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2006, Eighth International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, 2006
6 pages
1 file
This paper presents a new algorithm used to identify door states autonomously and without any previous information about door aperture, color and texture or about the location of the robot. Our approach imposes no constraint on the aperture of the door and enables a robot to identify doors in any state ranging from totally open, widely open and slightly open to closed using visual information. In this proposed solution, the robot is also able to judge whether the aperture of the door is suitable for crossing and to drive itself safely across the door.
Mobile Robots Navigation, 2010
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2008
An important component of human-robot interaction is the capability to associate semantic concepts with encountered locations and objects. This functionality is essential for visually guided navigation as well as location and object recognition. In this paper we focus on the problem of door detection using visual information only. Doors are frequently encountered in structured man-made environments and function as transitions between different places. We adopt a probabilistic approach for door detection, by defining the likelihood of various features for generated door hypotheses. Differing from previous approaches, the proposed model captures both the shape and appearance of the door. This is learned from a few training examples, exploiting additional assumptions about the structure of indoor environments. After the learning stage, we describe a hypothesis generation process and several approaches to evaluate the likelihood of the generated hypotheses. The approach is tested on numerous examples of indoor environment. It shows a good performance provided that the door extent in the images is sufficiently large and well supported by low level feature measurements.
Important component of human-robot interaction is the capability to associate semantic concepts to encountered locations and objects. This functionality is essential for visually guided navigation as well as place and object recognition. In this paper we focus on the problem of door detection using visual information only. Doors are frequently encountered in structured man-made environments and function as transitions between different places. We adopt a probabilistic approach to the problem using a model based Bayes inference to detect the door. Different from previous approaches the proposed model captures both the shape and appearance of the door. This is learned from a few training examples, exploiting additional assumptions about structure of indoors environments. After the learning stage, we describe a hypothesis generation process and several approaches to evaluate the probability of each generated hypothesis. The new proposal is tested on numerous examples of indoor environments, showing a good performance as long as enough features are encountered.
2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2008
Doors are important landmarks for indoor mobile robot navigation. Most existing algorithms for door detection use range sensors or work in limited environments because of restricted assumptions about color, pose, or lighting. We present a vision-based door detection algorithm that achieves robustness by utilizing a variety of features, including color, texture, and intensity edges. We introduce two novel geometric features that increase performance significantly: concavity and bottom-edge intensity profile. The features are combined using Adaboost to ensure optimal linear weighting. On a large database of images collected in a wide variety of conditions, the algorithm achieves more than 90% detection with a low false positive rate. Additional experiments demonstrate the suitability of the algorithm for real-time applications using a mobile robot equipped with an off-the-shelf camera and laptop.
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
Door-status detection, namely recognizing the presence of a door and its status (open or closed), can induce a remarkable impact on a mobile robot's navigation performance, especially for dynamic settings where doors can enable or disable passages, changing the topology of the map. In this work, we address the problem of building a door-status detector module for a mobile robot operating in the same environment for a long time, thus observing the same set of doors from different points of view. First, we show how to improve the mainstream approach based on object detection by considering the constrained perception setup typical of a mobile robot. Hence, we devise a method to build a dataset of images taken from a robot's perspective and we exploit it to obtain a doorstatus detector based on deep learning. We then leverage the typical working conditions of a robot to qualify the model for boosting its performance in the working environment via finetuning with additional data. Our experimental analysis shows the effectiveness of this method with results obtained both in simulation and in the real-world, that also highlight a trade-off between costs and benefits of the fine-tuning approach.
For many indoor robot applications it is crucial to recognize doors reliably. Doors connect rooms and hallways and therefore deter-mine possible navigation paths. Moreover, doors are important land-marks for robot self-localization and map building. Existing algorithms for door detection are often limited to restricted environments. They do not consider the large intra-class variability of doors. In this paper we present a set of simple door detection classifiers, which are based either on camera or laser-based data. Separately, these classifier accomplish only a weak door detection rate. However, by combining them through a AdaBoost Algorithm more than 82% of all doors with a false positive rate less than 3% are detected in static test data. Further improvement can easily achieved by using different door perspectives from a moving robot. In a realtime mobile robot application we detect more than 90% of all doors with a very low false detection rate.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2009
This paper proposes a novel framework for vision based door traversal that contributes to the ultimate goal of purely vision based mobile robot navigation. The door detection, door tracking and door traversal is accomplished by processing omnidirectional images. In door detection candidate line segments detected in the image are grouped and matched with prototypical door patterns. In door localisation and tracking a Kalman filter aggregates the visual information with the robots odometry. Door traversal is accomplished by a 2D visual servoing approach. The feasibility and robustness of the scheme are confirmed and validated in several robotic experiments in an office environment.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
X• 1 » • Ip f c t 5 14 Ta prawda o upodobnieniu się Jezusa do człowieka, o Jego zjednoczeniu się z człowiekiem jest wyrażona w obrazie zamieszkania w Nim pełni. Wyraża to np. tekst Listu do Kolosan: Spodobało się [Bogu], aby w Nim zamieszkała cała Pełnia i aby przez Niego pojednać wszystko ze sobą (Kol 1,19n). Warto wskazać na fakt, że w cytowanym tekście nie zostaje sprecyzowane, o jaką pełnię chodzi. Biorąc pod uwagę kontekst, w którym jest mowa o pojednaniu przez krew krzyża, mającym dokonać się w Nim, przez Niego i dla Niego, nie można wykluczyć, że autorowi Listu chodzi o wskazanie właśnie paradoksu zamieszkania w ciele i w historii Jezusa obok pełni Bóstwa także pełni człowieczeństwa, ale tego człowieczeństwa, które odeszło od Boga, które dotknęło braku pełni, czy pełni braku, czego wyrazem było wołanie do Boga Boże mój, Boże mój, czemuś mnie opuścił (Mk 15,34). Naturalnie nie chodzi w tym o aspekt moralny, o grzeszność, lecz o skutki, konsekwencje, których nikt poza Synem Boga nie mógł wziąć na siebie. 15 W tzw. Ewangelii dzieciństwa mamy wiele elementów ukierunkowujących Narodzenie Jezusa na wydarzenie Paschalne (zob. Mt 2,13-18; Łk 2,34n). 16 Należy zwrócić uwagę na to, że Teofania jest związana z postawieniem się Jezusa w kołejce grzeszników oczekujących przebaczenia czy miłosierdzia przez przyjęcie chrztu pokuty z rąk Jana Chrzciciela. Można powiedzieć, że właśnie to pełne i niesłuszne, ale dokonane dla wypełnienia sprawiedliwości, postawienie się Jezusa wśród grzeszników, było tym koniecznym praeambulum, aby Jezus (bez grzechu) mógł na miejscu grzesznika usłyszeć, że jest Synem W zjednoczeniu z grzesznikiem Jezus niejako dotknął owego stanu odwrócenia się od Boga i zakosztował smaku utraconej przyjaźni. Gdy z krzyża wołał: Boże mój, Boże mój, czemuś mnie opuścił (Mk 15,34), doświadczając całkowitego opuszczenia, mimo bolesnego poczucia utraty przyjaźni Boga, wiedział, że Jego głos nie zostanie bez odpowiedzi. On sam jednak pozostał w tym stanie, nie próbując ratować siebie na własną rękę i dotykając-ze swej strony-do końca sytuacji opuszczenia. To, czego Jezus w szczególny sposób doświadczył na krzyżu, było już przygotowane od samego początku Jego ziemskiej historii 15 , a wyrażone jasno na progu Jego publicznej działalności, mianowicie podczas Chrztu w Jordanie. Usłyszał wówczas słowa Boga: Tyś jest mój Syn umiłowany, w Tobie mam upodobanie (Mk 1,11). Słowa te skierowane do Jezusa, który nosi w sobie zarówno pełnię Bóstwa, jak i pełnię braku (por.
Registration link: Muslim–Jewish encounters in urban Europe are shaped by different narratives, histories and policies as well as patterns of diversity on a municipal and national level. They are also influenced by geopolitical tensions and affiliations. Between 2021 and 2023, research conducted in Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Manchester, Paris and Strasbourg by sociologists, anthropologists, urbanists and migration policy experts found a wide range of structured and serendipitous encounters. In neighbourhoods where Jews and Muslims dwell, relations are most frequently marked by living “together apart” – side by side but not bonding. Relations between individuals and groups are constantly in flux, shifting between spontaneous fleeting encounters and interpersonal intimacy, durable and temporary staged encounters, and cyclical outbreaks of conflict. We have also seen that neighbourhood-specific narratives can emerge which promote mixing, and that intimate and mutually productive engagement occurs on the street, in commercial contexts and in the cultural sphere. Figures of Jewish and Muslim Otherness are shaped by mainstream media and discourse; community media plays a role in sometimes reinforcing and sometimes challenging these representations. Entrepreneurs of encounter able to navigate tensions across lines of difference play a vital role in this story. In the period in which our research took place, the political context shifted and intensified, culminating with the Hamas attack on October 7th, 2023 and the ensuing war. In this conference, the research findings of the Encounters project set the stage for an exploration by leading academics, activists, and entrepreneurs of encounter from the UK, France and Germany of the shifts in encounter dynamics post-October 7th.
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