Volume 129, Number 7, Pages 1979–1986
S 0002-9939(00)05948-7
Article electronically published on November 22, 2000
(Communicated by Joseph A. Ball)
Abstract. We prove that each positive operator from a Banach lattice E to a
Banach lattice F with a disjointly strictly singular majorant is itself disjointly
strictly singular provided the norm on F is order continuous. We prove as well
that if S : E → E is dominated by a disjointly strictly singular operator, then
S 2 is disjointly strictly singular.
1. Introduction
The classical problem of domination for positive compact operators on Banach
lattices was solved by Dodds and Fremlin ([5]) for a pair of positive operators
0 ≤ S ≤ T defined on a Banach lattice E with order continuous dual norm and
taking values in a Banach lattice F with order continuous norm: we can guarantee
that S is compact if T is so. A full answer to this problem was given by Aliprantis
and Burkinshaw in [2], namely if E = F and either the norm on E or the norm
on E ′ is order continuous, then the compactness of T is inherited by the operator
S 2 . They also show that for an arbitrary Banach lattice, T compact always implies
S 3 compact. More recently Wickstead has given in [14] not only sufficient but
necessary conditions for the problem of domination for positive compact operators
to have a solution.
The problem of domination for weakly compact operators was first considered
by Abramovich in [1], giving a positive solution for a Banach lattice E and a KBspace F . Later on, a general result was obtained by Wickstead in [13] where it was
shown that the problem has a positive answer if and only if either the norm on E ′
or F is order continuous. Again Aliprantis and Burkinshaw settled the question by
considering the case E = F and showing that T weakly compact implies S 2 weakly
compact ([3]).
The aim of this paper is to study the problem of domination for positive disjointly
strictly singular operators. We recall that an operator T between a Banach lattice
E and a Banach space Y is said to be disjointly strictly singular (DSS) if there is
no disjoint sequence of non-null vectors (xn )n in E such that the restriction of T to
the subspace [xn ] spanned by the vectors (xn )n is an isomorphism. DSS operators
were introduced by Rodrı́guez-Salinas and the second author in [9]. This class of
operators, a generalization of the class of strictly singular (or Kato) operators, is a
Received by the editors October 14, 1999.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47B65, 46B42.
This work was partially supported by DGES PB97-0240.
c 2000 American Mathematical Society
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useful tool to compare the lattice structure of Banach function lattices ([7]). Recall
that an operator T between two Banach spaces X and Y is said to be strictly
singular if the restriction of T to any infinite dimensional closed subspace is not an
isomorphism. Every strictly singular operator is DSS but the converse is not true
(f.i. take the natural inclusion i : Lp [0, 1] → Lq [0, 1] with p > q ≥ 1). However
if E is a Banach lattice with a Schauder basis of mutually disjoint vectors or a
C(K)-space, then every DSS operator from E to Y is strictly singular. The set
of all DSS operators between E and Y is a vector space which is stable under the
composition by the left but not by the right ([8, Prop. 1]).
The main results of the paper are presented now.
Theorem 1.1. Let E and F be Banach lattices and 0 ≤ S ≤ T : E → F two
positive operators. If the norm on F is order continuous and T is DSS, then S is
also DSS.
Moreover, if F is σ-Dedekind complete and every positive operator from E to F
dominated by a DSS operator is DSS, then either the norm on F or the norm on
E ′ is order continuous.
In the case E = F we obtain the following:
Theorem 1.2. Let 0 ≤ S ≤ T be two operators on a Banach lattice E. If T is
DSS, then S 2 is DSS.
For any unexplained terms from Banach lattices and regular operators theory
we refer to [4], [12] or [15].
2. Proofs
Let us start by recalling a couple of well-known facts.
Lemma 2.1. Let E be an L-space. Then every weakly-null sequence of positive
vectors is convergent to zero.
Lemma 2.2. Let (Ω, Σ, µ) be a finite measure space and (fn )n be a weakly convergent sequence in L1 (µ). If (fn )n converges to zero in µ-measure, then (fn )n
converges to zero in norm.
Proof. We can assume w.l.o.g. that µ(Ω) = 1. The sequence (fn )n is uniformly
absolutely continuous since it is weakly convergent (cf. [6, Cor. IV.8.11]). Hence
for every ε > 0 there is δ > 0 such that kχB fn k1 < ε/2 for every integer n and
every B ∈ Σ with µ(B) < δ. Consider Bn = {t ∈ Ω : |fn (t)| > ε/2}. By assumption
there exists an integer n0 such that µ(Bn ) < δ for n ≥ n0 . Thus, for n ≥ n0 we
|fn | +
|fn | ≤ kχBn fn k1 + ε/2 < ε.
kfn k1 =
The following result will be used in the sequel (cf. [12, Cor. 3.4.14 and Thm.
Proposition 2.3. Let E and F be two Banach lattices such that the norm on F
is order continuous. If T : E → F is a positive operator, then T preserves an
isomorphic copy of l1 if and only if T preserves a lattice isomorphic copy of l1 .
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The proposition given next is essential in the proof of Theorem 1.1. Notice that
in the definition of a DSS operator the disjoint vectors are not in general positive.
Proposition 2.4. Let T be a positive operator defined on a Banach lattice E and
with values in a Banach lattice F with order continuous norm. Then T is DSS
if and only if there is no disjoint sequence of non-null positive vectors (yn )n in E
such that the restriction of T to the span [yn ] is an isomorphism.
Proof. We just need to prove the non-trivial implication. Suppose that T is not
DSS; then there exists a (normalized) sequence in E of pairwise disjoint elements
(xn )n such that the restriction of T to the span [xn ] is an isomorphism, that is,
an xn
an xn
for some α > 0
(note that (xn )n is an unconditional basic sequence, being disjoint). Since the span
of the sequence (T xn )n is a separable subspace of the Banach lattice F , we can find
a closed order ideal J of F with a weak unit which contains [T xn ] (cf. [11, Prop.
1.a.9]); furthermore J is complemented in F by a positive projection P (cf. [11,
Prop. 1.a.11]). Consider the operator P T : E → J. Clearly the restriction of P T
to the span [xn ] is not DSS. On the other hand the assumption on T shows that
the operator P T is not invertible on the span of any disjoint sequence of positive
vectors. Therefore there is no loss of generality in assuming that F itself has a weak
unit. In such a case we can represent F as an (in general not closed) order ideal of
L1 (Ω, Σ, µ) for some probability space (Ω, Σ, µ), which is continuously included in
L1 (Ω, Σ, µ) (cf. [11, Thm. 1.b.14]).
(∗) Let us consider the sublattice [ |xn | ]; we claim that [ |xn | ] contains no lattice
isomorphic copy of c0 .
To prove this we will assume the contrary and get a contradiction by showing
that T is invertible on a sublattice of [|xn |]. Suppose then that there exists a
normalized sequence (zk )k ⊂ [ |xn | ] of mutually disjoint positive vectors equivalent
akj |xj | with akj ≥ 0 for all
to the unit basis {ek }k of c0 . Let us write zk =
P kl
aj xj
j. If k T (zkl )k → 0 for some subsequence (kl )l , then T
→ 0 and
hence kzkl k =
akj l xj
→ 0 since the restriction of T to the span [xn ] is an
isomorphism; however this is a contradiction with kzk k = 1 for all k. Thus we may
assume that inf k kT zk k ≥ δ > 0 for some δ > 0. The sequence (zk )k is σ([zk ], [zk ]′ )null being equivalent to the unit basis of c0 . Hence (T zk )k is weakly null in F being
T bounded. Note that (T zk )k is also convergent to zero in the weak topology of
L1 (µ) since F is continuously included in L1 (µ). In fact (T zk )k converges to zero
in L1 (µ) since T zk ≥ 0 for all k (cf. Lemma 2.1).
Let us consider the Kadec-Pelczynski set M (ε) = {y ∈ F : µ(σ(y, ε)) ≥ ε}, where
ε > 0 and σ(y, ε) = {t ∈ Ω : |y(t)| ≥ εkyk}. If (T zk )k ⊂ M (ε) for some ε > 0,
then k T zk k1 ≥ ε2 kT zk k for all k; hence kT zk k → 0, which is a contradiction with
inf k kT zk k ≥ δ > 0. Thus we may assume that (T zk )k * M (ε) for every ε > 0;
then, by Kadec-Pelczynsky’s disjointification process (cf. [11, Prop. 1.c.8]) we may
choose a subsequence (T zkj )j equivalent to a disjoint sequence in F ; it follows that
(T zkj )j is an unconditional basic sequence with unconditional constant, say β > 0.
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For every integer j we have
aj T zkj ≥ β −1
|aj | T zkj ≥ β −1 |aj | k T zkj k ≥ β −1 |aj |δ
(note that in the previous inequalities we use that T zkj ≥ 0 for all j). Thus
≥ β −1 δ
aj zkj
|aj | ≥ K
aj zkj ,
where K is a positive constant. Hence the operator T preserves a lattice copy of
c0 , which is a contradiction.
Now if we apply Rosenthal’s dichotomy theorem (cf. [10, Thm. 2.e.5]) to the
sequence (|xn |)n , we obtain a subsequence (|xnj |)j satisfying either (1) (|xnj |)j
is equivalent to the unit basis of l1 or (2) (|xnj |)j is a weakly Cauchy sequence.
Suppose first that (1) holds. Then
|aj | < ∞;
aj |xnj | < ∞ ⇔
aj xnj < ∞ ⇔
hence T preserves an isomorphic copy of l1 or, equivalently by Proposition 2.3, T
preserves a lattice copy of l1 . Contradiction.
Finally let us show that case (2) also leads to contradiction. Indeed, once the
statement (∗) has been proved we may assume that the Banach lattice [ |xn | ] is
weakly sequentially complete or equivalently a KB-space (cf. [4, Thm. 14.12]); hence
the subsequence (|xnj |)j must be weakly convergent. Thus the separable lattice
[ |xn | ] has an order continuous norm and a weak unit, and hence it can be considered
as a continuously-included order ideal in L1 (Ω′ , Σ′ , µ′ ) for some probability space
(Ω′ , Σ′ , µ′ ) (cf. [11, Thm. 1.b.14]). It follows that (|xnj |)j is convergent in the
weak topology of L1 (µ′ ) to a function f . In fact f = 0 since the sequence (|xnj |)j
converges to zero in µ′ -measure being pairwise disjoint (cf. Lemma 2.2). Since T
is bounded, the sequence (T |xnj |)j converges to zero in the weak topologies of F
and L1 (µ); hence k T |xnj | k1 → 0 by Lemma 2.1.
We apply again the Kadec-Pelczynski method: if T (|xnj |)j ⊂ M (ε) for some
ε > 0, then k T |xnj | k1 → 0 implies k T |xnj | k → 0 and kxnj k → 0 follows; this is
a contradiction with the initial choice of (xn )n . Thus we may assume (T |xnj |)j *
M (ε) for all ε > 0; in this case we may choose a subsequence, still denoted by
(T |xnj |)j , which is equivalent to a disjoint sequence in F . It follows that (T |xnj |)j
is an unconditional basic sequence with unconditional constant, say K > 0. And
aj T xnj
aj xnj ≤
aj |xnj | = α
|aj | T |xnj | ≤ K
aj T |xnj | = K T
aj |xnj |
that is, T is invertible on the span [ |xnj | ]. This contradiction concludes the proof.
Remark 2.5. If the dual norm on E ′ and the norm on F are simultaneously order
continuous, then the previous proof becomes shorter by noticing that the sequence
(|xn |)n is weakly null (cf. [12, Thm. 2.4.14]).
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We recall that an operator T between a Banach lattice E and a Banach space Y
is said to be order-weakly compact if T [−x, x] is relatively weakly compact for every
x ∈ E+ . It is known that T : E → Y is order-weakly compact if and only if T does
not preserve a sublattice isomorphic to c0 whose unit ball is order bounded in E
(cf. [12, Cor. 3.4.5]). Consequently every DSS operator is order-weakly compact.
The following characterization will be used in the sequel (cf. [12, Prop. 3.4.9]).
Proposition 2.6. Let E be a Banach lattice, F be a Banach space and T : E → F
a bounded operator. Then T is order-weakly compact if and only if T transforms
every order bounded and weakly null sequence of positive vectors in E in a sequence
convergent to zero.
We pass now to prove the main result of the paper.
Proof of Theorem 1.1. We prove first that if the norm on F as well as the norm on
E ′ are order continuous, then T DSS implies S DSS.
Assume that this is not the case. By Proposition 2.4 there exists a disjoint
(normalized) sequence (xn )n of positive vectors in E and α > 0 such that kSxk ≥
αkxk for all x ∈ [xn ]. As in the proof of Proposition 2.4 the Banach lattice F can
be considered to have a weak unit. Hence there exist a probability space (Ω, Σ, µ),
an order ideal I of L1 (Ω, Σ, µ), a lattice norm k kI on I and an order isometry
ψ between F and (I, k kI ), such that the canonical inclusion from I in L1 (µ) is
continuous with kf k1 ≤ kf kI (cf. [11, Thm. 1.b.14]). Note that ψT : E → I is
DSS and that 0 ≤ ψS ≤ ψT . Note too that if ψS were DSS, then S would also be
DSS. This observation allows us to reduce the proof to the case that F is an order
ideal in L1 (Ω, Σ, µ).
We claim that (T xn )n * M (ε) for all ε > 0 where M (ε) denotes a KadecPelczynski set as above. Indeed, the norm-bounded disjoint sequence (xn )n is
weakly null since the norm on E ′ is order continuous (cf. [12, Thm. 2.4.14]).
Hence (T xn )n is a weakly null sequence in L1 (µ); in fact kT xn k1 → 0 by Lemma
2.1. If (T xn )n ⊆ M (ε) for some ε > 0, then kT xn k1 ≥ ε2 kT xn k; hence (T xn )n
converges to zero in F . The inequalities 0 ≤ Sxn ≤ T xn for all n show that
(Sxn )n converges to zero in F , and hence kxn k → 0 since kSxn k ≥ αkxn k for all n;
however this is a contradiction with the choice of (xn )n . Now, by Kadec-Pelczynski’s
disjointification process (cf. [11, Prop. 1.c.8] ), we may choose a subsequence, still
denoted by (T xn )n , equivalent to a pairwise disjoint sequence in F ; hence (T xn )n
is an unconditional basic sequence with unconditional constant, say K > 0. We
an xn
an T xn ≥ K −1
|an |T xn ≥ K −1
|an |Sxn
≥ αK −1
|an |xn = αK −1
an xn ,
for all x ∈ [xn ]. However this is impossible since T is a DSS operator.
We can now prove the first part of Theorem 1.1 in the general case. Assume the
opposite, that is, there is a disjoint sequence (xn )n of positive vectors in E such that
the restriction of S to the sublattice [xn ] is an isomorphism while T is DSS. By the
lines above we can assume that the dual norm on the sublattice [xn ]′ is not order
continuous. Then [xn ] contains a lattice copy of l1 (cf. [12, Thm. 2.4.14]) which is
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preserved by S. It follows that the adjoint operator S ′ is not order-weakly compact
(cf. [12, Cor. 3.4.14]) and so is T ′ by Proposition 2.6 (note that 0 ≤ S ′ ≤ T ′ );
hence T preserves a copy of l1 (cf. [12, Cor. 3.4.14]) or equivalently T preserves a
lattice copy of l1 (cf. Proposition 2.3). Contradiction.
To prove the second part of Theorem 1.1 assume that the norms on E ′ and
F are simultaneously not order continuous. Since the dual norm on E ′ is not
order continuous, we can find in E a lattice copy of l1 complemented by a positive
projection (cf. [12, Thm. 2.4.14 and Prop. 2.3.11]); let H1 be the sublattice of E
lattice isomorphic to l1 , φ1 the lattice isomorphism between H1 and l1 , and P1 the
positive projection from E onto H1 . On the other hand, since the norm on F is
not order continuous and F is σ-Dedekind complete, there exist a sublattice H2 in
F and a lattice isomorphism φ2 between H2 and l∞ (cf. [12, Cor. 2.4.3]). Consider
the operators defined from l1 into l∞ by
an (1, 1, · · · ) and S(a = (an )) =
xk,n an
T (a = (an )) =
where S ≡ (xk,n ) is the infinite matrix with {0, 1, −1}-entries defined as follows:
0 0 0 0 0 ...
−1 0 0 0 0 0 . . .
1 0 0 0 0 . . .
S ≡ (xk,n ) =
1 −1 0 0 0 0 . . . .
−1 1 0 0 0 0 . . .
−1 −1 0 0 0 0 . . .
Note that for a given a ∈ l1 there exists an integer k with 2 + 22 + · · · + 2n−1 <
k ≤ 2 + 22 + · · · + 2n satisfying
|am | =
xk,j aj .
Clearly S is a linear isometry from l1 into l∞ . Indeed,
xk,n an ≤
|an | = kak1 .
kS(a)k∞ = sup
On the other hand, for a given ε > 0 there exists an integer n such that m=1 |am | ≥
xk,j aj =
|am | ≥ (kak1 − ε).
(kak1 − ε); hence there is an integer k satisfying
The relations kSak∞ ≥ kak1 − ε and kSak∞ = kak1 follow.
Consider now the operators S + and S − defined by the sequences (x′k,n )n,k and
(xk,n )n,k where
xk,n if xk,n > 0,
−xk,n if xk,n < 0,
xk,n =
xk,n =
if xk,n ≤ 0,
if xk,n ≥ 0.
The operator S(a)
=( ∞
clearly factorizes through
j=1 |xk,j |aj )k=1 from l into l
the space c of all convergent sequences (which is isomorphic to c0 ); thus Se is strictly
singular. It follows from the equalities Se = S + + S − and S = 2S + − Se that S + is
not strictly singular. Hence S + is neither DSS as an operator from l1 into l∞ (in
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fact the inequality kS + ak ≥ 1/2kak1 holds for all a ∈ l1 ). Finally it is clear that
S + ≤ T and that T is DSS being a rank-one operator.
Consider the operators S ′ = φ2 S + φ1 P1 and T ′ = φ2 T φ1 P1 defined on E and
with values in F . Clearly 0 ≤ S ′ ≤ T ′ ; moreover φ2 S + φ1 is not strictly singular
since φ1 and φ2 are isomorphisms and S + is not strictly singular. The inequalities
mkhkE ≤ kS + φ1 (h)kl∞ ≤ kφ2 S + φ1 (h)kF ≤ M khkH
show that S ′ is invertible on H, or equivalently that S ′ is not DSS.
Remark 2.7. The proof actually shows that if the norms on E ′ and F are simultaneously not order continuous and F is σ-Dedekind complete, then the problem of
domination for strictly singular operators has in general a negative answer. This
problem requires its own study which will be carried out elsewhere.
We consider next the problem of domination in the case E = F . To this end we
recall the following factorization result due to Aliprantis and Burkinshaw (cf. [4,
Thm. 18.7] or [12, Thm. 3.4.6]): Let E and Y be a Banach lattice and a Banach
space respectively and T : E → Y an order-weakly compact operator. Then there
exist a Banach lattice F with order continuous norm, a lattice homomorphism Q
from E into F and a bounded operator S from F into Y such that T = SQ.
Moreover, if Y is a Banach lattice and 0 ≤ T1 ≤ T , then 0 ≤ S1 ≤ S.
Proposition 2.8. Let Ei , i = 1, 2, 3, be Banach lattices and 0 ≤ Si ≤ Ti operators
defined on Ei and taking values in Ei+1 for i = 1, 2. If T1 is DSS and T2 is
order-weakly compact, then S2 S1 is DSS.
Proof. Given 0 ≤ S2 ≤ T2 : E2 → E3 , we may find, by the above result, a Banach
lattice G with order continuous norm, a lattice homomorphism Q from E2 into
f2 from G into E3 such that T2 = T
f2 Q and
f2 ≤ T
G and two positive operators S
S2 = S2 Q. Consider the operators S = QS1 and T = QT1 from E1 into G. Note
that T is DSS since T1 is so and we are composing by the left; hence S is DSS by
f2 S concludes that S2 S1
f2 S. Finally the equality S2 S1 = S
Theorem 1.1 and so is S
is DSS.
Now Theorem 1.2 is a direct consequence of Proposition 2.8.
Remark 2.9. Theorem 1.2 is the best possible. Indeed, consider E = l1 ⊕ l∞ and
the operators 0 ≤ Se ≤ Te on E defined via the matrices
Se =
Te =
where S + and T are the operators defined in the proof of Theorem 1.1. Clearly Te
is DSS and Se is not.
Recall that an orthomorphism on a Banach lattice E is a band preserving operator which is also order bounded. An easy consequence of Theorem 1.2, which is
obtained by reasoning as in [4, Thm. 16.21], is
Corollary 2.10. Let S and T be two positive operators on a Dedekind complete
Banach lattice E such that 0 ≤ S ≤ T holds. If T is DSS and S is an orthomorphism, then S is DSS.
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The authors wish to thank Y. Abramovich, J. Mendoza and Y. Raynaud for
some helpful discussions. They also appreciate the suggestions and remarks made
by the referee.
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Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain
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Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain
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[email protected]
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