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Research is created in dialogue. It builds on previous knowledge and creates new knowledge. Since this year, the EU, but also the funding institutions in Switzerland, expect researchers to share their results openly - worldwide and without barriers. The downside of the digital explosion that has made Open Access possible and necessary is an inflation of information and knowledge: the notorious sea of data. Storing knowledge, networking it, but above all filtering, focusing and curating it are the challenges facing us today. What we are looking for here are new signposts and compasses. We will try to find out here how far art academies and the applied research based there can contribute ideas to this - with interdisciplinary contributions from the fields of education and higher education policy, applied music and interpretation research, digital humanities and big data, fine arts and art history, ethnography, health care and social design, aesthetics and graphics. In addition to classical essays, this publication presents films, artistic contributions and digital formats such as blogs and podcasts. Forschung entsteht im Dialog. Sie baut auf bisheriges Wissen und schafft neues. Seit diesem Jahr erwarten die EU, aber auch die Förderinstitutionen in der Schweiz, dass die Forschenden ihre Ergebnisse Open Access – weltweit und schranken-los – teilen. Kehrseite der digitalen Explosion, die Open Access erst möglich und auch notwendig gemacht hat, ist eine Inflation von Information und Wissen: das notorische Datenmeer. Speichern des Wissens, seine Vernetzung, vor allem aber Filtern, Fokussieren und Kuratieren heißen die daraus folgenden heutigen Her¬ausforderungen. Gesucht sind hier neue Wegweiser und Kompasse. Wie weit Kunsthochschulen und die dort angesiedelte angewandte Forschung Ideen dazu beisteuern können, probieren wir hier auszuloten – mit interdisziplinär versammelten Beiträgen aus den Bereichen Bildungs- und Hoch¬schulpolitik, angewandte Musik- und Interpretationsforschung, Digital Human¬ities und Big Data, Bildende Kunst und Kunstgeschichte, Ethnografie, Health Care und Social Design, Ästhetik und Grafik. Nebst klassischen Aufsätzen präsentiert die vorliegende Publikation Filme, künstlerische Beiträge und gen¬uin digitale Formate wie Blogs oder Podcasts
Studies in the Arts – Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design , 2021
Dass Künstler*innen forschen, ist nichts Neues. Was sich aber sukzessive wandelt, ist der künstlerische Zugang: Die Kunst ist nicht länger (nur) Gegenstand, sondern vor allem auch Mittel zur Erkenntnisgewinnung. Dieser Entwicklung folgend hat die Universität Bern gemeinsam mit der Hochschule der Künste Bern das erste Schweizerische Doktoratsprogramm für Künstler*innen und Gestalter*innen gegründet: Studies in the Arts (SINTA). Die an diesem Projekt beteiligten Beiträger*innen des Bandes liefern hierzu grundsätzliche Erwägungen und Fallbeispiele sowie praktische Anwendungen in Interpretation, Musikrezeption und Design.
Studies in the Arts II. Künste, Design und Wissenschaft im Austausch, 2024
Ich möchte an dieser Stelle stellvertretend allen Kolleginnen und Kollegen danken, die in den vergangenen Jahren gemeinsam mit mir, im Alleingang oder in wechselnden Kollaborationen ohne mich an diesen Methoden und ihrer Reflexion mitgearbeitet haben:
Only a few examples of the medieval string instruments rabab and rebec have survived, but there are numerous pictorial sources and music theory treatises that deal with them. There are also instruments still played in North Africa today that are obviously related to them. If one now examines the secured objects morphologically and acoustically, incorporates pictorial and textual sources and extrapolates with the necessary caution the nature of today's ethnomusicological instruments, hypothetical prototypes can be reconstructed from all this information and knowledge. Such forms of experimental archaeology are epitomised by a current research project in Bern. Another project takes the opposite approach, taking everyday objects from civilisation and placing them in natural contexts, thus creating an artificial tableau vivant using artistic means. These installations and their photographic images are artistic works that can also stand for themselves and are shown in museum and gallery contexts. At the same time, they serve as objects of interactive art mediation, where the reactions of random passers-by and exhibition visitors are observed, questioned, discussed, systematised and classified during various actions. The ironic refraction of the artefacts, such as industrially manufactured cleaning utensils that appear as a blue flower at first and second glance, on the one hand provides an opportunity for a scientific positioning of the artworks in art theory, environmental policy and assemblage discourses. On the other hand, the artefacts in turn enable the creation of further artistic components: Audience reactions are analysed, categorised, sequenced and reassembled in a way that behaves in a literary-creative manner. In this experimental arrangement of this research laboratory, the scientific and artistic parts are mutually dependent and permeate each other, which is also reflected in the specially invented name: Paranatur Forschungslaboratorium.
Studies in the Arts - Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design, 2021
The fact that artists conduct research is nothing new. What is gradually changing, however, is the artistic approach: art is no longer (only) an object, but above all a means of gaining knowledge. Following this development, the University of Bern, together with the Bern University of the Arts, founded the first Swiss doctoral programme for artists and designers: Studies in the Arts (SINTA). The contributors to this volume provide fundamental considerations and case studies as well as practical applications in interpretation, music reception and design. Translated with (free version)
Center for the Research of Biblical Manuscripts and Inscriptions, 2019
A Child Burial from Kerch, 2024
Bölge Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2023
La Révolution française, 2023
Critical Arts, 2019
Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE), 2020
Gyroscopy and Navigation, 2017
Sudaryanto, 2025
Biblioteca Escolar em Revista, 2016
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2005
Robert Louis Stevenson-Lloyd Osbourne, Il saccheggiatore di relitti, traduzione di Gian Dàuli, introduzione di Dario Pontuale, postfazione di Graziella Pulce, Roma, Nutrimenti, 2018, 2018