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DBPubs is a system for effectively analyzing and exploring the content of database publications by combining keyword search with OLAP-style aggregations, navigation, and reporting. DBPubs starts with keyword search over the content of publications. The publications' metadata such as title, authors, venues, year, and so on, provide traditional OLAP static dimensions, which are combined with dynamic dimensions discovered from the content of the publications in the search result, such as frequent phrases, relevant phrases, and topics. We compute publication ranks based on the link structure between documents, i.e., citations, and aggregate them to find seminal papers, discover trends, and rank authors. We deploy an OLAP tool for multidimensional content exploration through traditional OLAP rollup-drilldown operations on the static and dynamic dimensions, solutions for multi-cube analysis, dynamic navigation of the content, and highlighting of interesting dices of the multidimensional content dataspace.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2000
The first positive detection of the X-ray background fluctuations at small angular scales is reported. ROSAT PSPC archive pointed observations are used to measure fluctuations at scales of 0. • 03 − 0. • 4. The pointings have been selected from an area free from galactic contamination. At separations below ∼ 0. • 1 clusters of galaxies become a substantial source of the background fluctuations. The autocorrelation function of the fluctuations in the power law approximation has a slope of ∼ 1 for all the data but is substantially flatter (with slope of ∼ 0.7) when pointings containing bright clusters are removed. At separations 0. • 3 − 0. • 4 where the ACF estimates based on the ROSAT pointings and All-Sky Survey are available, both data sets give consistent results.
This Electronic Monograph is divided into ten chapters. The first chapter presents a general description of each chapter respectively. The second chapter introduces how developing Asia is facing the challenge of the aging population, as well as falling fertility. These twin phenomena now threaten the economic progress that the region has enjoyed the last few decades. However, its rising proportion of the elderly may come with the benefit of having a high saving rate that can be channelled to investments. This chapter discusses the ongoing demographic transition, population aging, demographic dividend, and how it will affect the economic prospects of developing Asia going forward. A sound approach to sustaining economic growth and providing economic security for the elderly would strike the right balance between assets and public transfers while promoting high rates of human capital investment through investing in physical capital and human capital coupled with technological innovation. The third chapter examines the evolution of social security research from a theoretical and empirical perspective. This is done through an extensive review and analysis of publications from the Journal of International Social Security Review published by Wiley within a 50-year period (1967-2017). It was observed that at a different period in time, the social security research focused on different national and international issues that invoked different social welfare programs and pension systems approach (public or private) to facilitate the explanation of its final socio-economic impact into different social groups in the same country or region respectively. The fourth chapter proposes a new model based on a group of indicators to evaluate the social security plans performance of ASEAN-members (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines). The first section presents a general review of all possible indicators applies in the evaluation of social security plans performance. Secondly, we present a new indicator, “The Social Security Plans Performance Index (SSPP-Index)” is intended to offer policymakers and researchers an additional analytical tool to study the coverage, efficiency, effectiveness, trend, and future of any social security plan as a whole. The SSPP-Index can be applied to the study of any social security plan and not constrained by geographical area or development stage of the social security plan on the study. The SSPP-Index is a simple and flexible indicator. The third section summarizes the results on the ASEAN-Members social security plans performance under the application of the SSPP-Index. The fifth chapter shows how obesity can affect the productivity and social security of any country. In our case, we evaluate the specific case of Malaysia. The same research evaluates the obesity levels among the three largest races of Malaysia such as Malay, Indians, and Chinese. The main objective of this research is to evaluate if exist any relationship between obesity and productivity, then we try to probe through compare our new index and the growth in labor productivity. Hence, this new index is entitled “The National Obesity Behavior Index (NOB-Index).” The NOB-Index offers the possibility to evaluate and monitoring expansion or contraction of obesity on the national and regional level. In the same document is given a serial of recommendation and policies to solve this deep health problem in Malaysia. The sixth chapter proposes a list of crucial factors that can be considered as a template for universal retirement plan. Malaysia is used as the base of our modelling. Ten crucial factors that are identified to have direct or indirect effect on the retirement plan among the three largest races in Malaysia, namely the Malay, Indians, and Chinese are examined. The main objective of this research is to propose a new approach to evaluate the optimum age retirement for Malaysians in general. Hence, this new index is entitled “The Optimum Age Retirement Index (OAR-Index)”. Based on the findings, the study proposed that Malaysia would be well served to increase the retirement age of the country’s workforce and proposes a number of recommendations and policies to complement the retirement-age extension. The seventh chapter formulates an analytical framework to analyze whether pension growth can be a determinant of economic growth. The Pension Scheme Performance Evaluation Model (PSPE-Model) intends to study the performance of pension schemes from a macroeconomic perspective. The PSPE-Model tests whether the marginal optimum national pension system coverage critical point based on the national productivity growth performance is simultaneously determined by the efficient coordination of private and public pension system programs coverage and the national productivity level. The model investigates the marginal optimum national pension system coverage critical point of two Asian countries, Japan and Singapore.…
Revista Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 42(2), 2024, pp. 369-379.
En este artículo propongo explorar la cuestión ontológica en el pensamiento de Marx, poniendo el foco en los tratamientos que le dedicaron dos autores habitualmente colocados al margen de los intereses propios del marxismo: Martin Heidegger y Jacques Derrida. Desde perspectivas críticas o deconstructivas, sus interpretaciones se caracterizaron por situar a Marx dentro de la tradición metafísica a partir de la comprensión de su filosofía como una ontología del trabajo o, al decir de Werner Hamacher, como una ergontología. El artículo, entonces, se dedica a analizar los argumentos filosóficos empleados primero por Heidegger y luego por Derrida para cuestionar, de forma diferenciada, aunque en estrecha relación de continuidad, el privilegio metafísico del trabajo en el discurso marxista, sin descuidar las implicaciones políticas de sus respectivos cuestionamientos.
La balanza de pagos es un documento contable en el que se registran operaciones comerciales, de servicios y de movimientos de capitales de un país con el exterior.
Dosen : Progdi. BK Universitas Panca Sakti Tegal Banyak sekali alat tes yang dapat digunakan untuk proses seleksi, seperti melalui proses assessment, tes pengetahuan, psiko test, battery test, maupun behavior interview. Tujuan dari proses seleksi tentunya adalah untuk benar-benar dapat memperlihatkan kapabilitas calon karyawan dan menentukan apakah kapabilitas yang dia miliki sesuai dengan jabatan. Jika belum sesuai apakah masih ada ruang untuk pengembangan, atau malah hasil test memperlihatkan bahwa kapabilitas calon karyawan di atas requirement jabatan. Kunci utama keberhasilan sebuah seleksi adalah tersedia rincian kompetensi (baik teknis maupun perilaku) yang diperlukan agar dapat berhasil. behavior interview akan dapat menampakkan kecenderungan perilaku calon karyawan apabila ia menduduki jabatan tersebut. Psiko Test akan membantu untuk melihat kecenderungan kepribadian calon karyawan. Penggunaan psikotes (dalam hal ini tes psikologi atau psikometri) sangat bergantung dari kebijakan perusahaan. Tidak ada keharusan menggunakan atau tidak menggunakan tes tersebut. Namun demikian, dalam banyak hal menggunakan tes psikologi lebih menguntungkan karena tes ini merupakan prediktor yang valid untuk menilai aspek psikologis calon pegawai. Ada beberapa manfaat menggunakan tes psikologi: 1. Objektivitas pengambilan keputusan. Tes yang dilakukan oleh pihak independen dan didukung alat tes yang terstandar dapat meningkatkan objektivitas. Dengan demikian, keputusan menerima atau tidak calon pegawai memiliki dasar pertimbangan yang kuat. 2. Validitas alat tes. Tes-tes psikologi atau psikometri dikembangkan melalui metode ilmiah sehingga interpretasi hasil tes dapat diandalkan dan dipercaya untuk memprediksi aspek psikologis calon pegawai. Apalagi bila metode ini dikombinasikan dengan metode lain,
El Feng Shui tiene un fundamento místico que se traduce en una serie de reglas prácticas. Estas reglas son aplicables, como ya hemos dicho, a la orientación, el diseño y la decoración de los ambientes en los que se vive y en los que se trabaja. Por otro lado, no son para nada arbitrarias. Observen el siguiente gráfico.
Teaching and Learning Anthropology, 2024
This article explores how teaching Urban Anthropology can engender new relationships between cities, students, and classrooms. We discuss the generative connections between these actors as processes of becoming, which connect students with practices and theories for understanding urban life. Serving also as an introduction to a Special Issue on "Teaching the City," this article introduces the issue's pieces, which discuss teaching and learning across three continents. It also reflects on their collective contributions as an opportunity to think anew about the city through teaching. The four authors of this piece contributed equal labor.
Manfred Ullmann, Islamic Medicine, Edinburgh U.P., 1978の日本語訳。中島愛里奈さんとの共訳です。 NII書誌ID(NCID) BC12559828
San Gualtiero da Lodi, 2023
Atti del Convegno della Fondazione Faina Orvieto, 2016
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016
Zaporozhye medical journal, 2024
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri, 2020
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Cancer Cell International, 2022
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Techne serien - Forskning i slöjdpedagogik och slöjdvetenskap, 2021