Teaching Technical Drawing 1 ppt


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This research discusses the importance and educational value of technical drawing in preparatory education, highlighting the differences between artistic and technical drawing, the necessary resources for teaching, and the challenges faced by students in mastering the discipline. It underscores the role of teachers in enhancing student awareness and mitigating fears related to practical drawing work, as well as the essential laboratory materials needed for effective teaching and learning of technical drawing.

Debre Markos Institute of Technology School of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Engineering Drawing and Design Program TeachingTechnical Drawing-I (PGDE 2141) By: Mulatu M (MSc.) July 2019 UNIT ONE Introduction to Basic Technical Drawing  Technical drawing is the act and discipline of composing drawings that visually communicate how something functions or is constructed.  As most people know, every item that has been designed, built, assembled and manufactured had to first be drawn on paper in a universal language that can be read by all. The ability to understand and use this universal language known as technical drawing has become important for every person to learn.  Or drawing is a graphic communication.  Writing and speaking, however, are insufficient to communicate design ideas. 2 Cont…  Drawing comprises of graphics language and word language. 3 History of Drawing  People learned to draw pictures of the objects around them long before they learned to write.  Ideas of things were transferred by pictures.  Drawings made by primitive people on rocks, wales of caves. During the early part of the 15th century that the concept of graphic projections was well understood by early Italian architects.  This was about the same time that paper began to replace clay as a drawing medium. 4 Cont… Examples of drawings in ancient period 5 Reflective break 1. What will happen for drafters and engineers if there is no technical drawing evolution in history? 2. What is the difference between artistic drawing and technical drawing? 6 Classification of drawing There are two divisions of drawings:  Artistic drawing  Technical drawing  Technical drawing communicate the same message to every users or readers of the drawing, whereas artistic drawing is usually interpreted differently by everyone who sees it. 7 Generally; Cont…  Technical drawing:  Paper sizes are standardized formats,  Rules are fulfilled,  Technical drawings are only done in black,  Only have one possible interpretation,  Have measurement.  Artistic drawing:  Picture sizes are chosen by the painter,  There are no rules,  Painters usually use many colors,  Have many possible interpretations,  Have no measurements 8 Technical Drawing Today/CADD/  Historically, technical drawings were done by hand and in pencil so that they could be changed.  Limitations of drawing by hands are; • Involved many hours of laborious work with drawing instruments, • Precision of drawing is low, • Drawings are 2D multi-view drawings and realistic images of the 3D part were usually left to photographs or technical illustrators.  However, nowadays different software are available to do design and drafting.  Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) is a software used to design and draw engineering components by using computers. 9 Cont… 10 Reflective break 1. As complexity of a drawing increases, what will happen for the application of manual technical drawing and why? 2. Compare CADD system and manual drawing in relation to: simplicity, accuracy and flexibility of a drawing. 11 Areas/ Professional disciplines of technical drawing  Drawing is a tool used by engineers and industrial designers to design a product, solve a problem and produce a product.  Some application areas of drawings are; • Buildings • Different appliances • Cars and its components • Ships • Different machines and hand tools,…..etc. 12 Use and Educational Values of Technical Drawing Who is benefited from technical drawing?  A student who successfully completed this course can use drawings to communicate technical information with;  Engineers,  Designers,  Draft persons and  Other professionals. 13 Group discussion 1. List and explain the application of T.D in your surrounding. 2. What is the educational value of T.D in human civilization? 14 UNIT TWO The nature of basic technical drawing in preparatory school Factors that affect the teaching learning process of technical drawing • The teaching learning process may be affected due to different factors. • These factors can be grouped as; »student related, »teachers related and »resource constraints. 15 Awareness level of students about importance of Technical Drawing  Unless they know the role of learning technical drawing, they give little attention for the course and this may affect the level of understanding negatively.  Therefore, student’s awareness about learning technical drawing shall be clearly specified and thought. 16 Students are always afraid of practical work  Technical drawing by its nature is fully a practical course. Students may have a fear with regard to practicing, dedicating and hard working to understand the course.  They should practice in the class room, in laboratories/drawing rooms and their homes based on the given worksheets, assignments and projects.  That means teachers should work on students to make students eager and get ride their fear towards practicing technical drawing. 17 Lack of adequate textbooks in the library  Resource is one of the most fundamental inputs in teaching technical drawing.  Textbooks and handbooks of technical drawing shall be accessible in the school.  Teachers may also prepare course materials and worksheets that will be used by students in drawing rooms and class rooms. 18 Lack of adequate drawing instruments  A student who takes technical drawing shall be equipped enough with appropriate instruments for;  Better adaptability of the instrument for further action.  Better understanding and  Accurate drawing. 19 Profession and experience of teachers • teachers shall be in-line with their profession and have a better experience. • Practically, in most of the preparatory schools in Ethiopia, the number of professional drafters/engineering drawing teachers is very low. • As a result teachers in different disciplines may assign to teach technical drawing courses. • This may intern affect the understanding level of students significantly. 20 Relationship between teachers and students  Student-teacher relationship is also another major factor in teaching technical drawing.  Students need a support from their teacher in every aspect of understanding technical drawing.  That means there should be a smooth and family-like relationship between them. 21 Teaching methodologies  it is known that teaching technical drawing is not an easy task.  It needs 100% practical work.  Therefore it needs an appropriate method of teaching. Class size and student number   the balance between class size and student number is one of the most influential factor in teaching technical drawing. In lecture class it may not have s significant effect but for the tutorial/laboratory its significance is more. 22 Laboratory materials required for technical drawing The laboratory materials for technical drawing at preparatory levels are drawing tools and equipment. Used to hold paper in place while drawing Used to draw circles and arcs COMPASS Used to draw circles and arcs 23 Used to draw angles from 0 to 90 degrees Template used to draw circles and arcs Used to erase mistakes 24 Used as a drawing media Used to sharpen the pencil T-SQUARE Used to draw horizontal lines and support triangles to draw vertical lines 25 DIVIDERS IRREGULAR CURVE Used to divide lines into equal spaces Used to draw noncircular curves ELLIPSE TEMPLATE Template used to draw ellipse 26 PROTRACTOR Used to measure and lay out angles Scale Used to measure the length of a line 27 DRAFTING TABLE Smooth, firm surface used to draw on 28 Group discussion 1. Why to study about the factors affecting teaching learning process of technical drawing? 2. What type of factor you observed in your school? 3. What type of laboratory materials are available in the school you teach? Which drawing materials are necessary? List all needed equipment's and their use. 29 UNIT THREE Plan for Teaching Technical Drawing Three steps of teaching technical drawing activities  Planning and preparation,  Delivery and  Assessment 30 Planning  Planning lesson is fundamental to ensuring the delivery of teaching and learning in schools.  Its objective is to support teachers in organizing and managing their classes and lessons effectively efficiently. Why we Plan  Deciding what to teach,  In what order, and  For how much time are the basic components of planning.  It serves as a map or checklist that guides us in knowing what we want to do next. 31 When and how we plan?  To be perfectly honest, a certain amount of lesson planning takes place the night before a class is taught. What a lesson plan considers? When creating a lesson plan, a teacher must consider;  Background of the students,  Objectives of the lesson,  Activities,  Materials and text books,  Time constraints, and  Connections to previous and future lessons. 32 Stages of a lesson Plan The stages of a good lesson plan contains;  A beginning: Brief description of the class.  Review the previous lesson/s  Clarify concepts from the previous lesson that learners had difficulty understanding;  Introduce the new lesson;  Inform the class of the connection between the old and new lesson and establish a purpose for the new lesson; and  State the new lesson’s objectives as a guide for the 33  A middle:  Part of the lesson in which teachers convey new information to the learners,  Help them understand and master that information,  Provide learners with feedback, and regularly check for learners’ understanding.  An end: This is the lesson closing or the “end” of the lesson.  Teachers can provide a summary of the lesson or ask students to summarize what they have 34 Importance of lesson planning Importance of lesson plan for the teachers are;  Increases a teacher’s chances of carrying out a lesson successfully.  Allows teachers to be more confident before starting a lesson.  Allows teachers to think about their teaching.  Ensures that teachers truly facilitate learning and respond to learners’ needs inside the classroom.  Teachers know their learners and teach what students need to learn and therefore ensures curriculum coverage. 35 Preparation  Conventional teacher preparation programs have been criticized for being too often characterized by; • Fragmentation, • Weak pedagogy, and • a lack of articulation among courses and between courses and field experiences, as well as for the absence of a set of organizing themes, shared standards, and clear goals.  In sum, a teacher who is going to teach technical drawing should be equipped with:  Sufficient subject- matter know how about the course he/she will deliver.  Appropriate pedagogy (teaching method): it is known that there are different student types in a class. Some have good imagination ability, some with good technical ability, and some with difficulty of understanding graphics. Therefore, teachers should have to know students well and present their lecture in accordance with the audience(students) 36  Supportive teaching aids: teaching aids have a significant impact on understanding level of students. Teaching- aids like prisms, frustums, cones and complex geometry features can make the imagination and visualization of a student simple. These teaching aid materials can be made from simple materials like paper, cartoon and wood.  Effective assessment tools: after completing the lecture and exercise session, students must be examined to understand the level of understanding about the delivered class. 37 38 Reflective break 1. If you are on the way to deliver orthographic projection for the class and give the following example, •What type of knowledge should you have to make students understand it better? •What type of teaching-aid materials can you prepare to make the students’ visualization ability good? 39 Delivery  After the lesson plan is well prepared, it is the time to delivered to the students.  Technical drawing is a course in which active learning can be applied extensively. Everything is practical or hands-on-practice by its nature. Therefore students are at the center of the teaching-learning process.  So active learning methodology should be applied to teach effectively.  Active learning is a form of learning in which teaching strives to involve students in the learning process more directly than in other methods. 40 Instructional resource • Papers, LCD projector and computer • Drawing instruments • Different objects with different shapes; that made from available materials like carton, wood,…etc • Whiteboard and whiteboard- marker. • Well prepared lecture notes. 41 Methodology to teach technical drawing To facilitate students’ performance, teachers/facilitators are recommended to engage students in the teaching and learning activities listed below; 1. Use PowerPoint presentations, simulations and videos to support the teaching 2. Arrange site visits to drafting/architectural firms, fabrication/construction companies and suppliers of drawing equipment, tools. Students can present their findings in class. 3. Monitor the completion and validate against established standards and requirements and also give students structured feedback 4. Give exercises to discuss in group. 5. Give individual exercise and follow-up them 6. Order the students to prepare objects from the given 2D drawing. 42 Group discussion is more advantageous than lecturing for Technical drawing! 43 Activities Teachers Activity Giving lecture for the topic Students Activity Attend class and respect class disciplines Form the students in group and provide ideas for Ask questions, defining problems and suggest a discussion solution Assist students to discuss the reasons for learning Participate in group discussion and prepare a report Technical Drawing Explain applications of technical drawing State the reason of learning technical drawing in preparatory school. Identify areas of application of technical drawing in their surroundings. Explain the development and importance of technical drawing Schedule for school observation Reflection and suggest possible solutions for the problem 44 45 Reflective break 1. Think of teaching technical drawing simply by lecturing (only the teacher showing how to draw) in a class room. What do you think with:  The level of acceptance of students for the course?  What will happen during exams if they are given a practical work?  What will be the drawback of teacher-centered process in teaching technical drawing? 46 Assessment Maximum Level of understanding Mode of assessment feedback value Group discussion report on the given topic Individual assignment on the given assignment Group assignment/school/firm visit report 47 Assessment types  Based on time there are two main type of assessments; Summative assessment Formative assessment 48 Formative assessment  It refers to frequent, interactive assessments of student progress and understanding to identify learning needs and adjust teaching appropriately.  The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching style and by students to improve their learning style.  Occurs during the program. 49 Summative assessment  The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard for benchmark.  Occurs at the end of the program; used to measure what students have learnt at the end of a unit. Examples of summative assessments include;  A midterm exam  A final project  A final exam  A paper/ research 50 THE END! THANK YOU! 51