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Seismic analysis of infinite pile groups in
liquefiable soil
Article in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering · September 2004
DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2003.10.007
3 authors:
Assaf Klar
Sam Frydman
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Rafael Baker
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
Seismic analysis of infinite pile groups in liquefiable soil
Assaf Klar, Sam Frydman*, Rafael Baker
Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
Accepted 21 October 2003
Numerical analysis of an infinite pile group in a liquefiable soil was considered in order to investigate the influence of pile spacing on
excess pore pressure distribution and liquefaction potential. It was found that an optimal pile spacing exists resulting in minimal excess pore
pressure. It was also found that certain pile group configurations might reduce liquefaction potential, compared to free field conditions. It was
observed that for closely spaced piles and low frequency of loading, pile spacing has little influence on the response of the superstructure.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Liquefaction; Piles; Lateral loads; Dynamic loads; Pile groups; Seismic response; Soil –pile interaction; Non-linear
1. Introduction
In the last decade, a number of analytical and
experimental investigations have dealt with the behavior
of soil –pile interaction in liquefiable soils. Most of these
investigations considered single piles, or small groups of
piles. Most of the experimental studies focused on the
extraction of p – y curves from the seismic performance of
the piles [1,2], while, the analytical work focused on
simulating the experimental observations [3,4]. Kagawa [5]
conducted an extensive analytical parametric study to
examine the influence of different soil and loading
conditions on the behavior of a single pile in liquefiable
soil. In a separate paper, the authors [6] performed a
parametric study to demonstrate the influence of flow
characteristics on soil –pile interaction for a single pile.
Kagawa et al. [7] concluded, from shaking table tests, that
excess pore pressure is affected significantly by redistribution and dissipation, and, in turn, affects the response of the
soil –pile system. The experimental results of Kagawa et al.
[7] show that in most cases, excess pore pressures between
the piles are higher than those at the same level far from the
piles. Kagawa et al. suggested that this is a result of
hindrance to dissipation due to piles reducing drainage. On
the other hand, Sakajo et al. [8] performed shaking table
tests on a pile group of 36 piles, and showed that existence
of the pile group reduces the amount of excess pore pressure
* Corresponding author.
0267-7261/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
developed at any time, compared with the free field, and
may even prevent liquefaction. These appear to be somewhat contradicting observations. Does the pile group
configuration reduce excess pore pressure development, or
does interference to the drainage prevent dissipation and
thus contribute to an increase of excess pore pressure? The
present paper addresses this question on the basis of a
numerical parametric study.
Two of the major factors controlling susceptibility to
liquefaction, for soil with given relative density and
permeability, are the drainage conditions and the loading
intensity. For an infinite pile group, pile spacing has
opposing effects on each of these two factors. As spacing
between the piles decreases, excess pore pressures dissipate
more slowly, and the potential for liquefaction is increased.
However, as the distance between piles is decreased, each
pile is subjected to less loading. Consequently, less pore
pressure is generated, and the potential for liquefaction is,
therefore, reduced. The purpose of this study is to
investigate whether there is an optimal configuration of
piles which reduces the potential for liquefaction.
3D numerical analysis of a large pile group requires large
computational resources, and is almost unfeasible. However, numerical analysis of an infinite pile group requires as
little computational effort as that required for a single pile.
This is due to the identical behavior of each pile in the
group. Therefore, it was decided to investigate the behavior
of an infinite pile group, which is the limit case for a large
pile group. The numerical analysis of an infinite pile group
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
layer are approximately 3.5 and 9.5 Hz. The E – W record of
the October 1, 1987 Whittier earthquake was chosen as the
excitation input; the dominant frequency of that excitation is
in the range of 5.5 –7 Hz. This site and excitation input were
used for the analysis of a single pile [6]. Fig. 2 shows the
first 10 s of the input earthquake record.
Since an infinite structure cannot rotate, the superstructure can be approximately represented as an equivalent
mass located at the top of the pile. This equivalent mass, M;
is given by
M ¼ nb rf S2
Fig. 1. Unit cell of the infinite pile group problem.
requires consideration of only a single pile, together with a
periodic boundary condition. Such an approach was used by
Law and Lam [9] for static loading. Fig. 1 shows a unit cell,
ABCD, representing the infinite geometry. Considering the
symmetric nature of the loading, only half of this cell
(ABFE) is required. In this case, boundaries AB and EF
should only prevent motion in their normal direction,
whereas boundaries AE and BF are periodic boundaries,
which are related to each other. Basically, the periodic
boundary condition consists of interchanging forces/stresses
between boundaries AE and BF.
2. Numerical analysis
The numerical analyses were conducted for the case of
piles embedded in a 15 m homogeneous sand layer of
relative density Dr ¼ 60% and coefficient of permeability
k ¼ 1024 m=s; overlaying a rigid stratum. The water table is
located at a depth of 1.5 m. A 0.5 m square cross section
pile, with Young’s Modulus 3 £ 107 kPa, pinned at its tip, is
considered. The first two natural frequencies of the sand
where nb is the number of floors, rf is the mass of a floor
per unit area and S is the distance between equally spaced
In order to allow an optimal investigation of different
conditions, the analyses were chosen in such a way that
most cases lie on three different characteristic lines, as
shown in Fig. 3. The horizontal axis characterizes the
building (i.e. the mass per unit area of the superstructure),
and each vertical line characterizes a particular structure.
The vertical axis represents the mass per pile and the sloped
lines characterize the pile group geometry (i.e. spacing).
The cases analyzed are indicated by circles.
The numerical scheme is the same as that used by Klar
et al. [6], but with a periodic boundary condition. This
scheme utilizes the solution of plane strain problems by
finite differences, in conjunction with coupling of the
plane strain problems. More information about the
technique is given in Refs. [6,10]. The constitutive
relation adopted for the soil is an extension of the
quasi-hysteretic model described by Muravskii and Frydman [11]. In this model, stiffness and damping depend on
the weighted mean (with respect to time) of strain and
strain rate. The original model was formulated in terms of
a system consisting of one degree of freedom bodies, and
it was extended in Ref. [6] to 3D problems. The model for
pore pressure development and dissipation is detailed in
Fig. 2. Acceleration bedrock input data.
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
Fig. 3. Chosen analysis cases.
Ref. [6] and is essentially based on the fundamental
model of Martin et al. [12].
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Soil structure interaction
Fig. 4 shows contours of maximum acceleration at the
pile head. Note that for normalized pile spacing, S=B;
smaller than about 8, the maximum acceleration is almost
constant along vertical lines, i.e. for constant mass per unit
area, there is little influence of pile spacing on the motion of
the superstructure. It was noted that, in general, the
calculated acceleration time histories contained a single,
high amplitude acceleration pulse. In order to eliminate the
possibility that the results in Fig. 4 are associated with
short duration acceleration peaks, the root mean square
Fig. 5. Root mean square acceleration.
acceleration was also calculated for the first 10 s of the
motion. The root mean square is defined as
1 ð Td
½aðtÞ2 dt
arms ¼
Td 0
where Td is integration time interval. The root mean square
acceleration is sometimes used as a ground motion
parameter, with Td taken equal to the strong motion
duration. Fig. 5 shows contours of the root mean square
acceleration, indicating a similar trend to that found for the
maximum acceleration.
In order to shed some light on this behavior, the nature of
the stiffness of the infinite pile group is examined, using the
concepts of interaction factors and superposition. The
superposition method is implemented through a flexibility
approach, in conjunction with interaction factors. For a
linear, elastic soil –pile system, one can write the following
{Ui } ¼ ls ½ai;j {Pj }
where Ui is the head displacement of pile i; ls is a single pile
flexibility, Pj is the force at the head of pile j and aij is the
interaction factor between pile i and pile j; defined as the
ratio of the head displacement of pile i due to load on pile j
to the displacement of pile j: For a rigid pile group cap,
U ¼ U1 ¼ · · · ¼ Un ; resulting in the following expression
for the pile group stiffness
Kgroup ¼
Fig. 4. Maximum acceleration at pile head.
n X
n X
1 X
ls i¼1 j¼1
i¼1 j¼1
where ks is a single pile stiffness and 1i;j are the elements of
the inverse of matrix a: For an infinite pile group P1 ¼
· · · ¼ Pi ¼ · · · ¼ P1 ; the reduced stiffness of a single pile,
krs may be defined as:
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
kris ¼ ks =
For a large group of piles, it is customary to use this
reduced stiffness for the evolution of the group stiffness as
Kgroup ¼ nkris ¼ X
where i; in this case, takes the index of the middle pile of the
outer row [13]. Eq. (4) is based on the assumption that all
piles displace equally while Eq. (6) assumes that all piles are
equally loaded. These two assumptions are generally
incompatible, except in the limiting case of an infinite pile
group in which both loads and displacements are equal for
all piles. The above expressions hold both for dynamic and
static problems, the difference between these cases being
expressed in the values of the interaction factors. For an
infinite pile group, the value of the group stiffness is
meaningless since the number of piles is infinite. Therefore,
a stiffness per unit area is defined. For equally spaced piles,
this stiffness, k1 ; is equal to the reduced stiffness of a single
pile divided by the square of the distance between the piles:
k1 ¼
¼ 2X
For static loading, which may be considered an
approximation for loading at low frequencies, the approximation of Randolph [14] for the interaction factor for fixed
head piles in homogeneous linear soil, af is given as
ð1 þ nÞ Ep 1=7
af ¼ 0:6 2p
ð1 þ cos2 cÞ 0
ð1 þ 2nÞ Es
where Ep and Es are Young’s moduli for the pile and the
soil, respectively, c is the angle between the line joining the
pile centers and the direction of loading, r0 is the radius of
the pile and R is the distance between the piles. Considering
the configuration shown in Fig. 6, the interaction factor is
equal to
<k ¼ l ¼ 0
aF ¼
p ð1 þ nÞ Ep
0:6 2
1 þ 2 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
s k2 þ l2
: otherwise
Fig. 6. Numbering of the piles.
Combining Eqs. (7) and (9) results in:
k1 ¼
sum ¼
1 þ 2n Ep 1=7
sum þ s2
sr0 0:6 2
1 þ 0:75n Es
k¼21 l¼21
exclude k ¼ l ¼ 0
1þ 2
k þ l2
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
k þ l2
The series sum in Eq. (10) does not tend to a constant
value. Consequently, use of Randolph’s interaction factors
results in a zero reduced stiffness of the piles for an infinite
pile group. To overcome this problem of zero stiffness, the
interaction of distant piles may be disregarded. Fig. 7 shows
the variation of k1 ; as calculated on the basis of Randolph’s
interaction factors, using the above suggestion, i.e.
interaction between piles separated by a distance greater
than Rmax is neglected. The figure shows the variation of k1
where k and l are column and row numbers, respectively.
For very closely spaced piles, where af may be greater than
0.5, Randolph suggested to replace it by 1 2 ð4af Þ21 to
avoid overestimation of interaction. This correction was
applied in the present calculations, where applicable.
Fig. 7. Variation of stiffness for unit area, n ¼ 0:25:
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
Fig. 8. Maximum bending moment in the piles.
as a function of the distance between the piles for different
ratios of pile to soil stiffness and different values of Rmax :
The discontinuities in the variation of k1 with S=B are
related to the discrete nature of the problem; as the spacing
between the piles reaches a point, where piles are excluded
from the analysis (i.e. when a pile distance is greater than
Rmax ), a jump in the value of k1 occurs. Fig. 7 shows that for
small distances between piles, k1 is almost constant.
When dealing with seismic loading, it is customary to
divide the soil – pile interaction into kinematic interaction
and inertial interaction. In the present case, the kinematic
interaction is the response of the soil –pile system to the
seismic waves without the superstructure, while the inertial
interaction is the response of the soil –pile system to the
inertial loading caused by the superstructure. This superposition of responses is exact only for linear systems, but it
has become commonly applied, also, for non-linear systems.
The above analyses refer to pile response to loading at the
pile head, which is relevant to the inertial component of the
response. Consequently, the constancy of k1 in Fig. 7
indicates that the inertial response is independent of pile
spacing for small pile spacing and static or low frequency
loading. If the kinematic interaction is such that it is also
independent of pile spacing in that range, then the total
response will be independent of pile spacing, as was
observed in Figs. 4 and 5 for closely spaced piles. To
examine this, analysis of kinematic response of an infinite
pile group was conducted for the considered earthquake
excitation and pile geometry (i.e. no superstructure mass on
the pile head). In these analyses, little influence of pile
spacing was observed and in general, the motion of the pile
head was fairly similar to that of the free surface, with about
5, 2 and 1% reduction in root mean acceleration value of
that of the free field for normalized spacing of S=B ¼ 4; 7
and 13, respectively. These results support the trends
observed in Figs. 4 and 5 based on superposition of
kinematic and inertia responses. The similarity between the
motion of the pile head and that of the free field surface is
consistent with the observation of Fan et al. [15] who found
that for low frequencies, the piles follow, almost exactly, the
free field ground movement. It should be noted that for
higher frequencies, the results of an infinite pile group
kinematic response [16] are inconsistent with Fan et al.’s
[15] findings that the response of a pile group is similar to
that of a single pile.
Fig. 9. Free field excess pore pressure distribution.
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
The values, or more accurately the trends, of both
maximum acceleration and root mean acceleration in Figs. 4
and 5 are also of interest. If a linear elastic one degree of
freedom system is considered, then the total response
(kinematic þ inertial) due to kinematic loading is given by
Uk eivk t
v21 2 v2k
where vk and Uk are the frequency and amplitude
of the
=M ¼
k1 =nb rf is the natural frequency of the structurefoundation system. From Eq. (11), it can be seen that if
the resonant frequency of the superstructure –pile system,
v1 ; is less than that of the kinematic loading, a decrease
in v1 will lead to reduction in amplitude of motion (also
acceleration and velocity), with a limit of zero motion. On
the other hand, if v1 is greater than vk ; an increase in v1
results in reduction of motion amplitude, with a limit of
Uk : As can be seen in Figs. 4 and 5, for small pile
spacing, the acceleration values decrease only with
increasing superstructure mass ðnb rf Þ; while for greater
pile spacing, they decrease also with an increase in pile
spacing. Since the loading frequency is greater than the
superstructure – pile – soil resonant frequency, the p
is directly related to the fashion in which v1 ¼ k1 =nb rf
changes. For closely spaced piles, k1 is more or less
constant (Fig. 7), as a result a reduction in v1 is merely
due to an increase in superstructure mass ðnb rf Þ: When
spacing increases, k1 also decreases (as seen in Fig. 7),
leading to an even greater reduction in v1 : This behavior
is clearly seen in Figs. 4 and 5, where the contour lines
curve to the left from vertical lines as the pile spacing
becomes large. In the following section, it will be shown
that in the same region in which k1 is more or less
constant, there is variation in excess pore pressure values.
This may appear to be contradictory. However, the
variation of excess pore pressure for these spacings is
not sufficient to cause significant change of mechanical
properties. Further discussion on the influence of excess
pore pressure on the response of the soil –pile system is
given in Ref. [6]
The maximum bending moments which develop in the
piles are shown in Fig. 8. For a wide range of superstructure
mass, the maximum bending moment is a function, only, of
pile spacing.
safety factor is equal to the inverse of ru ; i.e. the excess pore
pressure ratio is an estimator for liquefaction potential..
In the present analyses, the free field excess pore pressure
distribution was established as a reference value. Fig. 9
shows distribution of excess pore pressure, and the
corresponding excess pore pressure ratio, ru ; at different
times, in the free field for the earthquake and soil profile
presented previously.
Fig. 10a and b shows maximum values (in both time and
space) of excess pore pressure ratio in the soil – pile –
superstructure system. As can be seen from Fig. 10, there is
a zone of minimum excess pore pressure ratio in the range of
normalized spacing S=B ¼ 6 – 10; depending on the mass of
the superstructure. For the conditions presently considered,
this spacing is, therefore, optimal with regards to liquefaction mitigation. As the superstructure mass decreases from
about 16 to 2 ton/m2, the optimal normalized pile spacing
increases linearly from about 6 to 10. It should be noted that
in some cases, momentary liquefaction developed for large
3.2. Liquefaction susceptibility
Liquefaction susceptibility may be quantified by referring to excess pore pressure ratio, ru ; defined as the ratio of
excess pore pressure to the initial vertical effective stress.
The factor of safety against liquefaction can be defined as
the ratio of excess pore pressure required for initial
liquefaction to the existing excess pore pressure. This
Fig. 10. Excess pore pressure ratio.
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
pile spacings. However, these cases were not included in
Fig. 10, since the change of maximum excess pore pressure
close to liquefaction is not a continuous one, and a sudden
jump occurs in maximum excess pore pressure when going
from a stable state to the state of liquefaction. This excess
pore pressure threshold is discussed in Ref. [6]. In the
analyses, which were conducted here, the highest pore
pressure ratio, which was obtained without reaching the
unstable liquefaction state, was 0.75. One may, consequently, refer to the contour line of 0.75 in Fig. 10 as the
boundary between stable and liquefaction states.
A striking result obtained on the basis of Figs. 9 and 10 is
that in some of the analyses, the maximum excess pore
pressure value was smaller than that of the free field. In the
pile group configuration, the maximum excess pore
pressure ratio in some cases reached a value as low as
0.45 (Fig. 10) compared to about 0.55, which is the
maximum pore pressure ratio in time and space in the free
field (Fig. 9).
Fig. 10b shows how the excess pore pressure developed
in the soil depends on both loading and drainage conditions.
Optimal pile spacing, resulting in minimum ru ; is in the
range S=B ¼ 6 – 10: ru increases for both closer spacing, due
to disturbance to drainage, and to greater spacing, due to
higher inertial loading resulting from greater superstructure
mass per pile.
To obtain more insight into this phenomenon, the
development of excess pore pressure ratio with time is
Fig. 11 shows development of excess pore pressure for
normalized spacing of 6.9, for nb rf of 8 and 16 ton/m2, for
four different depths, Z=B ¼ 5; 10, 15, 20 and for different
distances, d; from the pile along a line connecting the piles
(parallel to the direction of loading).
It should be noted that the analysis of kinematic response
(i.e. zero mass of structure), discussed previously yielded
excess pore pressure values only slightly less than those of
the free field, with a maximum deviation of less than 10%;
Fig. 11. Development of excess pore pressure ratio, nb rf ¼ 8; 16; S=B ¼ 6:9:
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
this maximum deviation was obtained for the smallest
spacing considered—S=B ¼ 4: The difference from free
field values seen in Fig. 11 is, therefore, mainly due to
superstructure inertia effects.
The results, shown in Fig. 11 are actually consistent with
the experimental results of both Kagawa et al. [7] and
Sakajo et al. [8], which appeared to be contradictory, as
pointed out in the introduction. As seen in Fig. 11, at
shallow depth, the pore pressure value is greater than that of
the free field, similar to the behavior observed in most of
Kagawa et al.’s experiments in which measurement were all
made at shallow depth. At greater depth, pore pressures are,
in general, smaller than those of the free field, similar to the
behavior noted by Sakajo et al.
A decrease of excess pore pressure at greater depth
would not occur for a single pile, since excess pore pressure
would equalize with that of the free field, due to horizontal
flow. In an infinite pile group configuration, however, there
is no flow between adjacent unit cells, and this prevents the
tendency for pore pressure to reach free field values.
To supplement the comparisons between the two cases
shown in Fig. 11, Fig. 12 presents the variation in bending
moment with time, at different depths. It is seen that at the
beginning of the strong motion phase of the earthquake
(about 3.5 s), the bending moments in the pile increase. The
development of excess pore pressure is, as expected, seen to
be directly related to the intensity of loading which is
expressed in the magnitude of bending moment.
It is of interest to consider the effect of preventing
horizontal motion of the heads of the piles. This is
equivalent to considering the behavior of a superstructure
with infinite mass. Fig. 13 shows the development of
Fig. 12. Bending moment.
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
Fig. 13. Development of excess pore pressures for infinitely heavy
structure, S=B ¼ 6:9:
excess pore pressures with time for this case, indicating
that excess pore pressure values are smaller than those
shown in Fig. 11.
The influence of pile spacing on the development of
excess pore pressures is shown in Fig. 14, for a superstructure of nb rf ¼ 8 ton/m2 and normalized spacings
S=B ¼ 4 and 10 (the additional case of S=B ¼ 6:9 is shown
in Fig. 11). It is interesting to consider the effect of
the distance between piles on the dissipation of excess pore
pressure. For closely spaced piles ðS=B ¼ 4Þ; the pore
pressure curve in the vicinity of the pile ðd=B ¼ 0:5Þ
coincides with that mid-distance between the piles ðd=S ¼
0:5Þ; implying that there is no dissipation of excess
pore pressure in the horizontal direction. However, for
normalized pile spacing S=B ¼ 10; a significant deviation
between pore pressure in the vicinity of the pile and that
midway between piles ðd=S ¼ 0:5Þ is observed at shallow
depth. The peak excess pore pressures for normalized
spacing S=B ¼ 10 dissipate rather quickly compared to
the peaks for S=B ¼ 4; and those shown previously for
S=B ¼ 6:9: This is probably partly due to horizontal
dissipation, which occurs with large spacing.
The influence of pile spacing on horizontal drainage is
best seen in a plot of flow vectors. Fig. 15 shows plots of
flow vectors for nb rf ¼ 8 ton/m2 and S=B ¼ 4; 6.9, and 10 at
7 s. At this time, excess pore pressures in the three cases
reach their maximum values. Fig. 15 shows clearly that for
normalized spacing S=B ¼ 10; the flow has a relatively large
horizontal component, whereas, for S=B ¼ 4 and 6.9, the
vertical component is predominant. As can be seen, the
horizontal flow is depressed as it approaches the boundaries
of the unit cell, indicating the inability of water to flow from
one unit cell to another in an infinite pile group. It is also
evident from these plots that any significant reduction in
excess pore pressure for closely spaced piles is associated,
mostly, with vertical flow.
4. Summary and conclusion
Analyses of infinite pile groups were conducted in order
to investigate the kinetic response of a large pile group and
to examine whether an optimal configuration exists which
minimizes liquefaction potential for such a system.
Fig. 14. Development of excess pore pressure ratio, nb rf ¼ 8 S=B ¼ 4; 10.
A. Klar et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (2004) 565–575
Fig. 15. Flow vector at 7 s, nb rf ¼ 8; S=B ¼ 4; 6.9, 10.
The seismic response of the superstructure was found to
be relatively unaffected by the spacing between the piles for
relatively close piles (approximately S=B , 8). This finding
was supported by an analytical solution for low frequency
For the earthquake excitation considered, there is an
optimal pile spacing, which lowers the potential for
liquefaction. In general, pore pressure values may be higher
or lower than that of the free field, depending on the spacing
between the piles, the superstructure mass and the depth
being considered. When considering maximum pore
pressure ratio in space, which is an indication of liquefaction potential, it was observed that there is a distinct region
in which it was lower than that of the free field. This region
is dependent both on the pile spacing and the superstructure
mass. The piles, by themselves, have little influence on the
excess pore pressure, i.e. without a superstructure, excess
pore pressures are similar to those of the free field. These
results suggest that use of piles alone would not significantly
contribute to liquefaction mitigation, although they may
prevent its destructive effects.
For large pile spacing, it was shown that horizontal
flow participates in the reduction of excess pore pressure
at shallow depth.
It must be emphasized that the above observations were
obtained from analysis of one particular earthquake input,
and one soil profile. Therefore, further study should be
carried out for other input condition before these observations are generalized.
The research described in this paper is being supported
by the Israel Ministry of Housing and Construction, through
the National Building Research Station at the Technion.
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