Papers by kendri wahyuningsih
IOP conference series. Earth and environmental science, Jun 1, 2024
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Nanoemulsions are gaining considerable interest for use in delivery of essential oil-based pestic... more Nanoemulsions are gaining considerable interest for use in delivery of essential oil-based pesticides. Evaluation in the laboratory have shown promising efficacy of nanobiopesticides, and further development in nanoemulsion production at larger scale is needed for a wider application in the field. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in droplet size characteristics of citronella oil nanoemulsions produced using spontaneous emulsification at increased scales. The preparation of nanoemulsion was carried out in two stages of scale-up, namely the laboratory scale (200–1000 mL) and the larger scale (10–50 L). The process variables included stirring speed and time. Characterization was done on the oil droplet size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential and microscopic structure. The oil droplet size, PDi and zeta potential varied with the emulsification process conditions and the production scale. In general, increasing mixing speed and time tended to decrease droplet size and PD...
IOP conference series, May 1, 2023
. Some biopolymer materials can be used as filler to increase the slow release capacity of the ac... more . Some biopolymer materials can be used as filler to increase the slow release capacity of the active component. Technology modification of biopesticide production processes to increase its slow release capacity can use sodium alginate, maltodextrin and CMC (Carboxy Methyl Celluose). The purpose of this research activity was to modify the formulation of the use of several types and concentrations of biopolymers and analyze the characteristics of slow release in citronella oil-based biopesticides. The research method was carried out in stages including: produced nano emulsions, added biopolymer matrices and analyzed their characteristics as well as the slow release capacity of biopesticides with citronella oil ingredients. The biopolymer concentration ranges added are 1, 2 and 5%. While the addition of CMC was done using concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 2%. Based on the results of the study showed that the maximum addition of maltodextrin was 2% and the maximum CMC addition was 1%. Whereas addition of Sodium alginate results in unstable biopesticide products and separate solutions. The size of the droplet has a range between 131.8 to 177.1 nm. Based on the results of the analysis of citronella components and dl-Limonene experiencing fluctuating releases during 0 to 12 days. The next research activity requires optimization of activities before implementation at the field level.
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian, Nov 24, 2021
Biosilika dari sekam padi memiliki potensi yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengisi (filler) da... more Biosilika dari sekam padi memiliki potensi yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengisi (filler) dalam produksi barang jadi karet/ kompon karet menggantikan silika tambang. Namun partikel biosilika ini sulit terdispersi secara homogen ke dalam kompon karet sehingga perlu dimodifikasi permukaannya menggunakan coupling agent silan. Kapasitas proses produksi biosilika termodifikasi perlu dilakukan pada skala yang lebih besar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan aplikasi di industri barang jadi karet. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik biosilika termodifikasi silan (Bis-(3-triethoxysilylpropyl) tetrasulfane/TESPT) yang dihasilkan dari proses peningkatan bobot umpan produksi dan aplikasinya sebagai reinforcing filler pada barang jadi karet. Peningkatan bobot umpan produksi dilakukan secara bertahap pada skala 0,5; 1; 2; dan 5 kg umpan biosilika per proses menggunakan pengaduk tipe baling-baling (propeller). Teknik modifikasi permukaannya menggunakan modifikasi satu tahap (One Step Modification/OSM) dan modifikasi dua tahap (Two Step Modification/TSM). Aplikasi sebagai reinforcing filler pada barang jadi karet (sol sepatu) dilakukan di PT Triangkasa Lestari Utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan bobot umpan produksi biosilika termodifikasi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap sifat densitas, kecerahan, kristalinitas dan kemurnian produk baik yang diproses secara OSM maupun TSM. Perlakuan modifikasi permukaan menggunakan TESPT telah mampu meningkatkan keseragaman distribusi ukuran partikel biosilika. Biosilika yang tidak dimodifikasi memiliki ukuran partikel rata-rata sebesar 717,1 nm (PDI 0,600), sedangkan biosilika yang dimodifikasi memiliki ukuran partikel rata-rata 574,6 nm (PDI 0,585). Aplikasi biosilika termodifikasi sebagai bahan pengisi telah meningkatkan mutu kompon karet dibandingkan biosilika tanpa dimodifikasi. Mutu kompon karet yang terbaik mendekati standar SNI sol sepatu adalah produk yang menggunakan bahan pengisi biosilika termodifikasi secara OSM. Kompon karet ini memiliki nilai kuat tarik 5,80 MPa, tegangan putus 425%, ketahanan robek 23,25% dan ketahanan abrasi 251,5 mm 3 .
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Aug 3, 2021
Modification of silica nanoparticle surface from rice husk using a silane coupling agent (bis-(... more Modification of silica nanoparticle surface from rice husk using a silane coupling agent (bis-(3-triethoxysilylpropyl) tetrasulfane (TESPT)) could improve silica nanoparticle performance. The resulted filtrate containing silane TESPT could be reused as solvent in the next process of silica nanoparticle surface modification. The used solvent still effectively modified the silica nanoparticle surface as indicated by almost the same characteristics of the silica nanoparticles modified by the used solvent as those modified by fresh solvent. Modification of silica nanoparticles using One Step Modification (OSM) and Two Step Modification (TSM) was effective in increasing the performance of the silica.
Eksakta: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu MIPA, Sep 17, 2018
Pinctada maxima shells from West Nusa Tenggara has natural minerals called calcite that can be de... more Pinctada maxima shells from West Nusa Tenggara has natural minerals called calcite that can be decomposed into CaO compounds as a green catalyst that heterogeneous, base and environmentally friendly. CaO compounds in the nanometer scale is one option as an alternative substitute or replacement of the use of homogeneous catalysts. The purpose of this study was to test the catalytic activity of CaO compound from the pearl shells (P. maxima) based on particle size. The catalytic activity test has been measured against the percentage of yield of methyl ester produced by alcoholysis reaction. Characterization of nano-CaO compounds has been done using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET), scanning electron microscope energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), transmittance electron microscopy (TEM), while methyl esters has been analyzed using the ASTM method. CaO catalyst on the nanometer-scale have more effective catalytic activity than micrometer scale with the yield percentage of methyl ester obtained are 81,61% and 30,71%, respectively. The results of methyl ester characterization by ASTM method has shown that methyl ester has specification that are close to diesel oil, so it can be used as an alternative or substitution on diesel engine.
Buletin Palma, Sep 9, 2016
Minyak nabati sebagai bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor memiliki kelebihan, yaitu ramah lingkungan d... more Minyak nabati sebagai bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor memiliki kelebihan, yaitu ramah lingkungan dibanding dengan bahan bakar minyak bumi, namun dalam pemanfaatannya dijumpai berbagai kendala, yakni tidak stabil terhadap temperatur yang disebabkan sifat asam lemak dan kekentalannya. Penelitian tentang pengaruh konsentrasi katalis KOH dan temperatur dalam etanol telah dilakukan terhadap reaksi transesterifikasi minyak kelapa untuk produksi cocodiesel. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui sifat kimia dan fisik produk cocodiesel. Metode penelitian menggunakan minyak kelapa dan etanol dengan variasi konsentrasi katalis KOH secara berurutan 0,25%; 0,50%; 0,75%; 1,00% (dari berat total minyak kelapa dan etanol) direfluks pada temperatur kamar dan 75 0 C. Identifikasi dengan metode Kromatografi Gas-Spektroskopi Massa menunjukkan bahwa cocodiesel merupakan campuran senyawa etil ester dengan komposisi senyawa utama etil laurat sebesar 46,77%. Peningkatan konsentrasi katalis KOH dan temperatur reaksi berpengaruh terhadap konversi cocodiesel. Cocodiesel yang memiliki karakter fisik mendekati spesifikasi biodiesel dicapai untuk reaksi transesterifikasi pada temperatur kamar dengan konsentrasi katalis KOH 0,25%. Kenaikan kerapatan spesifik cocodiesel mengakibatkan penurunan nilai pembakaran dan meningkatnya kekentalan cocodiesel, sehingga meningkatkan nilai titik tuang yang sangat mempengaruhi proses penyalaan bahan bakar pada temperatur yang rendah.
Jurnal penelitian tanaman industri, Dec 9, 2020
Lada putih (Piper nigrum) hasil olahan petani secara tradisional sering menghasilkan biji lada pu... more Lada putih (Piper nigrum) hasil olahan petani secara tradisional sering menghasilkan biji lada putih yang berbau menyimpang (off-flavor) menyerupai bau kotoran dan cemaran mikroba melebihi ambang batas menurut SNI. Penelitian telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen dari bulan Februari-November 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penanganan ulang biji lada putih secara termal (pemberian uap panas) dan non-termal (perendaman dalam air mengandung ozon) terhadap sifat fisiko-kimia, penurunan kontaminan mikroba dan penekanan bau menyimpang. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 7 perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut meliputi: kontrol (tanpa perlakuan penanganan ulang), perlakuan termal dengan pemberian uap panas pada 90-100 o C selama 30, 60 dan 90 menit serta perlakuan non-termal yaitu perendaman dalam air berozon selama 20, 40, dan 60 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanganan ulang lada putih secara termal dan non-termal telah mampu memperbaiki mutu fisik, menurunkan kontaminan mikroba dan menekan bau menyimpang pada lada putih. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan secara termal selama 30 menit yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas biji lada putih hingga memenuhi SNI mutu II, menekan kontaminan mikroba dan bau menyimpang secara maksimal. Hasil analisis GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan termal selama 30 menit telah mampu menurunkan persentase senyawa kimia penyebab bau menyimpang (menyerupai bau tinja dan apek), yaitu senyawa asam heksanoat, p-cresol, dan 3metil indol. Sedangkan limpahan senyawa asam propanoat dan asam heptanoat sudah hilang tidak terdeteksi oleh instrumen.
IOP conference series, May 1, 2022
Mint oil has many applications including foods, perfumes and fragrances, pharmaceuticals, cosmeti... more Mint oil has many applications including foods, perfumes and fragrances, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and pest control. This essential oil is easily damaged because of its high sensitivity to environmental conditions such as heat, oxygen, light and reactions with other compounds. Encapsulation provides protection of the oil against these undesirable conditions. This study was aimed at evaluating the characteristics of mint oil encapsulated in polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) as influenced by mint oil load. Mint oil was encapsulated in polyethylene glycol at four different percentages (5.0, 7.5, 10 and 12.5%) using a melt dispersion technique. The experiment was done in two replicates. The encapsulates were characterized for their morphology, size attributes and thermal properties. Particulate sizes ranged from 281.4 – 569.5 nm and tended to increase with the increase in oil load. Microstructure of the particles examined under scanning electron microscope showed irregular flakes with sizes around 10 μm. These particles contained oil droplets in the sizes of about 200 – 500 nm as confirmed by observation with a transmission electron microscope. The enthalpy of melting of encapsulates were higher than that of mint oil, describing the enhancement of oil stability under thermal conditions. This study provides useful information in developing essential oil encapsulation for use in wider applications.
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Apr 9, 2019
West Nusa Tenggara is a center of sea oyster farming for Pinctada maxima in Indonesia. The calciu... more West Nusa Tenggara is a center of sea oyster farming for Pinctada maxima in Indonesia. The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) compounds in the shell are one of the decomposed natural minerals to produce calcium oxide (CaO) compound which can be used as an alternative heterogeneous catalyst in nanometer scale. This research aims to discover the control factors which influence the production process of nanometer-scaled CaO heterogeneous catalyst and choose the best condition in its production process with a better-quality product. Calcined pearl shell (P. maxima) powder was milled by using Shaker mill. The experimental design was performed by using Taguchi method with an orthogonal matrix consisting of 4 control factor variables, i.e., milling time, ball-topowder weight ratio, the diameter of milling beads and extent of milling the vial. The selection of best control factor variable combination was computed by using a multiresponse loss function. ANOVA analysis shows that the product quality parameter of nano-calcium oxide was influenced by all experiment factors. Multi-response loss function analysis resulted an optimum factor and level combination under process condition happens during the duration of 3 h milling, the ball-to-powder weight ratio is 1:10, the diameter of milling beads is 5 mm and 55% extent of filling the vial.
Jurnal penelitian tanaman industri, Feb 12, 2022
Eucalyptus citriodora merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri dengan banyak ma... more Eucalyptus citriodora merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri dengan banyak manfaat, termasuk untuk pendukung terapi Covid-19. Salah satu produk yang bisa dikembangkan adalah permen keras (hard candy). Penambahan minyak eukaliptus dalam bentuk nanoenkapsulat pada pembuatan hard candy dapat meningkatkan nilai fungsional, serta memberi efek melegakan dan cita rasa khas ketika dikonsumsi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui karakteristik fisik, kimia, sensoris, dan formulasi terbaik pada produk hard candy pelega tenggorokan dengan penambahan nanoenkapsulat minyak eukaliptus-peppermint.
Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Aug 3, 2022
Journal of physics, Mar 1, 2022
Silica (SiO2) can be extracted from rice husks and has biodegradable properties. However, the ric... more Silica (SiO2) can be extracted from rice husks and has biodegradable properties. However, the rice husk extraction process using the sol-gel technique generates low-purity silica, making them non-compliant as a filler material on the rubber finished goods industry. This study aimed to improve the characteristics of silica particles extracted from rice husks using the leaching-pyrolysis technique compared to the sol-gel technique. Silica was extracted from rice husks using 1.0 N sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid solvent (with concentrations of 0.4 N, 1.0 N, and 2.0 N). The pyrolysis was then conducted at 600 °C for 6 hours. The results showed that the leaching-pyrolysis technique was more effective than the sol-gel technique in improving silica particle characteristics. X-ray fluorescence analysis showed that the SiO2 content increased from 91.00 % to 96.82 %. Likewise, the percentage of amorphous by X-ray diffraction analysis and specific surface area by the Brunauer Emmett-Teller method also increased, namely from 48.20 % to 53.97 % and from 96.486 m2/g to 240.427 m2/g, respectively. Therefore, silica from rice husks with these characteristics is applicable as a filler material that is environmentally friendly and renewable.
IOP conference series, May 1, 2023
Nanoemulsions are gaining considerable interest for use in delivery of essential oil-based pestic... more Nanoemulsions are gaining considerable interest for use in delivery of essential oil-based pesticides. Evaluation in the laboratory have shown promising efficacy of nanobiopesticides, and further development in nanoemulsion production at larger scale is needed for a wider application in the field. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in droplet size characteristics of citronella oil nanoemulsions produced using spontaneous emulsification at increased scales. The preparation of nanoemulsion was carried out in two stages of scale-up, namely the laboratory scale (200–1000 mL) and the larger scale (10–50 L). The process variables included stirring speed and time. Characterization was done on the oil droplet size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential and microscopic structure. The oil droplet size, PDi and zeta potential varied with the emulsification process conditions and the production scale. In general, increasing mixing speed and time tended to decrease droplet size and PDI, and increase zeta potential. The changes in characteristics of nanoemulsion were minor at the higher production scales. Relatively small droplet sizes were found in the whole experiment (90–160 nm) with PDI of 0.2 – 0.4 and zeta potential of -28 to -8.8 mV. These results are useful for the design of nanoemulsion production at practical application scale.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Mint oil has many applications including foods, perfumes and fragrances, pharmaceuticals, cosmeti... more Mint oil has many applications including foods, perfumes and fragrances, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and pest control. This essential oil is easily damaged because of its high sensitivity to environmental conditions such as heat, oxygen, light and reactions with other compounds. Encapsulation provides protection of the oil against these undesirable conditions. This study was aimed at evaluating the characteristics of mint oil encapsulated in polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) as influenced by mint oil load. Mint oil was encapsulated in polyethylene glycol at four different percentages (5.0, 7.5, 10 and 12.5%) using a melt dispersion technique. The experiment was done in two replicates. The encapsulates were characterized for their morphology, size attributes and thermal properties. Particulate sizes ranged from 281.4 – 569.5 nm and tended to increase with the increase in oil load. Microstructure of the particles examined under scanning electron microscope showed irregular flakes with siz...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Eucalyptus citriodora oil is an essential oil that contains volatile active compounds. To slow do... more Eucalyptus citriodora oil is an essential oil that contains volatile active compounds. To slow down the process of releasing such volatile compounds, a binding agent such as a polymer matrix is needed. This research aimed to prepare and characterize the properties of Eucalyptus citriodora oil encapsulated in polymer matrices. Development of nanoencapsulated Eucalyptus citriodora was prepared using the melt-dispersion method and polymer matrices (PEG-6000 and paraffin wax) with the addition of Mentha piperita oil as aroma enhancer at a ratio of 1:1. The gas chromatography analysis showed that Eucalyptus citriodora oil contains volatile compounds (citronellal 76.17%). The nanoencapsulated eucalyptus powder produced using the PEG-6000 matrix, in terms of properties, was better than that using paraffin for having smaller particle size and being difficult to agglomerate at room temperature. The average size of oil droplets of nanoencapsulated Eucalyptus citriodora in the PEG-6000 matrix ...
THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (ICoMSE) 2021: Science and Mathematics Education Research: Current Challenges and Opportunities
Durian skin is a by-product of durian fruit consumption. One-third of durian fruit is edible; how... more Durian skin is a by-product of durian fruit consumption. One-third of durian fruit is edible; however, the seeds and skin are discarded. This durian skin waste can be valorised into value-added products, namely cellulosic and hemicellulosic fractions, as a reinforcement material. By alkaline extraction, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin were extracted from durian skin fibre. Subsequently, these fractions were applied to the biocomposite biodegradable foam formulation and used in vegetable packaging. This study aimed to utilise the fibre obtained from durian skin and characterise biodegradable foam reinforced by fractions extracted from durian skin fibre (DSF) and determine its suitability for food packaging. This study used thermopressing to generate biodegradable food trays from corn starch with additional extracted fractions (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) from durian skin. The effect of several formulations of extracted fractions from durian skin on bio-foam properties was investigated. Durian skins were dried and milled to obtain powder durian skin. Two types of powder, namely rough and fine powder durian skin, with moisture content ranging from 6.83-8.17%(w/w). The composition of the rough durian powder were 55.28% of cellulosic fraction, 11.27% of hemicellulosic fraction, and 1.08% of lignin fraction. Additionally, the fine durian powder consists 30.78% of cellulosic fraction, 22.53% of hemicellulosic fraction, and 19.05% of lignin. All trays presented thicknesses between 3 and 4.15 mm, density between 0.16 and 0.64 g cm-3, and moisture content between 1.47 and 6.66% (dry basis). The addition of cellulose and hemicellulose fractions significantly affected the trays' physical and mechanical properties. All trays exhibited colour and structural changes during application storage for seven days at 25 o C. The formulation presenting the best properties contained 2% of hemicellulose and maximal tensile strength.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Biofoam (biodegradable foam) is food packaging made of starch with biodegradable characteristic t... more Biofoam (biodegradable foam) is food packaging made of starch with biodegradable characteristic that environmentally friendly. To produce starch-based biofoam with good physical characteristic, requires large amount of starch (30% to 60%) in the formula. To be economical and to reduce the use of starch, it is needed to add filler material. This research aimed to investigate the effect of biosilica and coconut oil addition on the characteristic of cassava starch-based biofoam. Biosilica used as biofiller was extracted from rice husk. In this research, biofoam control (without filler), filled with commercial silica, filled with biosilica and filled with biosilica plus coconut oil were compared. Products were characterized on physical properties namely moisture content, density, color (Chromameter), contact angel (3D-Optic Microscope), crystallinity (X-Ray Diffraction) and surface morphology (Scanning Electron Microscope). Meanwhile mechanical properties were measured on compressive st...
Agrointek : Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri
Eucalyptus citriodora merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri dengan banyak ma... more Eucalyptus citriodora merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri dengan banyak manfaat, termasuk untuk pendukung terapi Covid-19. Salah satu produk yang bisa dikembangkan adalah permen keras (hard candy). Penambahan minyak eukaliptus dalam bentuk nanoenkapsulat pada pembuatan hard candy dapat meningkatkan nilai fungsional, serta memberi efek melegakan dan cita rasa khas ketika dikonsumsi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui karakteristik fisik, kimia, sensoris, dan formulasi terbaik pada produk hard candy pelega tenggorokan dengan penambahan nanoenkapsulat minyak eukaliptus-peppermint.
Papers by kendri wahyuningsih