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This article is a summary of a group research describing the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan. Scientific approach is an approach focusing on investigation techniques on phenomena, getting new knowledge, or correcting and relating the previous knowledge. Scientific approach is a new approach in teaching English. This research has three study focuses that is: 1) How the English teachers of the seventh grade plan English learning process by using scientific approach 2) How the implemntation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan 3) What problems or difficulties faced by the English teachers in implementing the scientific approach. The Research result shows the first, English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1 Pamekasan plan their English learning process by writing the lesson plan first. Second, the implementation of scientific approach in teaching English of Curriculum 2013 at SMPN 1 Pamekasan on the first year does not run well. Third, most of English teachers of the seventh grade at SMPN 1 Pamekasan get difficulties in facilitating the students to ask and answer the questions to their friends or teacher. It means that the teachers still get difficulties in questioning step of scientific approach.
El concreto se le conoce como un material semejante a la piedra que se obtiene mediante una mezcla cuidadosamente proporcionada de cemento, arena y grava u otro agregado, y agua; después, esta mezcla se endurece en formaletas con la forma y dimensiones deseadas. El cuerpo del material consiste en agregado fino y grueso. El cemento y el agua interactúan químicamente para unir las partículas de agregado y conformar una masa sólida.
Comment une approche hermeneutique peut aider a l'approfondissemnt de la lecture d'un conte africain en permettant d'en decouvrir le niveau symbolique. Un exemple a partir d'un conte ngbaka (RCA)
Revista de ciencia política, 2012
* este artículo no hubiera sido posible sin la generosidad de mi casi centenar de entrevistados: líderes de asentamientos irregulares, residentes ordinarios de los mismos, funcionarios del gobierno y políticos, a nivel local, municipal y nacional. a ellos, mi enorme agradecimiento, que extiendo a los evaluadores anónimos y al editor de la rcp, así como a los comentaristas que en distintas instancias enriquecieron este texto, en especial a rosario Queirolo, Juan Bogliaccini, carlos aloisio, y, como siempre, a Juan carlos rodríguez-raga y John markoff. Las invasiones de tierras y La izquierda en La ciudad. Montevideo, uruguay, 1984-2011*
The Baltic and North Atlantic Pottery Research Group (BNPG) is a group of archaeologists, historians, art historians and such alike with a passion for medieval and post-medieval pottery produced and traded within Northern Europe. It arose in 2016 with the aim of bringing together specialists from different regions to meet and exchange knowledge. Until now, we have had two successful conferences and are looking forward for our next meeting in Stralsund, 2-3 April 2020. The attendance is open for all who have interest towards historical pottery research.
Economic Analysis of Law Review, 2022
RESUMO O presente artigo tem como finalidade o estudo da análise econômica do direito no direito tributário e sua aplicabilidade na modulação de efeitos. Para tanto, serão analisados aspectos da Teoria da Decisão que culminarão no que é a análise econômica do direito e o que se denomina de tributo "ótimo". Essas premissas serão importantes para a aplicação do referido instituto como ferramenta para a interpretação da lei e modulação de efeitos de decisão que julga a inconstitucionalidade de lei, buscando-se a escolha racional, a vinculação das consequências da decisão e resultados eficientes e equilibrados com o sistema judicial. Ao final, será analisado caso concreto para examinar se os preceitos estudados possuem aplicabilidade na prática. A metodologia adotada é a de pesquisa de perfil exploratório, qualitativa, baseada no método dedutivo, com técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica e normativa.
We are witnessing that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have a huge impact on the functioning of the world. This explains why the tools they provide play such an important role in the educational process, their use opens up numerous opportunities and perspectives in education. Today, aware of the inevitability of digital technologies in the functioning of the world, and of the benefits they bring, we try to use them as meaningfully as possible in education. In the visual arts, ICT technologies provide various opportunities for exploring multicultural and multi-technological content. The social tendencies of the 21st century set new criteria for the modern man-creativity, flexibility and innovation, which also requires the development of educational systems in accordance with these new, changing conditions. In the context of contemporary teaching and the education process in the field of art, new technologies certainly deserve special attention as a medium and a means that enables students to apply them to innovative forms of communication, research, learning and creative expression in the field of visual arts. Today's media bring flexibility, speed, accessibility, interchangeability of digital data and this is what makes contemporary media essential in the teaching of fine arts. The basis of modern media used in the teaching of fine arts are personal computers supported by internet connection, with specific software and various input-output devices. With the use of contemporary media in a specialized classroom for the teaching of fine arts, one can speak of an increase in the choice of teaching, an increase in the choice of means of learning and expression, and finally, an increase in individualization in teaching. In the twenty-first century classroom, the teaching of fine arts is increasingly influenced by external influences, so that the classroom is a place for students to learn, explore, do and evaluate works of art. The wealth of information offered through the use of information technology is multiplied by many over the traditional media. The basis of modern media used in the specialized classroom for the teaching of fine arts are computers supported by internet connection, with specific software and various input-output devices.
Economic Growth and Environment Sustainability, 2022
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Protrepsis, 2018
Aguas Subterrâneas, 2000
Scientific Journal of Applied Social and Clinical Science, 2022
Pharmaceutical Research, 2000
Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2012
Computational particle mechanics, 2020
Parasitology Research, 2020
Pediatric Neurology, 2006
Fauzi Yazid Abdullah, 2025
Worldwide Medicine, 2019
Geophysical Research Letters, 2021