Invasive Mutualists Erode Native Pollination Webs
Marcelo A. Aizen*, Carolina L. Morales, Juan M. Morales
Laboratorio Ecotono, Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Bariloche, Rı́o Negro, Argentina
Plant–animal mutualisms are characterized by weak or asymmetric mutual dependences between interacting species, a
feature that could increase community stability. If invasive species integrate into mutualistic webs, they may alter web
structure, with consequences for species persistence. However, the effect of alien mutualists on the architecture of
plant–pollinator webs remains largely unexplored. We analyzed the extent of mutual dependency between interacting
species, as a measure of mutualism strength, and the connectivity of 10 paired plant–pollinator webs, eight from
forests of the southern Andes and two from oceanic islands, with different incidences of alien species. Highly invaded
webs exhibited weaker mutualism than less-invaded webs. This potential increase in network stability was the result of
a disproportionate increase in the importance and participation of alien species in the most asymmetric interactions.
The integration of alien mutualists did not alter overall network connectivity, but links were transferred from
generalist native species to super-generalist alien species during invasion. Therefore, connectivity among native
species declined in highly invaded webs. These modifications in the structure of pollination webs, due to dominance of
alien mutualists, can leave many native species subject to novel ecological and evolutionary dynamics.
Citation: Aizen MA, Morales CL, Morales JM (2008) Invasive mutualists erode native pollination webs. PLoS Biol 6(2): e31. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060031
nator interactions are rather unspecific and diversified, and
alien mutualists have a high chance of interacting with native
generalists [17,18]. In any event, preferential interaction
between alien partners might create a separate network
compartment with little effect on the structure of the original
native web. On the other hand, because many invasive plants
and pollinators are themselves highly generalist, their
interactions with other alien and native species could become
central in the structure of modified plant–pollinator webs.
Alien integration need not to alter the architecture of
former pollination networks in terms of its connectivity, or
who interacts with whom. For instance, alien plants may
compete with native plants for space and resources (light and
water) but not necessarily for pollinators, whereas alien and
native flower-visiting animals may present different activity
periods or exploit different floral resources [19–21]. However, as invasion progresses, some alien mutualists may
become increasingly abundant and/or change their per capita
interaction strength, elevating their chance of interacting
with a large number of partners [10,22,23] and, as long as
network connectivity remains constant, of ‘‘sequestering’’
interaction frequency and links from the original web. The
transfer of interactions from native to alien generalists might
create a positive feedback that fosters invasiveness and
subjects native species to novel ecological and evolutionary
dynamics [11].
We explored the effects of invasive species on the structure
of pollination networks by compiling information provided
Plant–animal mutualisms are highly asymmetric, such that
if a plant species depends strongly on an animal species, the
animal typically depends weakly on the plant, and vice versa
[1,2]. Thus, the resulting mutualistic webs have a nested
structure—a robust property of this type of networks [3] —
whereby specialists interact preferentially with generalists,
rather than with other specialists, and interactions between
generalist partners form the network core [2,4]. This limited
reciprocal dependence or mutualism strength might increase
web stability, buffering plant and animal species against the
extinction of any of their partners [1,5–8]. Additionally, a
decrease in mutualism strength may indicate changes in
network architecture whereby some components of an
interaction network become more weakly connected, or
disconnected, whereas others become more central. Here
we show that integration of invasive mutualists into native
plant–pollinator networks, while it does not alter overall web
connectivity, decreases mutualism strength by increasing the
concentration of interaction links in a few alien species.
Given the arrival of propagules of alien organisms in a new
locality, invasion is usually triggered by different types of
mostly human-related disturbances and/or promoted by an
enemy-free space that creates appropriate conditions for
establishment [9,10]. Once established, aliens can increase in
abundance and even dominate an entire community through
a series of direct and indirect facilitative and self-perpetuating mechanisms [9–11], which can cause displacement of
native competitors and disruption of their interactions [12–
15]. In particular, the fate of alien flowering plants and
flower-visiting animals in a novel environment may depend
largely on how well they integrate into existing pollination
webs [16]. If they integrate poorly—due, for instance, to a lack
of coevolutionary history with their native counterparts—
then their success, in terms of seed production for plants and
nectar and pollen acquisition for pollinators, may be
conditioned by the presence of other alien partners.
However, absolute failure of aliens to integrate into native
pollination webs seems unlikely, because many plant–polliPLoS Biology |
Academic Editor: Daniel Simberloff, University of Tennessee, United States of
Received September 27, 2007; Accepted December 20, 2007; Published February
12, 2008
Copyright: Ó 2008 Aizen et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
Abbreviations: df, degrees of freedom
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: marcelo.aizen@gmail.
February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31
Invasion of Pollination Webs
interactions, including those that previously formed the core
of native pollination webs.
Author Summary
Plant–animal mutualisms are characterized by weak or asymmetric
mutual dependences between interacting species, such that if a
plant species depends strongly on an animal species, the animal
typically depends weakly on the plant, and vice versa. This limited
reciprocal dependency, or ‘‘mutualism strength,’’ might increase
species persistence by buffering plant and animal species against
the extinction of any of their partners. Many plant–pollinator
networks include a fraction of alien species, and it is not clear how
these invaders might affect the structure of pollination webs. We
analyzed 10 paired plant–pollinator webs, eight from forests of the
southern Andes and two from oceanic islands, with different
incidences of alien species. Highly invaded webs exhibited, on
average, weaker mutualistic interactions, and hence a potential
increase in network stability, than less-invaded webs. This was due
to a disproportionate increase in the participation of some alien
species in the most asymmetric interactions and their role as central
nodes in the structure of the most invaded pollination webs. The
increase in alien dominance involves the usurpation of interaction
links, decreasing connectivity among native mutualists. Thus, many
native species that rely on native generalists for either reproduction
or survivorship become highly dependent on these super-generalist
alien mutualists.
The Pollination Webs
The 10 pollination webs included in this study varied in the
total number of interacting species (i.e., their sizes) and
number of alien species recorded (Table 1). The sizes of the
study webs (21–69 species) and number of interactions (23–
145 links) were smaller than those of many tropical
pollination webs [24] or webs assembled from observations
collected over large areas or over long time periods [18], but
typical of local webs from other temperate regions and
isolated islands [24–26]. In addition, these are the few webs
studied, so far, that include both alien mutualists and some
estimate of interaction frequency, a measure that relates
strongly to plant reproductive success and is presumably
associated with the amount of floral resources gathered by a
given pollinator species [27].
The functional importance of invading plants and animals
in each pollination web was estimated from the proportions
of the sum of all visitation frequencies recorded at the flowers
of alien plants and for alien flower visitors, respectively
(Table 1). These estimates are determined by both the
number of alien species present in each web and the total
interaction frequency of each individual alien species. We
should acknowledge, however, that the per visit efficiency in
pollen delivery or in resource uptake could differ between
native and alien species and might accentuate any expected
effect of invasive species on either plant or animal fitness
based on changes in interaction frequency alone [15]. For all
five pairs of webs, the four pairs from the southern Andes and
the pair from oceanic islands, the web with the highest
incidence of visits to alien plants also had the highest
incidence of visits from alien pollinators (Table 1). We
considered the average between these two proportions as an
index of the degree of invasion of a pollination web, which
ranges from 0 for a web with no interacting alien species to 1
for a web characterized exclusively by interactions between
alien species. Despite extensive variation, the four southern
by 10 paired, quantitative, plant–pollinator webs, eight from
the temperate forests of the southern Andes and two from
oceanic islands, which differ in the functional incidence of
alien species. First, we evaluated the degree of mutual
dependence between interacting partners (i.e., mutualism
strength), characterizing networks with different levels of
invasion. Second, we assessed whether a decrease in mutualism strength found in the most invaded networks was
accompanied by a shift in the identity, from native to alien,
of the generalist partners participating in the most asymmetric interactions and also by differences in the ecological
role played by native and alien mutualists. Finally, we
investigated whether an increase in alien dominance could
result in a loss of interactions and decrease in connectivity
between native partners. We report that although alien
species could behave as mostly unnoticed commensals during
initial stages of invasion, during later stages they monopolize
Table 1. Characteristics of the Ten Plant–Pollinators Webs Analyzed
Number of Native/Alien
Plant spp.
Number of Native/Alien
Pollinator spp.
Number of
Proportion of Visits
to Alien Plants
Proportion of Visits
by Alien Pollinators
Strength (SD)
Challhuaco (U)
Challhuaco (D)
Cerro Otto (U)
Cerro Otto (D)
Llao-llao (U)
Llao-llao (D)
Puerto Blest (U)
Puerto Blest (D)
Information on the total numbers of alien and native plant and pollinator species, number of links (i.e., nonzero interactions), proportion of all visits made to flowers of alien plants or by
alien insects, and mutualism strength is included. For the eight south Andean communities, U and D indicate the webs of paired undisturbed and disturbed habitat units, respectively.
Number of interactions between native plants and pollinators in parentheses.
Proportion of visits estimated from number of individual pollinators, rather than visit frequencies.
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February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31
Invasion of Pollination Webs
Table 2. Correlations between Total Species Number, Number of Links, Invasion Index, and Mutualism Strength
Network Property
Number of Links
Invasion Index
Mutualism Srength
Standardized Mutualism Strength
Number of species
Number of links
Invasion index
Mutualism strength
Figures indicate Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients (N ¼ 10 pollination webs). Correlations with mutualism strength before and after standardization are provided. * p , 0.05, ** p ,
Andean webs from mostly undisturbed habitats and the web
from Flores island represent the five lowest values of this
index (,0.32). These five webs were grouped into the ‘‘lightlyinvaded’’ category, whereas their paired counterparts, including the web from Aigrettes, were grouped into the
‘‘highly-invaded’’ category (invasion index . 0.32).
Invasion and Mutualism Strength
We calculated the mutual dependency for all pairs of
interacting species in each web based on estimates of
interaction frequency, and we consider the mean of all
pairwise nonzero products of mutual dependencies as a
measure of mutualism strength [1,28]. Each estimate of
mutualism strength was compared with a distribution of
expected values generated by a randomization procedure,
and observed values were standardized by their respective
expected means to lessen the influence of web size and total
number of links (Table 2).
The studied pollination webs exhibited generally smaller
mean products of mutual dependences between interacting
species than expected by chance alone. All but two webs, both
from the lightly-invaded group, had standardized mutualism
strengths below the limit set by the 2.5 percentile of their
respective randomly generated distributions (Figure 1A). The
highly-invaded web of each of the five network pairs had
consistently lower standardized mutualism strength than its
lightly invaded counterpart (binomial test, p ¼ 0.03125). More
generally, mutualism strength—either standardized or not—
varied inversely with the extent of invasion (Table 2 and Figure
1A). This declining trend can be attributed directly to the
effects of interacting alien species, as the mutualism strength
of the sub-web formed by the native species showed a weak
positive association with invasion index (Figure 1B). As a
consequence, the (standardized) mutualism strength of the
native sub-web was relatively similar to the mutualism strength
exhibited by the whole network for the lightly invaded webs
(mean 6 standard error [SE] ¼ 0.31 6 0.043 versus 0.25 6
0.047; paired t-test, t ¼ 1.40, degrees of freedom [df] ¼ 4, p ¼
0.23), whereas it was much larger for the highly invaded group
(mean 6 SE ¼0.17 6 0.042 versus 0.43 6 0.047; t ¼5.05, df
¼ 4, p ,0.01). Hence, the presence of invasive alien mutualists
in highly invaded pollination webs apparently decreased
absolute and relative mutualism strength.
Invasion and the Distribution of Asymmetries
To identify the causes of changes in mutualism strength
with increasing invasion, we compared the mean and
distribution of the asymmetry between interacting pairs of
plant–pollinator native species versus interacting pairs that
included at least one alien partner for lightly and highly
Figure 1. Relation of Mutualism Strength to Invasion Index for Ten Pollination Networks
Mutualism strength was estimated by averaging the product of the mutual dependences over (A) all pairs of interacting species sampled in each web
and (B) only pairs of interacting native species. The invasion index was the average proportion of the total interaction frequency represented by alien
plants and alien pollinators. For each web, mutualism strength was standardized by the mean of the distribution of values generated by random redistribution of observed interaction frequencies (see Materials and Methods). In each panel, symbols depict observations for the five pairs of webs
analyzed (&, Challhuaco; m, Cerro Otto; ., Llao-llao; , Puerto Blest; &, Oceanic islands). Solid lines indicate the best linear fits (y ¼ 0.18 – 0.42x, r 2¼
0.427, F ¼ 5.95, df ¼ 1, 8, p ¼ 0.041 for (A), and y ¼ 0.34 þ 0.27x, r2¼ 0.250, F ¼ 2.67, df ¼ 1, 8, p ¼ 0.14 for (B)). N ¼ 10 pollination webs. Dotted line
segments join points representing webs from paired disturbed and undisturbed areas in the south-Andean forest region or the two webs from oceanic
islands. The gray zone is the region delimited by the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles from the standardized random distributions.
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February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31
Invasion of Pollination Webs
Figure 2. Means and Composite Frequency Distributions of Interaction Asymmetry for Pairs of Interacting Species
The graphs depict asymmetries for interactions recorded in lightly invaded and highly invaded webs. Gray dots (upper panels) and bars (lower panels)
indicate asymmetries for pairs of interacting native species, and black dots and bars depict pairs of interacting species in which at least one is alien.
Sample sizes for each mean and frequency distribution can be derived from the column ‘‘Number of links’’ in Table 1. Error bars represent one standard
invaded webs. We used Bascompte et al.’s index of asymmetry,
which ranges between 0 and 1 [1].
Differential asymmetries characterized the interactions
involving aliens according to the extent of invasion. Whereas
we did not find a significant difference between the mean
asymmetry of native–native interactions and interactions
involving at least one alien species for the lightly invaded
webs (paired t-test, t ¼ 1.48, df ¼ 4, p ¼ 0.21), we did find a
consistent trend for the highly-invaded webs (t ¼6.31, df ¼ 4,
p ,0.005). For these latter webs, interactions involving alien
species were more asymmetric than interactions between
native mutualists (Figure 2).
The comparative distribution of pairwise interaction
asymmetries also illustrates the differential influence of alien
species in the structure of pollination webs. Figure 2 shows an
overrepresentation of large asymmetries, implying that a
strongly dependent mutualist (i.e., a specialist) commonly
interacts with a weakly dependent partner (i.e., a generalist).
However, the distribution of asymmetries of interactions
between native mutualists and interactions involving at least
one alien partner showed a differential pattern according to
invasion level. Whereas the distribution of asymmetries
between these two types of interactions was similar for the
lightly invaded webs (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, D ¼ 0.113, p ¼
0.42), it greatly differed for the highly-invaded group (D ¼
0.184, p , 0.005). Specifically, in this latter group, the
incidence of high asymmetry (.0.8) associated with interactPLoS Biology |
ing aliens was larger than those characterizing interactions
between native species (60.6% versus 42.7%; v2 ¼ 13.53, df ¼ 1,
p , 0.0005), a trend that was not observed among the lightlyinvaded webs (44.3% versus 47.0%; v2 ¼ 0.17, df ¼ 1, p ¼ 0.67).
Therefore, aliens engage disproportionately in the most
asymmetric interactions during advanced stages of invasion.
The differential participation of aliens in highly asymmetric interactions relates to the high individual strength that
generalist alien species achieved in the most-invaded webs.
We characterized each species present in each web by the
number of species with which it interacts (degree) and the
sum of the dependences of the species with which it interacts
(strength). Thus, a species’ strength is a quantitative extension
of its degree, and it represents the ecological importance of a
given mutualistic plant or animal species from the perspective of the interacting animal or plant assemblage, respectively [1]. We examined whether the slope of the linear
relation between species degree and strength differed
between native versus alien species in lightly and highly
invaded webs. Alien species will exhibit a higher slope than
native species if they become disproportionately important,
in terms of their strength, particularly in highly invaded webs.
The analysis of the relation between species strength and
degree for native versus alien plant and flower visitors reveals
the differential ecological importance achieved by alien
mutualists along invasion (Figure 3). In the lightly invaded
webs, native and alien plant and animal mutualists had almost
February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31
Invasion of Pollination Webs
Figure 3. Relation of a Species’ Strength to Its Degree
A species’ strength is the sum of the dependences of the species with which it interacts, whereas its degree is the number of species with which it
interacts. The figure depicts separate relations for native (gray circles) and alien (black circles) plant and pollinators species present in lightly and highly
invaded webs. The dashed and continuous lines represent the best-fit linear regressions for native and alien species, respectively (p , 0.001 in all cases).
Sample sizes for natives and aliens are, respectively, 36 and 15 for plants in lightly invaded webs, 37 and 34 for plants in highly invaded webs, 113 and
15 for pollinators in lightly invaded webs, and 162 and 19 for pollinators in highly invaded webs.
identical slopes (test of homogeneity of slopes, F ¼ 0.001, df ¼
1, 47, p ¼ 0.94, and F ¼ 0.13, df ¼ 1, 124, p ¼ 0.72 for plant and
animal species, respectively). However, in the highly invaded
webs, where alien species engaged in the most generalized
interactions (species degree . 8), aliens exhibited a higher
slope than natives (F ¼ 3.45, df ¼ 1, 67, p ¼ 0.06, and F ¼ 42.44,
df ¼ 1, 177, p , 0.0001 for plant and animal species,
respectively). Thus, in highly invaded webs, many species
interact with generalist aliens, and more species become
highly dependent on them.
webs exhibited similar connectivity (22.1 6 2.62 versus 20.1 6
3.23 %, respectively; t ¼ 0.99, df ¼ 4, p ¼ 0.38). However, native
mutualists were more connected among themselves in the
lightly invaded than in the highly invaded webs (25.2 6 3.49
versus 16.8 6 3.54%; t ¼ 6.91, df ¼ 4, p ¼ 0.002), a difference that
persisted (p ¼ 0.04) after including the total number of native
species as a covariate. The connectance of the native sub-webs
exceeded or equaled the overall connectance exhibited by
their respective webs in the lightly invaded networks, whereas
it was significantly lower in three of the five highly invaded
webs (Figure 5). For the other two highly invaded networks,
where connectance among native species was similar to that
exhibited by their respective webs, their lightly invaded
counterparts were characterized by particularly richly connected native sub-webs. Thus, these results reveal general
invariance in overall network connectivity, irrespective of
invasion degree and beyond any influence of network size, so
that if native species become less connected among themselves
they become more connected with alien species.
Invasion and Web Connectivity
Changes in quantitative parameters characterizing the
structure of invaded pollination webs were not associated
with changes in network connectivity, but they were associated with an altered distribution of interaction links. Overall,
the connectance (i.e., the percent of all possible interactions
actually observed) of the analyzed webs decreased with the
number of species in each web (Figure 4), a relation that could
be depicted by a similar negative-exponential fit as the one
estimated by Jordano from a sample of several qualitative
plant–pollinator webs [24]. However, the remaining variation
did not depend on the extent of web invasion (i.e., the invasion
index; r2 ¼ 0.076, F ¼ 0.66, df ¼ 1, 8, p ¼ 0.44) and paired
comparisons of residuals between lightly and highly invaded
webs were not significantly different (1.13 6 1.69 versus 1.23
6 0.87 %; t ¼1.05, df ¼ 4, p ¼ 0.35). In general, both groups of
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Previous studies showed that alien mutualists can integrate
into pollination webs, but with a slight effect, if any, on the
connectivity of the original network [18,29]. Our results
reveal, however, that the effect of aliens on the distribution of
interaction links could greatly depend on the extent of
February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31
Invasion of Pollination Webs
Figure 4. Relation of Connectance to the Number of Species
Connectance represents the percentage of possible interactions that
were actually recorded. The solid line indicates the best-fit negative
exponential regression line (y ¼ 40.9 3 e–0.016x, F ¼ 221.6, df ¼ 2, 8, p ,
0.0001). N ¼ 10 pollination webs. Symbols as in Figure 1.
Figure 5. Relation of the Percent Difference in Connectance to Invasion
Percent difference represents the connectance of the native plantpollinator
(CN) relative to the entire web (CC) and was estimated
. Negative and positive connectance differences indicate
as 100 CNCC
that native sub-webs are less or more connected than their respective
entire webs. We compared the connectances of the native sub-web and
the sub-web formed by all other interactions by means of v2 test with df
¼ 1. Asterisks indicate significant (p , 0.05) deviations. The solid line
represents the best linear fit (y ¼ 21.2 – 61.6x, r 2¼ 0.300, F ¼ 3.41, df ¼ 1, 8,
p ¼ 0.10). N ¼ 10 pollination webs. Symbols as in Figure 1.
invasion which, in turn, may be mediated by external factors,
such as disturbance, and influenced by particular historical
settings [9]. Our work also demonstrates that aliens can
modify basic quantitative parameters of pollination webs,
such as the strength of interactions and distribution of
asymmetries, that constitute the basic foundations of the
architecture of mutualistic networks [1,2,4–6].
Several recent studies propose that species persistence
should increase in a mutualistic network governed by limited
interdependency, as the disruption of any link will have little
effect on community stability [1,5–7,30]. However, this low
mutualism strength may characterize either a diffuse network
dominated by weak mutual dependence between interacting
pairs of species or a highly structured network dominated by
asymmetric links with interacting partners depending unevenly on each other. Asymmetry seems common in plant–
animal mutualistic networks [1] and was evident from the
networks that we studied (Figure 2). This pattern reflects a
type of mutualistic web in which specialists interact differentially with generalists, whereas weak mutual interactions
between generalist partners characterize the left tail of the
distribution. Our results also demonstrate that diminished
mutualism strength results from the involvement of generalist
alien species in an unusual proportion of the most
asymmetric interactions in highly invaded webs. The strength
achieved by some of these generalist aliens surpasses that of
any native species, indicating that many species that are
ecologically specialized because of being rare [23] interact
exclusively with at least some of the invaders (see also [1,2]).
Therefore, these super-generalist aliens become central
nodes of highly invaded webs that might increase nestedness
and the persistence of many species [4], but greatly modify
network architecture during invasion.
Our results also suggest the likely dynamics of change in a
pollination network during invasion. Upon arrival, alien
newcomers are rare and probably persist in existing
pollination networks through interactions with native generalists [17,18], so they engage in few interactions and exhibit
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limited integration due to their scarcity. If disturbance and/or
the lack of regulatory processes, such as predation and
parasitism, subsequently allow an increase in abundance of an
alien species, its ecological generalization may also increase,
because abundance is an important determinant of a species’
degree [22,23,31]. Additionally, habitat modification can
change the mode of action (i.e., per capita effect) of at least
some alien species and thus their total impact may increase
beyond expectations based on invader abundance alone [10].
Therefore, the growth of a population of an invasive species
likely precipitates a disproportionate increase in its importance in the structure of the network through both numerical
and functional effects. In the case of invasive plants, for
instance, this augmented strength may result not only from
high density, but also from the tendency of these species to
produce exuberant flower displays and offer superabundant
flower resources [12]. In the case of invasive flower visitors,
this high species’ strength may also relate to highly plastic
behavior, efficient resource search and exploitation, and
indiscriminate foraging as exhibited by the honey bee, Apis
mellifera [32], and some highly invasive bumble bees such as
Bombus terrestris [33] or B. ruderatus [34]. The conceptual model
we portray may also accommodate contrasting evidence for
the existence of the so-called ‘‘invader complexes’’, groups of
introduced species interacting more with each other than
expected by chance [16,18,29,35]. Because interactions among
super-generalist aliens form the main core of highly-invaded
webs, facilitation between alien partners may become
apparent only during late stages of invasion.
Whereas alien mutualists can integrate into native pollination networks, they seem not to increase the connectivity of
the invaded web. Our results demonstrate that connectance
February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31
Invasion of Pollination Webs
decreased with total number of species in the same fashion as
found in a previous and broader study [24], regardless of
whether the networks are highly invaded (Figure 4). Indeed,
the negative-exponential coefficient of the relation in Figure
4, 0.16, is practically the same as the 0.17 reported by Jordano
[24]. This similarity can relate to different constraints that
may determine limits in the connectivity of this type of
network [30,36–38]. Therefore, the increasing role of aliens as
prime nodes in network structure entails the erosion in
connectivity among members of the pre-invaded web, as the
decrease in connectivity among native species in some of the
most invaded webs illustrates clearly (Figure 5). From the
alien species’ perspective, usurpation of links and of
interaction frequency in mutualistic networks can establish
a self-perpetuating positive feedback, whereby invasive
species increasingly enhance their reproductive success and
dominance. From the native species’ perspective, whereas
many of the ‘‘lost’’ interactions may be rather redundant,
others might be key in their ecological and evolutionary
dynamics. For instance, the clonal herb Alstroemeria aurea
(Alstroemeriaceae) is a keystone mutualist in south Andean
forests. Despite being highly generalist, its reproduction
relies principally on the giant bumble bee B. dahlbomii,
another key mutualist [39]. Recently, the introduced European bumble bee B. ruderatus invaded austral South America
and displaced native B. dahlbomii even from some undisturbed
areas [34,40]. Although the reproductive consequence of this
pollinator replacement for Al. aurea is unknown, B. ruderatus is
a less-efficient pollinator of this plant species because of its
smaller size, and therefore pollination quantity and/or quality
may decline [41]. In the long term, this novel interaction may
select for smaller flowers of Al. aurea. For other native plant
species, like the south Andean endemic Chilean fire-bush,
Embothrium coccineum (Proteaceae), usurpation of links could
significantly decrease reproductive output because of replacement of a diverse pollinator assemblage by Ap. mellifera
in highly-modified settings [40]. In such cases, invasive species
can contribute to their eventual demise through the
disruption of the pollination mutualism (see also [15]).
Invaded mutualistic webs may actually sustain high
diversity and even some rare pollinators may increase in
abundance due to plentiful resources offered by some massflowering alien plants [42–44]. Yet, the focus on diversity of
species and links or other metrics describing the structure of
quantitative webs can overlook subtle, but transcendent
changes in network architecture [45]. Although many native
mutualists can survive alien dominance, our results indicate
that particular configurations of biological communities, and
thus unique ecological interactions and evolutionary pathways, can be lost forever.
precipitation. At each site, corresponding to a different native forest
type, we surveyed flower-visiting animals in two habitats units ,1 km
apart characterized by contrasting disturbance intensity, a mostly
undisturbed or less disturbed area (U) and a highly-disturbed area
(D), which had been either burned or logged and was characterized by
a higher number and abundance of alien species. In total, we
accumulated 1,639 diurnal observation periods of 15 min each during
73 d. Sampling was distributed evenly among the four study sites,
between disturbed and undisturbed habitats within sites and
throughout the flowering season. Individuals observed visiting flowers
were morphotyped and identified to the minimum possible taxonomic level with the aid of a reference collection and the expertise of
different specialists. Individuals that could be identified to the species
level accounted for about 85% of all flower visits recorded. Previous
analyses conducted on this data set showed that plant species origin,
alien versus native, influences visitation frequency and the composition of the flower-visiting species assemblage independent of
habitat disturbance [16,35]. The data obtained from Olesen et al.’s
study [29] of two other pollination webs from oceanic islands, Flores,
in the Azores, and Ile aux Aigrettes, a small islet 600 m off the coast of
Mauritius (hereafter Aigrettes), also included alien plants and
pollinators. This study also involved a large sampling effort, including
observations of the numbers of flower visitors seen during 226 and
341 observation periods of 30 min each on Flores and Aigrettes,
respectively. However, Olesen et al. [29] did not contrast disturbed
and undisturbed habitats on these islands. All flower visitors included
in the ten sampled networks were presumed to act as pollinators, as
they contacted sexual parts of the flowers they visited.
The plant species included in the networks encompass a mix of
herbaceous and woody forms, whereas flower visitors were all insects,
except for a hummingbird, Sephanoides sephaniodes, native to austral
South America and present in some of the south Andean webs, and a
gecko, Phelsuma ornata ornata, endemic to Mauritius. Eight out of the
ten webs included the introduced honey bee, Ap. mellifera, whereas the
bumble bee, B. ruderatus, was an alien flower visitor in six of eight
south Andean webs [16] but native on Flores [29]. Although the south
Andean webs share some native and alien species, each web includes
unique species and species combinations (Dataset S1).
Network parameters. Each of the ten plant–pollinator webs was
depicted in a matrix, in which the rows represent different plant
species (P) and columns depict animal pollinators (A), and cells
record the occurrence and intensity of interactions between plant
and pollinator species. As measures of interaction frequency, we used
the mean visit frequency per observation period for the south
Andean matrices, and the total numbers of visits from different
pollinator species during the total sampling period on each plant
species for the island webs (see [2,23]). We calculated the connectance
of each matrix (i.e., a measure of connectivity; [24]) as the percentage
of the P 3 A cells with an interaction frequency .0.
Based on estimates of interaction frequency, we calculated the
mutual dependency for all pairs of interacting species in each web.
The frequency of an interaction relative to its row total (i.e., the
fraction of all animal visits to a plant species by a particular animal
species) represents the dependence dijP of plant species i on pollinator
species j, whereas the frequency of a given interaction relative to its
column total (i.e., the fraction of all visits by an animal species to a
particular plant species) represents the dependence djiA of pollinator
species j on plant species i. We defined the strength of the mutualistic
interaction between plant species i and pollinator species j as the
product of their respective dependences dijP djiA [1] and the
mutualism strength for an entire web as the mean of all pairwise
nonzero mutualistic strengths. A web dominated by either mutually
weak or highly asymmetric interactions will exhibit low mutualism
strength [1,28]. The observed mutualism strength was compared with
a distribution of expected values generated from 10,000 randomized
datasets, where we shuffled the observed interaction frequencies
within each matrix with the restriction that each species had at least
one interaction [2,23] (Protocol S1). Because of the sensitivity of
mutualism strength to the number of species and links, we standardized the observed mutualism strength (O) for each web as (O –
E½x)/ E½x, where E½x is the expected mean mutualism strength of its
corresponding simulated distribution. This relative measure of
mutualism strength was not influenced significantly by network size
(Table 2). For each web, we estimated both the mutualism strength of
the whole network and that of the native sub-web (i.e., after excluding
interactions with and between alien species).
To identify the causes of changes in mutualism strength with
increasing invasion, we compared the mean and distribution of the
asymmetry between interacting pairs of native plant–pollinator
species versus interacting pairs that included at least one alien
Materials and Methods
The database. We assembled a dataset (Dataset S1) composed of
ten quantitative plant–pollinator webs, including alien species, from
our unpublished records and Olesen et al. [29]. The field sampling
procedures that we used to characterize the eight south Andean
plant–pollinator webs are presented in detail elsewhere [16,35].
Briefly, per-flower visit frequencies (number of visits 3 flower1 3 15
min1) by different visitor species were estimated at the flowers of the
most common animal-pollinated native and alien plant species at
each of four forested sites in Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina,
during the 2000–2001 flowering season. Sites were located along a 50km transect, oriented East-West along a gradient of increasing
PLoS Biology |
February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31
Invasion of Pollination Webs
We thank J. Bascompte, P. Jordano, C. Melián, J. Memmot, A.
Traveset, D.P. Vázquez, N.M. Waser, and three anonymous reviewers
for their critical reading and comments on the manuscript and L.D.
Harder for his suggestions and careful editing. We acknowledge J.
Olesen and collaborators for sharing their data through the public
interaction web database
Author contributions. MAA conceived the study and wrote the
paper. CLM contributed data. JMM wrote the algorithm for the
analysis of mutualism strength. MAA, CLM, and JMM analyzed the
data and discussed the results.
Funding. Partial funding by The Canon National Parks Science
Scholars Program, CONICET (PIP 5066), and the Universidad
Nacional del Comahue (B126/ 04) is acknowledged. The three authors
are career researchers of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Cientı́ficas y Tecnológicas of Argentina (CONICET).
Competing interests. The authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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Supporting Information
Dataset S1. The Ten Pollination Networks
Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060031.sd001 (159 KB XLS).
Protocol S1. Matlab Code for Generating Randomized Distributions
of Mutualism Strength
Found at doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060031.sd002 (2 KB RTF).
PLoS Biology |
February 2008 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | e31