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1975, Journal of Neurobiology
12 pages
1 file
A technique is described which allows neurons to be voltage clamped with a single microelectrode, and the advantages of this circuit with respect to conventional bridge techniques are discussed. In this circuit, the single microelectrode is rapidly switched from a current passing to a recording mode. The circuitry consists of: (1) an electronic switch; (2) a high impedance, ultralow input capacity amplifier; (3) a sample-and-hold module; (4) conventional voltage clamping circuitry. The closed electronic switch allows current to flow through the electrode. The switch then opens, and the electrode is in a recording mode. The low input capacity of the preamplifier allows the artifact from the current pulse to rapidly abate, after which time the circuit samples the membrane potential. This cycle is repeated a t rates up to 10 kHz. The voltage clamping amplifier senses the output of the sample-and-hold module and adjusts the current pulse amplitude to maintain the desired membrane potential. The system was evaluated in Aplysia neurons by inserting two microelectrodes into a cell. One electrode was used to clamp the cell and the other to independently monitor membrane potential a t a remote location in the soma.
Journal of neural engineering, 2014
Electrophysiological recordings of single neurons in brain tissues are very common in neuroscience. Glass microelectrodes filled with an electrolyte are used to impale the cell membrane in order to record the membrane potential or to inject current. Their high resistance induces a high voltage drop when passing current and it is essential to correct the voltage measurements. In particular, for voltage clamping, the traditional alternatives are two-electrode voltage-clamp technique or discontinuous single electrode voltage-clamp (dSEVC). Nevertheless, it is generally difficult to impale two electrodes in a same neuron and the switching frequency is limited to low frequencies in the case of dSEVC. We present a novel fully computer-implemented alternative to perform continuous voltage-clamp recordings with a single sharp-electrode. To reach such voltage-clamp recordings, we combine an active electrode compensation algorithm (AEC) with a digital controller (AECVC). We applied two types ...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2007
We report on the system integration of a CMOS chip that is capable of bidirectionally communicating (stimulation and recording) with electrogenic cells such as neurons or cardiomyocytes and that is targeted at investigating electrical signal propagation within cellular networks in vitro. The overall system consists of three major subunits: first, the core component is a 6.5 mm × 6.5 mm CMOS chip, on top of which the cells are cultured. It features 128 bidirectional electrodes, each equipped with dedicated analog filters and amplification stages and a stimulation buffer. The electrodes are sampled at 20 kHz with 8-bit resolution. The measured input-referred circuitry noise is 5.9 V root mean square (10 Hz to 100 kHz), which allows to reliably detect the cell signals ranging from 1 mV pp down to 40 V pp . Additionally, temperature sensors, a digital-to-analog converter for stimulation, and a digital interface for data transmission are integrated. Second, there is a reconfigurable logic device, which provides chip control, event detection, data buffering and an USB interface, capable of processing the 2.56 million samples per second. The third element includes software that is running on a standard PC performing data capturing, processing, and visualization. Experiments involving the stimulation of neurons with two different spatio-temporal patterns and the recording of the triggered spiking activity have been carried out. The response patterns have been successfully classified (83% correct) with respect to the different stimulation patterns. The advantages over current microelectrode arrays, as has been demonstrated in the experiments, include the capability to stimulate (voltage stimulation, 8 bit, 60 kHz) spatio-temporal patterns on arbitrary sets of electrodes and the fast stimulation reset mechanism that allows to record neuronal signals on a stimulating electrode 5 ms after stimulation (instantaneously on all other electrodes). Other advantages of the overall system include the small number of needed electrical connections due to the digital interface and the short latency time that allows to initiate a stimulation less than 2 ms after the detection of an action potential in closed-loop configurations.
2005 Electrophysiology Innovation Partnership e.V. Markwiesenstr. 55 72770 Reutlingen, Germany [email protected] Workshop Coordinators: H. R. Polder, npi electronic GmbH, [email protected] I. Herzberg, ALA Scientific Instruments [email protected] Pharmacology of two nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes on insect CNS neurons studied with the Single-Electrode Voltage Clamp Technique Vincent L. Salgado, BASF Corporation
MICRO. …, 2000
The current understanding of how the nervous system functions is based on numerous observations of the behavior of single neuronal units or a small ensemble of units correlated to some external stimulation or behavioral event. However, the processing power of the nervous system lies in its network and interconnections. Thus the key to understanding the nervous system is to make simultaneous observations of the activity of numerous cells from within a functioning brain. The objective of the EU funded project VSAMUEL is to develop such a system based on silicon microelectrode arrays for acquiring signals from nervous tissue in vivo. The system will utilize advanced micro-structuring based on SOI wafers to design and fabricate probes with up to 128 recording sites: microelectrodes placed on tiny fork shaped probes. Those probes and the location of their shafts and recording sites, the probe design for short, does not only have to obey the rules imposed on them by the utilized micro-machining techniques, but by anatomical requirements as well, as demanded by the neurobiological experiment. The whole project not only includes the development of easy-to-use connectors and suitable multi-channel signal amplifiers, but also a novel highquality, high-throughput data acquisition system (DAQ), based on commonly available PC-computers and signal processing boards in conjunction with novel signal processing software.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 1981
The single electrode voltage clamp has been used to perform fluctuation analysis ("noise" analysis) and relaxation experiments in order to study the average lifetime and conductance of ACh-activated sodium channels in Aplysia neurons. Measured values of average channel lifetime, which is ~20 msec at-80 mV and 11°C, and elementary conductance, which is ~8 pS, are consistent with previously published results using two electrode clamping. The frequency response of the clamp was evaluated to determine its capabilities and limitations for the study of membrane currents. Sinusoidal currents injected into a voltage-clamped model membrane to simulate the frequency components of membrane noise are accurately reproduced at frequencies up to 500 Hz. Following a voltage clamp command, the new membrane potential is established in less than 2 msec, and current relaxations recorded after that time can be used to determine average channel lifetime. Since the frequency response of the clamp is much greater than the average lifetime of AChactivated channels in Aplysia neurons, the single electrode voltage clamp is comparable to conventional two-electrode systems for investigating the properties of these channels, and may also be useful in other systems in which the time course of membrane currents is much slower than the frequency response of the clamp.
Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems II, 2005
The recent progress in both neurobiology and microelectronics suggests the creation of new, powerful tools to investigate the basic mechanisms of brain functionality. In particular, a lot of efforts are spent by scientific community to define new frameworks devoted to the analysis of in-vitro cultured neurons. One possible approach is recording their spiking activity to monitor the coordinated cellular behavior and get insights about neural plasticity. Due to the nature of neurons action-potentials, when considering the design of an integrated microelectronics-based recording system, a number of problems arise. First, one would desire to have a high number of recording sites (i.e. several hundreds): this poses constraints on silicon area and power consumption. In this regard, our aim is to integrate-through on-chip post-processing techniques-hundreds of bio-compatible micro-sensors together with CMOS standard-process low-power (i.e. some tenths of µW per channel) conditioning electronics. Each recording channel is provided with sampling electronics to insure synchronous recording so that, for example, cross-correlation between signals coming from different sites can be performed. Extra-cellular potentials are in the range of [50 − 150] µV , so a comparison in terms of noise-efficiency was carried out among different architectures and very low-noise pre-amplification electronics (i.e. less than 6.5 µV rms ) was designed. As spikes measurements are made with respect to the voltage of a reference electrode, we opted for an AC-coupled differential-input preamplifier provided with band-pass filtering capability. To achieve this, we implemented large time-constant (up to seconds) integrated components in the preamp feedback path. Thus, we got rid also of random slow-drifting DC-offsets and common mode signals. The paper will present our achievements in the design and implementation of a fully integrated bio-abio interface to record neural spiking activity. In particular, preliminary results will be reported.
Biophysical Journal, 1999
Oocytes from Xenopus laevis are commonly used as an expression system for ion channel proteins. The most common method for their electrophysiological investigation is the two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique. The quality of voltage clamp recordings obtained with this technique is poor when membrane currents are large and when rapid charging of the membrane is desired. Detailed mathematical modeling of the experimental setup shows that the reasons for this weak performance are the electrical properties of the oocytes and the geometry of the setup. We measured the cytosolic conductivity to be ϳ5 times lower than that of the typical bath solution, and the specific membrane capacitance to be ϳ6 times higher than that of a simple lipid bilayer. The diameter of oocytes is typically ϳ1 mm, whereas the penetration depth of the microelectrodes is limited to ϳ100 m. This eccentric current injection, in combination with the large time constants caused by the low conductivity and the high capacitance, yields large deviations from isopotentiality that decay slowly with time constants of up to 150 s. The inhomogeneity of the membrane potential can be greatly reduced by introducing an additional, extracellular current-passing electrode. The geometrical and electrical parameters of the setup are optimized and initial experiments show that this method should allow for faster and more uniform control of membrane potential.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2015
The collection of good quality extracellular neuronal spikes from neuronal cultures coupled to Microelectrode Arrays (MEAs) is a binding requirement to gather reliable data. Due to physical constraints, low power requirement, or the need of customizability, commercial recording platforms are not fully adequate for the development of experimental setups integrating MEA technology with other equipment needed to perform experiments under climate controlled conditions, like environmental chambers or cell culture incubators. To address this issue, we developed a custom MEA interfacing system featuring low noise, low power, and the capability to be readily integrated inside an incubator-like environment. Two stages, a preamplifier and a filter amplifier, were designed, implemented on printed circuit boards, and tested. The system is characterized by a low input-referred noise (<1 μV RMS), a high channel separation (>70 dB), and signal-to-noise ratio values of neuronal recordings com...
Modern Techniques in Neuroscience Research, 1999
Microelectrode recording of electrical activity provides a means to measure the discharge patterns of nerve cells with high spatial and temporal resolution and with minimal damage to nervous tissue. For these reasons it has long been the principal method for analyzing the behavior and function of neurons and neural networks. An additional and extremely useful application of microelectrode technology is the ability to inject tracers directly into neurons through an intracellular microelectrode in order to label the cells and identify their location, morphology, and synaptic contacts with other neurons and effectors. The first investigations of single neuron activity were carried out with microelectrodes for extracellular recording, which led to the identification of previously uncharacterized cell types and synaptic circuits (e.g., Lorente de Nó, 1938; Renshaw, 1946; see Eccles (1964) and McLennan (1970) for additional examples). Shortly thereafter, micropipettes for intracellular recording were developed (Ling and Gerard 1949). These were used to measure membrane potentials and to uncover voltage-and time-dependent properties that determine neuron excitability. Intracellular recording also revealed the nature and functional significance of excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and helped to identify the underlying membrane conductance mechanisms (Combs, Eccles and Fatt 1955a-c). Subsequent adaptation of voltage-clamp technology for use with microelectrodes (Brennecke and Lindemann 1974a,b; Wilson and Goldner 1975; Adams and Gage 1979; Finkel and Redman 1984) permitted measurement of membrane currents and estimates of conductances in vitro (Adams et al. 1982a,b; Johnston et al. 1980) and in vivo (Dunn and Wilson 1977; Finkel and Redman 1983a; Richter et al. 1996). Further advances in neurophysiological investigation came with the development of techniques which enabled investigators to record the electrical activity of neurons and then label them by intracellular injections of fluorescent dyes (Thomas and Wilson 1966; Stretton and Kravitz 1968). Microelectrode recording of electrophysiological properties and labeling of neurons continue to be important tools for analyzing the behavior and function of single nerve
Academia Letters, 2021
Since March 2020, the UK HE sector has been forced into a blended learning provision with very little time and in many cases, little guidance, and experience. The Covid-19 pandemic impacted every part of the world economy, and individual lives; the effect on our health, social and economic system. The impact in the higher education sector is unprecedented, limiting the face-to-face interaction with students and forcing changes in teaching approaches. These changes were immediate and included the requirement of a blended learning approach, where the teaching is delivered in a combination of distance and face-to-face, albeit socially distanced activities. This, of course, produces an impact that could be positive or negative depending on our ability to implement the necessary strategies and changes in the ways we teach and learn. However, it is not yet clear what these impacts are. This is due to the immediacy of the changes implemented, and due to their unprecedented nature. This provides an opportunity to record, assess and continually learn and improve while restrictions are in place. We believe that while restrictive, this also provides a significant opportunity to make not only adaptations but also improvements to UKHE teaching provision, by forcing the traditional lecture theatre dominated learning to include modern technologies associated with remote learning. Covid-19 has provided the inertia against the resistance of the systems and traditions associated with UKHE that may have prevented these changes. Indeed, the key effect of the pandemic is the acceleration of changes that are inevitable and necessary for graduates to survive and thrive in the future.
Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana , 2023
En-claves del pensamiento, 2024
Power Research - A Journal of CPRI
Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Étude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales
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Bulgarian Historical Review / Revue Bulgare d'Histoire, 2022
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Ann. Univ. Oradea, fasc. Math., 2023
International Language, Literature and Folklore Researchers Journal, 2014
Materials Research-Ibero-American Journal of Materials, 2011
Marine Micropaleontology, 2019
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia
Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 2009
British journal of haematology, 2016
Revista de tecnología y educación, 2019
The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2019