Savola, 2007) and IA Glossaries (Committee on National
Security Systems, 2010). However, all these IA definitions rest upon the 3 tenets of
Information Security: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA). This thesis will
argue that these foundation tenets, the CIA and the 5 other dimensions of security:
Non-repudiation, Authentication, Access Control, Privacy and Communication Security
(ITU-T X.805, 2005) are themselves only one of 8-Dimensions of Information Assurance
(as proposed in Chapter 6) that is required to fully understand, address and assure the
holistic issues of cyberspace, its environment, capabilities and culture.
Information in Cyberspace has a complex paradigm; the need for a trusting, dynamic
“Need to Share” (Alberts D. S., Garstka, Hayes, & Signori, 2001) opposed to the secure
but distrusting, restrictive “The Need to Know” (Denning, 1976) which is further
complicated by anonymity and the “Need to Hide” (Buda, Choi, Graveman, & Kubic,
2001). The common operating environment has become a need to protect information
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across security domains so that Enterprises survive the interoperability of increasing
networks of networks and the systems of systems that form the information
infrastructures across cyberspace. This environment is expanding, evolving, constantly
exploited and is becoming both an economic asset and liability that has been described
as a new mindset to security practitioners (Task Force on National Security in the
Information Age, 2002).
The intelligence community (G2) has longed deliberated the importance of sharing
information and to keeping secrets, secret (Frigns, 2004; Liles & Liles, 2009).
Information Services (IS), Knowledge Transfer (KT), Superior Decision Making (SDM)
and holistic Shared Situational Awareness (SSA) and Cyber Situational Awareness
(CSA) are becoming an ever more important component to businesses, their
intelligence communities as well as transformational Government policing and
warfighting (Kelly O. L., 2008; Bailey, 2010; Bieniek, 2011). Moreover, the increasing
dependencies on cyber governance, assured e-commerce and social computing is
making information a critical asset for nations, enterprises and online communities, the
military and to individuals. The Need to Share (Dawes, Cresswell, & Pardo, 2009) and
also the Need to Belong1 (Baumeister & Leary, 1995) requires an assured skilled and
educated workforce to manage, maintain and service the cyber environment and the
cultures it supports. Within the military (and many enterprises) we need a framework
to culturally shift our mindset from 20th Century security practices to cross-domain
assurance which will provide a comprehensive, dependable, resilient and trustworthy
architecture that is capable and tolerant to withstand and survive the emerging,
interoperable, evolving cyber environment. This culture shift, however, presents the
Military, as well as Governments and Commercial Enterprises, with a number of
complex challenges to solve (Anderson & Rainie, 2010; Sommer & Brown, 2011).
A challenge and another fundamental question raised by this Thesis is: How do we
provide Assurance when we do not control the asset we want to secure and protect?
There is a considerable array of threats, attack methods and injected software
instruction approaches to our networks and to our information assets (processed,
stored or communicated) that provide new challenges every day (McCumber, 1991).
Harvard Professor Joseph Nye described this cyberspace security challenge at the
Existing evidence supports (Baumeister & Leary, 1995) the hypothesis that the need to
belong is an innate, powerful, fundamental, and extremely pervasive motivation to affiliate with
others and be socially accepted.
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
opening of the Munich Security Conference, 2011, where he remarked that: “The threat
is real but national governments had only just now started to tackle the issue.” Cornelia
Habig (2011) reported that this further reinforced the need to address complex
security and assurance challenges. “In the EU, but also on the national level, the
responsibilities in terms of cybercrime issues are immensely fragmented…Every two
seconds, there are new cyber-crime incidents, and every four seconds, there is an attack on
the network of the German administration,” was the worrying criticism expressed by
German Federal Minister of the Interior; Thomas de Maizière. The conference remarks
demonstrated a collective concern of Governments and the Military towards the
potential damage that an unpoliced cyberspace could do national and international
interests. The threats are real; many of the defences are inadequate.
Coalition Collaboration
Collaboration is defined as: “The act of working together with others to achieve a goal”
The UK’s MoD Comprehensive Approach (Joint Discussion Note 4/05, 2006), its own
and NATO’s Network Enabled Capability (NEC) and the US Joint Force Command’s
Effects Based Operational Approach (EBOA) have all proposed the need for an agile,
communications. This desire and operational imperative to interconnect modern and
legacy systems that allows coalition forces to benefit from extensive and responsive
Information Exploitation (IX), Knowledge Transfer and digital encapsulation of the
Operational theatre, providing commanders an accurate, trustworthy Cyber picture and
Cyber Situational Awareness, “knowing what’s going on” (Knight, 2001), thereby
facilitating Superior Decisions. These doctrines also call for the projection of
Cyberpower, conduct of Cyberwar and Information Operations (IO). Whereas, a key UK
NEC component2 is the assurance and protection of its 4 Domains: (1) Networks, (2)
Information and (3) People operating in a (4) Joint Actions Environment (MoD, 2005).
The US Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS, 2006) defined this Joint
Actions’ Communication and Information Systems (CIS) environment as a “CrossDomain Solution” (CDS) as “any information assurance solution that provides the ability
to access or transfer information between two or more security domains.”
The MoD’s Joint Services Publication (JSP 777) provides a clear expression of what the UK
means by NEC in order to engender a much wider and more common understanding of its tenets
not only within the UK's Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces, but also across Government,
within Defence Industry and Academia, and with allies and coalition partners.
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Interoperability has become a key network driver for transforming governments
(Cabinet Office, 2005), businesses and other institutions; the use of Cyberspace (its
capability) to communicate and securely transact with peers, other enterprises (B2B)
and the global audience of active users has far reaching opportunities and
development. However, these interacting activities require system availability,
resilience, tolerance, dependability, security and above all an ability to create trust. As
such the Cross Domain Solution has three main assurance categories:
The need to allow Access Solutions; (allow users to request /pull information
resources in multiple multi-lateral and multi-layered domains). Access Control,
Authentication and System Integrity
The need to provide Cross Domain Transfer Solutions; (enabling secure and
accurate movement, copy, and deletion of information from one domain to
another and ensuring system dependability and resilience.)
To need to have Accredited Solutions; (Providing structured, safe, secure and
trusted CDS for Information Operations and Exploitation).
The information assured CDS domain will need to be structured, resilient, dependable,
safe, secure, protected, risk managed. Above all we need User Communities to become
SMART and capable of pulling cyber resources. According to the US DOD it now
requires that Information Operations (IO) be regarded as a military core competency,
“on par with air, ground, maritime, and special operations” (DoD, 2003, p. 4). The ability
to control the information environment, including interrelated physical, informational,
and cognitive dimensions, is now seen as vital to national security (DoD JP 3-13, 2006)
and the Department recognise that Cyberspace is a cognitive dimension, in which
“people think, perceive, visualize, and decide,” that is seen as most important (DoD JP 313, 2006, pp. 1-2). This directive places Information as a Strategic Asset and recent
military documentation emphasized the significant need for dependable and
interoperable information infrastructures, the net-centricity of military cyberspace as
described by Joint Publication 3–13, Information Operations and Joint Publication 3–24,
Counterinsurgency Operations describe that there is: “The ability to be “persuasive in
peace, decisive in war, preeminent in any form of conflict” (DoD, 2000, p. 1).
Sara King’s (King, 2010) discussion paper “Military Social Influences in the Global
Information Environment” identified that:- According to Scales (2006) and others (Boyd,
2007; Darley, 2007) this new era of “psycho-cultural battle” - otherwise termed a “war of
ideas” (Murphy, 2010, p. 90) or a battle for “hearts and minds” (Claessen, 2007, p. 97) is already underway in Iraq and Afghanistan. Modern battle is likely to be more about
winning public opinion than about seizing contested geophysical terrain. The modern
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battlefield is likely to be in the information environment. King’s observation that modern
wars are more to do with manipulating human factors rather than destruction of assets
is an important paradigm for 21st Century Netcentric Warfare. Military Information
operations are moving away from the targeting of munitions to the targeting of opinion,
thoughts and cultural change. This theme is further explored and analysed with the
Human-Computer Interface that have evolved within the layers of interoperability. In
particular the developing the need to share, allowing participation and collaboration at
all levels, educating and training users to exploit assured information, to know where
the assets are located and configured, to be able to translate, transform and nonrepudiate and to trust the asset in making decisions.
Information Exploitation is essential to future governance in what is now strategically
developed the Diplomatic, Intelligence, Information & Interests, Military and Economic
(DI3ME) domain. Cyberspace is the DOD’s Netcentric domain and it has been described
as: “the extent to which a system or group has at its center the complex connection of
people with common interests via communications and computer networks.” Dave
Chesebrough, 2006. Although this description places both Information Technology and
People as essential elements for the deployment and exploitation of Netcentricity; it
doesn’t encapsulate the full extent and nature of Cyberspace. Chapters 2 and 3 will
develop the Cyber Environment and in particular its creation as the 5th Military Domain
of Operations. However, Chesebrough (2006) did further identify 4 components that
made the Network domain; these where:
1. A system of lines or channels that cross or interconnect: a network of railroads.
2. A complex, interconnected group or system: an espionage network.
3. An extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and
remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support [a social or
professional network]
4. In Computer Science, a system of computers interconnected by telephone wires or
other means in order to share information. Also called [the] net.
The Network Effect of these definitions, when combined, becomes one complex domain
which the DoD defines as the Global Information Grid (GIG). The interconnection of
theatres of operations, technologies and people formulate the Cross-Domain Problem
where deployed systems are required to link digitally to others and the networks need
to become interoperable to share data. The Information Exchange creates degrees of
complexity as people with common interest interact with technology to create a
desired common awareness.
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Information Exchange
Levels of
Cross-Domain Sharing
Advanced Collaboration
Interactive COP and eventtriggered database replication
Interactive manipulations
Shared data & Applications
Shared Databases
Collaboration Common
Operational Picture
Geospatial imaginary
Product Exchange
Shared Data,
Separate Applications
Photo & Videos, digital maps &
Minimal common functions
Separate data &applications
Homogeneous Product
Level -1
FM voice, tactical data links, text
files, IM & e-mails
Manual Gateway
Impress, Diskettes, tape, hard copy
Electronic Connection
Separate data &
Level – 0
Not Connected / Air
Figure 2: The LISI Interoperability Maturity Model (2004)
Information Exchange through interoperability within the military (NATO’s Network
Enhanced Capability and the DoD GIG) has millions of computing devices linked in
classified networks becoming ever more reliant on cyberspace for its command and
control, logistics, information and intelligence operations, targeting and munitions
(Fire) as well as personal management and business operations.
Resolving the
assurance issues of interoperability has become a major component to finding a crossdomain solution. The goal of military CIS interoperability is to achieve the advance
collaboration at the Enterprise Level. This, as Figure 2 illustrates, is the uppermost of
DoD’s 5 Levels of the Information System Interoperability Maturity Model with its focus
on the increasing levels of sophistication between system of systems interoperability.
Although technical interoperability is essential, it is not sufficient to ensure effective
operations. There must be a suitable focus on procedural and organizational elements,
and decision makers at all levels must understand each other’s capabilities and
constraints. Training and education, experience and exercises, cooperative planning, and
skilled liaison at all levels of the joint force will not only overcome the barriers of
organizational culture and differing priorities, but will teach members of the joint team to
appreciate the full range of Service capabilities available to them.
(DoD, 2000)
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As quoted, the years of experience in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan has taught the
coalition partners; Interoperability between military systems, be them owned by any
one nation or federated across communities of interest have generated many complex
problems. Interoperability is more than a legacy issue or a technical interface problem,
its concerns the harmonisation of organisations, alignment of policies and procedures,
cultural changes, federated leadership and an understanding of how system of systems
operate and evolve. Cross-Domain Solutions are the application of Information
Assurance to the challenges of interoperability. IA has to address the many levels
involved in the harmonisation and alignment of Organisation, Systems and Networks,
properly define and architect the requirement of the Enterprise, build in system
resilience and tolerance to intrusion making the solutions both safe and dependable.
The systems have to gracefully decline when under attack and appropriate business
continuity and disaster recovery must be prepared and be ready to be deploy at a
moment notice. Information Assurance will be required and applied to systems that
previously did not interact and often have constraints within their own operations or
from the onset with new systems that are designed to interact. This is an important
first step; however, there will be systems that as of yet have not been conceived or are
required to interoperate, so the IA architecture must anticipate future considerations
and be able to cope with uncertainties..
A holistic perspective is that Reality is layered with a virtual world, as illustrated in
Figure 3, which now has 5 domains: Land, Sea, Air, Space and Cyber. The cost of doing
business in the first 4 domain represent an escalation of equipment costs, training and
accessibility, in the 5th domain cost is negligible, anybody can become a cyber-warrior.
The military 5-layered model(figure 2) is supported by the geographical location
(location will be a key component to Access Control, knowing where the user should be
is an determining element of authentication) and the physical interconnectivity and
interoperability of ubiquitous edge devices. This man-made physical operating
environment is constantly changing and needs to be resilient and transnational. We
should not consider Cyberspace or the Cyber environment has being virtual or a cloud –
Cyberspace exists in physical devices within DNS, Service Orientated Architectures
(SOA) and distributive databases forming a local interface to real world of packet
routers, telephony and inter-operating networks of networks. Behind these devices are
the logical layers that provide software-enabled functions with emergent logical
connections and often producing unforeseen outcomes; thereby introducing
vulnerabilities, risk and business impact (Castonguay, 2011).
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The Cost of doing Business
Ubiquitous Communications
Information Infrastructures
Network of Networks
Figure 3: The Military Information Lattice (Richardson C. J., 2011)
The MoD’s domain security architecture insists through its accreditation process that
highly sensitive secure systems remain physically isolated, the Air Gap. Unfortunately,
today’s enterprises, transformational government departments and the defence
environment online communities’ sensitive business information is often the same
information that needs to be passed beyond the trusted perimeter. We need to extend
the trust to cross domains, make our sessions safe and secure; essentially we need to
assure our knowledge transfer environment to multiple parties within our
communities of interest (COI).
Understandingly, Security needs to be positioned
strategically in the enterprises. This is a real world issue; the communication paradigm
is becoming more dependent upon the safe and secure, processes of virtual machines,
their trustworthiness and the availability of information infrastructures being critical
to operational success. The development of the Effects Based Approach to Operations
(EBAOs), Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA) and NEC domains (Networks, Information
and People) is fraught with complexities and an increasing concern for dependable,
safe and integral systems that can be defended against orchestrated cyber-attacks.
Information Assurance (IA) is the key to trusting, maintaining and developing Defence
Communication and Information Systems (CIS) capabilities. Furthermore, Information
Assurance research has to also focus on a capability gap in education. Enterprises
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required us to develop good, educated IA practitioners and change the online user
culture to a more assured, cyber-culturally aware environment. To Framework the IA
profession will allow continuous specialized training to contextual and conceptualise
the ever present risks and demand to assure systems and provide a career structure for
practitioners in this important aspect of Engineering and Computer Science. Bridging
the professional capability gap of qualifying and sustaining IA practitioners is a real
Until recently the defensive computer network defence (CND) posture has been the
developing a security doctrine to monitor, detect, respond to unauthorized computer
activity and attempts to mitigate risk through countermeasures and security devices
(Wilson C. , 2006; Stallings, 2006a; CESG, 2006g; MacIntosh, Reid, & Tyler, 2011) using
policies and procedures that protected the information by creating compliant,
accredited security domains with limited access, restricted user privileges often
firewalled behind encryption. These security silos afforded protection through policies
& procedures, vetting & restriction of users and the use of IT devices and the security
architect traded operability with security producing air gapped networks where often a
user had 8 or more DTEs to access 8 different networks (Bethea, 2003). This security
technique was exemplified by the McCumber Model in 2004. However, it isn’t CND that
troubles the minds of strategic planners, moreover the ability to strike back. It is the
implacable effects of fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) over cyber security that has
fuelled this new direction of military cyber offense and the impalpable complexity of
cyber activities and the perceived inability to defend that reinforces the military
strategic idiom, that the best defence is offense (Mazanec, 2009; Lin, 2009; Hopkins,
2011). Government bodies are clearly at variance, agitated and concerned about the
development of cybercrime and unattributed hostile intent vectored through
cyberspace. This globally agile, evolving, expansive and exploited cyber domain has
little (nearly non-effective) international policing, fewer effective laws and a great deal
of anonymity, chaos and inherent systemic risks (Davì, 2010). The threats of
cybercrime, cyber terrorism, cyber war inflicting damage and destruction (Cyber
Weapons of Mass Destruction) upon indefensible, open networks are attracting
diplomatic, political and military responses to militarise cyberspace; to actively develop
and build cyber weapons (e.g. Stuxnet, Duqu, botnets, etc), to expand offensive cyber
operations to implicitly threaten states and/or to regulate and actively stop malicious
cyber threats or face retaliatory consequences. Conceivably, states can build server
farms of numerous racked processors running thousands of virtual machines to exploit
a “zero day vulnerability” which turn infest and herd many millions of devices
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connected to the internet in order to conduct mass denial of services, generate Zombie
launch sites for malware or assumption of control over SCADA and Command & Control
(C2) systems. The Cyber Pearl Harbor scenario, crippling critical information
infrastructures, is seen by many (successive US Sec. of Def. John Hamre, 1997; Richard
Clarke, 2010 and Leon Panetta 2011) as a very real threat to the State, world economic
and social order. In this Cyberpower struggle for allocating scarce funding to offence
and defence, IA has to compete against and recognise the very persuasive and militant
body who want to build asymmetric cyber weapons to deter (or attack) potential
The counter argument to 20th Century Deterrence is knowing how to use Information
Assurance in the 21st Century. The greater part of the 20th Century was dominated by the
threats of war, World Wars and Nuclear Deterrence. Deterrence is that you possess both
the capability and the will to either retaliate or initiate a first pre-emptive strike to
thwart an eminent attack (Powell R. , 1990) and consequently some of today’s military
thinkers have developed a cyber-strategy to deploy and use offensive cyber weapons as
a method of deterring potential cyber assaults and providing a means to retaliate in the
5th Dimension – Cyberspace. Revisiting, Professor Nye’s remarks (Habig, 2011), he
could have further informed his audience with “offensive internet weapons have been
introduced as a deterrent but the national governments have not quite a clue how to use
them.” The use of virtual weapons as a deterrent in a virtual space can have
unintentional consequences (Beard, 2009; Sterner E. , 2011) and emergent properties
not readily envisaged by the software engineer or by these cyber warriors (Zimet, et al.,
2009; Rid & McBurney, 2012). The consequences become more complex as they will
affect the many layers of interoperability and wanting to become target selective
produces intangibles within an evolving and chaotic network of networks (Schneier B. ,
2008; Alperovitch, 2011; Crosston, 2011).
What is required is better Information Assurance, rather than MAD (mutual assured
destruction or senseless, foolish, deranged) Cyber Offensive Weapons. The pressing
global problem of cyber insecurity and system interoperability is how to develop
resilience, trust and dependability to allow interacting information infrastructures and
cyber activities to be safe and secure, to have system of systems whose information
infrastructures are tolerant (fault and Intrusion tolerant) and risk managed, where the
decision making cycle has assured information delivered to the right people.
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1.2 The Research Approach
Cyberspace, and the technologies that enable it, allow people of every nationality, race,
faith and point of view to communicate, cooperate, and prosper like never before... By its
self, the Internet will not usher in a new era of international cooperation. That work is up
to us, its beneficiaries. Together, we can work together to build a future for cyberspace
that is open, interoperable, secure and reliable. This is the future we seek, and we invite all
nations, and peoples, to join us in that effort. President Obama, 2011
Most people working in cyber security recognize that the interconnections and
complexities of our economy can have a huge effect on the destructiveness of cyberattacks. They refer casually to "network effects," "spill over effects" or "knock-on effects."
Yet there is little understanding of how such effects actually work, what conditions are
necessary to create them, or how to quantify their consequences.
US Cyber Consequences Unit, Dept. of Homeland Security
Government classified networks have created in many cases information silos that
protect their data sources but fail to inform the greater needs of the communities of
interest. The current security given to the UK Government by CESG and its parent
organisation GCHQ is that sensitive data (impact level 4 upwards) should be adequately
protected using firewalls and other security devices and that networks that are secret
and top secret should be isolated. These air gapped networks with their security
domains impose very restrictive practices to the movement and communication of
information and deny sharing and Information Exploitation. In the world where the
timely use information is the asset that needs to be encouraged, the need to share
across these domains often outweighs the necessity to keep our information secure.
This research aims is to find a balance between protection and availability of
information (its information security) and the need to Exploit Information that is also
trusted and dependable. This new environment creates the need for trusted crossdomain solutions and the development of Information Assurance offers such a
As illustrated in figure 4, the research approach follows 6 main themes:
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Figure 4: Discovering the Cause and Effects of Bridging the Gaps
In bridging the gap, this thesis addresses the following primary aims:
To provide an Information Assurance Capability that will facilitate Cross –
Domain Solutions. This capability will need a framework that formulates the
assurance implications of interoperability within cyberspace, human factors,
protection of networks and secure data content, alignment of enterprise
architecture, any organisation culture changes, information exploitation,
management and service dependability from bridging the air gap between
highly classified networks and possible interaction with lower classified
networks and the Internet and how it might be done. The investigation will also
consider when those bridges might be considered an acceptable risk.
Establish and develop an information assurance framework and appropriate
models to meet operational interoperability requirements; whereby the study
shall analysis various contextual and conceptual considerations of aligning and
harmonising domain internetworking, thereby offering an assured crossdomain solution to military CIS interoperability
Exploring six main topics within the layered environments and thereby framing
the Cyber Landscape through modelling IA concepts. Analysing dependable,
resilient convergence of technologies and networks and developing a CyberAssured Culture through Education; Promoting Transferable Skills &
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Professionalism will provide a new capability for Information Assurance. IA will
demonstrate how to provide solutions to system interoperability; operational
benefits; operational security and new community learning outcomes.
Illustrate the value of this research approach to the network-centric security
problems of NEC (and the Global Information Environment) and highlighting
the real human-centric assurance issues to the various layers, domains and
environments of an interoperable Cross-Domain Solution and provide a
discussion on how the qualitative experience of this research and individual
perceptions can be analysed and developed.
To identify, formulate and exhibit this approach and model implementation
demonstrating it as a worthwhile Doctoral investigation. The thesis will be a
successful project managed research programme with achievable, realistic
outcomes within well-defined goals and agreed deliverable products.
Engineering Objectives
The four prime Engineering Objectives:
EO1 - Develop IA Models that will demonstrate a holistic understanding of
Information Assurance and Cross Domain Solutions required to bridge:
Physical, Virtual and Human Air Gaps. The models shall review a wider context
of IA to Interoperability as well as specific analysis to the military context of
cyberspace; its strategic, operational and tactical cyber environment.
EO2 - Determine a contextual framework and model(s) of Information
Assurance to provide Enterprise Architecture and strategic cultural change
awareness; to make a structured, safe, dependable, secure, protected, risked
managed and trusted approach to assure interoperability of networks; the
secure continuum of information; increasing trust of people, operations and
systems and the reliability of the Cyber picture of the Joint Action environment.
EO3 - Determine an Architect view of the existing contexts, concepts, logical,
system, technologies and management that will formulate a more inclusive
Information Assurance Framework to the Cross Domain problem. Conceptually
framework and model any assured solutions that illustrates the need for
Holistic System Situational Awareness, System Analysis, Engineering, and
Simulation to develop core skills for IA Practitioners and a revised Information
Assurance Architecture (IA2).
EO4 - Provide innovative and original research that will provide sufficient new
grounding to Science within the confines of an Engineering Doctoral thesis
investigating the problems of bridging air gaps. Demonstrating independent
working and the critical awareness of relevant sources, illustrating where
appropriate the literature searches, retrieval and synthesis and analysis of
findings in relation to the desired aims.
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The Culture
The 5-day Research Methods and Implementation course run by Southampton
University for first year PhD and EngD students provided an invaluable insight of
research mechanisms, methodologies and procedures required for academic rigour and
organising the research process. The various readings and assignments over the 2-year
taught element of the Engineering Doctorate emphasised the need for qualitative and
quantitative research such as Bloom’s Taxonomy (see figure 27) and the adaptations of
methodologies to suit the particular line of discovery, objective achievements and
measurement (Parmet, 2008). Clearly an appropriate research methodology had to be
adopted to underpin this Thesis and its intention to provide a genuine contribution to
the state of knowledge in Information Security and its Assurance, in particular an
assured Bridging of the Air Gap.
An adaptive approach to the research methodology using the herringbone model (see
figure 4) was used rather than choosing a specific methodology such as those proposed
by Peter Checkland’s Soft System Methodology (Checkland, 1981) or Peter Senge’s
System Thinking (Senge P. , 1990; Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, & Smith, 1994). This
might at first make further epistemological complexities to this very complex issue;
however the agile use of the herringbone allowed the tailoring of some formalized
approaches allowing a greater insight and interpretation of the Hypothesis and helped
span a number of key component issues that in themselves where worthy research
topics (Connell, Lynch, & Waring, 2000). A Qualitative method evolved during the initial
research and examination of current literature, Defence research (DoD, MoD, NATO and
DSTL) and current operational difficulties both in Iraq theatre (Op Telic3) and
Afghanistan theatre (Op Herrick4). An examination of the current State of Art of
Information Assurance and the Interoperability Framework has identified that the
current structure of Assurance is both restrictive and intolerant to the problems it
needs to define, explore and resolve. The strategic communication and information
Operation TELIC is the codename under which all British operations of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq
and post invasion peace keeping and redevelopment.
Operation HERRICK is the codename under which all British operations in the War in
Afghanistan have been conducted since 2002. It consists of the British contribution to the NATO-led
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and support to the US-led Operation Enduring
Freedom (OEF).
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
flow issues occurring in present operations (2002-2012) within Afghanistan and in
particular with the coalition secret network - the Afghanistan Mission Network (AMN)
– postulate a new motivation to change the rules for network interoperability.
Finding a cross-domain solution is not just a quest to find an appropriate technological
interface to meet the stringent demands of military communication security
(Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) but to change the concept of Information
Assurance as a product of
recognition that the UK, the
European Commission and
the USA has bestowed upon
it. By developing a strategic
position for IA, this thesis
will create a strategic fit
across the organisation as
well as developing methods
and techniques to deploy
technologies that align and
harmonise with the military
thinking of the layer of
interoperability (Khalilzad
Figure 5: Network Centric Operations Layers of
Interoperability (Källqvist, 2008)
& White, 1999; Tolk &
Information Assurance have not presently evolved sufficiently or conclusively from its
roots in Information Security; the time has come for it to do so!
Military Commanders using Network Centric Warfare (NCW) and NATO’s NEC with
their interoperable networks of networks are increasing concerned with networking
people, organizations, institutions, services, nations, etc., even though its functionality
relies on information delivered via the technical networks (Tolk A. , 2003). NATO’s
own Reference Model for Interoperability is embedded in its Command & Control
Technical Architecture (NC3TA) where it measures the effectiveness through four
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
quality criteria: Data Quality, Information Quality; Knowledge Quality and Awareness
Figure 6: Network Centric Warfare Metric Framework (Tolk, 2003)
The Quality of these Information Services (Knowledge/Awareness of Actions;
Semantic/Information Interoperability and Data/Object Model Interoperability)
measures the performance of using the data, information and knowledge for the
operation to improve the results, mission effectiveness and overall system/operation
agility. It is the degrees of organic information and how it was shared that provides the
quality of coalition awareness and decisions. Information Assurance has to deliver this
quality across the layers of interoperability. Further investigation of the current
literature (Classified and Unclassified) and the necessary qualitative research
formulated the need to pragmatically model the situational awareness of the complex
issues involved and to determine the quality of interactions as illustrated in Figure 6.
To quantify the nature of the security issues formulate and contain the degree of
Information “Share-ability”, their semantic complexities and interrelationships requires
a detailed and yet broad understanding of these issues, engineering constraints,
common criteria evaluation and the development of Information as an asset in the
Revolution of Military Affairs (RMA) and net-centric operations.
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Creating a holistic assurance picture using pragmatic modelling and adapting
qualitative and interpretive methods have enabled a systematic convergence of this
study’s research. The plethora of changes in Computer Science, Information Technology
(IT), Communication and Information Systems (CIS) has transformed and will probably
continue to transform military operations as well as of those of Government and
Enterprises. The benefits of these changes can be exploited by our operational agility,
the sharing and exploitation of information providing the communities of interest (COI)
a Shared Situational Awareness (SSA). However, with urgent operational requests from
military theatres and the needs of information to cross security domains of many
networks has produced a plethora of potential vulnerabilities, risk and emergent
properties that are often overlooked, unrecognised or negated for operational
The Transformational Government Agenda (Cabinet Office, 2005) outlines the need for
a culture change to the development, dependability and deployment of UK
Communication and Information Systems. This new agenda requires Government
systems to become secure, robust and interoperable. As such, the new Enterprise
System Architecture needs to articulate, describe and frame the coalition network of
networks that supports an interoperable System of Systems infrastructure that is
inclusive of information services, management, and its assurance as well as being
tolerant to incidents. Within the MoD this has been recognised as the capability
relationship between deployed traditional defence information (legacy) systems and
procured modern information technologies that should transform defences Systems
into an inclusive interoperable environment of Network Enabled Capability (MoD,
2006) of Information Technology (IT), Information Services (IS) Information
Management (IM), Information Exploitation (IX) and their Information Assurance.
Traditional Military CIS combat platforms and system acquisitions have very high costs,
extremely long lead times (Committee of Public Accounts, 2011) but are developed
ruggedised, hardened, secured, and tested to ensure the highest level of performance,
accreditation standards for Information Security (MoD, 2010).
Military systems are proprietary and communicate securely with little effect on
performance but their development processes does require considerable configuration
management and documentation processes that are maintained throughout the system
life cycle. The system security compliance is captured in the Risk Management and
Accreditation Document Set (RMADS). As military systems became more software
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
intensive in computing devices, infrastructure and communications, procurement and
integration have incurred increased costs to meet legal and regulatory demands
designed to ensure openness and fiscal responsibility. Moreover, their system
complexity, operational and environment requirements to meet mission-critical
battlefield requirements of high reliability; ease of maintenance and built-in safety
systems require much more than quality assurance (Perlo-Freeman, Cooper, Ismail,
Sköns, & Solmirano, 2011). However, the lack appropriate Information Assurance
methodologies in their design and ineffective maintenance of the RMADS especially
when compared with more mature, hardware-intensive engineering (e.g. avionic
systems, network rail, air traffic control systems) and development processes have
caused considerable system life cost uplifts and urgent operational re-engineering
resulting in a number reviews of MOD Asset Management (MOD, 2007; Dunn & Moore,
2011; Committee of Public Accounts, 2011)
The Cross Domain Solution generates risk, fear, uncertainty and doubts across many
high-level data custodians who explicitly believe that authorities want the data
protected as offered by accredited security domain, air gapped from other networks;
not allowing for interoperability across different secured information infrastructure
domains. There is little trust, assurance or appropriate risk appetite in the system
engineering, traffic engineering, system compliance and accreditation. However, they
recognise the demand for more Social computer engineering investigations, risk
management, security operational capability and extending practitioners’ knowledge to
allow for improved interoperability of classified systems within the UK; with MoD’s
systems; inter-HMG departments; with coalition partners; with NATO; with NonGovernment Organisations (NGO’s); in particular with highly classified cyber domains
such as Secret, Top Secret and above. NEC Interoperability itself has produced a layer
effect upon network centric operations as illustrated earlier in Figure 4. These layers
direct Information Assurance to align the organisational and technical interoperability
across each layer and thereby establishing a coherent and inclusive framework that
addresses the layer interfaces. In defining these interfaces, it is crucial to note that the
information asset is not regarded as integral to the physical technical infrastructure nor
tightly coupled to applications. The direction of this research is therefore to
contextualise the concepts, doctrine, policies, technologies, procedures and education
that may allow converging organisational and technical interoperability of classified
military networks and Information Infrastructures in both multi-level (vertical) and
multi-lateral (horizontal) operations providing cross domain solutions to different
classified security (Physical and Logical) domains; thereby Bridging the Air Gaps.
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Thesis Hypothesis
“Can Information Assurance provide sufficient Trust and Risk Reduction to allow
information processed, stored and communication within highly sensitive (often critical)
networks, with their own discrete security domains (including encryption mechanisms),
which are often Air-gapped (physically and electronically isolated) to interact safely and
securely, particularly across many interoperable networks and including the possibility of
interfacing with the Internet.”
The hypothesis is that a controlled, obeisance, human-centric information assurance
framework stacked on a trusted, robust, data train can provide a secure, cross-domain
knowledge transfer environment thereby removing the need for network and other air
gaps. That such a assured framework can encapsulate the Human-Computer / HumanCyber Interfaces as information flows (Processed, Stored and Transmitted) across the
five layers of Cyberspace (EO1 and EO2). Such an Assured Environment has to provide
a safe, secure, accurate operation and be sensitive to the situational awareness of
decision makers and operational commanders as well as the security of this country’s
secrets. Moreover, it has to satisfy security and protection policies of the Information
Assets across the complexities of Information and Knowledge exchange and inform the
holistic nature of this assured cyber environment to its communities of interests by
educated assurance practitioners (EO3 and EO4). The assured capabilities of the NetCentric environment require more effort to context-dependent research and modelling
IA inferences and impact. The interpretive perspective and quantitative methods of
Enterprise Architecture (EA) can provide better understanding towards cyberorientated 21st Century Defence Information Architecture, its Systems Engineering,
Assurance and Human Factors. A special sub-set of EA could be Information Assurance
Architecture (IA2) which will need to provide an appropriate infrastructure for cyberdomains to support single service, purple, NATO and coalition operations and missions
and any NGO corresponding actions within a contextual references (who, when, why,
etc.). Furthermore is has to be based on the information exchange (flows) requirements
of the mission. The architecture should be a layered approach to existing and future
systems where classified data is structured, processed safely and securely in trusted
domains to provide appropriate knowledge transfer and understanding to enable the
NEC Benefits Chain and Cyber Situational Awareness. The Research Direction of this
Assurance Community and its CDS has begun to move away from technological
solutions to managerial and organizational issues through Qualitative Research
methodologies (Kaplan & Maxwell, 1994; Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, &
DeGross, 2004).
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The Threat
“Over the last decade the threat to national security and prosperity from cyber-attacks
has increased exponentially. Over the decades ahead this trend is likely to continue to
increase in scale and sophistication, with enormous implications for the nature of modern
conflict. We need to be prepared as a country to meet this growing challenge, building on
the advanced capabilities we already have,” Strategic Defence and Security Review, 2010
The Ministry of Defence through its Strategic Defence and Security Review, (MoD,
2010) its Comprehensive Approach Doctrine, JDN 4/05 (MoD, 2006); Information
Strategy (MoD, 2009) and its Network Enabled Capability, JSP 777 (MoD, 2006) has
identified that it needs to protect, integrate, manage and exploit its information
structures to enable commanders to make proportionate and appropriate superior
decision through shared situational awareness. At present policies, regulations and
accreditation prohibit certain network operations and electronic data transfer from
multiple secure domains, thereby reducing interoperability and limiting information
away from task-orientated communities of interest that exploit collaborative processes in
a single Information Domain (MoD, 2005).
The Government wants and needs to: “Close the gap between the requirements of a
modern digital economy and the rapidly growing risks associated with cyber space... that
MOD will become significantly more focussed (to its) approach to cyber, by ensuring the
resilience of our vital networks and by placing cyber at the heart of defence operations,
doctrine and training. We (HMG) will also work to develop, test and validate the use of
cyber capabilities as a potentially more effective and affordable way of achieving our
national security objectives; address shortcomings in the critical cyber infrastructure
upon which the UK as a whole depends, both to tackle immediate weaknesses in security
and to ensure that we maintain access to a trusted industrial base,” Strategic Defence and
Security Review, 2010
At present, the Ministry of Defence does not have a coherent Cyber Security
Architecture and no Information Assurance Architecture underpinning its systems of
systems approach and tolerant operations. Possible NATO and DoD IA2 are aligned to
security mechanisms and accreditation rather than system operability, dependability
and intrusion tolerance. The current MoD Communications and Information
Infrastructures have been built up in an ad-hoc manner through the acquisition and
deployment of individual systems, each establishing its own security domain through
the accreditation and the purple spotting technical approval system to join tactical,
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operational, enterprise and strategic networks. The ISTARs platforms and future
Defence Communication and Information Infrastructures must address the needs of
technical and operational requirements for better decision making through shared
situational awareness with an exploitive information domain that can maintain the
assurance of the right information to the right people, at the right time. Many military
systems are highly secretive in purpose, design, capabilities, operations and
deployment. The economic, expansive, evolutionary and sometimes explosive
convergence and accessibility to quantity and quality of data, information and
knowledge transfer to the user and potential threat actors is creating a transparent,
vulnerable world at an alarming rate to Governments and their Defence Departments.
This globalised transparency5 of open access; open source is counter intuitive to
accredited structured, safe, secure and trusted systems.
This study wasn’t going to be easy; a positive outcome of the research has a high
operational impact on the future conduct of Operational Exploitation of Information
and Knowledge crossing many classified security domains6 (Campen, Dearth, &
Goodden, 1996; Hughes, 2002; Pollock, 2002; Fenz & Ekelhart, 2009). How and where
can the Air Gap be bridged is a current operational necessity for information
exploitation across coalition networks. However, the hypothesis of Bridging the Air Gap
is currently in direct conflict with a number of key Defence Communication Doctrine,
Policies and Security Procedures. No Government Communication and Information
System (CIS) can be operated without prior Accreditation (CESG, 2005; Cabinet Office,
2010b; MoD, 2010) The UK’s Technical Authority for Information Assurance; the
Government’s Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is amendment that the Air Gap is
both necessary and enforceable by accreditation. This provides a stark, negative barrier
to the hypothesis. The contrast of secure, accredited military systems is the often
quoted insecure and unsafe commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) information systems.
Transparency can seriously degrade several principles of war, most significantly mass,
manoeuvre, and surprise; e.g. it can provide a threat actor near-real time, accurate battlespace
visibility of a State’s military posture at both the strategic and theatre levels.
Defence uses network with a different security domain and security classification in isolated
closed user groups and network topology. All Top Secret networks are built and securely
maintained separately from other networks, e.g.: JOCs, SLI, NIPRNet, SIPRNet are all
independent and isolated networks (Air Gapped).
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Security is often easily financially offset by these COTS which have been developed,
marketed, and upgraded within a 2-year life cycle (Al-Kuwaiti, Kyriakopoulos, &
Hussein, 2009; Anderson & Rainie, 2010). These systems are often not ruggedised, nor
robust enough for tactical military operations, with some COTS exhibiting too great a
risk than those which would be acceptable for used by public safety or national security
organizations. The economic security challenge today (Paquet & Saxe, 2005) is to
produce agile, robust COTS systems that are responsive to the Enterprise whilst being
secure, and seen to be secure, to satisfy regulations, policies, laws (in particular those
concerning data protection and privacy) and accurate reporting (Akdeniz, Walker, &
Wall, 2000; Allor, 2007; Colwill, 2010). The Enterprises’ profit-and-loss statements are
the bedrock of commercial decisions on information system life cycle designs (Hanseth,
2002; Howard & Lipner, 2005). Getting the “Greatest Bang for the Buck” with just-in-
time component delivery, acceptance of degraded system performance, reduced
operational response rates, and increased repair times are considered financially
acceptable if the equipment will do the job. Software (and to a lesser extended
firmware and some hardware) have been rushed through factory testing or untested
beta version released are launched on unsuspecting customers and field testing is
forced actual operational environments and consequently user enterprise bottom lines.
In the recent past, it was common practice for COTS systems been shipped under
licence, without access to source code? These flawed software or implementation
operational glitches were either corrected with software patches or left in the field
until new software version was developed (Schneier B. , 2008). Furthermore, it is quite
common to find that same code was third party developed, often with an overseas subcontractor, with minimal documentation, flow charts or configuration management
(Furnell & Thomson, 2009). Consequently, security is often seen as a bolt-on extra by
Enterprises and high assurance software the exclusive reserve for military and some
government projects willing to pay a premium. Table 1 illustrates some of the current
security issues in the marketplace.
The introduction and adoption by industry of new technologies such as wireless, voice
over Internet protocol (VOIP), and radio frequency identification devices (RFID) are
rapid, with little design concern for security and privacy. Introduction of this
technology in the commercial market is based on user acceptability, legal
consequences, and bottom-line cost analysis, not on considerations of information
safety, potential loss of life, or national security policy.
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Security Issues
System Security non-compliance
Security hinders operation
Agile operations, working flexibility, collaboration and
mobility provide opportunities but increased risks and
exposure with little understanding of Assurance and Risk
Communication channel are
diverse, their security products
are obsolete.
The main problems across new media channels and devices
include data leakage, archive failures, spam, malware and
policy non-compliance.
Inter-enterprise collaboration is
not working because of security
The need for greater collaboration is a top business,
government and defence priority, interoperability is
restricted by security domain architectures.
Poor Security Maintenance and
Policies are not enforced
Many enterprises rely on unsupported tools to conduct
business and there is increasing user inability to find
expertise to solve issues.
Incomplete or immature
protection services and security
Organizations generally rely on stovepipe solutions that
monitor one or two information channels whilst their
communication strategies use multiple media channels.
External threats are perceived to
be the greatest impact on business
Business impact and consequential continuity planning is
more exposed to system vulnerabilities, insider user faults
and social engineering. Most systems are intolerant to
intruders and malicious users.
Data protection is a legal
compliance issue.
A Enterprise security focus has been on protecting
organizations against malicious and inappropriate content
rather than data protection
Table 1: Security issues and non-compliance
In spite of these potential problems with commercial systems, their advantages—rapid
deployment of state-of-the-art technology, consequent higher performance and far
lower cost (higher volume cost reductions)—make them extremely attractive. Thus,
over the past decade, Defence Acquisition Reform has been focused on developing
processes to achieve both the high-performance and low-cost benefits that come from
using commercial technology while still assuming the necessary mission objectives of
high reliability, rugged environmental capability, and particularly security through
compliance and accreditation.
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The challenge for the transformed, assured military is to use information technologies
to build a highly adaptive, high performance, and interoperable system infrastructure
that is resilient, degrades slowly under attack, and reconstitutes itself in a secure mode
while under attack. To accomplish this challenge, this transformed military needs a
better understanding of the life cycle vulnerabilities of information technologies. At the
same time, as strategies for defence in the post-modern era are developed,
consideration must be given to changing warfare system requirements to meet
changing enemy threat scenarios so we understand how new threats affect system
designs and vulnerabilities. As communication channels multiply, organizations are still
relying on the same old methodologies and stovepipe solutions to secure
communications. The resulting in either stymied mobility and collaboration or insecure
communication, neither of which is acceptable to the MoD. Enterprises wanting to
increase collaboration but keep Information content under control have had to take a
step back to address a wider communication challenge: these organizations need to
continue confronting the imminent CDS problems and ensure that today’s security
technology choices don’t complicate the assurance of tomorrow’s communications.
Making decisions based on the information to hand has been a matter of professional
judgement. Are the sources known, is the information believed to be accurate and
dependable, is it timely or dated, is it complete and do we trust it? The elements of
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) will manifest unless we do something about it!
Information Assurance (IA) is both a Science and an Art of removing the FUD contagion
by managing the risks and providing a high degree of trust.
An important issue was to remove the desire to analyse the content and usage of
classified material in the operational theatre, to accept that there is a clear and present
need to bridge the air gaps. This restricted the research qualitative rather than
quantitative analysis of sensitive aspects of information management and exploitation
in the military environment. By not dwelling on topical, actual but highly sensitive
problems, has limited the research to generalist issues and the overall problems for
cross domain solutions, the directed research was to more contextual modelling
(Strang & Linnhoff-Popien, 2004; Bettini, et al., 2010) than construction of a final
engineered system or product. Researching Communication and Information Systems
has moved away from technological to managerial and organizational issues through
qualitative research methodologies (Kaplan & Maxwell, 1994; Kaplan, Truex, Wastell,
Wood-Harper, & DeGross, 2004). The interpretive perspective and quantitative method
provides context-dependent research into the holistic problems of Information
Assurance and Bridging the Air Gap.
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The Need to Know Principle
The protection and security of Data, Information and Knowledge across the Internet, its
services and multiple domains, telecommunication networks, inter-connecting
corporate and government intra-networks, institutional networks, social networks and
military communication and information systems has been examined, reviewed,
articulated, sponsored and exploited by many different scholars, strategists, military
doctrines, business analysts and security practitioners. Long before 1911 the security
principle of “The Need to Know” was a key component to keeping secrets, secret and
those in “The Know” perceived to have gained more power, emotional Contempt
(Ekman, 1999) over those that were not (Hollander & Offerman, 1990).
introduction of the UK’s Official Secrets Act, 1911 was a legal mechanism that
reinforced morals of trust and loyalty through secrecy (Williams D. G., 1969). The
principle component of this legislation was the moral promise (honour and trust) from
employees not to divulge information or intelligence without express permission from
appropriate authorities (Frank & Eisen, 1982). The moral authority (Haidt & Joseph,
2007) underpins the principle of the “Need to Know” in military and intelligence
operations. This principle is pivotal on the idea that military personnel are only told
what is necessary, what they need to know and thereby what level of trust (Lewicki &
Wiethof, 2006a) was bestowed upon them to carry out their task. If they are
subsequently captured or for some reason (the fear to) betray the operation, they are
unable to divulge any other operational orders or secrets; willingly or unwillingly.
Essentially, Nations, Governments, Departments and Operations need to keep its
secrets, secret and are emotionally in fear of having these secrets exposed (Liebeskind,
1997; Schneier B. , 2000; Colwill, 2010).
Security of Information was proscribed by many policies and articulated by
McCumber’s Cube (McCumber, 1991; Price S. M., 2008) and the net-centricity of
Information Operations has focused early Assurance doctrines on Computer Network
Defence (Rathmell, 2003), physical security devices and technologies, policies,
procedures, access control and people vetting to provide protection to the data and
information flows (Alberts, Garstka, & Stein, 1999; DoD JP 3-13, 2006; MoD, 2006).
However, the Cross-Domain requirements of coalition decision-making and other
communities of interest imposes directives for the assurance of Information System
Interoperability as well as providing dependable and safe Knowledge Transfer
Operations across these numerous systems to create a shared situational awareness
(the Need to Share) and resilient and secure Information Exploitation. IA has become a
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strategic issue to the modern enterprise, with purpose and capabilities, defining
assured environment and cultural awareness as illustrated in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Strategic Asset of Assurance to the Enterprise (Borland, 2008)
This enterprise focus of Information Assurance had many declaring it a State of Mind
(Boyce & Jennings, 2002; Stahl, 2005; Borland, 2008) to achieve business values
through Enterprise Architecture and conceptual view of security towards net-centricity
and increasing complexities of communication networking. IA Architecture (IA2) has
predominantly developed the security domains of Confidentiality, Integrity,
Availability, Non-Reputation, Access Control and Authentication (Willett, 2008) and
was promulgated without much research in linking IA (and its benefits) with human
psychology, education and situational awareness. The Umbrella of Secrecy has help
many military operations to succeed, however in a time of instant communications,
surveillance, computational analysis and image processing, military activities are often
observed and evaluated by opposing forces performing appropriate countermeasures,
very quickly. Being aware of this rapid transforming environment, the shared
situational awareness of what’s going on, and who is performing what task and what
agile responses are being played out, the modern field commanders in the Command,
Control, Communications, Computing, Intelligence and Information (C4II) Battlespace
has become reliant on accurate and timely information, he needs to know!
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Figure 8: Human Centricity of Information Assurance
This raises the question of identifying and qualifying who needs to know. Furthermore
who needs to know what? Conversely, how does a user in need of information “Know
whom to ask”? These questions become a complex issue when you have millions of
isolated data storages to single systems, and potentially millions of systems
interconnected and having to become interoperable. The importance of being able to
discover, knowing who to ask for what and rationalise the appropriate information
could be resolved by semantic tagging or indexing the data structures (Allemang,
2010). However, are these techniques available across the whole interconnected
domains? What motivates the interest of communities to move towards information
sharing is the desire to improve the decision making process and achieving a shared
situational awareness, ensuring all members of the community are aware of the
enterprise content that has otherwise been trapped by official denial, power politics,
isolation and Air Gaps!. This new direction, as outlined and argued within this thesis,
will fundamentally change assurance architecture doctrine and processes away from
network defence and security mechanisms towards human factors and its centricity, as
illustrated in Figure 8, of education, learning and developing cognitive processes and
products that harmonised alignment and interoperability drawn from adaptive
unconscious (Wilson T. D., 2002a; Wray, 2011). The research models developed within
this thesis integrate and align components of IA against the layering of cyberspace, the
layers of interoperability and recent understanding of human psychology (expressed
by Ekard and Hiadt) and life-long learning.
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The early 21st Century Cyber World is a many-to-many, globally connected; intrinsically
ICT dependent, information rich; culturally diverse, data-to-knowledge transforming
environment (Arquilla & Ronfeldt, 2000; Borg, 2005; Lane, Heus, & Mulcahy, 2008;
Omand, 2010; Obama, 2011). This virtual space of human thoughts interfacing socialtechnical networks, vast data processing, capture, store and forwarding cyber domains
predicates individualistic empowerment that quantum shift paradigms to open new
horizons of statehood; commerce; politics; entertainment and human relationships
(Schmidt, 2008; Powell, 2009; Sommer & Brown, 2011).
Where we are beginning to understand the neural networks and complexities of our
brain we have created a greater network, bridging human minds through virtual planes
(Zohar & Marshall, 1990; Cole, 2005; Krämer, 2008). The geopostion of nations
becomes less important as state boundaries are lost in cyberspace (Fisher, 2001; Exon,
2003; Kücklich, 2009), as we socially engineer new communication paths and
relationships (Jones & Rafaeli, 2000; Ghosh, 2004; Anderson & Rainie, 2010). The
pervasive nature of social-technical internetworking communities (Kolb, 2008) has
generated these new horizons in cyberspace; complexities of connectivity; ubiquitous
communications; the internet of things; the digital divide; cybercrime; Cyberwar; the
realisation of virtualisation and clouds; illusions of reality and new (virtual) freedoms;
innovations, digital creations, quantum computing, subterfuge, conflict, privacy, risk
and trustworthiness. These composite, conflicting, cognitive domains have become our
interconnected, bridged society (Jensen, Danziger, & Venkatesh, 2004; Proctor & Van
Zandt, 2008; BIS, 2009).
The Research Engineering to Bridging the Air Gap is a discovery of where to assure the
trustworthiness of the real and virtual planes of our societies and the Communication
and Information Systems (CIS) we use and in particular establishing a strategic assured
military acceptance to cross domain interoperability, robustness and dependability.
Cyberspace constitutes a pervasive, ubiquitous, survivable domain that is easily
accessible, affordable, exploitative, evolutionary and expansive. It has been defined as:
“The worldwide open IP-enabled network infrastructure for communications, commerce
and government,” (Nain, Donaghy, & Goodman, 2008). With the increased Internet
usage at homes and businesses there were more asymmetric attacks being generated
from malicious users, hackers, script kiddies and criminals (Saydjari, 2004). The US
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Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) study (Weaver, Paxson,
Staniford, & Cunningham, 2003) categorised in 2003 five worm characteristics
(Propagation carriers and distribution mechanisms; target discovery; code activation;
payload and attacker motivation) and speculated that future worms could facilitate
human surveillance, commercial advantage, the management of distributed malware,
terrorist reconnaissance and the cyber-kinetic manipulation of system parameters to
Modern electronic warfare is changing asymmetrically (Metz, 2000); changing radically
(Richards, 2010); there are revolutions in concepts of running military affairs (Toffler
& Toffler, 1980); an evolution of conducting network centric operations (Arquilla &
Ronfeldt, In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age, 1997;
Alberts, Garstka, & Stein, 1999) doctrines to the conquest of cyberspace (Libicki M. C.,
2007) from Cyberspace to Cyberpower (Kuehl, 2009; Starr, 2009) to the formation of
USCYBERCOM and lately, formal recognition that there are now five domains of
Military, Political and Economic Affairs (Land, Sea, Air, Space and Cyberspace). The
Ministry of Defence’s Network Enabled Capability (MoD, 2006; MoD, 2009) and its
development from the US Netcentric7 models has developed intrinsic and often
complex transnational interdependencies, involving knowledge transfer, human factors
and information interactions across virtual and real planes.
People who have a communication agenda had, before the Internet, communicated
their message via a few media channels: an occasional letter to “The Times Editorial”; a
placard in a televised march; a stump speech in Hyde Park or a radio broadcast. Even
those channels are still prevalent in the UK’s democratic society; there is a considerable
movement to blogs, wikis, online forums, IRC’s and social networks (MySpace,
Facebook and Twitter) which introduce their topics to a larger, more globalised
audience. Now their voice, their thoughts, bias and ideas can have a global impact upon
willing and very receptive readers. This pervasive power of communication is widely
recognised (Orbe, 1998; Estrin, Culler, Pister, & Sukhatme, 2002; Castells, 2009) and
the relative ease of borderless access and anonymity constructs a security dilemma
Netcentric refers to the participation to a continuously evolving, complex community of people,
devices. Information and services interconnected by a communications network to optimize resource
management and provide superior information on events and conditions needed to empower decision
makers. Available at: (accessed 12 August 2010).
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(Borg, 2005)that one person could potentially affect an entire nation’s security via a
cyberspace attack is seen as a Clear and Present Danger (Liang & Xiangsui, 2002; Jain,
2005; Harris, 2008; Marks, 2009). The two Chinese Colonels (Liang & Xiangsui, 2002)
advocated the idea that a less-capable foe can employ asymmetry warfare principles to
take on a military superior opponent. This aligns with Sun Tzu’s view that Stealth,
Deception and Indirect attacks should be used to overcome a stronger opponent in
battle. The US Department of Defense (DoD) Directive8 leverage their net-centric
capabilities with a technical cyberspace framework called the Global Information Grid
(GIG) incorporating an IP-based infrastructure linking sensor, surveillance and
reconnaissance (SSR) systems; Command and Control (C2) systems and weapon
platforms (fire systems) and associated services necessary to achieve Information
Superiority. The DoD vision has six programmes9 to facilitates the Grid with an agile,
robust, interoperable and collaborative command structure where users from
Enterprise, the intelligence sector and the armed forces all share knowledge on a
secure, dependable and global network that enables superior decision-making,
effective operations and network-centric transformation.
Consequently, the US
doctrine and principles of Network-Centric Warfare (NCW) has modified the doctrines
of many military institutions, NATO has adopted NNEC10 and Australia calls it the
Ubiquitous Command and Control (UC2).
NCW offers a military movement towards cohesive operations; where knowledge
transactions, Command & Control (C2) and coalition interoperability provides strategic,
operational and tactical Shared Situation Awareness (SSA) and to the planning,
execution and assessment of the comprehensive Effects Based Approach to Operations
(EBAO) and ultimately to the UK’s National Security. The tempo and increased rate of
change of operations within societies is a significant characteristic of the Global
environment we live and operate in, requiring coalitions, federated collaborative
partnerships and multinational user groups to exploit, contain and manage diverse,
Global Information Grid (GIG) Overarching Policy. DoD Directive NUMBER 8100; 19th September
Four programmes (Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS); Transformational Satellite
Communication System (TSAT) deal with communication networks , transportation and delivery of
Data, Information and Knowledge, one with enterprise services and final one with Information
NATO Network Enabled Capability;
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geographically dispersed elements of open, loose, closed or classified Government,
Military, Commercial, Criminal Investigation and Community operations. The
globalisation of political, economic, social-cultural, technological, environment and
legal (PESTEL) factors have contributed, manipulated and framed our physical world,
but institutions are finding it increasingly difficult to encompass and capture the
dynamic, evolutionary, chaotic, turbulent domain of cyberspace (Cerf, 2007). Vested
institutional bodies such as the UN; EU; ITU; ETSI; ANSI; police and law enforcement
agencies; intergovernmental policymaking bodies; homeland security and other NGOs
have been focused on outreach, general education and situational awareness although
there are some “also pursuing global collaboration, harmonization of statutory and
regulatory provisions, and the development of incident readiness and response programs”
(Nain, Donaghy, & Goodman, 2008).
Nunes (1995) stated: “Cyberspace no longer strictly refers to the fictional “matrix” in
William Gibson’s novel Neuromancer; it has now entered into common speech on and off
the Internet as shorthand for this conception of computer networks as a cybernetic space.
From a Baudrillardian perspective, this figuration of Internet as a kind of cybernetic
terrain works to undermine the symbolic distance between the metaphoric and the real. It
abandons “the real” for the hyperreal by presenting an increasingly real simulation of a
comprehensive and comprehendible world.” Taking Nunes (1995) to heart; to
understand risk and nature of Cyberspace we need to comprehend its transparency.
More effort is needed to deconstruct, in conjunction, both the Real and Virtual planes of
Cyberspace and its interface to society and individuals (Lessig, 2004). The biomedical
reflection of natural science to cyberspace of bugs, virals, worms, Trojans, biometrics,
agents, neural networking etc. provide physical views to the materiality of the real
world to the virtualisation of cyberspace. The science relates the outlook nature of the
Newtonian world as a veneer of day-to-day existence. Science exposes it as a kind of
mirage as it establishes and describes the various microscopic and macroscopic realms
driven by quantized complex forces. “It may very well be said that information is the
irreducible kernel from which everything else flows, hence the question why nature
appears quantized is simply a consequence of the fact that information itself is quantized
by necessity.” Zeilinger, 2002. Life sciences paint complexity as an outward simplistic
vision of humanity, plants and animals as an evolving, self-generating, self-organising
complex system of neural linking, DNA, cellular development and chemical interactions,
which are helpfully, hidden from our everyday view. The virtual planes of the Internet,
The Global Information Grid and Cyberspace are synonymous to this and its life blood
is the mixture of data, information and knowledge. ”Historically, much of fundamental
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physics has been concerned with discovering the fundamental particles of nature and the
equations which describe their motions and interactions. It now appears that a different
programme may be equally important: to discover the ways that nature allows, and
prevents, information to be expressed and manipulated, rather than particles to move.”
Steane, 1998.
In effect, these natural science philosophies assert that matter, life, society, cultural
creations and the mind are illusions and that we have built cyberspace as a structured
mirrored reflection, a virtual illusion with its own complexities. Both the real (physical)
and virtual (digital) reality are composed of the same quantized binary bits of
information. As Jeremy Levine (Levine, 2010) stated: “Reality, regardless of its content,
is nothing more than the information it communicates.” It is then not so much what
visual image that we see, the true reality is “below the surface and behind the
communication”, which consists of underlying physical components, such as atoms,
genes, narrative elements and drives, as well as underlying “mechanisms” or rules,
which generate the surface structure of reality that are akin to the protocols, standards
and domains that have been created to implement the Black and White11 (Ones and
Zeroes) of cyberspace.
Sanes (2008) said “When we see only the surface, it is said that we are victims of a kind of
simulation confusion, taken in by false appearances.” He clarifies this falsehood as that of
(1) nature, which trick us because of our limited senses and knowledge; (2) selfdeceptions, the unconscious cover-ups that are described as forms of repression or
defence and (3) cover-ups, deliberately manipulated appearances and outright lies,
such as those attributed to hidden agenda, criminal activities, politics, con artists, and
by creation of deceptive simulations, entertainment and magic. The Information Age
(Toffler & Toffler, 1980) is reliant on interconnected, robust, interoperable systems of
systems, their information infrastructures and connecting communication networks requires
more automation, controlling software applications and cyberspace connectivity to manage
the increasingly complex interdependencies of the information services and the networks that
host them. The very nature of this complexity introduces vulnerabilities and simulation
confusions which inflate with our increasing reliance and dependency.
Professor of Practice, Howard Schmidt (2008) stated: “Our critical infrastructure systems
are fundamentally dependent on the Internet and IP-based technology, and there are
The Tao Security is an image of Black “Hatted” Hacker and Cracker manipulators and White
Knight (security practitioners) countermeasures.
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interdependencies between them that our enemies will seek to exploit. Cyber warfare
completely evens the playing field as developing nations and large nations with a formidable
military presence can both launch equally damaging attacks over the Web.”
The need to maintain domain security is also essential to keep conflicts and intrusions
to a minimum and access to information on a “Need to Know” basis. However, this silo
culture but has become obsolete to the desires of exploitation and interoperability that
frames the 21st century Information Age and its “Need to Share” Culture. In part this
thesis conceptualises, contextualises and examines the necessary and highly influential
and important gap, and the bridge, between these two cultures. This challenging, and
alarming phenomenon of multifaceted risks, insecurities and ignorance needs to be
understood, managed and assured. What is acceptable to certain communities may be
seen as criminal in others, globalisation has created uncertainty (Cerf, 2007; Heller,
2009) where we are beginning to doubt the effectiveness of security and protection of
sensitive, private information assets and where we fear the consequences of being
terrorised, criminally exploited or socially subverted:In Cyberspace there is a contagion of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD).
Richardson, C. J. 2011
However, Cyberspace offers a plethora of opportunities to the individuals,
communities, organisations and governments. The ITU (2007) stated that: “there has
been a steady expansion in digital opportunity, both in terms of more widespread access
to basic Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the growth in highspeed access to ICTs, on both fixed line and mobile networks. Ever greater numbers of
people around the world are enjoying access to the benefits ICTs can bring. Already, the
number of people using ICTs around the world has doubled since the WSIS was first
proposed in 1998. By the start of 2008, there will be around three billion mobile phones
and more than one billion fixed lines around the world.” The Internet World Stats (2010)
indicates that “The Internet has reached 29% of the World’s population, some
1,966,514,816 users.” With this increasing online community come associated risks:
some risks are obvious, some intrinsic to the complexities of the environment, some are
natural and some are manufactured to suit a particular intent. Intentional activity to
harm, threaten and exploit vulnerabilities has spurn generations of increasing more
sophisticated cyber-warriors, whether legitimated (government sanctioned military,
intelligence, business, educational, social-cultural), terrorists, hackers, spies or
criminals (EU, 2005). Each has an agenda that might cultivate, educate, deny, subvert,
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harm or exploit the array of services and assets presented by a cyber-portal (Bynum,
2004; Bishop, Engle, Peiser, Whalen, & Gates, 2008).
“Cybercrime cost the UK economy £27bn a year,” HM Government, 2010
There are many different types of attack vectors and the security threat to the
legitimate users has diverse intent and motivation. Cybercriminals (Schjolberg, 2005;
ITU, 2007 and EU, 2008) are committed attackers upon our information assets, having
a desire, want and wish to inflict damage, loss, modification, subversion, control, power
or other psychological or material reward. They seek to gain advantage, financial
benefit, secrets, political hacktivism12, intellectual property and digital rights by
conducting fraud, identity theft, social engineering and launching increasing devious
and effective malware. Their malware if often self-propagating, reusable, selfdefending, sometimes coordinated, able to use decentralised Command and Control
(C2) and is becoming worryingly more intelligent (Ilachinski, 1997; Alberts & Papp,
2001; DCDC, 2010). These viral and malicious software applications, worms and
Trojans have morphed rootkits, distributed denial of service attacks, Botnets,
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) specific attack ware (e.g. Stuxnet)
and lately the “Storm” malware. However, the biggest insidious security risk to any
institution is the threat from the “insider”. The concepts and value of trust (Madsen,
1999; Sandhu, 2000; Day, 2004; Weckert, 2005; Goucher, 2009) is essential to society
and in cyberspace it’s the keystone to all activities (OECD, 1986; OECD 2002; Jøsang,
Keser and Dimitrakos, 2005). An environment that is assured by structure, safety,
security, trusted systems and vetted individuals is deemed trustworthy (Alexander,
Kimmel, & Burke, 2007).
Individuals, employees or contractors with valid user profiles, clearances, logins and
passwords operate with frequent, interactivity with the enterprise’s Communication
and Information Systems (CIS) and consequently can initiate the greatest harm and
explicit risk to the security (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) and asset of
those systems. As figure 34 illustrates, the implicit risk to any organisation is from
outside Computer Network Attacks (CNA) but there’s greater potential betrayal of a
Hacktivism is the fusion of hacking and activism; politics and technology. More specifically,
hacktivism is described as hacking for a political cause.
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loyal / trusted insider (denoted by Computer Network Exploitation – CNE); but it is
also the ignorance (denoted by Disclosure, Abuse and Denial, - DAD) and noncompliance of the user community (Lapke & Dhillon, 2005; Colwill, 2010). Failures to
meet security policies, poor awareness, lack of motivation to protect the assets,
laziness, lack of understanding of risk, privacy and sensitivity all contribute and if often
overlooked in many security risk assessments (Furnell & Thomson, 2009).
We need mechanisms, doctrines and policies to support the trustworthiness of our
Information Assets; Providing tested and compliant solutions, vetting, management and
education that help, support and police the user communities, identifying the evolving
threats, analyse and assess, defend, patch, recover, repair and control our operational
cyber domains. Fundamentally, we all need to understand Assurance and take
responsibility of our actions within cyberspace.
It’s a big ask. To understand
cyberspace and the evolving risks needs a national programme of Education, Training
and Awareness, a cultural shift from reliance on others to self-reliance and
accountability. Users need to take ownership (risk manage) and citizens need to
understand that this is a national threat (MoD, 2010).
It is our social nature that we need to gain trust and in doing so we make ourselves
more vulnerable (Nikander, 2001). To trust (Minsky, 2003) people, systems or
processes takes time, however to lose trusts can take just a moment, and any attempt to
regain that lost trust is fraught and inconclusive (Rogers, 1995). Trustworthiness
requires us to assure systems, against CNA, CNE and DAD threats, with their user
community. Information Assurance (IA) brings trustworthiness to the Enterprise; it
allows human trust (Schneider, 1998) to exist in cyberspace and its components and
provides a defence-in-depth (May, et al, 2006) to Information Operations (CNA, CNE)
and Information Insecurity (DAD). It is the key to bridging the communication data
train (Protocols, Transmission and Routing), through the information stack (IO/IX; IA,
IM; IS & IT) to trusting, maintaining and developing the UK’s Defence Information and
Knowledge Infrastructures; DEC CCII13; Enterprise and joint venture Knowledge
Management Transfer (KTM), C4ISTARS14 projects; Information Operations (JDP 3-80,
MoD’s DEC(CCII) is tasked to deliver optimised, integrated, timely Command and Battle Management (CBM) and
Global Information Infrastructure (GII) equipment capabilities that meet
UK stakeholder requirements within a
coherent, balanced and cost effective investment programme.
Current UK Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Information/Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting
Acquisition and Reconnaissance (C4ISTAR) programmes are Collaborative System for Air Battlespace Management
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2007); Electronic Warfare (EW); Computer Network Operations (CNO); The Global
Information Grid (GIG) and Communication Networks capabilities (Rawlinson, 2005
and MODIS, 2009). These various systems are often required to perform seamlessly
across multi-functional, federated, lateral, layered and partitioned Information and
Communication domains. As we interact with systems and they in turn interact with
others networks, the systems of systems become complex with their many interacting
components, hierarchical layers and multi-lateral domains. Professor Jensen describes
these systems as Complex “because it is impossible to reduce the overall behaviour of the
system to a set of properties characterising the individual components. Interaction is able
to produce properties at the collective level that simply are not present when the
components are considered individually,” Moffat, 2003
Essentially, modern military interoperability and system capability (Alberts and Hayes,
2006) requires bridging the domain air gaps of numerous classified systems within and
external to the defence environment. To comprehend, structure, make safe, secure and
ensure trustworthiness of these systems of systems, networks of enterprise
architecture, information infrastructures with their real-time system orientated
processes, applications (SOA) and software serviced engineering (SaaS); their integrity
and dependability requires educated IA practitioners and security architects that can
work in both the Horizontal15 and Vertical16 Domains (Hughes, 2001; Hayat, 2006 and
Anderson, 2009).
(CSABM) and NATO’s Air Command and Control System (NATO ACCS), the Joint Force Air Component HQ (JFACHQ), the
UK’s Tactical Air Control Centre (TACC), the Transportable JAPNMS Facility (TJF) and C4ISTAR capabilities being
developed for the UK Army’s Ground Based Air Defence (GBAD), WATCHKEEPER and Future Rapid Effects System
Horizontal Working Security Domain is defined as working between information domains at the same Protective
Marking (JSP 440, V3.8, 2010) but with different need to know criteria, e.g. UK SECRET and NATO SECRET.
Vertical Working Security Domain is defined as working between information domains at different Protective
Marking (JSP 440, V3.8, 2010), e.g. UK TOP SECRET and UK SECRET.
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The Joint Force will operate in an environment that is increasingly complicated,
uncertain, and dynamic. Employment of asymmetric strategies by potential adversaries
and the proliferation of advanced weapons and information technologies will create
additional stresses on all elements of the force. Future operations will not only require
increasing joint integration, but must also better integrate other federal agencies, state
organizations, and coalition partners.
The current state of human and technical
connectivity and interoperability of the Joint Force, and the ability of the Joint Force to
exploit that connectivity and interoperability, are inadequate to achieve the levels of
operational effectiveness and efficiency necessary for success in the emerging operational
environment. Net-Centric Environment Joint Functional Concept (2005).
The Joint Functional Concept describes the Net-centric capabilities and attributes of the
US Military and Intelligence Communities through a model consisting of three areas:
a) The Technical Area (physical aspects such as infrastructure, network connectivity,
and environment).
b) The Information Area (the environment where information is created,
manipulated, and shared); and
c) The Knowledge Area (cognitive and social interaction capabilities and attributes
required to effectively function in the Net-Centric Environment);
The Net-Centric Environment Joint Functional Concept (NCE JFC) model was developed
to examine several important elements of the functional concept and their interrelations. Appropriate and accurate Information Sharing is created by the NCE JFC
through its Knowledge and Technical networking and coupled to the collection force
sensors (ISTARS) provides unit and shared situational awareness.
General Keith
Alexander, the head of DoD’s Cyber Command said “Defense needs a common sharable,
operating picture across its networks and to enable real-time response…situational
awareness across DOD’s networks is now often based on forensics generated after an
incident has occurred.” The NEC benefit chain (MoD, 2006; MoD, 2009) clearly defines
that better situational awareness (SA), as illustrated in Figure 9, will allow units to
interact, collaborate more effectively and bolster their ability to see and understand in
real time what’s happening across its networks. Moreover, as: “they know more about
what they need to know, where that information is likely to be found, and with what other
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force elements their capabilities need to combine, and they are interacting and
collaborating in a policy, cultural, and technical environment suitable for that
interaction,” (DoD, 2005).
Figure 9: Network and Information Enabled Situational Awareness
The repeatability of this cyclic process further refines the SA, making a more coherent
view and deeper cognitive understanding. This will further examine in Chapter 6; The
IA Model and in particular modelling the entity relationships between the five Cyber
Layers, three Information States and the eight Assurance Components and their
attributes. The Net-Centric Environment Joint Functional Concept ultimate end state
would be: “Where there are ubiquitous sensor networks, perfect fusion tools, no
restrictions on bandwidth availability and high-resolution, real-time, 3-dimensional
visualization, where any collectable information in any force would be available to any
force element, and virtual collaboration environments would be indistinguishable in
terms of quality from physical “same room” collaborations.” (Alberts D. S., 2002).
“In some respects, sharing information is a leap of faith that the recipient will
treat the information properly, not abusing the implied trust.”
(Crocker, 2007)
The 4th Annual Unified Cross Domain Management Office (UCDMO) Conference, Boston
(2010), theme was “From the Core to the Edge - Information on Demand.” Where Netcentricity of military Cyber network capability and information infrastructures, the
“Core to the Edge” spanned the Strategic, Operational and Tactical purposes of the NEC:
The Global Information Infrastructures (GII), Critical Information Infrastructures (CII),
corporate Defence Information Infrastructures (DII) and the Battlespace Information
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Infrastructures (BII). The Military cyberspace domain is a networked construct of
robust headquarters’ environments to the less advantaged, distant reaches of our
missions and tactical linkage.
Cross Domain capabilities are vital components in
today’s and tomorrow’s information sharing environments (Bailey, 2010). The NEC is
an environment of linked sensors, a lattice-work of communications and logistic
networks, command and control (C2), intelligence gathering and Fires17 networks gains
Within the NEC: “Warfighters can achieve efficiencies in the full spectrum of operations
by sharing information in a common operating environment. This requires unity of effort
across organizational, national, technical and spatial boundaries as necessary,” (Crocker,
2007). Whereas, within the Cross-Domain Solution they are: “To foster seamless
information sharing throughout a diverse user community; across the widest variety of
domains.” (Jamka, 2009).
The UCDMO was initiated by the US DoD CIO and the DNI CIO to develop a roadmap for
the community and facilitate the development of a Cross Domain vision that includes all
the stakeholders and their stated mission. The Cross-Domain (CD) Community goals
Ensure secure, robust and flexible CD capabilities are available and extensible
to share information among a wide range of mission partners;
Ensure that CD technological developments are timely, responsive and aligned
with transformational initiatives;
Ensure CD investments fill capability gaps, minimize redundant activities,
increase efficiency and support the timely migration to the CD Baseline.
In the US Joint Publication 3-09, Doctrine for Joint Fire Support, joint fires are “fires produced
during the employment of forces from two or more components in coordinated action toward a
common objective.” The military distinguishes between operational and tactical fires: (a) Operational
fires are lethal and non-lethal weapon effects that influence enemy operational forces, critical
functions, and key facilities to accomplish operational objectives in support of either an operation or a
campaign and (b) Tactical fires are lethal or non-lethal weapons effects that achieve tactical objectives
in direct support of a major operation.
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Figure 10: GIG Incremental phased approach for the Information Assurance Component
The evolving, evolutionary nature of Cyberspace, its social-technical development to an
increasing function orientated user groups has driven military net-centricity and the
importance of information (its acquisition, protection, communication and persuasion).
The centrality of Information Operations, articulated by US Joint Force doctrine (DoD,
2000) declared it was the US Military’s goal to achieve dominance in the Information
domain – Cyberspace. The “Need to Know” Security Domain18 (Hughes, 2002; Farroha,
Whitfield, & Farroha, 2009) model has to evolve to the “Need to Share” Cross-Domain
Solutions, assuring that information sharing can accommodate real-time information
access and transfer between different communities, partners and security domains
(Kubic, 2009). The spirit of coalition sharing is the ability to give something and to gain
something. CDS long-term strategy is cooperation based on trust enabling reciprocity,
getting along with other communities of interest (Kollock & Smith, 1996; Axelrod,
1997; Abraham, 2005).
The Security Domain models provides a means for specifying program state and state
transitions, as well as security-related concepts such as subject, information flow, information
access, and covert channel vulnerabilities. The model supports formalization of a security policy
by providing a framework in which to specify the underlying security properties that represent
that policy.
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“What is inescapably clear, whatever we choose to believe, is that we are altering our
infosphere fundamentally...we are adding a whole new stratum of communication to the
social system. The emerging Third Wave infosphere makes that of the Second Wave era dominated by its mass media, the post office, and the telephone - seem hopelessly
primitive by contrast.
Toffler & Toffler, 1980
The Need to Share information has three fundamental enablers that can be identified as
1) Protocol Definition: specifying who can access what information under
which conditions and across what boundaries.
2) Protocol Enforcement: ensuring that information dissemination
conforms to an agreed IA policy.
3) Protocol Tolerance: ensuring that IA protocols are fault tolerant to the
5 IA pillars, Information Security, Information Dependability, Risk
Management, Trust and System Resilience
The State of Art of Information falls into a number of components, a strategic
positioning of IA, an operational role of IA and how IA can impact on the Enterprise in
both its processes and it ability to create a new culture of trustworthiness. This will be
investigated in Chapter 3. Moreover and in part Information Assurance can be seen as
an enabler to create organisation change through architecture, policies and education;
to better risk manage that change and its on-going operations with skilled practitioners
and to create two major paradigms, that of survivability (resilience, dependability and
safety) and Cross-Domain Solutions (Security, Protection and Trust Management). For
Critical Information Infrastructures there has become a greater need for resilient
systems, that are both fault and intruder tolerate, dependable, useable and safe for the
operations and its operators. The Cross Domain Solution provides access control;
information availability and authority to pull Information from one security domain to
another will require Transactional Information Protocols that are derived from a
combination of factors including mission, nationality, permissions, vetting and the
operational situation. Information systems that support the UK’s Network Enabled
Capability provide many differing varieties of intrinsic and often complex, interactions,
transactions and dependencies. Information is one of the most important assets of our
business but do we really comprehend this? Without the timely and effective use of
information our decisions become jaded, inappropriate or suspect. We need our
information to be accurate, trusted and not compromised, lost, leaked, disseminated,
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unauthorised publication or corrupted. The NEC doctrine of Information Superiority
predicates the need for information security and its assurance, but little has been done
to finance a national strategy to bring the skilled individuals (we need) into this new
marketplace. How often is it heard in conversations what was perceived as a solution
has been discarded because of security, or the lack of it? Or that security has imposed
unacceptable additional costs to projects.
Security is deemed to be difficult, intrusive and a necessary evil to protect our
information, our assets, from the social engineered, hacked, virus invested, virtual
world of cyberspace. There is a culture that doesn’t want to understand security; it’s
too complex; they have no appetite for it, they see it as a horrible medicine to be
administered. Often question its values and see no apparent return of investment.
Fundamentally, security is a compromise to influences, power and agenda and may be
not fit for purpose (one compromise too many). Corporate executives have seen
security professional who don’t improve the situation as they further complicate or
cause a degree of disbelieve when they present doomsday scenarios or forecast future
major failings. Then there is a proliferation of guidance, policies and security
technologies to understand; the issues of management, architecture, assurance and
exploitation; and very little recognition of the skills, knowledge and education that is
needed to communicate comprehend and provide necessary assurances. The “Need to
Share” is the first of many bridges (Richardson C. J., 2008) that this Thesis will argue
towards creating a more holistic understandable and interoperable cyberspace that has
its infospheres19, infrastructures. Networks and Operations assured. Building IA
bridges across capability gaps in Corporate Strategies, their Information Process and
Storage, Communication internetworking and providing a framework to create well
educated professionals are all considered to support and develop this new IA science
well into the 21st Century.
Building the Bridges across the Capability and Educational Gaps in our knowledge and
understanding of Information Assurance and its effectiveness to help solve the complex
R.Z. Sheppard (1971), ”Rock Candy”, Time Magazine first introduced the notion of
“Infosphere” as he described: “In much the way that fish cannot conceptualize water or birds the
air, man barely understands his infosphere, that encircling layer of electronic and typographical
smog composed of clichés from journalism, entertainment, advertising and government.”
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problems of (a) cross-domain security; (b) trusted system interoperability; (c) system
survivability and tolerance to faults and intrusion; (d) providing for a better skilled
based practitioners and educated cyber warriors; (e) develops the contextual and
conceptual science of IA, its architecture (IA2) and doctrine; and (f) it accomplishes the
aforementioned by creating 5 key IA models which are:
1) Composite Model of Interoperability (Figure 21, p74)
This 3-Dimensional model provides the alignment to harmonise business
architecture to the technical-organisational layers of interoperability.
2) The Assured Cyber Defence Architecture (Figure 40, p119)
This provides a coherent overview of IA Architecture as a methodology to
provide Cyber Network Defence and a platform for Shared Situational
Awareness and Superior Decision Making.
3) The Information Functional Concept Model (Figure 47, p133 )
The I-Stack Model provides a contextual overview of the Information flows
from the Data Layer to the Knowledge Layer demonstrating the HumanComputer interactive components of Information Exploitation and
Information Operations.
4) The Information Assurance Cuboid Model (Figure 52, p153)
5) The thesis has structured 8-Dimensions of Information Assurance and these
are mapped against the flow of information (Process, Storage and Transit)
and the military’s layers of Cyberspace (Geographical, Physical, Logical,
Persona and Cyber Persona).
6) The IA Skills Framework (Figure , p211)
The skills framework was derived from the UK’s National Information
Assurance Strategy (Cabinet Office, 2007) to develop the IA profession. It is
now incorporated in HMG’s Information Assurance Competency
Framework and been developed for the National Occupational Standard for
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The Assured Position of Information
The risks from Cyberspace (including the internet, wider telecommunications networks
and computer systems) have been identified in the National Security Risk Assessment as a
Tier One risk. This means that they are judged to be one of the highest priorities for UK
national security over the next five years, taking into accounts both likelihood and impact.
HMG Fact Sheet 18: Cyber Security, 2011
’I’m not convinced that lack of encryption is the primary problem [of vulnerability to
network attack]. The problem with the Internet is that it’s meant for communication
among non-friends.
Whitfield Diffie, 2010
Bridging the Air Gap20 (Bobbitt, 2000; Hurley, 2001; Morabito & Gatchel, 2001; Schou,
Kuehl, & Armistead, 2005; Richardson, 2007) encompass social-technical (Enterprise),
professional and Educational competencies and capabilities within the organisation
and their system (of systems) interconnection to other organisations. Bridging the
In Computer Network Operations the air gap is defined as a type of security where the
network infrastructure (domain) is physically secured by keeping it separate and isolated from
other domains and the Internet. While this provides security, it also electronically limits access
and interoperability of networks (and VPNs) by authorised users and coalition partners.
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Domain Gap (linking one secure domain to another) is of operational necessity for
system interoperability (the Cross-Domain Solution)as is the Bridging the
Competencies Gap within the Information Assurance profession (Richardson, 2008);
they are, and have, both military (MoD, 2009) and national requirements (Cabinet
Office, 2007). There is a great political urgency as well as military and cultural need for
assured Cyber Situational Awareness21 and the contextual understanding (and
individual awareness) of the intrinsic properties of cyberspace (Barbatsis and Fegan,
1999). An important requirement for modern (and in particular military) information
infrastructures is meeting its definition as "a shared, evolving, open, standardized, and
heterogeneous installed base" (Hanseth, 2002) that allows for the interoperability of
classified domains and robust connectivity to other coalition partner’s information
domains. This need to share information across differently configured, classified and
owned networks is defining the new cyber landscape and creating a plethora of
security and data ownership problems.
The Defense Information Infrastructure (DII)” is a shared or interconnected system of
computers, communications, data applications, security, people, training, and other
support structures serving Department of Defense (DOD) local, national, and worldwide
information needs. The defense information infrastructure connects DOD mission support,
command and control, and intelligence computers through voice, telecommunications,
imagery, video, and multimedia services. It provides information processing and services
to subscribers over the Defense Information Systems Network and includes command and
control, tactical, intelligence, and commercial communications systems used to transmit
DOD information,” U.S. Department of Defense, Joint Doctrine Division, 2010. The
military development of Information Infrastructures within its own cyber environment
has created many security anomalies, accreditation and compliance problems. The
complexity and often insular nature of the military Information Domain has been
exacerbated by the need to keep the confidentiality and integrity of information within
many different layers of classifications and reader sensitivities, within the military
organisation, across departments and ministries and to coalition partners, NGOs and
corporate entities. Keeping our secrets, secret has been the watch words of military
Situational Awareness is the field of study concerned with perception of the surroundings and
derivative implications critical to decision makers in complex, dynamic areas such as military
command and security.
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information security, but the need to share our classified information assets have now
become an operational necessity. The Information Domain is a three-part concept for
information sharing, independent of, and across information systems and security
domains that:
1) identifies information sharing participants as individual members,
2) contains shared information objects, and
3) provides a security policy that identifies the roles and privileges of the members
and the protections required for the information objects.
CNSS Instruction No. 4009, 2010
CNSS 4009 (3) generates the security need for the integrity of the data structures,
dependability & safety of the information and resilience of the systems & services that
support the Information flow; equally these interconnecting domains need to be risk
managed, secure, protected and above all, trusted.
Figure 11: The layers of Cyberspace (US PAM 525-7-8, 2010)
The Social Persona Layers couples human computer interfaces, virtual information
infrastructures and virtualised operating environments across multiple security
domains. In this human engineered cyber world we have an evolving, expanding and
emergent collaborative social-technical and pervasive world of the virtual and real
space. Wherein the virtual world we witness avatars representing us, software agents
conducting our business, digital signatures authenticating our digital work and
digitised imaginary distorting or obfuscating the persona (Powell, 2009).
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
2.1 The Cyber Landscape: Understanding the
Need to Share
The knowledge society requires people who can reach good decisions, cope with new
environments and spot new rules—human and physical—as the world changes.
Sir Douglas Hague, Beyond Universities: A New Republic of the Intellect, 1991
Figure 12: DARPA’s National Cyber Range (Shatchman, 2010)
Composite layered models will allow for future research in determining the utilisation
of ethics, standards, governance, policies, procedures and human behaviour across the
9 layers of interoperability. This represents a new approach to understanding the
interdependencies of identified attributes, Enterprise Architecture; Skills transfer and
Information Assurance. Furthermore investigating the 378 composite model’s cuboids
will create a new area of research utilising cyber ranges and synthetic system
experimentation. Chapter 1 introduced the “need to share” information and the CNSS
Instruction 4009 (2010) has defined and reinforces these requirements These
Information Domain elements requires data and networks structures, in-turn these
provide the Information Infrastructure (defined by Pironti, 2006) as “all of the people,
processes, procedures, tools, facilities, and technology which supports the creation, use,
transport, storage, and destruction of information” that has become integral to the
DoD’s Joint Doctrine (DoD, 2010).
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The data networks viva intranets, ad-hoc networks, C2, C4I, ISTARS and SCADA
networks have become an organizational form for structuring human activities
supported by Information and Communication Technologies and manifestly by the
Internet - a communication pathway for non-friendly activities” (Diffie, 2010). System
capabilities such as IRC (Text Chat), interactive white-boarding, IP Voice, IP Video
Teleconferencing (VTC) and instant messaging have rapidly become popular in
Information Operations and have proven themselves invaluable to the military;
disaster relief agencies and critical infrastructure real-time C2 activities. The use of
these technologies goes beyond their original context of social networks (MySpace,
Facebook, MSN Live Messenger, etc.) that are associated with online collaboration
(Eovito, 2005). The emergence of social networking technologies and the evolution of
digital games have helped shape the new ways in which people are communicating,
collaborating, operating, and forming social constructs. In fact, recent research is
showing us that these technologies are shaping the way we think, work, and live
(Klopfer, Osterweil, Groff, & Haas, 2009).
Figure 13: Sailing the Cyber Sea (Stavridis & Parker, 2012)
Figure 13 illustrates a military cyber operations room and the rapid evolution and
deployment of Cyber Chat in operations across Defence Information Infrastructures.
The US Navy's 5th Fleet experienced the rapid deployment of Cyber Chat during
Operation “Iraqi Freedom” (2003) and the subsequent Operation “Enduring Freedom” in
Afghanistan where it became extensively used to support of the Navy’s interactivity
with military intelligence and supporting agencies. Initially, the US 5th Fleet began
Operation Iraqi Freedom with only one chat server, averaging 300 concurrent users. As
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
the operation intensified, they installed a second server, averaging now 800 concurrent
users and later implementing a total of four servers supporting over 2500 concurrent
users and they were not unique in evolving, exploiting and expanding its adaptation to
Military Cyber Operations (Armistead, 2004; Kuehl, 2009; Bieniek, 2011).
Whilst this synchronous, real-time uplift in ICT capability was essential, its rapid
proliferation across the navy became problematical; coalition partners’ Computer
Network Operations (CNO) found that they could not interoperate with the 5th Fleet
chat as they (5th fleet) were using the classified Secret US Only - Secure Internet
Protocol Routed Network (SIPRNet). Furthermore, in Operation Enduring Freedom a
dedicated coalition cross-domain chat solution was provided but many US personnel
found “Coalition Chat” distracting or inefficient as they had to collaborate twice; once
on SIPRNet and then a second time on the coalition CNO. Consequently, accessibility
and the interoperability problems were further compounded with multiple coalition
CNOs and other US CNOs trying to deliver the theatre Cyber Situational Awareness to
operational commanders with stove-piped solutions (Thomas, 2009a).
Engineers, scientists and scholars have addressed the contexts and entropy of
computer network operations, the creation of network of networks in a variety of
fields, including sociology, informatics, economics, local and national government,
criminology and international security and derived many theories around Information
(Shannon, 1948; Cover & Thomas, 2006; Gleick, 2011). Some recent academic research
is currently investigating and examining the similarities, differences, and connections
between network forms of organization across different academic disciplines
developing a new topology of inter-group networks and improvements to our
understanding of how human behaviour is coordinated through networks (Hejnova,
2010). Furthermore, these network concepts are now underpinned by Enterprise
Architecture and system of systems engineering (Yeung, 2002; Laudon & Laudon,
2007; Levine J. , 2010). To provide assurance to these systems requires a detailed look
at the complexities and theories that now surround Systems and Informatics.
Conceptually, the structure of the Information Domain is now a combination of (a) the
creation, communication, transference, storage and deletion of data and (b) the
cognitive use and understanding of knowledge and experience, it transference,
storage and production of shared situational awareness (McNeal, 2004).
Within the Information Domain we can identify three important components,
Information Operations, Information Exploitation and Information Storage. These
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
provide knowledge transfer and intelligent use of information to create the shared
situational awareness for commanders and decision-makers. The Assurance of these
components provides the trustworthiness of the flow of information, the security of the
service provision and the protection of the supporting systems (of systems) as
illustrated in figure 14.
Figure 14: Assurance of Information Operations (Richardson C. J., 2008b)
The intelligence, cognitive and knowledge transfer of this model is expanded, with
further details, in Chapter 5 which includes some more essential components of the
Information Stack (the I-Stack Model); the flow of information from the data terminals
to the Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI); Knowledge Transfer (KT) and the creation of
shared awareness. The tier relationship that bridges Assurance, Security and
Protection within the Information Domain has become a pervasive process in which we
now need to understand the influences each layer affect each other and what their
combined effects on business processes and operations are. This causative relationship
is further developed (and exploited) with the Information Assurance Model (see
chapter 6), as well as part of the computer network operations component of
Netcentric system as illustrated in Figure 15. Here, the Information Domain is a virtual,
non-physical domain that transverses the other 5 military operation domains (Land,
Sea, Air, Space and Cyber) and this concept separates it from the convention of
analysing it as just a Cyber Domain (McNeal, 2004; Metz, Garrett, & Hutton, 2006; Halle,
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Information Operations
Information Operations have five core capabilities: (i) Psychological Operations, (ii)
Military Deception, (iii) Operational Security, (iv) Electronic Warfare and (v) Computer
Network Operations (MoD, 2010c). This thesis examines both Operational Security and
a further four principle components of Computer Network Operations: Computer
Network Attack (CNA); Computer Network Exploitation (CNE), Computer Network
Defence (CND) and Computer Network Management (CNM).
CNO – Computer Network Operations
Information Exploitation
Information Management
Computer Network Attack
Computer Network Defence
Computer Network Management
Computer Network Exploitation
Figure 15: Elements of the Information Domain (Richardson C. J., 2009b)
The Enterprise Architecture (DODAF and MODAF) element provides Operational
structures and views to the domain; whilst Cyberspace and Information Infrastructures
elements bridge the physical communication and data structures to the Cognitive space
conventionally seen as asset of military power the military community needs to
understand the dynamism of these element interactions, within the information
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domain. Knowing the impact of their interactions is an important step to creating an
assured domain. How we shape them, couple them; provide appropriate security
metrics that align to the business processes will help provide a more harmonised
assured cross-domain solution.
The “need to share” tactical information among single services, joint forces, coalition
partners, non-government organisation (NGOs) and other agencies is critical to the
providing a safe and successful operation. However, this need to share information is
often odds with the “Need to Hold” where the sensitivity of the Cognitive, Information
and Physical attacks, as illustrated in figure 46, across the Battlespace’s electromagnetic spectrum necessitates accredited heterogeneous channels amongst diverse
groups. These tightly regulated channels presents significant operational security
challenges often restricting business processes and operational expediency. Bridging
the Gaps requires successful negotiation of multilevel, interdependent and sometimes
conflicting agencies, their protocols, policies, accreditation and doctrines as well as the
interagency aims of governments. This is formally recognised by Joint Forces chain
command policies, but often is done more informally between pairs of agencies as
cultural and organisational norms. (Suri, et al., 2008; Feltovich, Bradshaw, & Bunch,
In 1969, NATO constituted the Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society22
(CCMS), which argued for, and promulgated the introduction of a non-military focus
within the Alliance to address increasing social-technical vulnerabilities from sources
beyond the traditional security framework and this committee has cooperated with the
multidisciplinary information sharing, cyber security capabilities, crisis management,
interdependencies among critical infrastructure and technologies (NATO, 2002).
The Committee provides a unique forum for the sharing of knowledge and experiences on social,
health and environmental matters both in the civilian and military sectors among NATO and EAPC
Partner countries. The work of the Committee is carried out on a decentralised basis and participation
by nations to the pilot studies, projects, workshops and seminars, which are nationally funded, is
The DARPA’s mission is to maintain the technological superiority of the U.S. military and
prevent technological surprise from harming our national security by sponsoring revolutionary,
high-payoff research bridging the gap between fundamental discoveries and their military use.
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The 9/11 atrocity and the continued increase of the global threat of cyber-terrorism
(NATO, 2007), the Estonia and Georgia cyber conflicts and information warfare has
transformed the military landscape for NATO and its member nations (NATO, 2008).
Their New Strategic Concepts presented at the Lisbon Summit (NATO, 2010) placed
cyber security at the forefront of NATO’s security challenges and created the new
Emerging Security Challenges Division (ESCD) to formulate Cyber Defence Strategies.
Within a year, NATO’s Defence Ministers had agreed the framework Concept on Cyber
Defence (Bieniek, 2011). NATO’s CIS is beginning to transform from “stove-piped” silo
platform-centric to federated network-centric force structures (Price, Beltz, &
McKinnon, 2006).
This transformation has made the reliance of the Information Infrastructures across all
5 domains an operational necessity and a robust cyberspace has become the most
prominent in operational planning (Alberts, Garstka, & Stein, 1999; Hobbins, 2005;
Bieniek, 2011). US Air force (USAF, 2008) demonstrates the IER creation of 3Dimensional Computer Network Operations within the physical confines of Cyberspace
and the Information Superiority platform provision for offensive capabilities of CNA
(Bayles, 2001; Berenger, 2006); and CNE (Armistead, 2004; Krekel, 2009); but also
ensure the CND (USN, 2010; CJCSI, 2011) of friendly decision cycles (Burris, 2010); and
the military usage of Computer Network Management (CNM), as listed in Table 2,
whose management activities include:
Network Management
Capacity Management
Incident Management
Availability Management
Problem Management
Service Level Management
Change Management
Continuity Management
Release Management
Financial Management
Configuration Management
Security Management
Table 2: IO Computer Network Management
The Military gains its Information Superiority in the Information Environment through
the use of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance to provide sensory data for the
Joint Operational Picture (JOP). The Information Operations can use Knowledge,
Information and Data (KID) through its Cognitive, Information and Physical (CIP)
dimensions to provide Direct and Indirect attack mechanisms (CNA and CNE), derived
from its Superior Decision Making processes and the NEC benefit chain (Baber, Stanton,
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Houghton, & Cassia, 2008), to target the opponent’s decision cycle (Alberts, Garstka, &
Stein, 1999; Berenger, 2006; Armistead, 2010).
This projection of Cyber Power
requires the Assured Friendly Information Stack (a defensive posture) to be also able to
project an offence posture in all 3 dimensions (Physical, Information and Cognitive) to
conduct Information Operations (IO) and C2 functions. This model becomes more
complex when the decision loops involves joint force actions across multiple coalition
KID-CIP stacks.
Figure 16: Gaining Information Superiority in the Information Environment (MoD, 2006)
Consider a scenario where the Commander has determined a target and asked for a
FIRES (operational use of munitions) response, the FIRES CNO would SMART-pull
information from Navy, Air or Army forces’ operational management and databases, as
illustrated in Figure 17, where there is a need to gather Knowledge, Information and
Data on such issues as theatre actors, weapon availability, target acquisition, impact
assessment and cost to delivery. In return these forces will need to have target
information, timing and a Shared Situational Awareness to order to provide the best
solution for the offensive action. As the ISTAR Joint Operational Picture generates new
data, all tasked forces will need updates, so these Real-Time processes become TimeSensitive with a need to be agile, reliable and accurate. The different aspects, actions
and actors of the CNO conducting the FIRES are now rarely discrete operations; instead
they interact and impact upon each other, generating a complex mesh of KID-CIP effects
and events, providing support and being supported. As more targets are generated,
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these operations will manifest the operational tempo and scheduling. Consequently, as
operational resource struggle, complications may ensue within different decision cycles
and their respective Information Operations, deployed assets and actors.
Force A
Force B
Force C
•Navy IO
• Coaltion Force B
•Coalition Force C
•Air IO
•Coalition Force A
•Coalition Force C
•Land IO
•Coalition Force A
•Coalition Force B
Figure 17: Stacking and interconnecting the KID-CIP loops in a Coalition Network
(Richardson, C.J., 2011)
NATO’s Network Enabled Capability (NNEC) architects have expressed the importance
for military Information Exchange Requirements (IER) in the tactical environment
(Tolk, 2001; Mittrick, Richardson, & Kaste, 2008). They recognised that Warfighters
must share information across organisational, system and spatial boundaries to achieve
operational goals as illustrated in Figure 50. NNEC derives Battlespace Information
from critical and highly classified Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and
Reconnaissance (ISTAR) systems which are often desperate sourced, macroscopically
linking several multi-national battlefield functions together from reconnaissance
missions (Aircraft sorties, UAVs, Special Forces, etc.); unmanned sensors (Remote
CCTV, Spy Satellites, Electronic Surveillance Devices, etc.); human intelligence
networks; the Internet and the Global Positioning System (Tolk, 2003; Dorion & BouryBrisset, 2005; Tolk & Kunde, 2010).
IER Interoperability is the key attribute for coalition operations, it is not just the
physical connectivity between military forces and it’s their ability to share information,
it’s the harmonised contribution to a common operational picture, and building up of
shared situational awareness in order to collaborate and produce effective missions
(Alberts & Hayes, 2006; Suzić & Yi, 2008).
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Figure 18: Unmanned Aircraft Systems Control Segment Architecture (DoD, 2010)
This agility (robustness, resilience, responsiveness, flexibility, innovation, and
adaptation) is the fundamental component of network centricity and the military
adoption and development of cyberspace. However the very nature of an assured, agile,
responsive ICT has become the security dilemma. The multiple, rich, multi-user, multinational orientated Cognitive, Information and Physical dimensions needs to be
protected in near real-time for military Intelligence and Information Operations. This
time-sensitive, assured cyber environment can be geographically dispersed as a
virtually spatial distributed environment which must also allow the transference of
routine and classified data in certain, if not most situations.
The military information exchange process is a prime example of the need to exchange
technical information which can be “sensitive but perishable cross the boundaries”
between various domains, e.g. the mission timetable would be highly sensitive until the
operation delivers (Army Research Laboratory, 2009). Ideally the message exchanges
should be automated such that the messages objects files can flow securely cross
boundaries with minimal human intervention; however is important that the
Information Exchange supports an appropriate degree of human oversight and
intervention. The sharing of Blue Force (Friendly Coalition Forces) tracking data (this
information concerns location nature and movement of friendly forces) requires an IER
system to precisely identify and tag the type of perishable tactical data that needs to be
shared among multiple cooperating organisation such as US forces; UK forces; NGOs,
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local police, Intelligence communities, enforcement agencies and emergency response
units. The known location of friendly forces and non-combatants is critical to avoiding
potential fratricide situations and minimising civilian casualties, thus all participating
nations are therefore motivated to share such tracking information and are dependent
upon its integrity.
Assuring Information Superiority
Increasingly, military decision makers have to rely on information provided by
other actors within a highly dynamic and distributed Battlespace,”
(Keller, Carrigan, Atkinson, Clarkson, & Johnson, 2008).
The persistent problem of Blue Force interoperations is that each organisation has
regulations governing the kind of data that may be shared, and services offered, with
other members. Cross-domain information sharing policy requirements and associated
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) can be complex and require rich language (often open
to interpretation) to scope many different aspects of the data sets; its modes and
channels of communications; service provision as well as context in which the data will
be shared. Military organisations are specifically concerned with situations where the
inflexibility of IER contracts and insensitive applications of Information Management
(IM) policies may endanger life: e.g. when special operations group unexpectedly
moves into close proximity of another group; then this normally undisclosed activity
may temporary require disclosure to reduce the risk of friendly fire.
The Strategic Positioning of Security Model (Richardson, 2008) describes the
Assurance of Information Superiority as the exploitive emergence of tolerant, resilient
and trusted Human-Computer inter-exchanging systems and Knowledge Transfer. This
secure flow of Knowledge, Information and Data (KID) across platforms has become a
key component of modern warfare and the military decision cycle. NATO’s Network
Enabled Capability (NNEC) has irrevocably aligned member nations to coalition
interoperability with most activities operating under a single Information Domain
(NATO, 2007a) where they identified the need to develop information assurance in
NNEC CNO and deduce its implications across coalition environments and was required
to improve the accuracy, timeliness as well as both the spatial and temporal coverage of
mission decisions through synergistic employment of sensors, decision makers and
effectors within an assured information network
(McIntyre & Flemming, 2001).
Assuring the Information flow and services provides the platform for military decision
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Rear Admiral Bill Rowley, USN, (1995) wrote that “knowledge is the resource of the
future - land, natural resources, factories and workers are no longer the measure of a
country’s wealth because multinational businesses can easily obtain these things
anywhere in the world. It is the application of knowledge that now offers the competitive
advantage in the world economy. The Knowledge Worker is the true asset because of the
knowledge and abilities he or she possesses. In the twenty-first century at least 35 percent
of the workforce will be knowledge workers. They must have formal education, possess
specific knowledge and skills, have the ability to acquire and apply theoretical and
analytical knowledge, and continue to learn throughout their lives. They will work in
teams because no one person can know enough to do it all. Because they are the true
assets and are highly mobile, companies will work hard to keep them.” (Rowley, 1995).
The Knowledge workers in the US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) 2015 Vision
are clearly those who are mission focussed. The military concepts of Cross Domain
Solutions24 (Kennedy & Soligan, 2010) precipitate an array of Information Assurance
risks: risk of bias and erroneous intelligence, of users’ ability to fuse data and ideas into
operational concepts, or in adequate assessment of alternative interpretations, of faulty
and catastrophic decision-making (Burgoon, George, Adkins, Kruse, Biros, &
Nunamaker, 2007).
Solutions (CDS)
for information
assurance that provides the ability to manually or automatically access or transfer between two
or more differing security domains. They are integrated systems of hardware and software that
enable transfer of information among incompatible security domains or levels of classification.
Because modern military, intelligence, and law enforcement operations critically depend on a
timely sharing of information, and because of the cost and forethought required for more
rigorous approaches, CDS are often considered a “necessary evil”. CDS is distinct from the more
rigorous approaches, because it supports transfer that would otherwise be precluded by
established models of computer/network/data security (e.g. Bell-LaPadula and Clark-Wilson).
CDS development, assessment, and deployment are based on risk management. Sharing
information with CDS exposes the sharer to greater risk that his secrets may be unintentionally
revealed. Available at: (Accessed 20 March
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The FUD Contagion
“The U.S. government, if confronted in a cyber-war today, would not come out on
top… If the nation went to war today, in a cyber-war, we would lose. We’re the
most vulnerable. We’re the most connected. We have the most to lose.” US Director
of Intelligence, Mike McConnell to the US Senate Committee, Feb 2010
There are real threats, vulnerabilities and Operational Impact with these risks, as they
will impose, constrain or damage operations (The FUD Contagion) if CDS
implementation is not accompanied by a deeper understanding, training and adopting
new tools (such as those envisaged by the next generation of emergency help services
to mitigate them. This paradigm shift in the nature of the military enterprises from the
“Need to Know” (Security Domain) to the “Need to Share” (Cross-Domain Solutions)
creates OPSEC problems. Increasingly, military and civilian organizations implementing
interconnections between existing systems than for systems that provide new
capabilities (Vietmeyer, 2004). Recent media articles for command25 options such as
National Cyber-guards, Cyber-militia, Cyber-Police and harking for social Cyberdefence force and more Cyber warriors can be construed as the previous century 3Dmentality and mobilisation that will fail to redress the very real need to control and
provide trust in this multi-lateral, multi-layered, multi-dimensional chaos. This new
space has opened new opportunities to the way we think, communicate, socialise,
emphasise and innovate (ISTAG, 2009). It’s a domain of chaos, complexity and
evolution of technology and exploitative of human desires, wants and needs (greed,
control and power) and where for many users there is Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
(FUD). The many ways that we choose to interacts with globalize instant responses,
has both tangible and intangible actors who have their own agenda (Dalal, 2006);
where system and infrastructures activities react to our demands (or other controls)
and often vary greatly from individuals, enterprises and governments which makes it
an impossible place to police, legislate or even place and maintain rudimentary
controls. Cyberspace needs to have social trust as an enduring value to the conscious of
all its communities, an assurance that is global and empowered by practitioners and
users (Collins & Mansell, 2003).
The activation on 1 October 2009 of the US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) brought
together computer network attack (CNA) and computer network defense (CND) activities of the
US DoD Joint Functional Component Command for Network Warfare (JFCC-NW) and the Joint
Task Force for Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) under the USCYBERCOM.
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Operational issues through the Cyber operators’ lens have become abstract or process
orientated as: online game scenarios; e-commerce utilities; web paging; torrents, social
networking create their own perceived realities and where they might also find new
and vibrant virtual realities to distract or augment.
The real concepts of war, a
declaration to fight an adversary for political, economic or military supremacy, usually
involving nation states, population participation and the loss of lives, possessions,
prestige, wealth or influence is ingrained in our conscious, but Cyber War doesn’t
invoked the same FUD feeling within the social conscious, its abstraction obscures its
potential devastating effects. The continuing likelihood of inter-state conflict coupled to
the increasingly decline of state social cohesion, through Globalisation, suggests a
posterity of Information Warfare., Cyber hostilities, malicious viral attacks and an
increased global crime wave (Schwartau, 1996a; Boyd C. G., 1999; Anderson K. , 2005;
Kierkegaard, 2005; Knapp, 2009). Globally, many people don’t realise the true extent of
the controls that these virtual (soft) systems have over their lives or the near-future
repercussions of these virtual systems that generates and stores vast quantities of data
per millisecond; the risk impact of freely evolving knowledge transfers and social
networking are engineered to provide empowerment to the individuals who are not
aware of its consequences thereby providing possible manipulation or control by
individuals, corporations or States: gained, whether legally or not! Realisation and data
protection failure becomes media events that expose and sensationalise the impact of
malware to critical information infrastructures and the consequential losses that may
be exploited and cascaded into a society meltdown.
Cyber-attacks are menacing, but it’s the erosion of trust in the digital economy where
the true risk lies and the consistent, advance persistent threats may be generating a
societal backlash to the digital economy. These governmental, corporate and individual
failures further degrade trust and assurance as they focus on intolerances, fear,
uncertainty and doubt. The contagion is ignorance and the strategic objective should be
to inform communities, provide intelligence and shared situational awareness to
combat this ignorance. Experience say this should be expedited, especially by providing
more assurance practitioners; to educate CSA as illustrated in Figure 54 (this is further
developed in Chapter 7). It is essential, to culturally change our approach; to facilitate
enterprise vision and social online responsibilities to assure cyberspace, not to train
cyber warriors to war within it, but make everyone a cyber-citizen who wants to
embrace security for their own privacy (United Nations, 2004; Bauwens, 2005; Obama,
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Weapons of
Failed States
Rogue States
Energy &
Figure 19: Persistent Threats and Emerging Missions (Richardson, C.J., 2010)
“Over the last 20 years, the Intelligence Community has been challenged to keep pace with rapidly
evolving information technology. Although a less-than-agile acquisition and procurement system
has been part of the problem, the Intelligence Community is also undermined by its basic approach.
If we are to maintain a technology edge, we must adopt an enterprise wide, service-oriented
architecture that is interoperable with systems in other federal departments, and can share
information with non-traditional partners. A service-oriented architecture provides a proven
means to adapt new technologies while responding to changing user needs. By creating “software
as a service,” this architecture reduces system complexity and deployment risks through a shared
development style, uniform standards, and common interfaces. These services will enable a userdefined analytic environment through the use of composite applications – discrete services that can
be pulled from a central library and dropped into a user-defined workspace.” (McConnell, 2008).
Toffler’s (1980) RMA identified how to the conduct military operations in the 21stcentury with interoperable, federated coalition networks that would offer military
commanders unprecedented capacities for rapid, real-time, global exchange of
messages and complex information needed for success in the Battlespace, Information
That commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) based CIS and military deployment of Service-
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Oriented Architecture (SOA) portends profound changes to CIS Human Computer Interexchange with the sheer volume, complexity and speed of information transmission
and communication diversity (McConnell, 2008). The Exploitation (IX), Information
Superiority and Cyber Situational Awareness (CSA) can be, in turn, exploited and attack
from Enemy CIS platforms from many different attack planes as illustrated by Figure
53. However, the Insider threat and CNE causes the most fear and uncertainty to
military operations (DoD, 2011).
The complex net-centricity of CDS, to provide assurance and negate FUD has created
many emergent properties (Norman & Lucas, 2000) and an unprecedented growth of
interdependent, chaotic flows of data, and ever increasing information and knowledge
transfers across system boundaries which has been described as Information Overload
(Johnson, 2006). This Overload has also permeated a greater lack of understanding of
the unintended, as well as intended capabilities (Fink, 2003; Tullao, 2003; Burris,
2010). Furthermore, Enterprise Integration, Net-Centric Information Enterprise and
Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) have produced enhanced capabilities of newly
adaptive tools and systems which coupled to Cross-Domain Solutions (CDS) pose
considerable opportunities as well as accompanying risk.
CDS is further complicated with Protective Marking of Information and their security
domains. The Bridging of these domains is an important aspect of the KID CrossDomain Solution and the speed and effectiveness of interoperable, dependable CNOs
will greatly contribute to the overall Information Superiority, providing the
commander both freedom of action and force projection. Information Assurance has to
create and maintain safe interoperability; structured dependability and security of its
enterprise architectures at different business impact levels: ensuring trusted
boundaries, accurate and integral information sharing and reliable flows across multilayered boundaries in dynamic multi-tiered, multi-regional coalition network
environments (Phillips, Ting, & Demurjian, 2002). The NNEC Enterprise perspective is
of system of systems engineering that requires comprehensive high level assurance to
system survivability and intrusion tolerance for wireless networks, tactical networks,
ad-hoc networking, network engineering and infrastructure management, as well as
the implications of using commercial-off-the-shelf equipment (NATO, 2007b).
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2.2 Shared Situational Awareness
“While information assurance and information-based security is a difficult
problem within any given nation or infrastructure, the additional technological,
organizational and cultural dimensions within NATO make implementing NEC
security very complex. Nevertheless, progress toward a unified vision for
implementing a robust and flexible NEC Security solution is imperative” NATO,
The contextual Battlespace domains of military operations are land, sea, air and outer
ichnographically described as Cyberspace has over a very short time created many
new dimensions within it (Schoder, 1999; Jog, 2001; Kramer, Starr, Wentz, & Zimet,
2007), as it fuses, exploits and controls the other 4 Battlespaces (Corum, 2009; van den
Berg, 2010). That we need holistic initiatives to maintain, explore, expand, expose and
control Cyberspace (Alberts D. S., 1997; Armistead, 2004; Alberts & Hayes, 2006;
Libicki M. C., 2007) and its many Information Infrastructures that are prevalent,
evident and necessary to the National Defence (Cabinet Office, 2009b; MoD, 2010). We
also need to define what is Cyberspace and where it differs to the Information Domain,
which is pervasive across all 5 Battlespaces (Halle, 2009; Kuehl, 2009).
“In the twenty-first century, the Internet and other interconnected networks (cyberspace)
have become critical to human wellbeing and the political independence and territorial
integrity of nation states. The danger is that the world has become so interconnected and
the risks and threats so sophisticated and pervasive that they have grown exponentially in
comparison to the ability to counter them. There is now the capability for nation states or
rogue actors to significantly disrupt life and society in all countries; cybercrime and its
offspring, cyber conflict, threatens peaceful existence of mankind and the beneficial use of
cyberspace.” The World Federation of Scientists, 2009.
This century has created many new paradigms of human evolution (Schulur 2004;
Bauwens 2005 and Arquilla, 2008) as our societies migrate from an Industrial Age to
much the herald Information Age (Toffler, 1980); the need to revolutionize our
contextual and conceptual thoughts of society evolution and introducing control of this
virtual space can still be contextually placed on Maslow’s (1943) “Hierarchy of Needs”
as illustrated in Figure 55. People are curious, innovative and self-actualising in
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cyberspace but now without much linkage to real citizenship of nation states and its
tax26 gathering agencies (Lukas, 2000; WFS, 2009).
Figure 20 Real and Virtual Communities to Maslow’s Hierarchy
According to the US Trade Commission the Internet Economy has become the largest industry
in the country who have stated that “The Internet is inherently susceptible to multiple and
discriminatory taxation in a way that commerce conducted in more traditional ways is not. With
approximately 30,000 taxing jurisdictions, compliance becomes a significant obstacle. Double
taxation would be inevitable because the borderless nature of the Internet makes taxation very
tricky.” Address to the ASome Policy Perspectives on the Taxation of Cyberspace, Palo Alto, CA.
November 1999.
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2.3 Assurance: From Machine to Organisation
Creating an operational picture and shared situational awareness (SSA) of the
progression of the operation takes considerable skill, experience, training and
supportive tools. The engineering of the processes behind a military Information
Operation stems from its initial requirements (IERs) and availability of resources. Field
Commander wants to make firm C2 decisions based on all available facts to achieve
Battlespace Awareness (as tabulated in Table 4).
Command and Control
Battlespace Awareness
The ability to conduct collaborative, planning,
execution, and information sharing among US
civil-military agencies and coalition partners
from the operational to tactical levels.
The ability to achieve a persistent situational
awareness and shared understanding in a joint,
multi-agency, and multinational context in order
to know the operational environment and the
interrelationship among ourselves, our
adversaries, and the local population.
The ability to achieve multi-agency coherency
of action during planning, coordination, and
execution by creating a joint, and combined
when necessary, multiagency planning and
execution organization empowered to facilitate
integrated civil - military operation.
The ability to enhance rapid information
sharing with coalition members, multiagency
players, and non-governmental organizations
through information sharing technologies and
The ability to use an operational net assessment
to support stability operations and to reflect that
information in the integrated civil-military
common relevant operating picture.
The ability to provide persistent intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance that integrates all
intelligence capabilities, including human
intelligence assets, into the overall intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance architecture.
The ability to field a command and control
system with reach back capability and
connectivity to facilitate other agency
Table 3: Stability Operations – Joint Operating Concept Capability (DoD, 2006)
From a CND perspective the Commander must be able to understand the causation of
his operations (DIME); to perceive the current situation (situation perception) using
his intelligence, recognition, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities; assess the
impact of any attack and tracking; to predict any future attacks and their possible
vectors; determine the adversary’s behaviour and capabilities; be able to predict
plausible future assaults and be acquainted with the quality and trustworthiness of his
information flow and the ability of his adversary affecting his OODA loops. For the
Commander to achieve Battlespace Awareness he needs perception, comprehension
and projection of his assets, capabilities and vulnerabilities and those of his adversary.
In order to achieve this, he must manage his assets (Devices, Networks, Systems,
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Software and Services – Machines) and mould his environment (People, Nationality,
Languages and Culture - Organisation). The physical Shared Situational Awareness
(SSA) picture is built up from many differently owned, operated and organised
(Protocols, Transmission and Presentation) sensory data apparatus, signal processing
and interception devices. These ISR system outputs are then synthesised and analysed
using appropriate tools which generate the Geo-Physical picture. Intelligence, previous
knowledge and other resources apply a logical framework to create a real-time picture.
However this interactivity, connectivity and operability of many different types
machines and joint force organisations has a recognised flawed, in that there is still a
gap between human analytical mental models (intuition, experience and lateral
thinking) and the automated capabilities of C8ISR.
Assuring Layers of Interoperability
In particular, the gap created with the interoperability of systems to other systems and
the networking the people and organisations that use them.
These layers of
interoperability expose assurance issues and explain why the interconnection of
physical devices through interface specifications, although an important enabler of
system of systems engineering hasn’t resolved the social-technical processes and
assurance components related to military operations where IO usage of Information
and Knowledge Transfer are equally as important as the Geo-Physical Data collected
from ISTARs and the interchanging of these information flows to the decision making
cycle and creation of the SSA. Creating a quantifiable quality assured SSA requires the
harmonisation and alignment of all layers of system interoperability, from the technical
issues upwards and the organisational/ enterprise issues downwards.
Assuring Cross-Domain Solutions for multi-layered, multi-functional, multi-national
(often geographical disperse) systems of systems is an international task, involving
many Enterprises, Government Agencies, Standards Bodies and Academia. The scale of
the problem has been recognised (NECSI, 2004; Alberts & Nissen, 2009), as well as
identifying many of the key components (from Technologies to Organizational
developments) that require research, development and implementation (Morris,
Levine, Meyers, Place, & Plakosh, 2004). These Systems of Systems display a number of
common characteristics that cause technical and organisational challenges; in that they:
Operated under different ownership and protocols
Are decentralised and geographical disperse
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Are heterogeneous with little compliance and configuration management
Have unknown Scalability and Emergent Properties
Conform to different IERs and other diverse requirements
Have dynamic composition with unknown system interactions
Are in a state of change: continually evolving, expanding and been redeployed
Are inconsistent in Architecture and Functionality
Are eroding the Human-Computer Boundaries – complex interactivities and
Are intolerant to system and intrusion failures
The usability of interoperable systems is reliant upon a robust architecture that is
coherent (having multiple interdependencies) across the interconnection of
Organisations, Services and Networks and supports cross-domain management of the
information flows from the physical data networks to Enterprise Knowledge Transfer,
Superior Decision Making and creation of a Shared Situational Awareness. International
Standards Organisation ISO-14258 (ISO, 1999) has stated that “Two systems are
considered as ‘integrated’ if there is a detailed standard format for all constituent
components.” Integrating systems has proved to be technically difficult especially the
large scale heterogeneous, geographically disperse architectures.
These autonomous systems have become federated with various degrees of coupling.
These systems are “tightly-coupled” when the network components and services are
dependent upon each other’s resources (and technically inseparable); whereas the
more common “loosely coupled” systems are bridged by communication channels that
allows for interoperability of data and services whilst maintaining their own local
(often unique) Business Process Operations. The Human-Computer and other
technological interfaces between the machines and the organisation is the social hybrid
system of a business Enterprise. Where the Humans (modelled as objects or resources)
in the enterprise have a different behaviour (e. g., learning and problem solving) from
machines (e.g., acting and reacting) and therefore need a different kind of information
(ISO, 1999). The Enterprises create a dynamic environment undergoing constant stress
and change owing to market conditions, operational requirements, fiscal controls,
technological advances, service applications and new transferred knowledge.
Many enterprises have devolved power to the individual away from hierarchical
organisational structures and C2 chain of command (unlike most military organisations
which rely on rank to influence command and control). This distributive control of
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machine to organisation interactivity has evolved where the communities of interest
cooperate, communicate and share in both problem solving and action. This
cooperation requires greater cohesion such as building an Enterprise Architecture27,
ISO 15704, (see figure 63), integration of functions and services such creating Service
Orientated Architectures, ISO/IEC DTR 30102 and effective management and assurance
of Information flows: within the Enterprise and within the interoperability between
Enterprises, Operations and Systems.
Maintaining the layers Interoperability transforms the capability of communities of
interest to run business processes seamlessly across organizational and technical
boundaries. The ISO has defined a framework of 5 different layers of interoperability
(as Communities of Interest in their Political Context (the explicit and implicit reasons
for cooperation), the alignment of legislative requirements, constraints and
reconciliation producing Legal Interoperability; the alignment and harmonisation of
organisational interoperability which NATO NEC has formulated in its
Technical Architecture (NATO, 2003), the universal understanding of processes,
procedures, protocols and language providing Semantic interoperability and the
technical interoperability defining the syntax, integration, transmission and interfacing
computer network operations and its Information Infrastructures and Cyber networks.
These 5 layers achieve Enterprise interoperability by ensuring that the communities
understand how the business processes of different organizations can interconnect; by
developing standards to support these business processes efficiently; and by specifying the
semantics of messages exchanged between organizations to support these business
processes in a scalable way (Potgieser, 2012). The framework provides a useful
standard for these Enterprise Information Exchange Requirements. Interoperability
enables coalition IERs and the NEC benefit chain, presenting information in a consistent
manner across business boundaries and between systems regardless of technology,
application or platform. Aligning the Interoperable attributes provides Enterprises with
the ability to process, store and transfer, information across multiple domains, services
and technologies.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a comprehensive view of an enterprise. EA shows the primary
components of an enterprise and depicts how these components interact with or relate to each other.
EA typically encompasses an overview of the entire information system in an enterprise; including the
software, hardware, and information architectures. In this sense, EA is a meta-architecture. As
regards, EA contains different views of an enterprise, including, work, function, process, and
information, it is at the highest level in the architecture pyramid (Ostadzadeh & Shams, 2011)
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The DoD through its Global Information Grid (GIG) architecture has formulated these
attributes (Procedure, Application, Infrastructure and Data) to create cross domain
interconnectivity and coalition operability to an unified approach. The DoD’s 5-Levels
of Information System Interoperability (LISI) model provides a dynamically
accommodating meta-level structure. The model reflects the nature of the crossdomain where the relation between technical and operational interoperability is
neither proportional nor linear (Chen, Doumeingts, & Vernadat, 2008).
It is possible that two commanders, who share the same command and control facilities,
in particular having the same C4ISR system support, make decisions that are
contradictive or sub-optimal. It is also possible that two commanders supported by C4ISR
systems that are not interoperable on the technical level are fighting very well together.
(Tolk & Muguira, 2003). This inability within the Defence realm to provide coherent
and optimised cross-domain solutions has cost billions of US dollars and there’s a
further increase in future expenditure to ensure interoperability brings specific
benefits and reducing the plethora of challenges currently beholding the technical and
operational perspectives.
The military have recognised that their CDS ability to
simulate and emulate disparate systems of systems, producing laboratories that create
synthetic environments of Red (CNA & CNE), Blue (CNM & CND), White (Digital
Analysis and Forensics) and Green (Command and Control) cyber facilities (such the
ranges created at DSTL and DCCIS) promote the current train as you fight philosophy
and improved CDS alignment. The expansion of individual activities to collaborative
working environments through System Simulation, Systems-in-the-Loop and Modelling
is an important step to understanding real and virtual (as per Figure 20) attributes that
effect the layers of interoperability and the Human-Computer Interfaces and how they
work within Enterprises. Bournemouth University, its 2018 Strategic Plans
incorporates the building of such a cluster of Cyber laboratories that will enables fusion
of research, education and practical /kinetic learning to investigate the social-technical
impact of CDS to large –scaled systems. The use of standards and enterprise
architecture as illustrated in figure 66 provided a Joint Action Concept of the Layers of
Coalition Interoperability (LCI) and formulated MoD’s Information Strategy linking EA,
Skills and IA as the main pillars of its Information Domain (MoD, 2009). The LCI
framework defines Enterprise Architecture as adaptive and innovative methodology for
interoperability (Smith D. B., 2005) as it identified architectural mechanisms that could
accommodate Enterprise changes with minimal impact as it deals with the various
layers of semantic interoperability in coalition operations.
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The System of Systems Interoperability (SOSI) model developed by Software
Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University (Morris, Levine, Meyers, Place, &
Plakosh, 2004) had addressed technical and operational interoperability of the DoD
and NATO layered models and further progressed the challenges of organizations
building and maintaining interoperable systems. SOSI introduces three types of
interoperability: (1) Programmatic, interoperability between different program offices.
(2) Constructive, interoperability between the organizations that are responsible for
the construction (and maintenance) of a system. (3) Operational, interoperability
between the systems. Taking the Zachman Enterprise the NCIOC model and the
additional SOSI concepts a matrix of the layers of interoperability across a business
process can be represented as illustrated in Figure 21.
Analytical Observations
Figure 21: Composite Model of Interoperability (Richardson, C.J., 2010)
The contents of interoperations is represented by the 2-dimensional Enterprise
Architectural matrix (abstract × perspective) produced by Zachman.
This matrix
defines what can take place in various levels of the Enterprise perspectives. The 3 rd
dimension enables the analyst to capture the structure and type of interoperation from
the NCIOC 9-levels. The cross-domain solutions can now be analysed as a Functioning
Enterprise within composite cuboids (P-S-D = Physical – Scope- Data, etc.) as
highlighted in the above model. There are 378 composite cuboids within the model;
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each one can be used to define the contents of Enterprise interoperations. The
Alignment and Harmonisation of technical to operational issues is construed from
matching each Enterprise’s Composite Cuboid to their respective counter-parts within
the coalition.
Cyber Network Operations
Conventional architecture has developed Information Operations around Computer
Science and the employment of Computer Network Operations. In the 21st Century,
Computing is subservient to Cyber (networking of computing devices, routers switches,
firewalls and applications). Hence Figure 3 (earlier introduced in Chapter 1, p55) has a
new legend:
Proposed New Convention
Cyber Network Operations
Cyber Network Attacks
Cyber Network Exploitation
Cyber Network Management
Cyber Network Defence
Information Exploitation
Information Management
Cyberspace can be structured by Enterprise Architecture and cyber network manage
(CNM) to exploit the Information assets (IX) for the business whilst been designed to
reduce vulnerabilities and prevent threats by adopting robust and resilient IA
architecture to develop appropriate defences (CND).
The Information Assurance
policies and practices will manage (IM) the Information Services across the deployed
systems and Information Infrastructures. Its trust and risk management will reduce the
threats from Cyber-attacks (CNA) and insider exploitation and privacy violations
(CNE). )ur systems require new software monitoring tools, more Network Management
integration, automated traffic analysis and building greater trust through our
Assurance Practitioners working and controlling security mechanisms across other
coalition networks. These practitioners (which we need more off) will also require
better education and increased transferable skills and this is examined in chapter 4
(Education and Profession).
We need competent, educated professionals to run our systems, secure the information
infrastructures; men who understand the complexities of interoperability from a
strategic, operational and tactical level, from the technical issues of data interfacing and
security devices to the more intricate problems of sensitive information flows and
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organisational responsibilities. Cross-Domain Solutions needs new initiatives, finance
and better strategy to secure Cyberspace as stated in the revised US Comprehensive
National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) (Obama, 2010). The CNCI was launched by
President George W. Bush in National Security Presidential Directive 54/Homeland
Security Presidential Directive 23 (NSPD-54/ HSPD-23) in January 2008 and stated that
it was a mutually reinforcing initiative:
To establish a front line of defense against today’s immediate threats by
creating or enhancing shared situational awareness of network vulnerabilities,
threats, and events within the Federal Government—and ultimately with state,
local, and tribal governments and private sector partners—and the ability to
act quickly to reduce our current vulnerabilities and prevent intrusions.
To defend against the full spectrum of threats by enhancing U.S.
counterintelligence capabilities and increasing the security of the supply chain
for key information technologies.
To strengthen the future cyber security environment by expanding cyber
education; coordinating and redirecting research and development efforts
across the Federal Government; and working to define and develop strategies
to deter hostile or malicious activity in cyberspace.
In 2007 the UK issued its National Information Assurance Strategy (Cabinet Office,
2007) to manage the risk involved in social-technical systems. Information Assurance
offers a panacea to the interoperability, providing a new methodology and better way
of ensuring safe operations of systems of systems and an its architecture provides an
understanding required culturally change our use of information, its processes, storage
and its transition from one domain to another .In managing the Enterprise risks, we
need to understand the advancement and agility of the threats (as illustrated in the
timeline in Figure 22).
The residue of countless scripted attacks, trojans, viruses, worms and the growth of
Advanced Persistent Threat Attacks (spear fishing and social engineering) with their
various APT attack vectors ( advanced evasion techniques - AETs) and zero-day attacks
(e.g. Flame, Stuxnet and Duqu) At present the cyber-defence countermeasures
(firewalls, IDS, Anti-virus, etc.) provide reasonable protection to most attacks, but these
systems are also regularly penetrated (externally and internally) and we have to resign
ourselves to the likelihood that our systems are compromised and we have intruders
(Abadi, 2000; Carr, 2005; Schiller, et al., 2007; Vidanage, 2009; Cabinet Office, 2011).
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Figure 22: A timeline of Computing and Cyber Insecurity (Richardson C. J., 2011)
The strategic issues surrounding the need to defend our human-cyber interfaces, the
and services,
and our social-technical
infrastructures are investigated. To bridge the capability gap to creating robust and
resilient Communication and Information systems requires strategic (international)
initiatives to secure cyberspace. These initiatives should include:
A strategic doctrine for assured Information handling and storage
The effectively control the DIME usage of Cyber Power
The provision of trust and risk management across coalition interconnections –
cross domain solutions.
Enhanced operational capabilities to create cyber-shared situational awareness
and cyber defence.
The development of intrusion tolerant and prevention systems
Targeted funding of Cyber Defence Research and Development
Creation of an Information Assurance Profession with a Code of Practice
Provision of IA education and skills training
These initiatives are evolutionary and revolutionary in nature, stemming from the early
strategic military thinking of Network Centric Warfare and NATO’s Network Enabled
Capability (NNEC) and the technical advances in CPU capabilities, communication
media, storage & retrieval systems, data (and knowledge) mining, hosted services,
mash-ups, architecture and cloud computing allow for increased efficiencies,
complexities, emergent capabilities, revolutionising operations and how they are
conducted, resourced, financed, generated and expanded. Where processes enhanced
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with techniques such as SaaS, SOA, Virtualisation, Geospatial identification and
Business Intelligence generate emergent behaviours with a plethora of new businesses,
Knowledge and Information exploitations. The holistic complexities and risk of
interoperability, managing, maintaining, and utilising these unified technologies and
system architectures contribute to an increasing chaotic Information Infrastructure of
an evolving cyberspace that presents many unpredictable obstacles to effective
operations and their assurance as well as exposing gaps in our knowledge and
“A competency is more than just knowledge and skills. It involves the ability to meet
complex demands, by drawing on and mobilising psychosocial resources (including skills
and attitudes) in a particular context. For example, the ability to communicate effectively
is a competency that may draw on an individual’s knowledge of language, practical IT
skills and attitudes towards those with whom he or she is communicating,” OECD, 2005.
With our increasing national dependence of cyber domain operations, the competency
of our Cyber Defence Communities, Security Industries and Governing bodies such as
the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU); US Department of Homeland
Defence; European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and the UK’s
new National Crime Agency (NCA) is both tested and exposed. It is estimated that,
worldwide, more than one million people become victims of cybercrime every day
(Europa, 2012). These organisations need to demonstrate and provide national (and
international) leadership to combat advance persistent threats; attacks; cyber
(malicious) network exploitation and the inappropriate use of Cyber Power.
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more
uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.
Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old
conditions and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new.
Machiavelli, The Prince
Machiavelli understood the apparatus of state power, but do our states understand the
uses, consequences and global effectiveness of Cyber Power (see annex 4). The Cyber
domain has new and emergent properties that we do not fully understand nor able to
produce a satisfactory risk assessment. Consequently these State Actors, Corporate
Executives and Academic leaders need to become more agile, engaged, educated and
coherent in their resolution to defend the Cyber Information Age and shape their
organisations to meet this tier-1 national security risk (Edwards, 2007). These same
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communities of interest also need to generate greater awareness of how cyber risks are
causing fear, uncertainty and doubt (the FUD Contagion, p158) with their citizens,
workforce and militaries. The global population requirements for the Cyber
Information Age call for (a) better comprehension of cyberspace; (b) greater
understanding the consequences of interconnectivity; (c) recognising their own limited
knowledge and competencies and (d) have greater access to better information and
better education. Furthermore, with 68% of Europeans believing that online personal
information has not been kept secure by public bodies as demonstrated in figure 74
and 59% of EU citizens do not feel very or at all well informed about the risks of
cybercrime and that these needs have become matters of grave concern (European
Commission, 2012). This public perception of insecurity and lack of confidence with
authorities to provide adequate protection is often exploited by the media Most EU
citizens say they have seen or heard something about cybercrime in the last 12 months
(73%), and this is most likely to have been from television, (European Commission,
2012), as well as more insidious individuals, organisations and state actors.
This EU report also stated that:
12% of internet users across the EU have experienced online fraud, and 8% have
experienced identity theft. 13% have not been able to access online services
because of cyber-attacks. In addition:
More than a third (38%) say they have received a scam email, including
10% who say that this is something that has happened to them often;
15% of internet users say that they have accidentally encountered
material which promotes racial hatred or religious extremism.
Internet users express high levels of concern about cyber security:
89% agree that they avoid disclosing personal information online;
74% agree that the risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime has increased
in the past year;
72% agree that they are concerned that their online personal information
is not kept secure by websites;
66% agree that they are concerned that information is not kept secure by
public authorities.
The majority of internet users in the EU (61%) are concerned about experiencing identity
theft. Around half of internet users are concerned about: accidentally discovering child
pornography online (51%); online fraud (49%); and scam emails (48%). In addition, 43%
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are concerned about not being able to access online services because of cyber-attacks, and
41% are concerned about accidentally encountering material which promotes racial
hatred or religious extremism. (European Commission, 2012).
Despite widespread media attention and warnings around Flame, Stuxnet, Duqu
viruses and other APT attacks; many EU CERT advice organizations relying on Critical
Information Infrastructures (CII), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
and other industrial control system (ICS) networks to be vigilant against conventional
network threats. These threats pose a far greater threat to Enterprise network security,
and include gaps in security infrastructure, social engineering exploits (Insider and
other actors), advanced evasion techniques and simple denial of service (DOS) attacks.
The social-technical cyber environment is constantly threatened from the growing
dangers of cyber-hooliganism, cyber-crime, cyber-terrorism and cyber-war. Corporate
Enterprise, especially those that own considerable CIS assets in our Critical Information
Infrastructures are beginning to understand that this digital environment facilitates
considerable scepticism, insecurity and distrust, particularly at their inability to defend
and secure digital assets (Kramer F. D., Starr, Wentz, & Zimet, 2007; Cabinet Office,
2010; Anderson & Rainie, 2010).
The Information Age has created a new paradigm for human competency evolution
with the globalisation of societies, communities of interests and enterprises through
the medium of the virtual space. The creation of the man-made Cyberspace domain has
many opportunities (exploitive and complex) for the UK’s and global Economy
(enterprise and products), Knowledge Transfer (artificial and real Intelligence,
(communities and alternate societies) and Individual Competencies (skills, creation and
innovation) generating new ways we can exploit Knowledge, Information and Data
(KID) sources within existing systems and the emerging cyberspace with it diverse and
expanding applications and services.
Four distinct environmental drivers can be
identified that propels this paradigm, Expansion, Evolution, Expense and Exploitation.
Our cyber defence communities need to create and provide better strategic
understanding of the cyber environment across these networks of networks that:
evolve (new technologies, services and applications), expand (interconnections,
multiplexing, virtual domains and new deployments), exploit (data mining, business
intelligence and knowledge transfer) and expend (financial, technical and human
resources). The Cyber Domain needs better Assurance!
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Cyber War, Cyber Crime
In understanding the Digital Domain, the thesis methodology identified the Threat
Domain (Threat Agenda, Attack Profiles and Security Compromises) as a key avenue of
discovery (Figure 24, page 78). Strategically the United Nations have created a Cyber
Security Alliance to address the Cyber Threat Agenda. Headquartered in Cyberjaya,
Malaysia, The International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT)
agency is administered through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and
was the first comprehensive global ITU public-private partnership (Governments,
Industry and Academia) against cyber threats. IMPACT addresses the ITU’s Global
Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA) which is the UN’s framework for international cooperation
to enhance global confidence and security in the information society (ITU, 2008)
“Cyber criminals are an ever present menace in every country connected to the Internet.
Organized crime has been on the rise because the Internet has proved a low risk, lucrative
business. This is due to the fact that loopholes in national and regional legislation still
remain, making it difficult to effectively track down criminals. The main problem is the
lack of international harmonization regarding cybercrime legislation. Investigation and
prosecution are difficult if the categorization of crimes differs from country to country.
Some efforts to address this challenge have been undertaken, and although very valuable,
they are still insufficient. The Internet is an international communication tool and
consequently, any solution to secure it must be sought at the global level.” (ITU, 2008)
There are a plethora of attack vectors to our fragile (and some say often defenceless)
critical Information infrastructure as illustrated Figure 23. These vectors range from a
Cyber Pearl Harbour attack (possible weapon of mass destruction), with total
meltdown of systems and societies heading towards anarchy; to Cyber Terrorism (antiestablishment motivated attacks); to organised Cyber Crime and its risk to ecommerce; to the insidious nature of cyber harassment and bullying (destroying
confidence and trust in our children): to the simple failures of ignorance and not been
aware of the threats within this domain of domains (Colonel Kelley, US Army, 2008).
These multi-layered, multilateral, multidimensional domains (Held and McGrew, 2010)
are often without boundaries, easily migrating and superimposing on each other,
influencing and determining different outcomes which requires complex analysis to
find any resolution in this chaos (Vitas, 2001; Gordon, 2007 and Majoris, 2010). The
ease of moving from one domain characterised by the lack understanding and the
vulnerabilities of a Botnet client; to the risks of all out Cyberwar or some terrorist
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codifying some catastrophic event is just a mouse click, buts the effects are often global,
instant and often ruinous (Lewis, 2002 and Bracken, 2007).
Figure 23: The Plethora of Attack Vectors to Cyberspace (Richardson C. J., 2008b)
Figure 23 provides a framework to understanding the linkages between the different
threat profiles. These differences create components of the threat agenda within the
Thesis methodology and briefly discussed as follows:
The Cyber Pearl Habor is a State on State Cyber Attack, launched by a hostile state (or a
state sponsored organisation) who have the capability to wield a massive debilitating
cyber-attack that would effectively paralyze a country and constitutes a Clear and
Present Danger that potentially (according to the recent testimonial from US Secretary
of Defence, Leon Panetta at the Department of Defense (DOD) budget hearing held by
the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense) “shutting down financial systems,
releasing chemicals from chemical plants, releasing water from dams, shutting down
power systems that can affect the very survival of a nation,” (Mora, 2012).
The Catastrophic Cyber Event is an exploitable national disaster (such as Hurricane
Katrina) where people leave their systems unlocked owing to an immediate threat to
themselves or their families. A hostile State (or organisation) may then launch a
clandestine first strike upon the Critical Information Infrastructure to exacerbate the
situation to cause further economic and social damage. The military would also argue
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that chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) would also cause a
Catastrophic Cyber Event. US Senator Whitehouse described the consequences of
failure in protecting the US Critical Infrastructure could be catastrophic – “We all
recognize this as a profound threat to this country, to its future, to its economy, to its very
being,” (US Congress, 2012).
The concepts of Cyber War have made considerable impact on DIME strategic thinking.
The book Cyber War (Clarke & Knake, 2010) defines "cyber warfare" as "actions by a
nation-state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of
causing damage or disruption.” The Economist article entitled Cyberwar: It is time for
describes cyberspace as "the fifth domain of warfare," and the US Deputy Secretary of
Defense, (Lynn, 2010) had stated that "as a doctrinal matter, the Pentagon has formally
recognized cyberspace as a new domain in warfare… [which] has become just as critical
to military operations as land, sea, air, and space. HMG has developed weapons to
counter the cyber threat and “will strike first to protect itself…We will defend ourselves in
every way we can, not only to deflect but to prevent attacks that we know are taking
place” according to the UK’s Foreign Secretary William Hague (Dunn T. N., 2011).
However, studies are incredulous to the possibility of successful deterrence against
cyber-attacks, in particular to the requirements for success: the existence of capability
(weapons), the credibility of the threat, and the ability to convey the threatening
message to the potential challenger (Lupovici, 2011).
Cyber Operations is about actively (or passively) operating in your adversary’s OODA
loop (as discussed in Chapter 3, p 149). NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of
Excellence (NATO CCD COE) stated that “Strategists must be aware that part of every
political and military conflict will take place on the internet” (Geers, 2008) and
conducting cyber network operations (CNO) facilitates espionage, cyber network
attacks (CNA) and cyber network exploitation (CNE) attacks to disrupt, compromise or
undermine the adversary’s decision cycles and Information Operations (Alberts &
Papp, 2001; Armistead, Information Operations Matters: Best Practices, 2010).
Cyber Terrorism and caused-based hackavist groups have become an increasing
international problem as the motivation, expertise, tools and techniques needed for
cyber-attacks have become more widely available. “Darknets, which enable users to
share content anonymously, are also likely to become more popular. Cloud computing will
enable terrorists to store and distribute material in a more robust way, which can then be
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encrypted and configured to work with smartphones”. Al-Qa'ida has explicitly called for
"cyber-jihad” and Jonathan Evans, the UK’s MI5 Director has stated that the “Criminals
and rival states are using cyber terrorism on an 'industrial scale' to attack Britain's
Government and its biggest businesses, (revealing that) one company lost £800 Million
Sterling as a result of state-sponsored espionage. Terror groups (such as) al Qaida will
use hacking to steal secrets and damage systems,” (Robinson M. , 2012)
Cyber motivated by money and the lack of law enforcement “cybercrime has become
more profit-driven and is shifting away from Windows-based PCs to other operating
systems and platforms, including smart phones, tablet computers and mobile platforms in
general,” (Shinder, 2011) The cost of cybercrime to individuals, corporations,
governments and society in general will continue to climb. According to a 2011 study
by the UK’s Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance (Holden, 2011), the
British economy lost £27 billion pounds sterling attributed to cyber-crime, with most of
that being shouldered by UK business.
Cyber Harassment, Cyber Bullying, Cyber-stalking and Cyber Grooming are the most
insidious of all the types of cyber-attacks, being highly targeted upon an individual
(often people with inexperience and/or mental or physical disabilities) in the
workplace, at schools or in the home. Online perpetrators, predators and stalkers often
pretend to be children or friends and start online conversations with their victims
through social sites. They may try to continue the relationship in personal
conversations on mobile phones (sometimes known as whispering), via private chat
rooms or produce negative, derogative and harmful images, videos and text across the
social sites such as YouTube, Facebook or Instant Messaging channels (Cyber Smart,
Cyber Intrusion and privacy is about the easy accessibility of data and information held
on systems about individuals. There is a lot of information on individuals that can be
gleamed / gathered unobtrusively from the Internet which could be used to the
individual’s disadvantage or for some criminal exploit or social engineering attack.
Often seen as passive attacks, these intrusions, ghosting and data mining activities build
up considerable intelligence on enterprises, their employees and personal lives.
Cyber Awareness attributes the lack of understanding, poor skills or the ignorance of
people operating applications, services and infrastructure devices in cyberspace.
Governments need to educate their citizens on the potential harm that cyberspace has,
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as well as its benefits of social and e-commerce applications. The OECD (2005)
identified that a nation can gain a collective return from cyber awareness as illustrated
in figure 24.
Figure 24: OECD framework relating individual competencies (OECD, 2005)
Underpinning the attack profile components in figure 23 is the duplicity of benefits/
disbenefits (a benefit becoming an opportunity as well as a threat) to cyberspace that
was illustrated by the Cyber-Janus28 (capturing the nature of Janus) and coupling it to
the Black and White Hat communities of cybercrime and prevention. These Black Hat /
White Hat communities represents the two main perspective to cyberspace; the first
face presenting the ubiquitous nature of cyber-space and how it affects our lives in a
positive manner; the sharing environment of our work and workplace; the electronic
global commerce and its interconnections of communities and government; and then
the second face, the shady and shadow side of spamming, threats, hostilities, malware,
crime, terrorism and warfare. That Cyberspace represents information and knowledge
systems as strategic national assets and also has become a tier-1 strategic national
threat (Cabinet Office, 2010).
Janus of Roman Mythology was the god of doorways and time. Representing him in the 21st
Century as Cyber-Janus symbolizes change and transitions, the Good (White) and Evil (Black)
within the Cyber Domain, of one condition to another across many virtual domains.
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Strategic Direction for Cyberspace
The internet is the digital global community and a coherent international strategy for is
use and security is essential. The emerging international landscape can be seen through
a European Union (EU) or United Nations (UN) perspective /lens where the physicality
and pervasiveness of cyberspace across the world’s societies has given this man-made
domain considerable depth (Technological, Social, Economic and Psychological) as
illustrated by the EU’s concepts in Figure 25. Surprisingly the EU study into the future
shaping of the Internet (European Commission, 2010) found that Technology wasn’t a
key driver and although Economic and Social issues had an impact, it was the
psychology of trust and at its the core was are the Information Assurance issues of
privacy, protection, security and reliability. The United Nations has sought to control
the Power of Cyberspace through its own technical authority. The UN’s International
Telegraph Union (ITU) is the only UN agency with partnerships between government
and industry and its activities towards cyber security has been to establish and follow a
set of fundamental rules formulated at by the WSIS and the 2006 ITU Plenipotentiary
Conference (ITU, 2006).
Figure 25: Fundamental principles by overlapping domains
(European Commission, 2010)
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The ITU was tasked to build confidence and security in the use of Communication and
Information Systems, facilitate cooperation among public and private organisations,
and to foster education and training initiatives. Global leaders, communities and
institutions participating in the WSIS and its own member states representatives
further entrusted the ITU to take concrete steps towards curbing the threats and
vulnerabilities related to information society resulting in resolution 130. Whereby, the
ITU (ITU, 2006) was requested to give high priority to building confidence and security
in the use of information and communication technologies, and in Resolution 149 to
clarify definitions and terminology relating to building confidence and security in the
use of CIS. In order to raise awareness the ITU (ITU-D & ITU-T) has since organised a
succession of workshops to establish their framework of cyber security and critical
information infrastructure protection and these workshop’s purpose were defined as:
Identify changes faced by countries and develop frameworks for cyber security
and Critical Information infrastructures (CII), share experience and considered
the best practices.
Disseminate information on the ITU cyber security work program to assist
developing countries and the ITU-D study group question 22/1: securing
information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture
of cyber security.
Disseminate information on unrelated technical security standards activities
developing/being developed by standardisation organisations, and in particular
related to ITU at-T activities;
And review the roles of various actors (e.g. governments, service providers,
academia, city since, etc) in promoting a culture of cyber security.
(ITU, 2007)
At the national level, the ITU categorises it as a shared responsibility requiring
coordinated action related to the prevention, preparation, response, and recovery from
incidents on the part of government authorities, the private sector and citizens. At the
regional and international level, the ITU has sought cooperation and coordination with
relevant partners to formularise and implement national frameworks for cyber security
and critical information infrastructure protection through a comprehensive approach
(ITU, 2011). However, even this global cooperation has rooted misconceptions,
misgivings, resistance and denial.
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The urgency to control emergent cyber technologies, to manage access to sensitive and
critical information infrastructures may be beyond the reach of the United Nations.
NATO, as a military organisation has now taken a more prominent role (although not
inclusive of many of the global players such as China, Russia, India and Brazil) in
creating the direction and purpose of Cyber Power. However the US and UK (and many
EU countries are beginning to) have made it their national priority. There are a
plethora of Cyber Strategy Initiatives been produced by authorities, but only the US
White House directives (Obama, The Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative,
2010) have had the considerable financial resources to implement the strategies. The
UK Government has shown a willingness to develop a comprehensive cyber strategy
(Cabinet Office, 2010), it now needs to find the finance to fund its development and in
particular in the research of new assurance techniques, trust management and IA
Education to promote and sustain a new Assurance Culture.
2.4 Positioning Information Assurance at the
Heart of Cyber Operations
Figure 26: Strategic Positioning of Information Assurance in the Business Process
The strategic purpose of employing Information Assurance to the Enterprise’s Business
Process (in particular to the processes of Information Asset Management, IAM) is to
enable trusted transactions, storage (and retrieval) and CIS operations; harmonising
the issues of interoperability and aligning processes across infrastructural domains and
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to ensure the protection of its intellectual and knowledge capital. Failure in
inappropriate usage, deployment or implementation of employing Information
Assurance Architectures (IA2) can result in serious financial loss, reputational damage
and stakeholder’s value to the Enterprise, as illustrated in figure 26. Four components
of the Thesis Methodology (Purpose, Environment, Capability and Culture) were based
on the Johnson and Scholes’ Exploring Corporate Strategy Model (Johnson, Scholes, &
Whittington, 2008). The positioning of Information Assurance at the heart of Cyber
(Information) Operations is this Thesis’s business model and in particular how assured
services, information and other assets flow between interoperating partners.
Understanding the needs of the User Community to seamessly transfer knowledge to
provide Situation Awareness (SA) and Superior Decision making requires recipicol
cognitation and understanding of the Information and Knowledge flows, content,
structure and timeliness. Cyberspace provides a 3-Dimensional bridge (Visual,
Innovation and Virtual) between the REAL and VIRTUAL Domains of Information flow,
acting as the continuum between these two domain and transforming operations from
a good to an assured state.
The desired future state of cyber operational security and the aspiration of most
security organisations is the maintainance of their systems in a good state, fault &
intrusion tolerant and resilient to purposeful attacks, natural events and fault
conditions (error, fault, failure). The positioning IA strategy is to transform the system
surviability ( organisational responsiveness, agility and continuity, robust system
architecture and tolerances, data dependability and operational / system safety) and its
ability to provide Human-cyber interexchange (tusted, risked managed, secure and
with appropriate protection) into
an Assured State.
The overriding purpose of
positioning IA (as illustrated in Figure 27) at the heart of strategic plans for
Information (Doctrines, Strategies and Operational policies) is to provide the
Enterprise (its social-technical environment) the capability to withstand fault
conditions whilst maintaining operational efficiency and value. Information Assurance
has to meet the expectations of the DIME communities of interest and the greater
global population that is becoming increasing reliant on cyberspace and the Internet of
Things. In part this Thesis is attempting to create a culture change through its argued
methodology, to adopt and develop its models.
The strategic position of Information Assurance and its Security Mechanisms within the
UK Government and in particular the MoD has been recognised by the National Security
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Policy (2010). The Government data structures, Information stacks, the knowledge and
understandings that are exploited, the needs for, and keeping, qualified cyber
operatives and the ability to achieve cyber situational awareness have now been
recognised as Strategic Assets. These cyber structures and silos should be trusted and
made safe, secure and available and where the failure to protect these assets would
significantly impact on individual’s lives, society and government functionality within
the UK (CESG, 2007).
To qualify the significance of the Economic, Political and Military Values of the strategic
value of the Information Assets (that we hold and use) we need to understand the
benefits of the decision making process that enables Situational Awareness and the
impact it has to our future.
Capability and
Culture Change
• Assuring the Right Information, to
the Right People at the Right Time!
•The Need to Share across security
domains dependable, safe , secure,
and trusted Information
•Risked Managed
Robust, Agile, Tolerant and Dependable Systems
Figure 27 Strategic Goal of Information Assurance (Richardson C. J., 2008b)
We need to determine the impact of policies, doctrine and working environment,
securing the department’s strategic capability (offence, defence, resource and
competences) and the expectation of politicians and the general public. Toffler (1991)
expressed this as part of this Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA); however such a
revolution incurs Enterprise risk. Risk Assessment, Analysis, Management and
Exploitation should be directed, reassessed and processed throughout the revolving
and evolving delivery of strategic, operational and tactical change (the changing
Environment, Capability and Culture). Adapting the Johnson and Scholes (2008)
Strategic Position Model.
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The Strategic Positioning of Information
Assurance within cyber policy and
doctrine can be derived from the many
attributes (Technology, Institutions and
Culture) of the interdisciplinary study of
Theory of
Social Informatics29 (Kling, Rosenbaum,
& Sawyer, 2005).
Applying assurance
processes to design of information
exchange (policy, economic or social
context, education, media and electronic)
in society and to the system functions
Theory of
(management, administration, economic,
political and operational) of
information is used.
The key concept
Figure 28: The Social Informatics Venn
of Social Informatics is that the social
scientist view ICTs as a socio-technical network of artefacts, social contexts, and their
relationships (Markus & Robey, 1988; Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001).
The Social Informatics Venn (see Figure 28) combines the Information Systems
Theory30 where every system is composed of information, processes and stores
information, regardless of its media form (electronic files, quantum of light rays,
wireless etc.) to the Theory of Social Systems and Theory of Socio-Technical Systems.
This combination, incorporating system theory, information theory, quantum theory
and a system theoretic metaphysics has developed the System Matrix Notation which
reifies the concept of cyberspace as a tangible coherent space with a deep metaphysical
structure and the development of Ogdoadic Concept Map (or Glyph) of the
computational paradigm of systems and Cyberspace. The image of an ogdoadic system
comprising elements of Information, Interaction, External, Metric Space, Idiom, State
Space Internal and Experience as illustrated in Figure 29 has reposition segments in
each inward iteration with the four model elements - information, idiom, internal and
external - forming a conceptual foundation within which the inner squares arise
Social informatics is the interdisciplinary study of the design, uses and consequences of
information technologies that takes into account their interaction with institutional and cultural
System Theory posits that everything is a system in the sense that the concept system can be
applied to everything in a meaningful and practical sense. Every thing is a system that is
composed of sub systems that interact to create that system and so too for each of these sub
systems down to some ground of being.
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(Anandavala, 2005). Professor Toshizumi Ohta (1999) suggested that following from
Computational Theory (Carley & Prietula, 1994) that Social Informatics employs an
operational organization as a fundamental methodology. This is revisited with the
development of the Assurance Model in chapter 3.
The strategic alignment of the Ogdoadic Concept of Informatics to the Corporate
Strategy Model (Johnson, Scholes, & Whittington, 2008) encompasses Purpose,
Environment (external and internal), Capability (and idioms) and Culture. Moreover, an
important observation of Professor Ohta, as illustrated in Figure 30 that the autogenesis paradigm, a phenomenon with respect to human behaviour and social systems,
helps to describe the organizing mode in a society (Ohta T. , 1999b; Ohta, Kazunari, &
Isamu, 2001). Internet enabled actors can submit and receive multimedia, information
and knowledge in ever greater quantities, generating shared situational awareness and
cyber awareness. The methodology of operational organization provides visibility,
connectivity and the development of the Information Stack.
Figure 29: The Ogdoadic Concept Map of the Computational Paradigm
That the IA strategy model will require action (Processes, Resourcing, Practice, Changes
and Organising) and that there are Strategic Choices (Enterprise, Foreign, Evaluation,
Innovation and Departmental) will determine how expansive, economically,
evolutionary and exploitive the assets can be processed securely. However, with the
growing reliance of public sector organisations on information comes an increase in the
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impact of the post-delivery failure of the operational information infrastructure and
elements of cyberspace. Information Assurance has to tackle many of the threat issues.
The first component of the Thesis Methodology and the Johnson & Scholes Model is the
concept of Strategic Purpose which encapsulates the organisations’ vision, mission,
governance and values. The roles and responsibilities of the corporate managers need
to align to new business processes and assurance of the information flows and this will
raise issues of corporate social responsibility and ethics, (Johnson, Scholes, &
Whittington, 2008) .
Figure 30: A Framework of Social Information Systems (Ohta & Yamamoto, 1995)
As an asset, information has 4 qualities:
Information is about something (e.g. a passenger timetable)
Information is seen as something (e.g. DNA or fingerprints)
Information is used for something (e.g. algorithms or instructions)
Information is placed in something (e.g. patterns or videos)
The flow of the military information assets across its 5 complex and inter-aligned
domains (Land, Sea, Air, Space and Cyberspace) has to be first class service. Without
the timely and effective use of information our commander’s decisions may be become
jaded, inappropriate or suspect. Consequently the IA purpose is that information has to
be clear, accurate, trusted and not compromised, lost, leaked, disseminated,
unauthorised, published or corrupted. In positioning IA, the strategic purpose is to:
provide an Information Assurance Capability that will facilitate Cross –Domain Solutions.
This capability will need a framework that formulates the assurance implications of
interoperability within cyberspace, human factors, protection of networks and secure
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data content, alignment of enterprise architecture, any organisation culture changes,
information exploitation, management and service dependability from bridging the air
gap between highly classified networks and possible interaction with lower classified
networks and the Internet and how it might be done.
Information Assurance manages the risks to Government, Enterprise and Individual
information and its security component (its 3 tenets of Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability- CIA) provides the necessary purpose and confidence that our information
systems will protect the data, information and knowledge that they handle and will
function as they need to, when they need to, under the control of legitimate users. This
confidence is becoming increasingly important and IA is an essential enabler of the
Transformational Government vision, as recognised by the UK National IA Strategy
(2007). The contextual strategic environment for the positioning of IA within the
organisation is under constant change owing to the complex Diplomatic (political),
Intelligence, Military and Economic (DIME) usage of Information around the socialtechnical changes of the Enterprise, its mission and its legal framework. Furthermore
has skills and awareness changes in the workforce, these will result in emergent
changes to the environment and its system domains. These inter-aligned domains have
a complex PESTEL31 context to a risky world of expansive utilization of the assets,
infrastructures and the many pervasive technologies and application. There is ever
increasing, explosive usage of Internet PESTEL activities and associated e-business
applications. The rate of change, its evolution has major impact on the structure and
new direction of the MoD (Strategic Defence and Security Review, 2010)
IA Capability has two main components:
1. System Survivability, and
2. Cross-Domain Solutions
The greater part of the strategic capability of Information Assurance has been
discussed within Chapter 3 and the cross-domain solutions for system interoperability.
One of the four Engineering Aims was to create a contextual framework for the
strategic positioning of Information Assurance that will provide an assured CIS
environment (see figure 89) and a capability to provide resilient and dependable
services across a secure and protected (critical) information infrastructures. These
PESTEL – Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental (green) and Legal
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capability requirements are discussed as elements of a Defence Jigsaw, which when
combined provide an integrated model for the strategic positioning of IA for System
Survivability and Cross Domain Solutions (System Interoperability). Culture change is
necessary, since the publication of the National Information Assurance Strategy
(Cabinet Office, 2007) there has been significant strategic drift and a failure to create
necessary changes. The National Security Policy Framework (Cabinet Office, 2011) has
produced a correction to this drift but the initiative is under resourced (there is
insufficient skilled practitioners working in the UK) and underfunded. The process of
cultural change is not a primary focus of this thesis; however its paradigm influences
every aspect of information assurance, from an historical, organisational, ethical and
psychological perspective. The impact of culture needs to assessed in any assured
environment and the Johnson and Scholes model provides a useful methodology to
examining and analysing the effects of cultural change using a Culture Web. By
analysing the factors in each Venn sector as illustrated the analysis can see what is
working, what isn't working, and what needs to be changed.
The Cyber Defence Jigsaw
The four methodical components (Purpose, Environment, Capability and Culture)
provide a firm foundation to build a conceptual Strategic Information Assurance model
and the established corporate cases that used the Johnson & Scholes contextual model
has created additional credibility and capability for the IA model’s development.
However, to make the positioning model more specific, manageable and utilitarian, the
conceptual model needs to encapsulate the social-technical issues of an assured CIS
Securing Cyberspace with technology and policies to provide Cross Domain Solutions
requires a practical development of the Information Assurance Model and
methodologies that will provide assurance both to the IX and IO components of the
Information Stack (as discussed in chapter 3). For the MoD, the Information Security
element of model also needs to meet the define roles and responsibilities of its Security
Officers and the accredited system security policy (JSP 440). The influence of the
Assurance components (Structured, Dependable, Secure and Trusted attributes) can be
mapped to the four elements of the CIS environment (Communities of Interest,
Systems, Networks and Facilities) as illustrated in Figure 31. The four anchoring pivots
(Data Security and Access Security Mechanisms, and the roles and System Security
Officer and Network Security Officer) of this assured model provide a chain of
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responsibilities and activities across the 4 domains (System, Network, Facilities and
Communities of Interest). Over layering these 4 domains are the 8 components of
Information assurance (Architecture, Resilience, Dependability, Safety, Security,
Protection, Trust and Risk Management).
Figure 31: The Alignment of the Information Assurance across the CIS Domain
The alignment of the information assurance can be interpreted from the observation of
the four lines of interoperability. For example the interaction of Data across the System
Domain is managed by the System Security Officer who is responsible for the system
architecture (its compliance and accreditation), its resilience (the system tolerances
and continuity) to ensure data dependability and operational safety. This operation
manages the flow of data through the information stack (the Information Technologies
deployed, the supporting Information Infrastructure, the Services allocated, the
conformity and compliance Management procedures and practices and the exploitation
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of the information for knowledge transfer and shared situational awareness. The logical
and risk conditions of the model needs to be tested within a cyber-range using
corporate simulations and exercised by some penetration and fault testing. The
conceptual component of this model is examined in chapter 3.
The Perceived Risk to the Assured CIS Domain
The Technological revolution that has radically changed the worlds of Communication,
information-processing, health and transportation has eroded borders, altered migration
and allowed individuals the world over to share information at a speed inconceivable two
decades ago.
United Nations, 2004
Another component of the Cyber Jigsaw is the perceived cyber risk (degrees of
expected and real Threats, Vulnerabilities and Impact to information systems and their
provided services and data storage) and its effect on Government, Business, Society and
the Military (Vatis, 2001; Whitman, 2004; and Jakobsson & Zulfikar, 2008) masks the
actual risk (Schneier, 2006, Robert, 2006 and Jaquith, 2007). Cyber threats and the risk
to information infrastructures cause Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts (FUD) in
Governments and the Online Communities. Until recently (Estonia, 2007 and Georgia,
2008), there have been few explicit public examples of network catastrophes or
national infrastructure exposures which can be easily attributed to Cyber War (Puran,
2003 and Baker, Waterman, and Ivanov, 2009). Analysis of cyber threats and cyber
security appears to over emphasise the smart (but limited) impact of Cyber War
(Paquet and Saxe, 2005) in attacking national (information) infrastructures (Jackson et
al, 2007 and Jaquith, 2007), describing most incidents as simple criminal activities that
intimidate citizens and e-commerce. Furthermore most nations are more robust and
resilient to these threats:
To understand the vulnerability of critical infrastructures to cyber-attack, we would need
for each target infrastructure a much more detailed assessment of redundancy, normal
rates of failure and response, the degree to which critical functions are accessible from
public networks and the level of human control, monitoring and intervention in critical
(Lewis, 2002)
However, in 2010 Western Governments and the United Nations have escalated the
potential damage to society of these Cyber Threats and have started to expose critical
Infrastructure damage, cyber war and cyber terrorism scenarios (President Obama,
2010 and Fowlie 2010). The US Defence Department has investigated about 250
‘‘serious, sophisticated’’ cyber intrusions into government networks and have concluded
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that these threats were so severe that they now designating cyberspace as a fifth
domain of warfare. The US Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, said that ‘‘It’s very
difficult to identify the source of attacks; often they can be routed through other countries
or other players.’’ In April 2010, China Telecom briefly rerouted Internet traffic destined
to some highly sensitive US websites, effectively hijacking the Internet. This was
reported by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission who stated that
the Chinese Telecom Company sent incorrect routing information destined for the
websites of the US Senate, the Office of the Secretary of Defence, NASA and the
Commerce Department, but they were not clear whether it was unintentional or had
intent. The US Defence Secretary Robert Gates warned that cyber-attacks posed a huge
future threat and urged more joined-up efforts between the US military and civilian
agencies (BBC, 2010).
The UK’s National Security Strategy (Cabinet Office, 2010) has stated that Cyber Attacks
to be one of the biggest security threats facing the nation and has categorised it as a
Tier 1 threat, paring international terrorism and major accidents. HMG’s Technical
Authority to Cyber Defence and Information Assurance, The UK’s Communications
Intelligence Agency GCHQ, indicated the scale of the problem to the National
Information Infrastructure (NII) when its Director, Iain Lobben, revealed “that each
month more than 20,000 “malicious” e-mails were sent to government networks, of which
1,000 were deliberately targeted at them.” Lewis (2002) argues that: The lines between
domestic and foreign, private and public, or police and military are blurring, and the
nature and requirements of national security are changing rapidly. The most important
implications of these changes for cyber security may well be that national policies must
adjust to growing interdependence among economies and emphasize the need for
cooperation among nations to defeat cyber threats. The World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS 2003) recognized the real and significant threat posed by
inadequate confidence and security in the use of ICTs and the proliferation of cybercrime.
This universal recognition of the ubiquity of Information, its pervasiveness in society,
the failing to protect the privacy of this asset has led the UN to produce the Global
Cyber security Agenda (GCA) as a framework for international cooperation on cyber
The Vulnerability (and hence the risk) of the National Information
UN General Assembly has outlined elements for creating a global culture of cyber security
through several resolutions, including: resolution 64/L.8 (2009)’Creation of a Global Culture of
Cyber security’ (Second Committee) and Resolution 64/L.39 (2009) ‘Developments in the field
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Infrastructures has increased with the ubiquitous computing environment; the internet
of things; cloud computing and mobile data mash ups that are constantly being exposed
and threaten with the plethora of daily online activities that have become automated.
The (embedded) microprocessor and Hybrid market is far greater than the PC market
and possible Cyber-attacks like chipping (King, et al, 2008 and Adee, 2008) in this space
are causing great concerns to businesses, critical infrastructure providers and
Governments. The UK’s Foreign Secretary William Hague said that, unless addressed,
this could threaten the UK’s “economic welfare”. The risk is greater where there has
been a vast growth and reliance to remote computer networks access, particularly by
the mobile phone networks and other wireless systems (WiFi, WiMax, LTE, etc.) and is
of particular concern to military authorities who have service NGO VPNs. Furthermore
with the malware such as the smart targeted Stuxnet Virus there is an increased
worldwide hacking vulnerability to industrial and infrastructure applications as
illustrated, especially those used for SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition). The global shift from proprietary networks to using the insecure open
access TCP/IP Internet based operations has over the past 25 years created extensive
avenues of inappropriate access. Information Assurance and network security; law
enforcement and cyber defences have to become more effective to ensure that critical
and national infrastructures are robust and resilient. Modern threats are more blended
attacks as figure 32 illustrates from its first wave hacking of individual PCs to mass
attacks on the mobiles and the internet of things. Assuring the Internet will be a long
and probably impossible process, but the first steps are being made and if more
national resources become available, just maybe we might start closing some doors.
Information Assurance is defined in HMG IA Standard No 2 Risk Management and
Accreditation of Information Systems (v 3.1 October 2008) as ‘the confidence that
information systems will protect the information they handle and will function as they
need to, when they need to, under the control of legitimate users’. The definition’s
language was derived from a CESG’s security perspective (the tenets of security are
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) rather from a more (a) purposeful and
holistic perspective of applying (b) trustworthy capabilities to Information Operations
and Information Asset Control, (c) creating a trusted environment to operate and
of information and telecommunications in the context of international security’ (First
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maintain the critical information infrastructures and the business processes that rely
upon these infrastructures and (d) to change the culture of the enterprise to become
more efficient, compliant and risk mitigating. Building the necessary architecture to
mitigate the risks to the vulnerabilities and potential threats to the Enterprise, its CIS
domains and Information Operations will require a number of integrated analytical and
evaluation processes.
Figure 32: The HCI of Assurance and Potential Threats (Richardson & Sinderberry, 2008)
The above figure 32 illustrates the enabling activities (Environment, People & Process
and ICT) that surround the management, control and usage of Enterprise Information
and the constant pressure on Assurance practitioners, employees and executives to
mitigate the threats and risk to the Enterprise. The figure illustrates the complexity of
the task involved in Assuring the Enterprise Information owing the numerous issues
highlighted that are often loosely coupled creating further emergent (and often
unknown) properties. Understanding what to align within the Assurance process is
critical to the success of its implementation. Any failure, omission or delay may result in
a vulnerability that can readily assaulted by CNA and CNE. The purpose of the strategic
IA model is to give direction, governance and maturity to the Enterprise, its board
members and employees. Its mission is to provide a structured; resilient; dependable;
safe; secure; protected; risk managed and trusted usage of its CIS domain.
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The Strategic IA Model
"Information is a significant component of most organizations’ competitive strategy
either by the direct collection, management, and interpretation of business information or
the retention of information for day-to-day business processing. Some of the more obvious
results of IS failures include reputational damage, placing the organization at a
competitive disadvantage, and contractual noncompliance. These impacts should not be
The IIA Research Foundation
The military have many strategies, and those centred on Information Superiority and
Information Operations (IO) are fluid at best. Information Operations is essential for
the successful execution and efficiency of military (joint) operations. The US Military
have drafted a new Information Operations Doctrine which emphasises its pillars (the
domains that IO owns) and its core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer
network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations
security as illustrated in figure 99. The strategic importance of Information Assurance
is that these operations are conducted with trustworthy devices, technologies,
networks, infrastructures, systems, services, applications, data storage and retrieval,
architectures, policies, procedures and good practice. IA has complex and daunting
requirements to fulfil. The UK’s military domain security framework (MoD, 2010) has
structured Information Assurance to provide trustworthiness to (almost) all
components (except CIS Resilience and Document Security) of its CIS Security
Framework. Resiliency is the ability to avoid, minimize, withstand, and recover from
the effects of adversity, whether natural or manmade, under all circumstances of use
and consequently when it is applied to the Cyberspace, it becomes a constituent
component of Information Assurance. Critical Information Infrastructures (CII)
requires resilient and tolerant architectures which are trustworthy under operational
stress and assures high availability, continuous operations, and disaster recovery.
Information operations within the Government, Industry and Military sectors are
diverse and complex. These CII operations have independently expanded into loosely
couple arrangements (often with controls or strategic architecture) and evolved into
large systems of systems with many producing (and often unknown) emergent
properties; creating new vulnerabilities and attack vectors. Normally these integrating
operations have operated satisfactorily in loosely coupled arrangements. However, for
these operations to be resilient under stress, more than loosely coupled arrangements
are needed. The strategic positioning of Information Assurance will need to define the
engineering challenges of resilient, fault and intrusion tolerant socio-technical
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Enterprises. Operational recovery time (a service objectives) to adverse effects among
the DIME sectors must be coordinated, interoperability of information sharing and
platform operations must be assured, distributed supervisory control protocols must
be in place, and operation sensing and monitoring must be embedded.
capabilities cannot be expected to evolve in a loosely coupled environment. They must
be holistically specified, architected, designed, implemented, and tested if they are to
operate with resilience under stress. A management, process, and engineering maturity
framework is necessary to advance the assurance of software security, business
continuity, system survivability, and system of system resiliency capabilities. From a
strategic IA point-of-view, HMG needs to impose a maturity framework for guiding CII
operations and interoperability. Such a framework should develop the future evolution
of our Critical Information Infrastructures along the lines of common management,
process, and engineering dimensions whose collective result would be a harmonious
operation and resilience even under stress among these systems. Assuring resilient CIS
domains under stress should be organized as a 5 level maturity model (as illustrated in
Table 4). The objective is to drive the business case of CII operations and produce an
enterprise commitment to achieve the goals of each level (2 to 5) and build upon them
as indicated:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Ad Hoc- State of Affairs: Inability to advance and exhibiting evidence of apathy,
denial, management inaction, and lack of IA engineering know how
Enterprise Assurance Commitment Management- Goal: Demonstrate
commitment to Information Assurance through strategic management,
harmonised interoperability, internal processes, and defence in depth.
Enterprise Business Continuity Process Maturity- Goal: Demonstrate business
continuity assurance through compliance and configuration management,
accreditation, external standards and product engineering.
System Survivability Engineering- Goal: Demonstrate the achievement of system
survivability through the management of faults and failures, sustainability
processes, aligned CDS and IA best practices.
System of Systems Resiliency Engineering- Goal: Demonstrate the achievement
of cross-domain resiliency through the management of external interactions and
dependencies, the control of distributed supervisory processes, and the practice
of Next Generation, High Assurance software engineering.
Table 4: IA Resiliency Maturity Model
Information is both an asset and potential liability to its owners. HMG’s Information
Governance policies have established that (Government) Departmental Accounting
Officers (AOs), through their Senior Information Risk Owners (SIROs) and their
Information Asset Owners (IAOs) are to become accountable for the adequate
protection of their information (collected, processed and stored) within their
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Departments. Consequently these AOs will need to introduce holistic Information
Assurance policies, procedures and practices that include effective Business Continuity
Plans, Information Risk Management (IRM), Security Information and Event
Management (SIEM) and a culture change programme of IA awareness, adaptation and
compliance. This introduction to IA and its compliance has been encapsulated in the
CESG Information Assurance Maturity Model (IAMM) as illustrated in table 5.
Level 1 –
Level 2 –
Level 3 –
Level 4 –
Level 5 –
Board recognition that
information is a vital
business asset and IA is
an integral requirement
of corporate governance.
A programme of annual
information risk
awareness training is
A comprehensive
information risk policy is
in place.
Board members
understand and
accept their
responsibility for IA
Dept. personnel
undergo annual risk
awareness training
Board exercising
due diligence
to the effective
discharge of IA
Board monitors
progress towards
embedding IA policy
across the Dept.
A programme of
training is instituted
for all staff
All CIS that are
critical to the
business have
been subject to
Accurate details of
training received by
all staff are collated
and reported
Residual risks are to
be tolerated and
quantified. The Main
Board is fully aware
of the total level of
risk involved.
Level 3 processes
are extended to
embrace all of the
Department’s IS.
Assured Department’s
Information and its
external stakeholder’s
key business asset are
fully embedded within
the Dept’s culture and
are subject to a regime
of continuous
Risk exposure of the
Department is within
Its risk appetite
Implementing Best Practice IA
Embedding IRM Culture
Within the Enterprise
Training, &
ThroughLife IA
Required to take a
coordinated and
systematic approach to
through-life IA measures.
The Accreditation
status of all existing
CIS is determined
and the information
risks are identified
within risk registers
The status of the
through-life IA
employed across
the Department is
determined and
gaps are identified
Required to define and
manage how information
is shared across the
Department’s boundaries
boundaries are
defined and policies
for sharing and
information across
these boundaries
Established compliance
regime to confirm the
effectiveness of IRM
against mandated
(minimum) standards.
The Dept. has a
IRM compliance
Annual Reporting
They have an
External IA Review
processes are in
place to assure all
IS which are critical
to the Dept.’s
A comprehensive
monitoring regime
is implemented to
provide situational
awareness and
enable essential
information flows to
be maintained.
Critical IA Review
and internal audit
are actioned and
progress tracked.
Level 3 measures
are extended so that
incident mgt. moves
from being reactive
to proactive.
IA incident mgt.
processes are fully
assured by internal
audit. The Main
Board is aware of
the significant areas
of the Department’s
Incident and problem
management processes
adapt to new risks and
Network boundaries and
the associated
protective monitoring
regime is continually
improved to reduce the
departmental and
collective, shared
exposure to information
There are no critical or
significant IA audit
issues. Independent
assessment of the
Department’s approach
to IA shows that it is
aligned with the National
IA Strategy.
Table 5: Abridged CESG Information Assurance Maturity Model (Cabinet Office, 2010)
These AOs need to assure their arrangements sufficiently reveal any business impact
upon the on-going programmes in Transformational Government (Cabinet Office,
2005) and their Department’s information risk as directed under the HMG Security
Policy Framework (HMG SPF, 2010). CESG had also imposed an Information
Management Maturity Model (IMMM) to measure compliance by Department Chief
Information Officers (CIOs). However a number of the IMMM objectives have been
swept up by the current IAMM and the publication of Good Practices such as the MoD’s
JSP 747. Although the IAMM (Version 4.0) has a considerable list of Departmental
requirements and compliances, many of its practitioners will find evidence for upwards
grading with little oversight from its auditors, the National Audit Office. Consequently
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the current maturity model is probably flawed, as it is a top down approach and juniors
always want to paint a positive picture to please their seniors (a very common problem
within the military where Captains are established as ITSOs in establishments with
many senior officers flaunting or ignoring best practice) and can be considered as
nothing more than a check list. Information assurance is everybody’s responsibility and
therefore a non-hierarchical approach must be used for its compliance.
One of the most significant transformations in the State of Art of Cyberspace has been
the blurring of the lines of demarcation across network boundaries in joint actions,
coalition partnership and the Internet of Things. Consequently these IA maturity
models need to evolve, but this requires agile movement of the goal post which is often
counter-productive (most people resist change, in particular any change to their
normal operations) in most organisations. Information Assurance has to establish a
new cultural awareness that promotes change. Future internet and System of Systems
research will require a much wider remit than just for networks and transportation
(ISO Model Layers 1 to 4). It will need to encompass domains previously seen as purely
application areas, for example, like information access, processing and human-cyber
interfacing (layers 5 to 7). Models work when their user community engage in their
usage…getting them to engage is a priority!
Human Factors of Assurance
“The internet has the potential to become a ubiquitous and universal channel for
socializing and creative expression”
(European Commission, 2010)
The Internet is both Diverse and Inclusive, just about anyone with network
connectivity can “surf the net” but there still is a social divide with those without
connectivity (or with those who refuse to connect). This globally homogenous network
of networks has expanded and evolved with technology advances, organisational needs
and user demands. The semantics of the socio-technical domain has changed with the
each iteration of the world-wide-web, (Spivack, 2007). However, greater inclusivity
also constitutes a greater risk to the online community and it’s Assurance
One of the most important Human Factors in the socio-technical Enterprise is the
concept of Trust. Psychologists have had difficulties to precisely define Trust in its
social context, but as an Assurance Dimension it has become an increasing important
design issue and an operational necessity (Michael, Hestad, & Pedersen, 2002).
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Research has shown, “if trust is not present, if there is no confidence, expectation, belief
and faith in an information system, then there will be no willingness to rely on any such
system,” (Chopra & Wallace, 2003).
In developing trust in Cyberspace the human factors involved are both contributionary
to the society and also can become anti-social, criminal or offensive. The moral and
ethical conduct of individuals online has little policing and little political will to police
the internet (Jewkes, 2003). As the internet expands more criminal activity is noted; as
it evolves, a new conjunction of criminal opportunities arise and as it becomes more
exploited, more online crimes are committed. We need to examine features of the
components of cyberspace to determine the extent to which people will have greater
predispositions to crime, new resources available to them to commit crime and many
other factors. At the same time, we need to assess the extent to which those who develop
the new cyberspace systems have incentives to adopt measures that will make cyberspace
less attractive for criminals and crime promoters (those who make crimes more likely, for
information’, passwords,
encouragement, etc., or merely by being careless with their own security) wherever they
are found.
(Collins & Mansell, 2003)
As figure 33 illustrates, a key consideration from the IA perspective are the causal
relationships between the components of cyber trust and e-crime prevention, and in
particular the development of an understanding of the causes of crime in the Cyber
Domain (Collins & Mansell, 2003). The Social Values of the Communities of Interest
(COIs) place considerable influence and expectations to the equality and diversity of
the IA Trust Dimension, entrusting the integrity of the services, security of transactions
and the privacy of the information used, stored or transmitted. The figure depicts some
of the key components and issue areas in the cyberspace system. Each of these is
recursively related to the others, forming a highly complex system that is populated by
many different agents, both human and non-human.
The local social relationships have been expanded by the process of Globalisation and
international virtual communities that have reshaped DIME strategies and linked
individuals to a common cause, event or culture. Technical innovation of Information
Technologies and IT Services have open new inclusive communities for collective
thinking, sharing and knowledge transfer creating new requirements and paradigms
for online social morality and ethics.
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Figure 33: Cyber Trust and Crime Prevention-Web of Components (Collins & Mansell, 2003)
These new standards require better models, interpretation and an inclusive code of
good practices that can be championed by all online users. In many aspects we are just
beginning to learn what our trusted socio-technical enterprises are capable of and
these emergent properties acquire further research and development. To entrust the
Information Domain, the communities and enterprises have to understand the risks
involved in the virtual environment and the processes it supports. Risk Mitigation and
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) are other important aspects of Information
Assurance which requires awareness, training and education. In particular,
understanding the problems of residue risk, perceived risk and actual risk is necessary
to all users. Too many enterprises are either complaisant to regulatory standards or
ignorant to their vulnerabilities as risk assessments have become automated to the
compliance of check boxes rather than investigating and understanding the actual risks
involved, (Grossack, 2012).
Creating Trustworthy networks, the system designers and equipment manufacturers
are implementing the need of enterprises through technologies and infrastructures.
However, very little has been done in creating an assured architecture in the
engineering of theses system; in particular in the research of IA Architecture in System
Engineering and experiments of assured system of systems designs on cyber ranges.
More research is required in understanding the system vulnerabilities, the emergence
of complex behaviours and a better understanding of system and human normative
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behaviour whilst online. This research will help provided a more trustworthy
environment, innovative assured technologies and secure our digital identities.
To create trust in Cyberspace, Information Assurance has to provide strategies,
governance, policies and mechanisms that can detect e-Crimes, cyber-attacks and
malicious cyber network exploitation. The IA Models and implementation need to
provide the authorities preventive and tolerant capabilities, the ability to gain and
analysis digital evidence and create secure operating domains within the current
regulatory and legislative environment. Trust in Cyberspace shouldn’t be taken for
granted; it requires Assurance to make it trustworthy and commitment to make it
resilient, dependable, safe and secure.
The Model has a cyclic activity rotating the roles of Assurance Practitioners to the
System, Network, Facilities and Communities of Interest domains and the interspersing
(Purpose to Systems; Capability to Networks; Environment to Facilities and Culture to
Communities); interrelationship of the Human-Cyber Interexchanges (IERs and
Essential Elements of Friendly Information – EEFI); interdisciplinary (Engineering,
Psychology, Social Science, Law and Business) domains of strategic management. This
rotational process recognises the dependencies (and interdependencies) between
systems and critical information infrastructures and the importance to achieving (and
/or undermining) cross-domain solutions for resilient safe, secure and dependable
operations. This is an important strategic component of Information Assurance and
there are considerable research avenues (in particular those conducted by Professors
Robin Bloomfield and Kevin Jones at the Centre for Software Reliability, City University
London) been explored to determine the consequences and complexities of
dependability between cyber domains and the cascading effects that occur as systems
fail (Al-Kuwaiti, Kyriakopoulos, & Hussein, 2009; Bloomfield, Buzna, Popov, Salako, &
Wright, 2010). Having safe (available, useable, maintainable and scalable) operational
processes that the user communities can rely upon (trusted, secure and protected) is a
further dimension of Assurance that needs to be researched, in particular to system
functionality that can gracefully collapse (rather than crash) to error, fault and failure
conditions, becoming resilient and tolerant to cyber-attacks and intrusions and having
robust critical infrastructures that survive and provide business continuity.
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Figure 34: The Composite Strategic Information Assurance Model
The current IA maturity model is highly focus on Information Risk Management (IRM)
and largely misses the more important elements of Trust Management and this thesis
recommends an improvement to the model as illustrated in Table 10. The IAMM does
however recognise the equally important measures required for people awareness,
training and education. The Government now needs to quantify and qualify what are
acceptable Training and Educational Standards and publish the National Occupational
Standard (NOS) for Information Assurance. The jigsaw has many important
components to cover the capability gaps we have in our systems. In particular to the
alignment of the 8-Dimensions of IA is need to find Cross-Domain Solutions, System
Tolerance, Risk Mitigation, Compliance and maintenance of Shared Situational
Awareness. This creates additional, but necessary, complexity to a highly integrated,
relational concept.
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Table 6: The Extended Enterprise Information Assurance Maturity Model
Information Exploitation (IX)
Embedding IRM Culture Within
the Enterprise
Leadership &
Training, &
Information Risk
Implementing Best Practice IA Measures
Level 3 –
Level 4 –
Level 5 –
recognition that
information is a
vital business asset
and its assurance
is required by
A programme of
annual information
risk awareness
training is instituted
A comprehensive
information risk
policy is in place.
understand and
accept their
responsibility for IA
exercising due
to the effective
discharge of IA
Executives monitors
progress towards
embedding IA policy
across the Dept.
personnel undergo
annual risk
awareness training
The Accreditation
status of all existing
CIS is determined
and the information
risks are identified
within risk registers
A programme of
training is instituted
for all staff
All CIS that are
critical to the
business have
been subject to
Enterprises attains
some awareness
about information
Enterprise and IT
leaders react
favourably to the
demand for
accurate and faster
information across
key business units.
perceive and
qualify information
as necessary for
improved business
performance and
Accurate details of
training received by
all staff are collated
and reported
Residual risks are to
be tolerated and
Executives are fully
aware of the total
level of risk
Enterprises perceive
information as
critical for business.
The organization
has implemented
significant portions
of EIM, including a
Pragmatic –
Embedded SOA
Assured Enterprise
Information and its
external stakeholder’s
key business asset are
fully embedded within
the Dept’s culture and
are subject to a regime
of continuous
Establish and
redefine its current
Service Level
Monitor Service
Level Agreements.
Semantic –
Introduction of ITIL
Risk exposure of the
Department is within
Its risk appetite
Enterprises exploit
information across the
entire information
supply chain, with
agreements that are
continuously reviewed
Dynamic –
Fully realised sociotechnical IS systems.
Syntactic Introduction of
common IERs.
Data Quality
Required to take a
coordinated and
approach to
through-life IA
The status of the
through-life IA
employed across
the Department is
determined and
gaps are identified
Defined and
Enterprise IA
processes are in
place to assure all
IS which are critical
to the Dept.’s
Established and
tested Enterprise
Business Continuity
Process Maturity
Level 3 processes
are extended to
embrace all of the
Department’s IS.
Incident and problem
management processes
adapt to new risks and
System of Systems
Resiliency EngineeringDemonstrate the
achievement of crossdomain resiliency.
Required to define
and manage how
information is
shared across the
boundaries are
defined and
policies for sharing
and managing
information across
these boundaries
A comprehensive
monitoring regime
is implemented to
provide situational
awareness and
enable essential
information flows to
be maintained.
System Survivability
Demonstrate the
achievement of
system survivability
through the mgt. of
faults and failures,
processes, aligned
CDS and IA best
Level 3 measures
are extended so that
incident mgt. moves
from being reactive
to proactive.
Network boundaries and
the associated
protective monitoring
regime is continually
improved to reduce the
departmental and
collective, shared
exposure to information
compliance regime
to confirm the
effectiveness of
IRM against
The Dept. has a
IRM compliance
Critical IA Review
and internal audit
are actioned and
progress tracked.
IA incident mgt.
processes are fully
assured by internal
audit. The Main
Board is aware of
the significant areas
of the Enterprise
There are no critical or
significant IA audit
issues. Independent
assessment of the
Enterprise approach to
IA shows that it is
aligned with the
National IA Strategy.
Adherence to the
ISO/IEC 27001
standard and the
ISF Best Practices
Automated IA
Auditing and Risk
Aligned and harmonised
interconnectivity and
operations. Full
Business Continuity and
Recovery Planning
Resilience &
Level 2 –
Technical Communication
protocols exist
IA Measures
Level 1 –
Required to define
and design a
resiliency and
tolerances into the
current architecture
Annual Reporting
Establishing an IA
Strategy and Audit.
Implementing an
System (ISMS)
Engineering Doctorate
They have an
External IA Review
Fault Tolerant
System of Systems
with graceful
degradation of
services and
SIEM implemented
Implementing a
Culture Change to
Information Asset
Cyber Power and
Shared Awareness
Monitored and
Agile Shared Situational
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Modelling the Assurance Component
Information assurance (IA) is defined as "information operations that protect and
defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity,
authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. This includes providing for
restoration of information systems by incorporating protection, detection, and reaction
Taxonomy of Information Assurance, 2003
Information Assurance (IA) is delivered through the assessment of information in
relation to:
Confidentiality - The property that information is not made available or disclosed
to unauthorised individuals, entities, or processes
Integrity - The property of safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of assets.
This may include the ability to prove an action or event has taken place, such that
it cannot be repudiated later
Availability - The property of being accessible and usable upon demand by an
authorised entity.
Ministry of Defence, 2011
These two definitions provide a clear indication that the institutional establishment has
formulated that Information Assurance is the risk adjusted reasoning behind the usage
of Information Security and its Protection mechanisms. In this chapter, that narrow
definition is redefined and expanded with arguments that Information Assurance
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should be about the empowerment of the Social-Technical Enterprise to create a
trustworthy environment based on trusted communities of interests. Trust is a very
difficult virtue and is often considered the most noble of mankind; we want to trust
people, services and enterprises; and most often our trust is reciprocated providing the
bond to human society. However, we also fear being let down, used or our trust being
abused. Information Assurance is about bringing trust into Cyberspace, across
heterogeneous systems, in our exploitation and reliance of shared Information and the
ability to trust another person whom we have never met, but who shares our
community of interest. “Economic life is pervaded by culture and depends on moral bonds
of social trust. This is the unspoken, unwritten bond between fellow citizens that
facilitates transactions, empowers individual creativity, and justifies collective action,”
(Fukuyama, 1995). Trust is the foundation of the Socio-Technical Enterprise and the
very basis of this real and virtual global economy. “The speed at which Trust is
established with clients, employees and constituents—is the essential ingredient for any
high–performance, successful organization,” (Covey, Covey , & Merrill, 2008).
Chapter 1 argued for the need and purpose for Enterprise assurance is to provide a
resilient, dependable and safe environment that will change and shape the Enterprise
culture to become a trusted, sustainable operation capable of delivering its strategic
goals and mission. This strategic positioning of IA (Chapter 2.4) provides a framework
for the assurance of Knowledge, Information and Data process, storage and transit;
thereby providing the architecture of the interoperability of technology to the humancyber interexchange and the organisation structures which form from its business
processes. The IA component of the Information Domain is in fact based on 8Dimensions: Structure (Organisational and Architecture), Resilience, Dependability,
Safety, Security, Protection, Risk Management and Trust.
Assuring the Information Domain has progressed from the idea that it’s a function of
security (confidentiality, integrity, availability, access control; authentication; privacy,
non-repudiation and communication security as declared by the ITU-T X.805) to this
thesis declaration that it’s a function of a Socio-Technical Enterprise where Enterprise
defines the scope of industrious, systematic activity that creates a (profitable) business
organization which will return value to its stakeholders through their readiness to
embark on new ventures (with a high degree of boldness and energy), cross-domain
interaction and their contribution to the business processes. Creating a technology
intensive enterprise requires purpose; an engaging environment; harmonised and
aligned capability across agile human-cyber inter-exchanges and superior decision
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making in a shared situation and culture. Since enterprises are complex socio-technical
systems, the effective use Information Exploitation (IX) and Information Operations
(IO) in the enterprise decision making process can be structured and analysed through
the adoption of Enterprise Architecture (Ross, Weill, & Robertson, 2006). Nightingale
and Rhodes (2007) define Enterprise Architecture (EA) as a set of views (Strategic,
Policy Process, Organisational, Knowledge, IT, Product and Service) which by:
"Applying holistic thinking to design, will evaluate and select a preferred structure for a
future state enterprise to realize its value proposition and desired behaviours."
Figure 35: The Information Pyramid Reference Model to Socio-Technical Enterprises
The Data Reference Component represents the transformation of Enterprise Data
across service platforms and IT infrastructures; technical services; data sensors; data
monitors; data processing; (hardware and software) product outputs and the
interfacing of communication and data networks (protocols, standards and data
structures). The US Government Data Reference Model (DRM) describes this
collaboration process as that “enables agencies to describe the types of interaction and
exchanges that occur between the Federal Government and citizens” through the
categorisation, structure and exchange of Data, (FEA, 2005). The Information
Exploitation component of the pyramid reference model is discussed in detail in sub-
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chapters 3.3 and 3.4 where it examines the transformation of data into Information
Flows across the operational cyber processes (Information Operations), Information
Infrastructures, Services, Management, Assurance and Exploitation). The Knowledge
Transfer component of this pyramid reference model exhibits the Business Processes of
the Socio-Technical Enterprise which spontaneously reorganize the Enterprise Open
Systems to states of greater heterogeneity and complexity whilst achieving a "steady
state" at which it can perform Cognitive Processing, Knowledge Management (KM),
Knowledge Transfer and Decision Making across the Human-Cyber divide.
The Collective Wisdom of the Socio-Technical Enterprise, its ability to learn, be selective
and, within limits, self-regulating are the hallmarks of an Open System (Trist, 1981).
Although not parts of this thesis remit, Open System Architecture is an important
component of an Enterprise as it contributes to Enterprise Actualisation which exists
through its interoperability with the products and services of other Enterprises and the
evolving social interconnectivity. The creation of Shared Situational Awareness is the
goal of Enterprise Coalition and Partnership which is underpinned by a culture of Trust
and an understanding of the risk appetite of the Enterprise.
3.1 Assured Knowledge Transfer
Coalition military partners, and in particular the US and UK (and more recently UKFrance) have recognised the importance of transnational alliances for the conduct of
joint action operations and the need to create Cyber Environments that can Assure
Knowledge Transfer and dissemination of Information. This recognition has not been
lost with Governments, Businesses, NGOs and Charities (Brown, Khagram, Moore, &
Frumkin, 2000; Sogge, 2011; The White House, 2011).
The UK military vision of the “coalitions of the willing” (MoD, 2003) is that joint action
will be across all levels of the operational spectrum (from policing actions,
humanitarian assistance to theatre operations) and will require its Network Enabled
Capability (NEC) to provide close interoperability across the multi-lateral force
deployment. “This interoperability will bring its own set of technological, ideological,
organisational, procedural and cultural idiosyncrasies to the theatre operations…The
rapid, opportunistic exploitation of situational contingencies, the need to self-synchronize
and the requirements to synergistically marshal diverse military assets in the context of
agile force structures, require the ability to exploit and share information in ways that
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transcend the traditional boundaries of national affiliation and operational
environment;” (Smart & Shadbolt, 2007)
The DIME evolution in Cyberspace has generated many challenges for the SocioTechnical Enterprise at all levels (Government, NGOs, Military, Multi-nationals and
SMEs). The US Centre for Strategic and International Studies CSIS paper “Cybersecurity,
Two Years Later” (CSIS, 2011) commented that after their previous report to the 44th US
President (CSIS, 2008) when “cyber-security was not a major issue for public policy” that
the overriding problem of security was intrinsically complex involving commercial
interests, concerns for privacy and the insecurity of systems to worms like Stuxnet. “We
thought then (2008) that securing cyberspace had become a critical challenge for
national security, which our nation was not prepared to meet. In our view, we are still
unprepared;” (CSIS, 2011). Enterprise Architecture provides a methodology to examine
these challenges and the US Federal EA has created a common approach to this analysis
as illustrated in figure 36.
Figure 36: The Common Approach to the US Federal Enterprise Architecture
Social-Technical Enterprise exists through regular commerce in Service and Product
Delivery, Functional Integration, Resource Optimisation and Information Interexchange
with other Enterprises, Institutions, and persons that has been created in its external
social environment (as scoped by the FEA’s 8 Levels - International; National; Federal;
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Sector; Agency; Segment; System and Application). The Enterprise requires physical
supports for its activities - a workplace, materials, tools, and machines - a stable
organization of people able and willing to modify the material throughput or provide the
requisite services; (Trist, 1981). The Cycle-Rubik nature of the FEA Common Approach
Framework segments the organisation’s line of business as a current view (Governance
and Domain) and the shared services as a future view using eight basic elements
(Governance; Principles; Method; Tools; Standards; Use; Reporting and Audit).
Enabling Architecture
Driving EA into an organisation requires a cultural change as it require alignment and
integration of its shared services across the 5 Domain (6 if you include the cross
threading domain of security) from Strategy, through Business Activities, Information
Exchange, Systems and Infrastructure.
Figure 37: The Enabling Architecture of the Socio-Technical Enterprise (Richardson C. J., 2012)
This alignment requires us to rethink the common approach as the current model fails
to visualise the effects of (cross-thread) security and in particular a cyber-architecture
view of the information flow and it’s Information Assurance across the Socio-Technical
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Enterprise. Figure 37 illustrates further cross-threading of the Enterprise Views as an
enabling architecture for the Socio-Technical Enterprise (Richardson C. J., 2012).
The model enabling architecture maps the Enterprise view that these interationships
are both multi-lateral and multi-layered. Both stacks (The Enterprise and Cyber Views)
are founded upon the common “real world” of network of networks (e.g. the Internet).
This physical world of data collection, process, transit and storage has been regulated
by international law and consensus from its online communities of interest where the
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages Internet
domain names and IP addresses; The Triangle of Cyber Governance (MayerSchonberger, 2002) create Free Markets for Internet Commerce (Winn, 1997) and the
memorandum Request for Comments (RFC) administered by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), on behalf of the Internet Society, describes the behaviours, methods,
research and innovations applicable to the interworking’s of Internet-connected
systems (IEFT, 2012).
Whilst Enterprises create, develop and maintain the computer and IT products that
build these networks, it’s the usage of these IT networks as information infrastructures
that has created Cyberspace and this is encapsulated in the stack of the Enterprise
Architecture Views. The service that hosted on these cyber platforms are the starting
points for most Human-Cyber interconnectivity, whether it is the software routing table
of a network switch or the next Application on a Smart Phone these products bridge the
divide between the Real and Virtual Worlds. The business processes that drive the
creation of the products are operation decisions of the Enterprise management that are
reflected in their policies, procedures and practice. These views generate the corporate
responsibilities. The strategic direction of the Enterprise is generated from an
understanding of its capabilities and the missions it intends to pursue.
Whereas, the Information-Stack (I-Stack), in the Cyber Architecture is concerned with
flow of information from the structuring, processing, transmission and storage of data
as information across its virtual logical infrastructures and upwards to create an
Information resource capable for exploitation, decision making and building of a shared
situational awareness.
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Organisation’s Inherent Inabilities
“Knowledge about something is called declarative knowledge. A shared, explicit
understanding of concepts, categories, and descriptors lays the foundation for effective
communication and knowledge sharing in organizations. Knowledge of how something
occurs or is performed is called procedural knowledge. Shared explicit procedural
knowledge lays a foundation for efficiently coordinated action in organizations.
Knowledge why something occurs is called causal knowledge. Shared explicit causal
knowledge, often in the form of organizational stories, enables organizations to
coordinate strategy for achieving goals or outcomes;” (Zack, 1999).
In the creation of the Knowledge Economy, the interoperability of socio-technical
enterprises has becoming a unifying feature. The tacit or explicit nature of Knowledge
requires it to be managed as both as an object (a thing to be stored and manipulated)
and process (of simultaneously knowing
and acting; i.e. applying expertise).
Within this new economy there is an
increasing role for Explicit Knowledge
(corporate wisdom, procedure manuals,
38: System
Security Failings:
Insecurity in the Enterprise and its
The assurances to the social element of the Enterprise Knowledge Transfer, Memory
Archiving, Expertise and Knowledge Management are far more complex than the
technical protective solutions of encryption, physical isolation and alternate site
storage, business continuity training, redundant system provision and the use of RAID
and Cloud technologies. Inter-exchanging Enterprises must efficiently and effectively
capture and share their knowhow, expertise and business products whilst protecting
their intellectual property rights and knowledge assets. It’s their ability to bring their
shared knowledge that will bring new opportunities and reduce the threats. Corporate
knowledge has intangible components rarely exhibited in technological systems but are
readily identified and have become vulnerable to threats and attacks within the SocioTechnical Enterprise. If these threats manifest themselves into attacks and their
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security fails, These Enterprises could degrade to a sequence of deleterious debilitating
and disaffecting socio-technical event which could equally lead to irrefutable damage to
the Enterprise. Too few Enterprises have appropriate Knowledge Management policies
and capabilities to leverage and protect their Knowledge Capital. The agile sociotechnical environment has a complexity of rapid changes to their share awareness with
technological discontinuity; emergent properties, insidious exploitation and malicious
cyber-attacks as well as time sensitivity of their information flows and the use of
obsolete data. Collective and critical decisions are made from the Knowledge, Expertise
and Information available. This environment has to be resilient, robust and trusted.
Introducing Information Assurance to the Enterprise
Bringing Trust into the Socio-Technical System to safeguard operations and risk
manage the threats is the strategic purpose of Enterprise Information Assurance as
illustrated in figure 39.
Figure 39: The Assured Space – Structured, Dependable, Secure and Trusted
The key attributes that assured space offers to the Socio-Technical Enterprise are:
1. Information Assurance provides effective and timely exploitation of information
through the provision of dependable, resilient operations and mitigates the
contagion of fear, uncertainty and doubt within Cyberspace.
2. Information Assurance is fundamental to all aspects of the Enterprises business
processes from the successful conduct of its Information operations to the
management of its Knowledge and Information assets.
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3. Information Assurance ensures stakeholder confidence that Information
Systems Risks are managed pragmatically, appropriately, and in a cost-effective
manner that maintains the value of the Enterprise.
These attributes can be mapped across the components of cyberspace as illustrated in
figure 40. The defensive nature of this map illustrates the key issues of an Assured
Enterprise: (1) its physical systems are made safe and protected by a (2) cyclic array of
functions (deterrence, restoration, removal, detection and attribution) under the
control of (3) the CND Operations; (4)the resilient system architecture and awareness
of the human factors involved allows for greater understanding of motivation and
intent which allows for (5) better risk and trust management of (6) the Information
Flows that provide better decision making, knowledge transfer and creation of a Cyberbased Shared Situational Awareness for the protected communities of interest.
Figure 40: Mapping the Defensive Components of a Socio-Technical Enterprise (Richardson C. J., 2012)
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The 3-Layers of Understanding
Cyberspace interfaces the real and virtual world of our human endeavours. It’s a real
domain of computers, switches, storage area networks, data protocols, communication
devices and network of networks whilst the virtual world expands our mind, cognitive
powers and imagination. A domain of computer generated art, games, programmes,
animated objects and massive computational power. Cyberspace is a creative domain
rich in adaptability, opportunities and innovation, but also a complex, vulnerable state
of human exploitation, crime and hostility. The project of Cyber Power by the SocioTechnical Enterprises is a dichotomy of Taoism, the white domain of trustworthy
endeavours and the black domain of hackers and malice. However, as in the real world
of human interaction, the contextual continuum of cyberspace has many shades of grey
in its Tao world and this is reflected in figure 120 with its 3 stack components of
understanding: Knowledge, Information and Data.
and Data
Data Stack
Information Stack
Knowledge Stack
Figure 41: The Contextual Continuum of Real and Virtual Space
The first layer is the Data Stack (D-Stack) that provides for networked devices, entities
and sensors to collect, disseminate, process and store digital material. The rate of
growth and exchange of data across these networks of networks places many demands
on network and traffic engineering: increased bandwidth; dense multiplexing; faster
computing (increasing the CPU’s million instructions per second rate- MIPS) and
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greater use of fibre-optic switching networks. The ease with which these demands
increases with the escalation of data, data services and data storage overwhelms the
physical infrastructures and has created a more agile, but more vulnerable,
environment of virtual machines and cloud communities. These virtual domains are
dependent to the system architectures they are based upon. These architectures
although expedient to the demands of users are also an Enterprise security risk to the
social-technical communities that rely upon them, (MacIntosh, 1998; Zittrain, 2008).
The second layer is the Information Stack (I-Stack) that provides a seamless
transformation and transmission of data structures (information) across the
Information Infrastructures hosted in Cyberspace. This Information Domain has many
influencing doctrines (IX, IA, IM, IO and IW), policies and practices that determine the
quality, presentation and dissemination of the Information assets. The third layer is the
Knowledge Stack (K-Stack) which is a domain that is recipient of the Information
presented and the experience of the communities of interest.
The human-Cyber
Interexchanges are formulated within this domain as we begin to understand the
emergent nature of cyberspace and the adaptation of new commodities, entities and
services that evolve the socio-technical Enterprises. Information Assurance and
Enterprise Architecture provide a lens to this Cyber Domain. It is the nature of building
bridges to close down the gaps in our knowledge, system capability, skills, experience
and education that enthuses our desire and necessity to understand how the
interdependencies of these 3 stacks create the new real and virtual world of the SocioTechnical Enterprise.
Business Drivers
Cyberspace and the world created by the operations and interconnections of SocioTechnical Systems and the Enterprises that sustain them is a rapidly changing
Enterprise Architecture and its business drivers benefits the
organisation as it provide long-term structure and direction to the superior decision
making process, business processes and the Enterprise Shared Situational Awareness
as illustrated in table 13. This creates a business imperative for the success of
Enterprise Architecture that paradoxically becomes increasing harder to implements as
the changes to system capabilities and the environment accelerate. The key to
successful implementation of Enterprise Architecture is to make it relevant to real-time
operations and to-date most implementations have not fully lived up to expectations.
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Table 7: Business Drivers and Benefits of Enterprise Architecture (Jones J. , 2012)
Enterprise Architecture Business Drivers
Leveraging New Technology
Increase Profitability
New Markets
Business Value Generation
Rapidly Changing Business Environment
Better Utilization of Resources
Mergers and Acquisitions
Integrating a number of cultures in a disparate organization
Collaborative working with external parties
Getting people within an organization to work together effectively
Achieving compliance with Government regulations in a cost effective
Enterprise Architecture Business Benefits
Creates an structured environment for Superior Decision Making
Promote a climate of continuous business evolution, improving
everyone's quality of work and deliverables
Enhance business flexibility by providing an adaptable framework, more
supple structures and best business practices
Share skills, experience and knowledge to increase asset values
Generates the business technology infrastructures to deliver cost
effective results
Bring business resources together to create a boundary-less business
Understanding business systems that builds cyberspace and appreciating them as
socio-technical systems in the context of enterprise architectures is in itself a major
piece of research and development. Enterprise Architecture aims to provide a coherent
approach for analysing the driving (strategic, operational and tactical) business and
technological factors that lead to strategic business aims, goals and missions. The
essential component to the efficient implementation of EA is properly aligning the
people, process and technology aspects of the enterprise to business drivers which
firmly lies within the domain of Information Assurance. Studying the architecture of
Enterprises can transform behavioural use cases, operational assumptions and
constraints and how the business drivers provide the basis for planning and designing
an information system and the creation of a shared awareness and superior decision
making as illustrated in figure 42. The alignment of Information Services and
Technology for Enterprise System Interoperability allows for the availability of
trustworthy knowledge, information and data services whilst ensuring traceability and
reducing risk of decision promotes a more sustainable, efficient and effective SocioTechnical Enterprise.
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Superior Decision Making
Figure 42: Enterprise Architecture Business Drivers
Information Vision
Modern society is increasingly reliant on the storage, processing and transmission of
information. Ensuring the integrity, security and privacy of information is thus
paramount, regardless of whether the information is at the level of the citizen or at a
national or international level. Moreover, future trends (as outlined in the Information
Society Technologies Advisory Group (ISTAG, 2004) report, for example) in the so-called
Ambient Intelligent Space (ISTAG, 2003) will only increase the role of information and
our reliance on it. This brings with it great opportunities to enhance our quality of life, but
at the same time, presents major challenges in terms of the privacy and integrity of
personal information.
(Martinelli & Quisquater, 2005)
Western Critical Information Infrastructures are becoming more highly dependent
upon the global cyber infrastructure. The increased automated and complex
interconnections where network routings between Private Enterprises and
Government Agencies (Gasper, 2010) has made it less practical to erect barriers
between military and civilian operations (Glebocki Jr., 2008) and many current barriers
and information fortresses are actually operating against national interests (Hundley &
Anderson, 1995; Allor, 2007; Dunlap, 2008). There is a common understanding that
achieving greater security in information and communications technology (ICT) would
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increase its development and diffusion, with concomitant benefits in many fields. While
this technology is already spreading rapidly, it will only be possible to translate our
physical interactions into electronic interactions if sufficient trust and confidence exist
in the systems that process our information. The integrity, security, quality and privacy
of information and communication are thus paramount, in everything from personal
information transfer to government and critical infrastructures. It is now widely agreed
that lack of trust in systems will prevent their widespread adoption. As a consequence,
the development and deployment of systems with strong effective security is vital. In
addition, modern ICT systems may consist of up to several thousands of computation
and communication resources whose number dynamically changes and thus are getting
closer to creating Cyber communities; irrespective of the geographical location of the
assets. In this new framework, the capability to represent, create, negotiate, monitor
and evolve trust relationships in a secure way becomes mandatory.
Trust and security are key enablers of the Information Society. For citizens to use and
feel comfortable with e-Government services they must have confidence that their
online services are trustworthy and secure. Similarly, for consumers and SMEs to use ecommerce and e-business they need confidence in the security of online transactions
and that the data presented is timely, relevant, consistent and accurate. As access to the
Internet diversifies, from PCs to digital TVs, mobile phones and wireless devices, people
feel increasingly concerned about the protection of their assets and privacy in this
networked world. These aspects will become more and more important as we move
towards the smart digital environments based on many interacting objects, devices and
systems. In the future, personal area networks and embedded computer chips will be
everywhere in our cars, our homes and even in our clothes.
Security in such extensive inter-connected environments will require solutions very
different to those of today, and its social acceptance will require totally novel
approaches to identity and privacy management through user-friendly and trustworthy
interfaces, taking into account the privacy needs and data protection regulations in
place. Underlying the service and user interface level we must give attention to the
information and network security infrastructure. Modern service organisations, such as
banking and finance, healthcare, energy, transport and others, rely on ICT for data
exchange and control, creating strong mutual dependencies. These critical information
infrastructures must be dependable and resilient, protecting against malicious attacks,
ensuring tolerance towards and recovery from attacks, and adaptable to the changing
security requirements. “Information Superiority enables decision-makers at all levels in
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all environments to make timely and informed decisions. It therefore contributes to the
Defence Information Vision by delivering benefits in agility, effectiveness and efficiency, “
(MoD, 2011).
The four, enduring, key benefits derived from the Defence Information Vision (MoD,
1. Improved Effectiveness – Our outputs are better when they are enabled by
improved information flows;
2. Agility – Information can be accessed and manipulated whenever and wherever
required, subject to affordability and security constraints;
3. Efficiency – Operational and their supporting processes are more efficient, both
because information flows through them better, and Management Information is
available to govern them;
4. Compliance – We comply with our legal and cross-Government obligations, so
that we can focus our resources on supporting operations, while maintaining the
Departmental reputation.
The effects that underline the benefits of MoD’s Defence Information Vision are:
Strategic Alignment, Accessibility and Trust; Value for Money and Information
Exploitations and these fall within the conclave of the Information Assurance Domain
and create further benefits to the Department.
Superior Decision Making
“Decision making is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about
alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them. This stresses the
information-gathering function of decision making. It should be noted here that
uncertainty is reduced rather than eliminated. Very few decisions are made with absolute
certainty because complete knowledge about all the alternatives is seldom possible. Thus,
every decision involves a certain amount of risk. If there is no uncertainty, you do not have
a decision; you have an algorithm - a set of steps or a recipe that is followed to bring
about a fixed result,“ Robert Harris, 2009.
“An accurate description of information requirements is a prerequisite for
effective information management,” (Choo, 2002).
Generally, people make poor and/or risky decisions, often with “gut” instinct rather
than gleamed cognitive knowledge, risk assessment and accurate intelligence. Decision-
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Making should be considered a sophisticated aspect of Assurance, provisioned with
better information sharing, better understanding, and some taught effective techniques
and skills of what decision making involves, people would acquire superior decision
making. This understanding would make decision making a study of identifying and
choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker (Harris
R. , 2009; MoD, 2009). Within the structured military hierarchy, the C2 apparatus and
the soldier’s roles and responsibilities are well defined, exercised and evaluated.
Training, reflection and operational tours complement and increase their body of
knowledge. Military commander’s problem solving and decision making processes are
essentially co-ordinated tasks of planning, directing, and controlling where problem
solving knowledge is acquired mainly from military actors: instructors, advisors,
commanders, staff or from peer group learning in most training scenarios, combat
situations and operational planning.
These actors provide multiple perspectives
(deriving from their expertise, experiences and knowledge) to time and often
resourced constrained situations and in high tempo operations their decision making
processes in joint actions can be unstructured, incommensurable, generating conflicts
of interests and inaccuracies to the joint operational picture with intangible and often
ambiguous quantitative or qualitative apparatus providing, using and disseminating
disjointed and misleading information and where often the time sensitivity pressure
and limited resources combine to cause uncertainties and doubts arising from
unexpected internal and external situations.
A military operation is a complex, interaction of men, technology, weapon platforms,
communications and the projection of force. The operational activities need reliable,
trusted information that can be passed seamlessly across multiple security domain,
forces, organisations, networks and individual by respecting complex and possibly
conflicting sets of policies, but above all the information needs to accurate, timely and
managed. The Information Value Chain as illustrated in Figure 43 supports the NEC
Benefit Chain as it illustrates that a seamless flow of information needs which are
"contingent, dynamic and multifaceted” (Choo, 2002) to get the right information at the
right time to make the right decisions (MoD, 2005). The model’s primary activities
involve the direct handling and management of information resources, these resources
are analysed in ways that increase their value: information acquisition, information
processing and information distribution and finally through cognitive processes it is
acted upon and learnt. Although this model generates and manages the flow of
information, it does not provide objectivity or governance to the management and
administration of information.
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Figure 43: Information Value Chain for government, (Gresham & Andrulis, 2002)
Making a decision implies that there are alternative choices to be considered, and in
such a case we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to
choose the one that has the highest probability of success or effectiveness and best fits
with our goals, desires, lifestyle, values, etc. Within the military, and in particular the
joint information environment, Dull (2006) stated that the changes in the Joint Doctrine
needed to take account that decision making was biased by five key assumptions:
1. Quality of information of value to decision makers is subject to influence from
geography, language, culture, religion, organization, experience, or personality.
2. Decisions are made based on information available at that time
3. Third, the relevant aspects of the information environment and processes used to
make decisions are understandable.
4. Fourth, it is possible to affect the information environment of decision makers
through psychological, electronic, or physical means.
5. Finally, the effectiveness of actions relative to an objective is measurable
(Dull, 2006)
Information is critical for every aspect of modern life (Brown & Duguid, 2002) and the
quality of information largely determines the quality of decisions made, and, ultimately
it affects the quality of activity and action outcomes in organizations and in the society
in general (Stvilia, Twidale, & Smith, 2006). The Information Assurance of these five
assumptions can provide protection (psychological, electronic, or physical),
dependability (reliability, safety and continuity) and integrity to the Information flow
and provide asset value and this can provided at the strategic level as well as
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operationally. Information Quality can be summarised by the following eight key
Information must be true, verifiable, and not deceptive.
Accurate information is based on empirical data and can be
validated by comparing sources or checking for internal
The information must be applicable to the present time. Keeping
information concurrent requires a process of storage and
Relevant information applies to the interests of the individuals who
use it for the decisions they are facing. It should reduce a person's
uncertainties about work and education while facilitating choice and
For information to be specific, it must contain concrete facts.
General observations are often interesting and can provide a
background for further analysis, but specific facts are essential
to realistic planning and decision making.
People using information must be able to comprehend it before they
can use it. Data must be analyzed and converted into words. The
content of the message should avoid ambiguities and be informative
to the intended audiences.
The information should include all the important categories within
its scope of coverage.
This characteristic is about the motivation or purpose for which the
information is being produced and delivered. It is unbiased when the
individual or organization delivering the information has no vested
interest in the decisions or plans of the people who are receiving the
The information presented should be of uniform collection, analysis,
content, and format so that you can compare and contrast the
various occupations, programs of study, and schools.
Table 8: Attributes of Information Quality (Wang R. Y., 2005a)
Asset value can be constructed by the Information Value Chain (Schwolow & Jungfalk,
2010) as illustrated in Error! Reference source not found. which remonstrates the MoD
nformation model of action and behaviour (MoD, 2009b) however develops Porter’s
classic Value Chain Model (Porter M. E., 2001) and taking accounts of Choo’s process
model of information management (Choo, 2002). Furthermore, this model usage of
Senge’s five disciplines: Systems Thinking,; Achieving Personal Mastery; Shifting Mental
Models; Building Shared Vision, and Team Learning . These provides momentum
towards system engineering and organised learning (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, &
Smith, 1994) and Marchand’s Information Technology practice capability framework
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(Marchand, Kettinger, & Rollins, 2002a) allowed Schwolow and Jungfalk to formulate
their Framework for Strategic Information Management Although the Information
Value Chain model doesn’t explicitly cover Dull’s observations to generating decision
making, it effectively manages and drives the information usage information-gathering
function of decision making. Whereas, the nested model, Figure 44, is inclusive of
Harris’s Decision-Making definition to Dull’s five points, Information Quality and the
two Information Value Chains. This Superior Decision Making Information Framework
takes the issues of the Quality of Information (impact of the environment, authority,
scope of coverage, and objectivity), its availability (accurate and timely), assurance
(structured, managed, dependable, protected and trusted), the need to share
(measureable and effective) and the cognitive process of knowledge transfers (making
information understandable). These five elements influence and provide direct
incentives for individuals and organizations to engage in the Information Management
processes of Governance, Administration, Services and Infrastructures.
Superior Decision Making
Quality of
Information Management
Information Useage
Figure 44: Superior Decision Making Information Framework
Information Governance as expressed by Gartner (2010) is: “The specification of
decision rights and an accountability framework to encourage desirable behaviour in the
valuation, creation, storage, use, archival and deletion of information. It includes the
processes, roles, standards and metrics that ensure the effective and efficient use of
information in enabling an organization to achieve its goals.”
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Numerous Information strategies have commented on its Governance (Cash, et al.,
2004; Van Grembergen, 2004; Garson, 2006; Van Grembergen & Dehaes, 2007). The
volume and variety of digital information is evolving, exploding and been continually
exploited by innovative methods. Structured (appropriately authorised) and
transparent services which use information are becoming more instrumented,
interconnected and intelligent (Palmisano, 2008).
Vision, Alignment &
and creative
Enterprise Management
Systems &
Figure 45: The Governance of a Socio-Technical Enterprise
Our cyber connected enterprises require their operations to analyse new information
faster and make timely decisions for achieving business goals within budget to achieve
economic advantages and competitively. Sustainable management of information
quality, through the Information Lifecycle and Value Chains is delivered through
Information Governance (Salmela, 1997; DeLone & McLean, 2004).
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3.2 The I-Stack Model
Cyberspace is a holistic overview of the Real and Virtual Socio-Technical world of
online interactions; the World-Wide-Web, Computing networking and capacity and
Enterprise Services meeting an increasing demanding community of users. The three
underpinning elements of the contextual continuum of cyberspace (figure 120, p 120)
were the Knowledge, Information and Data Stacks. This concept of an Information Stack
stems from the pyramidal context of transforming data to wisdom and has been
represented as the components of Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA). These
five components: Knowledge, Information, Enterprise, Technology and Data (as
illustrated in figure 128); have been the linchpin for many architectural models, e.g.:
Information Architecture for the World-Wide-Web by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter
Morville; Decision Driven® Information Architecture by John Fitch and Information
Architecture by Richard Saul Wurman at the Information Architecture Institute.
Cyberspace33 is also a noted component of the 21st Century Information Domain and
should have its own part of MoD’s Environmental Operating Concepts34 (EOCs). Current
UK Information Security Polices (DIAN 08, 2006; CESG, 2009 and JSP 440, 2010) have
declared how the UK military will use Cyber Operations35 within its current Defence
Conceptual Framework (Command, Operate, Inform, Prepare, Project, Protect and
Sustain) in light the UK Strategic Security and Defence reviews (2010) this will impose
some insurmountable technical obstacles to current doctrine. An adaptive Operational
Security (OPSEC), holistic, real and virtual, Information Assured cross-domain cyber
solution with an inclusive and extensive risk assessment policy that Bridges the Air
Gaps is required.
The mapping out of the Information Domain into clear interdependent, but
independent, disciplines is essential for understanding the complex behaviour of the
Human-Cyber Interchanges within system domains and system of systems.
JDP 3-70 (2008) “Battlespace Management” Ministry of Defence, p 1-3.
The current EOCs are the Future Land Operational Concept (FLOC); the Future Maritime
Operating Concept (FMOC). The Future Air and Space Operating Concept (FA&SOC) and the Future
Electromagnetic Operating Concept (FEMOC).
DCDC/200080604/JtCon/Operate/Cyber “A stocktake of MoD’s Cyber Capability” 5 June 2008.
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Organisations, Business
Processes, Decision Making,
Governance, Shared Awareness
Knowledge Management
Information Flow, Exploitation
Operations and Storage;
Assurance and Management;
Content, Format, Presentation
Service Orientated Architecture
Automated Processing
ITIL & Service Desks
Systems Engineering
Smart Systems
Physical Database Design
Enterprise Data
Database & File Structures
Data Dictionaries
Protocols, Packets & Routing
Figure 46: Components of Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA)
The Information Stack (I-Stack) is a mapping framework to identify the joint functions
of independent components of the Information Domain and their main linkages and
dependencies. The purpose of this model is understand the Information Flow across
the domain, the interdependent role of Information Operations and Exploitation to
enable Enterprise information sharing, transmission and storage in an assured and
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managed environment as illustrated in Figure 47. The framework encapsulates a
number of existing models and places the physical domain of the Internet (and its
variants and off-spring) as a component of its Cyberspace.
Figure 47: The Information Stack and the Joint Functional Concept
The Socio-Technical Centre of Gravity
MoD’s Information Strategy (MoD, 2009; MoD, 2011) declared that we need to be better
informed to create a better defence. The strategy identifies the need to order to protect
the information assets and that the Process Owners, Information Assets Owners and
individuals need to become aware of the governance and security policies, business
drivers and continuity planning, Risks and to be accountable for their roles and
responsibilities when handling information. This needs to be in concert with continued
capability development and investment in specialist skills, whilst maintaining close
partnerships with OGDs, allies, industry and academia. This will allow the Department to
manage its information risk effectively (MoD, 2011).
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Figure 48: The Influence of Assurance to the MoD S's Information Strategy
The key benefits from adopting this strategy were declared as: Improved Effectiveness;
Agility: Efficiency and Compliance. The strategy introduced its 3 MODIS pillars
(Enterprise Architecture, Skills and Information Assurance) has recognise the need for
strategic positioning of the Information Asset and that its value can be further
appreciated through sharing whilst its sensitivity still requires appropriate protection
and security. The Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) describes a
set of protocols on how MoD will organise information about the business and deliver
information to the right person. The second MODIS pillar is concerned with ensuring
that the “right person” has the necessary skills and behaviours to service, manage,
protect and exploit it.
To support better decision-making, information needs to be assessed, analysed,
combined with other information and knowledge, and presented in a timely and
meaningful way; i.e. information needs to be delivered at the right time! The third
MODIS pillar is Information Assurance, which ensures that the Information is delivered
dependably and securely to the appropriate decision makers, thereby giving it the right
information to the right person, at the time! In this chapter, the IA Model will develop
the themes of how this is achieved and its influence on the two other pillars. The
integration of the 3 pillars allows for a more agile, secure and dependable environment,
where the systems are resilient, robust, tolerant and protected and information flows
are trusted, risked managed and safe through the use of Enterprise Architecture (EA),
Information & Data Architectures, Technical Architectures and Information Assurance
Architectures (IA2). Such an assured capability and risk appetite has the potential to
Bridge the Air Gaps and allow Cross-Domain Solutions.
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The Information Asset as the Centre of Gravity
“The centre of gravity is the dominant characteristic of a force, the “hub of all power and
movement, upon which everything depends . . . the point against which all our energies
should be directed.”
Carl von Clausewitz, On War, 1832
Without the timely and effective use of information our decisions become jaded,
inappropriate or suspect. Whilst assured information is valuable, it’s the context it is
used in that values it as a commodity, i.e. information must be relevant. Military
Commanders and their strategists develop and execute missions, operations and
campaign plans based on a number of factors such as Strategic Purpose, the
environment, capability, the threat, Intelligence, Joint Force structure, weapons
technology, legal and their own experiences and education (cultural). Education in
military doctrine, theories and practice helps the field officers to understand and
explain the occurrence of an event or state of nature (MoD, 2010c).
Theory can provide a framework to consider how to approach a problem. It can help one
consider issues or questions to solve before making detailed approaches toward
developing a theatre strategy or campaign plan. If a theory is sound, then one could use it
to solve problems by predicting possible outcomes, identifying potential problems, and
finding options to get an opponent to take certain actions or modify his behaviour. Theory
can provide a foundation to help military strategists contemplate or evaluate potential
courses of actions (Chun, 2010). The use of centre of gravity36 (Fowler, 2002) has been
developed into this Seven Ring Concept Model to illustrate (Figure 135) the possible
US Joint Publication 5–0 defines centre of gravity as comprising “the characteristics, capabilities,
and/or sources of power from which a system derives its freedom of action, physical strength, and the
will to fight (take action).
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influences of multiple centres of gravity (Economic, Diplomatic, Military, Political,
Social and Cyber) affecting the Information Domain. In this model, the complex system
property of emergence and the patterns that arise out of the interconnectivity and
multiplicity of its node’s relatively simple interactions produce integrative levels within
the model where the sum of the collective nodes is less than the sum of the whole
system. The model thus represents a holistic view of the Information Domain rather
than building views from the domains in which it interacts.
Figure 49: The Strategic Information Asset Seven Ring Concept Model
The heterogeneous nature and any relative importance of the key nodes within each of
the seven elements should not have, as properties of that element, strategic or
operational effects on those they link to. However, as the model illustrates, the
surrounding centres of gravity become subservient to their role when they act
interactivity and influences the whole system. It is the emergent consequences of these
key nodes (threats and opportunities) and their linkage (that may represent strengths
and weakness) that comprise subsystems with an element (thereby creating the
individual element’s Centre of Gravity) generating new properties when the systematic
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effect of act collectively with layers of interoperability (inclusive of the Information
element) which truly reflect the importance of the Information domain to the global
Figure 50: EBO Steps to creating the Centre of Gravity, (Vego, 2006)
EBO needs to link the strategic objective to the desired end state for the steps to
creating the centre of gravity cannot be considered in isolation from the military’s
operational objective as illustrated in Figure 50. It is the objective that determines the
situation and subsequently the level and scope of the analysis of enemy and friendly
critical strengths and weaknesses. The impetus from EBO is that System of System
Architecture has to articulate the positioning of Socio-Technical Enterprise. The
strategic objectives of the Enterprise are influenced by the 7-ring concept model and its
centres of gravity. This is an important research topic to be explored by the Assurance
Community. Emergent properties of complex systems are rarely anticipated and often
are unknown. The nodal properties that generate the uncertainties may represent
opportunities to the Enterprise but also threats whereas the linkages can be used to
determine the strength of assurance against the vulnerabilities the system produces.
The understanding of the causal component of Emergence is a major factor in creating
a trustworthy environment and will become a bridge linking System Engineering and
Information Assurance (SEnIA).
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The Policies and Practice Framework
“Information needs to be clear, accurate, trusted and not compromised, lost, leaked,
disseminated, unauthorised, published or corrupted.”
(Fenz & Ekelhart, 2009).
The strategic value of this asset is maximised with effective Information Usage;
ensuring that it is available as a shared, easily accessible service within an organisation
and a sound Information Management Doctrine with good governance, business
continuity, administration, dependable infrastructure and services as indicated in the
IA Policies and Practice Framework (Figure 51). It is incumbent of any information
system used to structure, store, exploit and transfer data has to be capable of tagging
and logging the storing, retrieving, moving, copying, modifying and deleting of any
information. “Under the current DoDI 8510.01, IA managers encounter difficult obstacles
associated with monitoring IA situational awareness, conducting IA control validation
activities, summarizing validation results, and attempting to preserve the IA posture of
their systems individually and collectively as part of a larger System of Systems,”
(Landree, Gonzales, Ohlandt, & Wong, 2010)
The IA Policies and Practice Framework (Richardson C. J., 2012) provides the
practitioner a comprehensive matrix of the important issues of Information Assurance
in a Socio-Technical Enterprise. The 12 Domains of the Framework are:
Administration Policies
Risk Management
Business Continuity
Personal Security
Enterprise Security
Physical and Environment Security
Communication Security
Infrastructure Assurance
Cyber Assurance
Incident Management
The military Cross Domain Solution (CDS) requires an assured system architecture that
provides an automotive and/or manual ability to access, transfer and store data
between two or more differing security domains (DoD DISA, 2008). The US DoD Cross
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Domain Solution is planned to provide net-centric, service-oriented, cross domain
information sharing solutions with guaranteed quality of service for authorized users
anywhere on the DoD’s Global Information Grid (GIG). Within the UK’s MoD there is a
need resolve the assurance and accreditation concerns of CDS within the ISTAR
Figure 51: IA Policies and Practices, (Richardson C. J., The Assurance of Socio-Technical
Enterprise Operations, 2012)
There are a plethora of operational Communication and Information Systems (CIS)
which we continue, to want, to integrate both within existing command structures and
with our coalition partners. These systems of systems grow out of operational necessity
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and are becoming more interoperable and integrated platforms that formulate an
interdependent, complex Enterprise Architecture (EA) as illustrated in figure 140. Such
new EAs will require considerable time and skill to complete full accreditation, and the
accreditation process itself will need to converge with all partners. This expansive,
evolving environment (SPS Components) will exhibit emergent properties that the
stove-piped, single discrete security domain accreditation approach may overlook.
Furthermore potential vulnerabilities introduced at the interface between an everincreasing number of exploitive Information Services and Systems and by increasingly
complex network connections may be undiscovered. There will also be consequential
expense (cost in time, further analysis, training and verification) implications to assure
these aggregated, heterogeneous Information Systems for Accreditation.
The Information Assurance Diamond Model
The Information Domain as illustrated in Figure 51 has a number of Enterprises and
other formations that exploit the services, systems and archives of the Information
Storage and Service Domains. To ensure that the information flow is trustworthy, the
model requires a holistic IA Framework. Taking Information Assurance as the focal
point of a resilient, robust military network, the central Information Service Domain in
figure 140 requires an Information Security policy to protect the Service Domain from
any malicious error, fault and failure conditions.
Information Assurance aligns the Information Domain interconnectivity with a
structured approach that reflects the trusted roles and responsibilities of the
communities of interest, their vetting, clearances and access privileges.
• Architecture
• Security
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• Organisation
• Resilience
• Empoyability
• Reliance
• Safe Operation
• Expertness
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
These Enterprise systems need to provide safe and dependable operations to
reduce the incidents of system faults and failure.
• Disaster
• Availability
• Safety
• Faults
• Failure
Risk Management reviews the probalitity of a malicious event and the impact that it
might have on the system failing and its ability of recovery.
• Architecture
• Analysis
• Assessment
• Survivability
• Recovery
These conceptual routes of IA providing a robust Socio-Technical Enterprise can be
framed as the diamond model as illustrated in Figure 52.
Figure 52: The Information Assurance Diamond Model
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The IA Model Quadrant
“Interoperability enabled by Communication and Information Systems37 (IO by CIS) has
been defined as...’the ability of systems, units or forces to provide services to and accept
services from other systems, units or forces and to use the services so exchanged to enable
them to operate effectively together’. (MoD ACP167, 2011).
The basic 4 part model as illustrated in Figure 142 (and developed from Figure 39,
p275) doesn’t fully illustrate the increasing dependency exhibited with our military
communication networks (Brass, Galaskiewicz, & Greve, 2004) and their service
architectures (Lund, Eggen, Hadzic, & Hafsoe, 2007) which has significantly heightened
concerns regarding their reliability (Soliman & Janz, 2004); security (Phillips, Ting, &
Dem, 2002); dependability (Al-Kuwaiti, Kyriakopoulos, & Hussein, 2009); impact to
business continuity (Sikich, 2003; VanVactor & Gill, 2010) and operational
effectiveness (Cebrowski & Garstka, 1998).
Figure 53: Building the IA Contextual Model Quadrants
IO enabled by CIS management and assurance is mandated by the MoD’s Vice Chief of Defence
Staff (VCDS). It is mandatory for all UK MOD acquisition projects containing Communication and
Information System (CIS) - regardless of financial approval category, lifecycle stage or operational
theatre - unless agreed otherwise with the MoD Systems Engineering and Integration Group (SEIG).
Available at:
AndInformationSystemsioByCis.htm (accessed 15th March 2011).
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There is a critical dependency on these complex (Lukasik, 2003; Luiijf, Nieuwenhuijs, &
Klaver, 2008), highly connected, interacting systems where their interoperability may
inherently produce major consequential impact upon critical and cross domain
operational infrastructures from minor/simple network intrusion, failure and security
violations (Qian, Joshi, Tipper, & Krishnamurthy, 2008). These risks exemplify the cross
domain problems, where NEC interoperability and the “Need to Share” are now
mandated across MoD Networks. Research and development of military systems have
often focussed on system functionality with security and dependability being
independently pursued. These network fundamentally command and control modern
military operations and that their information flows and exploitation are critical to
Situational Awareness and Decision Making. The MoD’s Information Strategy (MODIS,
2009) linking Enterprise Architecture and Information Assurance have articulated the
need to provide robust, dependable, fault-tolerant, secure and trusted networks.
Enterprise Architecture and Information Assurance are positioned to converge these
capabilities and provide intrusion-tolerant systems. At the 2011 Cyber Warfare
Conference, a USCYBERCOM General quoted that with the increased and more
sophisticated cyber threat to Government and Military infrastructures and supporting
networks that we must “expect and acknowledge that our networks are already
compromised and that we have intrusion”.
Our objectives are a secure and resilient United Kingdom, and shaping a stable
world. In pursuit of those goals, our highest priorities are tackling terrorism,
cyber security, international military crises and national disasters such as floods
and pandemics." Prime Minister David Cameron.
The admission that we cannot have absolute security on firewalled, encrypted, IPS,
personnel vetted, air-gapped classified systems is a significant statement from military
sources. There are increasing frequent numbers, multiple types of attacks, attack
vectors, attack agents and malicious viruses are inflicting constant intrusions to our
networks. Measured in the tens of thousands per day, these cyber assaults have become
a national concern (Ministry of Defence, 2010).
However, it’s not just the dependencies on the performance and functionality of the
systems that Enterprise has become reliant upon, but how the systems interact with
each other and with the communities of interest. This Human-Cyber interexchange is at
the heart of the Socio-Technical Enterprise and Information Assurances provides the
many of the trustworthy bridges that exist between these two domains as illustrated in
figure 54.
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Figure 54: An IA Perspective to the Human-Cyber Interexchange
The IA Model Quadrant, as illustrated in Figure 55, brings back the need to holistically
view Information Assurance from four key areas of study:- (1) The System Engineering
and Enterprise Architecture of the Information Infrastructure; (2) The investigation
and modelling of System Dependencies and Safety; (3) The building of better, more cost
effective security and protection devices and (4) controlling change, Human Factors
and culture of the environment through Trust and Risk Management.
Figure 55: The IA Model Quadrant
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The quadrant illustrates the hierarchal construction of the 4 principle disciplines of
Information Assurance; however a more holistic view would be depicturing the cyclic
nature of those disciplines and their component elements which all interact with each
other. The view exhibited in figure 55 demonstrates how architecture can affect the
systems information dependency, how safety influences protection, how security is
risked managed and how trust affects organisation hierarchies.
The cyclic nature of the model illustrates (as exhibited in Figure 56) the need not to
focus not on anyone discipline within the Art and Science of Assurance, but to continue
to re-examine, analysis and evaluate its impact, direction and guidelines. IA needs more
research and development, more intellectual and industrial debates, more discussion
across a greater segment of society and more education in our schools, colleges,
universities and workplace. The Socio-Technical Enterprise has to evolve in this new
dynamic marketplace, but it has to protect its information assets, its communities of
interests, the organisations that work with it and the Enterprises for which its services,
products and values that have become to rely upon it. In the Information Age,
everybody is becoming connected, and those connections are becoming pervasive and
dependent to our society.
• Organisation
• Enterprise
• Resilience
• Agility
• Trust Management
• Risk Management
• Education and
• Cultural Change
• Safety
• Tolerance
• Reliability
Structure and
and Safety
Trust and
Security and
• Protection
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Avaliability
Figure 56: The Cyclic Nature of the IA Model Quadrant
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Information Infrastructure: IA Components of Structure & Resilience
In chapter 3, the arguments were focused on the Architecture and Interoperability of
the Enterprise. These arguments help create this first quadrant of the IA Model. The
Socio-Technical Enterprise will create a changing environment, often led by
technological innovation, but will be sustained by its social desire, wants and needs.
Information Assurance has to address the business processes and their alignment to
other internal and external processes that involves Information Assets, Process,
Storage and Transit.
With ubiquitous systems, the complex expansive and evolutionary (Strategic
Positioning) environments with ever-changing, agile networks boundaries need
Resilience, defined by Jean-Claude Laprie (2008) as the “persistence of dependability
when facing changes”, having tolerance to cope with unanticipated events and
boundary changes caused from interoperable interconnection.
The classical
development of Resilience is of system persistence of service in periods of change that
be dependably delivered. These Resilient services can be justifiably called trustworthy
in an agile environment.
Table 9: IA Resilience Attributes
Coping with situations exceeding the
System’s specifications and expectations
Coping with an evolving system and having
the ability to evolve whilst executing
The utility and diversity of the system to
perform whilst coping with threats
Confident access to secure, verifiable and
evaluated services
The System retains its ability to deliver
services in conditions which are beyond its
normal domain of operations
The linkage between the attributes of the systems architecture and the architect of the
business processes and Enterprise Structure has many creative and innovative tracks
to be researched, developed and pursued. One of the more pressing is the building of
tolerances into the socio-technical system. Many technical systems have failed
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catastrophically when confronted with malicious attacks or major design errors.
Information Assurance is a methodology that will question the Enterprise architects to
minimise risk and to create policies, procedures, good practice and techniques to
ensure robust structures; more tolerant operations; greater utility of services; better
access to the community of interests and a more tolerant working environment to
intrusion and faults. Socio-Technical Enterprises require an assured purpose, a secure
environment, dependable capabilities and a culture of trust.
Information Dependability: IA Components of Dependability & Safety
The second component of the IA quadrant is the disciplines of System and KID
dependability and socio-technical system safety. The more complex and integrated our
real and virtual worlds become, the more reliant we become on them performing
correctly. Enterprises are becoming more dependent on the interdependencies of its
systems and those of other Enterprises with its becoming more interoperable with.
The sharing environment requires dependable services and information and
dependable knowledge management, transfer and understanding which both rely upon
dependable data from our data sources.
Figure 57: Assured Information Dependability is the fabric of the Socio-Technical Enterprise
System survivability is a cornerstone of Enterprise Assurance. The Socio-technical
Enterprise have become custodians of the Critical Information Infrastructures in which
our society and culture has adopted and become ever increasing reliant upon. These
Enterprises themselves have to become dependable. Figure 146 illustrates that safe
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and healthy operations, that is routinely checked up (audited), that maintains the good
state of its operations within performance tolerances, is agile and flexible to the access
needs of its communities; capable of improving its readiness of services (across SOA
platforms) and quality (QoS); is good enough to respond to threats and its own
vulnerabilities will provide a trustworthy Enterprise capability and ensure system
survivability within its own risk appetite. Safe and dependable operations provide firm
foundations for a successful Socio-Technical Enterprise and its opportunities to grow in
a complex, sometimes hostile, environment. The objective of this Assurance model is to
provide a trusted solution to the communities of interest that will allow system
confidentiality, integrity, availability, no-repudiation, authentication and access control.
The Cross-Domain solution requires a de-confliction of the “need to share “ aims and
objectives and the current “need to know” principle where current military systems,
implementing the Bell-LaPadula Model (Bell & LaPadula, 1973; Bell, Looking Back at
the Bell-La Padula Model, 2005).
Information Security: IA Components of Security & Protection
Absence of unauthorised disclosure of
Absence of unauthorised system state
Readiness for authorised actions
Absence of denial of receipt
Absence of unauthorised access to information
Absence of unauthorised communications
Absence of unacknowledged credentials
Authority to deny access to personal
Ability to do harm
Goal or Aim to do harm
Identified Vulnerabilities
Figure 58: Security Attributes to the IA Model
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The Assurance of a System is often cited by its levels of Protection and Security
Markings. Information Security is the protection of information and information
systems from System Susceptibility and these attributes are listed in figure 58. It has
been defined as the prevention of unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
tampering, modification, interrupting or destruction in order to provide integrity,
confidentiality, and availability (NIST, 2003). A secure system is the absence of
unauthorised access to, disclosure of, or handling of, system state (Avizienis, Laprie,
Randell, & Landwehr, 2004). Furthermore, the ITU-T X.805 Recommendation (2005)
adds 5 more dimensions (Non-Repudiation, Access Control, Communication Security,
Authentication and Privacy) as attributes to reduce System Vulnerability38 to the 3
established tenets (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) that allow systems to
Detect, React and Adapt to deny threat Capability, Intent and Opportunity (Little &
Rogova, 2006; Gasper, 2010). To ensure that the security policies, procedures and
guidelines are adhered to and accomplished, the Enterprise has to deploy protection
mechanisms as illustrated in figure 59.
Figure 59: The Sphere of Protection to the Socio-Technical Enterprise
(Keller B. M., 2011)
System vulnerability is defined to be the intersection of a system susceptibility or flaw, access to the
flaw, and the capability to exploit the flaw.
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Information Trustworthiness: IA Components of Trust & Risk Management
The fourth component of the IA Quadrant is Information Trustworthiness. The heart of
the Socio-Technical Enterprise is its ability to manage its risks and maintain trust in
both the real and virtual worlds. There are conflicting notions that trust can and cannot
exist in Cyberspace (van Swaay, 1992; Committee on Information Systems
Trustworthiness, 1999; Minsky, 2003; Sterner, 2011). The emergence of our
Information based, networked, society requires people to make superior, trusted,
decisions from services, applications and data presented from cyberspace. The building
of trust and relationships with online users, clients, customers, suppliers and cyber
agents is of major importance to the online economy, social networks and coalition
enterprises (Luo, 2002). In our 3 layer model, the Social Domain relies on social
networking of the Human-Cyber Interexchange peer-to-peer cyber connectivity. This
communicative world is veiled in anonymity, usurpation, covert channelling, coercion
and subversion where our Cyber based interactivity and interactions can produce a
“disinhibition effect” (Suler, 2004) in an uncertain world, where fear and doubt is
common place; yet it’s our chosen space to social network, conduct e-commerce and
publish thoughts, knowledge, media and private details. Can we trust our trust under
such circumstances?
The recent EU study looking towards the future of the Internet (European Commission,
2010) identified that culture changes had a face of visibility – that there exists a balance
between ubiquity and security, pervasiveness and privacy, centralization and surveillance.
Visibility could be seen in terms of two main “faces” of the internet:
1. Visible internet applications, obvious to users, requiring input or
2. Invisible internet applications, operating without active user input or
The report noted that: Difficulties arise when dealing with the second “face”, ie which
aspects should be invisible, and how? This concept invokes the multiplicity of the future
internet and how it will be manifested. Major sources of multiplicity include: privacy
domains – an internet analogue of public and private space; identities; levels of user trust
(eg high security retail vs. no-control segments); national or regional internets; and so on.
For the Socio-Technical enterprise, the context of trusts, its maintenance and
improvement is cost of doing business in Cyberspace. In fact, trust is the new Return of
Investment calculation for its corporate viability and values.
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In creating Trust in the Enterprise; how can the Human-Cyber interface can be viewed
as a trust relationship? Can we create trust in Cyberspace? These two important
questions are still to be resolved in finding Cross-Domain Solutions. An assured
solution for the Enterprise architect requires the development of trust, trusted systems
and system integrity as well as strategies for achieving dependable, safe and secure
services, systems, infrastructures and networks. Is trust a people thing, or can things
affect our trust.
• Organisation
• Enterprise
• Resilience
• Agility
Figure 60: Trust is the new ROI for the Socio-Technical Enterprise
How can we decide when to trust and does trust generate acceptable risk? Can we
assure trust? The model allows to the questions to be asked and directs its other 3
quadrants to argue and support solutions. The other component of the quadrant is risk
management. which has a direct effect on the security and resilience of a system. The
amount of risk in what is acceptable and what is unacceptable derives the Enterprise
Risk Appetite. This appetite is maintained if the system performs within agreed
tolerances and benefits the Enterprise and its operational capability, however it can be
eroded if Risk Management becomes checked boxed, non-compliant, lost in focus or
neglected. Intolerances are the nemesis of the Social Technical Enterprise.
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3.4 Creating a Reference Model for IA
Information Assurance (IA) is the assumed responsibility (Corporate Governance) and
accreditation of a socio-technical Enterprises across the 5-layers of the Cyber Domain
(Geographical, Physical, Logical, Persona and Cyber Persona), inclusive of their Business
Processes, Information Operations, Information Exploitation, Management, Services,
Technologies and Infrastructures. The socio-technical Enterprise is assured by
appropriate levels of maturity and awareness within the 8-Dimensions of Information
Assurance (Structure, Resilience, Dependability, Safety, Security, Protection, Trust and
Risk Management).
(Richardson, C.J., 2011)
Taking the above definition for Information Assurance and building on the modelling of
IA Interoperability across the 5-layers of cyberspace and the IA Quadrant Model a
Reference Model can be created for Information Assurance as illustrated in figures 61
and 62.
Figure 61: Matching the Quadrant model to the Layers of Cyberspace
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Throughout this thesis, the arguments has been presented, analysed, modelled and
where possible evaluated to create this IA Reference Model. By taking any of the 3Dimensions, an IA practitioner can start to analyse a Socio-Technical Enterprise and its
Systems from an Information Assurance Perspective.
In Bridging the Gaps, Information Assurance provides a Strategic, Operational and
Tactical perspective that allows an Enterprise to function in a robust and resilient
manner, with a high degree of dependability, safe and secure operations; protected and
risk managed and above all…Trusted.
Figure 62: The Information Assurance Cuboid Model
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Bridging Gaps in Education and the Profession
Whether researching new technologies or implementing information risk
management initiatives, information security professionals are being held to even
more stringent standards than ever before.
(Frost & Sullivan, 2008)
Sir Isaac Newton’s work once inspired and reassured a world that was ready to be
enlightened. His original ideas that “results were proportional to the forces applied”
and that “cause precedes effect” generated a determinism outlook to the world
(Baggott, 2004). Determinism has long been used as a classic model to measure the
effectiveness of practitioners, including IT executives, managers, and teachers.
However, in the light of the digital age has determinism become dated? Do these linear
models cease to help today’s practitioners to become effective cyber leaders, especially
if there were some sudden, unexpected changes?
Determinism measures against a matrix through some linear process to a predictable
outcome. It was used to gauge and evaluate our ability to develop skills within the
matrix and thereby this linearity would enable practitioners to effectively predict and
control human systems and human behaviour through some small incremental change
(Pentland & Liu, 1999; Burns, 2002). Early UK Network Enabled Capability (MoD,
2009a) skill matrices emulated this deterministic skills process to augment the
technological development of Netcentric Warfare with a matrix of defined roles and
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responsibilities (Alberts, Garstka, & Stein, 1999). The matrix defined the necessary
educational and experienced required for each role and how that role fits within the
Command and Control (C2) of the Organisation (UK, NATO or some other Coalition).
However, this work soon produced a vast database with an ever increasing complexity
owing to frequent movement of personnel within MoD. Time in posts was short
(normally 2 to 3 years, and sometimes a lot less) and the individuals had few
opportunities to engage in skill up-training (for the post they occupied or even
prepping for their next post). A more inclusive methodology was needed to provide
sufficient capability within an organisation that allows for the agile deployment of its
staff and builds the necessary infrastructure for training and education. MoD’s
Information Strategy (MoD, 2011) recognised that up-skilling was pivotal to its
doctrine and exonerated in the UK’s Cyber Policy (Cabinet Office, 2011a). Since the
publication of the National Information Assurance Strategy (Cabinet Office, 2007) the
need to quantify what the professional IA standards were required and the level of
education specifically needed have been discussed and with many policies promulgated
through many government departments. The Cabinet’s Office Central Sponsor for
Information Assurance (CSIA) and its General Information Assurance Products and
Services Initiative (GIPSI) brought together more representation towards an IA
standard from central and local Government, NHS, Criminal Justice Network, Industry,
Commerce and Academia. This work was continued later on by CESG, Department of
BIS, DfE and the Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC). Six years on and the
UK still has to create a National Occupational Standard (NOS) for Information
Assurance or even produce a comprehensive national framework to supply appropriate
training for our cyber security practitioners.
The NOS is essential for Higher Educational Establishments to focus upon the IA issues,
skills and education that Government, Industry and the wider online community needs.
CESG (the UK’s National Technical Authority for Information Assurance) has employed
three institutions to develop its deterministic CESG Listed Advisors Scheme (CLAS) for
certified Accreditors and IA Advisors: BCS, the Institute of Information Security
Practitioners (IISP) and APGM-UK.
This exemplifies GCHQ’s specific view on the
educational standards needed, but fails to recognise those of Industry, the Legal and
Accountancy Professions and of the business management of e-commerce. There is a
more holistic need for authorities such as CESG, BIS, DfE and IAAC to engage with a
wider community and the UKAS Skill Councils (who represent Industry and Academic
interests) as their actions, themes and policies will have a ripple effect from any
derived national standards to the curricula, to professional development and finally to
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created the necessary holistic learning environment for IA to flourish both as a science
and an art. A National Occupational Standard will provide a necessary bridge and
driving forces to the educational gap between what the UK enterprises and their
organisations requirements (and retraining) and what training and education can
delivery within the current national education framework.
Driving Forces
Restraining Forces
Business Continuity
& Capital Investment
Reliable Operations
and Governance
Legal Obligations &
Malicious Attacks
and Governance
Fear, uncertainty, doubt
Risk Aversion
and Governance
Total = 15
Total = 21
Figure 63: Force Field Diagram for the Assured Information Operations
Equilibrium is required to be struck between resource allocation and necessity to
change. The model (figure 153) illustrates the current imbalances between assurance
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and corporate reluctance and that the necessity for change would fail if a balance
wasn’t achieved. The three main applications (Change Management, Productivity
Improvement and Decision Making) of Kurt Lewin’s (1951) force field model analysis
allows IA practitioners to identify and understand the Enterprise’s assured state to
redress the current shortfalls. The importance of this analysis is its ability to
demonstrate where changes are necessary and what forces need to impact. The model
has proven to be a powerful decision-making tool as Business Managers can influence
the forces to maximise the corporate’s risk appetite and potential of changes to
succeed. Figure 63 provides strength indicators to designate the scalar levels of
influence where: 1 = extremely weak and 7 = extremely strong
Many organisations are only just beginning to recognise Assurance Education; the bulk
of their security budgets are paid out on consultancy and technologies; hence the high
strength score marks for security and corporate legal obligations such as the Data
Protection Act, 1998. Motivation to protect corporate assets has always been strong,
but for most acquired information systems the need for security was often an afterthought or became a necessity after some fault condition. This late addition of security
mechanisms often led to inappropriate compromises and latent vulnerabilities
(Meunier, 2011).
The apparent reluctance businesses to invest time and money in skills training and IA
Education, measured as resilience in this model, is in part due to their perceived need
to protect corporate assets rather than tackle the more intrinsic problems of changing
cultures hence the lower score of 4 in capital investments. Chapter 4 had demonstrated
the need for the strategic positioning of Information Assurance and implicitly
confirmed the necessity for a good education and training.
With natural disaster like Katarina , terrorists attacks like 9/11 and data losses like
TkMax and Sony Play-stations, business continuity has risen in corporate governance,
however little has been done to the majority of the critical information infrastructure
as the data from the World’s Economic Forum (2012) shows that the latest technologies
are increasingly accessible to local industries, but indications relating to confidence in the
institutions responsible for developing safeguards, including those that mage the risks of
emerging technologies, have not shown proportionate increases.
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4.1 Bridging the Professional Gaps
As first discussed in Chapter 1, there is a capability gap between what we need to know
and what we know. This lack of knowledge has developed from increasing complex
picture of how we operate in cyberspace and the integration and interoperation of
technologies, software applications and human ingenuity. The pace of this exploitation
of cyber resources has outstretched many of our training and educational programmes
leaving many communities of users ignorant of the issues of interoperability and safe
operations. Information Assurance in the Community is all about redressing this
capability gap and developing good IA practitioners, resourcing their education and
continuous specialized training. Corporate Governance mandates adherence to best
practice and security policies to assure the safety and protection of their information
assets. More than ever there is a need for IA practitioner’s specialism to meet current
security requirements. Have our communities of interests become naïve to the
complexities of Cyberspace and the Human-Cyber Interfaces? The frantic and explosive
technological pace of the Internet has not produced a corresponding cultural
progression towards greater awareness of its emergent properties. Cyber security
education remains stubbornly low and user community’s exhibit poor behaviour
towards security breaches (Cornish, Livingstone, Clemente, & Yorke, 2011).
There are too few practitioners implementing Cross-Domain Solutions and these few
are having to cope with restricted budgets, reduced skilled resources and increasing
complex network of networks with new properties been routinely discovered or
exposed as vulnerabilities. The UK’s Cyber policy (Cabinet Office, 2011a) recognises
the need to change our attitude to training but it stills underfunds as we consistently
fail to provide the necessary resources to train our professionals. Understandably, we
all have to work within budgets, but those budgets have to be realistic to the risks
involved (Bhagyavati, Agyei-Mensah, Shumba, & Kearse, 2005). When it comes to
Cyber Security; Ignorance is bliss: if you don’t know something, it can’t hurt you - that is
to say it causes no discomfort. From childhood we learnt to protect ourselves from
harm but we were also willing to explore; as we age, we began to restrain ourselves for
the fear of others might do. This becomes more evident with our online experiences
which have increasingly obtruded our awareness of its criminality and harm from
malware. Cyberspace opens a new world of opportunities and making IA work will
protect us in this virtual dimension. A programme of cyber awareness is necessary and
Figure 64 illustrates the benefits and consequences of a blissful, exploiting but
educated user community.
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No Discomfort
Unrealistic Trust
Out of touch with Reality
Unappreciative of impact
Risk Appitite
Chaotic Edge
Lack of Awareness
Risk Adversion
Malicious Attacks
Figure 64: The SWOT of Human Blissfulness in Cyber Communities
The IA Profession needs to provide the knowledge, awareness and understanding to its
cyber communities to provide more dependable and safe systems that the users can
benefit from, trust, manage and exploit rather than be exploited.
IA in the Defence Community
John Colley, Chairman of (ISC)²’s European Advisory Board stated that: “The
opportunity for the information security profession is immense. Clearly we must continue
to understand the evolving threat landscape coming from increasingly sophisticated
criminal factions. We must also stay on top of the technology available to protect against
these threats, recognising them as tools, rather than the focus of our jobs. Most
importantly, however, we must recognise that our jobs are not only critical to the ongoing
running of the business and protection of its assets, but also to its development and
strength in the future. We are driving a change in the role of the security professional. Let
us make the most of our influence.”
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Fundamentally, security is a compromise to influences, power and agenda and often
may be not fit for purpose. Corporate executives have employed and later witness
security professionals who did not improve the business situation, but further
complicate or cause a degree of disbelieve when they present doomsday scenarios or
forecast future major IT failings. These professionals are out to sell services and
platforms and exploit the potential threats (malicious attacks to a risk adverse
clientele) and weakness (unrealistic trust, fear, uncertainty and doubts) of an
uninformed community; as illustrated in figure 111. They expose a proliferation of
guidance, policies and security technologies to provide technical solutions to the issues
of cyber management, architecture, assurance and exploitation; but they provide very
little recognition of the skills, knowledge and education that is needed by the business
community to communicate, comprehend and provide necessary cyber assurances for a
sharing, informative community of people and cyber actors.
The NEC is an inter-networking cyber dominated world of Information Exploitation
(IX) which is both complex and chaotic (Russell & Russell, 1999; Spar, 1999; Wheatley
M. J., 2006). Cyberspace has brought about uncertainty in an environment of cyber
products, services and layered networks that have slowly lost cohesion as they mashup (Lee, 2005; Dreyfus, 2008). NEC Command and Control, cyberspace management
and leadership not only needs it’s personnel more experienced in its many capabilities,
but also educated in its architect, processes, procedures and policies (Alberts D. S.,
1997). This takes time and the NEC roll-out hadn’t prepared adequate time for training
and education (Major General Baxter, 2005). This process of development and lack of
underpinning know-how has generated many issues, incidents and business process
failures within coalition operations in Afghanistan (Kellner, 2008; Rickards, 2010). The
following MoD Information Assurance Policy and Standards are the current key
documents for Information Assurance and Accreditation.
The Defence Manual of Security: JSP 440
Data Protection Act 1998
HMG Information Security Standards
Defence Crypto-security Publications
The Defence Manual of Interoperable Core Network Technologies: JSP 457
JSP 600 - MoD CIS Policy and Assurance Process
Defence Co-ordinating Installation Design Authority Manual of Regulations
JSP 740 – MoD Acceptable User Policy
JSP 747- Information Management Handbook
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The damage caused to the MoD by a lack of awareness of Information Assurance can be
serious. Poor configuration of Information Systems, inappropriate behaviour by staff,
careless information management, excessive distribution of documents and failing to
apply security policies and procedures can expose vulnerabilities, reduce operational
edge, expose the MoD to litigation and adversely affect its reputation. At this moment,
the MoD has an underfunded and understaffed accreditation process to provide the
assurance to an online community of 300,000 users and ineffective Information risk
and incident management process, with very few individuals aware of it, understand it
or even take heed of their contents when acquainted with it. The new military
perspective towards IA (MoD, 2011) is from the premise that it is assures the conduct
of Defence business, whether on deployed operations or in the administration of MoD
fixed systems.
Military IA encompasses all activity needed to assure the critical
information on which Defence business relies. From this approach and the model
produced in Chapter 3, a new definition of IA can be established: Information Assurance
(IA) is a holistic management process and architecture designed to ensure that the
systems and networks employed to manage, store and transit the critical information
assets across the human-cyber interfaces and used by an organisation are reliable,
resilient, secure and trustworthy; and that tolerant measures and processes are in place
to counter malicious activity and inappropriate behaviour, in order to support the
business needs of the organisation.
Up-to-date, readily accessible and, above all, secure information is a critical component
of the Defence Community’s that now has the drive to implement efficient and cost
effective working practices. For the MoD, good IA is ensuring that the integrity of such
critical information is maintained, while protecting systems from those that may seek
to abuse them. Under the UK Cyber Policy (Cabinet Office, 2011a) this has become a key
concern. Above all, the Defence Community requires a survivable voice and data
network infrastructure that delivers information in assured manner in the most testing
of environments, while allowing it to take advantage of up-to-date technology such as
email, the Internet and Virtual Private Networks; e.g. the MoD’s Defence Fixed
Telecommunications Service (DFTS) has been working since 1997 to ensure that
information, ranging from ‘unclassified’ to ‘top secret’, can be accessed easily and
securely via a fully interoperable infrastructure. However, in life, people don’t react to
reality; they react to their perceptions of reality and a lot of the MoD’s contextual work
has not been implemented and its online community is still very ignorant of their roles
and responsibilities within cyberspace (Roper, 2005).
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Chaos Theory in development of an IA Community
Understanding the need to identify and create the sensitivity, Lorenz’s Butterfly Effects,
to a dynamically changing, chaotic rich environment formulates and captures issues to
initiate, facilitate and support change within the domain influenced by Chaos Theories.
The chaos paradigm replaces the ubiquitous paradigm of Newtonian reductionism that
postulated a linear, mechanistic view our real world. Zohar, (1990) see quantum
physics as the bedrock of chaos that is “rich with imagery that almost begs application to
the experiences of daily life.”
Implicitly, experiencing this phenomenon is being very much involved the concepts of
uncertainty through a necessary and directed process of establishing, inventing and
modifying government framework and educational structures to generate the new IA
profession. Understanding the theories of Zohar (1990), the Quantum Self and Zohar
(1997) Corporate Brain offered an interpretation of Chaos Theory to structure
organizations for fundamental transformation. She demonstrates how people must
change the thinking behind their thinking. “rewire the structures of the corporate brain to operate more fully and achieve genuine fundamental organizational change.”
The Cabinet Office papers on Transformational Government (2005) and The National
Information Assurance Strategy (2007) provides the source for transformational change
and which Shelton, (2003) had earlier illustrated could provide an appropriate
environment to evolve the paradigm;“by applying principles found in chaos theory an
organization can make ‘lemonade out of lemons’ and become more responsive to change
agents while continuously moving ahead and growing from the inside out without the
fear of complete chaos.”
Generating the IA professional qualities, values and continuance in order for it to
become established, grow, develop, survive and adapt is a result of this re-invention
and creative adaptation to providing a new specialism, the wave/particle dualism
establishes a perturbed equilibrium. Dooley (1995) observed that learning
organizations such as DCCIS could: “allows self-organization, rather than attempting to
control the bifurcation through planned change. Being “off-balance” lends itself to
regrouping and re-evaluating the system’s present state in order to make needed
adjustments and regain control and equilibrium. By understanding and introducing the
element of punctuated equilibrium (chaos) while facilitating networks for growth, an
organization can change gears from “cruise” to “turbo” in regard to speed and intensity of
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organizational change. While maintaining an equilibrium state seems to be an intuitively
rational method for enabling an organization to gain a sense of consistency and
solidarity, existing on the edge of a chaotic state remains the most beneficial environment
for systems to flourish develop and grow.
System management mechanisms deal with order and regularity, security deals with
the complexity generated by irregularities. With Information assurance it’s the
understanding of interlacing architectural complexities and human behaviour produces
a complex, dynamic complexity.
This complexity has elements of an emerging
structure, where the whole is often more than its parts, that there is no disaggregation
but there is a lack of knowledge (uncertainty of relevant knowledge) and a degree of
blindness and the sensitivity is dependent on the boundary conditions of unpredictable
behaviour and bifurcation. Dualism within the Quantum Theory, by a simple
transposition can create a security paradigm with a deterministic chaos /assurance
dualism. A characteristic of Chaos, as observed by Mitchell (1998) is that complex
interactions modelling real (cyber-based) behaviours have demonstrated consistently
that the potential outcomes have predictable limits. Thus in a security context, knowing
the exact state how the system will end up is a requirement, but this is unrealistic as
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle confirms. The range and the probabilities of
possible outcomes has to be constrained, allowing Assurance to take control which is
ultimately very realistic. Finding the critical values to provide system assurance is a
worthwhile future action and a recommendation to develop beyond this Thesis.
The Right Policy
Netcentric warfare effects-based operations (EBOs) are “processes for obtaining a
desired strategic outcome or effect on the enemy through the synergistic and cumulative
application of the full range of military and non-military capabilities at all levels of
conflict” (Alberts, Garstka, & Stein, 1999)
EBOs routinely involve complex environments that require information exploitation to
enable decision making in multinational, multifunctional collaborative groups and
provide shared situational awareness to commanders. These operations pose problems
when insecure information resources are required to interoperate with military
networks, in particular the Internet has become essential to the military’s superior
decision benefit chain. Under current UK’s information security standards, classified
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networks have considerable security and risk exposure constraints that reduce system
access across strategic, operational and tactical commands. Awareness of how IA affects
knowledge and information management and their overall trustworthiness,
necessitates further investigation and analysis of the NEC and in particular
understanding how IA professionalism plays an important role in shaping the
behaviour and the complex nature of the NEC domains. Governments, corporations and
the military have undergone “a transformation in their ability to gather, share and
process information. The result is an unprecedented reliance on information
infrastructures for their very survival. This dependency creates new opportunities for
disruption” (Anderson 2005). This presents an unprecedented reliance on information
infrastructures for their very survival.” In one sense, this tautologises the reliance on
technology that is new and is by definition “unprecedented” and in another sense, the
need for the system’s dependency for survival. The claims are false, as “Information” is
hardly the highest in the hierarchy of human needs (Maslow, 1943): water, food and
shelter, law and order are surely still more important; but the trend toward increasing
dependence on IT in our social systems provokes real issues; and whether it is wise to
continue the trend of dependency, is a question which all security professionals should
be engaged with.
UK’s National Information Assurance Strategy (NIAS)
management initiatives, information security professionals are being held to even
more stringent standards than ever before (Frost & Sullivan, 2008).
The UK’s National Information Assurance Strategy (Cabinet Office, 2007) takes a
coherent approach to managing information security and its risk treatment by making
it an integral and effective part of normal business process. Information is a valuable
asset that must be safeguarded. In the case of information held by public authorities
and businesses, especially personal information, people want to be certain that it is
held securely, maintained accurately, available when necessary and used appropriately.
Information Assurance (IA) is used to assure the management of risk to information
and effective IA ensures that the opportunities provided by new technology can be
exploited to maximum benefit.
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The convergence of interconnected data and systems causes unprecedented increases
in the potential and actual security risks to information assets as they passes through
an increasingly complex web of systems. Figure 156 illustrates the 2-sides of the HCI
coin – FUD and IA. Effective IA education needs to achieve a step change to the security
professionalism that overcomes user’s fear, uncertainty and doubts. As enterprises,
such as the MoD, adopt collaborative business models, based on highly interlinked
infrastructures, they are more vulnerable to attack. In the past, the MoD approach was
to isolate, but now these highly secure, fortress solutions are no longer fit for purpose;
rather the new military enterprise needs to adopt a solid architectural approach to
designing secure, joined-up systems that maintain the integrity of the information they
hold and what they pass from community of interest to another. In short, visible
security needs to be built in from the very outset to allow the interoperability of
systems and the architects of such systems have to build high- assurance platforms that
will allow these layers of system operability to cross domains, i.e. bridge air gaps.
Core UK Security Principles
Ultimate responsibility for HMG security policy lies with the Prime Minister and
the Cabinet Office. Departments and Agencies, via their Permanent Secretaries
and Chief Executives, must manage their security risks within the parameters
set out in this framework, as endorsed by the Official Committee on Security
(SO) (see Appendix 2 for MoD’s board structure).
All HMG employees (including contractors) have a collective responsibility to
ensure that government assets (information, property and staff) are protected
in a proportionate manner from terrorist attack, and other illegal or malicious
Departments and Agencies must be able to share information (including
personal data) confidently knowing it is reliable, accessible and protected to
agreed standards.
Departments and Agencies must employ staff (and contractors) in whom they
can have confidence and whose identities are assured.
HMG business needs to be resilient in the face of major disruptive events, with
plans in place to minimise damage and rapidly recover capabilities (see figure
157 for the threat exposure and mitigation to the UK public sector)
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Figure 65: IBM view on UK’s information asset threats
Culturally, within MoD, mind-set has to change about how solutions are constructed
and this means visibility at strategic defence reviews, operational deployment planning,
system design and run time about security attributes, claims, needs and outcomes. The
vision for a network enabled MoD also requires a more holistic approach to the
National Information Assurance Strategy and to the education of its practitioners. It is
no longer sufficient just to secure an organisation’s IT assets; the business processes
that govern the use of those assets also need to be secure and robust (Cabinet Office,
2011a). This means developing clear processes and policies to govern the way
employees, coalition partners and other stakeholders interact with MoD’s information,
underpinned by a safe and secure infrastructure. Without this combination, the
integrity of the Department’s business will still be threatened. Only such a multi-faceted
approach to Information Assurance that encompasses people, policy, processes and
infrastructure will ensure that the risks of joined-up operations can be balanced
against the benefits.
The NIAS (2007) strategic outcomes and other IA initiatives such as the HMG IA
Maturity Model and Assessment Framework (Cabinet Office, 2010), and modular Code
of Connection (Police National Accreditor, 2009) and Risk Managed Accreditation
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Document Sets (CESG, 2010) placed on enterprises such as the MoD and the UK’s
police force (NPIA Information Assurance Capability Team, 2010) can be achieved and
evolved by focusing on three IA performance objectives set out in the NIAS. These will
have important implications for the way that organisations, particularly within
government, do business.
UK National Information Assurance Strategy Objectives (Cabinet Office, 2007)are:
Objective 1: Clear and effective information risk management by organisations.
Clear board-level ownership and accountability for information risks will be
Where information is shared, a single point of risk ownership will be
That IA should be visible and understood by all Government employees at all levels and
across all of its organisations.
Objective 2: Agreement upon and compliance with approved and appropriate IA
Organisations, particularly those within, or linking to government, will
operate within a national framework of IA common standards;
Trust and confidence in the use of information will be maintained through an
effective model of compliance with these standards.
Enterprises are required to take ownership and manage the IA issues, empowering its
IA practitioners and ensuring proper consultation it done with stakeholders in the
decision benefit chain
Objective 3: The development and availability of appropriate IA Capabilities.
Government will work more closely with wider sectors in the development of
Capabilities’ to enable organisations to manage information risks;
These capabilities include: availability of the right products and services;
coordinated and appropriate efforts on innovation and research; improved
professionalism, and awareness and outreach.
That there is a common understanding and awareness of the enterprise Risk processes
and its mitigation by the communities of interest and this is conveyable across
domains, coalition networks and other interoperable systems.
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The Broader Social-Contemporary Security
Information assurance can be an important business enabler, supporting
secure, effective and agile information services, but only if a hostic view is
taken.” Detica white paper, 2008
The traditional (Cyber Layer 1) geographical, defence-based, physical security is no
longer the only criterion that defines human well-being and development. Increasingly,
security has become a combination of attributes relating to freedom from persecution,
want, fear and a broad range of other concerns, such as the security of water, food,
energy and environmental security. Aspects of this trend are recognised by the United
Nation’s ‘Responsibility to Protect’ agenda (UN, 2004), which focuses on preventative
and developmental lines of activity (including ‘pre-emptive’ action) rather than purely
reactive intervention. However, prevention requires a longer view and proportionately
more effort in recognising the indicators of an impending crisis and in tackling the root
causes of instability rather than the more obvious symptoms. In turn, early responses
may be difficult to determine, but will, in an inter-connected world, always require
decisions and intervention across a wide range of activity including economic,
diplomatic, military, developmental, humanitarian and now cyber. In military terms,
people and their business processes have become the vital ground for Information
Operations (IO) which deliberately intervenes and interferes how they go about their
business. IO can disrupt, coerce, harass and sabotage across the 5 dimensions of
military operations.
Effective holistic education of Information Assurance has to advance understanding
through quality education of our leaders, practitioners and the user community the
fields of information operations and cyber security including Information management,
services, exploitation, security and its assurance, critical infrastructure protection,
national security information management, and computer network. The United
Nation’s ‘Responsibility to Protect’ agenda (UN, 2004) has in part contributed to the
MoD’s Joint Discussion Note JDN 4/05. The JDN illustrates the complex and dynamic
strategic environment of the 21st Century and how the department should encompass
strategies like the NIAS. Figure 158 illustrates the strategic importance of IA (as
discussed in Chapter 4) which aligns the JDN with national policy. The Comprehensive
Approach (MoD, 2006) discussion paper signalled that there are significant potential
challenges to peace and security to which we need strategies to ensure safety, security
and integrity. That these challenges are likely to persist throughout the global
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environment with the interconnected, globalisation nature of several transnational
trends that will affect resources, science and technology, social, military and political
dimensions as developed in Chapter 4. The JDN discussion paper describes the world of
sovereign states, unequal in development and resources, conflicts and tension seem set
to continue among nations and power groupings. The symptoms of crisis will be
spawned by a combination of climate change, ideology, greed, ethnic animosity,
residual territorial claims, religious fanaticism and competition for resources including
agricultural land, mineral wealth, water rights and oceanic resources. The desire for
socio-economic improvement and population migration (refugees and Internally
Displaced Persons) driven by war, economic and environmental collapse or natural
disaster will generate national responses and demands for international assistance and
these emergency responses are becoming more dependent on system interoperability
and Information availability . Additionally, terrorist actions, communal violence,
endemic criminality and ethnic disturbance will continue to complicate international
relations, while individuals and commercial interests are likely to have multiple
identities, allegiances and cyber proxies. This will compound the protection and
security requirements for Critical Information Infrastructures and Emergency
Response Services which are often privately run and often controlled by organisations
outside the nations they serve.
The Human Dimension in the Social Context of Security
The human security agenda requires a response that is sensitive to the extensive,
particular needs of societies, communities and individuals. To this end, all constituent
parts of a society (rule of law, education, commercial, humanitarian and health,
information, military, economic and diplomacy and governance) should be considered,
as well as the history and culture of an individual society as illustrated in figure 66:
Figure 66: The Constituents of a Society
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Only then can a range of appropriate objectives, resources and contributors be
established to influence the situation. The spectrum of involvement, doctrinally and
familiarly known as the ‘Complex of Actors’, might comprise other governments,
International Organisations, NGOs and private and commercial interests. Additionally,
experience has indicated that successful resolution would overwhelmingly rely on the
attitude and motivation of the indigenous and/or local population at the heart of the
crisis and those in the surrounding region, although care should be taken not to create
a dependency culture. Two other groups that should be considered in any responses
are opportunists, who seek to benefit from the situation or the perpetuation of a crisis,
and spoilers who have an interest in undermining the response.
Implementing NIAS through the Defence System Approach to Training
Figure 67: The Strategic Positioning of Security
Information is a critical asset for any organisation, and particularly so to the MoD. Its
exploitation is fundamental to the achievement of business objectives. The
Government’s National Information Assurance Strategy (NIAS) enables organisations in
the UK to fully exploit the benefits of information and communications technology
(ICT), while at the same time ensuring that wider UK interests are maintained. The
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Central Sponsor for Information Assurance (CSIA) uses the term “Information
Assurance” to describe the appropriate management of information risks (that is to
ensure the availability, integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and authentication of
information and information systems) in order that the benefits of ICT are fully
realised. The NIAS explains that ownership and responsibility for this strategy for
Information Assurance rests with the Official Committee for Security and its chair, the
Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary, Intelligence, Security and Resilience.
For effective decision making, information needs to be clear, accurate, trusted and not:
compromised, lost, leaked, disseminated, published (without approval) or corrupted.
The Rawlinson Report39 highlighted the need to provide both an educational
framework and the IA Profession within MoD. Organisations like the Defence College
for Communication and Information Systems (DCCIS) have begun to take a proactive
part in delivering the goals of NIAS and responding to Brigadier Rawlinson’s
1. How NIAS will affect the DCCIS and its training regime and how within the
organisation the effect of the IA Professional Framework will have on job
specifications and training requirements?
2. The NIAS calls for a new profession of IA practitioners with a prescribed
Government career structure and professional development. This creates an
opportunity for the Royal Signals to take an initiative to adopt the NIAS to
create an IA trade group in conjunction with its current IS trade group. Existing
Operational Performance Statements (OPS) will need modification and
graduates/trainees will meet the necessary prescribed SFIA and NQF standards.
3. How DCCIS can leverage its expertise to establish future accredited IA courses
for MoD and other Government Departments for pre-employment training and
continuous professional development?
MoD Information Assurance Review 18Nov05
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As DCCIS is the MoD’s centre of excellence for communications and information
systems, then it is incumbent on the college to take a lead in promoting professionalism
in IA. Information security and its assurance is an issue with people rather than
technology and it is reliant on people, their awareness, ethics and behaviour. This is
partially reflected in DCCIS (2011) current training goal to:“ensure that personnel have
an appropriate awareness of information security policies and practice to the extent that
their duties require, and to fully understand their responsibilities including their legal
A holistic approach to delivering aspects of NIAS through the MoD’s own IA Maturity
Model will require Training Needs Assessment to identify each post and assign the IA
level of competency required to meet the framework and the necessary training
requirements for the post holder. NIAS requires that IA practitioners have further
specialized training, developing the necessary transferable skills, with focused courses
of increasing educational content and the provision of professional development
courses. NIAS calls for the development and availability of appropriate IA capabilities
and identifies seven specialisms within its professional framework. Many existing roles
and posts within the MoD’s CIS environment cover in part, or are identifiable as IA
The MoD’s Information Strategy (MoD, 2011) framework requires practitioners to
obtain educational and transferable skills for these posts. Consequently there is a
requirement to assess the current IA post and incumbents against skills, training,
educational and Continued Professional Development (CPD) needs of IA Foundation,
Practitioner and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) as illustrated in figure 161. JSP 822
directs all Defence personnel accountable for, or with influence over, the delivery of
Defence capability, the meeting of performance requirements, or the implementation of
Defence policy, for which T&E interventions are required. It applies to all decision makers
and practitioners employed in the Regular Forces, the Reserves, MOD civilians, and
Industry who are engaged in the derivation and assurance of Defence capabilities or
performance requirements, and/or the development, delivery, or assurance of associated
T&E interventions (MoD, 2012).
NIAS and the expected National Occupational Standard (NOS) will modify or create
through the Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT) a new Operational
Performance Statement (OPS)/ Competency Framework (MoD, 2012). The DSAT OPS
will be required to develop the envisaged Defence IA Practitioner at SO2 / SO3 level,
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but also targeting supervisors (Yeoman, Foreman & IS supervisors). Specialist’s roles
such as ITSOs and SACs should also be included. We will also have to derive the OPS to
cover the soft issues of Information Assurance. MoD’s Network Enabled Capability
doctrines of Information Superiority (MoD, 2006; MoD, 2011) have predicated the need
for information security and its assurance. Interoperability, Information exploitation
and ICT advancements has brought a transformation risks and new trends in
information system threats and vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities introduced by the
complexity of the new military information systems and the impact of degraded
systems within Information Operations from increasing complex attacks has
necessitated the adoption of information assurance. NIAS has identified there is
requirement for a change of culture and acceptance of IA to be fundamental to our
business goals, which Rawlinson (Rawlinson, 2005) also commented on.
Scoping Study Report
Determines current position and suggested approach – is a TNA needed?
•TRA requested - completed by DCTS (quad-Service and non-eqpt) or by
single-Service focus (RN HR Services, Army A&SD, RAF TAC))
Training Authorisation
Operational Performance Statement / Competence Framework
•Course Title & Code
Job Analysis – Job Scalar (Job – Duties – Tasks – Sub-tasks – Task
Elements) – Job Spec
•TrAD, OPS, FTS Version
No & Date
•CEB Title
Performance, Conditions, Standards (product and processes) - DIF (Trg
Cat) & HMI Analyses
•TNA Determined / TRA Led / Completed by DCTS, RN, Army or RAF
•Course Length
•Course Capacity
•Stakeholder Signatures
•CEB Authorized. TRA Owned
Sqn TO Focus
Formal Training Statement
Training Performance Statement
Workplace Training Statement
Residual Training Gap Statement
•TRA owned. SME determined – Course Design Team / TDA
Assessment Strategy
Instructional Specification
(1 EO = 1 ISpec)
•Course Details
Course Folder
Timetable (Course Programme)
•TO – performance
•EO – performance,
conditions & standards
Evaluation Strategy
(overarching strategy)
Entry standard, Details of
entry test, Type: summative
or formative, Criterion
referenced or normative
referenced, Grading: pass or
fail; moderation,
Details of Instructor:Student Ratio
Allotted Hours
Assessment Specification
•Assessment Programme
•H&S / EP
•Type of Assessment
•ISpec review date
•Development of KLPs
•TO / EO Assessed
•Marking Details
End of Course
Completion of TO
Completion of Lesson (EO)
•Assessment Criteria (Pass /
Fail, etc)
•Results of Failure
TDA Delivered
TRA Led / Owned (for the RAF, TRA = COS (Trg). Sponsorship is delegated.
Figure 68: JSP 822: The Defence System Approach to Training (2012)
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However, the gaps in our operating processes, business continuity and awareness of
the user communities have to be managed, corrected and where necessary a change of
culture introduced. Bridging the Gaps in IA Education and Professional Standards is
essential for the MoD Information Strategy to gain the benefits it clearly wants from its
Operations, Coalition partnerships, Decision Making and achieving Information
Superiority. However, DSAT is an expensive process, with considerable overheads in
resources, manpower and costs. The MoD has tried over the last 20 years to outsource
its Education and Training programmes as a cost saving process. These attempts have
concentrated the training (reducing the number of trainees and training
establishments) but have failed to attract a private consortium to take over the Defence
T&E commitments.
Policy Driven IA Education
Individual security lies with the skills, knowledge and experience that we have in
ourselves. An important objective which can be facilitated by DCCIS, to aid the change
of culture, is transforming the Defence Information Strategy and the NIAS into a
profession development programme that:
a) Provides recognition and career development of transferable skills and
knowledge for the profession with timely, supportive, accredited development
courses for the MoD and in turn for other Government Departments.
b) Provides an forum for the understanding of the issues and the proliferation of
the guidance, policies and security technologies involved in IA
The proposed Information Security Professional Development (ISPD) programme,
delivering the Right Skills, to the Right People at the Right Time, supports the NIAS
framework and the Institute of Information Security Practitioners structured career
path and provides the MoD la clear direction for IA Education and Training to meet the
UK’s Cyber Security Strategy (Cabinet Office, 2011a). The programme will be geared to
provide educational qualification and transferable skills to practitioners as it is
intended to help them to stay on top of the available technologies and innovations and
thereby sustain our assurance against these threats. Most importantly, the aim of the
ISPD is to provide recognition through academic excellence, an understated goal in the
NIAS. IA practitioners are not only critical to the on-going running of our core business
and protection of its assets, but also to its development and strength in the future. This
unique service to provide understanding of the evolving threat landscape coming from
increasingly sophisticated attackers should be established within DCCIS.
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4.2 Federated Education
Understanding risk at an enterprise level is a fundamental requirement for Information
Assurance. While many business drivers are not exclusively related to IA, there are
nevertheless many information-based factors, such as information sharing policies,
which contribute to overall risk and therefore need to be considered. Holistic IA
Education requires methodologies that take a Strategic Position of Security (SPS) of the
enterprise to identify key business drivers and risks, which can then be examined from
a specific IA perspective. Within the MoD our Information Assurance practitioners
need to construct risk-balance cases, which are rigorous appraisals of the risks and
their impact, which support the Network Enabled Capability (NEC) decision-making,
risk prioritisation and potential trade-offs within the enterprise. Risk owners should be
clearly identified and given a better understanding of their risk appetite. The business
drivers and prioritised set of MoD’s risks should be used to create an IA vision and
strategy for the department. The holistic approach to effective Information Assurance
education will need a more detailed IA curricula derived from business cases and
implementation roadmaps for the department going forward.
The Right Skills
“You don’t want to open that Pandora’s Box, because you never know what Trojan horses
will leap out”.
Rt. Hon Ernest Bevin MP
Pervasive computing, Information Services (IS) and Information Technologies (IT) is as
much a part of our lives as Maslow’s (1943) pyramid. Information Security, its
Assurance and risk management has become technically and holistically challenging to
the practitioners and academia. They have become key issues in today’s transforming
and pervasive information driven world and its complex of actors. Securing our
Information assets is critical as it is pushed and pulled around us all 24/7. It is
exploited, stored, manipulated, targeted, controlled, stolen and often compromised (US
CERT 2008).
“Professionalism” requires a sober and objective approach to risk assessment: but the
dilemma for the security industry is that wherever threats are evaluated as remote, the
security industry will receive very little attention (funding) from anyone. The IT
security sector has been notorious for the way it trumpets any vulnerabilities it finds to
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one and all, usually well before they have been discovered let alone exploited by
anyone else, merely as a means self-publicity and headline-grabbing, in order to attract
funding. So the dilemma for the profession is how its “professionalism” will allow it to
step out of this maelstrom of self-interest, and convince the public at large that it is
objective, and has no particular interest in exaggerating security threats. The record of
IT professionals (in general) in the area of proportionate threat assessment is not good
(e.g. the Millennium bug that wasn’t). Easy sensationalism is easier than evidencebased threat assessment and scientific objectivity, it would seem. “We live and work
both as individuals and as part of communities [complex actors], within organizations
and society as a whole. Our understanding and acceptance of the world around us is
couched within negotiated meaning of those contexts. Security needs to support users in
seeing and negotiating safely on those terms within technologically mediated systems.”
(Adams and Blandford, 2005).
The Computer Security Institute / FBI (2007) reported a significant upswing in
cybercrime and these criminals are becoming well organised. Motivated individuals and
criminal groups see the Internet as a medium to further their causes; disseminate their
SPAM and other propaganda; to change, poison, disrupt or destroy existing structures.
Information Infrastructures need to become more interoperable and robust; systems
more dependable and critical infrastructures have to be trusted. Mitigating complexity
to develop and secure NEC systems and their application IA Practitioners have to
understand both the enterprise architecture and the adversaries. The knowledge and
skills to meet this demand have to be gained and continuously developed and it is
incumbent that IA Education has to provide a holistic approach to emergent designs
and application complexities (Bishop, 2002; Wasim 2006).
In the virtual world, informed knowledge often has a very short shelf life. Whitman
(2004) expounds new vulnerabilities are often found each day and on the same day we
can experience a threat. These threats vary from espionage, sabotage, hacking, identity
theft, crime to terrorism. The level of sophistication and speed of development of the
tools being used to create security breaches and attacks are growing exponentially
(Eloff, 2005). This constantly changing, chaotic environment encapsulates why security
knowledge needs to be continuously evaluated and disseminated as deployed countermeasures become bypassed and obsolete overnight. Consequently, IA practitioners
must be continuously updated with a holistic, concurrent and relevant development
programme. Professional Institutions and universities providing IA education have a
duty to keep their curriculum innovative and relevant. NIST (2003) has a framework to
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developing IA education courses. However, Information Assurance is very diverse,
combining the disciplines of holism, complexity theories, computer science,
information philosophy, CIS engineering, soft systems, forensics, education, psychology,
business administration, law, and accounting. The interdisciplinary nature requires
cohesive perceptions and perspectives of specialist educators, lecturers and
practitioners often requiring different schools to collaborate. Such a multi-disciplinary
curricula approach and subsequent integration will require careful planning and
implementation. Gibson (2007) posits that the IA profession needs modern business
administration skills to the already complex multidiscipline portfolio and figure 162
illustrates the depth of 3 components of this portfolio. Many universities incorporate
Information Management, Risk Management and Business Studies modules to their
undergraduate and post-graduate courses and they are starting to address the
capability gap in our knowledge and expertise of Security, Risk and it Management. Our
learning institutions are beginning to produce a growing number of professionals with
Information Assurance expertise.
•Analysis, Assessment & Audit
•Convergence and Emergence
•Judgement and FUD
•Threat, Vulnerability and Impact
•Policies, Procedures and Practice
Figure 69: Information Security Management
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Security Education
“Blame human psychology: when it comes to information security, we’re simply not built
to intuitively rank actual risks. Learn how building threat models can help companies
rationalize the biggest security and compliance risks they face,” Mathew Schwartz 2006.
Figure 70 illustrates the information asset is often seemed wrapped around the
technologies and applications that support it, rather than the content of the knowledge
it represents. Hence people become distant to the content and rely on the technology as
barrier hoping that processes will protect themselves and their systems from
vulnerabilities, threats and possible attacks. Often the environment and the
organisations that have built it will play an important role to the judgement of these
actors in their complex world. We can see that Assurance and its associated Risk
Management needs to address all the spheres of influences, to protect the services,
organisation, people and the information asset; transposing the vulnerabilities and
threats vectors away from the assets to the dimensions of Assurance.
The Threat and
Attack Plane
Assurance and Risk
People and Process
The Threat and Attack Plane
System Vulnerabilities
Figure 70: Encapsulating the Assurance of Information
We typically overreact to less risky threats while ignoring bigger, quieter, more longterm hazards. Thus we obsess about laptop encryption, try to automatically monitor for
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information leaks, while ignoring the threat of insiders or social engineering attacks,
and wait for some impending governance, risk, and compliance platform silver bullet to
solve all future problems. Lack of information is frequently not the cause of our
inability to identify our biggest information security and compliance-related threats.
Rather, it’s a more fundamental problem. “We are not adept at making rational security
trade-offs, especially in the context of a lot of ancillary information designed to persuade
us one way or another,” alleges BT Counterpane Chief Technology Officer Bruce
Schneier in a recent essay titled “The Psychology of Security.” In particular, he identifies
five areas “where perception can diverge from reality” when it comes to evaluating
security trade-offs: risk severity, risk probability, cost magnitude, countermeasure
effectiveness, and the actual trade-off itself.
Students and practitioners are faced with many complex, ill-defined challenges with the
virtual environment. Information infrastructure and their knowledge silos are been
linked, routed and dumped routinely without authority. To be successful practitioners,
they will need to be able to solve the ill-defined holistic problems caused by our
complex actors and the system of systems architectures. This reflects the nature of the
information security environment assessing the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities are
only the beginning to assuring and accrediting the systems. This, in-turn poses
significant challenges to the educators, who need to prepare the IA professionals to
recognize and manage complexity (Janet, 1986).
Figure 71: Education facilitating Understanding
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Figure 71 illustrates how education facilitates understanding and in particular our
curiosity and need to know is a strong motivator as commented by Peter Senge and his
Fifth Discipline (Senge P. , 1990). However, even though the Defence Strategy calls for
better education, it fails to provide suitable and substantial resources to enact a fruitful
outcome. Why? - It is not about resources, in particular cash, it is about how we
manage our human resources, how we engage in the wider communities of interest and
how we educate and make aware those complex actors. Figure 72illustrates the process
required to build a Continuum of Understanding as described by Shedroff (1999) and
as developed into a learning organisation by Peter Senge.
Context of Understanding
Figure 72: The Continuum of Understanding (Shedroff, 1999)
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Higher educational institutions like Bournemouth University have planned and
implement BSc courses in Security and considering potential job opportunities
(Participatory in Figure 165) in information security want a large number of their
undergraduates to enrol. Most students (Consumers in Figure 165) are motivated
(Cognitive Stimulus) to acquire practical skills and future security courses will need to
cover a wide spectrum (Comprehension Awareness) of security concepts, designs,
applications, governance, simulations and practicals including hacking (Brian, 2006).
Current University courses are equally popular among the undergraduate and graduate
students. At the Defence College there has been a clear distinction in their increasing
numbers wanting to undertake security projects. While CIS Management graduate
students tend to look for more theoretical projects leading to their theses most
undergraduate students are more interested in “hands-on” implementation-oriented
projects that are more offensive than defensive (Martin, 2006).
Why would managers, administrators, practitioners and even users want to engage in,
develop and relearn Information Assurance? Often we hear “if the Government educates
and trains it personnel, industry will entice away”. In practice this is not apparent.
Holistic career minded individuals are not always motivated by salary expectations,
many see rewards from achieving objectives and being recognised for doing so.
Education is rewarding. We need a shift of mind to develop and foster Senge’s Personal
Mastery, to produce a shared vision from the development of mental models as
structured in his book.
The Information Security Professional Development Programme
The soldier’s or civilian’s Continued Professional Development (CPD) is a process by
which individuals take control, taking the responsibility and ownership of their own
learning and development, by engaging in an on-going process of reflection and action.
This is a process that empowers, excites and can stimulate individual achievements,
aspirations and career goals. The Information Security Professional Development
Programme (ISPD) is a proposed solution for the professional development of
practitioners based on the Government’s IA Profession Framework. The aim is to
provide a clear career path supported by a certified educational and training
programme for Government and NGO security professionals. In particular, there is a
greater need to focus on educating existing professional practitioners and accrediting
their professional competencies. The ISPD Programme should extend to cover List-X
companies and other Government contracted agencies.
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More work needs to be done to formalise the ISPD such as scoping a Training Needs
Assessment and establishing guidance for the identification of roles and proposed
certification of personnel conducting information security functions within the
Department, its networked information environment and the security roles across
other Government Departments. This extra work will provide the foundation to
establishing the National Occupational Standard (NOS) for Information Assurance
(currently under discussion between the Skills Council, BIS, CESG and BCS).
The proposed ISPD programme will have three core security disciplines:
Physical security
Personnel security
Information security
However, there are a number of other important NEC security-related topics which,
where appropriate, will be included in the curriculum at an appropriate level of
complexity. It is envisaged that general security training courses are designed to
provide specialized training in areas beyond the core security disciplines. These include
Communications Security, Business Continuity, Information Assurance, Operations
Security (OPSEC), Information and Risk Management. And Gerald (2006) gives a
compelling case for certification and accreditation methods to be incorporated into an
information security curriculum.
Table 10: ISPD Levels of Competencies
Basic training – CBT and distant learning
Practitioner training and education– Taught
and distant learning module courses
Expert training and education – Specific
taught modules with distant learning
NQF Levels
3 and 4
5,6 and 7
The ISPD would be organised into distinct levels of competencies, illustrated in table 6,
will provide the opportunities to gain nationally recognised civilian qualifications
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through the accreditation of education, training and experience. This is an important
component of MoD’s personnel strategies since it provides recruiting, development,
retention and resettlement benefits. The ISPD training should align the established
SFIA / NEC framework against the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority’s National
Qualification Framework (NQF) and any future Occupational Standard. It would be
organised into its distinct levels of competencies as illustrated.
The key element to the ISPD programme is a framework that addresses the following
Education and Continuous Professional Development objectives:
1) Develop a skilled profession with a common understanding of the concepts,
principles and applications of Information Management; its Security and
Assurance for each level to gain information superiority and enhance the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information infrastructure.
2) Develop a more holistic approach to Information Security and Assurance by aiding
the establishment an IA profession.
3) Establish an education, training and awareness baseline, against the SFIA/NEC
framework, scoping the technical and management of information security skills
management and Information Assurance functions within Government and NGOs.
4) Provide qualified security professionals.
5) Augmenting skills developed through training and experience with the
implementation of a professional development programme comprising of
residential courses, distributive and computer based training, distance learning,
supervised on-the-job training, exercises, examination and certification.
6) Verify, audit and sustain knowledge and skills through standards, qualification
testing and certification.
The ISPD should develop and certify some additional material which reflects specific
business best practice, legal requirements, technical standards and ethics that are
international, contextual and organisation specific (Janine, 2006). While each level in
the ISPD programme is open for students meeting certain formal prerequisites, the
sequence of CPD modules and degree courses will be designed in such a way as to allow
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students to progress from NQF levels 3 to 7 without undue overlap or repetition. This
would still provide the flexibility for this organisation and other departments to
recognise relevant international qualifications but still have the professionals having
knowledge of the local content and regulations which are necessary for practising
information security.
Figure 73: The Proposed Modular CPD Roadmap
The UK’s greatest asset is our information, whether its intellectual knowledge, data
sources or financial transactions, we need to protect it, and thus we need assurance and
this assurance will be provided by accredited professionals, who have a career path
with rewards, to secure its confidentiality, integrity and availability to authorised users.
The ISPD programme is something long overdue and what the IA community has been
asking for. The proposed programme provides the education element to a new
structured career path for the security professionals. It will educate them in areas in
which they have been entrusted, to protect people, information, facilities, operations,
and activities. This initiative will provide the UK trained security professionals with a
genuine career path.
The Federated MSc
The opportunity for the information security profession is immense. Clearly we must
continue to understand the evolving threat landscape coming from increasingly
sophisticated criminal factions. We must also stay on top of the available technology to
protect against these threats, recognising them as tools, rather than the focus of our
jobs. Most importantly, however, we must recognise that our jobs are not only critical
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to the running of the business and protection of its assets, but also to its development
and strength in the future. We are driving a change in the role of the security
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein
Image studying security, its vulnerabilities and failures in a dedicated academy; a
depositary of knowledge and incidents; a facility to pursue innovative solution. A place
that coordinates IA issues, where threats and attacks can be diagnosed and investigated
without compromising commercial sensitivities or the confidentiality of military
Figure 74: Proposed Federated Master of Science (MSc) in Information Assurance
Frankly, this is much easier said than done and indeed if the academy operates
confidentially, it may have some problems convincing the public that it indeed is a
“professional” organisation, rather than just a “closed shop”. That there may be
difficulties to achieve the aforesaid feedback into development processes if evaluations
are classified and hence we will need some way of protecting case details from being
inferred from general security advice. Some might argue that the very fact that some
organisations do not wish details of security mistakes to become known is symptomatic
of inadequate security culture. There is considerable literature about the need for
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security education and a contrasting perception of little resources to facilitate it. The
implementation of an ISPD facilitates the ideal of building a UK IA Academy which can
coordinate and accredit CPD courses for Educational and Professional Institutions,
Government Agencies and corporations. Focus and efforts should follow, but also, the
UK should develop the US programme for National Centre of Academic Excellence in
Information Assurance Education established by the U.S. National Security Agency.
Figure 75: An Alternative Schedule for a Federated MSc in Information Assurance
Like a number of our universities Bournemouth’s BSc scheme of work for their new
Information Security and Forensics course has initially focused on various aspects of
adding and integrating IA subjects into their existing curricula.
The proposed
Federated Master of Science (and possibly a Master of Research-MRes) framework are
illustrated in Figures 167 and 168 and exhibits the two semester programme
examining the Human-Cyber Interfaces and Understanding the IA Cross-Domain with
an underpinning selection of core lectures and studies and a laboratory work in the
kinetic learning environment of a (SEnIA) cyber –range.
A general outline of the curriculum that is widely recognized and replicated is required
and typically a degree course should contain four core modules: “Information
Management”; “Security Devices, Mechanisms and Cryptography”; “Information
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Assurance” and “Computer Security and Network Defence” which should be
accompanied by several elective modules and a final project.
Bournemouth has
recognise that other universities are increasingly offering more dedicated courses that
broaden the scope of undergraduate courses to post graduate degrees and diplomas
such as The Royal Holloway, University of London, MSc. Degree in Information Security,
which first commenced in 1992.
Bridging the capability gap requires more than a few Universities pioneering courses.
There should be a national requirement to focus and scope more courses towards
professional than academic careers. Current security courses are typically dictated by
faculty research interests, considerable attention has since been devoted to the
systematic curricula design process of academic programs particularly at the
undergraduate level (Hjelmås and Wolthusen, 2006). However fascinating, “information
forensics” (or the study of vulnerabilities) is really only worthwhile if it leads to general
lessons being learned from particular cases; this requires that a vulnerability analysis
leads to concrete proposals for changes to the computer systems development process;
the aim of these changes should be to eliminate the whole class of vulnerabilities to
which the subject vulnerability belongs. Randomised analysis of programmer error is
not of much value, but a systematic classificatory analysis stands more chance of
improving IT products significantly prior to delivery: a valid goal for any professional
IA academy.
So do security professionals have role in dissuading product suppliers from seeing
security as their own private business? This dilemma has been a problem for CLEFs
operating Common Criteria assessments, since the assessment is generally paid for by
the product supplier: if the details of the assessment are not made public, there is
always some question about whether the evaluation certificate is just the result of a
circular “rubber-stamping” exercise for the sake of getting paid: as Ross Anderson put
it, “the real issue is (said to be) ‘confidence’; that is, convincing people that systems are
secure even when they aren’t”.
There are challenges and opportunities presented by offering a UK wide IA Education
and CPD programme, to be innovated, timely and relevant, to offer a clear progression
academically challenging and professionally rewarding education which will enable
students pursue further careers in both academia and industry. The IA Academy is an
imaginative solution but it can be positioned to facilitate security knowledge
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“The control of knowledge is the crux of tomorrow’s worldwide struggle for power
in every human institution.” Alvin Toffler
Figure 76: A detailed sematic of the first proposed IA MSc Semester
Figures 169 and 170 illustrate a detailed sematic timetable for the proposed Federated
MSc in Information Assurance. It encourages a high ratio of contact time between
students and staff and allocates considerable time for experimentation and system
simulation workshops. This paper proposes the development of the IA Professional
Framework with a specific security educational programme, the ISPD and developing a
network of academia and practitioners through a national centre of excellence. Such a
centre will need the resources and cooperation of Government Departments, NGOs,
Corporations, training organisations and higher educational institutions.
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Figure 77 A detailed sematic of the second proposed IA MSc Semester
In partnership with Bournemouth University, the Defence College is continually
developing an innovative security education paradigm. By working closely with other
government agencies in developing an information security and assurance curriculum,
institutions like Bournemouth University will able to provide a unique and rich
learning environment for their students and ensure that government, NGOs and
corporate employees gain their Professional Development in relevant practices of
Information Assurance. Bridging the capability gap is important and a recognised IA
Academy can bring together government agencies and corporations into a resourced
research laboratory that will ultimately facilitate the real paradigm. The Academy
would be a facility where security problems can be solved with innovation by teams of
faculty members, professionals, and students.
Qualifying and sustaining IA
practitioners is a challenge to be conquered. The Academy will need to progress,
develop and implement an Educational and IA CPD programme to train student and
existing and newly accredited professionals effectively, economically and with a holistic
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4.3 Building an Information Assurance
Competency Framework
The IA competency framework set out in this paper is inclusive, and practitioners are
encouraged to consider whether any other specialist skills relate to their work,
particularly in relation to the Government IT Profession and Knowledge and
Information Management Profession.
There are six key strands to the implementation of IA professionalism:
Professional Competency Framework – described in this document.
Training and opportunities to share common experience.
Private sector collaboration – the IISP will be key in this area.
Networking and mentoring.
Partnership – working with, and alignment to, Professional Skills for
Government, the Government IT Profession, the Knowledge and Information
Management Profession and other professions and stakeholder groups, in
particular the IISP.
Recognition and understanding of IA
This IA Competency Framework proposes a structure for an IA profession, to which all
those with IA responsibilities would belong (although it does not preclude membership
of other professions, such as the Government IT Profession, where appropriate). It does
not take account of the professional needs of the other specialists with which IA
specialists work, such as IT, project management and finance professionals.
specialists need an appreciation of these other professionals’ particular areas and their
relationship to both the organisation’s business and IA. In the same way, these other
professionals need an understanding of the need for IA and the roles of IA
professionals. Indeed, all staff need a basic appreciation of IA and their particular
responsibility for protecting information within their own sphere of influence. This is
comparable to the inclusion of Finance as a core competence within the PSG
Framework. This wider understanding of IA is outside the scope of this Competency
Framework, but it is vital in ensuring that IA specialists are given proper recognition
for their contribution to the organisation’s business. In turn, all IA professionals need
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to ensure that they can communicate effectively with the business, and with others
outside IA, in appropriate language.
Although IA is a distinct profession, there are potential areas of overlap with both IT
and Knowledge and Information Management, as shown in Figure n below. Members of
one profession might therefore also be members of one or both of the others,
depending on their role and background. Information Technology (IT) is concerned
with the application of technology to enable business objectives. It encompasses a wide
variety of specialisms, including design, implementation and operation of information
systems. The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA), used as the basis for the
Government IT Profession framework, covers a broad church, including such diverse
activities as procurement and project management, which are clearly professions in
their own right, but with some overlap with the IT profession. Information Assurance
holds a similar relationship with IT, in that it is distinct, but with elements of overlap.
The Government IT Profession brings together all IT professionals working across the
UK public sector, from new entrants through to the members of the Chief Information
Officer (CIO) Council. It is coordinated by the Delivery & Transformation Group within
the Cabinet Office, and the CIO Council provides sponsorship and direction from the
highest level. Its aim is to create a joined up, government–wide IT profession which
provides IT professionals with a career of mutual benefit to the individual and the
government. HMG defines Information Assurance as “the confidence that information
systems will protect the information they handle, and will function as they need to, when
they need to, under the control of legitimate users”. The IA Profession needed to include
roles which provide this confidence by ensuring that the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of business information and information systems are appropriate, cost
effective and compliant with legislation, regulation and standards. The 2007 UK’s
National Information Assurance Strategy defines “the development and availability of
appropriate IA Capabilities”, including improved professionalism, amongst its
The Government’s General IA Products and Services Initiative (GIPSI) Profession sub-
group subsequently established a competency framework and career structure for the
Information Security and Assurance profession. The present need is for a programme
to progress and accredit education and professional development of existing
practitioners. The framework links the Skills Framework for the Information Age
(SFIA), which is currently used by the Government IT Profession, to a career path and
expected educational standards.
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It defines competencies from Entry to Head of
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Profession across IA, and expands IA into seven specialisms:
Head of Profession
Information Assurance
Education, Training
and Awareness
Engineering and
Security Network Architecture
Contingency Management
Operations and
Security Management
Senior Practitioner
Verification and Audit
Subject Matter Expert
Risk Management
and Accreditation
Policy and Governance
Head of Specialism
Figure 78: UK Government IA Framework
The Government Framework (also see Annex 5) further identifies the educational and
training qualification requirements and the accredited continuous professional
development certification through membership of professional bodies such as the
Institute of Information Security Practitioners (IISP), BCS and the IET. The
qualifications were defined for each level in line with the National Qualification
Framework (NQF).
While each level in the ISPD programme is open for students meeting certain formal
prerequisites, the sequence of CPD modules and degree courses will be designed in
such a way as to allow students to progress from NQF levels 3 to 7 without undue
overlap or repetition. This would still provide the flexibility for this organisation and
other departments to recognise relevant international qualifications but still have the
professionals having knowledge of the local content and regulations which are
necessary for practising information security in the UK.
The opportunity for the information security profession is immense. Clearly we must
continue to understand the evolving threat landscape coming from increasingly
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sophisticated criminal factions. We must also stay on top of the available technology to
protect against these threats, recognising them as tools, rather than the focus of our
jobs. Most importantly, however, we must recognise that our jobs are not only critical
to the running of the business and protection of its assets, but also to its development
and strength in the future.
Table 11: Competency Levels of an IA Practitioner
NQF Levels
Entry awareness based training
Basic training – CBT and distant learning
Practitioner training and education– Taught
and distant learning module courses
3 and 4
Expert training and education – Specific
taught modules with distant learning material
5,6 and 7
We are driving a change in the role of the security professional. The UK’s greatest asset
is our information, whether its intellectual knowledge, data sources or financial
transactions, we need to protect it, and thus we need assurance and this assurance will
be provided by accredited professionals, who have a career path with rewards, to
secure its confidentiality, integrity and availability to authorised users. The ISPD
programme is something long overdue and what the IA community has been asking for.
The proposed programme provides the education element to a new structured career
path for the security professionals. It will educate them in areas in which they have
been entrusted, to protect people, information, facilities, operations, and activities. This
initiative will provide the UK trained security professionals with a genuine career path
and appropriate accreditation.
Under current UK Information Security standards, classified networks have
considerable security and risk exposure constraints that reduce system access across
strategic, operational and tactical commands. Awareness of how IA affects knowledge
and information management and their overall trustworthiness, necessitates further
investigation and analysis of the NEC. IA professionalism plays an important role in
understanding the behaviour and the complex nature of the NEC domains.
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• Fault Management
• Configuration Management
• Accounting
• Performance Management
• Traffic Enginnering
•Protocol Analysis
•Threat Analysis
•Vulnerability Analysis
•Impact Analysis
•Traffic Analysis
• Risk Management
• Access Control
• Authentification
• Auditing
• Real Time Network Awareness (IDS,
• Bandwidth Management
• Intelligent Infrastructure
• Help Desk
• Network Monitoring
• Change Management
Figure 79: Ignorance of Network Behaviour, Management, Operations and Security
Governments, corporations and the military have undergone “a transformation in their
ability to gather, share and process information. The result is an unprecedented reliance
on information infrastructures for their very survival. This dependency creates new
opportunities for disruption” (Anderson 2005).
This presents societies with an
unprecedented reliance on information infrastructures for their very survival. In one
sense, this is tautologous: any reliance on technology that is new is by definition
“unprecedented”; in another sense (our dependence for survival), the claim is merely
false: “information” is hardly highest in the hierarchy of human needs: water, food and
shelter, law and order are surely still more important; but the trend toward increasing
dependence on IT in the systems that provide these things is the real issue; and
whether it is wise to continue the trend is a question all security professionals are
engaged in answering.
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CHAPTER 5: Thesis Conclusion –
Managing the Holistic Paradigms
“Information Assurance (IA) is the assumed responsibility (Corporate Governance) and
accreditation of a socio-technical Enterprises across the 5-layers of the Cyber Domain
(Geographical, Physical, Logical, Persona and Cyber Persona), inclusive of their Business
Processes, Information Operations, Information Exploitation, Management, Services,
Technologies and Infrastructures. The socio-technical Enterprise is assured by
appropriate levels of maturity and awareness within the 8-Dimensions of Information
Assurance (Structure, Resilience, Dependability, Safety, Security, Protection, Trust and
Risk Management).” (Richardson, C.J., 2011)
Cyberspace has transformed our society, the way we do business and it affects our lives
in countless ways. We depend on its global connectivity, which delivers information at
light speed to most destinations in the world. In the Internet of Things, we and system
agents order goods, do successful transfer of products to markets, manage financial
assets, banking, travel arrangement and social networking to global communities: it
affects us, it is beginning to control us and at the same time it offers new hope,
freedoms and new opportunities. Cyberspace has become mankind’s event horizon.
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The goal of the thesis was to research the question does system isolation work. Can we
really keep our secret, secret on a need to know bases and is this viable in the medium
to long term future of Government (Diplomatic); Intelligence; Military and Economic
(DIME) communities. The electronic isolation of our information systems is called Air
Gapping and it was sensible when our systems were used as administration tools for
departments, armed forces and other agencies. Bespoke systems were designed to
meet physical electronic attacks, signal interceptions and spectrum analysis, they were
often enclosed in TEMPEST shielded facilities and had very few terminals for a very
select set of users; such systems are still operated today. However, the information
stored in their data files are now needed by many new agents, actors and system users,
they need to share intelligence, government communications, mission media and
financial transactions with an ever increasing number of suppliers and clients. The
original context and contents of these silo-like knowledge repositories may be subject
to new analysis, data mining, knowledge transfer and decision making processes. The
Socio-Technical Enterprise of the Information Age needs to share its Knowledge,
Information and Data Assets.
The consequence of this research is to brush-off linearity and drill into complex
systems. To look beyond limited lifecycle models, so prevalent in system engineering
and enterprise architecture to encompass the problematic human behaviour affecting
such systems.
This thesis has set out to capture the more torridialG models of
interoperability, where each type of system behaviour impinges on the holistic,
combined operational pictures of Human-Cyber Interexchanges. The thesis asks the
questions and offers some methodology to find the answers from an Information
Assurance Perspective. It doesn’t have the answers, but it does show how we can get
better at making informed and trusted decisions.
What is the research question?
Can Information Assurance provide sufficient Trust and Risk Reduction to allow
information processed, stored and communication within highly sensitive (often
critical) networks, with their own discrete security domains (including encryption
mechanisms), which are often Air-gapped (physically and electronically isolated)
to interact safely and securely, particularly across many interoperable networks
and including the possibility of interfacing with the Internet.
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The Hypothesis questioned can the Socio-Technical Enterprise and transforming
Governments, NGOs and the particularly the military afford to risk its most sensitive
data to a probably cyber-attack. Stand-alone systems with their own security domains
which are physically and electronically isolated; protected from other systems and
unauthorized access; are assumed to have a high level of security and are essentially
Air-Gapped. Whereas, bridged air gapped systems have made intrusion easier by
multiple access points, multiple system integration and uncontrolled access.
Hypothesis further questions whether the operational benefits overcome the potential
loss of assets; does the mission goals become realised in a more efficient and superior
manner if the communities of interests acted more coherently with a better situational
awareness, does the Enterprise have an risk appetite to do better, to share more
frequently and encourage greater interoperability with its partners. The wish has been
clearly stated, but is the will there? As fear is a very potent barrier.
The Cost of doing Business
Ubiquitous Communications
Information Infrastructures
Network of Networks
Figure 80: The cost of doing business in military cyberspace
To answer the hypothesis a methodology was created to discover the causal effects of
Bridging the Air Gap (Figure 24, p16). The methodology road-mapped 6 different paths
to argue that Information Assured Socio-Technical Enterprise could, and would, work
more efficiently and more effectively even with the risk of loss. However, such a risk
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had to be managed with more stringent safeguards, a better cross-domain solution and
a better understanding of the systems of systems created.
From a military perspective, (figure 80) the cost of doing operations in Cyberspace is
considerably cheaper than the other four military domains (Land, Sea, Air and space)
and this hasn’t gone unnoticed by other State Actors and potential adversaries. The
military has to consider, develop, deploy and be willing to use cyber weapons and
consequently we have Cyber Warriors who have a serious dilemma in Cyber Network
Operations: when to defend and when to attack and is the potential to attack a good
defensive policy - deterrence? This dilemma produces a distinction between
Information Operations and Information Exploitation as modelled in I-Stack (Figure 47,
p133). The Defensive Approach allows IA Policies and Best Practice Framework (figure
51, p139) to identify a comprehensive and coherent metric structure to analysis,
manage and evaluate the Enterprise performance against International Standards. The
IA metric will provide sufficient Trust and Risk Mitigation to the Enterprise when the
system’s resilience and dependability components are driven through the Diamond
Model (figure 52, p141) to create a more assured Socio-Technical Enterprise.
Meeting the Research Aims
The research aim was to find a balance between protection and availability of
Knowledge, Information and Data (the security of the KID components) and the need to
exploit the information assets of a Socio-Technical Enterprise. This balance had to
trusted, dependable, risk managed and resilient to errors, faults, intrusions and
failures. The development of Information Assurance offers such a possibility. The
Global and Military information environment demonstrated that bridging the air gap
will allow the integration of many organisation (and create many vulnerabilities and
attack routes). The safety of the Enterprise System is equally as strong as its security as
these Information systems and operations are critical to our society, way of life and
most likely our lives. If Information Assurance was to offer any solutions then we had
to understand that the critical components of a safe and secure environment is
paramount to military success and national security; the context and concepts of
Information Assurance had to be thoroughly examined. Building models of the key IA
issues provided that examination.
In addressing the primary aims of research into Bridging the Air Gap from an IA
perspective this thesis postulated the “need to share” and the active building of
inclusive communities of interests through technical to social interoperability has more
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
impact to the overall well-being of a Socio-Technical Enterprise than the risk adverse
“need to know” policy and its restrictive, exclusive practice of limiting access. This
thesis has met its 5 primary aims and Engineering Objectives (Eos) as summarised in
Table 12:Table 12: Compliance of the Research Primary Aims
Primary Aims
To provide an Information Assurance
Capability that will facilitate Cross –
Domain Solutions. This capability will
need a framework that formulates the
interoperability within cyberspace,
human factors, protection of networks
and secure data content, alignment of
information exploitation, management
and service dependability from
bridging the air gap between highly
classified networks and possible
interaction with lower classified
networks and the Internet and how it
might be done. The investigation will
also consider when those bridges might
be considered an acceptable risk.
Establish and develop an information
assurance framework and appropriate
whereby the study shall analysis
various contextual and conceptual
harmonising domain internetworking,
thereby offering an assured crossdomain solution to military CIS
Exploring six main topics within the
layered environment of Cyberspace (see
figures 11, 14 and 25) and thereby
framing the Cyber Landscape through
modelling IA concepts. Analysing
dependable, resilient convergence of
developing a Cyber-Assured Culture
Transferable Skills & Professionalism
will provide a new capability for
demonstrate how to provide solutions to
system interoperability; operational
EO1: The strategic positioning of IA as
the underpinning science of SocioTechnical interoperability, the mapping
of the Information Flow (figure 47,
p133) ; Security of the Cross-Domain &
System Survivability (figure 62, p153)
and the effective management and best
practice to control the Human-Cyber
Interexchange (figure 51, p139) have
been explored, modelled and argued
within this thesis. Its investigation has
produced working models that allow
greater understanding, perception and
awareness that the application of IA is
essential for the trustworthiness of
Systems and survivability of
Enterprises operating in Cyberspace.
Engineering Doctorate
EO2: Chapter 2 (Figure 21, p74): The
Composite Model of Interoperability
provides an IA Framework that
encapsulates Enterprise Architecture;
the layering of Interoperability (Figure
5, p19) and systems of systems
EO1, EO2 & EO3: The development of
the IA models and their current
application to various business (figure
32, p100); Enterprise systems (figure
34, p108) and educational (figure 78,
p192) problems is a testimony of
importance and application of this
research. More has to be done and
there are future recommendations. The
alignment of the 8-Dimensions of IA is
needed to find Cross-Domain Solutions,
System Tolerance, Risk Mitigation,
Compliance and Maintenance of Shared
Situational Awareness. This creates
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
benefits; operational security and new additional, but necessary, complexity to
community learning outcomes.
highly integrated, relational concepts
of the Information Domain and
Illustrate the value of this research EO1 & EO3: The Thesis provides
approach to the network-centric security sufficient breadth and depth of
problems of NEC (and the Global modelling IA Cross-domain Solutions of
Information Environment as illustrated Socio-Technical Enterprises (some of
in Error! Reference source not found.) which are been actively used by
nd highlighting the real human-centric Enterprises) and has recommended to
assurance issues to the various layers, further test the validity and impact of
domains and environments of an these models in a (SEnIA) Cyber Range.
interoperable Cross-Domain Solution
and provide a discussion on how the
qualitative experience of this research
and individual perceptions can be
analysed and developed.
To identify, formulate and exhibit this
approach and model implementation
demonstrating it as a worthwhile
Doctoral investigation. The thesis will be
a successful project managed research
programme with achievable, realistic
outcomes within well-defined goals and
agreed deliverable products.
EO4: The contextual and conceptual
modelling of IA as formulated within
this thesis has extended the State of
Art, knowledge and understanding of
the Science of this new Academic
The Human-Cyber Interexchange within a Socio-Technical Enterprise and the coupling
across Enterprise Boundaries is a complex and evolving environment with many
known and unknown emergent properties that can create new opportunities or
jeopardise our societies. The ability to promote and to have: safe and secure,
transforming, Information Operations across Cyberspace with protected Critical
Information Infrastructures is a tier-1 national priority (Cabinet Office, 2011a). This
Thesis has provided the context in which IA may allow Enterprise to meet that priority
and the concepts and models of where and how this can be done.
5.1 Business Solutions to the Bridging the Gap
The rise of the Socio-Technical Enterprise, its real and virtual business operations, the
ever increasing capacity to process, store and transmit Knowledge, Information & Data
(often referred as Big Data); the introduction of Moore’s law to computer design
creating more powerful petabyte multi-cored machines; the phenomenal growth the
Internet of Things (man and virtual agents) and this vast new world and symbiosis of
Human-Cyber Interexchange (as illustrated in figure 81) has transformed how
Governments, Industry, the military and individuals interact. We are becoming more
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aware of our environment, more socially connected and much more knowledgeable
More Machines
with vast arrays of Knowledge repositories a few clicks away.
More People
Figure 81: The Socio-Technical System of Man and Machine
The social landscape of the natural (real) word has created the Human-Cyber world
and the social-technical enterprises that maintain, expand and evolve. The SocialTechnical Enterprise is a Social Machine described by Professor Tim Berners-Lee
(Berners-Lee & Fischetti, 1999) as a “processes in which the people do the creative work
and the machine does the administration” which Theodore Piepenbrock (2004) further
described as a dynamic spatial and temporal complex system “where cause and effect of
management's strategies and policies are distant in space and time… Temporal
complexity recognizes that policies, decisions, structure and delays are interrelated to
influence growth and stability. An enterprise's long-term success therefore is a function of
management's ability to control this dynamic complexity.
This dynamic complexity presents the Enterprise with new, vibrant management
challenges, new opportunities to grow on a global scale; interact and access a global
audience, to create new communities of interest and to share information to the benefit
of all. Newtonian physics betrays this ideal world, for the opposite is true, the challenge
is to keep out the unwanted, the criminals, people with malicious motives and actors
who want to steal the Enterprise intellectual property. Dynamic complexity also
produces fear, uncertainty and doubt (see chapter 3.1, p156), it creates vulnerabilities
and weaknesses that can threaten the existence of its business, and the business of
others; the spatial nature of the cyber world is that we all are interconnected.
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In Cyberspace, the good does outweigh the bad, Social Technical Enterprises are
flourishing, social networks are expanding, e-commerce has a phenomenal rate of
growth and most of our society’s institutions and supporting systems are administered
across the Internet. There is cybercrime, but there has always been crime in human
society; this is just a different attack pattern that we need to become more aware of
these attack profiles and have better socio-technical solutions. Resolving Cyber Attacks
and patching our vulnerabilities has become harder, the anonymity of individuals that
roam the networks makes policing and attribution much more difficult.
Billions of Dollars have been spent on Cyber Security and the protection mechanisms of
network edge devices and anti-virus software and yet, it takes a few $100 and some
rudimentary knowhow to penetrate these most sophisticated defences. The protection
mechanisms are needed because they do deter, hinder and capture most malicious
attacks (CNA) but they are frequently been exposed to social attacks and zero-day
vulnerabilities. This natural has kept many Intelligence Agencies arguing for electronic
isolation (Air Gapping the Systems) of our more important and sensitive Critical
Information Infrastructures, Military Capability and Knowledge Repositories. Nations
and Enterprises need to keep their secrets, secret. However even isolated secure data
silos have been compromised, penetrated and may still have insider intrusions;
absolute security is impossible. Furthermore, these system silos have information that
their user communities need to share, amongst themselves and with others. The
sharing of information has created new interpretations; new knowledge and
understanding; a greater awareness of the problems to be solved and has benefitted the
Enterprise with more informed, superior decision making. The shared awareness has
greatly improved the mission success, operational performance and efficiency of the
What is required is an Assurance Process that will allow the transfer of KID assets
across Enterprise boundaries that will not compromise their operations, but will
benefit their social-technical capabilities and strategic goal. This thesis has attempted
to find the socio-technical bridges that might be employed to make our sharing of
information more trusted, dependable and secure. There are technologies such as
encryption, data diodes, intrusion prevention systems and multi-layered authentication
and access control that all contribute to the protection of Information Systems and the
Information flow across distributed services and databases which are making our
cyberspace more secure and protected, but it isn’t enough.
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As Chapter 3 demonstrated, the layers of interoperability stem from the technical
interface to the social systems of organisation and the motivation and psychological
human factors. With people, there’s always insecurity. The largest single threat to
Cybersecurity is the Insider Threat. Information Security needs a new perspective.
Chapters 1 to 4 have argued that this new perspective is Information Assurance and its
architecture, framework and models are needed to provide and the resilience,
dependability, safety, security, protection, risk managed and trustworthiness of the
Socio-Technical Enterprise. Chapter 7 has provided a number of arguments to create IA
practitioners and education for the communities of interest. Bridging the Air Gap was
never going to be a technical solution. Cross-Domain solutions and system survivability
needs informed and knowledgeable IA practitioners to formulate evolve and evaluate
the constant variable picture of cyber operations and the flow of information.
Strategic Reprise
In 2006 a number of on-going conversation were converging on the need to provide a
national response and direction for Cyber-security and the protection of our Critical
Information Infrastructures and Institutions (Rawlinson, 2005; Cabinet Office, 2005;
Dull, 2006). In Afghanistan, NATO was trying to provide a mission secret platform for
all communities of interest, including Afghan Government and military agencies. These
systems were under constant Advance Persistent Threat (APT) attacks and well
published exposures were hurting the reputation and integrity of these communities
(Allor, 2007).
In 2007 the UK Government published its National Information Assurance Strategy
(Cabinet Office, 2007) which formulated a number of (CSIA) Government Working
groups to provide methodologies to implement this strategy and at a Bletchley Park
NATO Seminar the concepts of security compromises was raised as a Socio-Technical
problem (Richardson C. J., Security: a necessary compromise?, 2007).
In 2008 the US White House published the Comprehensive National Cyber-security
Initiative (The US National Security Council, 2008) and started to invest money in new
military organisation (CYBERCOM), security initiatives and IA education in Government
Departments and Universities. This initiative was challenging and demanded
improvements to defend national interests and information assets. This theme was
promulgated at the NECTISE conference at Leeds University (Richardson C. J., Bridging
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an IA Capability Gap, 2008) and the drafting of a proposed IA professional framework
(Richardson C. J., The IA Professional Framework - Draft White Paper, 2008) to
Although these doctrines were based on the development of Information Security
attributes and policies, they were only beginning to formulate issues involved with a
social-technical environment and in particular in the high-tempo environment of
military operations Telic and Herrick. This required a new look at the context and
concepts of Information Assurance as initially described at a MSc Guest Lecture, DCCIS,
Blandford Forum, (Richardson C. J., Cyber Situational Awareness: The Assurance of
Information Operations, 2008b) and the need to federate our networks in theatre. This
became a central theme of Chapter 4, the CSIA sponsored GIPSI working Group on
Professionalism. This framework was later modified and reintroduced to the
competency framework of IA practitioners in Institute of Information Security
Professionals (IISP) and then by CESG for IA Practitioners for Government Services. It is
now also used for bases for a National Occupational Standard (NOS) currently been
formulated by BIS and the Skills Council for IT (e-Skills).
The cyber initiatives have placed Information Assurance as the main policy for the
security and protection of Cyberspace and this had become the focus of IA Architecture
and Information Management Strategies, (Willett, 2008; MoD, 2009).
The strategic Positioning of Information Assurance as argued in chapter 2.4 (Figure 34,
P108) has focused IA as a major component of Corporate Governance, Business
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Continuity and the trustworthiness of business and decision-making processes
(Richardson, C. J., Information Assurance: Holistic and Human Centric, 2011b). This
new focus integrated the concepts of strategic business modelling to an IA framework
that mapped the follow of Information and the responsibility of the Enterprise to
protect its information assets. This formulated a new strategic composite model for IA
as illustrated below,
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Reprise of the Cross Domain
Figure 82: Current MoD System Access Schema
CDS is a main issue of IA (p.8) and has three assurance categories:
1) Access Solutions: The development of Geo-positioning, authentication
access control system was an important component of developing a CrossDomain solution. This problem was the instigation of this thesis and a major
development programme for MoD IT Access Control. The majority of this
work is beyond the classification of this thesis, however it is believed that in
the last 5 years, significant progress has been made and a system is
currently been evaluated.
2) The need to provide Cross Domain Transfer Solution is has been
modelled with an IA perspective to Enterprise Interoperability and
Layering of Cyberspace. This thesis argues that these two 3-Dimensional
models will provide a greater insight to the properties and attributes of CDS
and allow for more systematic approach to analysing the potential
3) Accredited Solutions: The Framework proposed in Chapter 6 (Figure 111,
p342) provides the assurance for secure and trusted CDS for Information
Operations and Exploitation. The next task is to develop the framework as a
logical automated software model and experiment its capabilities in a
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5.2 Assuring the Human-Cyber Interexchange
The thesis has presented a number of arguments that has changed the perception of
Information Assurance. Some of these arguments still require considerable
experimentation and simulation to validate their premise and verify their capability to
the communities of interest. However, these models are been analysed and have made
impact in the education of the assurance socio-technical systems and engineering of
systems. With appropriate and detailed testing, the models will provide the
communities an important tool set towards the understanding and control of the CrossDomain and System Survivability. The EU and HMG are creating a number of research
programmes to further investigate Trust in Cyberspace and these models, along with
some future recommended research will provide an important perspective.
At the 2011 Cyber Security Conference held in Brussels the challenging consequences
of these frameworks and the Human-Cyber Interexchange modelling concepts were
introduced (Richardson C. J., Cyberspace: The 5th Domain, 2011). The need to test
these models was accepted and the plans for a Cyber Range at DCCIS, Blandford Forum
was planned and a financial costed business plan was produced
With the movement of the Engineer Researcher to a new lectureship at Bournemouth
University, the Cyber Range concept and proposed simulations and experimentation
has been revisited, planned and a multi-million pound revised business plan produced.
The new System Engineering and Information Assurance (SEnIA) platform has been
incorporated into the University’s 2012-2018Strategic Business Plan for the
continuation of Socio-Technical System (of systems) research; the development of IA
simulations and threat modelling and any possible EU Horizon 2020 research
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Reprise of the IA Models
The IA Composite Model of Interoperability (Figure 21, p74), as illustrated below,
provides a 3-Dimensional holistic interpretation for the alignment and harmonisation
of Enterprise business processes and its architecture with the technical-organisational
layers of Interoperability of interconnecting Social-Technical Enterprises.
This composite model creates a new insight to the functionality and issues of CDS and
Enterprise interoperability. The 3-D Cuboid utilises the analytical capabilities and
functional views of Enterprise Architecture, the identified NCIOC layers of Enterprise
Interoperability and Systems of Systems model developed by Carnegie Mellon
The 378 functional components of this model will provide a holistic, coherent and
comprehensive picture of system interoperability of interconnecting Social-Technical
The Assured Cyber Defence Architecture (Figure 40, p119), as illustrated below is a
jigsaw of components that influence and affect the cyber defence of a Socio-Technical
Enterprise. The framework provides a coherent overview of IA Architecture as a
methodology to provide Cyber Network Defence and a platform for Shared Situational
Awareness and Superior Decision Making.
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The model identifies 8 domains (with multiple elements) that influence the Cyber
Defence and the creation of a trusted Cyber Operation Picture used by the Enterprise
Communities of Interest’s decision-making processes and shared situational
awareness. The ability to control and secure operational and trusted repository
information is essential to well-being and efficiency of the Enterprise and the
performance of its mission goals.
The Information Functional Concept Model (Figure 47, p133 ) is a six layer model
that differentiates the flow of information through a Socio-Technical Enterprise.
Formulated on the principle Knowledge comes from Information which comes from
Data (KID), the I-Stack Model provides a contextual overview of the Information flows
from the physical components of the Data Layer to the virtual components of the
Knowledge Layer demonstrating the Human-Computer interactive components of
Information Exploitation and Information Operations.
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This model provides a new holistic picture of the Information Domain.
The 4 layers of Information (its technology, Architecture, Control and Utility) provide a
framework for many interrelating and interconnecting activities. The model provides a
simple relationship of many more established models and best practices such as
Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL); The Open Archival Information
System (OAIS); The Information Security Forum for Best Practises for Information
Security, MoD’s Joint Doctrine Publications for Information Operations and Information
Management and a host of CESG, RFC, ISO and ITU standards and guidelines, in
particular ISO 20000 and ISO 27000.
The Information
Assurance Cuboid
Model (Figure 57
p153), is the key
structures this 3-
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Dimensional Cuboid. The model builds on the argument that there are 8-Dimensions of
Information Assurance as presented in the IA Quadrant Model (and themed through the
report) which are mapped against the flow of information (Process, Storage and
Transit) and the military’s perception of the layers of Cyberspace (Geographical,
Physical, Logical, Persona and Cyber Persona). The IA Cuboid Model provides a
reference to all the attributes of Assurance and allows the practitioner to build policies,
procedures and best practices to design, maintain and develop IA in social machines
and the Socio-Technical Enterprise.
The IA Skills Framework (Figure 78, p192) as illustrated below was derived from
the UK’s National Information Assurance Strategy (Cabinet Office, 2007) to develop the
IA profession (Richardson C. J., The IA Professional Framework - Draft White Paper,
2008). Incorporated in the latest draft of HMG’s Information Assurance Competency
Framework; the model has also been developed for the UK’s National Occupational
Standard for Information Assurance:
Head of Profession
Information Assurance
Education, Training
and Awareness
Engineering and
Security Network Architecture
Contingency Management
Operations and
Security Management
Senior Practitioner
Verification and Audit
Subject Matter Expert
Risk Management
and Accreditation
Policy and Governance
Head of Specialism
Figure 83: UK Government IA Framework
The framework has been used to create a federated MSc and many of the degree’s
models are been used for Continuous Professional Development of IT Professionals and
other communities interested in Information Assurance Architecture.
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5.3 The Future Direction and Studies of IA
History has taught us: never underestimate the amount of money, time, and effort
someone will expend to thwart a security system. It's always better to assume the worst.
Assume your adversaries are better than they are. Assume science and technology will
soon be able to do things they cannot yet. Give yourself a margin for error. Give yourself
more security than you need today. When the unexpected happens, you'll be glad you did.
Bruce Schneier, 1997
The Information Domain has many rooted problems and the potential to provide great
opportunities to society, science and business:- the diversity of the markets and
Enterprise it supports, the open architecture of the Internet and its protocols (TCP/IP),
the pervasive technologies and services that make physical and virtual machines our
real world and our motivation to be innovative and creative opportunist or
reactionaries, greedy criminal with a thirst for power or money. Cybercrime is, globally,
on the increase and has made significant impact of Governments, Multinational and
SMEs, Financial Institutions and upon Individuals. It has generated a new Cyber-arms
race with potentially ruinous outcomes for the Global Society. The APTs and SMART
CNA are exploiting the complexities of interconnected systems, poor security and zeroday vulnerabilities. System Intrusion and passive attacks are common occurrence to
DIME Organisation and Governments have finally begun to realise the true magnitude
of Cyber Threats. Information Assurance provides a Socio-Technical barrier to
malicious Cyber Network Exploitation. It is the rationale for Information Security and
Protection Mechanisms; the Risk Management of Business Information Processes; the
trustworthiness of Information Assets for superior decision-making; the resilience and
tolerance of dependable system of systems and the methodology to understanding and
creation of a good state of operations for an information demand, sharing and
exploiting global communities of interest. Society needs to understand the need for
Assurance; it needs better education and more IA professionals; an awareness of the
persistent cyber threats and the knowledge to mitigate the risks of working in
cyberspace. Time and Resources are needed to expand the research and development
of IA, knowledge transfer to the Enterprises and the education of Individuals. The US
Government has made a large financial commitment to bring and implement a national,
comprehensive strategy of Information Assurance. The EU has made IA a policy
Directive and has made IA a major component of its Horizon 20020 Research
Programme. The UK’s new Cyber Strategy has started to organise national centres and
some research initiatives, but it is not enough.
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A number of our large-scale system of systems have been suspended or cut owing to
the apparent failure to delivery to cost and functionality. The biggest concern with most
of these projects was their lack of awareness to interoperability and its assurance.
There is enough evidence and a strong correlation that System and Software
Engineering needs High Assurance and that these system architects require better
understanding of IA and its impact on the business processes of Socio-Technical
Enterprise. IA is about get the right information (accurate and dependable), to the right
people (trusted, vetted and in need of the data) at the right time (sensitivity,
geographical distributed and accessible). The creation of the System Engineering and
Information Assurance (SEnIA) Platform with its 4 Cyber Laboratories; 3 Skunk
Workshop Seminar Rooms; the building of 12 PhD IA programmes and the creation of a
Federated MSc at Bournemouth University are examples of the commitment that this
institution has to the fusion of research, development and education it has towards
Information Assurance and the concepts and potential impact this thesis has to its
Science and Societal impact.
Reprise Contributions
The following public conference proceeding, symposium and guest lectures have
contributed to this thesis:
Richardson, C. J. (2007). Security: a necessary compromise? NATO Conference, Bletchley
Park, 26 June 2007. Telindus.
Richardson, C. J. (2008a). Bridging an IA Capability Gap. Realising Network Enabled
Capability (RNEC’08), NECTICE, Leeds, UK, 13 October 2008. NECTISE
Loughbourgh University.
Richardson, C. J. (2008b, October 20). Cyber Situational Awareness: The Assurance of
Information Operations. CISM MSc Lecture. Blandford Forum, Dorset, UK:
Defence College of CIS (DCCIS).
Richardson, C. J. (2008c). The IA Professional Framework - Draft White Paper. Defence
College of Communication and Information Systems (DCCIS), ICT Faculty.
Blandford Forum: Cabinet Office.
Richardson, C. J. (2008d). Managing Information Security and its Assurance. Blandford
Forum: Defence College of Communications & Information Systems (DCCIS).
Richardson, C. J. (2009a). A Holistic Approach to Effective Information Assurance
Education. Military Information Assurance and Security Symposium, MoD Abbey
Wood, 16 April 2009. Cobham Technical Services.
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Bridging the Air Gap: An Information Assurance Perspective
Richardson, C. J. (2009b, November 10). Computer Network Operations: Military Cyber
Operations in Theatre. CISM MSc Lecture. Blandford Forum, Dorset, UK: Defence
College of CIS (DCCIS).
Richardson, C. J. (2011). Cyberspace: The 5th Domain. Cyber Security 2011, Brussels,
Beliguim, 31 May- 1 June 2011. IQPC.
Richardson, C. J. (2011). Information Assurance: Holistic and Human Centric. iGRC TD2
Presentation, Birkbeck, University of London Symposium, 15 December 2011.
Bournemouth University
Richardson, C. J. (2012, June 5). The Assurance of Socio-Technical Enterprise
Operations. MSc Information Assurance Module 2. London, UK.
The themes, concept models and the impact of IA has been taught as degree modules at
the Defence College of Communications and Information Systems (DCCIS): MSc
Telecommunications Systems Management; BSc (Hons) Management of Military
Information Systems and the FdSc Communication Systems Management by the
Engineering Researcher since October 2005 and recently BSc (Hons) Digital Forensics
and Security at Bournemouth University. Furthermore there have been 10 MSc
published Dissertations by DCCIS students, supervised by the Engineering Researcher,
that have taken military aspects of IA and applied them to operational and system
concerns in theatre, within MoD CIS, NATO NEC and with the New Zealand Command
and Control Organisations. Bournemouth University is currently assessing both a new
MSc and a MRes in Information Assurance and some of the proposed modules are
already been taught on its outreach CPD programme with the BBC. There are 3 new
PhD Research Programmes in the application of IA in Cybercrime and Policing are been
supervised by this Researcher and another 2 have been instigated and await
candidature. Some of the models have used by a European Multinational to develop its
new business strategy and operations in European Information Security, by UK
institutions to develop a Professional Competency Framework for IA practitioners and
by the UK Skills Council (e-Skills) to create a National Occupational Standard in
Information Assurance. These initiatives have been promulgated through the Cabinet
Office, the Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC), The Ministry of Defence and
a number of conferences. Some Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) are currently
been developed between Bournemouth University and some local SMEs to encourage a
greater dissemination and adoption of this research IA methodology and models.
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5.4 IA Bridges
The counter argument to 20th Century Deterrence is knowing how to use Information
Assurance in the 21st Century. Richardson, C. J., 2012
Information Assurance is the rationale behind Safe and Secure flow of Information
assets across the Information Domain of a Social Technical Enterprise. It is not a
component of Information Operations, but a component of Information Exploitation.
This is a fundamental concept for the Socio-Technical Enterprise when Information
operations may have outright offensive (other than penetration testing) component
which is ethical (and morally) unacceptable to the IA philosophy. IA is not an
operational deterrence, but a trust building process for the Enterprise business
process. However IA practices do, and should continue influence Operational Security
(OpSec) policies. In building bridges, as illustrated below (figure 17, p65) the thesis has
demonstrated that there are a number of methods (see table 13) to provide
Information Assurance to the Enterprise.
Table 13: IA Methods to Build Bridges
Bridges to Build
IA Methods
1. The Need to Share
Providing Information Assurance to the Technical to
Organisational Layers of Interoperability
2. The Need to Know
Providing Security and Protection Mechanisms (Access
control, Encryption, IPS, etc) to maintain System
Confidentiality and Integrity
3. Landscape
Human-Cyber Interexchange
Federated Networks of Networks
Cross-Domain Solutions (CDS)
Systems of Systems IA Architecture (SoS IA2)
Socio-Technical Enterprises
4. Domain
Developing a Cross-Domain Solution for System
Interoperability and Resilience in Cyberspace.
5. Initiatives
The BU SEnIA platform Initiative
The EU FP7 – Theme 10 Security
EU Horizon 2020
The SDA Security & Defence Cyber-Security Initiative
EPSRC Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research
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The IA Cuboid and Diamond models have incorporated
6. Trusting
the 9-Dimensions of trust into a metric that aligns them
to the dynamic components of assurance, the 3 layers of
information flow and the 5 layers of Cyberspace. This
produces over 30,000 trust entity relationships. (The
Cyber Security-Trust relationship alone has 9pp x14bfp
x9T-Ds x3(P-S-R) x5(CLs)= 17,010 E-Rs)
A Federated & modular kinetic learning is an important
7. Learning
first step in IA education. The practitioners need to
understand the working concepts of IA policies in system
behaviour and architecture.
The IA framework structures many standards,
8. Good Practice
guidelines, working models, legal compliance and
established good practices (ISF).
Future Work
The research (Figure 4, p16) had 4 main themes (Strategic Positioning of Information
Assurance; developing a Cross-Domain Solution for Interoperability and Resilience
within Cyberspace; development of 8-dimensional IA Cuboid and the development of IA
Education and its Profession); each component has generated considerable external
interest and this has been reflected in table 21.
Table 14: Possible Future Work to this Thesis
Possible Future Work
Building a relational data model for all (30K+) components of the IA Cuboid and
data mine the model for possible linkages, exclusions and external influences
Building a relational data model for the 378 component composite cuboids of the
Interoperability Model
Map the IA Policies and Practice Framework to the above two databases and
produce a comprehensive IA Reference Model
Simulate threat modelling to OODA operations and impose IA constraints,
compliance and policies
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Develop a universal Access Control Model for Cross-Domain Operations.
Develop a Meta-tagging PKI for inter-domain Grey Networking with PRIME IP
Create Large-Scale Systems of Systems (physical networks, simulated networks
and system-in-the-loop) and test IA policies to current emulated CII systems.
Create a Federated MSc with at least 5 UK Universities
Continue to aid the development of the UK National Occupation Standard
Continue to develop a Professional Competency Standard for IA Practitioners
Influence and help build the EU Policy on Information Assurance
Build and develop the BU SEnIA platform
Build Socio-Technical Enterprise Emulations to test future SoS Architectures
Bridging the Air Gap has generated a number of key research themes which has been
further developed from the original concepts described within this thesis.
Information Assurance is a vibrant and evolving science with numerous UK and
European initiatives; particular in Trusted ICT, Assured System Architecture and CrossDomain Interoperability Solutions. This Thesis has created a number of models to
address the current evolving; expanding and exploitative issues involved in IA and the
future work will ensure that the research concepts will become impact models for the
benefit and safety of Socio-Technical Enterprise and other DIME organisations.
The Research already generate further Government, Industry and Academic Research
and Development and is hoped that it continues to add value to the IA community and
to the expanding world of Cyberspace.
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