Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Canadian
guidelines for diagnosis
Albert E. Chudley, Julianne Conry, Jocelynn L. Cook, Christine Loock,
Ted Rosales, Nicole LeBlanc
complex and guidelines are warranted. A subcommittee of the
Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Advisory Committee
on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder reviewed, analysed and integrated current approaches to diagnosis to reach agreement on
a standard in Canada. The purpose of this paper is to review and
clarify the use of current diagnostic systems and make recommendations on their application for diagnosis of FASD-related
disabilities in people of all ages. The guidelines are based on
widespread consultation of expert practitioners and partners in
the field. The guidelines have been organized into 7 categories:
screening and referral; the physical examination and differential
diagnosis; the neurobehavioural assessment; and treatment and
follow-up; maternal alcohol history in pregnancy; diagnostic criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), partial FAS and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder; and harmonization of Institute of Medicine and 4-Digit Diagnostic Code approaches. The
diagnosis requires a comprehensive history and physical and
neurobehavioural assessments; a multidisciplinary approach is
necessary. These are the first Canadian guidelines for the diagnosis of FAS and its related disabilities, developed by broad-based
consultation among experts in diagnosis.
n this document, we discuss the diagnostic approach to
disabilities associated with prenatal alcohol exposure. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), along with its
most visible presentation, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), is a
serious health and social concern to Canadians. FASD is an
umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur
in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. These effects may include physical, mental, behavioural and learning disabilities with lifelong implications. The
term FASD is not intended for use as a clinical diagnosis.
FASD is the result of maternal alcohol consumption
during pregnancy and has implications for the affected person, the mother, the family and the community. Since FAS
was first described in 1973,1 it has become apparent that it
is complex; affected people exhibit a wide range of expression, from severe growth restriction, intellectual disability,
birth defects and characteristic dysmorphic facial features
to normal growth, facial features and intellectual abilities,
but with lifelong deficits in several domains of brain function. FASD requires a medical diagnosis in the context of a
multidisciplinary assessment. FASD itself is not a diagnostic term. The purpose of this paper is to review and clarify
the use of the current diagnostic systems and make recommendations on their application for diagnosis of FASD-related disabilities in people of all ages. For a description of
the characteristics and the natural course of FASD, consult
some of the broader reviews.2-7
Epidemiology of FASD
The prevalence of FAS in the United States has been reported as 1–3 per 1000 live births and the rate of FASD as
9.1 per 1000 live births.8-11 However, diagnosis may often
be delayed or missed entirely.2
There are no national statistics on the rates of FASD in
Canada, although studies have estimated its prevalence in
small populations. In an isolated Aboriginal community in
British Columbia, FASD prevalence was 190 per 1000 live
births.12 In northeastern Manitoba, an incidence of about
7.2 per 1000 live births was found.13 In another Manitoba
study in a First Nations community,14 the prevalence of
FAS and partial FAS was estimated to be 55–101 per 1000.
In their survey, Asante and Nelms-Matzke15 estimated the
rate of FAS and related effects at 46 per 1000 native Canadian children in the Yukon and 25 per 1000 in northern
British Columbia. Based on referrals to a diagnostic clinic
in Saskatchewan, the rate of FAS was estimated at 0.589
per 1000 live births in 1988–1992 and 0.515 per 1000 in
1973–1977.16 However, none of these data should be generalized to other communities, other populations or the
Canadian population in general.
Risk factors
A common misconception is that FASD is associated
with ethnocultural background. However, the data suggest that risk factors for prenatal alcohol exposure include higher maternal age and lower education level, prenatal exposure to cocaine and smoking, custody changes,
lower socioeconomic status and paternal drinking and
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© 2005 CMA Media Inc. or its licensors
Chudley et al
drug use at the time of pregnancy;17 and reduced access to
prenatal and postnatal care and services, inadequate nutrition and a poor developmental environment (e.g.,
stress, abuse, neglect).18
In a 5-year follow-up study of birth mothers of children
with full FAS, Astley and colleagues19 found that these
women came from diverse racial, educational and economic
backgrounds. They were often challenged by untreated or
under-treated mental health concerns, they were socially
isolated, they were victims of abuse and they had histories
of severe childhood sexual abuse.
Because there are no large-scale studies of risk factors
and because risks are interrelated and could be different for
different populations, it is difficult to provide accurate figures for relative risk. However, the most important risk factor for FASD is related to high blood-alcohol concentration: the timing of exposure during fetal development, the
pattern of consumption, i.e., binge drinking (4 or more
drinks per occasion) and the frequency of use. Although
there seems to be no definite threshold of exposure, there
appears to be a dose-response relation.17,20,21
Importance of early diagnosis
An early diagnosis is essential to allow access to interventions and resources that may mitigate the development of
subsequent “secondary disabilities” (e.g., unemployment,
mental health problems, trouble with the law, inappropriate
sexual behaviour, disrupted school experience) among affected people.22 Furthermore, an early diagnosis will also allow appropriate intervention, counselling and treatment for
the mother and may prevent the birth of affected children in
the future.23 It may also prompt caregivers to seek diagnosis
and support for previously undiagnosed siblings. A review of
medical and behavioural management of those with FASD
can be found in other sources.3,24 Astley and Clarren25 suggest that accurate and timely diagnosis is essential to improve outcome, as misclassification leads to inappropriate
patient care, increased risk of secondary disabilities, missed
opportunities for prevention and inaccurate estimates of incidence and prevalence. Together, these inaccuracies could
hinder efforts to allocate sufficient social and health care
services to the vulnerable populations and preclude accurate
assessment of primary prevention efforts.
Because of limited capacity and expertise and the need
to involve several professionals in a comprehensive multidisciplinary diagnostic evaluation, only a fraction of those
affected currently receive a diagnosis. Results26 from the
Canadian national survey regarding knowledge and attitudes of health professionals suggest that standardized
guidelines for diagnosis and further professional education
and training are needed for practitioners to participate in
diagnosis. In response to these concerns, Health Canada’s
National Advisory Committee on FASD, along with experts and practitioners in FAS diagnosis and treatment,
present the following guidelines for diagnosis.
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Process of guideline development
These guidelines are the result of more than 10 faceto-face consultations with Canadian and American experts
in the diagnosis of FAS and its related disabilities (Appendix 1). Many of the participants are currently providing
diagnostic services across Canada. Review and feedback
were provided by a diverse group of individuals; professional organizations and societies; and provincial, territorial and federal levels of government. Guidelines are presented in 6 areas related to the diagnostic process: 1.
screening and referral; 2. the physical examination and
differential diagnosis; 3. neurobehavioural assessment; 4.
treatment and follow-up; 5. maternal alcohol history in
pregnancy; and 6. diagnostic criteria for FAS, partial FAS
and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. We
also include recommendations for harmonization of the 2
main approaches to diagnosis.
There are multiple approaches to diagnosis, and the
working group sought to integrate these to achieve consistent diagnoses across Canada. Current knowledge of the
complexity of the disabilities associated with prenatal alcohol exposure dictates that a comprehensive, multidisciplinary assessment is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis
and provide recommendations for management. We are
recommending such a multidisciplinary approach. This approach will also allow for collection of Canadian data for
estimating incidence and prevalence of FASD. This information is essential to identify the need for and the development of appropriate prevention and intervention programs
and services.
Background and terminology for the
diagnosis of FAS
The first recognition of a variety of birth defects and developmental disabilities in offspring born to alcoholic parents
is attributed to Lemoine and colleagues.27 A specific pattern
of birth defects following maternal alcohol exposure was described in the United States.1,28 The specific pattern, referred
to as FAS, consists of facial abnormalities (smooth philtrum
[the space between the upper lip and the nose], thin vermilion border [the exposed mucosal, or red part, of the upper
lip], short palpebral fissures), impaired prenatal or postnatal
growth (or both) and central nervous system or neurobehavioural disorders. Alcohol probably acts through multiple
mechanisms and a range of disabilities has been observed in
the absence of dysmorphic features reflecting varying degrees of damage during fetal development; undoubtedly,
timing and degree of exposure are important variables that
contribute to the variation. Thus, the term “suspected fetal
alcohol effects” (FAE) was created.29 These “effects” were
further delineated by the United States’ Institute of Medicine (IOM), which published recommendations in 1996 for
diagnosis of FAS in consultation with a panel of experts.4
Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
The diagnostic categories presented were: FAS with and
without a confirmed history of alcohol exposure, partial FAS,
alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD), and alcohol-related
neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) (Table 1).
In the late 1990s, another diagnostic strategy was developed by Astley and Clarren.25,30 They created a 4-Digit
Diagnostic Code using data from the Washington State Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diagnostic and Prevention Network
of clinics. The system uses quantitative, objective measurement scales and specific case definitions. The 4 digits in the
code reflect the magnitude of expression or severity of the 4
key diagnostic features of FAS in the following order:
growth deficiency; the FAS facial phenotype; central nervous system damage or dysfunction; gestational exposure to
alcohol. The magnitude of expression of each feature is
ranked independently on a 4-point Likert scale with 1 reflecting complete absence of the feature and 4 reflecting its
extreme expression. The 4-Digit Diagnostic Code is now
being used for diagnosis, screening and surveillance in clinics throughout the United States and Canada. Terminology
from Astley’s 2004 revision of the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code
are used in this article.*
Although the approaches are different, the underlying,
fundamental criteria of the IOM and the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code are similar. Some clinics are choosing to integrate
the diagnostic tools and precision reflected in the 4-Digit
Diagnostic Code with the diagnostic categories and language recommended by the IOM committee. Although
both IOM criteria and the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code have
been published, many clinicians still use the less desirable
and potentially misleading gestalt approach (Table 2).
The diagnostic process
The diagnostic process consists of screening and referral, the physical examination and differential diagnosis, the
neurobehavioural assessment and treatment and follow-up.
Because of the complexity and the range of expression of
dysfunction related to prenatal alcohol exposure, a multidisciplinary team is essential for an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment recommendations. The assessment process begins with recognition of the need for
diagnosis and ends with implementation of appropriate recommendations. The multidisciplinary diagnostic team can
be geographic, regional or virtual; it can also accept referrals from distant communities and carry out an evaluation
using telemedicine.
The core team may vary according to the specific context, but ideally it should consist of the following professionals with appropriate qualifications, training and experience in their particular discipline:
*Astley SJ. Diagnostic Guide for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: The 4-Digit Diagnostic Code (3rd edition). Seattle: University of Washington Publication Services; 2004.
• Coordinator for case management (e.g., nurse, social
• Physician specifically trained in FASD diagnosis.
• Psychologist.
• Occupational therapist.
• Speech-language pathologist.
Additional members may include addiction counsellors,
childcare workers, cultural interpreters, mental health
workers, parents or caregivers, probation officers, psychiatrists, teachers, vocational counselors, nurses, geneticists or
dysmorphologists, neuropsychologists, family therapists.
Clearly, funding for development, training and maintenance of multidisciplinary diagnostic teams is necessary so
that major centres will have the expertise and capacity to
serve their communities. To optimize the outcome of the diagnosis, the community and the family must be prepared,
ready to participate in, and be in agreement with the diagnostic assessment. The diagnostic process should be sensitive
to the family’s and the caregiver’s needs. In each community,
referrals must be evaluated and their level of priority established. The family and guardian must be in agreement on
the purpose of diagnosis. They must be made aware of the
potential psychosocial consequences of a diagnosis of FASD
(e.g., increasing a sense of guilt and anger, especially with the
birth mother, or potential stigmatization of the child). The
family or guardian will likely need help to move confidently
through the diagnostic process. This help might include
some preparatory education concerning FASD and linking
them with community supports and resources.
Information from multiple sources (e.g., school records,
hospital records, social services, previous assessments)
should be obtained; this might involve meetings with relevant professionals who know the patient (e.g., teachers,
physicians, social workers, psychologists). Other relevant
documentation would include birth and pregnancy records,
medical and hospital records, adoption records, academic
records, achievement tests, developmental assessments,
psychological and psychometric assessments, legal reports
and documentation of the family history.
The comprehensive assessment by the diagnostic team
provides important information about the individual’s
unique needs and allows interventions to be tailored to his
or her strengths and challenges. The post-diagnostic report
should state the basis for the diagnosis by including the history of alcohol use, the physical criteria and the psychological data that support it.
Multidisciplinary teams work with community partners
and resources to develop and implement management
plans to maximize the potential of the affected individual.
Following assessment, a report containing recommendations should be made available to caregivers, educators,
and biological families, as well as other appropriate indiCMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
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viduals who work with the child (i.e., daycare workers,
early intervention workers, social workers, etc). The team
findings should be discussed with the guardian. Older
children who have the cognitive ability should have the
opportunity to learn about their diagnosis from the team.
The team might also take on the responsibility for facilitating and providing follow-up with the family and community resources regarding outcomes of the recommendations. Ultimately, the diagnostic process will result in
concrete management recommendations to improve the
lives of the affected individuals, their families and the
Canada is a large country with vast distances between
communities, some of which are remote and isolated. Specialists providing consultation to remote areas require specialized training in FASD assessment and need to link with
centres that have multidisciplinary teams to assist in the diagnostic process. A number of tools may be useful for distant diagnosis. More frequent use of telemedicine, for example, will allow assessment of children in distant
communities.31 Other examples include the use of digital
photographs32,33 and 3-D laser surface scanning34,35 sent electronically to teams in larger centres.
We recognize that there is currently a limited capacity
even in some large communities in Canada to provide a
multidisciplinary team-based approach to FAS diagnosis.
Professionals should make the best use of available resources and expertise to provide an accurate assessment and
treatment plan for affected individuals and their families,
recognizing the key role of psychology.
1. Screening and referral
1.1 All pregnant and post-partum women should be screened
for alcohol use with validated screening tools (i.e., T-ACE,
TWEAK) by relevant health care providers. Women at
risk for heavy alcohol use should receive early brief intervention (i.e., counselling).
1.2 Abstinence should be recommended to all women during pregnancy, as the mother’s continued drinking during pregnancy will put the fetus at risk for effects related to prenatal alcohol exposure.
1.3 Referral of individuals for a possible FASD-related diagnosis should be made in the following situations:
Table 1: Institute of Medicine diagnostic criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol-related effects
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
FAS with confirmed maternal alcohol exposure*
A. Confirmed maternal alcohol exposure*
B. Evidence of a characteristic pattern of facial anomalies that includes features such as short palpebral fissures and abnormalities in the
premaxillary zone (e.g., flat upper lip, flattened philtrum and flat midface)
C. Evidence of growth retardation, as in at least one of the following:
• low birth weight for gestational age
• decelerating weight over time not due to nutrition
• disproportional low weight-to-height ratio
D. Evidence of central nervous system neurodevelopmental abnormalities, as in at least one of the following:
• decreased cranial size at birth
• structural brain abnormalities (e.g., microcephaly, partial or complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, cerebellar hypoplasia)
• neurologic hard or soft signs (as age appropriate), such as impaired fine motor skills, neurosensory hearing loss, poor tandem gait,
poor eye-hand coordination
FAS without confirmed maternal alcohol exposure
B, C, and D as above
Partial FAS with confirmed maternal alcohol exposure
A. Confirmed maternal alcohol exposure*
B. Evidence of some components of the pattern of characteristic facial anomalies
Either C or D or E
C. Evidence of growth retardation, as in at least one of the following:
• low birth weight for gestational age
• decelerating weight over time not due to nutrition
• disproportionally low weight-to-height ratio
D. Evidence of CNS neurodevelopmental abnormalities, e.g.,
• decreased cranial size at birth
• structural brain abnormalities (e.g., microcephaly, partial or complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, cerebellar hypoplasia)
• neurologic hard or soft signs (as age appropriate) such as impaired fine motor skills, neurosensory hearing loss, poor tandem gait,
poor eye–hand coordination
E. Evidence of a complex pattern of behaviour or cognitive abnormalities that are inconsistent with developmental level and cannot be
explained by familial background or environment alone: e.g., learning difficulties; deficits in school performance; poor impulse
control; problems in social perception; deficits in higher level receptive and expressive language; poor capacity for abstraction or
metacognition; specific deficits in mathematical skills; or problems in memory, attention or judgment.
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Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
a. Presence of 3 characteristic facial features (short
palpebral fissures, smooth or flattened philtrum,
thin vermilion border).
b. Evidence of significant prenatal exposure to alcohol
at levels known to be associated with physical or developmental effects, or both.
c. Presence of 1 or more facial features with growth
deficits plus known or probable significant prenatal
alcohol exposure.
d. Presence of 1 or more facial features with 1 or more
central nervous system deficits plus known or probable significant prenatal alcohol exposure.
e. Presence of 1 or more facial features with pre- or postnatal growth deficits, or both (at the 10th percentile or
below [1.5 standard deviations below the mean]) and 1
or more central nervous system deficits plus known or
probable significant prenatal alcohol exposure.
1.4 Individuals with learning or behavioural difficulties, or
both, without physical or dysmorphic features and without known or likely prenatal alcohol exposure should be
assessed by appropriate professionals or specialty clinics
(i.e., developmental pediatrics, clinical genetics, psychiatry, psychology) to identify and treat their problems.
Screening should not be equated with diagnosis. We
know that in some places with no diagnostic services,
screening tools have been inappropriately used in lieu of a
proper diagnosis. One purpose of screening is to identify
and refer pregnant women who may be at risk for an alcohol use disorder and who may place their child at risk for
FASD. Several alcohol screening tools have been found to
be effective in identifying problem drinking in a primary
Table 1: continued
Alcohol-related effects
Clinical conditions in which there is a history of maternal alcohol exposure,*† and where clinical or animal research has linked maternal
alcohol ingestion to an observed outcome. There are 2 categories, which may co-occur. If both diagnoses are present, then both diagnoses
should be rendered.
Alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD)
Congenital anomalies, including malformations and dysplasias
Atrial septal defects
Aberrant great vessels
Ventricular septal defects
Tetralogy of Fallot
Hypoplastic nails
Pectus excavatum and carinatum
Shortened fifth digits
Klippel-Feil syndrome
Radioulnar synostosis
Flexion contractures
Aplastic, dysplastic, hypoplastic kidneys
Ureteral duplications
Horseshoe kidneys
Refractive problems secondary to small globes
Retinal vascular anomalies
Conductive hearing loss
Neurosensory hearing loss
Virtually every malformation has been described in some patient with FAS. The etiologic specificity of most of these anomalies to alcohol
teratogenesis remains uncertain.
Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND)
Presence of A or B or both.
A. Evidence of CNS neurodevelopmental abnormalities, as in any one of the following:
• decreased cranial size at birth
• structural brain abnormalities (e.g., microcephaly, partial or complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, cerebellar hypoplasia)
• neurologic hard or soft signs (as age appropriate), such as impaired fine motor skills, neurosensory hearing loss, poor tandem gait,
poor eye-hand coordination
B. Evidence of a complex pattern of behaviour or cognitive abnormalities that are inconsistent with developmental level and cannot be
explained by familial background or environment alone; e.g., learning difficulties; deficits in school performance; poor impulse
control; problems in social perception; deficits in higher level receptive and expressive language; poor capacity for abstraction or
metacognition; specific deficits in mathematical skills; or problems in memory, attention or judgment.
*A pattern of excessive intake characterized by substantial, regular intake or heavy episodic drinking. Evidence of this pattern may include frequent episodes of intoxication, development of
tolerance or withdrawal, social problems related to drinking, legal problems related to drinking, engaging in physically hazardous behaviour while drinking or alcohol-related medical
problems such as hepatic disease.
†As further research is completed and as, or if, lower quantities or variable patterns of alcohol use are associated with ARBD or ARND, these patterns of alcohol use should be incorporated
into the diagnostic criteria.
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care setting (e.g., TWEAK, T-ACE, CAGE, AUDIT, SMAST, B-MAST).2,36-38
There is moderate evidence37,38 to support the use of
T-ACE and TWEAK to identify women who would benefit
from intervention for alcohol use during pregnancy. If the
woman cannot abstain, she should receive support and be referred to appropriate counselling and treatment. Stopping
drinking at any point during the pregnancy will improve the
outcome for the baby. Research is being carried out to develop gender and culturally appropriate instruments for the
screening of all women during their child-bearing years.38
The purpose of screening individuals at risk for the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure is to determine whether a
pattern of learning and behavioural problems may be related to prenatal alcohol exposure. The screening could be
conducted through the education system, the mental health
system, the judicial system or social services. The purpose
of screening should be to facilitate referral to a diagnostic
clinic and highlight the need for referral and support for
the birth mother.
The FAS Diagnostic and Prevention Network has had
encouraging results in applying the FAS facial photographic screening tool in foster children and school-age
children populations. 39 However, in the wide array of
FASDs, facial dysmorphology is often absent and, in the final analysis, has little importance compared with the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on brain function. However, it is important to note that the facial phenotype is a
midline defect that is the most sensitive and specific marker
for alcohol-related brain damage.
All those suspected of having brain dysfunction should
be referred to an appropriate professional or clinic for assessment (i.e., developmental pediatrics, clinical genetics,
psychiatry, psychology). Because of the specificity of FASD
clinics in addressing issues related to prenatal alcohol exposure, those with no prenatal alcohol exposure should be referred to an appropriate professional or clinic for assessment, treatment and follow-up.
2. The physical examination and differential
The purpose of dysmorphology assessment is to identify
those with features related to prenatal alcohol exposure and
also to identify children with dysmorphic features due to
other causes. Occasionally, children with prenatal alcohol
effects may have another genetic syndrome as a comorbidity. When in doubt and if feasible, a genetic dysmorphology assesment is advisable.
A general physical and neurologic examination, including appropriate measurements of growth and head size, assessment of characteristic findings and documentation of
anomalies (e.g., cleft palate, congenital heart defects, epicanthic folds, high arched palate, poorly aligned or abnormal teeth, hypertelorism, micrognathia, abnormal hair patterning, abnormal palmar creases, skin lesions) is required
to exclude the presence of other genetic disorders or multifactorial disorders that could lead to features mimicking
FAS or partial FAS (Table 3).
Some children will have significant neurologic deficits,
such as deafness, blindness or seizures, and these should be
Table 2: 4-Digit Diagnostic Code criteria for FASD
exposure to
Growth deficiency
FAS facial phenotype
Height and weight
below 3rd percentile
Structural or
neurologic evidence
High risk
exposure to high
Height and weight
below 10th percentile
All 3 features:
PFL 2 or more SDs
below mean
Thin lip: rank 4 or 5
Smooth philtrum: rank
4 or 5
Generally 2 of the 3
dysfunction across 3
or more domains
Height or weight
below 10th percentile
Generally 1 of the 3
Height and weight at
or above 10th
None of the 3 features
Evidence of
dysfunction, but less
than rank 3
No structural,
neurologic or
functional evidence
of impairment
Some risk
exposure. Level of
exposure unknown
or less than rank 4
Exposure not
confirmed present
or absent
No risk
Confirmed absence
of exposure from
conception to birth
Note: PFL = palpebral fissure length; SD = standard deviation.
CNS damage or
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Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
assessed and documented as essential components of the
child’s profile. These features do not discriminate alcoholexposed from unexposed children. The face of FAS is the
result of a specific effect of ethanol teratogenesis altering
growth of the midface and brain. Those exposed to other
embryotoxic agents may display a similar, but not identical,
phenotypic facial development, impaired growth, a higher
frequency of anomalies and developmental and behavioural
abnormalities (for a review, see Chudley and Longstaffe24).
However, because FAS facial criteria have been restricted
to short palpebral fissures, smooth philtrum and thin upper
lip, there is far less overlap with the facial phenotypes associated with other syndromes. Knowledge of exposure history will decrease the possibility of misdiagnosing FASD.
Children may be found to need other medical assessments to address co-occurring issues. For example, sleep
Table 3: Syndromes with constellations of features that overlap with those of FAS
Overlapping features
Aarskog syndrome
Widely spaced eyes, small
nose with anteverted nares,
broad philtrum, mid-facial
Brachman-deLange or Cornelia
deLange syndrome
Long philtrum, thin
vermilion border of upper
lip, depressed nasal bridge,
anteverted nares,
Dubowitz syndrome
Short palpebral fissures,
widely-spaced eyes,
epicanthal folds, variable
ptosis (droopy eyes) and
Widely-spaced eyes,
depressed nasal bridge,
mid-facial recession,
epicanthal folds, long
philtrum, thin vermilion
border of upper lip
Epicanthal folds, short
palpebral fissures, long
poorly formed philtrum,
thin vermilion border of
upper lip, microcephaly
Low nasal bridge,
epicanthal folds, wide
spaced eyes, long philtrum
Fetal anticonvulsant syndrome
(includes fetal hydantoin and
fetal valproate syndromes)
Maternal phenylketonuria (PKU)
fetal effects
Noonan syndrome
Toluene embryopathy
Williams syndrome
Short palpebral fissures,
mid face hypoplasia,
smooth philtrum, thin
vermilion border upper lip,
Short palpebral fissures,
anteverted nares, broad
long philtrum, maxillary
hypoplasia, depressed nasal
bridge, epicanthic folds,
Other chromosome deletion and Many have short palpebral
duplication syndromes
fissures, mid-facial
hypoplasia, smooth
Features of this syndrome that
differentiate it from FAS
Round face, downslanted palpebral
fissures, widow’s peak, prominent
“lop” ears, specific contracture of
digits on extension. Inherited as an
x-linked trait. Molecular defect
Single eyebrow across eyes and
forehead (synophrys), long eyelashes,
downturned corners of mouth, short
upper limbs particularly involving
ulnar side, very short stature.
Molecular defect identified.
Shallow suprorbital ridges, broad
nasal tip, clinodactyly
Bowed upper lip, high forehead, small
Prominent glabella, small up turned
nose, round face
Down-slanted palpebral fissures, wide
mouth with well-formed philtrum,
protruding upper lip. Molecular defect
Large anterior fontanelle, hair
patterning abnormalities, ear
Wide mouth with full lips and pouting
lower lip, stellate pattern of iris,
periorbital fullness, connective tissue
dysplasia, specific cardiac defect of
suprvalvar aortic stenosis in many.
Chromosome deletion on FISH
(fluorescent in situ hybridization)
probe analysis of 7q.
Chromosomal analysis by standard
analysis and some select syndromes
by specific FISH probe analysis
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disturbance is common with prenatal alcohol exposure and
medical problems related to obstructive sleep apnea may
have been overlooked previously. Atypical seizures may
also be present and endocrinopathies may exist as a comorbid reason for growth deficiency. These individuals should
be assessed by appropriate health professionals.
2a. Growth
2.1 Growth should be monitored to detect deficiency. Presence of pre- or post-natal growth deficiency, defined as
height or weight at or below the 10th percentile (1.5
standard deviations below the mean) or a disproportionately low weight-to-height ratio (at or below the 10th
percentile) using appropriate norms. To determine that a
child is growth deficient requires taking into consideration confounding variables such as parental size, genetic
potential and associated conditions (e.g., gestational diabetes, nutritional status, illness).
• Thin vermilion border of the upper lip, 4 or 5 on
the 5-point Likert scale of the lip-philtrum guide.
2.3 Associated physical features (abnormalities such as
midface hypoplasia, micrognathia, abnormal position
or formation of the ears, high arched palate, hypertelorism, epicanthic folds, limb and palmar crease abnormalities and short-upturned nose) should be
recorded but do not contribute to establishing the diagnosis.
2.4 Facial features should be measured in all age groups. If
a patient’s facial features change with age, the diagnosis
of the facial features should be based on the point in
time when the features were most severely expressed.
When diagnosing adults, it can be helpful to view childhood photographs.
A characteristic craniofacial profile associated with FAS
was first described by Jones and Smith40 in 1975 and later
refined by Astley, Clarren and others.25,32,39 Individuals with
FAS have short palpebral fissures, a thin upper lip and an
Children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure may have
prenatal or postnatal growth deficits. They can be small for
gestational age in utero and remain below average throughout their lives with respect to head circumference, weight
and height. Many children can have normal growth parameters, but be at risk in later development for clinically significant learning, behavioural and cognitive deficits. If
there is no alcohol exposure in the third trimester, the
growth parameters can be normal. Gestational diabetes can
lead to increased fetal size, which can mask the effects of
growth retardation from prenatal alcohol exposure. Furthermore, if the infant is born into a family or a community
where “normal” size is above the average for the general
population, growth impairment may be masked if the child
is compared with standard growth parameters rather than
community norms.14 Growth deficiencies may not persist
with age, and infant growth records may not be available
for adults coming in for assessment for the first time.
There is a need to establish growth norms for the Canadian
population and subpopulations that differ from the general
2.2 The 3 characteristic facial features that discriminate individuals with and without FAS are:
• Short palpebral fissures, at or below the 3rd percentile (2 standard deviations below the mean).
• Smooth or flattened philtrum, 4 or 5 on the 5-point
Likert scale of the lip-philtrum guide.25,39
JAMC • 1er MARS 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Susan Astley, FAS DPN
2b. Facial features
Fig. 1: Lip-philtrum guide. A 5-point pictorial scale for measuring philtrum smoothness and upper lip thinness. Features are
measured independently; for example, an individual can have
a rank 5 philtrum and a rank 1 upper lip.
Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
indistinct philtrum (Fig. 1). Palpebral fissure length,
philtrum and upper lip differ with race and age. Growth
and facial anthropometric data are needed for the specific
population, as sensitivity and specificity of the assessment
will be lowered without the use of appropriate norms.
Some discriminating characteristic features in FAS (i.e., upper lip or philtrum) may become less recognizable with
age, making accurate diagnosis more difficult in older
groups, but facial features should always be measured.
More longitudinal research is needed to correlate changes
in these characteristic physical findings in adolescents and
adults diagnosed with FAS or partial FAS.
Palpebral fissure length (Fig. 2) is difficult to measure
accurately without training. Thomas and co-workers41 have
published norms for palpebral fissure length at 29 weeks
gestation to 14 years. There are a number of opinions
about which norms are appropriate,41-44 but it is generally
agreed that all are flawed in some respect.
Two graphs of palpebral fissure length are presented in
Appendix 2. Some discrepancies exist. Both studies used
North American white subjects; standards for other populations in Canada are not currently available. Appendix 2-1
may be more reliable when measuring palpebral fissure
length using a plastic ruler (in the experience of one of the
authors); Appendix 2-2 may be more reliable if slide
calipers are used (in the experience of one of the authors).
Percentile ranks for both graphs seem to be in agreement
until age 7 years, after which Appendix 2-2 shows longer
palpebral fissures in older children and adolescents than
Appendix 2-1. We believe this may be due to differences in
measurement technique. Because calipers are not a common tool in most medical clinics, we recommend the use of
a clear flexible plastic ruler.
There is a need to establish updated norms for all ages
and subpopulations. Astley and Clarren25,39 have developed
norms for the assessment of the lip and philtrum using
their pictorial guide. Lip-philtrum guides were developed
for use in Caucasian and African-American populations,
but no standards are currently available for other populations.
i. Adaptive behaviour, social skills, social communication.
3.2 The assessment should include and compare basic and
complex tasks in each domain, as appropriate.
3.3 The domains should be assessed as though they were
independent entities, but where there is overlap experienced clinical judgment is required to decide how many
domains are affected.
3.4 A domain is considered “impaired” when on a standardized measure:
a. Scores are 2 standard deviations or more below the
mean, or
b. There is a discrepancy of at least 1 standard deviation between subdomains. For example:
i. Verbal v. non-verbal ability on standard IQ tests,
ii. Expressive v. receptive language,
iii. Verbal v. visual memory, or
c. There is a discrepancy of at least 1.5–2 standard deviations among subtests on a measure, taking into
account the reliability of the specific measure and
normal variability in the population.
3.5 In areas where standardized measurements are not
available, a clinical judgment of “significant dysfunction” is made, taking into consideration that important
variables, including the child’s age, mental health factors, socioeconomic factors and disrupted family or
home environment (e.g., multiple foster placements,
history of abuse and neglect), may affect development
but do not indicate brain damage.
3.6 Evidence of impairment in 3 domains is necessary for a
diagnosis, but a comprehensive assessment requires
that each domain be assessed to identify strengths and
3.7 The diagnosis should be deferred for some at-risk children (e.g., preschool-age) who have been exposed to al-
3. Neurobehavioural assessment
3.1 The following domains should be assessed:
a. Hard and soft neurologic signs (including sensorymotor signs).
b. Brain structure (occipitofrontal circumference,
magnetic resonance imaging, etc.).
c. Cognition (IQ).
d. Communication: receptive and expressive.
e. Academic achievement.
f. Memory.
g. Executive functioning and abstract reasoning.
h. Attention deficit/hyperactivity.
Albert Chudley
Fig. 2: Palpebral fissure length. To measure palpebral fissure
length, identify the inner corner or encanthion (en) and outer
corner or excanthion (ex) for each eye. Have the patient look
up so that ex can be seen clearly. With a clear flexible ruler
held in the horizontal plane, measure the length of each ex-en
interval immediately below the eye, being careful not to touch
the eye or eyelashes. Plot the result on an appropriate nomogram chart to determine the percentile or standard deviation
for each eye.
CMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Chudley et al
cohol but may not yet demonstrate measurable deficits
in the brain domains or may be too young to be tested
in all the domains. However, developmental assessment
should identify areas for early intervention.
Examples of tests that are most widely used to assess the
domains and their criteria are provided in Appendix 3.
Research reports have documented a range of cognitive
and behavioural outcomes associated with prenatal alcohol
exposure. Contemporary studies have reported some of
these outcomes in the absence of FAS physical features.
Currently, no modal profile of abilities has been found to
be unique to alcohol exposure, is observed in all those with
prenatal alcohol exposure, or can be distinguished from
that observed with some other neurobehavioural disorders.
Furthermore, not every deficit that we may identify in a
child with prenatal exposure to alcohol may be solely the
result of alcohol exposure. An expert analysis of neurodevelopmental deficits caused by a range of teratogens and
congenital disorders failed to result in a consensus on core
deficits associated only with FASD.4
Research and experience has shown that features of
FASD are complex and multifaceted, originating with organic brain damage caused by alcohol, but interacting with
genetic and other influences. Over the lifespan of the affected person, these features may be exacerbated or mitigated by environmental experiences.
To make the diagnosis of FAS, features such as microcephaly, structural abnormalities (as may be detected on
brain scans) and hard neurologic signs are taken as strong
evidence of organic brain damage. We believe that low-average to borderline intelligence and soft neurologic signs
alone are insufficient evidence of brain damage because
they are frequently found in the general population. Features such as learning difficulties, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and deficits in adaptive skills, memory,
higher-level language and abstract thinking are frequently
seen in children with prenatal alcohol exposure, but also
among those with other etiologies. These deficits can be
multifactorial in etiology and can also be attributed to genetics or postnatal experiences.
The 4-Digit Diagnostic Code evaluation of the FASD
brain is based on levels of certainty, in the judgement of the
clinician, that the individual’s cognitive and behavioural
problems reflect brain damage. A higher rating may reflect
a more severe expression of functional disability, asynchronous patterns across domains or certainty based on deficits
in multiple domains. The determination is based on objective evidence of “substantial deficiencies or discrepancies
across multiple areas of brain performance.”25,39
The IOM4 also requires “evidence of a complex pattern
of behavior or cognitive abnormalities that are inconsistent
with developmental level and cannot be explained by familS10
JAMC • 1er MARS 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
ial background or environment alone, such as learning difficulties; deficits in school performance; poor impulse control; problems in social perception; deficits in higher level
receptive and expressive language; poor capacity for abstraction or metacognition; specific deficits in mathematical
skills; or problems in memory, attention, or judgment,” but
is much less specific than the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code with
regard to the criteria for determining the deficit.
We have adapted the method of the 4-Digit Diagnostic
Code with regard to identifying domains and severity of
impairment or certainty of brain damage. Current research
shows overlap between the neurobehavioural outcomes in
FAS and ARND diagnostic groups when neuropsychologic
data are compared.45 In addition, we believe that a single
feature such as microcephaly is not a sufficient indicator of
brain damage for the purposes of an FAS diagnosis because
it may reflect genetic or ethnic differences not reflected in
currently available physical norms. Our concern is that
there may be an over-diagnosis of FAS if evidence of brain
damage is based on a single indicator as allowed by both
the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code and the IOM models. An individual showing hard neurologic signs or structural brain
abnormalities (i.e., true brain damage) will likely show additional functional deficits in the listed domains. A diagnosis of full FAS will not be denied by combining the criteria
for full FAS and ARND in this harmonized system.
Although the domains are considered to be separate and
independent entities, there is obviously overlap. For example,
a discrepancy between verbal and non-verbal scores on an IQ
test (taking into account normal variability in the population)
may be reflecting a specific language disability. If language is
deficient, can deficits in verbal memory be considered an additional domain? Does a language deficit represent brain
damage if the child has experienced a prolonged period of social deprivation? The cut-off of 2 standard deviations below
the mean on standardized tests is recommended to increase
confidence that abilities in the domain are impaired as a result
of brain damage and are scored as “3” (significant dysfunction) on the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code. With 3 such domains,
the brain rank is 3: “probable brain dysfunction.”
We realize that in standard neuropsychologic practice, 1.5
standard deviations below the mean may indicate subtle impairments. Using the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code, the domains
would be scored as “moderate dysfunction” and may result in
a brain rank of 2: “possible brain dysfunction.” These more
subtle findings are an important part of the individual’s profile.
For the purpose of diagnosis, however, and the certainty that
the scores represent injury caused by alcohol, the more extreme cut-off is recommended. The multidisciplinary team,
reviewing the data and using experienced clinical judgement, is
critical in making an accurate diagnosis as qualitative aspects of
performance are also important. The diagnostic profile is dynamic and may change over time; thus individuals affected or
suspected to be affected may require several assessments over
time. Services should not be based on the diagnosis itself, but
rather on the profile of brain function-dysfunction.
Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
4. Treatment and follow-up
4.1 Education of the patient and family members on features of FASD is crucial. The potential psychosocial
tensions that might be expected to develop within the
family as a result of the diagnosis should also be discussed. This must be done in a culturally sensitive manner using appropriate language.
4.2 A member of the diagnostic team should follow-up outcomes of diagnostic assessments and treatment plans
within a reasonable length of time to assure that the
recommendations have been addressed.
4.3 Diagnosed individuals and their families should be
linked to resources and services that will improve outcome. However, where services are limited in the community, an individual should not be denied an assessment for diagnosis and treatment. Often the diagnosis
in the individual is the impetus that leads to the development of resources.
5. Maternal alcohol history in pregnancy
5.1 Prenatal alcohol exposure requires confirmation of alcohol consumption by the mother during the index
pregnancy based on reliable clinical observation, selfreport, reports by a reliable source or medical records
documenting positive blood alcohol, alcohol treatment
or other social, legal or medical problems related to
drinking during the pregnancy.
5.2 The number and type(s) of alcoholic beverages consumed (dose), the pattern of drinking and the
frequency of drinking should all be documented if
5.3 Hearsay, lifestyle, other drug use or history of alcohol
exposure in previous pregnancies cannot, in isolation,
be informative of drinking patterns in the index pregnancy. However, co-occurring disorders, significant
psychosocial stressors and prenatal exposure to other
substances (e.g., smoking, licit or illicit drugs) in the index and previous pregnancies should still be recorded,
based on known interactive effects of these variables on
the severity of pregnancy outcomes for both the mother
and her offspring.
Gathering reliable information about maternal drinking
is key to establishing an accurate diagnosis. Special attention must be paid to inquiring about maternal alcohol use
before the woman recognized that she was pregnant. Some
women do not consider that their prior drinking is important and many underreport it. Training is required in how
to obtain this information in a non-threatening, nonjudgmental way.
Canadian survey data suggest that the number of women
who report drinking during pregnancy has decreased. The
National Population Health Survey, 1994–199546 and National
Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, 1994–199547 reported that 17–25% of women drank alcohol at some point
during their pregnancy and 7–9% drank alcohol throughout their pregnancy. According to the National Longitudinal
Survey of Children and Youth, 1998–199948 14.4% of women
drank at some point during their pregnancy and 4.9%
drank throughout their entire pregnancy (3% reported
binge drinking during pregnancy). In the Fall 2002 Survey
of First Nations People Living on Reserve,49 53% of the respondents said that cutting down or stopping alcohol use
was important for women to have a healthy baby.
The evaluation of “significant alcohol exposure” is often
confusing. The IOM describes significant alcohol exposure
as “a pattern of excessive intake characterized by substantial, regular intake or heavy episodic drinking”4 (the National Institute on Alcohol, Alcoholism, and Alcohol Abuse
defines heavy alcohol use as drinking 5 or more drinks per
occasion on 5 or more days in the past 30 days36). Evidence
of this pattern may include frequent episodes of intoxication, development of tolerance or withdrawal, social problems related to drinking, legal problems related to drinking, engaging in physically hazardous behaviour while
drinking, or alcohol-related medical problems such as hepatic disease. As further research is completed and as, or if,
lower quantities or variable patterns of alcohol use are associated with alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD) or
ARND, these patterns of alcohol use should be incorporated into the diagnostic criteria.4
6. Diagnostic criteria for FAS, partial FAS
and ARND
6.1 The criteria for the diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome,
after excluding other diagnoses, are:
A. Evidence of prenatal or postnatal growth impairment, as in at least 1 of the following:
a. Birth weight or birth length at or below the
10th percentile for gestational age.
b. Height or weight at or below the 10th percentile
for age.
c. Disproportionately low weight-to-height ratio
(= 10th percentile).
B. Simultaneous presentation of all 3 of the following
facial anomalies at any age:
a. Short palpebral fissure length (2 or more standard deviations below the mean).
b. Smooth or flattened philtrum (rank 4 or 5 on
the lip-philtrum guide).
CMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Chudley et al
c. Thin upper lip (rank 4 or 5 on the lip-philtrum
C. Evidence of impairment in 3 or more of the following central nervous system domains: hard and soft
neurologic signs; brain structure; cognition; communication; academic achievement; memory; executive functioning and abstract reasoning; attention
deficit/hyperactivity; adaptive behaviour, social
skills, social communication.
D. Confirmed (or unconfirmed) maternal alcohol exposure.
6.2 The diagnostic criteria for partial fetal alcohol syndrome, after excluding other diagnoses, are:
A. Simultaneous presentation of 2 of the following facial anomalies at any age:
a. Short palpebral fissure length (2 or more standard deviations below the mean).
b. Smooth or flattened philtrum (rank 4 or 5 on
the lip-philtrum guide).
c. Thin upper lip (rank 4 or 5 on the lip-philtrum
B. Evidence of impairment in 3 or more of the following central nervous system domains: hard and soft
neurologic signs; brain structure; cognition; communication; academic achievement; memory; executive functioning and abstract reasoning; attention
deficit/hyperactivity; adaptive behaviour, social
skills, social communication.
C. Confirmed maternal alcohol exposure.
6.3 The diagnostic criteria for alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder, after excluding other diagnoses, are:
A. Evidence of impairment in 3 or more of the following central nervous system domains: hard and soft
neurologic signs; brain structure; cognition; communication; academic achievement; memory; executive functioning and abstract reasoning; attention
deficit/hyperactivity; adaptive behaviour, social
skills, social communication.
B. Confirmed maternal alcohol exposure.
6.4 The term alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD)
should not be used as an umbrella or diagnostic term,
for the spectrum of alcohol effects. ARBD constitutes
a list of congenital anomalies, including malformations and dysplasias and should be used with caution
(Table 1).
Our definition of partial FAS differs from the published
IOM criteria.4 Where significant prenatal alcohol exposure
is known and there is significant growth retardation and
significant indicative facial features but no evidence of
brain involvement, a diagnosis of partial FAS could be
made using the IOM criteria. It is our view that, using the
term partial FAS in the absence of measurable brain deficits
JAMC • 1er MARS 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
could be harmful for the individual because the diagnosis of
partial FAS implies brain dysfunction. If some characteristic facial features and growth impairment, without significant developmental or behavioural problems, are found in
children under 6 years of age, it would be prudent to say
that the child may be at risk of learning and behaviour
problems at a later time due to prenatal alcohol exposure.
No alcohol-related diagnosis should be made, but the child
must be monitored by the family physician or health care
worker and deficits should be documented using a neurodevelopmental assessment.
The term “partial” in partial FAS does not imply that
these individuals are less severely impaired in day-to-day
functioning than those with a diagnosis of FAS, as the
deficits in brain function may be similar.
7. Harmonization of the Institute of Medicine
(IOM) and 4-Digit Diagnostic Code approaches
7.1 The approach identified in the 4-Digit Diagnostic
Code should be used to describe, assess and measure
objectively alcohol exposure, growth, facial features and
brain damage. The 4-Digit Diagnostic Code should be
recorded for each assessment and may be useful for surveillance and research purposes.
7.2 The terminology in the IOM criteria should be used to
describe the diagnosis.
Table 4 and Table 5 illustrate how we recommend harmonizing the IOM and 4-Digit Diagnostic Code criteria.
The ARBD category has limited utility in the diagnosis,
but we do recognize that alcohol is teratogenic and may be
responsible for birth defects if exposure occurs during critical periods of development. However, in the absence of
other features of FAS or brain deficits, it is difficult to attribute causation.
Future research related to diagnostic
The lack or unavailability of evidence and data in key areas limits the effectiveness of the diagnostic process, in
general. Such key areas include the development of Canadian growth and anthropometric norms for all ages and
ethno-cultural groups. There is also a need for the development and validation of screening tools that are specific and
sensitive to prenatal alcohol exposure. These tools should
be adaptable for use in various contexts, they should be culturally appropriate and they should lead to accurate referrals for diagnosis and assessment.
Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
Emerging issues
ing and computer-assisted analysis for the diagnosis of
characteristic features of FAS have shown promise for
analysis of facial features associated with prenatal alcohol
Often, women will not accurately recall the amount or
frequency of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Some
women may also underestimate consumption level or deny
that they drank alcohol during pregnancy. Medical records
are known to be incomplete with respect to maternal alcohol history. Currently, there are no reliable means to confirm maternal drinking using biochemical markers in pregnancy. High levels of whole blood-associated acetaldehyde,
carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, gamma-glutamyl
transpeptidase and mean red blood cell volume may be useful markers in pregnant women.50
Studies are underway to determine the utility of fatty
acid ethyl esters in meconium as markers for prenatal exposure to alcohol.51-53 This marker will only be useful if it
can be established that fatty acid ethyl ester levels in meconium are predictive of developmental outcome. Meconium
testing could alert caregivers to infants who might be at
risk for alcohol effects and lead to appropriate monitoring,
intervention and prevention. Ethical issues regarding informed consent surround the use of biological markers in
the baby that may indicate maternal drinking.
Recent innovations have led to the development of laser
surface scanning, a non-invasive method for acquiring
3-dimensional images.33,34 This technique is promising in
the analysis of facial features associated with prenatal alcohol exposure, but, at present, is a research tool only.
Table 5: Comparison of Institute of Medicine (IOM) and
4-Digit Diagnostic Code methods in the diagnosis of FAS
Facial characteristics
Number of features required
Thin (flat) upper lip
Flattened philtrum
Flat midface
Short palpebral fissures
Other features
Not specified
3 of 3
Yes, percentile
not specified
Number of features required
Low birth weight alone
Decelerating weight over time
Low weight-to-height ratio
Low height and low weight
Central nervous system dysfunction
Number of features required
1 structural or
neurologic feature
Remote and rural areas
The availability of diagnostic services is limited in rural
and remote areas. A community may not have access to a
diagnostic team or resources and services. Until regionally
based diagnostic teams are established, the use of
telemedicine for distant diagnosis, consultation and training may be helpful.31 Recent advances using digital imag-
Structural features may include:
Microcephaly at birth
Yes, percentile
not specified
Structural abnormalities
Hard neurologic signs
Soft neurologic signs
Yes, ≤ 10th
1 structural or
3 domains of
impairment in
Yes, ≤ 3rd
Table 4: Harmonization of Institute of Medicine (IOM) nomenclature and 4-digit
diagnostic code ranks for growth, face, brain and alcohol history
4-digit diagnostic code ranks
IOM nomenclature
FAS (with confirmed exposure)
FAS (without confirmed exposure)
Partial FAS (with confirmed
ARND (with confirmed exposure)
FAS facial
CNS damage or
exposure to
2, 3 or 4
2, 3 or 4
1, 2, 3 or 4
3 or 4
3 or 4
2, 3 or 4
3 or 4
3 or 4
3 or 4
3 or 4
3 or 4
1, 2, 3 or 4
1 or 2
3 or 4
(2 for < 6 years)
3 or 4
Note: ARND = alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder; CNS = central nervous system; FAS = fetal alcohol syndrome.
Source: Developed by Kwadwo Asante and Julianne Conry
*Any final 4-digit code that can be made with these combinations of numbers and that is not also an FAS code signifies partial FAS.
Combinations of face 2 that include two significant facial features also meet criteria for partial FAS.
CMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Chudley et al
Adult diagnosis
Diagnosis of adults creates special challenges in all aspects of the diagnosis. Physical features may change over
time, there may be catch-up growth, and cumulative environmental influences may distort the evaluation of brain
function. The adult’s history may include additional traumatic head injury, alcohol and drug abuse, and mental
health problems. Although tests for the various domains
are readily available, clinicians working with the adult
FASD population find that the tests are often not sensitive
to real-life issues. In addition to the data required for the
diagnosis, an assessment must include additional components such as functional literacy and numeracy, employability and quality of life, which fall within the domain of adaptive skills. The clinician should not rely solely on the
self-report of the individual who is alcohol-affected; the
history and abilities of the individual must be verified by a
reliable source.
The assessment for prenatal alcohol exposure is a diagnosis for the affected person, the birth mother and possibly
affected siblings. Rather than labeling, a diagnosis provides
a blueprint for early intervention. Treatment planning and
implementation, specifically targeted toward the unique
needs of the individual and the family, form a large part of
the diagnosis.
These guidelines and recommendations have been developed in parallel and in consultation with a United
States committee charged with the same task.54 The challenges for prevention and diagnosis of FASD and intervention to assist those affected by this disorder are evolving and dynamic. Research is ongoing to determine
whether tools, such as novel brain imaging techniques,
biomarkers and DNA micro-array techniques, might enhance accurate and reliable alcohol-related diagnoses and
We hope that these guidelines and recommendations
will be used to facilitate training of health professionals,
improve access to diagnostic services and facilitate referral
for intervention or treatment for all people and families living with this disability.
This article has been peer reviewed.
From the Children’s Hospital, Health Sciences Centre, Departments of Pediatrics
and Child Health and Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man. (Chudley); the Department of Educational and Counselling
Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia; Asante Centre
for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Maple Ridge, B.C. (Conry); the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont. (Cook); the Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. (Loock); the Provincial Medical Genetics Program; the Department
of Pediatrics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Nfld. (Rosales);
and the Department of Pediatrics, Georges Dumont Hospital, Moncton, N.B.
Competing interests: None declared.
JAMC • 1er MARS 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Contributors: All authors contributed equally to this manuscript. All authors contributed substantially to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis
and interpretation of data and drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content. They gave their final approval of the version submitted to
be published.
Acknowledgements: This work is supported by the FASD Teams of the Public
Health Agency of Canada and the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health
Canada. The authors would like to thank the many clinicians and individuals who
helped develop, review and provide feedback on these guidelines, especially the
Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Advisory Committee on FASD; Drs.
Fred Boland, Susan Astley and Sterling Clarren; and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s scientific working group on diagnosis. This work was supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the First Nations and Inuit
Health Branch, Health Canada.
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29. Clarren SK, Smith DW. The fetal alcohol syndrome. Lamp 1978;35(10):4-7.
30. Astley SJ, Clarren SK. Diagnosing the full spectrum of fetal alcohol-exposed individuals: introducing the 4-Digit Diagnostic Code. Alcohol Alcohol 2000;35(4):400-10.
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gestation to 14 years. J Pediatr 1987;111:267-8.
42. Hall JG, Froster-Iskenius UG, Allanson JE, editors. Handbook of normal physical measurements. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1989. pp. 149-50.
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44. Moore ES, Ward RE, Jamison PL, Morris CA, Bader PI, Hall BD. New perspectives on the face in fetal alcohol syndrome: what anthropometry tells us.
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47. National longitudinal survey of children and youth, 1994-1995. Ottawa: Statistics Canada; 1995.
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54. National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention Department of Health and Human Services.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Guidelines for Referral and Diagnosis: National
Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effect; 2004
Correspondence to: Dr. Jocelynn L. Cook, FASD Team, Public
Health Agency of Canada, Division of Childhood and
Adolescence, Jeanne Mance Bldg. 9th flr, Tunney’s Pasture,
Address Locator 1909C2, Ottawa ON K1A 0K9;
[email protected]
CMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Chudley et al
Appendix 1: Participants* in meetings and teleconferences to develop Canadian guidelines for
the diagnosis of FAS and its related disabilities
Albert Chudley
Al Kircher
Andrea Moser
Anne Fuller
Annette Lemire
Arthur Blue
Ben Giddard
Billie Jean Benisty
Bob Armstrong
Bonnie Baxter
Brad Bell
Brian Marder
Bryce Lark
Carol Gregson
Carol Woodworth
Cathie Royle
St. John’s
Christine Lilley
Christine Loock
Claudette Landry
Dan Dubovsky
Darren Joslin
Dawn Ridd
Del Nyberg
Diane Fast
Physician, Clinic for Drug and Alcohol
Exposed Children
Correctional Services Canada
BC Ministry of Children and Family
Health and Wellness
Native Psychologists in Canada
Physician, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Health Canada
Physician, BC Women’s and Children’s
Speech/Language Pathologist
Health and Social Services
Career Counsellor
Health and Social Services
Nunavut Dept of Health
Speech/Language Pathologist, Asante
Centre for FAS
Child Youth and Family Programs,
Dept. Health and Community Services
Psychologist, BC Women’s and
Children’s Hospital
Physician, BC Women’s and Children’s
Public Health, Dept. Health and
FAS Specialist, FAS Center of Excellence
Health Canada
Donna Ludvigsen
Edward Cross
Elaine Orrbine
Ellen Fantus
Faye Brooks
Faye Stark
Fjola HartWasekeeiskaw
Fred Boland
Health and Wellness
Manitoba Health
BC Health
Psychiatrist, , BC Women’s and
Children’s Hospital
Health and Wellness
Education Specialist
Canadian Association of Pediatric
Health Centres, Canadian Pediatric
Psychologist, Toronto Hospital for Sick
Canadian Nurses Association
Health and Social Services
Aboriginal Nurses Association of
Psychologist, Queen’s University
JAMC • 1er MARS 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
# Consultations
Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
Appendix 1: continued
Gail Andrew
Gideon Koren
Graham Robinson
Guy Burbon
Hasu Rajani
Holly Mackay
Irena Nulman
Cold Lake
Jacquelyn Bertrand
Jan Lutke
Janice Birney
Jasjeet Sidhu
Jo Nanson
Joanne Rovet
Joanne Weinberg
Jocelynn Cook
Jocyline Gauthier
John Arnett
John Godel
John Service
Julie Conry
Karen Archbell
Kathleen Montpetit
Kathleen Montpetit
Kathy Horne
Kathy Jones
Kelly Stone
Kwadwo Asante
Leigh Wincott
Leslie Grob
Margaret Clarke
Marie Adele Davis
Marilou Reeve
Marilyn Van
Mary Cox-Millar
Mary Ellen
Mary Johnston
Mary Lynch
Mercedes Mompel
Physician, Glenrose Rehabilitation
Physician, Toronto Hospital for Sick
Solicitor General
Physician, Lakeland Centre for FAS
Health Canada
Physician, Toronto Hospital for Sick
Psychologist, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
BC FAS Support Network
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Medical Epidemiologist, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention
Psychologist, Toronto Hospital for Sick
Health Canada
Health and Social Services
Canadian Psychological Society
Psychologist, Asante Centre for FAS
Ontario Dept of Health
Occupational Therapist, Shriner’s
Occupational Therapist, Shriner’s
Psychologist, Glenrose Rehabilitation
Psychologist, West Region First Nation
Child and Family Centre
Director, Health Canada
Physician, Asante Centre for FAS
Physician, Thompson Diagnostic Clinic
for FAS
Saskatchewan Health
Physician, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Canadian Pediatric Society
Youth Justice
BC FAS Resource Network
Coordinator, Clinic for Drug and Alcohol
Exposed Children
Saint John
Psychologist, Alberta Children’s Hospital
Health Canada
New Brunswick Family Services
Health and Long-term Care
CMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Chudley et al
Appendix 1: continued
Michelle Dubik
Nadine Huggins
Nancy Taylor
Nicole Chatel
Nicole LeBlanc
Nikki Bansil
Pamela Massad
Patricia Blakely
Pearl Park
Peter Waas
Rachelle Deneault
Richard Snyder
Roxana Vernescu
Sandy Clarren
Sandy Steinwender
Soo-Hong Uh
Sterling Clarren
Suzanne Guay
Ted Rosales
Terry Benoit
St John's
St. John’s
Tim Oberlander
Val Massey
Valerie Flynn
Vyta Senikas
Wendy Sky
Yaya deAndrade
Yeshodara Naidoo
Healthy Child Manitoba
Health Canada
Stanton Territorial Health Authority
Physician, Georges Dumont Hospital
Canadian Medical Association
Health Canada
Physician, Kinsmen Children’s Centre
Canadian Correctional Services Research
Speech/Language Pathologist, Alberta
Children’s Hospital
Physician, Kinsmen Children’s Centre
Psychologist, Memorial University
First Nations Child and Family Caring
Society of Canada
Psychologist, University of Washington
Health and Social Services
Health Canada
Scientist, BC Vital Statistics
Physician, University of Washington
National Parole Board
Physician, Memorial University
Physician, Clinic for Drug and Alcohol
Exposed Children
Physician, BC Women’s and Children’s
Psychologist, DV Massey and Associates
Health Canada
Society of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists of Canada
Psychologist, BC Women’s and Children’s
Health Canada
JAMC • 1er MARS 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
Appendix 2: Guides for measurement of palpebral fissure length
Appendix 2-1: Relation between palpebral fissure length and age
in both sexes of American white children aged 29 weeks to 14
Appendix 2-2: Palpebral fissure length for both sexes, birth to 16
CMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Chudley et al
Appendix 3: Examples of tests that are most widely used to assess the domains
* Psychologists, speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists were consulted regarding their widely
used tests. Tests for brain function are regularly updated and the most current versions should be used where
Hard and soft neurologic signs (including sensory-motor
Hard neurologic signs are assessed by the physician according to usual standards.
Soft neurologic signs include motor signs that can be elicited on the physical examination, with referral for occupational therapy
assessment where appropriate.
Tests of motor functioning include:
Movement Assessment Battery for Children
Brunuinks-Oseretsky Scales of Motor Development
Alberta Infant Motor Scale
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales
Quick Neurological Screening Test-II
Tests for visual-motor functioning include:
Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration or Bender Gestalt (simple)
Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial (complex)
Tests of perception include:
Gardner Test of Visual Perceptual Skills
Gardner Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills
Tests of sensory function include:
Dunn Sensory Profile
University of Washington Sensori-motor Checklist
Congenital sensory-neural hearing loss as evaluated by audiologist
Congenital vision anomalies as evaluated by an ophthalmologist
Tests and observations of articulation, phonology and motor speech if indicated:
Goldman-Fristoe –2 Test of Articulation
Phonological Awareness Test
Brain structure
Documented measurements of the head circumference (occipitofrontal circumference below the 3rd percentile) adjusted for age
and gender (during the physical examination at any age including head circumference at birth) and other evidence of functional or
structural CNS dysfunction based on a neurologic examination or findings on imaging techniques (computed tomography scan,
magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalogram). Neurologic problems may include seizures not due to a postnatal insult or
other signs such as impaired motor skills, neurosensory hearing loss, memory loss or poor eye–hand coordination.
Tests of intellectual functioning include:
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-IV not yet tested for usefulness with the FASD population)
Stanford-Binet- Fourth Edition (SB5 not yet tested for usefulness with the FASD population)
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-III
Differential Ability Scales
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
Test batteries of language functioning usually combine both receptive and expressive language functions, as well as single-word
and complex functions (sentences and paragraphs). Elicited versus recognition ability (multiple-choice) should be distinguished.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III
Expressive Vocabulary Test
Preschool Language Scale (3 or 4)
Reynell Developmental Language Scales
Test of the Auditory Comprehension of Language-3
Token Test
Listening Test
Test of Word Knowledge
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (Preschool, CELF-3, CELF-4)
These measures are complemented by a language sample analysis that includes: length of utterance, use of complex sentences and
word retrieval.
Social Language Observations
Narrative skill (PLS-E story retell); Renfrew Bus Story, Frog Where are You
(Note: Language pragmatics are considered in the domain of social/adaptive skills.)
JAMC • 1er MARS 2005; 172 (5 suppl)
Guidelines for diagnosis of FASD
Appendix 3: continued
Academic achievement
Tests commonly used include:
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-II (most widely used)
Gray Oral Reading Test
Woodcock Johnson Achievement Battery
Wide Range Achievement Test-3 (note: needs to be supplemented by a test that includes reading comprehension)
Note: Avoid relying on group administered achievement test data.
Preschool children present a challenge in this domain; however, concept knowledge as assessed by the Preschool Language Scale,
Bracken Test of Basic Concepts and Boehm Basic Concept Scale can be used.
Assessment should include comparisons between visual and auditory memory; short-term memory, delayed recall, and working
Tests commonly used include:
Children’s Memory Scale-III
Wechsler Memory Scale-III
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning
Rey Complex Figure Test (recall)
Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment (NEPSY) memory subtests
Stanford-Binet Fourth Edition memory subtests
California Verbal Learning Test
Working memory composites from Wechsler scales
Executive functioning and abstract reasoning
Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System
Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF): parent and teacher versions
Verbal Abstract Reasoning and Problem Solving
Test of Problem Solving (Elementary and Adolescent)
Semantic Relationships (CELF-3) and Similarities and Differences (LPT-R, TLC-expanded)
Observation (e.g., answering how and why questions, explanations, inferences)
(Note: observations made on the IQ test may also apply here)
Visual Abstract Reasoning and Problem Solving
Executive function subtests on the NEPSY
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Attention deficit/hyperactivity
Tests commonly used include:
Conners’ Rating Scale
Child Behaviour Checklist
Continuous Performance Test-2
Adaptive behaviour, social skills, social communication
Assessment of social and adaptive skills is considered most important, but the available standardized instruments do not
adequately tap the unusual adaptive problems found in FASD.
Observation and interview, school reports and previous assessments
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scale: often used, but inadequate at higher ages
Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System: easier to administer and seems to correlate well with other measures and observation
Informal assessment of language pragmatics (not standardized), social communication
CMAJ • MAR. 1, 2005; 172 (5 suppl)