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2012, Natura Croatica
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Hydrobiologia, 2011
The mid-Atlantic islands of Bermuda harbor one of the richest and most diverse anchialine communities known from anywhere on Earth. However, all known anchialine caves in Bermuda (maximum depth-26 m) were dry during the last glacial period extending from approximately 9,000 to 115,000 years ago when glacial sea levels were as much as 127 m lower. Since it is highly unlikely that Bermuda's endemic cave species evolved since the caves were flooded by sea level rise, alternate deeper habitats must have existed to shelter anchiane fauna for prolonged periods of lower sea level during the Pleistocene. In order to systematically search for such now deep water cave habitats, high-resolution multibeam sonar and remotely operated vehicles were used to map and explore the seafloor off Bermuda in 60-200 m depths along the outer shelf break edge of the submarine escarpment surrounding the Bermuda Platform and an adjacent seamount. Specific goals were to discover deep water cave and/or crevicular habitats and to characterize the nature, geological stratification and composition, and sea level history of the platform margin, in particular focusing on features directly relating to Pleistocene low sea stand events. During this sea floor survey, clearly defined paleoshoreline features generated by wave and current erosion were found to encircle the Bermuda seamount and Challenger Bank at 60 and 120 m depths.
Bermuda consists .;f a small group of islands situated atop a volcanic seamount in the Northwest Atlantic. The islands themselves are composed of marine and eolian, Pleistocene and Recent limestone completely capping the volcanic pedistal. Three types of submarine limestone cave morphology have so far been identified in Bermuda, with a fourth type suspected. The first type is reef caves which form at the base of the platform's fringing coral reefs in 10-20 rn water depths. These caves consist of cavities and
Harbour copepods, ostracods, isopods, amphipods, mysids, and cumaceans, as well as tanaidaceans, echinoderms, tunicates and fish. While many of these animals, such as sponges, echinoderms, tunicates and fish, are normal inhabitants of the near-shore zane, others are known only from the caves and are restricted to this habitat. It was soon apparent that most cave-adapted (i.e., eyeand pigment-reduced) animals inhabited the deep, marine waters in the interior of caves and were thus only accessible by cave divers. Therefore, specialized training in cave diving would be required to investigate and catalog the fauna of Bermuda's caves. In September 1979, I invited Paul Meng, a Florida-based cave diving instructor with the NSS Cave Diving Section, and his friend Barry Warner to come to Bermuda and teach a course for several friends, Paul Hobbs, Rob Power, and me. Once properly trained and equipped, we organized ourselves as the Bermuda Cave Diving Association and began to systematically explore, map, and scientifically document the island's anchialine caves. Bermuda is a volcanic seamount located 1000 km off the east coast of the United States in that part of the Western Atlantic known as the Sargasso Sea. The island was created by a series of mid-ocean volcanic eruptions that began about 60 million years ago, at a time when the Atlantic Ocean was much narrower. Subsequent plate tectonics
International Review of Hydrobiology, 1980
Sea-level pools are found in most of Bermuda's known caves. Although the terrestrial fauna of the caves is sparse, a rich aquatic fauna inhabits the pools. While many of the marine cave animals are more or less regular immigrants from open littoral habitats, a number of new species have been discovered, including blind and probably subterranean ones. Zoogeographical connections exist between Bermuda's cave fauna and those of the West Indies and the Mediterranean.
Marine Environmental Research, 1984
Inland marine caves have served as biological refugia and, as such, frequently contain unique assemblages of taxonomically significant relict populations known only from a single cave or cave system. However, the absence of photosynthesis in this totally lightless environment and the presence of a highly stratified water column and long residence times for cave waters, characteristically result in depleted dissolved oxygen levels. Under such circumstances, organic pollution, even at low levels, can produce anoxic conditions and may consequently result in the extinction of entire species of cavernicolous fauna. We here present data on the normal environment of marine caves in Bermuda and cite as an example a cave which has become grossly polluted as a result of indiscriminate dumping.
Caves situated on or near the shore within the supralittoral and nearshore terrestrial zones, referred to herein as Maritime Terrestrial Caves (MTCs), support populations of terrestrial cavernicolous invertebrates closely associated with maritime species. This habitat might be a route by which the latter colonize and adapt to subterranean spaces. Thus MTCs are potentially of considerable evolutionary significance, but investigations are in their infancy. In this paper we collate all currently-available information on British MTCs, make some generalizations about their fauna, and briefly discuss the significance of these speleobiologically interesting sites.
Evidence is presented that significant ties exist between the faunas of marine caves and those of the deep seas, that marine cave faunas may contain very old elements, and that marine caves have served as faunal refuges over very long periods of time. In addition, the term "crevicular" is introduced to designate those aquatic habitats formed by crevasses in and among rocks, as well as to describe the organisms that live in those habitats.
3. En la persuasión uno aprende a que cada palabra, cada inflexión de voz, cada pregunta encierran una intensión de obtener un resultado, es decir, nuestra comunicación se vuelve mucho más efectiva. Logras lo que deseas sin rodeos.
Bueno en mi punto de vista si es efectiva ya que existen investigaciones que comprueban que si tiene validez para ciertas dolencias que aquejan al ser humano y si no se utiliza acá en el Perú de manera frecuente es porque no sabemos sus verdaderos beneficios y su adecuada utilización. Asimismo deberíamos tener en cuenta que no solo con la aplicación de la acupuntura se va erradicar el dolor, sino que esta tiene que ir acompañada de otras terapias y claro preparar a las personas que van a pasar por todo el proceso y así poder observar los resultados, ya que está considerada como un tratamiento saludable y efectivo que no presenta efectos secundarios con una buena aplicación.
Cuadernos de historia, 2024
Thomas Perroud, Jacques Caillosse, Jacques Chevallier, Danièle Lochak (direction), Les grands arrêts de la jurisprudence administrative. Approche politique, Paris : LGDJ, p. 659-680, 2024
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2019
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Knowledge and process management, 2024
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2004
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Jus Politicum, 2020
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2008
Revista Literária do Corpo Discente da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 1988
Indian heart journal
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2019
Cell proliferation, 2016
In: Der Vierzeiler (2024), H. 1, S. 23-25., 2024