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Turi Mårds, a master 2 student at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (NIH) and student of folk dance at the University of Trondheim 3 / Rff -center (UNIT / Rff-s) has recently started to work on a dissertation about svikt in Norwegian folk dance 4 . A point of departure is to look into how the advanced equipment NIH has for motion analysis can be used for analysis of fundamental aspects of Norwegian folk dance. Turi has previously written a semester essay about Halling and the Halling somersault that has aroused interest among Norwegian Halling dancers (Mårds 1993). The thesis contains a biomechanical analysis of actual Halling somersaults, and is an interesting contribution to the debate about the notions that the community of Halling dancers and has and has had, about how a Halling somersault should be performed.
A MOZGÁS MISZTÉRIUMA Tanulmányok Fügedi János tiszteletére THE MYSTERY OF MOVEMENT Studies in Honor of János Fügedi a mozgas miszteriuma , 2020
Tis article1 will discuss one aspect of human movement that has not been particularly focused by dance analysis during the frst half of the 20th century. It is the vertical movement patterns created by the manipulation of body weight to be able to locomote. We begin with a brief and elementary look at how the aspect has been discussed in the past, mainly by Labanotation. Ten we describe Jan-Petter Blom’s discovery of what he calls “a closed system of interdependencies” of “posture, step […] step pattern and rhythmic work,”2 which refer to the vertical patterns mentioned above. We follow the further development and use of ideas through Egil Bakka’s work to adjust and adapt the model to his pedagogic work and in his folk dance research under the term svikt analysis. When it found its place in the curriculum of the education in ethnochoreology, dance studies started in 1989, Labanotation was also included, and discussions arose if and how the two systems could be combined. Te question got an extra push when Siri Mæland during the work with her master’s dissertation also wanted to combine the two. She initiated a meeting with János Fügedi and Egil Bakka to look for solutions. The main part of the article is a presentation of the development and use of svikt, and a discussion how svikt analysis and Labanotation compare and on how svikt patterns can be written in Labanotation.
This article is built upon a conference lecture for Nordic folk dancers, later written up as an article and published in Norwegian in the Journal for Nordic folk dance research (Bakka 2010) This version has been rewritten into English and borrows elements from the English summary of a large volume on the Nordic work with folk dance (Bakka & Biskop (eds.) 2007) for the introduction. This is the manuscript submitted to volume Folk dances now and then in the light of Polish and Norwegian experience. : Wojewodzki Dom Kultury in Kielce 2011 ISBN 978-83-914001-3-5. s. 37-62
This is a summary in English for a book of 711 about the work with folkdance in the Nordic countries as done a broad range of specialists in the period during the 18. to the 21. centuries., including antiquarians, travellers, theatre people, researchers and folk dance revival experts. The book as is consists of signed articles from: Anders Chr. N. Christensen, Henning Urup, Danmark, Gunnel Biskop, Petri Hoppu, Pirkko-Liisa Rausmaa, Finland, Andrea Susanne Opielka, Færøyene, Ingibjörg Björnsdottir, Malhei6ur Gudmundsdöttir, Sigridur Valgeirsdöttir, Island, Egil Bakka, Kari Margrete Okstad, Norge, Göran Andersson, Mats Nilsson, Sverige
The interrelation of playing and dancing is central for understanding performance practice in Swedish folk music, as it plays an important role for the metric and rhythmic qualities of spelmansmusi ...
Symposium on Scientific Approaches in Sound and Movement Research, 2019
This analysis is based on a comparison of my particular experience of two dance cultures-western classical dance training and participation in Romanian traditional dance. I discuss aspects of movement of the centre-of-mass based on a consideration of vertical and lateral movement in the context of very fast stepped dances that are typical of the traditional dances of southeastern Europe (often known as "Balkan dancing"). These are community dances where the group of dancers are physically connected by various forms of hand holds so that there is little freedom for an individual interpretation of macro-movements. These chain dances can be walking dances, such as the Romanian Hora, where the basic step is just walking at a slow 80 to 120 steps per minute, and "running" dances where the steps are far more rapid. REFERENCE: Green, Nick (2019). "A Sciency Look at Dancing the Romanian Way: Physics of the Movement of the Centre-of-Mass ". Kendra Stepputat and Christopher S Dick (editors), Symposium on Scientific Approaches in Sound and Movement Research 2018 - Extended Abstracts:33–40. Düren, Austria: Shaker Verlag.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Science, 2021
Sports ballroom dancing is a type of sports activity that makes serious demands on the development of new motor actions, the manifestation of reaction speed, the ability to concentrate and switch attention, and many more parameters. Success in sports dance competitions depends not only on natural skills but also to a greater extent on a sportsman's practical training. The analysis of the biomechanics of sports dance and the characteristics of the sportsman's dynamic data suggest assessing the feasibility, efficiency, improvement of the technique of the performed motor action, which determines the goals of the development of the motor abilities of young sportsmen at an early stage. Based on knowledge of biomechanics, it is easier for a teacher to teach his pupils. But for this, it is necessary to be able to analyze motor activity and indicate the direction of active search, form a motor task and, based on the foundations of biomechanics, the necessary fundamentals of technology. Information about the biomechanical structure of the movement is used both in the formation of the technique of motor actions of beginner dancers and in its improvement in qualified dancers. This is what determines the relevance of the study; therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify the features of movements in sports dances using their biomechanical analysis. The authors carried out a theoretical and methodological analysis of special literature on biomechanical analysis of sports dance, which allowed them to analyze the movements of two dances. The analysis made it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the performance of these dances, which means that making adjustments to special preparatory exercises with a similar amplitude of the knee joints will lead to better training of sportsmen. Also, this analysis effectively improves the skill level of performing dance steps by experienced dancers because it clearly shows all the features of the movement at a particular moment.
The article provides an overview of the changes that have occurred in the concept of ‘folk dance’ in Estonia from the end of the 19th century until today. The diachronic analysis of both theoretical and practical discourses is based on Estonian-language paper and web publications where the word rahvatants (folk dance) has been used as a term or where the concept is defined; an inquiry among the members of a folk dance group, and my personal ethnographic fieldwork in the folk dance world of Estonia. My borderline position between the roles of a dance researcher and a dancer and folk dance teacher in practice makes it possible to switch between different discourses and find their intersections. Shifts that occur in terms and concepts used in both scientific and public classifications, as well as in specialised discourses situated between them, reflect varied trends in the Estonian dance tradition during the 20th century and explain the development of the present situation.
Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2021
Purpose: The proper shape of the foot determines its proper functioning and efficiency, which is significant as far as dancers are concerned. The aim of the study was to identify the arch of feet based on the Arch Index (AI), ability to maintain balance on the basis of stabilometric parameters and the distribution of loads acting on the feet of professional folk dancers. Methods: The study group was composed of 37 folk dancers and the reference group consisted of 56 healthy adults aged 19–45. Balance measurements were performed using the Zebris FDM-S measurement platform, Romberg test with eyes open. Test results were exported to the Matlab 2019b computing environment. The algorithm developed by the Authors in relation was used to calculate Arch Index for the right and left foot, for each test participant separately. Results: Statistical tests did not reveal statistically relevant differences between stabilometric parameters and loads affecting feet in the reference group and that o...
Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis, 2020
The aim of the present study was to establish the changes that occur in dancers’ static body balance indicators during rest, in case of interfering factors and in stress condition. The sample consisted of 14 advanced female folk dancers at the age of 16–20 years. The participants’ static body balance was measured at the beginning (in the autumn) and at the end (in the spring) of the eight-month dancing period. Static body balance indicators were registered on a dynamographic platform within 30 seconds, standing on bipedal on stable and unstable support surface in eyes-open (EO) and eyes-closed (EC) conditions. The Flamingo test balance control, the balance control after spinning around and jumping tests were conducted only in EO condition. The following parameters were registered: the movements of the centre of pressure (CoP) in the anterior-posterior (AP) and medio-lateral (ML) dimensions; the length, speed and area of the trajectory. According to the study, folk dancers’ CoP movem...
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