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Flat-Purchasers of Gaganvihar v. Aroon Joseph

Flat-Purchasers of Gaganvihar v. Aroon Joseph

Nilima Bhadbhade
An application for temporary injunction by flat-purchasers for claiming rights over their destroyed building. A land-owner hands over development of his land for construction of flats. After completion, the land will be leased to the association that the developer will form. The building is completed. Flats are sold and occupied. The lease is awaited. The building falls down following an earthquake. The flat-owners move away hoping that the building will be reconstructed. Some who have insurance receive the insurance amounts. The land-owner clears the site to commence development afresh, and starts negotiation with another developer. The flat-purchasers seek injunction and other remedies. Click or copy this link for the case:

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