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1999, Chapter 18 of Administrative Problem-Solving for Writing Programs and Writing Centers, ed Linda Myers-Breslin
14 pages
1 file
Pixeum, 2024
Ṣūrat Baḥr al-Rūm صورة بحر الروم , which translates to the “Image of the Sea of the Romans” (i.e. the Byzantines) comes from a twelfth-century Norman-Sicilian copy of the Book of Routes and Realms, attributed to the early tenth-century geographer al-Iṣṭakhrī. I abbreviate this type of book to KMMS based on its Arabic title: Kitāb al-masālik wa-al-mamālik. It represents a snapshot back in time to the caliphal age of the eighth-through-tenth centuries. This map is special. It comes from the earliest extant KMMS manuscript housed at one of the best and most generous medieval manuscript libraries in the world. In addition, an unusual colophonic reader signature and a trademark Siculo-Norman ‘alāma (or formal signature) suggest this copy was owned by a young Frederick II before he became the famous conquering Holy Roman emperor
Critical Studies in Education, 2023
In this Black feminist critical inquiry, I theorize the politics of race, gender, and geography in the context of a liberatory Black pedagogical space located in the United States. Using curated interview and observation data, I position an anti-racist pedagogue as a cartographer who employed method, content, style, and technique to map freedom routes away from schooling, a Dumasian site of suffering for Black students. I paint a narrative portrait that foregrounds sights, sounds, and felt tensions emerging from two manifestations of Black affective networks that constellated in the Black male critical pedagogue’s classroom. Ultimately, I call for attention to the construction of liberatory education spaces created to address the comfort and needs of not only racially minoritized learners but also students who embody sexes, genders, and gender performances marginalized in white-dominant culture. Such pedagogical spaces, I argue, can be a refusal to indulge the ontological, epistemological, and existential project of whiteness.
Journal of Belonging, Identity, Language, and Diversity (J-BILD) / Revue de langage, d’identité, de diversité et d’appartenance (R-LIDA), 2024
Résumé. Les débats politiques actuels au Québec se concentrent sur des questions identitaires telles que la langue et l'immigration, suscitant un intérêt croissant pour l'identité culturelle québécoise. La préoccupation principale tourne autour de la préservation du français et de l'identité québécoise avec une majorité francophone qui se sent menacée. Dans ce contexte, les représentations sociales de l’identité québécoise sont essentielles pour comprendre les dynamiques interculturelles au Québec. Cette recherche vise à explorer les représentations sociales de l’identité culturelle québécoise chez des personnes étudiantes de deux universités francophones étant donné que ces individus évoluent dans un milieu propice à la réflexion identitaire en raison de sa diversité. Basée sur 23 entretiens semi-dirigés avec des étudiants âgés de 22 à 65 ans, l'étude examine leurs représentations de l'identité culturelle québécoise selon deux perspectives : celle des personnes nées au Québec et celle des personnes nées hors Québec. Pour ces personnes étudiantes, l'identité culturelle québécoise renvoie d'abord à la langue française, suivie du rapport aux autres et de la diversité culturelle, perçue comme une richesse. Des similitudes et des différences entre les représentations émergent, mettant en lumière la complexité de l'identité culturelle québécoise dans un contexte multiculturel. Abstract. Current political debates in Quebec revolve around identity issues such as language and immigration, sparking growing interest in Quebec's cultural identity. The primary concern is the preservation of French and Quebecois identity, with a majority of Francophones feeling threatened. In this context, social representations of Quebecois identity are crucial for understanding intercultural dynamics in Quebec. This research aims to explore representations of Quebec's cultural identity among students from two Francophone universities, who are immersed in an environment conducive to identity reflection due to its diversity. Based on 23 semi-structured interviews with students aged 22 to 65, the study examines their perceptions of Quebec's cultural identity from two perspectives: those born in Quebec and those born outside Quebec. For these student participants, Quebec's cultural identity is first and foremost associated with the French language, followed by their relationship with others and cultural diversity, seen as a richness. Similarities and differences between representations emerge, highlighting the complexity of Quebec's cultural identity in a multicultural context
Science. Culture. Society, 2011
In the article the author analyzes the historical aspects of information warfare, as well as modern features of their functioning. The work is of interest to specialists in management, sociology, history, psychology. The article can be used by faculty, graduate students and researchers who are interested in the problems of information confrontation.
Fernández Ochoa, C., Morillo Cerdán, A. & Gil Sendino, F. (2012): "El "Itinerario de Barro": cuestiones de autenticidad y lectura", Zephyrus 70, 151-179.
RESUMEN: El empleo de la técnica de la termoluminiscencia sobre las 4 tablillas del denominado Itinerario de Barro, objeto de una encendida polémica desde su publicación hace casi un siglo, ha permitido establecer su autenticidad. A partir de esta constatación esbozamos la hipótesis de identificación de las mansiones de cada uno de los itinerarios y reinterpretamos esta fuente en el contexto de la red viaria del norte y occidente peninsulares, señalando los problemas que aún plantea. Palabras clave: Hispania. Noroeste. Vías romanas. Mansiones. Tablas de arcilla. Termoluminiscencia. ABSTRACT: The authenticity of the so-called Itinerario de Barro has been proven thanks to the use of the thermoluminescence technique on the four fired clay tablets. Controversy around Itinerario de Barro has existed since it was first published almost one century ago, and the verification of its authenticity has been the basis to offer an outline of the identification hypothesis of mansiones. This source is reinterpreted here in the framework of the road network in Northern and Western Spain, and the problems that are still related thereto are mentioned.
Waxing philosophical about what motivates me to do what I do.
Azi voi vorbi despre nutriţie şi vă voi spune lucruri ce sunt de o maximă importanţă. Foarte puţini, chiar şi cei învăţaţi şi foarte evoluaţi, ştiu aceste lucruri. Pentru început, ar putea să nu pară interesante, dar pe măsură ce ascultaţi şi exersaţi aceste lucruri,veţi vedea că sunt extrem de bogate şi darnice, vă pot schimba întreaga existenţă. Presupuneţi că pentru un motiv sau altul sunteţi lipsit de mâncare câteva zile şi sunteţi prea slab, chiar şi pentru a vă mişca. Puteţi fi erudit , bogat, dar nimic din ceea ce ştiţi sau posedaţi, nu poate egala fructul sau bucata de pâine ce o puneţi în gură; o îmbucătură şi reînviaţi ! O bucăţică e tot ce este necesar pentru a face forţele şi mecanismele întregului vostru sistem să înceapă a funţiona din nou. Există anumite elemente în alimente care redau sănătatea şi vigoarea , mai eficient decât orice gând, emoţie sau putere a voinţei dar nu vă daţi seama de aceasta, mâncarea are o mică importanţă pentru voi, în afară de mijloc de a vă satisface instinctele şi nu vedeţi că are vreun efect emoţional sau intelectual asupra voastră.Totuşi mâncarea e cea care face posibil să faceţi tot ce faceţi, să vorbiţi, simţiţi, gândiţi.
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Tempi di Unità", Periodico della Comunità di Gesù - n. 3 Maggio 2005.
Anisatul Amalia, 2024
Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2010
Srinivas Publication, 2022
Düşünen Şehir Dergisi, 2021
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 2002
Routledge eBooks, 2020
Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, 2011