Scientific Research and Essay Vol. 5 (2), pp. 119-129, 18 January, 2010
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ISSN 1992-2248 © 2010 Academic Journals
Undertaking loss reduction measures to prevent slope
Saravanan Mariappan1, Faisal Ali1*, Ashaari bin Mohamad2, Che Hassandi Abdullah2, Nik
Ramalan Nik Hassan3, Steven Chong3 and Low Tian Huat1
Department of Civil Engineering, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Public Works Department, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Enceal Consultants Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Accepted 24 December, 2009
Landslides or slope failure has slowly become a major concern in Malaysia due to the rapid
development of rural areas. Despite advances in science and technology, these events continue to
result in human suffering, millions in property losses and environment degradation. It is a fact that with
continuous population increase the economic development becomes more complex, while the
economic and societal costs of landslides will continue to rise. Hence there is a need for a
comprehensive program to reduce landslide losses that will marshal the capability of all levels of
government and private sector. Successful and cost effective landslide loss reduction measures can
and should be taken in the many jurisdictions facing landslide problems. Federal and state
governments can prevent and reduce landslide losses through, creation of early warning and
monitoring system, better policy and effective implementation, outlining design procedures, creation of
local hazard mapping, land use management, building, grading controls, among others. Hence this
paper addresses some of the measures proposed as part of loss reduction measures in order to
minimize potential landslides or slope failures.
Key words: Loss reduction, slope failure, landslide, stability, development planning, slope management, early
The objective of loss reduction measures is to develop
appropriate mitigation measures in order to eliminate or
minimize losses to life, properties and economic due to
landslide (Robert, 2000; William, 2000). In order to meet
the objective, it was proposed that a framework of
guidelines on planning, design, construction and maintenance of slopes to reduce risk from landslides be
developed. In order to derive a feasible legal framework
as part of new guideline under loss reduction measures,
the process flow of land development such as planning,
application, approval, design, construction and maintenances need to be identified and fine tuned to enforce
loss reduction measures. Hence loss reduction measures
need to be taken into consideration at every stage of
development such as;
i. Loss reduction measures within the current legal frame
ii. Loss reduction measures during development planning
iii. Loss reduction measures during design stage.
iv. Loss reduction measures during construction stage.
v. Loss reduction measures by enhancing maintenance,
management and monitoring of slopes.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected].
There are several laws, policy and institutional frameworks
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Figure 1. List of key legal framework as part of loss reduction measures.
developed for landslide risk reduction, mitigation and
disaster preparedness which contain provisions for the
protection of hill land development. A list of relevant laws
and guidelines that may be applicable to the
management of land in relation to slope failures which
has some level of loss reduction measures are as listed
below. Figure 1 shows list of key legal framework as part
of loss reduction measures.
National land code 1965
The code contains provisions for dealing with hill land. As
land is the property of the state, the authority has the
right to reserve land for any public purpose by notification
in the Gazette. As such, the state government can set
aside hill land as “reserved land”, “catchment land” or
“forest reserves” and thereby protect such land from
being developed.
Conservation act 1960 (Revised 1989)
The conservation act gazettes hilly land as “hill land”.
Hilly land is not specifically defined but to all intents and
purposes, it is interpreted to mean hill areas with steep
slopes. The act has many sections which provide for the
protection of hill land from development, especially in
relation to soil erosion. Under the act, any land within the
state may be declared as hill land by the Ruler in Council
of a state by notification in the Gazette. As such, it is
entirely up to the state to decide on what constitutes hill
land and what does not. Hence it is proposed for the
states to carry out hazard mapping to identify those
hazardous areas and gazette them if required.
The land acquisition act 1960
This act provides for the acquisition of hill land whenever
it appears desirable to the Ruler in Council to acquire any
hill land for the purpose of preventing loss of life due to
slope failure. This act should also be considered as part
of preemptive measures to acquire lands which are found
to be unstable, after hazard mapping has being carried
out. Purchase back or compensation schemes to the land
owner can be introduced to pay for the lost of land for
potential development. If relocation of civilian settlement
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is required, the state government should undertake the
task to compensate the residents at market value (Ngai,
The earthwork bylaws 1975
There are too many irregularities in the earthwork bylaw
in Malaysia which is not effective in ensuring that
developers abide by the law. Hence some measures are
required to enhance this earthworks bylaw regulation for
effective enforcement.
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) order
This order stipulates that it is mandatory to submit an EIA
for projects covering 50 ha or more. Many developers go
round this law by submitting proposals for projects just
under 50 ha. However, it is entirely up to the Department
of Environment (DOE) to impose the EIA ruling even for
projects less than 50 ha at environmentally sensitive
areas such as hill lands.
The hill side development guide 2002
Considering the risk factors involved in slope design a
new guide line for hill land development was circulated by
“State Chief Secretary” on 21 March, 2002, with instruction given to all state government on procedures that
should be followed to minimize environmental problem
and prevention of slope failure in hill land development.
At this stage when a development requires heavy earth3
work, example exceeding 50,000 m of cutting and filling
works, measures or steps to reduce losses in the even of
slope failure need to be incorporated. Such loss reduction
measures should also consider losses due to;
a. Possible loss of life during construction and post
construction period.
b. Direct structural damage to building and neighboring
c. Damage to essential facilities such as:
i. Electricity and communication transmission line.
ii. Transportation and utility system.
d. Property losses;
i. Damage of vehicle.
ii. Loss of agricultural and crop.
e. Direct and indirect economical losses.
i. Building repair and replacement cost.
ii. Relocation and restoration expenses.
iii. Wage losses.
iv. Building inventory losses.
Considering the factors above, detailed evaluation needs
to be considered in terms of development plan, land use,
engineered slope stabilization work and adequacy of
factor of safety derived. The current development guidelines need to incorporate loss reducing measure by
dictating the following;
i. Maximum cut; fill height and natural slope angle
allowed in the proposed development lot.
ii. Minimum factor of safety required for stability by
considering the potential losses which could incur.
iii. Verification of design practice adopted.
iv. Need for geological evaluation of the natural terrain to
identify adverse geological condition and natural ground
water flow.
The current guideline from hill land development is
based on slope angle classification which should also
consider slopes beyond lot boundary before approving
the development order. Example, in some cases the hill
slope toe angle is less than 25° within development lot
boundary. However, rapid increment in slope angle is
observed beyond the proposed development lot boundary. Hence before a development order is issued,
overall terrain mapping needs to be furnished by the
developer together with slope angle and hazard classification for authority evaluation. The evaluation exercise
should consider the following:
i. The hill land slope angle within lot boundary and
ii. Restrict cutting of slope within development lot which
will progressively undermine the stability of slope at
adjacent lot.
iii. Study the groundwater flow tread to identify natural
artesian or under ground sub terrain flow.
iv. The propose engineering solutions for cut and fill
slopes, are required to be forwarded for evaluation by the
authorities before issuing any development order.
v. Recommend the usage of adequate subsoil drainage
system in order to eliminate water pressure build up on
cut slope and the lost of fines on fill slopes which will
progressively undermine the overall slope stability.
vi. Consider the social economic and lost of life factor due
to any slope failure caused by the proposed
vii. Include environment protection consideration by
adopting erosion and sediment control guideline.
The creation of durable and effective solutions for a
development planning approval guideline for slopes will
require a continuing dialogue among practicing engineers
and authorities involved directly or indirectly in order to
fine tune the steps required to be taken to reduce losses
due to slope failure. An effective development planning
legal framework will require a combination of engineering
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Figure 2. Some loss reduction factors to be considered during development planning stage.
and management solution to ensure coordination and
consortium-type decision making to accommodate the
multi-jurisdictional, cooperative nature of approval committee. The established working committee should be
represented by federal and state governments, academia
and private practitioner to review critical development
plan. Figure 2 shows some loss reduction factors to be
considered during development planning stage.
For development projects, during the design stage, the
officers of the local authority and the pertinent technical
departments monitor the implementation of the development projects to ensure that they are carried out
according to the approved plans or design. The project
proponent’s consultants have to comply with various
requirements under the Uniform Building Bylaws and the
Earthworks Bylaws. The authorities have the powers to
stop any work that does not comply with planning and
building approval conditions. To effectively reduce losses
during the design stages various steps need to be taken
into consideration in Malaysia especially on;
Research on slope engineering
This helps to perform hazards and risk management or
mapping to in order to evaluate how the impacts of a
single or multiple hazards can be reduced, by undertaking detail study of the project site. The fundamental
view to incorporate risk and loss analysis is to consider
all risk factors faced by a populated area in term of slope
failures and to develop a risk management strategy
accordingly. These sources of problems can range from
comment occurrences for minor slope failure to rare,
major disasters. Hence, establishment of a systematic
research approach in order to develop standards or
guideline for Malaysian engineering society to follow is
Toward total risk and loss management framework
The ‘‘bottom line’’ of slope hazards and risk management
is often expressed in terms of reduction of death and
injuries and/or reduction of the monetary losses associated with slope failures. The principle is not to minimize
risk but rather to maximize the public net benefit. Thus,
benefit-cost analysis should be an integral part of risk
Mariappan et al.
analysis. Risk, cost and reliability are fundamental to
engineering analysis. Engineers are required to combine
scientific knowledge and associated theory to estimate
the workability of design, with professional experience.
Engineering planning, design, construction and operating
policies are based on formal codification of this scientific
knowledge and experience into accepted practice. Until
recently, engineers relied on safety factors to account for
the uncertainty in estimating how the system would
perform. Reliability engineering deals with ‘‘failures’’ of
any type, whereas the recent interest in risk and cost
analysis has been prompted by failures that cause public
Improvement on standards and code of practice
Improvements in code of practice and standards are
needed in the engineering aspects of landslide. Some of
the steps that can be taken are;
a. Provide funding to attract academic researchers and
other professionals to conduct research on landslide prevention measures. (Ali and Osman, 2008; Normaniza et
al., 2008)
b. Examine social economic issues relative to landslide
prevention, acceptance and enforcement.
c. Redefine land use standards to give more attention to
factors causing landslide to create safer living standards.
d. Implement a nationally recognized and voluntary
e. Improve development performance provisions including national and state uniformity combined with improved
and easier methods for slope property definition and
f. Improve analysis and design procedures for slope
design works to ensure quality to the national performance requirements.
g. Develop more effective ways to integrate the scientific
input from physical sciences, social sciences and engineering aspects, together with the views from other
stakeholders in the process of setting land use and
landslide prevention standards.
h. Implement stringent site investigation works together
with quality and reliable laboratory works in order to
obtain reliable test results.
Integrating loss reduction measures as part of slope
In order to minimize losses associated with slope failures,
it is best to integrate loss reduction measures as part of
slope analysis. Hence it is recommended to research and
develop some of the following hazards mitigation
a. Develop effective and economical methods that can be
implemented in the field to evaluate and retrofit existing
hazardous settlement or infrastructure subject to natural
and man-made landslide.
b. Develop technologies to diagnose and assess the
condition and components for slope under pre and post
failure situation.
c. Develop outage engineering management technologies to lessen loss of life, facility downtime and to
develop rapid rehabilitation and construction methods.
d. Establish the knowledge needed to set system performance standards, evaluation procedures, codes and
criteria under natural and man made landslide hazard
conditions for major lifeline systems including public and
private utilities.
e. Develop high-tech systems to facilitate infrastructure
maintenance and operations, such as emergency,
damage control, quick recovery and service restoration
following a landslide.
During design stages, engineers are required to identify
the possible factors causing landslides and its impact on
society and economy in order to minimize losses. In
terms of the risk of life and economic losses as a
consequence of slope failure, the major factor to be
considered in any slope study and mitigation measures is
the proximity of the slope or earth retaining structure to
populated areas, traffic and building as shown in Figure
3. Considering the risk factors involved, slope classification was proposed under the new circulation by chief
sectary on 21 March, 2002 and is tabulated in Table 1.
A range of triggering and contributory factory leading to
the event of a landslide can be classified as shown in
Table 2 (Wong et al., 2004).
Incorporation of rainfall intensity as primary part of
early warning system in design stage
Rainfall intensity is one of the main factors contributing to
landslides in Malaysia with average annual rainfall of
about 2000 - 2500 mm. Rainfall induced slope failures
are common in Malaysia. Hence providing early warning
system based on rainfall intensity and duration can be
introduced in the design stage as loss reduction
measures. Based on the works of Brand et al. (1984) and
Kay (1998), most of the slope failures in Hong Kong
occurred within 4 h after peak hourly rainfall and less
than 10% of landslides occurred 16 h after the peak
hourly rainfall. As a preliminary guide, landslide warning
could be issued if 24 h rainfall was expected to exceed
175 mm or 60 min rainfall was expected to exceed 70
mm. The probability of having severe landslide is about
15% (Kwong et al., 2004). Table 3 shows a guide on rainfall intensity and apparent condition of slope. Hence
conduct design analysis and perform monitoring works is
carried out using DID Department of Irrigation and
Drainage hydrology network data. Figure 4 shows some
loss reduction factors to be considered during design
stage (Wong et al., 2004).
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Figure 3. Contribution of poor maintenance for slope instability (Wong et al., 2004).
Table 1. Guideline for physical development as per hill side development guide 2002.
I and II
Development is allowed for hill 1 and with slope angle less than 25°.
Complied to “Garis Pembangunan Di Kawasan Bukit 1997 Jawatankuasa Kerja
Tanah (JKT) and Garis Panduan Kawalan Hakissan dan Kelodakan”, 1996 Jabatan
Alam Sekitar (JAS).
Development is allowed for hill 1 with slope angle ranging between 26-35°.
However, environmental impact assessment (EIA) report must be prepared.
Scope of EIA
Follow the requirement under the “Handbook of EIA Guidelines 2001”.
Geology and geotechnical report required to be prepared.
Summit erosion risk map.
Propose procedure to maintain slope stability and erosion control measures.
Detail EIA procedure and report is required for development area which has a slope
angle 26 - 35° and cover 50% or more of development area.
Development is not allowed on hill land with slope angle exceeding 35°.
General Items
For development site which has class I, II, III and IV, development is restricted only to
areas of class I, II and III.
Mariappan et al.
Table 2. Summary of landslide triggering and contributory factor (Wong et al., 2004).
Landslide triggering factors
Rainfall intensity and rise in ground water level among others
Adverse construction/ human activities
Deterioration and erosion of surface
Bursting and leakage of buried water services
River erosion and flooding contributory factors
Adverse geological conditions
Substandard and inadequate site investigation works
Inadequate design practice
Poor construction work
Adverse topography condition
Inadequate maintenance work
Table 3. Summary of landslide triggering and contributory factor (Wong et al., 2004).
Rainfall intensity centre
25 mm/day
50 mm/day
100 mm/day
150 mm/day
250 mm/day
Apparent conditions of slope
Show signs of surface erosion
Surface erosion intensify
Stability deteriorate, marginally stable slope may deform and move
Marginally stable slope may deform or collapse
Marginally stable slope may deform or collapse
Stable slope may show signs of instability
Stable and well vegetated slope may also deform or collapse
Quality construction management is an important factor
for development at hill site. Guidelines should be followed
during supervision of hill site development especially on
the formation of cut and fill slopes. The supervising
individual should have sufficient knowledge and experience in geotechnical engineering to identify irregularities
of the subsurface condition such as soil type, surface
drainage, ground water level, weak plane such as soft
clay, geological formation and boundaries, soil weathering profile, bedrock or rock outcrop profile among others
that might be different from that envisaged and adopted
in the design. If required, perform additional site investigation work to verify the subsoil profile, especially at
areas of soft clay and lime stone bedrock should be
carried out.
Project managers and site staff are required to keep
detailed records of the work progress and the site
conditions encounter when carrying out the works and in
particular when irregularities like clay seams and
significant seepage of groundwater are observed. Quality
record keeping must be carried out on modifications to
the initial design to suit site conditions. Quality control
exercise should include, record keeping of manufacture’s
quality control records, field laboratory load testing
records to validate design loads and other tests carried
out. Sufficient photographs of the site before, during and
after construction should be taken and archived. These
photographs should be supplemented by information like
date, weather conditions and irregularities of the subsoil
conditions observed during excavation.
During slope cutting or embankment filling works, it is
important to provide sufficient drainage system for both
temporary and permanent conditions. Provide sufficient
temporary protection works to avoid failures during
construction works. In the event of cut or fill slope
stabilization required, sufficient and quality stabilization
solutions should be provided. As for embankment filling, it
is required to be done according to stringent compaction
specifications with regular density inspection. The surface
of slope both cut and fill are required to be protected
against erosion and gully formation using surface
reinforcement or turfing or hydro seeding.
As for the environmental protection, it is important to
prepare sufficient silt traps, wash troughs and provide
sufficient drainage system to prevent any damage to the
environment such as rivers and lakes, which could cause
water pounding and flush floods. The construction
activities are required to follow guideline on environmental protection during construction works both in
cooperate and adopt regulation during construction work.
Figure 5 shows some loss reduction factors to be considered
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Figure 4. Some loss reduction factors to be considered during design stage.
dered during construction stage.
The use of monitoring and observational approach needs
to be adopted as part of maintenance works on critical
slopes (Maceo-Giovanni et al., 2000). Data collected
under monitoring and observation could be used for back
analysis of engineering parameters and failure mechanisms development (Ali, 1993). The cost for these works
should be incorporated as part of annual commitment by
state government to reduce the likelihood of slope failure.
A working office need to be established to undertake the
task to perform engineering audit and issuing of
certificate of compliances for critically hazards slope in
the aspect of mitigation, prevention, monitoring of landslide and rock fall with allocation of emergency respond
and recovery fund. Some of the steps that need to be
taken as part of loss reduction measures are;
i. Registration of slope details in order to prioritize the
mitigation measures base on the data obtained from early
warning system.
ii. Provision of a slope information system to the public, to
create public awareness of the potentially hazardous
slope and be responsible for the slope maintenance and
repair works within and beyond the lot boundary.
iii. Establishment of consultancy contract so that wider
professional resources can be gathered to mitigate the
slopes in a shorter period of time.
iv. Establishment of external review board to create
channel for technical exchange of latest development of
technology and research.
v. Establishment of landslide warning system for early
notification of potential hazards to the public so that
people can stay away from slopes during heavy rainfall.
vi. Establishment of emergency team of professional
staffs who can arrive at landslide location at the earliest
possible time to provide advice for restoration or
temporary stabilization repair works and gather first-hand
geological information for detailed engineering failure
Mariappan et al.
Figure 5. Some loss reduction factors to be considered during construction stage.
vii. Identification of maintenance team for slopes and enforcement of regular inspection, review and maintenance
of slopes.
viii. Provision of education to the public regarding proper
registration, maintenance of slopes and reporting of
Figure 6 shows some loss reduction factors to be
considered during maintenance stage.
The development in information technology could play a
major role in providing or integrating the state of art
technology needed to manage, analyse, predict and
respond to potential landslide event in order to minimize
the losses (David, 1992; Keiko and Satoru, 2006).
Hence there is a great necessity to integrate information currently available from various agency to create a
centralize slope database. The key elements of the
proposed slope database are;
Figure 7 shows the slope database integration as
advance landslide mitigation technology and a major
effort for loss reduction.
At present, the communication and information
exchange between government organizations, universities and private bodies have not been established to
create a national slope or landslide database. Hence it is
important to develop a centralize landslide mitigation
technology which is accessible to various government,
universities and selected private organization to update,
review, analysis and predict potential landslide and
create early warning system and respond accordingly. It
is also proposed to use the advancement in information
technology and the “e-government” policy of Malaysia to
rapidly increase the number of information system and
types of spatial data available. By integrating the spatial
information on areas at risk of landslide disasters using
web based Geographical Information System (web GIS)
with interactive smart maps, database and also incooperating precipitation data, the ability to predict landslides can be enhanced.
i. Management of slope.
ii. Landslide risk analysis.
iii. Potential landslide prediction.
iv. Response to landslide event.
This paper addresses some of the measures proposed
as part of loss reduction measures by enhancing legal,
planning, design, construction and maintenance framework
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Figure 6. Some loss reduction factors to be considered during maintenance stage.
Figure 7. Shows the slope database integration as advance landslide mitigation technology and a major effort for loss reduction
Mariappan et al.
to prevent slope failure or landslide.
It is clear from the flow process as presented, that for
the application of a standard development policy, particularly those that involve hill site or sloping terrains,
potential shortcomings/ impediments could arise from the
relevant vetting procedures within or by named agencies
or departments responsible for such tasks, on the
aspects of planning approval, design acceptance,
construction and maintenance.
Successful and cost effective landslide loss reduction
measures can and should be taken in the many jurisdictions facing landslide problems. State and local
governments can prevent and reduce landslide losses
through, creation of early warning and monitoring system,
better policy and effective implementation, outlining
design procedures, creation of local hazard mapping,
land use management, building, grading controls, among
The content of the paper is a part of the work done for the
Malaysian Slope Master Plan. The authors would like to
express their thanks to Public Work Department of
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