Teacher Labor Markets
in Developing Countries
Emiliana Vegas
Emiliana Vegas surveys strategies used by the world’s developing countries to fill their classrooms with qualified teachers. With their low quality of education and wide gaps in student
outcomes, schools in developing countries strongly resemble hard-to-staff urban U.S. schools.
Their experience with reform may thus provide insights for U.S. policymakers.
Severe budget constraints and a lack of teacher training capacity have pushed developing nations to try a wide variety of reforms, including using part-time or assistant teachers, experimenting with pay incentives, and using school-based management.
The strategy of hiring teachers with less than full credentials has had mixed results. One successful program in India hired young women who lacked teaching certificates to teach basic literacy and numeracy skills to children whose skills were seriously lagging. After two years, student learning increased, with the highest gains among the least able students.
As in the United States, says Vegas, teaching quality and student achievement in the developing
world are sensitive to teacher compensation. As average teacher salaries in Chile more than
doubled over the past decade, higher-quality students entered teacher education programs.
And when Brazil increased educational funding and distributed resources more equitably,
school enrollment increased and the gap in student test scores narrowed. Experiments with
performance-based pay have had mixed results. In Bolivia a bonus for teaching in rural areas
failed to produce higher-quality teachers. And in Mexico a system to reward teachers for improved student outcomes failed to change teacher performance. But Vegas explains that the design of teacher incentives is critical. Effective incentive schemes must be tightly coupled with
desired behaviors and generous enough to give teachers a reason to make the extra effort.
School-based management reforms give decisionmaking authority to the schools. Such reforms
in Central America have reduced teacher absenteeism, increased teacher work hours, increased homework assignments, and improved parent-teacher relationships. These changes,
says Vegas, are especially promising in schools where educational quality is low.
Emiliana Vegas is senior education economist at the World Bank. Rekha Balu provided excellent research assistance.
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Africa, Asia, and Latin
America are struggling, just
as the world’s industrialized
countries are, to fill classrooms with qualified teachers.1 But the challenges they face are even more complicated.
Demographers have projected that developing countries have the fastest-growing populations of people aged six to twenty-four in
the world.2 The swelling ranks of school-age
populations are driving up demand for teachers. In accordance with the Millennium Development Goals set forth by the United Nations, every country must ensure universal
primary education by 2015.3 Although the
majority of children in all regions of the
world except sub-Saharan Africa attend primary school, the quality of education is low
and disparities in student learning outcomes
are large.4 Children in developing countries
have the lowest mean test scores in international assessments of student learning, and
they often show the largest variation in test
scores as well.5 The severe challenges facing
the developing world are not unique, however. In many ways, in fact, they resemble
those facing the U.S. schools with the lowestincome student populations. Could strategies
used by developing countries offer lessons to
policymakers in the United States seeking to
improve their nation’s lowest-performing
Budget constraints and a lack of teacher
training capacity have led developing nations
to try a wide variety of reforms. Some are hiring part-time, contractual, or assistant teachers. Others are using pay incentives to attract
and retain qualified teachers. Still others are
trying to attract more teachers and raise the
quality of teaching by experimenting with
school-based management or the devolution
of decisionmaking authority, including
teacher hiring and firing, directly to schools.
The results in terms of student achievement
vary widely, depending on the context and
the country.
Teacher Labor Markets
The supply of teachers in developing countries, as in developed countries, depends on
working conditions and teacher salaries, as
well as on how salaries and entry requirements in the teacher labor market compare
with other labor markets. Many teachers
work in schools that lack adequate teaching
materials or basic infrastructure. Pupilteacher ratios, as shown in table 1, can be
large: an average of 43:1, for example, in subSaharan Africa, though in some countries the
ratio is even larger. Many teachers in developing countries cite lack of resources, such as
adequate facilities, textbooks, and teaching
materials, as a primary obstacle to effective
teaching.6 Location also affects teacher supply. In most developing countries, unlike in
the United States, working conditions tend to
be better in urban schools and teachers prefer to work there.
Large cities in the United States have only
recently begun using housing subsidies to recruit teachers to difficult-to-staff urban
schools, but developing countries have long
made use of housing incentives, especially for
teachers in rural schools. In many poor countries, however, these subsidies have not been
effective, in part because most teachers are
women and most single women choose not to
live alone or to transfer to rural areas for
safety-related reasons.7
Recent research in Pakistan, however, suggests that placing secondary schools in rural
areas—rather than the urban areas where
they are now concentrated—may attract some
teachers, as many female secondary graduates
Te a c h e r L a b o r M a r k e t s i n D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s
Table 1. Teacher Characteristics, by Region
Pupil-teacher ratio
Sub-Saharan Africa
Trained teachers (percent)
Teacher salary (percent
of GDP per capita)
Middle East/North Africa
Latin America and the Caribbean
South Asia
East Asia
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Global Education Digest 2003—Comparing Education Statistics across the World (Montreal,
Canada: 2002). Countries with populations of less than 1 million are excluded.
a. Data are based on 10–25 ppercent of the total population of the country group or region.
b. Data are based on 25–50 ercent of the total population of the country group or region.
who aspire to teach higher grades can then
teach in their native villages instead of moving
to the cities.8 The strategy of recruiting local
teachers and assigning them to schools close
to home may also be effective in the United
States, where, as researchers have shown,
teacher labor markets are mostly local.9
Turning to compensation, in Latin America,
at least, teachers do not appear to be severely
underpaid compared with similar workers in
other occupations.10 Lucrecia Santibáñez examined urban professional salaries in Mexico
during the late 1990s.11 Controlling for education, experience, and hours worked, she estimated that the hourly wage premium in
1998 was 13 percent for male secondary
teachers and 30 percent for female teachers.
She also analyzed salary differences among
states in Mexico and found that, on average,
teachers in more developed northern states
earned relatively less compared with other
professions than did teachers in the rest of
the country.
In Chile, teachers’ wages were higher, on average, than those of nonagricultural employ-
ees, but much of this difference could be attributed to the teachers’ higher levels of
schooling. One study demonstrated that although entry-level wages for teachers are
low, teachers are compensated as well as
other professionals who work in similar locations or have similar levels of education and
experience.12 And in Bolivia, a study found
that the concentration of teachers in the public sector and the influence of union-negotiated contracts on teacher wages for the entire
country reduced geographic variation in
teacher salaries, which meant that teachers in
rural areas, in particular, were better compensated than other professional workers in
similar locations. In addition, union influence
set teachers’ wages in a way that minimized
the salary differences by gender, ethnicity,
and marital status that are apparent for some
private sector professionals subject to market
In many developing countries, teacher
salaries make up a large share of total public
education spending—as much as 95 percent
of total education costs. Governments in
countries such as Uganda, Kenya, and TanzaV O L . 1 7 / N O. 1 / S P R I N G 2 0 0 7
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nia, which have recently expanded access to
primary schools, cite high spending on
teacher salaries as the biggest constraint on
improving the supply and quality of teacher
recruits. Education advocates have suggested
a variety of strategies to minimize this constraint, such as de-linking teacher salaries
from civil service salaries or changing the
pace at which teachers progress along the
salary scale. But research has centered primarily on subsidies and incentives, such as
merit-based pay and supplementary allowances (housing, transport), as discussed
Alternatives to Hiring
Regular Teachers
Many developing countries are upgrading the
training credentials required of teachers at
the same time as their governments are resorting to hiring part-time, uncredentialed, or
contract teachers to meet demand or cut
costs. For example, in the Kyrgyz Republic,
policymakers emphasized teacher training requirements even as teacher training colleges
were being closed for lack of funding. One
approach, which Tajikistan has tried, has been
to shorten the length of teacher training programs.14 To limit expenses while responding
to increased demand in the 1990s, India hired
more than 200,000 “para-teachers,” while
Pakistan hired contract teachers who were excluded from training and other benefits.
As in the United States, research findings on
how teacher training programs affect the
quality of education are, at best, inconclusive.
A survey of case studies in Latin America
found that several different methods of
teacher preparation and training—for example, stopgap training that covers only missing
skills and competences—achieved consistently poor results, thus sounding a cautionary note for U.S. education programs. The
study also found that professionalizing
teacher training by elevating its status to a
university degree had the paradoxical effect
of causing qualified teachers to move to more
remunerative professions.15
In addition, a UNICEF strategy paper warns
of the cost consequences of expanding alternative teacher hiring. Even if alternative
hires start at lower salaries or with fewer benefits, the study finds, they will eventually demand or qualify for higher salaries. Salary increases for a large pool of teachers can
financially strain the system over the long
term as much as hiring regular teachers
Contract Teachers
Many developing countries are addressing
shortages by turning to contract teachers—
graduates of regular teacher training institutes who receive lower wages than do regular teachers (just 40 percent of civil salaries)
and no benefits. Togo recently reported that
as much as 55 percent of its teaching force
was contractual. The strategy, though, does
not appear to have been successful, as the advent of contractual hiring in Togo reduced
the supply of high-quality candidates, while
also raising absenteeism and creating resentment over unfair pay. A retrospective evaluation found that the performance of students
taught by contractual teachers lagged behind
that of students taught by regular teachers,
even after controlling for prior achievement,
household characteristics, and school, classroom, and teacher variables.17 Not surprisingly, schools whose limited budgets forced
them to hire contractual teachers also had
less pedagogic supervision and poor facilities.
Assistant Teachers
Some countries are also experimenting with
hiring assistant teachers, who often have
Te a c h e r L a b o r M a r k e t s i n D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s
fewer qualifications than do regular teachers
and are paid at substantially lower rates. In
rural areas in India, a remedial education
program reached more than 15,000 students
who had not attained basic literacy and numeracy skills by third grade by hiring as
teachers young women from the community
who lacked teaching certificates. A randomized evaluation found that after two years,
the program had increased student learning
by 0.39 standard deviation, with the highest
gains among the least able students. This
finding suggests that it is possible not only to
keep poorly performing students in school
but also to ensure that they do not fall behind. It is conceivable that a similar catch-up
program could help U.S. cities maintain high
net enrollment rates in the grades when students are most likely to drop out. Because
the program in India hires local high-schooleducated girls to teach classes of approximately twenty students, the average cost is
less than $5 a year for each child—far less
than the average cost of outfitting classrooms
with regular teachers.18 While these findings
are compelling, the validity of the evaluation
has been called into question on several
points and it was also found that the children’s gains began to fade out within one
year of leaving the program.
Teacher Pay
Although some disagreement exists about
the importance of the absolute level of
teacher salaries in attracting qualified people to and retaining them in the profession,
there is broad consensus that teacher
salaries influence the type of people who
enter the field and how long they remain in
it. At the same time, research indicates that
working conditions and regulations can
counteract or amplify the influence of wages
on teachers. In this section I describe how
salary levels, salary structures, and scholar-
ship programs have influenced teacher recruitment, quality, and retention in developing countries.
Salary Levels
During the 1990s in Chile, teachers’ real
wages increased and the quality of applicants
to the teaching profession improved. Between 1990 and 2002 real salaries grew 156
Even if alternative hires
start at lower salaries or
with fewer benefits, the
study finds, they will
eventually demand or
qualify for higher salaries.
percent, while the government launched a
publicity campaign to encourage college students to become teachers and also created a
scholarship program for outstanding students
to study pedagogy. Simultaneously, the government allocated substantial additional resources to schools, in the process improving
overall working conditions for teachers. Although the individual effect of each of these
reforms on student outcomes remains unclear, during the period the number of
teacher education applicants increased 39
percent, and the average university entrance
exam score of applicants to teacher education
programs increased 16 percent. Even though
the number of applicants to other degree
programs, such as engineering, also increased, the average exam scores of these applicants remained more or less constant.
These patterns suggest that changes in salary
level can affect an individual’s choice to become a teacher.19
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Some evidence also suggests that salary levels
and salary equalization for teachers can improve student outcomes. In Brazil, a finance
equalization reform that targeted redistributed funds to teachers resulted in smaller
class sizes, fewer overaged children in primary and secondary schools, and a diminishing gap between high- and low-performing
students. Brazil, like the United States, is a
vast country characterized by large inequalities in educational spending and educational
outcomes not only among states but also
among different municipalities within each
state. The Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e de Valorização do Magistério (Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education
and Teacher Appreciation, or FUNDEF) is a
federal fund that addresses spending inequalities within states. State and municipal governments contribute a share of their tax and
transfer revenues to the fund, which then redistributes revenues to the state and municipal governments in each state on the basis of
the number of students enrolled in their
basic education systems. The federal government also promotes funding adequacy across
all states by providing supplemental funding
in states where FUNDEF revenues per student are below a yearly established spending
floor. These “top-ups,” which have benefited
the poorer states of Brazil, located primarily
in the Northeast, point to the importance of
additional federal financing when state and
local revenues fall short.
Unlike teacher incentive programs in several
states in the United States, FUNDEF earmarks 60 percent of funds specifically for
teachers, with funds going to hire new teachers, train underqualified teachers, and increase teachers’ salaries. A 2005 study found
that governments that increased mandated
per-pupil spending lowered average teacher224
pupil ratios; the study inferred, because there
was no decrease in enrollment, that the governments hired new teachers.20 The share of
teachers who had completed only primary education also fell dramatically, most noticeably
in Brazil’s poorer regions and in the earlier
primary school grades, where higher shares of
teachers had previously been underqualified.
That the reform was introduced at about the
same time as legislation requiring teachers to
have at least a secondary education degree
complicates any assessment of the results. But
the 2005 study found that funds received
from FUNDEF were not significantly linked
with the steep decline in underqualified
teachers, though FUNDEF revenue was used
to train and educate teachers.21
The FUNDEF-related changes in educational inputs have, in turn, generated changes
in student outcomes. More students are now
attending school in the poorer states of
Brazil, particularly in the higher grades of
basic education. The reform is also linked
with lower levels of overaged students in the
classroom. Having qualified teachers thus appears to help students stay on track in school,
repeat grades less often, drop out and reenter
less often, and perhaps also enter first grade
on time. Because low-performing students
suffer most from inequalities in per-pupil
spending, finance equalization reforms that
decrease these spending inequalities may
also narrow the performance gap between
high-performing and low-performing students and between white and nonwhite students. Studies of school finance reform in the
United States, however, have not shown consistent effects on student outcomes.22
Salary Structure
Although teacher pay in developing countries
is seldom linked to teacher performance, a
few countries have recently experimented
Te a c h e r L a b o r M a r k e t s i n D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s
with performance-based pay to raise teaching
quality and student outcomes (see the article
in this volume on performance-based pay by
Victor Lavy). Because few large-scale payfor-performance programs have been implemented in the United States, programs in developing countries provide particularly
valuable evidence of the extent to which incentives affect performance.
The effect of performance-based pay depends critically on how it is designed and
linked to teacher performance. Chile and
Mexico, for example, have instituted different types of performance-based incentives
for teachers. In Chile’s Sistema Nacional de
Evaluación de Desempeño de los Establecimientos Educacionales (National System of
School Performance Assessment, or SNED),
top-performing schools within predetermined groups earn a financial bonus for student performance; the bonus is distributed
among the teachers in the winning schools.
Initially Chile’s school-based bonus had no
effect on student performance, but a recent
study found that in schools that have some
likelihood of receiving the prize in each of
the three years they apply, average student
test scores increase slightly.23
Mexico’s Carrera Magisterial (Master Training, or CM) program, instituted in 1993, allows teachers to move up consecutive pay
levels based on year-long assessments of their
professional development and education,
years of experience, a peer review, and, importantly, their students’ performance. The
awards are substantial—they can represent
between 25 and 200 percent of the teacher’s
annual wage—and last throughout a teacher’s
career, just as a salary increase does. Since
1993, more than 600,000 teachers have received the lowest level of award. The Carrera
Magisterial reform resembles an across-the-
board wage increase for “good” teachers and
may thus be expected to have led to an increase in the quality of entering cohorts of
teachers in the past decade.
A study by Patrick McEwan and Lucrecia
Santibáñez examined how effective the Carrera Magisterial incentives were in improving
students’ test scores.24 The study compared a
Although teacher pay in
developing countries is
seldom linked to teacher
performance, a few countries
have recently experimented
with performance-based pay
to raise teaching quality and
student outcomes.
group of teachers who had participated in the
program but whose characteristics put them
far below or above the threshold for a bonus
payment with a small group of teachers who
were close to, but not assured of, receiving
the bonus. The study found that the mean
test scores of students of teachers in the latter “incentivized” group rose by a small to
moderate amount, roughly 0.15–0.20 points
(less than 10 percent of a standard deviation),
relative to teachers without the incentive.
The effect was robust to a variety of alternative specifications and subsamples.
Although Mexico’s Carrera Magisterial and
Chile’s SNED are both nationwide programs
involving most of the country’s teachers, only
a minority of teachers has any real likelihood
of receiving a promotion (in the case of CarV O L . 1 7 / N O. 1 / S P R I N G 2 0 0 7
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rera Magisterial) or a bonus (in the case of
SNED) each time they apply.25 Thus, most
teachers who apply have no real incentive to
improve performance. To be effective, as Victor Lavy explains in his article in this volume,
an incentive scheme must give all or most
teachers a reason to exert extra effort.
The size of the reward relative to a teacher’s
base pay also matters. When a teacher’s base
salary accounts for a large share of total compensation, incentives for specific behaviors,
such as working in rural schools or serving
children with special needs, will be relatively
less powerful. Figure 1 portrays the share of
teacher pay that comes from education and
training, years of service, and performance in
two Latin American countries, Chile and Bolivia. In Bolivia’s pay structure—one common
in both developing and developed countries—by far the largest part of a teacher’s
salary depends on experience and education.
Chile has tried to increase the share of
teacher pay that is related to performance,
but even there more than 60 percent of pay
continues to depend on characteristics, such
as years of service and education, that are unrelated to performance. The mixed findings
on the effectiveness of performance-based
pay in Mexico and Chile echo findings from
the United States (again, see the article by
Victor Lavy in this volume) that make clear
the difficulty of designing an effective performance-based pay policy.
Some incentive programs, however, have
shown some success. A nongovernmental organization (NGO) project in India used a
simple financial incentive program to reduce
teacher absenteeism and to stimulate teaching and better learning. The NGO initiated
the program in 60 informal one-teacher
schools in rural India, randomly chosen out
of a sample of 120 schools; the remaining 60
Figure 1. Decomposition of Teacher Pay in
Chile and Bolivia
Base pay/years
of service
Sources: Cristián Cox, “Las políticas educacionales de Chile en las
últimas dos décadas del siglo XX,” in Políticas educacionales en el
cambio de siglo: la reforma del sistema escolar en Chile, edited by
Cristián Cox (Santiago, Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 2003); and
Miguel Urquiola and Emiliana Vegas, “Arbitrary Variation in Teacher
Salaries,” in Incentives to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin
America, edited by Emiliana Vegas (Washington: World Bank Press,
schools served as comparison schools. Teachers were given a camera with a tamper-proof
date and time function, along with instructions to have one of the children photograph
the teacher and other students at the beginning and end of the school day. The time and
date stamps on the photographs were used to
track teacher attendance. Salary was a direct
function of attendance.
An evaluation of the program by Esther
Duflo and Rema Hanna reported that it immediately reduced teacher absenteeism.26
The absenteeism rate, measured using unannounced visits in all 120 schools, averaged 42
percent in the comparison schools and 22
percent in the schools under study. When the
schools were in session, teachers were as
likely to be teaching in both types of schools;
the number of children present was roughly
the same. The program also improved student achievement. A year after its start, test
scores in the schools participating in the in-
Te a c h e r L a b o r M a r k e t s i n D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s
centive program were 0.17 standard deviation higher than those in the comparison
schools, and children were 40 percent more
likely to be admitted into regular schools.
The study by Duflo and Hanna demonstrates
how random assignment studies can be used
to learn about program effects, though the
results may be specific to the context in
which they are implemented. The scheme in
India was tested in a small group of oneteacher schools; the question is whether the
results would be similar in different contexts.
For example, would the teacher attendance
effect be smaller in regular public schools or
in larger schools with many other teachers
who can substitute for an absent teacher?
Another issue of practical importance for
public policy is whether the camera mechanism would share the fate of other already existing formal mechanisms for punishing absentees: weak enforcement.
Scholarship Programs
To attract talented students to teaching, several countries in South America’s Southern
Cone have introduced scholarship programs.
In Chile, a scholarship program for talented
students covers 100 percent of tuition up to 1
million pesos in exchange for a commitment
to teach for three years. Priority goes to candidates in natural sciences, mathematics,
English, language arts, and basic education.27
In Uruguay, where teacher education is free,
scholarships are provided to talented candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds to
cover their living expenses during the three
years of intensive training at regional teacher
training centers.28 In Asia, during the 1990s
Taiwan offered free pre-service education to
those who had taught for five years. Researchers cite the combination of the scholarship and generous salaries and benefits for
teachers relative to other professions in Tai-
wan to explain why the country’s teacher retention rate remains high beyond the fiveyear threshold.29 Such programs imply that
strong relative wages and subsidized costs
can have an important effect on the quality of
teacher supply.
School-Based Management
Some developing countries have tried devolving directly to schools the authority to
make decisions regarding teacher hiring and
other administrative matters that are usually
made by local, regional, or central governments. The idea behind such decentralization
is to bring these decisions closer to the
school, and thus to parents and students, to
generate incentives and conditions to improve teaching quality and student outcomes
and make teachers and schools more accountable to the community.
Several countries in Central America have introduced such school-based management reforms. In El Salvador, a retrospective evaluation found that the Programa de Educación
con Participación de la Comunidad (Education with Community Participation Program,
or EDUCO) has affected management practices, teacher behavior, and student outcomes.30 A few important powers, most notably the ability to hire and fire teachers,
have been transferred to the school, but
many other decisions continue to be made
primarily by central authorities. Most of the
local decisionmaking power has been given to
parents rather than principals. The study also
finds important behavioral differences:
EDUCO schools have fewer school closings,
less teacher absenteeism, more meetings between teachers and parents, and longer
teacher work hours than control schools.
These changes in teacher behavior, in turn,
are related to higher achievement in Spanish
in EDUCO schools.
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Another retrospective evaluation finds similar effects in Honduras’s Proyecto Hondureño de Educación Comunitaria (Honduran Community Education Project, or
is a school-based management reform for
rural primary schools. Comparing PROHECO schools to similar schools in rural
areas (using propensity score matching methods to construct a credible comparison
group), the study finds that PROHECO
teachers are less frequently absent because of
union participation, although they are more
frequently absent because of teacher professional development. Teachers in PROHECO
are paid less and have fewer years of experience than comparison teachers. And, as in El
Salvador’s EDUCO program, teachers in
PROHECO teach more hours in an average
week than comparison teachers; they also
have smaller classes and assign more homework. In these examples, at least, decentralized schools appear to encourage greater efficiency and teacher effort.
In contrast to PROHECO and EDUCO,
Nicaragua’s School Autonomy program (Autonomía Escolar) was aimed initially at urban
secondary schools, in particular those with
higher-than-average resources. Unlike their
peers in neighboring El Salvador and Honduras, parent associations and teachers in
Nicaragua’s autonomous schools report little
decisionmaking power. A decade after the reform began, autonomous and nonautonomous schools continue to differ in much
the same ways as before reform. Differences
in student socioeconomic background continue to explain most differences in student
achievement. The reform appears to have
had no systematic effect on student learning.
Although on average students in autonomous
schools outscore students in traditional
schools in mathematics in third grade, by
sixth grade they score lower on both Spanish
and mathematics tests. There is little evidence that differences between autonomous
and traditional schools are responsible for
these differences in test scores.32
Although the studies found little evidence
that teachers in community-managed schools
differ from their colleagues in conventional
schools in terms of their classroom processes,
planning, or motivation, PROHECO students score higher on math, science, and
Spanish exams than students in similar nonPROHECO schools. This higher student
achievement is, in part, explained by unique
qualities and characteristics of PROHECO
schools. Specifically, the more hours a week a
teacher works, the higher is the mean student
achievement in all three subjects. The frequency of homework is associated with
higher achievement in Spanish and math. Finally, smaller classes and fewer school closings are related to higher student achievement in science.
Some Lessons for
the United States
Although developing countries differ in many
ways from the United States, the inequality
and poverty in some of their schools closely
resembles conditions in some hard-to-staff
U.S. schools. Because of their widely varying
circumstances, these countries have tried
many and varied reforms, often on a large
scale. Their experiences with reform may
provide insights for U.S. policymakers.
Clearly, educational reforms of many kinds
can affect teaching quality and student learning. Research evidence supports the intuitive
notion that teaching quality and student
achievement are sensitive to the level and
structure of teacher compensation. For example, as average teacher salaries in Chile
Te a c h e r L a b o r M a r k e t s i n D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s
more than doubled over the past decade,
higher-quality students entered teacher education programs.33 Similarly, when FUNDEF
increased educational resources in Brazil and
distributed them more fairly, school enrollment increased and the gap in student test
scores narrowed.34
Once a country makes teacher salaries competitive, it can link teacher performance to pay
increases to improve teaching quality. Although Chile’s school-based teacher bonus for
student performance did not initially affect average test scores, it has now begun to increase
them modestly, under some circumstances.35
The specific design of teacher incentives can
have important consequences for teaching
quality and student outcomes. Even in the
case of nationwide performance-based-pay
programs, such as those in Mexico and Chile,
few teachers are likely to receive awards and
thus few have any real incentive to improve
student performance.36 Effective incentive
schemes must be tightly coupled with the desired teacher behaviors and generous enough
to give teachers a reason to make the extra
A key lesson from research both in the United
States and in developing countries is that
teachers do not always respond to incentives in
predictable ways. Sometimes, programs designed to reward teachers who adopt specific
behaviors or achieve higher student achievement fail to generate the desired behavioral response.37 Bolivia’s bonus for teaching in rural
areas, for example, failed to produce higherquality rural teachers.38 And Mexico’s new
teacher career system, designed to reward
teachers for improved student outcomes, failed
to change teacher performance—and thus to
change student outcomes.39 These cases highlight the importance of design and implementation issues in teacher incentive reforms.
Finally, reforms that are not specifically designed to affect teachers can nevertheless in-
A key lesson from research
both in the United States and
in developing countries is
that teachers do not always
respond to incentives in
predictable ways.
fluence—sometimes even more than changes
in compensation can—the characteristics of
those who choose to enter and remain in
teaching, as well as their work in classrooms.
School-based management reforms that devolve decisionmaking authority to the schools,
for example, have had important effects on
teacher performance and student learning by
making teachers (and schools) more accountable to their communities. Devolution of decisionmaking authority to schools in Central
America has, in many cases, led to lower
teacher absenteeism, more teacher work
hours, more homework assignments, and better parent-teacher relationships. These are
promising changes, especially in schools
where educational quality is low.
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1. In this article, “developing countries” are low- and middle-income countries with high inequality or high
poverty, or both.
2. United Nations Population Fund, State of the World’s Population 2005 (New York, 2005).
3. The Millennium Development Goals grew out of the agreements and resolutions of world conferences organized by the United Nations during the 1990s. The goals were accepted as a framework for measuring
development progress. The eight goals are to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; to achieve universal
primary education; to promote gender equality and empower women; to reduce child mortality; to improve
maternal health; to combat AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; to ensure environmental sustainability; and
to build a global partnership for development. For most countries, the self-imposed deadline for achieving
these goals is 2015. World Bank, “Achieving the Millennium Development Goals,” available at
4. For example, though 93 percent of children in East Asia are enrolled in school, only 56 percent have progressed through grades at the expected pace.
5. As an example, while the share of students deemed to have low skills in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is only 0.9 percent in Korea, 4.2 percent in France, and 6.8 percent in the United
States, it is 23 percent in Brazil and 54 percent in Peru. Some countries do not participate in such assessments, however, and these findings do not reflect their outcomes. India, for instance, has not participated
in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study or PISA.
6. Mary H. Futrell, presidential speech delivered to Fourth World Congress of Education International,
Porto Alegre, Brazil, July 22, 2004.
7. Donald Warwick and Fernando Reimers, Hope or Despair? Learning in Pakistan’s Primary Schools (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995); Ya Ping Wang and Alan Murie, “Social and Spatial Implications of Housing
Reform in China,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 24, no. 2 (2000): 397–417; P. J.
McEwan, “Recruitment of Rural Teachers in Developing Countries: An Economic Analysis,” Teaching and
Teacher Education 15 (1999): 849–59.
8. Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das, and Asim Ijaz Khwaja, “Students Today, Teachers Tomorrow? The Rise of Affordable Private Schools in Pakistan,” mimeo (World Bank, 2005).
9. D. Boyd and others, “Explaining the Short Careers of High-Achieving Teachers in Schools with LowPerforming Students,” American Economic Review 95, no. 2 (2005): 166–71.
10. Werner Hernani-Limarino, “Are Teachers Well Paid in Latin America and the Caribbean? Relative Wage
and Structure of Returns of Teachers,” in Incentives to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, edited by E. Vegas (Washington: World Bank Press, 2005).
11. Lucrecia Santibáñez, “¿Están mal pagados los maestros en México? Estimando de los salarios relativos del
magisterio,” Revista latinoamericana de estudios educativos 32, no. 2 (2002): 9–41.
12. A. Mulcahi-Dunn and G. Arcia, “An Overview of Teacher’s Salaries and Living Standards in Ecuador. Center for International Development,” mimeo (North Carolina: Research Triangle Institute, 1996).
13. C. Piras and W. D. Savedoff, “How Much Do Teachers Earn?“ Working Paper 375 (Washington: InterAmerican Development Bank, 1998).
Te a c h e r L a b o r M a r k e t s i n D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s
14. D. W. Chapman and others, “The Search for Quality: A Five-Country Study of National Strategies to Improve Educational Quality in Central Asia,” International Journal of Educational Development 25, no. 5
(2005): 514–30.
15. Juan Carlos Navarro and Aimee Verdisco, “Teacher Training in Latin America: Innovations and Trends,”
Sustainable Development Department Technical Paper Series (Washington: Inter-American Development
Bank, 2000).
16. Santosh Mehrotra and Peter Buckland, “Managing Teacher Costs for Access and Quality,” Staff Working
Paper EPP-EVL-98-004 (UNICEF, 1998).
17. Joost De Laat and Emiliana Vegas, “Do Differences in Teacher Contracts Affect Student Performance?
Evidence from Togo,” mimeo, 2005, Harvard University and The World Bank.
18. Abhijit Banerjee and others, “Remedying Education: Evidence from Two Randomized Experiments in
India,” Working Paper 11904 (Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005).
19. Cristián Cox, “Las políticas educacionales de Chile en las últimas dos décadas del siglo XX,” in Políticas educacionales en el cambio de siglo: la reforma del sistema escolar en Chile, edited by Cristián Cox (Santiago,
Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 2003).
20. Nora Gordon and Emiliana Vegas, “Educational Finance Equalization, Spending, Teacher Quality, and
Student Outcomes: The Case of Brazil’s FUNDEF,” in Incentives to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin
America, edited by Vegas (see note 10).
21. The study used an instrumental variables approach to estimate the causal effect of FUNDEF.
22. For example, David Card and A. Abigail Payne, “School Finance Reform, the Distribution of School
Spending, and the Distribution of Student Test Scores,” Journal of Public Economics 83 (2002): 49–82, find
evidence that equalization of educational expenditures across U.S. school districts led to less dispersion in
SAT test scores among children of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. But Melissa A. Clark, “Education
Reform, Redistribution, and Student Achievement: Evidence from the Kentucky Education Reform Act”
(Princeton, N.J.: Mathematica Policy Research, 2003), finds no evidence that the education expenditure
equalization resulting from the Kentucky Education Reform Act narrowed the gap in test scores between
rich and poor districts.
23. Alejandra Mizala and Pilar Romaguera, “Teachers’ Salary Structure and Incentives in Chile,” in Incentives
to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, edited by Vegas (see note 10).
24. Patrick McEwan and Lucrecia Santibáñez, “Teacher and Principal Incentives in Mexico,” in Incentives to
Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, edited by Vegas (see note 10).
25. Ibid. and Mizala and Romaguera, “Teachers’ Salary Structure and Incentives in Chile” (see note 23).
26. Esther C. Duflo and Rema Hanna, “Monitoring Works: Getting Teachers to Come to School,” Working
Paper 11880 (Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005).
27. Paula Pogre and Graciela Lombardi, Schools That Show How to Think: Teaching to Understand, A Theoretical Mark for Action (Argentina: Consorcio de Editores, 2004).
28. Denise Vaillant, “Reforma Del Sistema Formación Inicial De Docentes En Uruguay,” paper presented at
Los Maestros en América Latina: Nueva Perspectivas Sobre su Desarrollo y Desempeño, San Jose, Costa
Rica, 1999.
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29. Bih-Jen Fwu and Hsiou-Huai Wang, “The Social Status of Teachers in Taiwan,” Comparative Education
38, no. 2 (2002): 211–24.
30. Yasuyuki Sawada and Andrew Ragatz, “Decentralization of Education, Teacher Behavior, and Outcomes:
The Case of El Salvador’s EDUCO,” in Incentives to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, edited by Vegas (see note 10).
31. Jeffrey Marshall and Emanuela Di Gropello, “Teacher Effort and Schooling Outcomes in Rural Honduras,” in Incentives to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, edited by Vegas (see note 10).
32. Caroline E. Parker, “Teacher Incentives and Student Achievement in Nicaraguan Autonomous Schools,” in
Incentives to Improve Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, edited by Vegas (see note 10).
33. Mizala and Romaguera, “Teachers’ Salary Structure and Incentives in Chile” (see note 23).
34. Gordon and Vegas, “Educational Finance Equalization, Spending, Teacher Quality, and Student Outcomes” (see note 20).
35. Mizala and Romaguera, “Teachers’ Salary Structure and Incentives in Chile” (see note 23).
36. Ibid.; McEwan and Santibáñez, “Teacher and Principal Incentives in Mexico” (see note 24).
37. See, for example Paul Glewwe, Nauman Ilias, and Michael Kremer, “Teacher Incentives,” Working Paper
9671 (Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003); Charles T. Clotfelter and others,
“Do School Accountability Systems Make It More Difficult for Low Performing Schools to Attract and Retain High Quality Teachers?” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 23 (2004): 251–71. Brian A.
Jacob and Steven D. Levitt, “Rotten Apples: An Investigation of the Prevalence and Predictors of Teacher
Cheating,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 118, no. 3 (2003): 843–78, present some evidence of the behavioral reactions to teacher incentive mechanisms in the United States.
38. Miguel Urquiola and Emiliana Vegas, “Arbitrary Variation in Teacher Salaries,” in Incentives to Improve
Teaching: Lessons from Latin America, edited by Vegas (see note 10).
39. McEwan and Santibáñez, “Teacher and Principal Incentives in Mexico” (see note 24).