On Temporal Deductive Databasesy
Department of Computing, Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
Tel: +61 (0)2 805-9916, Fax: +61 (0)2 805-8983
[email protected]
This paper introduces a temporal deductive database system featuring a logic programming language and an algebraic front-end. The language, called Temporal Datalog, is
an extension of Datalog based on a simple temporal logic with two temporal operators,
namely first and next. Programs of Temporal Datalog are considered as temporal
deductive databases, specifying temporal relationships among data and providing base relations to Tra expressions. The minimum model of a given Temporal Datalog program
is regarded as the temporal database the program models intensionally. The algebraic
front-end, called Tra, is a point-wise extension of the relational algebra upon the set of
natural numbers. When needed during the evaluation of Tra expressions, slices of temporal relations over intervals can be retrieved from a given temporal deductive database
by bottom-up evaluation strategies.
A modular extension of Temporal Datalog is also proposed, through which temporal relations created during the evaluation of Tra expressions may be fed back to the
deductive part for further manipulation. Modules therefore enable the algebra to have
full access to the deductive capabilities of Temporal Datalog, and to extend it with
non-standard algebraic operators. The paper also shows that the temporal operators of
Tra can be simulated in Temporal Datalog by program clauses.
Temporal Databases, Temporal Algebras, Deductive Databases, Logic Programming, Temporal Logic, Declarative Semantics, Modules.
This is a substantially extended and revised version of the paper \A relational algebra as a query
language for Temporal Datalog", which appeared in A. Min Tjoa and Isidro Ramos, editors, Proceedings of DEXA'92: The Third International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications,
Valencia, Spain, September 2{4, 1992. Springer-Verlag, pp.276{281.
1 Introduction
This paper introduces a temporal deductive database system featuring a logic programming language and an algebraic front-end. The language, which we call Temporal Datalog, is an extension of Datalog [6, 30] based on a simple temporal logic with two
temporal operators, namely first and next. The ow of time in the temporal logic is
modeled by the set of natural numbers with its usual ordering relation <. The algebraic
front-end, called Tra for Temporal Relational Algebra [19], is a point-wise extension of
Codd's relational algebra upon the set of natural numbers.
1.1 Motivation
While there is not a wealth of reported research on deductive systems for temporal data,
temporal databases based on the relational model have been extensively studied in the
literature (see McKenzie [17] and Snodgrass [28] for a review). In the underlying models
of many proposals for temporal databases (e.g., see Tansel [10], Gadia [14] and Sarda
[27]), relations extended with extra attributes for moments in time or intervals are often
used to model the temporal dimension. \Temporal" extensions of the relational algebra
and relational calculus usually complete the picture. However, in these models, it is
not possible to formalize temporal relationships and dependencies among data. Temporal extensions of logic programming are considered by Chomicki and Imielinski [9] and
Baudinet et al [5]. Both proposals are concerned with modeling and querying in nite
temporal data in a language in which predicates are extended with explicit time parameters. We choose to propose an extension of Datalog based on the direct use of
temporal logic as a basis for modeling temporal data, because the tools and techniques
from temporal logic [25] are then available to us for reasoning about temporal deductive
In many of the temporal algebras proposed for non-deductive models, the results
of expressions are not always temporal relations of the underlying models. Moreover,
since they are speci cally designed to exploit actual representations of temporal data,
they cannot be easily ported, if at all possible, to other models for temporal databases
based on di erent representations. Cli ord [10] advocates that a temporal algebra should
have the familiar relational algebra as a special case, and should be an algebra in the
mathematical sense (i.e., it should satisfy the closure property for temporal operators).
It is shown in [19] that Tra meets both of these requirements and therefore smoothly
inherits all the tools and methodologies available for the relational algebra [16]. This
is one of the reasons as to why Tra is a good candidate for coupling with Temporal
1.2 Temporal Datalog
In Temporal Datalog programs, temporal relationships among data are modeled through
the use of temporal operators, not by explicit references to time. For example, given a
predicate, say in-circulation, representing all the books which are in circulation in
a library, the following rule asserts that all the new arrivals go into circulation after a
fourteen day waiting period:
next(14) in-circulation(Book) <- new-arrival(Book).
Here next(14) is the \fourteen days later" operator. The minimum temporal Herbrand
model [20] of a given Temporal Datalog program is regarded as the temporal database
the program models intensionally. Therefore Temporal Datalog provides an elegant
abstract formalism for modeling temporal databases based on temporal logic.
We can naturally use standard logic programming techniques to query a given
Temporal Datalog program. However, in Temporal Datalog, since temporal relations
are manipulated a tuple at a time, they are not rst-class citizens in the language.
Therefore some familiar aggregation operations such as sum, avg and count cannot be
provided in Temporal Datalog. This limitation of the language provides part of our
motivation for proposing the use of Tra as an algebraic front-end to temporal deductive
databases. Tra is already second-order to Temporal Datalog, and temporal relations
are therefore the very objects that are manipulated by its operations. An algebraic
front-end also opens up the possibility that we no longer have to stay within a rst-order
framework for specifying temporal databases.
Consider the in-circulation predicate mentioned above: We might also have a
rule which says that all the books which are in circulation today will stay in circulation
next in-circulation(Book) <- in-circulation(Book).
This rule is valid from day one on, and thus it contributes to the de nition of the entire
history of the in-circulation predicate. (A more detailed discussion of this library
database is given in Section 2.) Therefore temporal relations coming from temporal
deductive databases are inherently in nite, that is, they are nite at moments in time or
over intervals, but in nite in the aggregate. In many non-deductive models for temporal
data [10, 18, 28, 29], temporal relations are restricted to the interval from the beginning
up to the current moment in time (say \now", \today", \this month" and so on). The
in nitary nature of temporal relations does not cause any problems during the evaluation
of Tra expressions, because snapshots (slices) of temporal relations can be retrieved from
a given temporal deductive database by bottom-up evaluation strategies [6].
1.3 A Modular Extension
Several researchers [8, 23] have recognized that there is a need for a modular extension of
query languages and deductive databases. Just like the algebraic operators of Tra, logic
modules can be used to manipulate temporal relations as rst-class citizens. Therefore,
through modules, Tra can be turned into an algebraic query language with the true
power of a deductive system. In our framework outlined so far, Temporal Datalog is
nothing but a one-o device to Tra, just providing base relations to the algebra in the
A module has a number of input predicates and an output predicate, and a number
of rules local to it. In other words, it is a second-order object to the outside world, i.e., an
\operator" manipulating predicates. When viewed as an operator of Tra, given a number
of temporal input relations, a module returns a temporal output relation represented by
its output predicate. Therefore, through modules, temporal relations created during
the evaluation of Tra expressions may be fed back to the deductive part for further
manipulation. In turn, temporal modules allow us to enrich Tra with non-standard
(algebraic) operators which may involve recursion and operations on individual data
items. For instance, we can de ne a transitive closure module, say tcm, which behaves
just like a genuine algebraic operator of Tra, and apply it to any given expression
representing a binary relation.
Temporal modules can be de ned on the y during the query evaluation process,
and we may even have a number of frequently used modules stored and maintained in a
module library. Therefore users can customize Tra to the speci c requirements of their
applications with great ease. We can surely study the properties of Tra and Temporal
Datalog in complete isolation from each other; but it is the interplay between the two
through temporal modules that appeals to us most. For instance, as operators, temporal
modules are subject to the same rules that govern the native operators of Tra, and yet
they are still subject to the standard logic programming techniques [15].
To summarize, in our approach to temporal databases, the notion of time is abstracted away from the object language, as this would be the case in any framework
based on temporal logic. It has a sound formal basis, and enables technology transfer
from the established methods and tools that are available for both the relational algebra and deductive databases to temporal databases. In summary, we take all that logic
programming and the relational algebra together have to o er, and mold it into one coherent deductive system for specifying and querying temporal data. This approach is in
accordance with the conclusion drawn in [22].
The Structure of the Paper
In the next section, we introduce Temporal Datalog and outline the declarative semantics of programs of the language. Temporal Datalog is the function-free subset of the
temporal language Chronolog [20, 21]. In Section 3, we summarize the operations of
Tra from [19], and provide the denotational semantics of Tra expressions. In Section
4, we demonstrate how temporal queries may be formulated in Tra and give examples
of time-speci c and time-relative selection, temporal splicing, and of temporal join, i.e.,
combining and manipulating temporal data from di erent moments in time. In Section 5,
we introduce a modular extension of Temporal Datalog, based on a syntactic variation
of Fitting's modular logic programming [12]. In Section 6, we discuss the simulation of
operators of Tra in Temporal Datalog. In Section 7, we relate our work to other approaches to modeling temporal databases. Some further research directions are pointed
out in Section 8.
2 Temporal Deductive Databases
Logic programs without any function symbols, i.e., Datalog programs [6, 30], are regarded as deductive databases. In a Datalog program, all predicates are guaranteed
to represent nite relations, because the domain of any Herbrand interpretation of the
program is nite owing to the restriction to the function-free subset of logic programs.
In the following, we consider an extension of Datalog based on a simple temporal logic.
We call the resulting language \Temporal Datalog". Temporal Datalog programs
are regarded as \temporal deductive databases" in which temporal relationships among
data are formalized through the use of temporal operators, not by explicit references to
The minimum model of a given Temporal Datalog program is regarded as the
temporal database the program models intensionally, according to which each predicate
used in the program represents a temporal relation. Slices of temporal relations from a
given temporal database are nite at particular moments in time or over periods of time
as the domain of any (temporal) Herbrand interpretation of the database is still nite,
but they are in nite in the whole. However, we only need slices of temporal relations in
Tra expressions (see the next section) which are computable by bottom-up evaluation
strategies such as the xed point computation [6, 15].
2.1 Temporal Datalog
Temporal logic [25] is a kind of modal logic where the set of possible worlds models a
collection of moments in time. Temporal Datalog is based on a simple temporal logic,
i.e., the function-free subset of the underlying logic of the temporal language Chronolog
[20]. We call the logic \TL", in which the set ! of natural numbers is the collection of
moments in time with its usual ordering relation <. There are two temporal operators
in TL, namely first and next, which are applied to formulas. The temporal operators
refer to the initial moment and the next moment in time respectively. Note that these
operators are inspired by those of the Lucid language [32]. The values of formulas of TL
vary with the moments in time in !.
TL extends a rst-order language without any function symbols with two new
formation rules: if A is a formula, so are first A and next A. The informal semantics of
temporal operators are given as follows: A formula of the form first A is true at time
t if and only if A is true at time 0; and a formula of the form next A is true at time t
if and only if A is true at time t + 1. In the following presentation, we write next(k) for
k successive applications of next. In case k = 0, next(k) is the empty string.
Let A be an atomic formula of the form p(e1; : : :; e ) where p is a predicate symbol
and all e 's are terms. We call formulas of the form first next(k)A and next(k)A as
temporal atoms; temporal atoms of the form first next(k)A are also called canonical.
The values of terms in TL (such as the terms e1; : : :; e ) are rigid, i.e., independent of
moments in time. The values of canonical temporal atoms are also rigid, because the use
of first followed by a number (possibly zero) of applications of next pins a canonical
temporal atom to a particular moment in time. For example, the atom first next(5)A
is true at time t if and only if A is true at time 5, for any given value for t. The temporal
operators first next(5) always move the context to time 5, no matter what the current
reference point is.
Just as Datalog program clauses are made up of atomic formulas, Temporal Datalog program clauses are made up of temporal atoms. Temporal atoms with arithmetic
predicates are allowed in programs provided that they are restricted to nite relations
by other predicates in program clauses. A program clause in a Temporal Datalog program is interpreted as an assertion true at all moments in time. We also refer to program
clauses as rules, and unconditional rules as facts. The set of facts from a given program
forms the extensional database whereas the set of rules the intensional database [6]. Note
that the notion of time in TL is uninterpreted; it can be in terms of hours, days, weeks,
years and so on, depending on the intended application domain.
Below is an example Temporal Datalog program.
Example 1 Suppose that new books in a library do not go into circulation until after
two weeks of their arrival. After then, they stay in circulation on a daily basis. The
logical time (the moments in time) in this example is interpreted as days. Let the
in-circulation predicate represent all those books that are in circulation. The following
is the partial de nition of the in-circulation predicate:
first in-circulation(mobbydick).
first in-circulation(les-miserables).
first in-circulation(the-hobbit).
next(14) in-circulation(Book) <- new-arrival(Book).
next in-circulation(Book) <- in-circulation(Book).
mobbydick les-miserables
The rst three rules in the program de ne three books, namely
, to be in circulation on the rst day (time 0). The third rule says that
new arrivals go into circulation after fourteen days. The last rule says that all books currently in circulation on any given day stay in circulation the next day as well. The last
two (temporal) rules de ne temporal relationships among data. All rules in the program
are regarded as assertions true at all moments in time. Therefore the rst three rules
together with the last rule imply that mobbydick, les-miserables and the-hobbit stay
in circulation from the rst day on. The new-arrival predicate is not formalized in the
program, but supplied as input.
Suppose that we are interested in nding the books that are in circulation on the
third day (time 2). We can formulate this query in the logic programming format as
<- first next(2) in-circulation(X)
The temporal operators first next(2) move the context to the third day. The answers
to the query are obtained as \answer substitutions" for the variable X (instantiations to
the variable) such as X=mobbydick, X=les-miserables, X=the-hobbit and so on.
In short, Temporal Datalog provides a formalism based on temporal semantics
for modeling temporal databases. However, we can only model \valid time" in Temporal
Datalog, as opposed to \transaction time", i.e., times of updates to the database [29].
This is because whenever an update operation is performed on a given temporal database
(Temporal Datalog program), it is assumed that the updated database is the current
version. Therefore all the previous instances of the database will be lost. The current
version of the database models the history as it is best known of the enterprise being
2.2 Declarative Semantics
Since Temporal Datalog is a subset of the temporal language Chronolog [20, 26],
the declarative semantics of Chronolog programs can be directly applied to Temporal
Datalog programs. In [20], it is shown that every Chronolog program has a minimum (temporal Herbrand) model, and the least xed point of a temporal P operation
coincides with the minimum model of the program. In this section, we summarize the results for Chronolog programs with their applications to temporal deductive databases
(Temporal Datalog programs) in mind.
Given a Temporal Datalog program , let P denote the Herbrand universe of
constructed as in [15]. The restriction to the function-free subset of Chronolog
guarantees that the universe P of is always nite. It is also assumed that P is not
empty. A temporal Herbrand interpretation I of P assigns each predicate symbol used
in P a mapping from the collection of moments in time to nite relations over UP . Let
Pred be the set of all predicate symbols appearing in P . Then we have that
I 2 [Pred !
[ [! ! P (U n )]]
where the notation [X ! Y ] denotes the set of all functions from X to Y , X n the nfolded Cartesian product of X , and P (X ) the power set of X , i.e., the set of subsets of
X . For any given n-ary predicate symbol p, I assigns an n-ary temporal relation to p,
that is, I (p) 2 [! ! P (UPn )]. In other words, elements of [n0 [! ! P (UPn )] are temporal
relations with various arities. This formulation of temporal relations conforms to the
abstract formalism used in [19].
Let M(P ) denote the set of temporal Herbrand models of a given Temporal Datalog program P . In other words, we have that for all I 2 M(P ), j=I P , i.e., P is true
in I at all moments in time. In [20], it is also shown that the set of temporal Hebrand
models of a given Chronolog program is closed under model-intersection. This result
directly applies to Temporal Datalog programs. Therefore the model-intersection of all
the models in M(P )|the greatest lower bound of M(P ), denoted as uM(P )|exists
and it is the minimum temporal Herbrand model of P . The model uM(P ) constitutes
the declarative semantics of P , and is regarded as the temporal database that P models intensionally. In summary, we have the following result, which is a restriction of an
analogous theorem for Chronolog to Temporal Datalog:
Theorem 1 Let P be a Temporal Datalog program. Then the set M(P ) of temporal
Herbrand models of P is closed under model-intersection and therefore uM(P ) exists and
is the minimum temporal Herbrand model of P.
Bottom-up evaluation strategies such as the xed point computation based on the
mapping TP |originally de ned by van Emden and Kowalski [31]|are used to compute
the entire minimum Herbrand model of a given Datalog program [2, 6]. In Temporal
Datalog, this is not possible due to the in nitary nature of time-varying predicates.
However, in practice, we are interested in nite portions of a given temporal database.
At any given moment in time, all predicates represent nite relations, and we should thus
be able to use bottom-up evaluation strategies over any period of time. For example, the
slices of (unary) temporal relations that the in-circulation predicate represents over
a period, say from time t to time t + 5, is nite.
A version of the TP operator de ned in [20] can be used to compute slices of temporal relations represented by time-varying predicates. Let P be a Temporal Datalog
program, and H a temporal Herbrand interpretation of P . Let I (p)[t] denote the slice
of the temporal relation at time t that p represents with respect to any given interpretation I of P . Then TP (H ) is a temporal Herbrand interpretation of P satisfying the
following: For all p 2 Pred, for all ~e 2 U n and for all t 2 !, ~e 2 TP (H )(p)[t] if and
only if there exists a canonical ground instance of a program clause in P of the form
first nextt p(~e ) <-B0; : : : ; Bn?1 where for all 1 i n, j=H Bi . Here a canonical
ground instance of a program clause consists only of canonical temporal atoms without
any uninstantiated variables. The de nition of TP relies on the result that a rule is true
in an interpretation I if and only if all of its canonical ground instances are true in I [21].
The xed point semantics of Temporal Datalog programs depends on that the
temporal Herbrand models of P are characterized by the mapping TP , and TP over
the complete lattice of the set of temporal Herbrand interpretations of P is continuous.
Since continuity implies monotonicity, TP is also monotonic. Monotonic mappings over
complete lattices have xed points; see [15] for details. Thus the least xed point of TP ,
denoted as lfp (TP ), exists and coincides with the minimum temporal Herbrand model of
P . Again, the following theorem is a straightforward restriction of an analogous result
for Chronolog to Temporal Datalog:
Theorem 2 Let P be a Temporal Datalog program. Then uM(P ) = lfp (TP ).
In [9], it is shown that the iterative bottom-up computation of nite answers is
possible for a temporal language which can be used to specify in nite objects such as
temporal relations. It can be shown that Temporal Datalog has the same expressive
power as that temporal language, and that slices of temporal relations are nite over a
nite Herbrand universe. Thus we have the following theorem:
Theorem 3 Let P be a Temporal Datalog program and t 2 !. Then for any predicate
symbol p 2 Pred, lfp (TP )(p)[t] is computable.
When negation is considered in Temporal Datalog, the minimum model semantics
is no longer valid. However, the perfect model semantics of strati ed logic programs [2, 24]
can be extended to strati ed Temporal Datalog programs in a natural way. In this case,
the perfect model of a given strati ed Temporal Datalog can be approximated by using
bottom-up evaluation strategies. In the following presentation, we focus on negation-free
Temporal Datalog programs.
3 An Algebraic Front-end
In Temporal Datalog programs, we do not view predicates as representing an in nite
collection of nite relations, nor do we manipulate nite relations at any given moment in
time. However, this is not a matter of choice; it is simply so, because temporal relations
are not rst-class citizens in Temporal Datalog. In fact, logic queries resemble queries in
the \domain-relational calculus [16, 30]". For instance, the intersection operation of the
relational algebra can be formulated as a logic query as follows: Given the expression r \ s
where both r and s represent binary relations, the query <- r(X,Y), s(X,Y) achieves
the desired e ect, with pairwise instantiations to the variables X and Y representing the
tuples from the intersection. More complicated expressions may require a fair amount
of variable shuing. On the other hand, the relational algebra o ers a more abstract,
albeit second-order, notation for expressing queries. It is the second-order nature of the
algebra that allows for the smooth incorporation of modules as operators (see section 5).
One may feel that the choice between the relational algebra and logic queries is just
a matter of taste; but it is not. There are a number of things that we can do in a natural
way in an algebraic query language that we cannot do otherwise. For instance, there is no
simple way to simulate the union operation as a single query without either modifying the
underlying deductive database or introducing the disjunction as a new Boolean operator.
Moreover, since temporal relations are not rst-class citizens in Temporal Datalog, it is
not possible to specify such familiar aggregate operations as sum, avg, count and so on.
Also, without negation, the set di erence operation available in the relational algebra
cannot be simulated in Temporal Datalog. Therefore we propose the use of a temporal
relational algebra, which is referred to as Tra, as an algebraic front-end to Temporal
Datalog. The algebra Tra is introduced in [19] for querying temporal databases based
on an abstract model.
In the following we summarize the operations of Tra, and then outline the denotational semantics of its expressions, while keeping its application to temporal deductive
databases in mind. Examples of the formulation of queries in Tra are given in the next
3.1 Temporal Algebra Tra
The temporal algebra Tra is a \point-wise extension" of the relational algebra upon
! de ned as follows: Its signature includes all operators of the relational algebra, and
its universe is the set of temporal relations [n0 [! ! P (U n )] where U is the domain
(Herbrand universe) of interpretations of TL. There is a natural correspondence between
this abstract formulation of temporal relations and those represented by time-varying
predicates in Temporal Datalog programs. It is in fact this correspondence that enables
the use of Tra as an algebraic front-end for Temporal Datalog.
Let 5 be a unary operator of the relational algebra, and 5T the corresponding
operator of Tra. For any given temporal relation r, the following holds: For all t 2 !,
we have that
5T (r)(t) = 5(r(t)):
Similarly for the binary operators. The operator 5T denotes the point-wise operation on
the universe of Tra corresponding to the operation 5. In other words, when restricted
to moments in time, a point-wise operator degenerates into the corresponding operator
of the relational algebra. Therefore we can explain what a point-wise operator does to
its operand by looking at the individual results for each moment in time. This implies
that Tra, by design, has the relational algebra as a special case. Yaghi [33] studied a
similar notion in the context of the Lucid language.
An expression of Tra consists of compositions of algebraic operators and predicate
symbols. In Tra, there are three kinds of algebraic operators: (1) point-wise operators,
(2) temporal operators, and (3) aggregation operators. These operators are applied
to temporal relations and yield temporal relations as a result which can then be used
as operands in other expressions. We use the same symbols for both the point-wise
operators and the corresponding operators of the relational algebra. The signature of
Tra is extended with temporal and aggregation operators summarized below. We assume
familiarity with the notions of a comparator value and comparator formula; see [16, 30]
for more details. For convenience, we write < r0; r1; r2; : : : > for a given temporal relation
r, and also treat r as a function of moments in time: r = t:rt.
Point-wise operators are \; [; ; ?; X , and F . Here X is a
nite sequence of values greater than 0, and F a comparator formula. All of \; [ and
(?) take two operands (temporal relations) with the same arity. At any given moment in
time t, the outcome of a point-wise operation depends only on the values of its operands
at time t. For instance, given the expression r \ s, the resulting temporal relation is the
\point-wise intersection" of r and s, that is, r \ s =< r0 \ s0; r1 \ s1; r2 \ s2; : : : >.
Point-wise Operators
Temporal Operators The temporal operators first, next and prev take one argument; fby is a binary operator. Here first is the \initial value" operator, next the
\tomorrow", prev the \yesterday" and fby the \temporal splicing". Although the temporal operators first and next of Tra do not behave the same way as those of TL
do, we use the same symbols as it can always be understood from the context which
ones are referred to. Intuitively, the temporal operator first freezes a temporal relation
at its initial value; next and prev shift a given temporal relation in the corresponding
direction; and fby does cutting and pasting of temporal relations. Read r fby s as \r at
time 0, followed by s from time 1 on.
At any given time t, the outcome of a temporal operation may depend on the values
of its arguments possibly at time t and at other moments in time. For instance, given a
temporal relation r, we have that first r =< r0; r0; r0; : : : > (i.e., the value of first r
at time t depends on the value of r at time 0); next r =< r1; r2; r3; : : : > (i.e., the value of
next r at time t depends on the value of r at time t +1); and prev r =< ;; r0 ; r1; r2 ; : : : >
(i.e., the value of prev r at time t depends on the value of r at time t ? 1 when t > 0;
the empty set otherwise). From here on, we use the notation next(n) and prev(n) as
syntactic sugar for n-folded applications of next and prev. Given two temporal relations
r and s, we have that r fby s = < r0; s1; s2; : : : >.
Aggregation Operators Let x 1. Aggregation operators are sumx, avgx, count,
and minx with their obvious interpretations. These point-wise operators are applied
to temporal relations with arbitrary arities, and produce unary relations as a result. For
example, given a temporal relation r whose arity is less than or equal to x, avgx(r) =<
avgx (r0); avgx (r1 ); avgx (r2 ); : : : >. The avgx(ri ) operation returns, in a unary tuple, the
average of the values of the xth attribute from all the tuples in the given relation ri.
3.2 Denotational Semantics
Given a Temporal Datalog program db (a temporal deductive database), an expression
over db contains only those predicate symbols used in db, and terms from the Herbrand
universe of db. We assume that all expressions are legal, i.e., arities of relations given in an
expression match with respect to the operations involved, and so do the types of attributes
over which aggregation operations are performed. The meaning of an expression of Tra
is a temporal relation, just like the meaning of a predicate symbol de ned in db. Let
[ E ] (db) denote the denotation (meaning) of E with respect to a given temporal database
db. All predicate symbols appearing in E receive a denotation (a temporal relation) with
respect to the minimum (temporal Herbrand) model of db.
In particular, given an n-ary temporal relation r, we have that r 2 [! ! P (U n )]
where U is the domain of r. Thus [ E ] (db) is also an element of [! ! P (U k )] for some
k 0. In general, given an expression E of Tra, we have that
[ E ] 2 [DB !
[ [! ! P (U n )]]
where DB is the set of Temporal Datalog programs, and U is the set of ground terms of
TL (the Herbrand universe of TL). Given db 2 DB, s 2 !, x 1, and Tra expressions
A and B , the following are the de nitions of the denotations of each kind of expressions
of Tra.
1. [ p] (db) = (uM(db))(p) where p is a predicate symbol.
2. [ 5A] (db) = 5[ A] (db) where 5 is a unary operator of Tra.
3. [ A 5 B ] (db) = [ A] (db) 5 [ B ] (db) where 5 is a binary operator of Tra.
Item 1 is the basis case of the de nition which establishes the connection to a given
temporal deductive database. Items 2 and 3 formalize the meaning of operators of Tra.
In [19], it is shown that an analogous denotation function [ :] assigns a temporal
relation to each (legal) Tra expression. However, we need a slightly modi ed result
which, for the proof of item 1, makes a reference to the minimum model semantics of the
given temporal database db. We state the following theorem without proof:
Theorem 4 The denotation function [ :] is well-de ned, i.e., for any legal expression E
over a temporal deductive database db, [ E ] (db) 2 [n0 [! ! P (U n )].
Put it another way, the theorem says that the algebra satis es the closure property.
In some other approaches to temporal relational algebras, the outcome of an expression
is not always a temporal relation (possibly slices of temporal relations and temporal
elements such as intervals), e.g., the algebras discussed in [10, 14, 27].
It is also natural to talk about the denotation of temporal operators. For instance,
next is a mapping from temporal relations to temporal relations. In other words, next
is a function of type
[ [! ! P (U n )] ! [! ! P (U n)]]:
In fact, we have that next = r:t:rt+1.
This formulation of (temporal) operators provides a basis for a study of the formal
properties of Tra. For instance, it is known that the operators of the relational algebra except the set di erence are monotonic. Since Tra is a point-wise extension of the
relational algebra, the monotonicity result immediately extends to its point-wise operators. In short, Tra inherits all properties of the relational algebra, because the meaning
(properties) of point-wise operators can be reduced to, and explained in terms of, the
meaning (properties) of the corresponding operators in the relational algebra. Based on
this formalism, it is also possible to study the interaction between temporal operators
(and that between temporal operators and point-wise operators.) We refer the reader to
[19] for a more detailed discussion on this topic.
All operators of Tra can be viewed as operations on temporal relations as in nite
sequences of nite relations. Although this static view helps us to understand the overall
e ect of algebraic operators, we prefer the \dynamic" or localized view while forming
queries demonstrated in the next section.
4 Querying Temporal Databases
In this section, we give some examples of querying temporal data in a given temporal
(deductive) database. It should be kept in mind that Tra is a representation-free algebra;
in other words, its operators are not designed to manipulate explicit representations of
time, or temporal elements such as intervals. The absence of explicit manipulation of
time in Temporal Datalog resulting from the direct use of temporal logic also requires
an algebraic front-end such as Tra to be at least as abstract as the language itself.
Thus, as a consequence of the level of abstraction that Temporal Datalog and Tra
together o er, queries to nd times of when things happen cannot be formulated by
Tra expressions. For example, given an employee relation, we cannot answer the query
\When did the employee X get promoted to the manager?" However, we can ask the
query \Did the employee X get promoted to the manager at a particular time t or within
the period of time from s to t?"
In the following, we stipulate that all queries be evaluated at a given moment in
time|say \now", \today", \this month", \this year" and so on|or over a period of
time (interval) identi ed by its starting and ending times. The evaluation of a query
over an interval is performed by evaluating the query at all moments in the interval.
We regard an interval as a window through which temporal data may be viewed and
manipulated. In the following, we assume that base relations come from a temporal
deductive database, i.e., a Temporal Datalog program, and are computed by bottomup evaluation strategies when needed. We also provide, wherever appropriate, logic
queries corresponding to algebraic expressions.
4.1 Temporal Selection
Suppose we are given an employee relation, emp(Name,Dept,Salary) and a department
relation dept(Dept,Manager) in a temporal deductive database db. It is assumed that
the Name attribute in emp is the key for the employee relation; and the Dept attribute in
dept is the key for the department relation. From here on, we refer to the attributes in a
given relation by their positions. In the following examples, the logical time is interpreted
as \months". Month 0 is when the temporal database came into existence. Below is a
partial de nition of the emp and dept relations:
next emp(kim,toys,2300).
first next(5) dept(toys,joel).
first next(5) dept(shoes,bob).
The rst ve facts formalize the status of the database at month 0. There are three
employees, namely Kim, Joel and Bob, and two departments, namely Toys and Shoes.
Kim and Joel work in the Toys department whereas Bob works in the Shoes department.
Joel is the manager of the Toys department, and Bob is the manager of the Shoes
department. The rest of the facts axiomatize the status of the database at months other
than month 0 and so on.
As one can notice, some of the data in the database do not change over the course
of time. In order to avoid the tedious repetition of unchanged data, we use the notation
[x; y ] A to denote that the rule (fact) A is valid over the interval [x; y ]. This is just
a syntactic sugar for a number of rules (facts) for each moment in the interval. In the
above example, the facts saying that Joel is the manager of the Toys department from
month 0 to month 5 all together may be replaced by a single rule, that is,
[0,5] dept(toys,joel).
In many applications, a \snapshot" of temporal data at a particular moment in
time is of interest. Snapshots are the status of a given temporal database at a particular
moment in time. Queries of this kind are time-speci c.
Example 2 Consider the query \Who is the manager of the Toys department at month
5?" The answer should always be the same regardless of when this time-speci c query is
asked. The following is the logic query where an instantiation to the variable X provides
the answer (in fact there is only one answer).
<- first next(5) dept(toys,X)
The following is the query in Tra:
2 (1="toys" (first next(5) dept))
The temporal operator(s) first next(5) move the context to month 5. Therefore a
temporal selection can be achieved through temporal operators. Since the manager is
Joel at month 5, implied by the rule first next(5) dept(toys,joel), the answer is
the relation f< joel >g whenever the query is evaluated. Let E be the expression given
above. Then we have that [ E ] (db) = t:f< joel >g.
Sometimes we are interested in what happens relative to a reference point in time,
say \now", \today" and so on. We may pose queries like \Who was the manager of the
Toys department two months ago?", or \Is Kim going to get a raise next month?". In
such a query, there is no explicit reference to time, thus the value of the query depends
on when it is evaluated. Queries about the future are not problematic, because it is
assumed that the temporal (deductive) database completely models the reality about
the employee and department relations. If future data is not available yet, the answer
would be the empty set with respect to the minimum model semantics.
Example 3 Consider the time-relative query \Who was Kim's manager last month?"
Below is the logic query to which the answer is obtained as an instantiation to the variable
<- prev emp(kim,X,S), prev dept(X,Y)
The variables X and S have no place in the answer to the query, but X is essential in
forming it. Here S is a \don't care" variable; in other words, it is just a place-holder for
the salary of Kim, and serves no other purpose. The answer to the query naturally varies
with the time of evaluation. The following is the query in Tra:
prev(2(2 (1="kim"emp) 1 dept))
Here 1 is the point-wise -join operator, de ned in terms of other point-wise operators of
Tra. The temporal operator prev moves the context to the last month no matter what
the reference point is. Therefore the answer to this query varies depending on when it
is evaluated. At month 0, the answer would be the empty set, which is implied by the
semantics of prev. At month 1, the answer is the tuple < joel >, because at month 0
Kim works in the Toys department whose manager is Joel and so on.
4.2 Temporal Join
Temporal data from di erent moments in time can be combined through the use of
temporal operators. For instance, we may be interested in what happened over a period
of time in a given department. The period of interest may be time-speci c or timerelative. We rst introduce a notation for representing intervals (i.e., periods of time).
Let x; y 0.
Time-speci c intervals are denoted as [x; y] where x y.
Time-relative intervals are denoted as [(+=?)x; (+=?)y] where (+=?)x (+=?)y.
The following are time-relative intervals: [?3; +5], [?6; ?1] and [+2; +4], the rst
of which overlaps with \now".
The next step is the incorporation of intervals in Tra as temporal operators. The
expression [x; y]E is interpreted as combining temporal data by intersection, i.e., all those
tuples in E that are common at every moment in the interval [x; y]. With this interpretation, interval operators become a syntactic sugar for expressions involving temporal
selections and intersections. For instance, the expression [?1; +1]E is a shorthand notation for the expression
prev E
\ E \ next E:
Such expressions in fact do \temporal join", i.e., combine and summarize temporal data
from di erent moments in time.
Example 4 Consider the query \Find all those employees who worked in the same
department in the last three months". The following is the logic query:
<- prev emp(X,Y,S1), prev(2) emp(X,Y,S2), prev(3) emp(X,Y,S3)
The answer to the query is in the form of instantiations to the variable X. The variables
S1, S2 and S3 are all \don't care". Supposing that Joel works in the Toys department up
to and including month 5, the answer to the query at month 2 includes Joel. At months
less than 2, the answer to the query is \no". The following is the query in Tra.
1([?3; ?1](1 2 emp))
If any employee is not transferred to another department over the interval [?3; ?1], the
corresponding employee tuples are the same with the possible exception of salaries. That
is why we can formulate the query by temporal intersection. At months less than 2, the
answer to the Tra query is the empty set (corresponding to the \no" answer for the
logic query).
Suppose we are interested in the total salary of the employees in the Toys department over a period of time. We can answer such a query by aggregation operations over
temporal data combined by temporal selections and unions. We use a di erent notation
for intervals over which temporal data is joined by unions. Let < x; y > denote an interval de ned just like [x; y]. Intervals of this kind are also applied to expressions of Tra,
but with a di erent interpretation. For instance, an expression of the form < 1; 3 > E is
just a syntactic sugar for the expression
first next E
[ first
next(2) E
[ first
next(3) E:
Using temporal unions, we can also accumulate temporal data over an interval.
Example 5 Consider the query \Find all those employees who managed the Shoes department at one time or another." The answer to the query involves temporal selections
from all moments in time, and therefore it is not computable. However, in reality, the
range of the query should be restricted to the interval from the beginning up to \now",
or up to the time of utterance of the query. The following is an attempt at the logic
<- <0,now> dept(shoes,X)
This query in fact stands for a number of distinct time-speci c queries, one for each
month t over the interval <0,now>, of the form <- first next(t) dept(shoes,X).
The answers to the query are those obtained from distinct queries. The following is the
query in Tra.
2(< 0; now > (1="shoes" dept))
Here now refers to the moment in time at which the query is being evaluated. It is the
responsibility of implementations to supply the time of evaluation in place of now.
4.3 Temporal Splicing
In some cases, we are interested in a di erent form of temporal join, i.e., that of cutting
out a portion of a temporal relation, and pasting a portion of another one in its place. This
is achieved by the binary temporal operator fby. However, in the following discussion, we
consider a more general form of temporal splicing, that is, a parameterized fby operator
de ned in terms of the (native) operators of Tra as follows:
r fby[0] s =df r fby s,
r fby[t] s =df r fby (prev(next r fby[t ? 1] next s)), for t > 0.
Read r fby[t] s as \r up to and including time t", and s from time t + 1 on. We call
time t as the cut-point for fby[t]. Given two temporal relations r and s, it can be seen
that r fby[t] s = < r0; r1; : : : ; rt; st+1; st+2; : : : >. The de ned fby[.] operator is very
useful, so we employ it as a native operator in Tra.
Example 6 Suppose that a 10% overall salary increase is planned starting at month t
and the management wants to study its long term e ects on the company. The temporal
database is now extended with a new employee relation, say proj-emp, modeling the
salary increase starting at month t in order to keep the de nition of the original emp
relation intact. Supposing the emp relation is provided for all moments in time (for the
future as well), we can de ne the proj-emp relation as follows:
next(t) proj-emp(Name,Dept,Salary) <next(t) emp(Name,Dept,S1),
first next(t) emp(Name,Dept,S2),
Salary is (S1 + 10% * S2).
The rule says that the salaries of all employees from month t onwards will be increased
by 10% of their salary at month t. There is no need to provide the de nition of proj-emp
before time t, because it is the same as emp. For analysis, all references to the employee
relation before month t should be regarded as references to the original emp relation, and
at and after month t as references to the proj-emp relation. However, in time-relative
queries it is not possible to determine which relation should be used as there is no explicit
mention of time. Therefore we provide a solution by \temporal splicing". The following
Tra expression
emp fby[t ? 1] proj-emp
should be used whenever the employee relation is required. The fby[t ? 1] operator cuts
emp at month t ? 1 and splices proj-emp to it starting from month t. Note that this
query cannot be expressed as a single logic query, because it then requires providing the
de nition of the new predicate proj-emp before time t as well. In other words, we would
have no choice other than modifying the underlying Temporal Datalog program during
the query evaluation process.
5 Temporal Modules
We have so far considered temporal deductive databases as providing base relations to
the expressions of Tra. With this setting, although Temporal Datalog o ers a succinct formalism for specifying temporal databases in the logic programming framework,
it does not really matter for Tra from where temporal relations are coming. The ow
of temporal data is uni-directional, and thus Temporal Datalog is a one-o device
to Tra. What we really need is a mechanism that would enable us to use freely the
deductive capabilities of Temporal Datalog for temporal relations created during the
evaluation of algebraic expressions. In this section, we o er a solution to this shortcoming of the coupling of Tra and Temporal Datalog by extending it with temporal
modules. Temporal modules can be used to feed back temporal relations created during
the evaluation of Tra expressions to the deductive part for further manipulation. This
extension therefore o ers the ability to specify non-standard algebraic operators.
Modular extensions of deductive databases have been considered by many researchers. For example, in the Glue{Nail project [23], generic modules are considered
for use in both the deductive part (Nail!) and the procedural query language (Glue).
HiLog [8] is a higher-order logic programming language which can be used as a database
programming language with generic modules, i.e., second-order predicates with an input
predicate. Fitting [12] proposed a modular extension of logic programming with the minimum model property, which can be smoothly adapted to Temporal Datalog. In the
following, we therefore use a syntactic variation of Fitting's modular logic programming.
Modules as Operators
In Tra, we cannot compute the transitive closure of a (temporal) relation. It may
be argued that a transitive closure operation could be speci ed in Temporal Datalog
for any binary relation over the universe of a given temporal database. However, this
approach is highly impractical, because it requires that every binary relation be given a
name, and its de nition be added to the temporal database. A better and more workable
approach is to provide a mechanism for specifying generic modules so that the same
de nition can be used for any given binary relation. In the algebra we would like to be
able to write tcm(r) for any binary relation r where tcm is the generic transitive closure
operator. A generic module has a number of input predicates and an output predicate.
Example 7 We de ne a transitive closure module which imports an input predicate
, and exports an output predicate tc (representing the transitive closure of the input
relation) as follows.
module tcm,
import ip, export tc.
tc(X,Y) <- ip(X,Y).
tc(X,Z) <- tc(X,Y), tc(Y,Z).
This module can be regarded as an operator which, given a temporal relation, returns a
temporal relation. Therefore, we can use this module as an operator in exactly the same
way as we do any other operator of Tra. We can also use temporal rules, other forms
of recursion, and arithmetic operations in such a module.
In the above example tcm is a point-wise operator, because its de nition does not
contain the use of any temporal operator of TL. In Tra, we can now use tcm as a genuine
operator in the form tcm(E ) for any given expression E . The only restriction is that the
arity of the relation E represents must match the arity of the input predicate ip.
Temporal modules allow us to de ne and use non-standard algebraic operators
in Tra, through which we have access to the use of recursion, arithmetic predicates
and temporal operators. This is where we bene t most from a modular extension of
Temporal Datalog: We have an extendible algebraic query language with the full power
of a deductive system. For instance, using temporal modules, we can specify \virtual
relations", i.e., relations that do not exist in temporal databases, but can be computed
from the base relations if and when needed.
Example 8 Suppose that we are required to provide a temporal relation, say ediff,
formalizing the monthly salary di erences for each employee from the employee relation.
The salary di erences are simply calculated by subtracting from the current salary the
last month's salary for each employee. Clearly, ediff is a virtual relation; the information
about the salary di erences is implicitly available in the temporal database. In order to
be faithful to the true nature of ediff, its de nition can be easily provided as a temporal
module as follows:
module ediff,
import emp, export emp-diff.
next emp-diff(X,Diff) <emp(X,Y1,S1), next emp(X,Y2,S2), Diff is S2 - S1.
In Tra expressions, we just write
for the salary di erence relation. Note
that given , it is not possible to write down a Tra expression that does the same job.
This is because Tra cannot be used to manipulate individual data items.
The proj-emp relation in example 6 may also be regarded as a virtual relation.
Example 9 In example 6, the temporal database is extended with the de nition of
. Instead, we can provide a temporal module and keep the temporal database
intact until the emp relation is updated. Loosely speaking, this is a form of hypothetical
reasoning as we are interested in what would happen when employees were given a 10%
salary increase.
module projected,
import emp, export proj-emp.
[ ;t
](proj-emp(Name,Dept,Salary) <- emp(Name,Dept,Salary)).
next(t) proj-emp(Name,Dept,Salary) <next(t) emp(Name,Dept,S1),
first next(t) emp(Name,Dept,S2),
Salary is (S1 + 10% * S2).
0 ?1
The rst clause says that
represents the same relation as
up to time ? 1.
In Tra expressions, we just use the expression
whenever the employee
relation is required. In this example, \temporal splicing" is done in the module through
temporal rules, not by an fby[.] operator in Tra.
Example 10 We can also use modules to de ne (additional) temporal operators. For
instance, a restricted version of first that operates on unary relations can be de ned as
module ufirst,
import ip, export op.
op(X) <- first ip(X).
However, module operators are not substitutes for the temporal operators of Tra. Given
the above framework for modules, we cannot de ne a temporal operator module, say
first, in such a way that it works on any given input relation regardless of the arity.
Such a facility can be provided if we employ second-order logic within temporal modules.
5.2 Input-Model Semantics
The declarative semantics of Temporal Datalog programs does not extend to temporal
modules, because temporal modules are second-order objects to the outside world. However, the semantics of temporal modules can be studied in isolation by xing their input
predicates to particular input relations. Note that we ignore temporal modules with no
import lists, as they are no di erent in terms of functionality than any other predicate
de ned in Temporal Datalog programs.
Each module takes a number of temporal relations as input, and returns a temporal
relation as output. This implies that the meaning (denotation) of a temporal module is a
function operating on temporal relations, just as the denotation of native Tra operators.
As an operator of Tra, the transitive closure module tcm is an element of
[[! ! P (U U )] ! [! ! P (U U )]]:
Given an element r of [! ! P (U U )], we have that
(r) = (uI (r)(tcm))(tc)
where tcm is the transitive closure operator and
I (r)(tcm) = fI j j=
and I (ip) = rg:
We di erentiate between the name of the temporal module, i.e., tcm, and the module
operator it denotes, i.e., tcm.
Using Fitting's terminology [12], I ( )(tcm) is the set of -input models of tcm. In
such models, the input predicate ip is assigned to the input relation and nothing more
and nothing less; hence the term \ -input models". Fitting [12] showed that the set of
-input models of a module is closed under model intersection, and, therefore, there is
a minimum -input model. This result naturally extends to temporal modules. This
formalism suces to assign a meaning to Tra expressions of the form tcm( ). The
output of tcm is the temporal relation represented by its output predicate with respect
to the minimum -input model semantics.
More formally we have the following theorem:
Theorem 5 Let mod be a (unary) temporal module and r be temporal relation where the
arities of mod's input predicate and r match. Then the set of r-input models of mod is
closed under model-intersection and therefore there is a minimum r-input model of mod.
Let Mod be a set of temporal modules, and a temporal deductive database. The
denotation function [ ] can be extended to include module operators as follows. Let
mod 2 Mod. Given Tra expressions 1
n , we have that
E ;:::;E
[ mod (
E1 ; : : : ; E n
)]]( ) = mod ([[ 1] ( )
[ ] ( ))
db ; : : : ; En
where each [ k] ( ) is the th input relation to the temporal module mod. More specifically, let k = [ k] ( ) for 1 , op be the output predicate and ip1
ipn be
the input predicates in mod. Then, with a straightforward generalization of the above
theorem to modules with more than one input predicates, we have that
r1 ; : : : ; r n
) = (uI (
r1 ; : : : ; rn
I( 1
r ; : : : ; rn
)(mod) = f j j=I mod and for all 1
n; I
(ipk ) = k g
The above formulation of the denotations of module operators can be generalized to
modules with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. However, we omit the details. Note
that theorem 4 can be extended to include module operators by replacing the proof of item
1 with the proof of a similar case for module operators | one case is enough, because
predicate symbols from Temporal Datalog programs can be considered as modules
without any input predicates.
Input relations to a module are nite at any given moment in time (or over intervals), which implies that output relations are also nite. Therefore we can adopt
bottom-up evaluation strategies for a modular extension of Temporal Datalog. However, in the standard least xed point semantics [15], we start from an interpretation in
which all predicates represent empty relations. For a given temporal module, the starting
point for bottom-up evaluation would be an interpretation of the module in which all
input predicates are exactly assigned to the corresponding input relations, and the rest of
the (local and export) predicates represent empty relations. The xed point computation
relative to a given interpretation is studied by Apt et al [2] in the context of strati ed
logic programs. We can adapt their formalism to temporal modules.
Temporal modules can also be used within Temporal Datalog programs, in which
case we must be careful in de ning the semantics of temporal modules. Since temporal
modules operate on temporal relations, what we have then is a second-order construct
in the language. However, the semantics framework for Temporal Datalog presented
so far does not extend to second-order programs. There are no problems in Tra with
the use of temporal modules, since it is already second-order. In HiLog [7], modules
with second-order syntax are given a rst-order semantics. We conjecture that a similar
approach can be adapted to a stand-alone Temporal Datalog with modules. Note that
the extended semantic framework would enable the use of Tra expressions in Temporal
Datalog programs as well as temporal modules.
6 Temporal Datalog Revisited
In deductive databases (without negation), all operations in the relational algebra except
the set di erence can be simulated by rules [6, 30]. Note that the (standard) relational
algebra does not include aggregation operators. However, the simulation does not involve
the speci cation of a set of generic rules for each operator that would work on any given
input relation, but it rather involves the simulation of particular applications of the
operator. For example, given two binary temporal relations and , the intersection
operation \ can be simulated by the rule
inter-rs(X,Y) <- r(X,Y), s(X,Y).
The inter-rs predicate represents the intersection where the binary predicates r and
s simulate the relations and . We cannot simulate the intersection operation in a
rst-order framework in such a way that it works on any two given relations with the
same arity.
In the temporal case, although all point-wise operations from the relational algebra
except the set di erence can be simulated by rules in Temporal Datalog, it is not
obvious which temporal operations in Tra can be simulated, if any at all. One can
observe that the counterparts of the temporal operators first and next are already
available in Temporal Datalog (in TL) whereas the counterparts of prev and fby are
not. In the following, it is shown that the lack of prev and fby in Temporal Datalog
does not a ect the simulation aspects of the language.
Let and be binary temporal relations, and r and s the predicates modeling
and . The following three rules simulate the operations first , next and prev
respectively. The rst two rules are given for the sake of completeness; there is indeed a
natural correspondence between first and next of Tra and those of Temporal Datalog. The expression prev
can be simulated by a single rule whose conclusion (head)
is in the one step future of its premise.
first-r(X,Y) <- first r(X,Y).
next-r(X,Y) <- next r(X,Y).
next prev-r(X,Y) <- r(X,Y).
third rule says that prev-r is true of
a binary tuple, say
, at time 0 if
r is true of
at time ? 1. The rule does not say anything about the prev-r
predicate at time 0 because of the use of next. This implies that prev-r represents the
empty set at time 0, which conforms to the semantics of prev in Tra.
< a; b >
< a; b >
t >
The operation r fby s can be simulated by two rules, one formalizing the resulting
relation as r at time 0, and the other formalizing the resulting relation as s from time 1
first fby-rs(X,Y) <- first r(X,Y).
next fby-rs(X,Y) <- next s(X,Y).
Here fby-rs represents the resulting relation from the
operation r fby s.
The above discussion leads to the formulation of the following result:
Theorem 6 All temporal operators of Tra can be simulated by temporal rules in Temporal Datalog.
The theorem can be proved by showing that, with the assumption that the predicates r
and s simulate r and s faithfully, the temporal relations represented by the predicates
de ned above with respect to the minimum model semantics are the same relations
denoted by their corresponding Tra expressions.
The temporal logic of Temporal Datalog (or of Chronolog [21]) has only two
temporal operators, and therefore it seems to have a limited expressive power. It is also
possible to consider extending Temporal Datalog (TL) with extra temporal operators
prev and fby. Such an extension would open up the possibility that these two operators
can now be used in the heads of rules as well as in the bodies, and the natural correspondence between prev and fby of Tra and those of Temporal Datalog could be exploited
further. However, it should be noted that the extension is not necessarily more powerful
than Temporal Datalog with only first and next, since fby can in fact be simulated
by two rules in Temporal Datalog. As for prev, rules with applications of prev's can
be transformed into rules with applications of next's only, by pushing all the rules into
their future forms. We do not give the details of the transformation in this paper.
7 Discussion
There are many other approaches to temporal databases, most of which extend the relational model with extra time attributes and introduce (temporal) query languages. To
the best of our knowledge, temporal deductive databases have not been studied extensively. In the following, we brie y relate our work to some other approaches, and point
out the similarities and di erences between our approach and others. Note that we use
the term \temporal databases" to refer to those databases that only model \valid time
Cli ord and Warren [11] in their pioneering work describe a query language called
ILs , based on Montague's higher-order intensional logic. They also introduce a temporal
semantics that formalizes the concept of a temporal database. However, the representation of time in temporal relations is made explicit by an additional state attribute. In
contrast, Temporal Datalog provides a more abstract formalism for modeling temporal
databases and expressing relationships among temporal data. ILs is very powerful and
expressive, and it allows users to formulate yes/no queries and queries about when things
happen. However, ILs is also sensitive to the way temporal data is represented in the
temporal database. They employ in the model the notion of a completed relation which
stipulates that all the values for key attributes be included in a given temporal relation.
Therefore the representation of temporal data is highly redundant and each relation is
extended with another attribute to indicate whether a given tuple exists in the relation
or not. This introduces some complications in query processing.
In [10], Cli ord proposes a model and relational algebra for modeling and querying
temporal databases. The model is based on an extension of the relational model with
complex attributes, some of which are functions from moments in time or intervals to
attribute values. The algebra is designed to exploit the representation of time-varying
data, and no formal semantics is o ered for it. In the same paper [10], Tansel describes
another model and temporal algebra to incorporate the time dimension in relational
databases. Just as in Cli ord's approach, Tansel's algebra o ers a number of algebraic
operators to manipulate di erent representations of temporal data. However, neither
algebra satis es the closure property in the sense the relational algebra does.
Sarda [27] proposes another temporal algebra, which has similar features as Tansel's.
Sarda also outlines a query language based on an extension of Sql with temporal operators. In Gadia's approach [14], temporal elements (intervals) are also explicitly manipulated in the temporal algebra. Gadia also considers a relational calculus-based query
language along with a temporal algebra and shows their equivalence. In our framework,
we have a domain-relational calculus in logic queries for free.
In [18], McKenzie and Snodgrass introduce an extension of the relational algebra
with two rollback operators that can support both the valid time and transaction time,
i.e., times of updates to the database [29]. Rollback operators are used to grab snapshots
of temporal relations in a given temporal database. The denotational semantics of operators of the algebra are also given. However, the underlying model can only support a
nite collection of snapshot states. The query language based on the algebra also includes
an update operation which we have not considered yet.
We have demonstrated that Tra reaches its full potential when coupled with Temporal Datalog through temporal modules. In such a system combining the features
of both a relational query language and a deductive system, there are two components
with similar (but not identical) expressive power, and yet the components o er di erent
approaches and methodologies for specifying and manipulating temporal data. To the
best of our knowledge, temporal modules seem to be original in the context of temporal
deductive databases.
As mentioned before, Temporal Datalog is the function-free subset of the temporal language Chronolog [20]. However, Chronolog is just one of the many temporal logic programming languages which can be used as a basis for temporal deductive
databases. Templog [1] also has a similar time structure as Chronolog with the
next time operator and two traditional temporal operators, namely \sometime" and
\henceforth". The minimum model and xed point semantics of Templog programs
are developed by Baudinet [3] in terms of temporal Herbrand models. The completeness of the proof procedure of Templog is also established by Baudinet [4]. Note that
Chronolog also admits a sound and complete proof procedure (and hence so does Temporal Datalog). Temporal Prolog [13] is based on both linear and branching time
temporal logics, and also o ers temporal operators to look into the past. Function-free
temporal logic programs in any of these languages can be regarded as temporal deductive
Temporal deductive databases are also considered by Chomicki and Imielinski [9].
However, their approach is not directly based on temporal logic, since time is explicitly
manipulated in rules. Their language is in fact an extension of Datalog in which each
predicate symbol has an additional time parameter, and it has the same expressive power
as Temporal Datalog. Therefore, if we ignore temporal modules, the two languages can
be considered as notational variants of each other. They claim a number of complexity
results for query processing and representing in nite answers that can be obtained from
periodical temporal data.
Baudinet et al [5] describe another deductive language for specifying in nite temporal data, which is an extension of the language of [9] where each predicate symbol can
have an arbitrary number of time parameters. Again, this language is not directly based
on temporal logic. However, it should be noted that it is more expressive than Temporal
Datalog without temporal modules, owing to the use of an unrestricted number of
8 Future Work
We have not considered negation in Temporal Datalog. The perfect model semantics
of Przymusinski [24] for strati ed logic programs can be applied to strati ed Temporal
Datalog with negation. It can be observed that Temporal Datalog introduces another
form of strati cation, i.e., that of \temporal strati cation", due to the time-dependencies
resulting from the uses of temporal operators. We call a program P \temporally stratied" if the values of all predicates de ned in P at any given moment in time t depend
only on the values of predicates at time t or at times less than t. In other words, a
temporally strati ed program does not contain rules with future dependencies such as
p(X) <- next(2) q(X).
Such rules are called backward in [9]. Future dependencies are contrary to the intuitive
idea that only future data should be speci ed in terms of the available past data, and
not vice versa. The interaction between \strati cation [2]" and \temporal strati cation"
needs to be investigated within the context of the perfect model semantics and xed
point computation. We conjecture that ecient bottom-up evaluation techniques can be
devised for temporally strati ed Temporal Datalog programs.
As function symbols are not allowed in Temporal Datalog programs, predicates
are guaranteed to represent nite relations at any given moment in time. As an alternative, we may allow function symbols, but impose a model-theoretic restriction: We
require that predicates represent nite relations at any given moment in time with respect to the minimummodel semantics. We know that Temporal Datalog with function
symbols is the same as the temporal language Chronolog [20, 26]. However, such a
model-theoretic condition on Chronolog programs is impossible to verify. Therefore
more research needs to be done to identify larger subsets of Chronolog with the desired
It is also important to investigate the general properties of temporal modules. It
can be shown that temporal modules (without negation) as operators are monotonic and
nitary (i.e., compact), and hence continuous; see [12] for a more detailed discussion of
these properties. Note that module operators are not necessarily point-wise; the value
of the output relation from a module at time t may depend on the values of the input
relations at times other than t. For example, the module operators ufirst and ediff are
not point-wise. The transitive closure module operator tcm is an example of point-wise
module operators, because it does not contain uses of any temporal operators.
We now introduce a useful property of temporal operators. Let
operator of Tra. We say that 5 is \conjunctive" if and only if
5 be a unary
5(r \ s) = 5(r) \ 5(s):
In other words, a conjunctive operator commutes with \. Conjunctivity also implies
monotonicity. It is shown in [19] that all temporal operators of Tra (as well as \, X
and F ) have the conjunctivity property. This property can be used to push temporal
operators inside. However, when module operators are considered, we must be more
careful. Let mod be a unary module operator, and A and B expressions. If mod is
conjunctive, an intuitive optimization strategy would be to use the conjunctivity property
as a \right-to-left" rewrite rule in Tra expressions of the form mod A \ mod B . The
rationale behind such a strategy is that the intersection of A and B yields a smaller
relation than either of A and B , thereby at least halving the amount of e ort required
to compute the output relation from the temporal module mod. We are studying the
conditions under which temporal modules specify conjunctive operators.
It is also important to explore the other properties that module operators enjoy
(such as commutativity and associativity), and to study the interaction between module
operators and the native operators of Tra. Consider the following property which says
that next and mod commute:
r =
next mod( )
A sucient condition for this property to hold is that mod should be point-wise. These
properties can be used in query optimization.
In our opinion, temporal modules promise to be a fruitful avenue of further research.
9 Concluding Remarks
In our approach to temporal (deductive) databases, Temporal Datalog provides an abstract formalism for modeling temporal databases, and Tra is an extendible algebraic
query language with the closure property. Neither Tra nor Temporal Datalog allows
for the speci cation, representation and manipulation of temporal data by explicit references to time. The tools and methods of temporal logic can be used to reason about
Temporal Datalog programs and Tra expressions. We also believe that representation
is an implementation issue, and should not in uence the design of temporal algebras and
the choice of temporal operators thereof.
Query optimization strategies can be directly based on the formal properties of
Tra [19], and should be considered in conjunction with the xed point computation of
the minimum models of Temporal Datalog programs and temporal modules.
I am indebted to W. W. Wadge for many stimulating discussions that led to the formation
of the ideas presented in this article. Thanks are also due to J. H. M. Lee and S. R. Tilley
for their helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft.
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