Lorenzo Spreaficoa, Chiara Celatab, Alessandro Viettia, Chiara Bertinib, Irene Riccib
ALPs – Alpine Laboratory of Phonetics and Phonology – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Laboratorio di Linguistica 'Giovanni Nencioni' – Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
{lorenzo.spreafico, alessandro.vietti}; {chiara.celata, c.bertini, i.ricci}
This paper describes a system for the acquisition,
real-time synchronization and analysis of acoustic,
electropalatographic (EPG) and ultrasonographic
(UTI) data.
Simultaneous data on linguo-palatal contact and
tongue sagittal profiles are captured for rhotic
consonants produced by a native speaker of Italian.
Three anterior variants of /r/ ([ɾ], [ɹ̝ ] and [ɹ]) are
shown to be realized with an apical tongue gesture,
but different vowel-related coarticulation patterns.
The paper discusses the implication of the proposed
analysis for a coherent investigation of lingual and
linguo-palatal dynamics.
movements of the whole tongue profile, including
tongue root and postdorsum.
The second goal of the paper is that of providing
a multi-level articulatory definition for alveolar
rhotics according to well-established linguo-palatal
contact indexes and common procedures for lingual
shape analysis. Innovative data reduction techniques
allowing a coherent investigation of lingual and
palatal dynamics are also discussed. Rhotic sounds
are known for their exceptional degree of
syntagmatic, cross-linguistic, and even crossindividual variability [5,13]; an integrated
perspective on the dynamics of the vocal tract is
expected to provide cues for a deeper understanding
of their phonetic properties and systemic behaviour.
Keywords: rhotics, electropalatography, ultrasound
tongue imaging, multichannel database, Italian.
Speech articulatory complexity poses challenging
questions to both phonetic-phonological theories and
speech technology research. The wide range of
applications of articulatory studies explains the
growing interest in the collection of multi-level
corpora of speech data integrating data from diverse
instrumental techniques [7,8,14,15,16].
Within the framework of multi-level articulatory
approaches to speech variation, this paper describes
an original system for the acquisition, real-time
synchronization and analysis of acoustic,
electropalatographic (EPG) and ultrasonographic
(UTI) data.
The aim of the paper is twofold. The first aim is
to introduce the implementation procedure and the
obtained system for high-speed synchronous audioEPG-UTI recording. The system is used to capture
simultaneous data on linguo-palatal contact and
tongue sagittal profiles of rhotic consonants
produced by native speakers of a Tuscan variety of
Italian. EPG and UTI instrumental techniques are to
be seen as complementing each other inasmuch as
the former observes linguo-palatal dynamics from
the perspective of the realized contacts - with
particular precision in the anterior vocal tract - while
UTI focuses on linguo-palatal distances and
2.1. Experiment design
The speech corpus has been collected through a
multi-repetition sentence reading task performed by
2 adult female speakers of a Western Tuscan variety
of Italian (Pisa and Livorno districts). 62 sentences
of equal length (8 phonetic syllables) and consistent
intonation structure were selected from the list in
[3]. The /r/ appeared either in intervocalic position,
or in a biphonemic consonant cluster. When
embedded in clusters, the rhotics could be preceded
or followed by obstruents of various places of
articulation (bilabial, alveolar and velar) and
laryngeal status (voiced and unvoiced). The vocalic
context could also vary, with /i/, /a/ and /u/
symmetrically distributed before and after the
consonantal interval. A total of 558 stimuli was
collected for the two speakers. The present analysis
is based on a subset of 237 stimuli produced by one
of the speakers.
2.2. Data acquisition and annotation procedure
The data acquisition system was able to
synchronously record EPG and UTI data at
sufficiently high frame rates to correctly characterize
the movements of the tongue, as well as the acoustic
speech signals. The acquisition platform was
developed using Articulate Instruments hardware
and the Articulate Assistant Advanced (AAA)
software tool [17] in the ALPs lab in Bozen.
Electropalatographic data was captured via the
WinEPG (SPI 1.0) unit recording EPG at 100Hz.
Ultrasound data was captured via the Ultrasonix
device used in conjunction with a head-mounted
micro-convex probe, with depth set at 80mm and
angle at 127°, capturing a mid-sagittal tongue image
at a rate of 91Hz.
In order to synchronize EPG with UTI, the
microphone signal was passed through the WinEPG
unit. That way, the WinEPG added a
synchronization tone to the microphone signal and
that was used by AAA to synchronize the EPG with
synchronization pulses from the SonixTablet.
The audio files were exported into Praat (5.3.62)
for an acoustic and auditory analysis of /r/
Each /r/ token was first categorized according to
manner of articulation (i.e. trill, tap, approximant,
fricative). The constriction interval was annotated as
voiced or unvoiced according to spectrographic
The following analysis focuses on the three
alveolar rhotic variants, namely, the tap [ɾ], the
fricative [ɹ̝ ] and the approximant [ɹ] variant. While
the tap was the most frequent realization in the
dataset, approximants and fricatives were also
present across phonetic contexts, and no specific
distributional bias could be detected for any of the
The analysis focused first on the articulatory
correlates of the three rhotic variants, with the aim
of verifying to what extent the acoustic-auditory
classification could be corroborated by coherent sets
of articulatory characteristics. Within-category
variation was also analysed by investigating the
influence of the phonetic context on the realization
of variants. In particular, the present contribution
focuses on vowel-induced coarticulation.
The articulatory measurements that are described
and discussed in the following sections were taken at
the midpoint of all constriction intervals.
3.1. EPG analysis
A traditional analysis based on the contact index
method ([10,11]) was performed on the anterior
(rows 1-4) and posterior (rows 5-8) parts of the
palate. The Qp index (percentage of contact in the
posterior palate) was extracted in order to determine
the amount of activated electrodes in the velarmediopalatal region. In addition, two indexes were
extracted for the anterior palate. CAa (contact
anteriority in the anterior palate) served as a measure
of the anteriority of contact along the sagittal
dimension. CCa (contact centrality in the anterior
palate) was calculated to determine the coronal
extension of linguo-palatal contact; in fact, the
activated electrodes in the four central columns of
the palate receive a higher score than the activated
electrodes on the four (two on the right and two on
the left) peripheral columns.
We hypothesized that the linear combination of
the three dependent variables Qp, CAa and CCa may
account for the categorization of the tokens into taps,
fricatives and approximants as well as for
differences in their coarticulatory behaviour as a
function of variations in the vocalic context. The
interaction between the two factors ‘variant’ and
‘vowel place’ in multivariate tests confirmed the
hypothesis (e.g. Pillai’s trace F= 2.311, df=12, p <
.001), thus indicating that the vocalic context
influenced the realization of the three variants to a
different extent. Univariate tests were run to
ascertain the contribution of the individual
dependent factors in the interaction and they showed
that the two indexes concerning the anterior contact
patterns did contribute significantly (CAa: F=3.912,
df=4, p<.01; CCa: F=3.629, df=4, p<.01) while Qp
gave non-significant results (Fig. 1). Betweensubject tests and Bonferroni multiple comparisons
showed in particular that, in the posterior palate,
there was a significant effect of vowel place
(F=61.710, df=2, p=.000), with highest contact
values for the /i/ > /u/ > /a/ contexts, but a nonsignificant effect of variant, thus indicating a
generalized increase of contact in the mediopalatal/velar region caused by coarticulation with the
high front vowel. In the anterior palate, variant
produced significant effects (CAa: F=23.375, df=2,
p=.000; CCa: F=40.883, df=2, p=.000) while vowel
place did not. Post-hoc Bonferroni tests revealed in
particular that the three variants were consistently
different for contact extension (tap > fricative >
approximant) and less so for contact anteriority (tap
> fricative, approximant) since in the /u/ context the
approximant and the fricative were not significantly
different for contact anteriority. Only two
constriction locations for the rhotics were thus
detectable when the adjacent vowels required a
raised and retracted tongue dorsum. The tap
consistently showed the anterior and most extended
contact pattern across vocalic context and turned out
to be the least resistant to V-induced coarticulation.
Figure 1: Average Qp, CAa and CCa values at
constriction midpoint for the three rhotic variants
as a function of vocalic context. Grey line:
fricatives; black continuous: approximants; black
dashed: taps. High resolution images are available
on the web by clicking on the figures.
The EPG analysis thus revealed that the three
rhotic variants were all characterized by an anterior
articulation with no active post-dorsum involvement,
except for an increase in posterior contact due to the
coarticulation with high back vowels. The linguopalatal contact investigation also revealed that the
most robust difference among variants referred to
contact degree in the anterior palate, with taps
consistently realizing more contact and an anterior
configuration than both approximants and fricatives.
3.2. UTI analysis
Figure 3: Smoothed splines for the /r/ variants.
Though being very close to one another, the
curves appeared to diverge for the utmost posterior
and anterior parts of the tongue. Bayesian
confidence intervals of the interaction effects were
calculated to determine whether and where the
curves were significantly different (Fig. 4).
Figure 4: Interaction effects with Bayesian
confidence intervals for [ɹ], [ɹ̝ ] and [ɾ].
Using the algorithm implemented in the AAA
software [2], cubic splines were fitted to sagittal
tongue curves at each mid-constriction for /r/. Fitted
splines were exported to a workspace to calculate an
average tongue contour for each variant, based on
means at each of 42 fan lines (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Means for the tongue shape during the
constriction phase for /r/. Green line: palate; blue
lines tap and fricative; red line: approximant. Teeth
on the right, pharynx on the left.
Figure 2 shows palate and mean splines for the
alveolar tap, the fricative and the approximant.
Overall, the mean profiles describe a mid-bunched
contour, where the tongue tip forms the primary
constriction; the front of the tongue is lowered while
the dorsum is raised towards the hard palate. The
visual comparison of the contours for each variant
showed that the tongue post-dorsum and root were
lower for [ɾ] than for [ɹ̝ ] and [ɹ].
SS ANOVA quantitative analysis [4] showed
differences of greater magnitude (Fig. 3).
As regards approximants, the smoothed spline
was not significantly different from that of the spline
that best fits all data (= Bayesian intervals
encompassed zero) for about two-thirds of the total
length of the tongue. The most significant difference
corresponded to the posterior part of the tongue, thus
suggesting slight root retraction in the articulation of
approximants. As for fricatives, the significant
difference corresponded again to the post-dorsum,
displaying tongue lowering. As for taps, the
difference mostly involved the anterior part of the
tongue, presenting a tip-raising gesture.
To further investigate such apparent dissimilarity
of the underlying splines, we extracted smoothed
splines for the tongue shape during the closure phase
of /r/ in the /a/, /i/ and /u/ environment respectively
(Fig. 5, 6). Data clearly confirm V-induced
coarticulation found in the EPG analysis.
Figure 5: Smoothed splines for /r/ when
surrounded by [a] (red), [i] (green) and [u] (blue).
Figure 6: Interaction effects with Bayesian
confidence intervals for [a], [i] and [u].
An original scalar measure was finally elaborated
and the areas enclosed by the tongue spline, the roof
spline, and the front line 3 and the front line 5
(FrontalArea1); or the front line 5 and the front line
7 (FrontalArea2); or the front line 7 and the dorsal
line 3 (DorsoFrontalArea) in the AAA workspace
were calculated (Fig. 7).
Figure 7: Red box: FrontalArea1; blue box:
FrontalArea2; yellow box: DorsoFrontalArea.
Figure 8 shows that the mean measure for the
FrontalArea1 increases from the tap, to the fricative,
to the approximant, thus mirroring EPG data on
constriction degree shown in §3.1.
Figure 8: Plot of mean FrontalArea1 for [ɹ], [ɹ̝ ]
and [ɾ].
As a last step, in order to establish correlations
between the EPG indexes and the UTI area
measures, a stepwise linear regression was
computed. Results (Fig. 9) showed a significant but
rather mild interaction between Qp and
DorsoFrontalArea, as well as an even slighter
interaction between FrontalArea2 and both CAa an
Figure 9: Correlations among EPG indexes and
UTI scalar measures of areas.
This study has shown the implementation and
analytic reliability of a multi-level acousticarticulatory system allowing real-time alignment of
acoustic, UTI and EPG data on lingual movements
during speech articulation.
The system proved useful to characterize the
apical rhotics of a selected Tuscan Italian variety by
showing that the observed articulatory variability is
to be referred to both linguo-palatal contact patterns
and tongue body and root synergistic behaviour with
respect to vowel-dependent articulatory movements.
In particular, the study has shown that [ɾ], [ɹ̝ ] and
[ɹ] are realized by means of substantially similar
lingual gestures, i.e. involving apico-predorsal
coupling, predorsum raising but no tongue-body
retraction, as typically reported for apico-alveolar
non-trilling rhotics ([9,11]). However, the three
variants differ for constriction degree and
coarticulatory resistance to adjacent vowel, with taps
showing the most constrained apical configuration
and the most /i/-like tongue dorsum configuration.
Position in the syllable and consonantal context
may account for other production events that are left
to future investigation.
Additional implications of the current study refer
to the theoretical and methodological challenges of
ultrasonographic information in the description of the
articulatory events. The adoption of innovative
scalar measures for UTI investigation such as the
area measures will allow establishing direct
correlations between the palatal contact indices and
the distance measures calculated for selected
portions of the lingual profile. The prosecution of
this study will thus highlight the existing
relationships between the palatographic /
sonographic representations of lingual movements
and the resulting acoustic events (formant structures)
during the production of contextually different rhotic
Thanks to Alan Wrench for his helpfulness.
Financial support from: Provincia Autonoma di
Bolzano – Alto Adige, Ripartizione allo studio,
Università e ricerca scientifica 2013-16 “The
articulatory sociophonetics of bilinguals in SouthTyrol: The Ultrasound Tongue Imaging potential”;
Scuola Normale Superiore, Laboratorio di
Linguistica and project 367-GR13Celata “Modeling
speech variation in the socio-communicative
context” 2013-2015.
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