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arXiv:1202.2192v2 [physics.ins-det] 23 May 2012
The EXO-200 detector, part I: Detector design and
M. Augera , D.J. Autyb , P.S. Barbeauc , L. Bartoszekc∗, E. Baussana†, E. Beauchampd ,
C. Benitez-Medinae , M. Breidenbach f , D. Chauhand , B. Clevelandd ‡, R. Conley f ,
J. Cookg , S. Cooke , A. Coppensh , W. Craddock f , T. Danielsg , C.G. Davisi , J. Davisc ,
R. deVoec , A. Dobii , M.J. Dolinskic§, M. Dunfordh , W. Fairbank Jr.e , J. Farined ,
P. Fierlinger j , D. Francoa , G. Girouxa , R. Gorneaa ,K. Grahamh , G. Grattac ,
C. Hagemannh , C. Halli , K. Halle , C. Hargroveh , S. Herrin f , J. Hodgson f , M. Hughesb ,
A. Karelink , L.J. Kaufmanl , J. Kirkc , A. Kuchenkovk , K.S. Kumarg , D.S. Leonardm ,
F. Leonardh , F. LePortc¶, D. Mackay f k, R. MacLellanb , M. Marino j , K. Merklec ,
B. Mongd , M. Montero Díezc , A.R. Müllerc∗∗
,R. Neilsonc††
, A. Odian f , K. O’Sullivanc ,
C. Ouelleth , A. Piepkeb , A. Pocarg , C.Y. Prescott f , K. Pushkinb , A. Rivasc , E. Rollinh ,
P.C. Rowson f , A. Sabourovc , D. Sinclairh‡‡
, K. Skarpaas f , S. Slutskyi , V. Stekhanovk ,
V. Strickland , M. Swift , D. Tosi , K. Twelkerc , J.-L. Vuilleumiera , J.-M. Vuilleumiera ,
T. Waltone , M. Webera , U. Wichoskid , J. Wodin f , J.D Wrightg , L. Yang f , Y.-R. Yeni
Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL, USA
c Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA
d Physics Department, Laurentian University, Sudbury ON, Canada
e Physics Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO, USA
f SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford CA, USA,
g Physics Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA, USA
h Physics Department, Carleton University, Ottawa ON, Canada
i Physics Department, University of Maryland, College Park MD, USA
j Excellence Cluster ‘Universe’, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany
k Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia
l Physics Department and CEEM, Indiana University, Bloomington IN, USA
m Physics Department, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea
[email protected]
b Department
A BSTRACT: EXO-200 is an experiment designed to search for double beta decay of 136 Xe with a
single-phase, liquid xenon detector. It uses an active mass of 110 kg of xenon enriched to 80.6% in
the isotope 136 in an ultra-low background time projection chamber capable of simultaneous detection of ionization and scintillation. This paper describes the EXO-200 detector with particular
attention to the most innovative aspects of the design that revolve around the reduction of backgrounds, the efficient use of the expensive isotopically enriched xenon, and the optimization of the
energy resolution in a relatively large volume.
K EYWORDS : Time projection chambers; Noble-liquid detectors; Detector design and
construction technologies and materials.
∗ Also
Bartoszek Engineering, Aurora, IL, USA.
at the Dept. Recherches Subatomiques, Institut Pluridisciplinaire H. Curien, Strasbourg, France
‡ Also SNOLAB, Sudbury ON, Canada
§ Corresponding author.
¶ Now at TESLA Motors, Palo Alto CA, USA
k Now at KLA-Tencor, Milpitas CA, USA
∗∗ Now at Kayser-Threde, Munich, Germany
†† Now at Department of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago IL, USA
‡‡ Also TRIUMF, Vancouver BC, Canada
† Now
EXO-200 detector design and scientific reach
2.1 Overview of the EXO-200 detector
2.2 Design sensitivity and estimated backgrounds
2.3 Xenon supply
The EXO-200 TPC
3.1 Scintillation channel
3.2 Ionization channel
3.2.1 Wire readout planes
3.2.2 Field cage
3.2.3 High voltage feedthrough
3.2.4 High voltage instabilities
3.3 Detector wiring
3.4 The TPC vessel
3.5 Calibration source guide tube
Background control
4.1 Bulk contamination and material screening
4.2 Surface contamination and cleaning
4.3 Passive shielding and Rn enclosure
4.4 Cosmic-ray veto system
4.5 Activation control and installation
Background modeling
5.1 γ -ray leakage through passive shield
5.2 Backgrounds from the detector components
5.3 External radon
5.4 Cosmogenic radioactivity
5.5 Muon induced background
6.1 Architecture
6.2 Biasing
6.2.1 TPC cathode
6.2.2 V-wires and LAAPDs
6.3 Front end electronics system
6.4 TEM
6.5 DAQ
1. Introduction
Double beta decay is the dominant decay mode for certain even-even nuclei for which beta decay is
energetically forbidden or suppressed by a large change in angular momentum. The process is rare
due to its second-order nature and can only be directly observed in specially built, low background
Two-neutrino double beta decay (2νβ β ) is allowed by the Standard Model and has been observed in the laboratory for several isotopes. Its half-life is typically ∼ 1020 years as first calculated
in [1]. Zero-neutrino double beta decay (0νβ β ), on the other hand, is a lepton-number violating
decay that can occur only if neutrinos are massive Majorana particles [2, 3]. Its detection is considered the most sensitive probe of the neutrino mass scale and the question of whether 2-component
Majorana particles, first discussed in [4, 5], exist in nature. The recent discovery of neutrino oscillations [6, 7] has firmly established the existence of finite neutrino masses, yet without providing
clues either to their nature (Dirac or Majorana) or to their absolute values. This provides the motivation for an extensive program searching for the 0νβ β decay with ultimate sensitivities to Majorana
masses close to or below 10 meV.
There are several experiments designed to search for 0νβ β in a number of different candidate
isotopes [8]. There is also a claim for the observation of 0νβ β in 76 Ge [9]. One of the isotopes
of interest for 0νβ β searches is 136 Xe. 136 Xe is an attractive candidate nuclide because it has a
high Q-value located in a region relatively free from naturally occurring radioactive backgrounds.
In addition, isotopic enrichment of Xe is simpler than in other cases. 136 Xe can also form the
detection medium in a noble liquid or gas time projection chamber (TPC), either of which can be
operated with continuous inline purification of the Xe.
The Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO) Collaboration is planning a series of experiments to
search for 0νβ β of 136 Xe with progressively higher sensitivity. Within this program, EXO-200 is a
100 kg-scale experiment designed to achieve a sensitivity close to 100 meV for Majorana neutrino
masses. EXO-200 started low-background data taking in May 2011 and has recently reported the
first observation of 2νβ β in 136 Xe [10]. EXO-200 was also designed to serve as the prototype for
a multi-ton detector with Majorana mass sensitivity below 10 meV.
This paper reviews the design and construction of the EXO-200 detector. The cryogenics,
controls, vacuum, and other infrastructure, allowing the TPC to operate within a narrow temperature and pressure window, will be discussed in a separate paper. A third paper will describe the
performance of the detector system.
2. EXO-200 detector design and scientific reach
2.1 Overview of the EXO-200 detector
EXO-200 was designed to be a state of the art double beta decay experiment and, at the same time,
a technology test bed for a future, larger detector. In order to take advantage of event topology,
xenon self-shielding, and the possibility of purifying a noble element before and during its use,
Figure 1. Cutaway view of the EXO-200 TPC with the main components identified.
EXO-200 uses the xenon as both source and detector in a homogeneous, liquid phase TPC [11]. At
the operating temperature (167 K) and pressure (147 kPa) the liquid xenon (LXe) has a density of
3.0 g/cm3 [12]. The xenon for EXO-200 is enriched to 80.6% in the isotope 136 Xe.
In order to minimize the surface-to-volume ratio while maintaining a practical geometry, the
detector is a double TPC, having the shape of a square cylinder with a cathode grid held at negative
high voltage at the mid plane. The signal readout is performed at each base of the cylinder, near
ground potential. Of the 200 kg of enriched xenon available, 175 kg are in liquid phase, and 110 kg
are in the active volume of the detector. A cutaway view of the TPC is shown in Figure 1.
Two considerations were central in designing the detector: the need for good energy resolution
at the double beta decay decay Q-value of 2457.8 keV [13], and the requirement to achieve exceedingly low backgrounds. Early R&D performed by the EXO collaboration [14] showed that the
energy resolution in LXe can be substantially improved by using an appropriate linear combination
of ionization and scintillation as the energy estimator. This technique was subsequently used in
other contexts [15]. In EXO-200 both the ionization and the scintillation signals are recorded.
Charge is collected at each end of the TPC by wire planes, held at virtual ground, while the
178 nm-wavelength scintillation light is collected by two arrays of large area avalanche photo-
diodes (LAAPDs) [16], one behind each of the two charge collection planes (“U” wires). The
decision to use LAAPDs instead of photomultiplier tubes, unusual among large LXe detectors, is
important because they combine high quantum efficiency for the scintillation light with ultra-low
levels of radioactivity. The drawback of this choice is that the noise in the LAAPDs, while modest at 170 K, limits the scintillation threshold of the detector. The 468 LAAPDs are used as bare
dies submerged in the LXe, avoiding substrates that are often the main source of radioactivity and
ensuring that the devices are not mechanically stressed at cryogenic temperatures. A second wire
plane (“V” wires), positioned in front of the charge collection plane and oriented at 60◦ from it, is
biased to ensure full electron transparency and is used to inductively record a second coordinate for
each ionization cluster. Three-dimensional position sensitivity is achieved by using the difference
in the arrival time between the ionization and scintillation signals to calculate the electron drift
Because the rate of 0νβ β is so small, it is important to minimize backgrounds that can deposit energy near the 136 Xe Q-value. The attenuation length in LXe of 2.5 MeV γ -rays is quite
large (∼ 9 cm) [17], so xenon self-shielding is not particularly effective, and the materials near
the active Xe volume have to be intrinsically clean (this is in contrast to detectors built for dark
matter searches that are optimized for lower energies where self-shielding is substantially more
effective). Very low backgrounds are achieved by selecting ultra-low radioactivity construction
materials, minimizing the masses of passive components through careful design, specially cleaning
and storing components before assembly, and building the detector in progressively clean, shielded
layers. The TPC was built using primarily copper and bronze for conductors and acrylic, PTFE
and polyimide for dielectrics. Some of the specific materials used are reported in [18]. All TPC
materials were degreased and etched to remove surface contamination.
The LXe container (“vessel”) was machined from selected copper stock and assembled using
electron-beam welding. In order to reduce the activity nearest to the LXe, the copper vessel was
built with a 1.37 mm thickness that is designed to reliably support only a 35 kPa pressure differential (in either direction). The copper vessel is designed to closely envelop the active Xe volume,
flaring out at the ends to contain the frames of the wire planes, the LAAPDs, and the wiring. The
vessel is welded shut at the two ends with a TIG field weld to minimize the use of materials and
avoid sealing problems. An elaborate control system (to be described, along with the cryostat, in a
future paper) ensures that the pressure inside the TPC vessel tracks the pressure outside to within
a tight tolerance (∼ ±4 kPa) during detector pump down, purge, cooling, liquid fill, and normal
Figure 2 shows a cutaway view of the entire detector complex, including a double-walled copper cryostat, lead shielding, and muon veto. The cryostat is a twelve-sided, double walled, vacuum
insulated copper vessel, made from specially selected low background copper. The copper was
freshly produced in a dedicate low background run for EXO by the Norddeutsche Affinerie (now
Aurubis, Germany [19]) to minimize its exposure to the cosmic radiation. The cryostat contains a
total of 5901 kg of copper. All these components, with the exception of the muon veto, are located
inside a class 1000 clean room. The inner cryostat contains an ultra-clean, dense (ρ = 1.8 g/cm2
at 170 K) fluid (HFE-7000 [20]), providing both shielding and thermal uniformity. The fluid also
transfers the pressure load to the 25 mm thick inner cryostat copper vessel that is designed to
tolerate absolute implosive (explosive) loads >100 kPa (>300 kPa).
Figure 2. Cutaway view of the EXO-200 setup, with the primary subassemblies identified.
The outermost shielding layer, outside the outer vessel of the cryostat, consists of 25 cm of
lead. The low-noise front end electronics are located outside of the lead shielding and are connected
to the detector through thin polyimide cables. This choice trades some increased noise for the
simplicity and accessibility of room temperature, conventional construction electronics.
A cosmic-ray veto counter made of plastic scintillators surrounds the cleanroom housing the
rest of the detector. EXO-200 is located at a depth of 1585 m water equivalent [21] in the Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico (32◦ 22’30”N 103◦ 47’34”W).
2.2 Design sensitivity and estimated backgrounds
While the measured performance of EXO-200 utilizing substantial low-background and calibration
data sets will be the subject of a future paper, here we provide sensitivity figures assuming design
parameters for the detector performance and background. Initial data taking roughly confirms the
validity of such parameters. Using the expected energy resolution of σE /E = 1.6% at the 136 Xe
0νβ β
end point, EXO-200 was designed to reach a sensitivity of T1/2 = 6.4 × 1025 yr (90% C.L.) in
two years of live time, should the 0νβ β be beyond reach. 0νβ β is defined by a ±2σ window
around the end-point and 40 background events are expected to accumulate in such a window in
two years. This estimate was made using a fiducial mass of 140 kg (200 kg with 70% efficiency),
while the final detector design has 110 kg of active Xe, requiring a longer time to reach the same
sensitivity. The T1/2 limit above corresponds to a 90% C.L. Majorana mass sensitivity of 109 meV
(135 meV) using the QRPA [22] (NSM [23]) matrix element calculation.
EXO-200 was designed to have sufficient sensitivity to confirm or reject the claim of 0νβ β
0νβ β
× 1025 yr, in two years of data with a
discovery by [9]. Using the value T1/2 (76 Ge) = 2.23−0.31
140 kg fiducial mass, EXO-200 would observe a signal of 91 (51) events above the projected background of 40 events, providing a significance of 8σ (5.4σ ) using the most favorable (unfavorable)
combination of 136 Xe and 76 Ge matrix elements for the translation between the two isotopes and
the upper (lower) bound of the 76 Ge interval. Again, the smaller active mass implies that such sensitivity will be reached in a longer period of time. EXO-200 is expected to run in low background
conditions for up to four years.
EXO-200 has already made the first observation of 2νβ β of 136 Xe, measuring a half-life
T1/2 = (2.11 ± 0.04 stat ± 0.21 sys) × 1021 years [10]. The nuclear matrix element corresponding
to this half-life is 0.019 MeV−1 , the smallest measured to date. At 0νβ β sensitivities discussed
above, 2νβ β produces a negligible background.
2.3 Xenon supply
The choice of 136 Xe for the EXO program derives from several considerations:
• The 136 Xe Q-value of 2457.8 keV [13] is large and above the energies of most γ -rays from
naturally occurring radionuclides, with the notable exception of the 2615 keV γ -ray from
208 Tl.
• The double beta decay source and detection medium are the same material. This configuration minimizes background and energy loss of the decay electrons. For this reason, this
is likely to be the only practical option for building very large detectors. While the double
beta decay event in the LXe appears as a localized energy deposition, most γ -ray interactions
involve Compton scatterings that can be identified, in a large homogeneous detector, by their
multi-site energy deposition.
• The use of a material in the form of a liquid or gas allows for easy transfer of the enriched
isotope from one detector to another. In addition, the possibility of using the material either
in gas or in liquid phase, with complementary properties, opens a broad set of possibilities
for a program of experiments in which a large fraction of the cost is the isotopic enrichment.
136 Xe
is particularly economical to enrich from the natural fraction of 8.9% because it is a
gas at standard temperature and pressure and hence easy to process in ultracentrifuges.
• In a large detector, the xenon can be continuously re-purified, if necessary, during the lifetime of the experiment. This is important because the background requirements for the next
generation of 0νβ β experiments are so extreme that the final detector is essentially the only
device with sufficient sensitivity to verify the purity of the source. Because it is a noble gas,
Xe is particularly easy to purify from all chemically active contaminants.
• No long lived radioisotopes of Xe exist, hence, after a short “cool down” period underground
and chemical purification, no contamination should remain in the gas or liquid.
• The double beta decay of 136 Xe produces a barium ion (136 Ba2+ ) that can in principle be
tagged, drastically reducing backgrounds. The techniques for Ba tagging are being developed
by the EXO-collaboration but are not part of the design of EXO-200.
Figure 3. Mass spectra of natural Xe (top) and the EXO-200 enriched Xe (bottom), as determined by a residual gas analyzer. 136 Xe (134 Xe) is present at 80.6% (19.1%) number concentration while the concentration
of other isotopes is negligible.
200 kg of xenon enriched to 80.6% in the isotope 136 Xe (number concentration) were produced
by ultracentrifugation starting from natural feed stock. The mass spectrum of the material is shown
in Figure 3. 19.1% of the atoms in the enriched xenon are of the isotope 134, and the rest of the
natural isotopes are present in negligible concentration. The isotopic enrichment was carried out
in two installments by several laboratories in Russia using clean centrifuges, after which the gas
was cryopumped into ten electropolished stainless steel cylinders. This procedure was intended to
guarantee chemical purity. However, during the filling of EXO-200 it was found that at least one
of the ten cylinders was contaminated with some heavy, fluorinated molecule. This substance may
be a lubricant used in ultracentrifuges [24].
The detector was commissioned using a supply of natural xenon. Measurements performed using an enhanced mass spectroscopic method [25] found that the natural xenon had a contamination
of 42.6 ± 5.7 ppb (g/g) of Kr [26]. Although 85 Kr is not a background for 0νβ β , it is a background
for low energy processes, particularly problematic for dark matter detectors. As expected, the Kr
contamination in the enriched xenon is drastically lower at 25.5 ± 3.0 ppt [26].
3. The EXO-200 TPC
The TPC is designed for the collection of both scintillation and ionization signals. The LXe vessel
volume of 58 liters is set by the total amount of enriched Xe available. This volume includes the
Xe and cable conduits and the high voltage (HV) feedthrough, shown in Fig 1, that are full of LXe
during normal operations. The total mass of LXe in EXO-200 is ∼ 175 kg, with 110 kg available
in the active detector volume. The remaining mass of Xe is in the gas handling system.
Figure 4. A view into the active Xe volume of one of the two EXO-200 TPC modules. PTFE tiles (1)
installed inside the field-shaping rings serve as reflectors for the scintillation light. The aluminum-coated
side of the LAAPD platter (2) is visible, as well as the field cage (3), ionization wires, and flexible cables
Radiation depositing energy in the liquid xenon creates both a scintillation and an ionization
signal. The scintillation is detected almost instantaneously by the avalanche photodiodes, while
the ionization is drifted in a uniform electric field to the crossed wire planes. The TPC is divided
into two almost identical drift regions, one of which is shown in Figure 4. A cathode grid, held at
negative high voltage, separates the two regions while the readout planes at both ends are held at
ground potential. This arrangement reduces by a factor of two the drift voltage at the expense of
very little extra material (the cathode grid) in the middle of the active Xe volume.
The TPC axis is horizontal to provide identical signal path-lengths from both ends and to
simplify the cathode feedthrough. The cryostat axis is horizontal (but perpendicular to the axis
of the TPC) because of limitations in the overhead space at WIPP. This results in the TPC being
cantilevered off the inner (cold) hatch of the cryostat.
3.1 Scintillation channel
The collection of the 178 nm scintillation light in EXO-200 is accomplished using 468 LAAPDs.
Compared to photomultiplier tubes, LAAPDs have substantially lower radioactivity content, oc-
cupy less space, are intrinsically compatible with cryogenic operations, and have higher quantum
efficiency at 178 nm. The disadvantages of lower gain and higher noise are tolerable at LXe temperature and for the relatively high energies of interest here. To fully exploit the LAAPD advantages, in EXO-200 they are used as bare dies, without standard ceramic encapsulation and directly
mounted on two specially designed support platters by means of springs. Light collection efficiency
is improved through the use of reflective PTFE tiles around the field cage, where the electric field
configuration makes it impractical to install LAAPDs. Since the cathode grid has a high (90%)
optical transparency, LAAPDs mounted at each end of the TPC detect scintillation produced anywhere in the active LXe.
The EXO-200 LAAPDs are the unencapsulated version of Advanced Photonix part number
SD630-70-75-500 and are described in detail in [27]. Each LAAPD has a 16 mm diameter active
area (200 mm2 ), with an overall diameter between 19.6 mm and 21.1 mm. The thickness of each
varies between 1.32 mm and 1.35 mm. The devices consist of a p-type epitaxial layer grown
on n-type neutron transmutation doped silicon. A second silicon wafer, ring shaped and gold
coated, is bonded by a layer of aluminum to form the anode. The external contact of the cathode
is also gold coated. The edge of the device is then beveled and coated with a polyimide film to
improve breakdown and dark current characteristics. All LAAPDs were manufactured in a class
1000 cleanroom and stored in static dissipative boxes under nitrogen atmosphere from production
to installation.
A total of 851 LAAPDs were purchased and delivered over the course of two years. The gain,
relative quantum efficiency, and noise characteristics of all purchased LAAPDs were measured at
LXe temperature [16]. At 1400 V bias, the LAAPD capacitance was measured to be 125 pF. Of the
devices that met the operating specifications, the 468 LAAPDs exhibiting the lowest noise were
chosen for installation.
Two LAAPD platters, machined from the same low-activity copper stock as the LXe vessel,
provide both mechanical support and common electrical potential for the 468 LAAPDs. Their
front sides are vacuum coated with aluminum and MgF2 to reflect the scintillation light impinging
between LAAPDs. On the reverse side, the platters are gold coated to improve electrical contact
with the front electrodes (anodes) of the LAAPDs. Each platter (see Figure 5) holds 234 LAAPDs
in a canted hexagonal pattern with a photosensitive packing ratio of 48%.
The vacuum coating of the platters was performed by VPE Inc. [28]. A 30 nm thick nickel
layer was deposited under the 100 nm thick gold to prevent diffusion. On the front side the 100 nm
thick aluminum coating was deposited directly on the copper and then over-coated with a 50 nm
thick layer of magnesium fluoride to prevent aluminum oxidation that would reduce the reflectivity
at 178 nm. The gold, nickel, and magnesium fluoride were purchased from Cerac Inc. [29] and,
like all other materials, radioactivity certified. The Al stock was the same as that used in LAAPD
production and described in [16].
The anodes of all 234 LAAPDs are electrically connected together and held at a common voltage, -1400 V on one platter, and -1380 V on the other. The platters were fabricated to accommodate
259 LAAPDs, though after fabrication it was decided not to install some of the devices at the edge
of each platter as their fields of view are either blocked or outside of the field cage. These empty
locations were instead fitted with acrylic insulators designed to prevent electrical shorts.
The 12 “tiles” (see Figure 4) mounted inside the field cage to reflect the scintillation photons
Figure 5. Bare LAAPDs are placed in a sector (1) of one platter (2). The platter is gold coated on this
side for improved electrical contact. Platinum plated photo etched phosphor bronze “spider” springs (3)
anchor gangs of 7 LAAPDs to the copper platter, and provide electrical contact between the cathodes of
each LAAPD and copper traces (4) on flexible cables (5), as shown in the inset. Acrylic washers (6) prevent
electrical contact between the springs and the mounting screws that are threaded into the platter. Ionizationcollecting wires (and the cathode grid) can be seen through the partially filled LAAPD platter.
impinging on that region were made out of 1.5 mm thick skived TE-6472 modified PTFE from
DuPont [30], specially sintered using a clean process by Applied Plastics Technologies [31, 32].
The inner radius of this PTFE lining is 18.3 cm. Measured in Ar gas at room temperature, the
reflectance for 178 nm light is 70% for the TE-6472 (expected to be higher in LXe), as opposed to
5 − 10% for copper, depending on the oxidation level.
Each of the two LAAPD planes is divided into six sectors, four containing 38 LAAPDs each
and the remaining two containing 37 and 45 devices. In the special sector containing 37 LAAPDs
one device is replaced by a PTFE diffuser 20 mm in diameter and 0.7 mm in thickness. Three
redundant bare, multimode optical fibers deliver light from an external laser pulser to the diffuser,
which is used to test basic functionality and stability of the LAAPDs during detector operation.
In order to reduce the number of connections, LAAPDs are read out in “gangs” of five to seven
devices, connected together by the “spider” springs shown in Figure 5. The springs, photoetched
from 0.25 mm thick phosphor bronze and platinum plated, have multiply-redundant fingers contacting the cathodes (back sides) of the LAAPDs and doubling as mechanical restraints. A special
set of fingers for each spider connects to a copper trace on a flexible polyimide circuit bringing the
signals outside of the TPC. As discussed in [16], the LAAPDs exhibit a substantial spread in the
voltage required to achieve a fixed response (defined for this purpose as gain × relative quantum
efficiency). This is compensated for by loading each sector with LAAPDs of similar performance
and providing a separate trim voltage to each of the sectors. This trim voltage is applied to the cathodes through the same traces extracting the signals from the various gangs. This system reduces
the overall spread of response to σ = 2.5%.
– 10 –
Figure 6. Geometry of the readout wire planes also showing a simulation of an electron cloud. The anode
(U) and induction (V) wires, shown as collinear here, are in reality at 60◦ from each other.
3.2 Ionization channel
The ionization channel includes the TPC cathode and field cage, defining a region of uniform
electric field, the charge collection (U) wire plane, sitting at virtual ground, and a shielding (V)
wire plane located in front of the U wires and biased to ensure full electron transparency. The V
wires are also read out, and their inductive pickup signals provide a second coordinate without an
additional shielding wire plane. Both U and V wires are in front of the LAAPDs, and each has
95.8% optical transparency. The use of only two wire planes reduces the material budget of the
TPC, increases the optical transparency, and maximizes the fiducial volume.
3.2.1 Wire readout planes
Both the cathode plane and the wire readout planes are made by photoetching sheets of phosphor
bronze. U and V wire planes are spaced 6 mm from each other and each is comprised of an array
of parallel wires. U and V wires in each plane are oriented 60◦ from each other, allowing twodimensional reconstruction of the ionization cloud location.
The distances between the two wire planes and the APD platter (6 mm each) and the wire pitch
(3 mm) were chosen to maximize the fiducial volume while not requiring excessive high voltage
on the V wire plane to achieve electrical transparency. The field uniformity, capacitance, and electrostatic forces for this configuration were evaluated with the MAXWELL [33] electric field solver
(see Figure 6), and were found to be acceptable. Assuming a circular wire diameter of 125 µ m,
full electric transparency of the V wires is expected to be obtained when the U-V field is 131%
of the drift field [34]. MAXWELL confirms that the rectangular wire cross section employed by
EXO-200 behaves similarly with respect to electrical transparency. In practice, however, an electric
field ratio approaching 200% was adopted to allow for mechanical tolerances and the deflection of
the wires under the action of the electric fields.
– 11 –
Figure 7. A panel of photoetched phosphor bronze wires. The panel contains wire triplets for half of one U
or V wire plane.
Further optimization of detector performance leads to a readout pitch that is substantially
larger than the 3 mm required by the field optimization. This is because more electronics channels
increase complexity and materials near the fiducial volume and do not necessarily provide better
topological discrimination between signal (single-site events) and background (dominantly multisite events from Compton scattering of γ -rays). The readout spacing is set to 9 mm, leading to
triplets of wires with 3 mm pitch. This results in 38 read out channels for each of the two U and V
wire planes at each end of the TPC, with a capacitance of 0.51 pF/cm between the anode triplets
and ground.
The wire triplet arrangement was found to conveniently solve both the problem of mounting the wires in a compliant manner, suitable for high reliability under thermal cycling, and the
desire for low radioactivity content. Triplets were photoetched with a clean process by Vaga Industries [35] from panels of 0.13 mm thick, “full hard” CA-510 Grade A phosphor bronze, as
shown in Figure 7. The stock material was obtained from E. Jordan Brookes Co. [36] and qualified for radioactivity. A suitable spring is then obtained by folding the ends of each triplet, as
shown in Figure 8. The springs behave linearly for tensions less than 8.8 N with spring constant
28.9±0.7 N/cm, and begin to yield at 9.8 N. While tensions in the allowed range for this spring are
sufficient to ensure wire stability at the electric fields of interest, “bridges” connecting the wires
in triplets are provided every ∼10 cm, as shown in Figure 7. Individual wires in each triplet have
a roughly square cross section with width of 127±40 µ m due to tolerances in the photoetching
process. The unusual shape of the wires can be tolerated because the detector is operated at unity
Custom 0-80 UNF size screws on either end of a triplet anchor the spring connections to six
6 mm thick acrylic beams mounted in a hexagonal pattern onto a copper support ring, as shown
in Figure 9. Each U or V wire plane is stretched between two pairs of such acrylic beams, with
the two wire planes mounted on opposite sides of the beams. The thickness of the acrylic beams
– 12 –
Figure 8. A wire triplet installed on its support screw after forming the spring (in the actual detector, the
screws are threaded on acrylic supports). The screw is custom designed size 0-80 UNF, made out of phosphor
bronze. The inset shows the spring folding scheme.
defines the 6 mm spacing between U and V planes.
Screws on one end of each wire triplet are platinum-plated to improve electrical contact and are
tightened through the polyimide-based interconnect circuitry. Platinum instead of gold plating was
chosen in order to avoid potential 40 K contamination that was found in the gold-plating solution.
The screws on the other end of each wire triplet are un-plated, minimizing the amount of plating in
the detector. As the wire triplets contact the screws at a sharp edge, the resulting contact force was
deemed sufficient for the un-plated triplets. The length of the 19 wire-triplets varies linearly from
22.8 cm to 41.5 cm (anchoring screw to anchoring screw) along each acrylic block. Due to the
large coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of acrylic relative to copper and phosphor bronze (see
Table 1) and the mounting geometry of the acrylic beams on the copper support ring, the shortest
28 wire-triplets in each plane experience an increase in tension during cooling, while the remaining
10 experience a decrease. The shortest triplets stretch by 0.28%, and the longest shrink by 0.05%,
resulting in a change in tension during cooling ranging from approximately +1.8 N to −0.6 N.
Wire triplets were installed at room temperature with a tension between 2.9 N and 5.9 N,
verified by measuring their resonant frequency when excited by an AC current in the static magnetic
field provided by a large coil. The resulting tensions at LXe temperature are sufficient to keep wire
deflections below 0.1 mm for the maximum design voltage of 4000 V on the V plane.
– 13 –
Figure 9. A copper support ring (1) holds six acrylic blocks in a hexagonal pattern. U wires (2) are mounted
on one side of the acrylic blocks and V wires (not shown) are mounted on the opposite side (3) providing
a spacing of 6 mm between the wire planes. Four flexible cables (4) make the electrical connections to
platinum plated 0-80 UNF screws which anchor the wire triplets to each of four of the acrylic blocks.
Un-plated 0-80 UNF screws (5) serve to anchor the other end of the wires and are not used for electrical
3.2.2 Field cage
EXO-200 is designed to operate at a maximum drift field of 3.7 kV/cm. The drift region is a
cylinder of 18.3 cm radius and 38.4 cm length bound radially by the PTFE reflecting tiles installed
inside the field shaping rings and longitudinally by the opposite V wires.
The cathode is made out of the same phosphor bronze used for the wires, photoetched into
a grid with 90% optical transparency. Because of the maximum width of the phosphor bronze
CTE [µ m/(m·K)]
CA510 phosphor bronze
Table 1. Coefficients of thermal expansion of materials relevant to ionization wire construction
– 14 –
Figure 10. (a) One of the two phosphor bronze photoetched parts comprising the cathode. (b) The complete
cathode installed in the detector.
stock, two half-cathodes are employed, as shown in Figure 10. The parts were photoetched at Vaga
Industries in the same manner as the ionization wires, and utilize the same spring mechanism to
maintain tension during thermal cycling. The cathode is mounted on the last copper ring of one of
the two field cages. Twelve custom screws, identical to those used to install the U and V wires,
anchor the cathode to the copper ring. Four of these screws placed at opposite corners of each
half-cathode are platinum plated to improve electrical contact. A mated copper ring, structurally
completing the other field cage and electrically connected via platinum plated phosphor bronze leaf
springs, is not loaded with grids, producing the only nominal asymmetry in the setup.
In each field cage the electric field is graded in ten steps by copper field shaping rings. Each
ring is 0.97 cm long, and 37.4 cm in outer diameter, resulting in a radial clearance of 11 mm
between the rings (at high voltage) and the copper vessel (at ground). The pitch between rings is
1.69 cm. Two dimensional [33] simulations of this geometry, assuming exact cylindrical symmetry,
predict full electron collection from a cylinder with radius 0.8 cm smaller than that of the field
shaping rings. This corresponds to a total active LXe mass of 110 kg.
The schematic drawing of the field grading circuit is shown in Figure 23. Ten 900 MΩ resistors
grade the potential between rings (see Figure 11), dissipating a total of 0.6 W at 3.7 kV/cm. The
V wires are connected to the last ring through 900 MΩ and to ground with 450 MΩ, obtained as
the parallel of two of the resistors above. Individual V wires, that need to be read out, are further
decoupled from each other by smaller-value resistors that are external to the chamber. The 900 MΩ
resistors are custom made using thick film technology on 3.3 × 13.1 × 0.9 mm3 sapphire substrates
supplied by Swiss Jewel Co [37]. Resistors were fabricated by Piconics [38] using DuPont [39]
resistive and conductive pastes. 200 resistors were produced, from which two of the thirteen most
closely matched sets were chosen for installation. The RMS dispersion for each of the two sets of
resistors is 0.6%.
The field cages including the resistors are supported by acrylic “combs” cantilevered off the
copper support ring to which the wire and LAAPD planes are anchored. Contact with each field
shaping ring and between resistors is made by platinum plated phosphor bronze springs, photo
etched in the same manner as the ionization wires. The PTFE reflector tiles are mounted on the
same acrylic combs and cover the resistor chain.
– 15 –
Figure 11. The resistor chain which grades the electric field in each TPC. Platinum plated phosphor bronze
springs make contact between the resistors and field shaping rings. The chain and field shaping rings are
mounted on acrylic “combs” (that also support the PTFE reflective tiles, not shown here).
3.2.3 High voltage feedthrough
Because of the background requirements, a special high voltage (HV) feedthrough to the cathode
was developed for EXO-200.
A HV delivery conduit is provided by a 5/8 inch copper pipe welded to the body of the TPC
on one end, to the inner (cold) hatch of the cryostat and, after a jog, to the outer (warm) hatch of
the cryostat. This pipe effectively extends the TPC volume out of the cryostat, to room temperature, about 1.5 m away from the TPC. The inner part (2.7 mm diameter solid copper conductor
and 9.5 mm diameter polyethylene dielectric) of a RG217 coaxial cable (from Pasternack Enterprises [40]) is inserted in this conduit, so that a final section of the cable, with the dielectric removed, makes contact with a spring-loaded receptacle embedded in a large PTFE block, as shown
in Figure 12. The platinum plated receptacle and leaf spring are made, respectively, of copper and
phosphor bronze [36], while the PTFE is the same DuPont TE-6472 material used for the reflective
tiles. A tab on the receptacle penetrates the PTFE block making contact with a platinum plated
photo etched phosphor bronze leaf spring mounted on the cathode ring, as illustrated in Figure 13.
The HV delivery conduit is sealed at room temperature with a Swagelok compression fitting
around the polyethylene dielectric of the cable. Great care in making the Swagelok connection and
the selection of a favorable region of cable are essential for obtaining a He-leak tight seal. This
arrangement also relies on the fact that, apparently, the polyethylene extrusion over the solid copper
– 16 –
Figure 12. The high voltage delivery system: the phosphor bronze leaf spring in the copper receptacle (1).
Both components are platinum plated. The receptacle is embedded in a PTFE block (2) and mounted in a
special copper adapter (3) connecting the TPC body to the copper tube (4) guiding the high voltage cable
from the outside.
conductor provides a He-leak tight seal. Xenon fills the space between the HV delivery conduit and
the cable, in liquid phase at the low temperature and in gas phase at room temperature, with the
liquid-gas interface at some intermediate location. The polyethylene of the cable dielectric was not
baked and purged in dry nitrogen before use. In order to flush away oxygen desorbing from the
plastic, a connection was provided at the room temperature end of the feedthrough so that efficient
pumping and recirculation could be established.
The polyethylene and copper of the HV cable were certified for radioactivity content like all
other components. The total mass density of the cable is 1.11 g/cm, with 59.5 cm of it located
within the volume of the cryostat inner vessel.
3.2.4 High voltage instabilities
While the entire HV system was nominally designed to work up to 75 kV (3.7 kV/cm field), operations above 9 to 14 kV have shown instabilities that manifest themselves as ∼mV-scale glitches
on the HV feed line. Various tests appear to hint that the problem is due to some corona discharge,
possibly on the sharp edges of various photoetched parts. Although conditioning cycles may heal
this problem, the physics limitations of a lower field are not regarded as sufficient to justify the risk
associated with conditioning. The HV system is operated stably at 8 kV, and it is unlikely that a
– 17 –
Figure 13. Platinum plated leaf spring connecting the HV feed to the cathode ring. The other field cage
(with no cathode grid installed, is connected with a similar leaf spring.
better understanding of the glitch phenomenon will be available until a substantial low background
data set is in hand.
3.3 Detector wiring
Electrical connections are a substantial challenge in the EXO-200 design. For reasons of practicality the decision was made to use warm electronics behind the HFE-7000 and the lead shielding,
about 1 m away from the readout wires and LAAPDs. This choice eliminated the effort of designing
low background electronics at the expense of substantial wiring. Traditional connections, including solder joints, were deemed too radioactive and a potential risk of xenon contamination with
electronegative impurities. Instead, electrical connections were made using 18 µ m thick copper
traces on flat, 25 µ m polyimide flexible cables. The cables were photo etched from adhesive-free
polyimide flexible copper clad laminate [41] purchased through Nippon Steel Chemical Co. [42].
The same technique was used for two types of interconnections: cable panels were used to group
and route signals and bias voltages in the pancake-shaped volume behind the LAAPDs and long
cable strips are used to bring signals out and bias voltages to the TPC via six rectangular copper
tubes (referred to as “legs”) welded between the inner hatch of the cryostat and either end of the
TPC vessel. The legs also support the TPC from the inner cryostat hatch and, in two cases, are used
– 18 –
Figure 14. Acrylic “Tee” blocks (indicated in blue) and “Vee” blocks (indicated in black) used to mate
panels with long cables. The number of channel connections made on each block is indicated.
to pump down the TPC and feed and recirculate the xenon. On each end of the TPC, flat cables servicing the U wires, V wires and LAAPDs travel in separate tubes. Connections to the copper traces
are made using platinum plated phosphor bronze springs or 0-80 UNF screws pressing together
copper traces.
Each of the four U and V wire planes makes contact with two short flexible cables, each carrying 19 channels (see Figure 9). Each LAAPD plane makes contact to six short flexible cables, five
carrying six channels and one carrying seven channels (see Figure 5). The four pairs of ionization
interconnects each mate with a cable on two acrylic “Vee”-shaped blocks bolted to the LAAPD
platter (see Figure 14). Each of the two sets of six LAAPD interconnects similarly mate with an
LAAPD cable on two “Tee”-shaped acrylic blocks. The mounting of the acrylic blocks is designed
to permit thermal expansion.
Some of the steps in the fabrication of one of the long cables are shown in Figure 15. Each
cable is made up of several strips that are then “rolled” into a cable bundle, appropriately shaped
for insertion in one of the rectangular legs. Since the 25 µ m polyimide substrate cannot withstand
the maximum voltage that may be applied between different layers (4 kV in the case of the V wires
bias), sheets of 0.71 mm thick TE-6472 PTFE insulators are sandwiched in the cable folds.
Some of the cable layers include traces while others are solid conducting planes serving a
variety of purposes. In the case of connections to the U (charge collection) wires that sit at virtual
– 19 –
Figure 15. Examples of long cables. (1) Features at the head of the cable that mate with acrylic “Vee”
blocks. (2) Conducting planes used to mitigate microphonic noise and improve electrical connections. (3)
The cable bundled with PTFE insulators. (4) Coverlay applied to the portions of the cables outside of the
inner vessel of the cryostat.
ground, such planes provide 50 mΩ ground connections for the TPC. In the case of connections for
the V (induction) wires the conducting planes are biased at the same high voltage as the wires they
are servicing, greatly reducing microphonics that would result from a vibrating conductor at high
potential in close proximity to a ground. Finally, in the case of the LAAPD cables, one conducting
plane provides the ∼-1.4 kV bias to the support platter. Its large width provides a low inductance
AC return path, required by the very short ∼50 ns rise time of the LAAPD signals. While such a
plane has to run close to the LAAPD signal lines to reduce the effect of ground loops, a second
plane at the LAAPD trim potential (≤200 V) is located between the HV plane and the signal lines,
again to reduce potential microphonic effects.
The trace patterns on the U and V wire cables are very similar. Guard traces are interspersed
between signal traces and differentially used in the front-end electronics. The trace pitch is 1 mm,
with a trace width of 0.5 mm. There are 2 mm of bare polyimide beyond the edges of the outermost
traces, for a total cable width of 43.5 mm. The 37 traces on each LAAPD cable are split among
– 20 –
Figure 16. A view of one end of the TPC before sealing the copper vessel. The path and connections of V
wire cables are indicated in red. Blue (green) indicates the path and connections of the U wires (LAAPD)
three strips, and guard traces are omitted. This allows a trace pitch of 3 mm.
Trace resistance for all of the cables was measured to be ∼20 mΩ/cm, resulting in a total
resistance of ∼5 Ω for each trace. The capacitance between signal and guard traces on U and V
cables was measured to be 30 pF. Pyralux FR Coverlay [43] was applied to the outermost 68.6 cm
of each cable, starting after the cables exit the inner cryostat hatch feedthrough. These coverlays
further insulate the conductor traces and increase cable robustness.
Figure 16 shows the back of one assembled detector end. The connections that the three
cable bundles make at the back of the detector plane are highlighted. Also visible in the figure
are additional PTFE protectors constraining the cables and interconnects and preventing electrical
shorts. A set of two PTFE half-circles is finally installed, as shown in Figure 17, further separating
the wiring system from the copper bulkhead that is subsequently welded in place. Holes in the
PTFE half-circles improve LXe circulation and hence aid the purification process. To further reduce
the risk of electric breakdown the copper legs containing the cables bundles are lined with 0.71 mm
thick PTFE sheet.
All EXO-200 flexible cables were photoetched by FlexCTech [44] under close supervision
of EXO personnel stationed at the facility during the entire production. Gloves, fresh chemicals,
and new chemical containers were used, though cupric chloride, the principal etchant, was not
replaced in the machines because of cost considerations. Several isopropanol rinses were added
to the standard process and, in addition, all cables were subject to a post-production plasma etch.
– 21 –
Figure 17. Two perforated PTFE half-circles separate the wiring system from the copper bulkheads.
Unlike all other components providing electrical contact, the flexible cables were not platinum
plated, in consideration of the very delicate nature of the copper traces. Cables were always stored
in nitrogen boil-off atmosphere to prevent oxidation.
Feedthroughs for the flexible cables transitioning from the LXe volume to the cryostat insulation vacuum and from the vacuum to the external atmosphere are formed in special copper flanges
at the end of each leg (see Figure 18). Two of the six flanges include a copper bypass for the
circulation of the xenon. On the cold (warm) hatch, the flanges are sealed using indium plated
phosphor bronze sprung gaskets [45] (silicone o-rings). The cable feedthroughs are made using a
low outgassing two component epoxy by Master Bond [46]. The fabrication of each feedthrough
– 22 –
Figure 18. View of warm and cold cable feedthroughs, as installed. (1) Cold flange that makes the seal
from LXe to vacuum, showing acrylic cup filled with epoxy. (2) Temporary bracket holding the warm flange
during TPC transportation and installation. (3) Warm flange making the seal from the cryostat insulation
vacuum to atmosphere. (4) PTFE strain relief. The service loop shown is in the insulation vacuum of the
cryostat. The warm flanges are sealed against the inside face of the warm cryostat hatch.
is a two step process. First, U-shaped acrylic parts are bonded to the cables using a very small
amount of epoxy, forming a sealed cup. Liquid epoxy was then poured into the cup, bonding the
cables and cup to a 0.5 mm thick copper lip on each flange. Since the use of epoxies with thermal
expansion properties matching those of copper is excluded by the high radioactivity content of the
fillers surveyed, a substantial differential contraction at the feedthroughs is accepted by providing
the thin and compliant copper lip.
3.4 The TPC vessel
A thin-walled quasi-cylindrical copper vessel houses the TPC and the LXe. One of the design goals
of this vessel was to maximize the usage of the enriched Xe. Hence the central portion of the vessel,
closely surrounding the field cage, flares out at the two ends to contain the wire planes, LAAPD
planes and their wiring. The vessel, built out of the same low background copper used for other
components and the cryostat, was designed to be very thin and hence light, owing to its proximity
to the fiducial volume. In most regions the vessel is only 1.37 mm thick, resulting in a total copper
mass of < 30 kg. Stiffening ribs are provided for structural reasons. While only one vessel was
completed and hence no destructive test was made, extensive finite element analysis, validated by
small deflection measurements on some components, found that the vessel should be capable of
withstanding explosive or implosive pressures of 33 kPa with a comfortable safety factor. Because
of the many welds used in the construction, the copper was assumed to be mechanically equivalent
– 23 –
to the weakest high purity annealed copper listed in the ASME Code (C10200 SB-187 copper
rod), with minimum specified yield strength of 42 MPa and minimum specified tensile strength
of 150 MPa. Buoyancy and liquid head effects were considered in the calculations. All realistic
combinations of full and empty vessel and cryostat were examined.
All copper parts are made from 5 mm or 26 mm low background stock material. All welds are
of the electron-beam type, except for the ones connecting the legs to the inner cryostat hatch and
final field welds to close the two bulkheads. The central cylindrical part of the vessel was obtained
by rolling a 5 mm plate, welding it and then turning both inside and outside to obtain the nominal
1.37 mm thickness (except for two stiffening hoops and a socket feature at each end). The inner
diameter of this cylindrical section is 39.62 cm. The bore for the HV feedthrough was then added.
Each of the flared regions was obtained by machining two conical sections from 26 mm stock and
welding them together. Weld preparation features were provided to mate the cylindrical section
and the legs. Special features to anchor the field cages and the wire planes and LAAPD platters
were also provided in the flared sections. The six legs (with three different cross sections for the
different cable bundles and, in two cases, the pump out access and Xe recirculation) were also made
by carving 26 mm and 5 mm stock and then welding them in a clam-shell configuration. Finally,
larger cylinders of 45.47 mm inner diameter were rolled and machined, using the same technique
as the central cylinder, to provide weld lips for the final field weld. Substantial fixtures were built
to hold different parts together during the electron-beam welding process. The completed vessel is
shown in Figure 19.
Before inserting the TPC components, the vessel was welded to the cold hatch of the cryostat
along with the tube sections comprising the HV feedthrough using a TIG welding technique (see
Figure 16). The two bulkheads were carved out of 26 mm stock. Star-shaped reinforcements were
then electron-beam welded on, along with a cylindrical part, designed to mate, from the inside,
with the ones mounted on each end of the vessel. Once installed, the inner surfaces of the end caps
are separated by 44.5 cm.
The LXe vessel is constructed from high purity electrolytic copper cast at Norddeutsche
Affinerie (now Aurubis) in Hamburg Germany [19]. Copper for the vessel was in large part machined using a computer numerical control mill and a manual lathe, both sited under a shallow
overburden of ∼ 7 m water equivalent. Only new carbide tools and ValCool VP-700-005-B [47]
coolant diluted with deionized water were used. All copper parts were degreased and etched between processing steps and at the end, before inserting the TPC components.
Construction of the copper vessel required 47 welds, for a total of 2151 cm of welds. The great
majority (2058 cm) were electron beam welds made at Applied Fusion [48]. In total, the welding
at Applied Fusion took less than two days at sea level. The remaining 93 cm (final two bulkhead
field welds, and the connection of the HV tube to the HV feedthrough on the barrel) were TIG
welded in a class 1000 cleanroom environment in the shielded building. Ceriated (as opposed to
thoriated) tungsten tips were used for TIG welding to avoid transfer of radioactivity to the copper.
Specially designed cooling clamps were used to limit the temperature of the copper surrounding the
welds. This was particularly important for the final welds, sealing the detector after all components
had been inserted. As illustrated in Figure 20, this weld was done piece-meal, while moving the
cooling clamp around the circumference. The two long weld lips designed for this seal are designed
to allow cutting and re-welding of each bulkhead three times. The use of a weld for the final seal
– 24 –
Figure 19. The completed LXe vessel before etching and welding to the cold hatch of the cryostat.
of the detector eliminates the need for low-background, cryogenic gaskets and has proven to be a
reliable solution. Special provisions were made to He-leak check the various welds.
3.5 Calibration source guide tube
In order to understand the response of the TPC to ionizing radiation, calibrations with radioactive
γ -ray sources (137 Cs, 60 Co, and 228 Th) need to be performed. The sources must be placed close
enough to the detector to have large full absorption efficiencies in the active detector volume. This
is achieved by inserting sources in a copper guide tube that wraps around the outside of the LXe
vessel in the HFE-7000 volume (see Figure 21). The sources can then be deployed to a known
location along the length of this tube in order to access various external points around the detector.
– 25 –
Figure 20. One the two bulkheads being TIG welded to the TPC vessel body. The weld is performed
piecemeal in the region cooled by the clamp at the 2 o’clock position.
4. Background control
The criteria used for the design and assembly of EXO-200 were largely dictated by the need to
control backgrounds due to various types of radioactivity. The primary methods for controlling
backgrounds consist of carefully selecting construction materials, reducing surface contamination
by special handling and treatment, providing adequate shielding against external radioactivity, and
limiting cosmic ray activation during construction and transportation of critical components.
4.1 Bulk contamination and material screening
Progressively cleaner materials were chosen for the construction of detector components closer
to the LXe volume and, in general, all components inside of the main 25 cm thick lead shielding were screened for radioactivity. To simplify this task, low background detector components
were designed to be made from a small number of materials: copper, phosphor bronze and silicon
bronze for electrically conducting parts, acrylic (obtained from the SNO Collaboration), PTFE and
polyimide substrates for dielectrics, in addition to the LAAPDs. Additional materials were used in
carefully controlled small quantities, including silicone vacuum grease (outside the LXe volume),
platinum and indium plating and aluminum, MgF2 , and gold coatings. Silica optical fibers were
– 26 –
Figure 21. Calibration guide tube position around the LXe vessel.
used to carry light signals directly into the TPC. The high voltage cable was made with an extruded
polyethylene dielectric.
The radioactivity screening was performed with a variety of techniques, including Neutron
Activation Analysis (NAA), Gas Discharge Mass Spectrometry (GD-MS), Inductively Coupled
Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), low background γ -ray spectroscopy, alpha counting, and
222 Rn and 220 Rn counting. Over 400 materials were screened for EXO-200 [18].
Bulk contamination in the two Xe supplies (natural and enriched) was not measured beforehand because of the difficulty of reaching the required sensitivity. However, Xe can be purified in
situ using two SAES MonoTorr hot zirconium getters [49], which are expected to remove in one
pass electronegative impurities at or below the ppb level. Kr contamination was measured by mass
spectroscopy during the detector filling and, as expected, was found to be substantial in the natural
Xe and drastically reduced in the enr Xe, as reported in [26]. The corresponding measurements of
85 Kr from the early EXO-200 data confirm such results, assuming the average concentration of
85 Kr in atmospheric Kr. Radon emanation from various components was screened with a dedicated
array of seven ultra-low background electrostatic counters [50, 51, 52]. All PTFE installed in the
detector volume was baked under a nitrogen purge to drive out volatile impurities. All detector
components wetted by the LXe were stored under dry nitrogen for more than 6 months before
the detector was filled with LXe. This is believed to be important to achieve good electron drift
lifetimes in a short time after detector cool down.
4.2 Surface contamination and cleaning
Special care was taken throughout the detector assembly process to protect detector materials from
surface contamination. The detector was assembled in a class 1000 cleanroom under a shallow
(∼7 m water equivalent) concrete overburden. All machining of low-background components was
– 27 –
done with new carbide tools and always using gloves. The only coolants or lubricants allowed were
alcohol and Valenite ValCool VP700 [47] that had been counted beforehand.
Before installation, all detector components received thorough surface treatment, both to remove radioactive surface contaminants and to degrease surfaces for optimal electron lifetime. The
standard procedure consisted of the following steps:
1. Degreasing rinse using acetone (small parts underwent ultrasonic cleaning while immersed
for ∼15 min, followed by a rinse with fresh solvent). Materials incompatible with acetone
did not receive this treatment.
2. Rinse using ethanol, a less aggressive degreasing solvent (small parts underwent ultrasonic
cleaning while immersed for ∼15 min, followed by a rinse with fresh solvent). Isopropanol
was substituted for ethanol when cleaning materials incompatible with ethanol. Both ethanol
and isopropanol can be purchased commercially [53] in a form more pure than acetone.
3. 0.5 M - 1.5 M HNO3 rinse. Copper and copper-based alloys underwent the more dilute
treatment. In some cases, 1-2 M HCl was substituted (for example, in the case of the flexible cables due to the very thin copper traces). The HNO3 and HCl used were 15.8 M and
11.7 M trace-metal grade [54], and diluted using deionized water with measured resistivity
of 18 MΩ·cm, produced on site.
4. Rinse with 18 MΩ·cm deionized water.
5. From the time of final cleaning, all TPC components were stored under nitrogen boil-off
The efficacy of the cleaning procedure for copper was measured directly by wipe testing.
Whatman Grade-42 filter papers [55] were prepared by soaking for 12 to 24 hr in 2 M HNO3 to
reduce their Th and U content. They were then used to soak up 0.1 M HNO3 spread over ∼45 cm2
of treated copper. ICP-MS analysis of these filter papers revealed a surface contamination limit of
< 2 pg/cm2 for both U and Th.
The surface cleaning procedure was modified for several components:
• HCl, which does not react with copper, replaced HNO3 for the treatment of the fully machined and welded TPC because of the concern that HNO3 would be difficult to rinse from
small cavities near the many welds and would eventually damage the vessel. Because of the
difficulty of actively drying the finished vessel a final ethanol rinse was added to displace
the rinse water which, in the long term, could have conceivably oxidized and corroded the
• Many components of the TPC were commercially photoetched from phosphor bronze foil.
The photoetching process introduced contaminants deep into the surface of the final parts. A
modified cleaning procedure was developed for these parts, consisting of a rinse in methanol,
followed by a deionized water rinse, then three consecutive 10 min soaks in 3 M HNO3 , each
followed by a deionized water rinse. A 15% loss of sample mass was observed in using this
procedure. Several photoetched components were platinum plated for improved electrical
– 28 –
contact. Once plated, the standard cleaning procedure was applied before installation into the
TPC. Those components that were not platinum plated received one final rinse in 1 M HCl,
followed by a rinse in deionized water and a rinse in ethanol just prior to installation.
• HCl replaced HNO3 when cleaning the flexible cables used to carry signals out of the TPC.
A final rinse in ethanol was added to minimize copper oxidation after the deionized water
• LAAPDs were left uncleaned from the manufacturer. Intrinsic radioactivity measurements
were also done, consistently, on uncleaned devices.
• Acrylic parts were machined “dry” using a special air-cooling device and received the standard procedure substituting a 25% Isopropanol solution for Acetone and Ethanol, and 1 M HCl
for HNO3 .
• The outer surface of the cryostat was cleaned using the standard cleaning procedure. The
inner surfaces of the cryostat were cleaned using the standard procedure during fabrication,
and once received were cleaned again inside a class 1000 cleanroom using only steps 1-2 of
the standard procedure (because of concerns that a complete acid removal from welds was
difficult to achieve).
• Superinsulation from Sheldahl [56] with single sided aluminization is used between the walls
of the cryostat. The superinsulation is extremely fragile, and so was not cleaned once received from the manufacturer. Intrinsic radioactivity measurements were performed without
prior cleaning and indicated an acceptable cleanliness. The superinsulation was handled only
in a class 1000 cleanroom.
• Lead shielding bricks were painted with an epoxy and treated with steps 1-2 of the standard
cleaning procedure only.
4.3 Passive shielding and Rn enclosure
Nested layers of passive shielding isolate the LXe from external radioactivity in EXO-200. Shielding layers are selected to be progressively cleaner as they get closer to the active Xe volume. The
innermost shielding is provided by a ≥ 50 cm thick layer of HFE-7000 [20] contained in the inner
vessel of the cryostat. The two nested vessels of the cryostat provide further shielding of 5.4 cm of
copper. Finally, the outermost shielding layer is made out of 25 cm of interlocking low radioactivity
lead blocks. The radioactivity content of all shielding materials is given in [18].
All services enter the cryostat from the front hatches, through penetrations in the primary
lead shielding wall. In order to mask the direct line of sight, the services undergo a 90◦ bend
immediately outside of such a wall. A secondary 20 cm thick lead wall is then built. Services are
made out of low activity materials up to the region past the 90◦ bend, beyond which conventional
materials (mainly stainless steel) are used. The front-end electronics, built out of conventional (non
low-background) components, are mounted between the two lead walls and out of the direct line
of site of the TPC. The general shielding layout of EXO-200 is shown in Figure 2.
– 29 –
The lead for the EXO-200 shielding was purchased from the Doe Run Company [57] and
cast and machined by JL Goslar [58]. Different shapes and sizes of blocks were used for different
regions of the shielding. Gaps between blocks measured <1 mm, with no direct line of sight
through the shield once both front walls are installed. A 10 µ m clear epoxy coating encapsulates
each brick, maintaining clean and oxide-free surfaces.
A 0.8 mm thick stainless steel sheet metal enclosure surrounds the lead shielding for future
use to displace the radon from the volume of air inside the lead shield.
4.4 Cosmic-ray veto system
The vertical cosmic-ray muon flux has been measured to be (3.10 ± 0.07) × 10−7 s−1 cm−2 sr−1 at
WIPP [21]. Muons traversing the TPC are easily rejected as a background by their large energy
deposition and track-like signals. However, an external veto system is required to reject muon
bremsstrahlung and γ -rays emitted by the prompt relaxation of nuclear excitations; the latter being
induced in the detector components and shielding by passing cosmic-ray muons and spallation
neutrons. This was achieved by an array of plastic scintillator panels externally installed on four
of the six sides of the clean room module containing the TPC, as shown in Figure 2. Thirty-one
5 cm thick Bicron BC-412 plastic scintillator panels were obtained from the KARMEN neutrino
oscillation experiment [59] for this purpose. Eleven of the panels are 375 cm long by 65 cm wide;
twenty are 315 cm long by 65 cm wide. The panels are equipped with 180◦ light guides at each
end. Each panel end is read out by four 2” Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) glued with optical cement
to the light guides. Panels are wrapped in crinkled aluminum foil to increase the light collection.
The underside of each panel is covered by 4 cm of borated polyethylene (5% loading by mass). The
polyethylene not only provides structural support to the panel but acts as a partial thermal neutron
shield for the TPC. Before installation at WIPP, all panels were refurbished, tested, and calibrated.
A total of 29 panels were installed.
A total of 232 Philips model XP2262 PMTs are used in the veto detector, gain matched in
groups of four. PMTs on each panel end are powered by a single HV channel and readout together.
Voltages between 1.4 and 1.7 kV are provided by a CAEN Model Sy527 universal multichannel
power supply system, resulting in an average PMT gain of 4.96 × 106 , with a standard deviation of
2.6%. A dedicated readout module accepts analog signals from the 58 channels, applies a threshold
and reports the pattern of channels above threshold for inclusion in the TPC data stream.
The efficiency of the veto detector for muons traversing the TPC was projected to be greater
than 95% using simulation and measured, from early EXO-200 data, to be (96.0 ± 0.5)%. The
main source of inefficiency is the incomplete coverage of the clean room by the scintillator panels.
4.5 Activation control and installation
Cosmic-ray activation of various detector components is a common concern in low-background
experiments. Given the large amount of copper in EXO-200, the production of 60 Co is particularly
insidious. The copper cryostat and all copper TPC components were made from two production
batches of high purity electrolytic copper [19] rolled into 26 mm and 5 mm plates. The first batch of
copper was used to make the cryostat, containing ∼2700 kg of copper. The cryostat was machined
in Grenoble, France [60] with components stored in a shallow underground site during production.
– 30 –
The cryostat and remaining copper were then shipped to the United States by surface and stored
for over a year under a ∼7 m water equivalent concrete overburden. After installation in the clean
room and initial testing, the entire setup was shipped to WIPP by road in 2008 (about 24 hrs at sea
level) and then stored underground for three years before the beginning of the low background data
Most TPC and copper vessel components were machined from the first batch of copper. A
second batch of copper was produced and used to machine several components of the copper vessel.
After casting, the copper ingot was stored for 90 days in a concrete bunker at DESY [61], waiting
for rolling into the 26 mm and 5 mm plates. The copper then spent 20 days at sea level during
the rolling process and was transported to the United States by sea in a 2 m water equivalent
shielded shipping container, taking 45 days. The machining of all copper components of the TPC
was performed under 7 m water equivalent overburden in a dedicated machine shop. The only
exception was the electron-beam welding process for which the components spent an integrated
time of < 2 days at sea level.
The TPC, including the copper vessel welded to the inner cryostat hatch, was shipped to WIPP
in November 2009. In preparation for transportation to WIPP, the TPC was purged with a 14 kPa
overpressure of boil-off nitrogen. It was then sealed in three layers of 150 µ m thick class 100
polyethylene film and enclosed in an aluminum sheet metal box for protection. To protect the TPC
from shocks and vibrations during the 2100 km road trip from Stanford University to WIPP, the
TPC was mounted to a specially designed vibration-damping pallet.
Cosmic ray activation of detector components during shipping was minimized by optimizing
the driving route and housing the TPC in the same shielded container built for the copper transportation. The concrete thickness was optimized to saturate the maximum allowed load on a standard
non-escorted vehicle (∼ 40 tons). According to FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations [62] and tabulated cross sections, the vault reduced the 60 Co production from cosmic radiation by a factor of
3.7 ± 0.24, as discussed in more detail below. The TPC was underground for 18 months before the
start of the low background data taking.
The TPC was installed in the cryostat in January 2010. The installation was done using a
custom machine with three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom, as shown in Figure 22. Load cells were used to measure the weight and pitch of the detector-hatch system throughout the installation process. Laser cross-hair generators were used for alignment of the hatch with
the cryostat bolt holes.
5. Background modeling
A detector Monte Carlo model based on GEANT 3.21 [63] was developed to inform the material
selection and detector design. This was done with the goal of creating a simulation tool flexible
enough to follow frequent early design changes and select materials on the basis of their background contribution.
Complex decay sequences were modeled by custom-coded event generators in order to include particle correlations. All decays were modeled as fully stochastic in terms of their sequence,
energy, and particle content. β decays were modeled using realistic spectral parameterizations.
Spectral corrections for unique forbidden decays were implemented while non-unique decays were
– 31 –
Figure 22. The EXO-200 TPC on the installation jig, being inserted in the cryostat.
modeled as allowed. The detector response was modeled schematically, folding the simulated energy deposits in the LXe with Gaussian response functions in both energy (σ /E = 1.5% at the
double beta decay endpoint) and space (σ = 1 cm).
A simplified event reconstruction was setup to form event vertexes as the energy-deposit
weighted sum over all interaction points. Event multiplicity cuts were performed on a phenomenological track length variable defined, separately, for each coordinate, as the largest distance between
any points along a track. This is basically the smallest coordinate box that can contain the event.
Analysis tracking cuts were made in each of the three variables independently. Multi-site events
were identified by track lengths in excess of 2 cm.
For each candidate material the radioactivity was measured and its impact on the detector
design estimated using the simulation. As the detector design and construction spanned a period of
several years, the final estimate of the full background was only available at the end of the process.
In order to provide guidance along the design and selection process the following criteria were
generally enforced: large components, external to the TPC and forming significant shielding layers,
were allowed to contribute no more than 10% of the allowable total zero neutrino background rate;
internal TPC components (of which there are many) were allotted a 1% background contribution;
a 1% tolerance was also applied to small external parts. In general these restrictions were strictly
applied to generic parts (seeking different stock if needed) but somewhat relaxed for a few essential
– 32 –
Average specific Activity [Bq/kg]
2νβ β background
0νβ β background
40 K
232 Th
238 U
60 ± 47
0.54 ± 0.42
0.76 ± 0.69
548 ± 11
Table 2. Average specific activities found in 23 salt samples taken from WIPP and their impact on the EXO200 background. The error quoted on the specific activity reflects standard deviation in sample to sample
components that would have been too hard to replace. The overall background allowance was
set both in terms of impact of the 0νβ β and 2νβ β . The background in an energy interval of
Qβ β ± 2σ (Qβ β ) (the 0νβ β analysis window) was limited to 33 events/yr in a 110 kg active Xe
mass, the expected event rate for 136 Xe consistent with the claim by [9] in their early publications.
The background in the 2νβ β analysis region (400–2000 keV) was limited to 26400 events per
year, consistent with the upper limit [64] available at the time of construction. In practice the
requirements for the 0νβ β tend to constrain the Th and U content of materials, while the 2νβ β
provides looser constraints but is affected by 40 K contamination.
5.1 γ -ray leakage through passive shield
A total of 23 salt samples were collected at WIPP and subsequently counted, using a shielded Ge
detector, to establish the activity environment in the detector area. Table 2 lists the average specific
activities with standard deviations dominated by the sample to sample differences.
To calculate the salt-related background by Monte Carlo, a boosting scheme was developed
in order to reduce the computational time to a manageable level. To decouple the solid angle
calculation from the radiation transport through the passive lead and copper shielding, 2.6 MeV γ radiation was tracked, from its point of origin somewhere in the salt, until it reached any of the outer
surfaces of the lead shield. The energy and direction of the γ -ray were then histogrammed and the
hit efficiency recorded. The radiation transport through the shield was simulated after accumulating
sufficient statistics to produce a full γ -ray flux field at the outer surface of the lead shielding. This
flux field was then treated as a probability distribution from which to sample background radiation
at the surface of the lead shield. Since this procedure neglects energy-direction correlations its
validity was verified by a comparison with the full simulation for a reduced, 10 cm thick lead
shield. The two methods agreed to within 30%, and the boosting scheme was found to increase the
LXe hit efficiency by a factor of 400.
Isotropic 2.615 MeV γ -radiation was simulated with starting points homogeneously distributed
within a 1 m thick salt layer around the experimental hall. This thickness is essentially infinite as
87% of the photons that hit the detector were found to originate within the first 20 cm of salt. The
thickness of the lead shield was set by the background requirements discussed above. The projected
backgrounds from the salt are also listed in Table 2. Lower energy γ -rays from the salt were found
to give negligible contributions to the background.
5.2 Backgrounds from the detector components
The activity of various detector components, some of which are reported in [18], along with their
– 33 –
masses, were used as inputs for the simulation. Decay generators were developed to model all of
the branches of the 238 U and 232 Th decay series (with > 1% branching ratio) and the beta decay
of 40 K. The full decay generators were employed to simulate natural radioactivity in the materials
installed within the TPC and the TPC itself. To reduce computation time, only the γ -rays were
modeled for materials located outside of the TPC. In all but one case (210 Pb, see below), the 238 U
and 232 Th decay series were assumed to be in secular equilibrium. Table 3 shows the activities,
quantities, and impact on the 0νβ β and 2νβ β of detector components with largest impact.
A special case is 210 Pb that is accumulated in the massive lead shield. Its concentration in the
EXO-200 lead was determined by α counting to be 30 Bq/kg for a total activity of roughly 2 MBq.
A truncated model of the 238 U series, starting with 210 Pb, was used to look for bremsstrahlung
and a low probability 803 keV γ -ray produced by the subsequent decays of 210 Bi and 210 Po. This
results in < 800 events/yr in the 2νβ β analysis region, with slightly more stemming directly from
the 210 Po γ -ray. Due to the low energies involved, these decays do not contribute to the 0νβ β
analysis region.
5.3 External radon
The background impact of radon (222 Rn), present in the air inside the lead shielding, was also estimated with the GEANT 3.21 Monte Carlo simulation. The air used for the decay vertex generation
had a volume of 204 L, dominated by a gap between the front end of the cryostat and the lead wall.
This space is required by the routing of various feedthroughs and services to the detector.
To decrease computation time, only the γ -ray emissions from the 238 U decay series after 222 Rn
were simulated. An upper limit on the 222 Rn concentration allowable in the air inside the lead
shielding of 2 mBq/L was set by requiring fewer than 0.3 counts/yr (1% of the target rate) in the
0νβ β analysis region. Measurements of radon in the clean room air indicate an average activity
about three times this level which favors, for the future, the purging of the volume inside the lead
shield with reduced radon air.
5.4 Cosmogenic radioactivity
As discussed, care was taken to prevent excessive cosmogenic activation of metals used in the
detector construction and, in particular, the large copper parts. Backgrounds from the decay of
60 Co, 58 Co, 56 Co, 54 Mn, 59 Fe, and 65 Zn were all studied. The GEANT 3.21 simulation was used
to determine the potential background impact of these radioisotopes contained in the copper parts.
Only 56 Co has a single emission above the 0νβ β endpoint. However, 60 Co produces coincident
γ -rays with a total energy above Qβ β and sources near the detector can result in the detection of
both γ -rays at the same site. All of the isotopes discussed in this section can contribute to the 2νβ β
– 34 –
2ν background [counts/yr]
Radioactivity [mBq]
– 35 –
Bronze cathode
Bronze wires
Other bronze
Flat cables
in TPC
in TPC legs
Teflon reflectors
Teflon behind APDs
Acrylic spacers
and insulators
Field cage resistors
Cu TPC legs
HV cable
Cu calibration
Cu wire calibration
tube support
Cu cryostat
cryogenic fluid
Pb brick paint
Pb shielding
518 units
0.010 kg
0.083 kg
0.314 kg
< 0.13
< 0.019
< 0.16
< 0.6
7406 cm2
10825 cm2
1.530 kg
3.375 kg
< 0.9†
< 1.4†
0.087 ± 0.010
0.193 ± 0.021
1.460 kg
20 units
32.736 kg
6.944 kg
0.091 kg
< 0.14
< 0.08
< 60
< 12
0ν background [counts/yr]
< 0.09
0.00108 ± 0.00019
0.0090 ± 0.0015
0.0176 ± 0.0027
< 0.011
0.00364 ± 0.00021
0.0302 ± 0.0017
0.107 ± 0.006
< 39
< 340
< 50
< 120
< 310
28 ± 5
32 ± 6
63 ± 10
< 340
193 ± 11
84 ± 5
295 ± 17
< 1.0
0.0071 ± 0.0012
0.110 ± 0.019
0.216 ± 0.033
< 1.5
1.11 ± 0.06
0.370 ± 0.021
1.30 ± 0.08
0.43 ± 0.06
0.76 ± 0.09
< 0.008
< 0.017
< 250
< 19
40 ± 4
51 ± 6
< 220
< 10
< 12
< 15
1080 ± 160
76 ± 9
< 60
< 82
< 0.8
< 0.07
< 0.034
< 0.06
4.6 ± 0.7
0.262 ± 0.032
< 0.32
< 0.35
< 290
< 0.5
< 2600
< 33
< 150
< 0.37
< 0.009
< 0.10
< 0.07
< 1.6
< 0.038
< 12
< 0.11
< 0.6
< 0.07
< 0.07
< 0.0022
< 0.005
< 0.024
< 0.0006
< 0.5
< 0.11
< 0.036
< 0.07
< 0.0017
< 1.5
< 0.33
< 0.6
< 65
< 35
< 13000
< 170
< 160
< 130
< 3.0
< 1100
< 13
< 12
0.473 kg
0.016 ± 0.003
0.043 ± 0.001
< 1100
18.5 ± 3.8
45 ± 12
0.100 ± 0.021
0.18 ± 0.05
0.144 kg
5901 kg
< 11
< 72
0.027 ± 0.002
< 19
0.19 ± 0.06
< 58
< 700
16.7 ± 1.2
< 29
10 ± 3
< 46
0.097 ± 0.007
< 0.4
0.04 ± 0.01
< 0.19
4140 kg
0.300 kg
55000 kg
< 20
< 33000
< 0.25
< 0.17
< 2700
< 0.8
3.00 ± 0.30
< 8300
< 220
< 0.19
< 40
< 27
< 65
< 60
< 85
< 0.20
< 0.0015
< 0.9
< 0.25
< 0.004
< 0.5
Table 3. Total radioactivity of the major components of EXO-200 and of the components internal to the TPC. Pb shielding does not include the outer front wall.
† Because the installed cables were not assayed for K contamination, these activities are derived from assays of similar materials.
54 Mn
56 Co
58 Co
59 Fe
60 Co
65 Zn
Projected activity
[µ Bq/kg]
2νβ β background
312 d
77 d
71 d
45 d
5 yr
244 d
< 15
< 10
< 27
< 22
< 10
< 27
< 1000
< 1200
< 2000
< 1600
< 1100
< 1000
0νβ β background
< 0.24
Table 4. Main sources of cosmogenic activity expected to be produced based on the copper exposure described in the text. Activities and backgrounds are calculated at the time that the detector was brought
underground at WIPP. In the table, missing numbers correspond to negligible contributions.
Cosmogenic activation rates were calculated using production yields along with exposure
models based on the material handling described in previous sections. The surface production rate
limits were measured by exposing samples of copper to cosmic radiation above ground followed by
storage and counting with an underground germanium detector [65]. This sequence was repeated
several times. For 60 Co the measurement from Heusser [66], which was below our measurement
limit, was used. The production rates at the shielded assembly facility were roughly estimated by
scaling the surface production rates due to the fast secondary cosmic ray neutron flux, given by
Gordon [67], as a function of shielding depth from a FLUKA simulation [62]. The scaling was
cross-checked to agree reasonably well with the depth dependence extracted from Heusser [68].
A detailed geometry was simulated for the shielded truck used to transport the TPC from
California to New Mexico, having a shielding depth of ∼2 m water equivalent with 2π coverage.
The neutron spectrum was stabilized by passing it through a thick layer of air. Production rates for
60 Co were then calculated above and inside the truck using tabulated cross sections serving as a
benchmark. The shielded truck was found to reduce production rates by nearly a factor of four.
A summary of the expected cosmogenic activity in the detector copper, along with its projected
backgrounds, are shown in Table 4. These activities assume 60 days of cooling underground at
WIPP (although a much longer time elapsed between the transportation of the TPC to WIPP and
the beginning of the low background data taking).
5.5 Muon induced background
Muons traversing the LXe in the TPC produce unmistakably high-energy signals. However, muons
passing near the detector can produce γ -rays which can then deposit lower energies in the TPC,
even producing single-site double beta decay-like events. For this reason, muon backgrounds were
also investigated using the GEANT 3.21 detector simulation. Muons were generated with a ratio of
µ + /µ − of 1.25. The muon energy spectrum was parameterized in varying degrees of detail using
equations from Gaisser [69]. Ultimately, the following form was used:
−(γ +1)
∝ E0
1 + 1.1E0 /(115 GeV) 1 + 1.1E0 /(850 GeV)
– 36 –
where N is the number of muons, γ = 1.7 and E0 is the energy in GeV that the muon had at
the surface. This energy is related to the energy E at depth via
E0 = ebh (E + ε ) − ε .
Here the depth in the experimental hall at WIPP is h = 1.584 × 105 g/cm2 , b = 0.4 and ε =
550 GeV. The angular distribution,
∝ cos1.53 (θ )e−8.0×10 h/ cos(θ ) sin(θ ) ,
is based on Miyake [70]. dN
dθ goes to zero at θ = 0 as a result of the trailing solid angle
factor. At the stated depth, the maximum of the angular distribution is at approximately 30◦ and
extends with significant probability above 60◦ . Angle-energy correlations were not considered in
the simulation.
Muons were generated on a horizontal plane approximately 3 m above the TPC center over an
area typically about 35 m × 35 m. This rather large area makes the computation inefficient but was
found to be necessary to properly account for muon trajectories with large zenith angles, which
become particularly important when comparing different veto geometries. To improve the speed of
the simulation, the predicted impact parameter of each generated muon to the center of the detector
was computed, and only muons with this parameter below 1.5 m were further tracked. To verify
that this proximity cut did not introduce a bias, one simulation representing several years of muon
exposure was performed with an expanded trajectory cut. No 0νβ β candidate background events
were seen for muons failing the 1.5 m cut, although a few 2νβ β candidate energy depositions were
observed. To normalize the simulation to a certain live time, the observed integral muon flux of
(4.09 ± 0.4) × 10−7 cm−2 s−1 [21] was used.
This process predicts 31 ± 1 muon induced 0νβ β background events per year if no external
muon veto is employed. This rate is ten times higher than the goal of 3 events/yr. The plastic
scintillator veto already described reduces the rate of these events to negligible levels.
6. Electronics
6.1 Architecture
The front-end electronics (FEE) system is located immediately outside of the inner front lead wall
and is connected to the U, V wires and LAAPDs by the thin copper-clad polyimide cables. The
signal processing architecture is identical for the three types of signals, except for the appropriate
coupling capacitors and the bias voltages applied.
A FEE channel consists of a low noise charge amplifier coupled to two shaper stages, each
consisting of an integrator and differentiator. This is followed by a sample-and-hold circuit and
a 12 bit, 1 MS/s Analog to Digital Converter. These circuits are packaged 16 to a card, and the
digital data is collected and transmitted by optical fiber to a Trigger Electronics Module (TEM)
which is located some 20 m away from the FEE system and services the complete TPC and the
Veto System. Thus each channel in the system transmits its digitized value to the TEM at 1 MS/s.
The TEM synchronizes the entire system, buffers data for 2048 µ s, and forms several varieties of
– 37 –
triggers. Upon a trigger, data from 1024 µ s before the trigger and 1024 µ s after the trigger are
transferred to a buffer. Subsequently a Data Acquisition (DAQ) PC reads this data and transfers it
to storage and to a data sampling system. The pattern of veto hits is also sampled at 1 MS/s and
received by the TEM.
The choice of this ∼2 ms “frame” is driven by the expected maximum drift time for an electron
in the TPC (∼100 µ s), as well as the desire to efficiently capture common correlated backgrounds,
such as the delayed coincidence in the 214 Bi −
→ 214 Po −
→ 210 Pb decay sequence, where the 214 Po
half-life is 164 µ s. At the 1 MS/s sampling rate, the associated data size is easily manageable.
6.2 Biasing
6.2.1 TPC cathode
The TPC biasing scheme is illustrated in Figure 23. While the HV system was nominally designed
to operate up to -70 kV, at the time of writing a commercial -40 kV power supply is used to bias the
cathode. The power supply is filtered by two sets of RC filters and connected to the cathode with the
custom feedthrough described above. Both filters are insulated by immersion in a special dielectric
fluid [71]. The first filter is located near the power supply and is separated from the second filter,
mounted immediately outside of the front lead shield, by ∼ 30 m of cable [72]. The second filter
includes a floating, battery powered, nano-ammeter shipping out an 18 bit digital signal by optical
fiber. This filter also includes a capacitively coupled connection allowing for the observation of
small disturbances on the cathode. The -40 kV power supply is manually set and read out. The
HV system is interlocked to the LXe temperature, pressure, and level in order to prevent accidental
damage to the detector. The two filters, including the cables that contribute to the overall parallel
capacitance, reduce the power supply noise in the 1 to 100 kHz band by > 110 dB.
6.2.2 V-wires and LAAPDs
As illustrated in Figure 23 the two cathode voltage dividers are terminated at the potential of the V
wires that, in turn, are biased by DC-DC converters controlled by the DAQ system. The LAAPD
biasing scheme is also shown in Figure 23. Both the platter bias and the trim biases are generated
by DC-DC converters controlled by the DAQ system. All bias voltages are read out and interlocked
to the LXe temperature, pressure and level.
6.3 Front end electronics system
In designing the front-end section of the signal processing, low noise and optimal signal extraction
were the main considerations. In addition, consideration was given to appropriate filtering in order
to mitigate possible microphonic effects from vibrations of the polyimide cables biased at high
The charge preamplifier was based on the design of the discrete component prototype for the
BaBar calorimeter [73]. Since only about 300 channels are required, and in order to maintain
maximum flexibility in the choice of component values, it was decided to use discrete components
rather than develop an ASIC for this application. The preamplifier is a single-ended folded cascode
with a JFET at the input, with an open loop gain for the preamplifier of ∼100,000. Large open
loop gain is important to ensure an efficient transfer of charge from the capacitive signal source
– 38 –
Figure 23. TPC biasing and readout electronics systems. The bias voltages are indicated for a cathode
potential of -8 kV.
– 39 –
to the feedback capacitor. For the wire channels the capacitance of 60 to 80 pF is dominated by
the polyimide cables, while the 1000 pF capacitance of the LAAPD channels (7 LAAPDs in each
channel) is dominated by the devices themselves. The charge collection efficiency is > 90% for
LAAPD channels and 98% for wire channels. For LAAPD channels this is achieved using four
JFETs in parallel and a 5 pF feedback capacitance, resulting in an effective input capacitance of
50 nF. Single JFETs are used for the wire channels. The JFET used [74] has a transconductance of
30 mS at 5 mA drain current. Using 6 µ s RC-CR shaping the noise was measured to be 2 e− /pF
(330 µ Vrms ) for LAAPD channels and 1 e− /pF (160 µ Vrms ) for wire channels. These noise figures
are close to expectations derived from the transconductance of the input FET.
Bandwidth limiting and extra gain are provided by two operational amplifier stages and associated components, providing differentiation and integration. At the beginning of EXO-200 data
taking in the spring of 2011 the time constants for each of the two stages were set to 3 µ s integration
and 10µ s differentiation on all channels. The initial runs of the detector, showing limited problems
from microphonics, led to the decision to increase the system bandwidth for the U (charge collection) wires to 1.5 µ s integration and 40µ s differentiation for the low background run that started in
October 2011. The larger bandwidth allows for better pulse shape discrimination.
ADCs mounted on the same board as the FEE digitize all channels at 1 MS/s and transfer the
data to the TEM via optical links. The FEE is housed in two custom shielded chassis, one for
each end of the TPC. Each chassis includes 3 cards each for U wires, V wires, and LAAPDs, and
each card holds 16 channels. In addition, the chassis contains the DC-DC converters used for the
6.4 TEM
The TEM receives data from the 18 FEE cards and stores them in one of 8 available circular buffers
while passing them to a trigger detection circuit. Upon detecting a trigger the current circular buffer
is allowed to post-fill for a defined number of samples before being frozen while switching the data
stream to the next available buffer. A typical trigger will result in 1024 samples before and after the
trigger being transferred to disk. At 1 MS/s this results in a total of 2 MS of data for each trigger.
Back to back triggers are handled by enforcing a minimum post fill time (also known as dead time)
after each trigger. The trigger logic contained in the TEM is divided into three partitions (one for
each element type in the detector) with two groups of trigger levels per partition. The first group
of 4 trigger levels receives each channel individually searching for the highest amplitude within a
partition (after baseline subtraction). The second group of 4 trigger levels looks at the sum of all
of the channels within a partition (channels can be individually disabled) and subtracts a running
baseline computed from a configurable number of previous sum results.
6.5 DAQ
The data acquisition (DAQ) is interfaced to the TEM using two PCI-based National Instruments
digital I/O cards. Each card drives a (configurable) 32-bit wide bus running at 20 MHz. The first
I/O card is used for command/control of the front end registers in both the TEM and the front end
cards. It is configured as two 16 bit wide buses, the first to send commands and the second to
receive responses. The second I/O card is configured as a simple 32 bit wide bus to receive data
– 40 –
from the TEM. Both cards are simple I/O streaming devices, so all data received from the TEM
must first be software reassembled into identifiable pieces (an event or a command response), then
verified for integrity (parity and framing bits). A subset of events is sent in real time to an online
monitoring system where it is analyzed for data quality. Acquired data are written to local directattach RAID array storage. From there they are copied to removable disks outside of the WIPP
Because of the limited bandwidth available at the WIPP site, as these disks fill up, they are
unmounted and physically shipped to the offline data storage facility where they are remounted and
the data copied once again to secure storage. The data acquisition is controlled from a graphical
web based application which also allows the data quality plots and information from the DAQ
database to be viewed at WIPP or remotely by authorized users.
EXO-200 is supported by DoE and NSF in the United States, NSERC in Canada, SNF in Switzerland and RFBR in Russia. We thank Applied Plastics Technology, Inc., E. I. du Pont de Nemours
and Company, International Rectifier, Flexible Circuit Technologies, Inc., Carriaga Machine, Sheedy
Drayage Co., Applied Fusion Inc., Aurubis, JL Goslar, and Advanced Photonix, Inc. In addition,
we acknowledge the SNO Collaboration for providing low background acrylic, the KARMEN Collaboration for supplying the veto counters, and WIPP for the hospitality.
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