The material politics of plastic
Edited by
Jennifer Gabrys, Gay Hawkins
and Mike Michael
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12 Plastic and the
work of the
Jennifer Gabrys
The seas and oceans have become a slurry of plastic. There are now estimated to
be up to 100 million tons of debris in the five gyres where plastic debris
collects in still ocean currents from the Pacific to the North Atlantic.1 However, the plastic found in these gyres and suspended throughout the seas is not
exclusively composed of identifiable objects in the form of water bottles, toy
ducks or sandwich bags, but also consists of microplastics. These small-scale
pellets, or nurdles, and other plastic fragments are residues from the breakdown of plastic products or fallout from manufacturing sites where tiny plastic
feedstock drifts in considerable quantities from factory lots to the seas. Plastics
are materials in process; they fragment and break down, while also generating
new material arrangements. In what ways do the plastics that are accumulating
in oceans give rise to new environmental processes? Who or what are the
agents involved in working through the new materialities and efects of
plastics as they accumulate and break down in the earth’s oceans?
Material processes of accumulation and biodegradability have become evident in many diferent modes of working through plastics. For example, the
amassing of plastics in seas and oceans has given rise to new ways of working
through plastics, such as the recent European Union (EU) Maritime Afairs and
Fisheries initiative to pay fishermen in the Mediterranean to catch plastic rather
than fish (Damanaki 2011). On the one hand, this initiative addresses the
problem of over-fishing and disposal of less desirable fish for market, but, on the
other hand, it demonstrates that the seas and oceans are now a shift- ing, if
distinctly plastic, material matrix of chemical-biotic-economic pro- cesses.
Fishing for plastics, it may turn out, could be an economic alternative to fishing
for fish, since plastics may be retrieved year round, and the demand for (recycled)
plastics feedstock continues to rise.
Fishing for plastics also seems to address the pollution of the seas, which not
only afects water quality but also impairs the lives of many marine
organisms. Images of dead seabirds that have starved from a stomach full of
plastic, together with tales of fish and turtles who ‘mistake’ plastic for food,
and through ingesting this debris eventually die, are regular features of scientific
and public concern (Moore et al. 2001; Barnes et al. 2009). At the same time,
newly identified forms of microbial life appear to be emerging
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
that ingest plastic in the seas – although to what efect is yet to be determined, since it is likely that these bacterial forms of ingesting and decomposing plastics also release chemicals for distribution in the seas and
concentration in food chains (Zaikab 2011). Yet these labouring bacteria seem to
ofer an ideal image of how the seas might be cleaned of our ofending debris,
in the ever-elusive search to eliminate the negative efects of plastics.
In each of these examples, new encounters, practices and natures emerge
through material entanglements with plastics. Accumulation in this sense points
less towards an exclusive emphasis on environmental contamination and more
towards processes of environmental modification in which we are situated with
multiple more-than-human entities. It may seem that one way to deal with
plastics accumulating in oceans is to fish them out and remove them from the
seas. Yet plastics are accumulating in many diferent ways, as they break
down, enter food chains as plasticizers and generate altera- tions in the eating
patterns of diverse organisms. How might a material politics of plastics that is
less inclined toward, a purifying discourse of envir- onments and that is more
invested in attending to the emergence of new material arrangements make
possible a greater engagement with the new natures and practices to which we
are committing ourselves – and more- than-humans? How do the new entities
and processes that emerge in plasti- cized oceans shift our understandings and
approaches to the material-political ecologies of these spaces?
Accumulation here refers not just to the literal accretion of residual matter in
the seas, but also to the build-up of plastics within environmental processes and
corporealities. Such ‘natures-in-the-making’ as well as ‘bodies-in-the- making’,
as Harvey and Haraway (1995: 514) suggest, are junctures where political
possibilities may emerge in relation to new material processes and
arrangements. Material politics, in this sense, describes the ways in which the
materialities we are involved in making are sites not just of responsibi- lity
and concern, but also of ongoing – if often problematic – invention. As
Thompson’s and Takada’s chapters in this collection demonstrate, there are
numerous new efects and entities emerging with the ongoing presence of
plastics in environments. From marine organisms that ingest plastics with
concentrated levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), to bacteria and
algae that colonize plastic, and marine organisms that incorporate plastic
debris as habitat or flotation medium, plastics are having considerable efects
on organisms and environments. This chapter then discusses how the
accumulation of plastics in oceans gives rise to new natures and bodies in the
making, as well as new modes of working through these material
In order to take up these multiple and diferent ways in which plastics are
accumulating across environments and bodies, I mobilize a notion of material
politics that attends to how plastics are entangled with and generative of
specific forms of more-than-human work. The notion of work is important for this
investigation because it allows for an approach to plastics that accounts
Jennifer Gabrys
for the complex creaturely and environmental processes that coalesce in relation to these materials, as well as the political possibilities that might emerge
through these natures and bodies in the making. The making of bodies and
natures involves the relational ‘work’ of bodies as they ‘hold sites together’
(Woodward et al. 2010: 274). But the processes whereby sites hold together
also change, and so a shifting range of heterogeneous entities undertake material
practices that specifically concresce in the actual occasions of plastics as they
degrade in the oceans. Drawing on Whitehead (1929) in this under- standing of
material processes, I suggest here that the ways in which plastics are
encountered and worked through as historical forms sedimented in the present
also inform the future potential processes that may be undertaken in relation to
The concept and practice of work and working materialities points to ways in
which it may further be possible to reconceptualize the notion of ‘carbon
workers’, a term that refers to the diverse – if at times problematic – ways in
which any number of humans and more-than-humans are enrolled in the work
of mitigating climate change.2 Here, I extend and translate this notion of
carbon workers towards plastics. Plastics are composites of carbon, both in their
physical form as petrochemical hydrocarbons and in the carbon energy used to
manufacture them. Eight per cent of world oil production contributes to the
substance and energy required to manufacture plastics (Thompson et al.
2009b). As composites of carbon, plastics are participants in and mobilize distinct
types of carbon work, particularly at end-of-life. Plastics accumulate, break
down and degrade, but these processes also enrol humans and more- thanhumans in diferent forms of carbon work. Upon disposal, plastics travel to those
carbon sinks of oceans and landfills. In these zones, they further degrade and,
depending upon chemical composition, may release carbon dioxide or lodge in the
bodies of ocean organisms, thereby diversely influencing the material composition
of the ocean as a carbon sink (or source).
I focus on biodegradability as a specific form of carbon work that involves
processes of transformation, deformation and generation of materials and bodies.
Biodegradability has at times been a sought-after quality for plastics, as it
signals the seamless elimination of this highly disposable material. Most plastics
do not actually biodegrade, but instead degrade into smaller particles through
chemical processes and physical weathering. Numerous environ- mental,
chemical and biological impacts occur along with these degradation processes
across organisms. The actual and typically problematic ways in which
plastics do break down – by adsorbing chemicals, entering food chains, and
altering biological and reproductive processes through increased levels of toxicity
– indicate how degradation and biodegradation are as much political as
ecological processes that inform the possibilities of natures and bodies in the
making. Biodegradation may be the sought-after quality for plastics, but
degradation is the concrete way in which plastics dematerialize and rematerialize to generate new environmental conditions. Even when plastics do biodegrade, they often do not completely disappear but instead fragment into
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
smaller invisible pieces. The bio-of degradation then has as much to do with the
forms of life – the organisms, processes and environments – that are drawn
into the ongoing breakdown of plastics, whether by inadvertently ingesting
microplastics or undergoing increased exposure to pollutants that are
concentrated on plastic debris surfaces.
The material-political dimensions of biodegradation become more evident
through the notion of carbon workers, which is a way to capture the active,
material, productive and participative ways in which humans and more-thanhumans work through and remake plastics and plastic environments. How
might the multiple ways in which plastics are worked through begin to give
rise to a material politics of plastics that accounts for these more-than-human
modes of carbon work? What types of carbon work become identifiable in
relation to plastics as they biodegrade, and what potential types of work
might emerge to generate new material political practices?
The plastics accumulating in seas have been storing up and breaking down
since the post-World War II rise in plastic consumer goods (Ryan et al. 2009).
Plastics in the seas are now present in considerable densities, a record of
accumulation that is due in many ways to the increasing quantities of plastics,
since as Richard Thompson and colleagues (Thompson et al. 2009b: 2154)
write ‘the production of plastic has increased substantially over the last 60
years, from around [half a] million tons in 1950 to over 260 million tons
today’. Plastics also collect and sediment over time in cumulative quantities. All
plastics ever manufactured since the rise of the Plastic Age are still likely to be
present in the environment and oceans in some form, as they will not have
completely broken down yet (Lebwohl 2010; Andrady 2003).
While the oceans were relatively free of plastics prior to the post-war Plas- tic
Age, now they are a pervasive substance circulating through oceans, and could
even be considered a common entity within ocean ecologies. Oceans are
becoming new material compositions, as literary scholar Patricia Yaeger suggests, since with plastic accumulation ‘we’ve reconstituted the physical ocean in
a mere fifty years’ (Yaeger 2010: 538). In this era of the Anthropocene, not just
atmospheres but also oceans are part of ongoing environmental alter- ations.
The reconstitution of the oceans refers less to an essential originary nature,
rather indicating how the new natures now emerging are spatial and temporal
accumulations of lived materialities. In this plasticization of the ocean, our
present and future material politics are then necessarily committed to responding
to these natures-in-the-making.
Just as plastic accumulation is taking place in oceanic sinks, these sinks
then become spaces where complex biochemical and environmental ‘intraactions’ occur across microbial, vegetable and animal corporealities (Barad
2003: 810). Intra-action, as Karen Barad explains, describes processes where
entities can be seen to emerge through – rather than prior to – relations.
Jennifer Gabrys
Bodies and natures form in and through shared contexts. In the space of
plastic accumulation, both humans and more-than-humans take part in
material and relational exchanges filtered through plastics and their residues.
Such intra-actions take many forms. Plastic debris is now a frequent trans- port
medium for organisms that travel ocean currents. By ‘hitchhiking’ on fishing
gear and disposable takeaway containers, typically invasive species are able to
make far-flung journeys on this readily available debris. While in transit,
these species are able to reshape places, as they circulate on plastic media to
settle into – or ‘colonize’ – new environments (Gregory 2009). At the same
time, plastics have been shown to be an adsorption medium for potentially
harmful chemicals, carrying and dispersing additives and plasti- cizers such as
flame retardants, Bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates, as well as drawing in and
concentrating chemicals from seawater (Song et al. 2009; Takada 2013;
Thomas et al. 2010). When ingested, these plastics then poten- tially pass on
chemical loads to other types of marine life, which regularly make a meal of
plastic particles, thereby amplifying chemical efects in the food chain. The
intra-actions that occur through plastics are typically perni- cious exchanges,
where bodies exposed to plastics and plasticizers accumulate plastic efects, and
undergo endocrine disruption or physical blockage, as discussed by
Thompson and Takada in Chapters 9 and 11, respectively, of
this collection.
While accumulation is often read primarily as a Marxian term that describes
strategies of property and capital acquisition – and indeed the ocean can be seen
as a space of capital accumulation, as the artist Alan Sekula (1995) makes
clear in his work – the accumulation of plastics in the oceans demonstrates the
more residual efects of these political economic practices. Here, accumulation
extends to bodies and environments as sites of ‘produc- tion’ that require
working through the residual materialities of plastics. Harvey and Haraway,
together and individually, suggest the ways in which bodies and economies
that are jointly formed might be called ‘corporealiza- tion’ (Harvey and Haraway
1995: 510; see also Haraway 2007; Harvey 1998), where the body also
constitutes an ‘accumulation strategy’ along with eco- nomic modes of
accumulation (Harvey 1998). However, with residual plastics, the ways in which
political economies materialize may occur long after cycles of production and
consumption are complete. Within these residual mater- ialities, multiple
participants are involved in distinct and often intra-active practices of
working through the accumulation and degradation of plastics. Plastics do not
simply break down in ocean environments; rather, they enrol humans and
more-than-humans in new processes and practices of working through and
with these natures in the making.
Carbon workers
To say that the oceans are polluted with plastics is an approach to environments through contamination that may not fully account for the more-than-
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
human ways of working through plastics that are already taking place. Instead,
from the perspective of natures and bodies in the making, accumu- lating
plastics generate specific material conditions within and through which humans
and more-than-humans participate, whether through changing the composition
of food chains or increasing levels of toxicity in environments. The
accumulations and biodegradations of plastics are events that signal the need to
open up approaches to plastics through a more-than-human material politics,
since the multiple entities afected – and emerging – through these plastic
processes involve numerous other actants.
The material politics under consideration here draws on questions recently
raised in relation to ‘political matter’ – namely, how do politics change when
more-than-humans enter into these deliberations (Braun and Whatmore 2010)?
How do more-than-humans, as integral to material processes, alter practices
and understandings of politics (Haraway 2007; Stengers 2010)? Even more than
attending to the ways in which more-than-human entities partici- pate in
politics, I am interested in specifying how particular material entities and
practices emerge as newly relevant contributors to the politics of chan- ging
environments. In this respect, I adopt the term ‘carbon workers’, which has
emerged within specific policies to address the human (and more-than- human)
contributions to mitigating climate change, to describe the ways in which
plastics are worked through, and the material politics that emerge within
these specific processes of degradation and biodegradation.
Within climate change discourse, the concept of carbon workers has gained
traction to describe the long list of ‘tree planters and tenders, measurement
technicians, landscape deforestation modellers, carbon accountants, carbon
certifiers and verifiers and others’ who have emerged to take care of trees
and forests that have been identified as key sites of biotic carbon sequestration through the Kyoto Protocol (Fogel 2002: 182; Lövbrand and Stripple
2006: 235). Carbon workers within climate change discourses primarily describe
the various roles that humans play in relation to carbon sink policy instruments,
and the often problematic matrix of relations that occurs when developed
countries seek to ofset carbon emissions – where, for instance, indigenous
forest dwellers in developing countries are enrolled in performing carbon work
in designated biotic sinks (since many of these sinks are tropical forests). Trees –
and the many other more-than-humans that inhabit forests – are also implicitly
included as carbon workers in this context, since their participation is gauged
in relation to the project of reducing carbon. More- than-humans might then be
more explicitly included as workers in the carbon project – entities the
participation of which becomes identified as relevant in relation to reducing (or
contributing to) carbon emissions.
Oceans are another, less recognized carbon sink, since most carbon work
has been configured in relation to terrestrial and atmospheric spaces. Yet
oceans are also sites of considerable carbon work, and are now beginning to be
addressed not just for their absorption of carbon dioxide, but also for the ways
in which the biotic–chemical exchanges that take place there are now of
Jennifer Gabrys
interest for ‘managing’ this other carbon sink (Stone 2010). The accumulation of
plastics and plastic additives is one aspect of this project of attending to the
oceans, and gives rise to new forms of possible carbon work.
Carbon work is a way to specify particular types of exchanges and practices
that take place in relation to plastics accumulating in oceans. By specifying
practices – or ‘arrangements of practices’, as Haraway suggests – ‘heterogeneously complex’ modes of agency may become more readily apparent as
being interwoven with and generative of concrete political occasions and
efects (Harvey and Haraway 1995: 520). Carbon work, as discussed here,
could be one way to begin to develop a precise attention to the connections
and processes within oceanic sinks. Carbon work is also a way to specify the
intra-actions that take place in relation to biodegrading plastics in oceans.
The examples of the diferent modes of working through plastics with which I
began this chapter signal types of carbon work that variously ‘clean up’ or
break down plastic hydrocarbons. From EU fishers paid to fish for plastic, to
marine researchers focused on documenting the efects of degradable plastics, to
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) focused on raising public aware- ness
around plastic pollution, to animals and birds that ingest plastic debris, to
bacteria that may biodegrade these materials, a whole range of carbon
workers, relations and practices begin to materialize in distinct ways in relation
to plastic oceans.
In these processes of accumulating plastic hydrocarbons, the carbon work of
humans and more-than-humans articulates distinct material-political rela- tions
to the seas. These material intra-actions within plastic oceans are part of what
enables processes of materialization to even turn up as carbon work: plastic
fragments turn up by accumulating over time in oceans, bodies and seas, and
then become the object of clean-up campaigns or toxicity studies. Dead
animals turn up: their inability to process plastic through ingestion makes
them a visible remainder and reminder of the intractable accumulation of plastic
debris and its ongoing efect on biodiversity. Plastic-loving bacteria turn up,
inhabiting and apparently decomposing plastic: are they new, or have they been
here all along, and could they clean the oceans of excess debris?
New types of carbon work then emerge as possible strategies for dealing
with these fragments. Describing these material processes as carbon work
draws attention to the complex transformations and exchanges within plastic
production, consumption and disposal, which involve more-than-humans in our
material lives. The material politics of oceans as sinks, and their role within
environmental change, make these processes more evident as forms of work, and
demonstrate how our material lives are forceful conjugations and sites of
material-political engagement, responsibility and invention.
More-than-humans working
It would be possible here to make a long list of all the working animals to be
found in more-than-human research, from the research labour of laboratory
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
animals to military dolphins searching for mines and the industrial labour of
aquaculture. However, my interest in attending to the work of more-thanhumans is less about the direct servicing of animals or other more-thanhumans to economic processes, and more about the ways in which new material
collectives emerge to do key carbon work in relation to breaking down
plastics in oceans. In this sense, the carbon work of plastic-related activity
could be seen to be more comparable to what anthropologist Stefan
Helmreich (2009) describes in his study, Alien Ocean, where ‘methanemetabolizing’ bacteria at vents in extreme ocean environments consume and
exchange methane through a process of chemosynthesis, thereby pre- venting
additional greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere (Helmreich 2009: 36–
Here is an exchange that could be described as a form of work that contributes to attempts to reduce greenhouse gases, which are articulated and
monitored across spaces of policy and everyday practice. These bacteria are not
immediately a resource, but they do turn up as a more-than-human contribution in the material politics of climate change. The natures that are in the
making in this context involve not just changing climates and distributions of
greenhouse gases, but also pertain to the ways in which more-than-human
processes emerge as relevant or as contributing to specific environmental
concerns and actions.
In his metabolic theory of labour and value, Marx excluded the non-human
from his definition of human labour. For Marx, labour was an expression of
‘man’s’ metabolic relation with and conversion of ‘nature’. Yet this labour is
notable not just for its assumed conversion of nature into resource, but also for
what it is not. Non-human work does not constitute labour, Marx argues, since
‘nature’s work’ – whether the web of the spider or the hive of the bee – has not
undergone a prior mental conception that would, for instance, char- acterize
the labour of an architect conceptualizing a building (Marx 1990: 283–84).3
The exclusion of non-human work from theories of labour informs the types of
material politics that are possible, since non-humans may not then be
recognized as participants in our material lives.
If we trouble Marx’s assertion of where work might be situated or identified, we can instead consider how a post-Marxian concept of work might not
consist of ‘man’ labouring to transform ‘nature’ through metabolic relation, but
rather occur through intra-actions and processes of materialization that direct
new possibilities for material politics. Instead of human-driven meta- bolic
transformations, here we might consider something closer to Michel Serres’s
metabolas as ongoing processes of transformation, where material and
environmental exchanges are characterized by all manner of conversions that
take place not just in human bodies, but also in ‘animals and plants’, as well as
‘air crystals … cells and atoms’ (Serres 1982: 72–73).
Numerous humans and more-than-humans are involved in the process of
converting plastics in one way or another, whether it is bacteria breaking
down microplastics, seabirds ingesting bottle-tops, or fisherman fishing for
Jennifer Gabrys
plastics. One of the ways in which these carbon works and exchanges might be
characterized further is through processes of degradation and biodegrad- ation.
Carbon workers are involved in and producers of material exchanges and
arrangements that are not so much metabolic and resource driven, but instead
necessarily oriented towards realizing new material dynamics and relations in
the ongoing attempts to process and break down plastic hydro- carbons.
Through these modes of work, new entities emerge, which contribute to a
processual reshaping of what counts as material politics.
The work of the biodegradable
The degradation of plastics in oceans and terrestrial environments is part of the
contradictory way in which plastics accumulate: not primarily as identifi- able
objects but mostly in the form of microplastics, chemical migration and bodily
accumulation (Guthman 2011; Thompson et al. 2009a). As mentioned in the
introduction to this chapter, most plastics are not considered biode- gradable,
but rather degrade only in relation to forms of physical weathering (American
Chemistry Society 2010), in some cases through exposure to light or oxygen
(Thomas et al. 2010), or in other cases through the addition of specific
‘transition metals’ such as iron or cobalt (Cressey 2011; Roy et al. 2011). At
the same time, these degradable forms of plastics often break down into
fragments that last indefinitely in the environment. Even though these plastic
fragments are no longer present in an identifiable form, they still persist as
debris with toxic efect.
The persistence of plastics for potentially several hundred years (since
degradation depends in part upon context) has often served as one of their
least redeeming features. Biodegradable plastics, or bioplastics, have been
developed in an attempt to find a remedy for the material persistence and
recalcitrance of plastics.4 Rather than having crude oil as their primary substrate, biodegradable plastics are usually made from starch and cellulose –
what otherwise are referred to as ‘renewable’ materials. Since these materials are
derived from plants, and may be composted or degraded through anaerobic
digestion rather than put into landfill, they are seen as a possible way to
address the accumulation of plastics in environments (Song et al. 2009: 2127).
When biodegradable plastics break down, they decompose into ‘carbon dioxide,
methane, water, inorganic compounds, or biomass in which the pre- dominant
mechanism is the enzymatic action of microorganisms’ (Song et al. 2009: 2127–
28). In order to meet the terms of biodegradability, micro- organisms must also
completely use up plastic fragments within a set period of time.
Biodegradation presents an ideal vision of matter, lapsing back into ‘nature’
without leaving a visible residue. To be biodegradable is to be eco- friendly, to
embody the promise to disappear into the earth without a trace.
Biodegradability – even if this process involves fragmenting into toxic particles – may be seen to be preferable to being confronted with the visual
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
evidence of enduring plastic remains. Biodegradation could be described as a
form of biomimesis, where materials ‘mimic’ the assumed ‘natural’ tendency of
materials towards reintegration into trophic cycles. Yet biomimesis, as
Bensaude Vincent articulates, often involves mapping a teleological agenda on
to so-called natural processes in order to realize ‘economical rationality’ in
relation to ‘natural systems’ (Bensaude Vincent 2007, 2011). Biodegradation
could then be seen as a way to attempt to naturalize plastic materials so that
they seem to spring easily from and return to nature. Yet this also could be
seen as a way to elide, if not idealize, the material politics and processes of
which plastics are constitutive.
Within the work of biodegradability, moreover, microorganisms provoke
alternative conceptions of what material transformations involve – not as a
process of becoming invisible, but rather as an articulation of new collectives
brought into the space of material politics. What counts as carbon work here
does not then reduce down to a singular entity labouring away at a piece of
plastic, but instead requires collective environmental conditions and entities –
from light and oxygen to microbial life – to come together in the process of
plastic degradation.
Bacteria redux
The microplastics that are present in increasing numbers in oceans are often
described as having transformed oceans into a ‘plastic soup’ (de Vrees 2010).
Plastic soup indicates not identifiable items for retrieval but more of a turbid
medium of plastic deformation. Perhaps in contrast to an image of garbage
patches or marine litter as a thick surface layer of bottles and trash bags
choking the upper ocean, here instead is an extensive suspended medium of
plastic debris and pellets, which variously pass through the bodies of marine life
and undergo bacterial transformation. This plastic soup is a site of con- tinual
metamorphosis and intra-actions, so that new or previously unrecog- nized
corporeal relations emerge in the newly constituted spaces of the oceans.
In these spaces, biodegradable as well as petroleum-based plastics have
been found to undergo the work of ‘plastic munchers’, or bacteria that are
colonizing and may potentially be digesting plastic. The ‘discovery’ of bacteria that may be consuming plastic has led to the further proposal to find
ways to deploy specific microbes on plastic patches in an attempt to clear
these spaces of their accumulated residue. Yet the efects of these carbonworking bacteria are yet to be fully understood: to what extent do the bacteria recirculate the chemical efects of plasticizers into the water and through the
food chain? How does this process of ‘bioremediation’ unfold, which other
organisms might be afected, and what time spans and resources might it
require? One researcher likened the scale of the bacteria’s task in consuming
garbage patches to one person having to eat the whole of Canary Wharf
(BBC News 2010).
Jennifer Gabrys
While the scale comparison between bacterial decomposition and dense
urban districts might appear daunting, a 1970s science-fiction novel, Mutant
59: The Plastic Eater (Pedler and Davis 1971), imagines a scene where bacteria capable of biodegrading plastic run amok in London. Due to their
reproductive success, the plastic-loving bacteria are able to multiply, chew
through and dissolve entire plastic urban infrastructures. From the failure of
electrical wires and cables that are insulated with plastic, to the explosion of
water pipes that are similarly made of plastic, the indiscriminate appetites of
these bacteria are a force that reshapes and shuts down entire cities. As the
Introduction and numerous contributions to this edited collection demonstrate, our material lives increasingly are composed of plastics. Because of the
extent of plastic materialities, plastic-digesting bacteria could become architectural agents, remaking the pervasive plastic fabric of our environments. In
Mutant 59, the urban environment becomes an apocalyptic experiment in
degradation, where these new bacterial forms develop evolving appetites and
capacities for material transformation as they eat and alter plastic scenes.
Biodegradability and ‘eating well’
The work of plastics biodegradation is thus less about making the efects of
ongoing disposal-oriented consumerism disappear, since even degradation and
biodegradation generate new intra-actions and material politics. Instead,
biodegradability points to how the residual materialities of plastics activate a
more collective understanding of material processes. As sociologist Myra Hird
(2010) suggests, material processes may be indicative of ‘eating well’, since
bacteria are the fixers or producers that make available the elements on which so
many heterotrophs, or organisms that require external nourishment, depend.
Eating well, she suggests, drawing on Jacques Derrida (1991), is a way to
encounter bacteria (and processes such as decomposition) as part of the
material collectives in which we all participate. These exchanges and
relations might also give rise to indigestion, as Haraway (2007) suggests, or to
modes of exchange and incorporation that instead unsettle or disrupt
As I have previously argued in my work on electronic waste and carbon
sinks (Gabrys 2009, 2011), in a waste-based materiality, ‘things’ are rarely
present as discrete entities, since materiality involves processes of breaking
down, transforming, dispersing and reworking. Hird addresses this lack of
discreteness through bacteria in order to articulate how the edges of morethan-humans are not distinct, and how our material processes and politics are
always undertaken in collectives. These collectives are sites of ethical relation
and obligation. Eating well is about recognizing connections and interdependencies, as well as acknowledging that many more-than-human processes fall outside the scope of our usual sites of recognition. Material
collectives are not just sites of eating together, but also of transforming,
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
making possible and available diferent versions of shared as well as
diferently inhabited materialities.
Derrida has given us his thoughts on ‘eating well’, as well as ‘biodegradability’, which together perhaps ofer a revised metabolic imaginary beyond that
linear sequence articulated through a more Marxian political (and material)
economy. Through the ‘figure of the word “biodegradable”’, which Derrida
transposes to ‘cultural uses’, he asks: ‘What is a thing? What remains? What,
after all, of the remains …?’ (Derrida 1989: 812).5 Biode- gradability draws
attention to the ways in which things become ‘non-things’. Derrida’s analysis
deals primarily with cultural investigations, but the ways in which things become
non-things in the plastic oceans involve multiple mate- rial collectives that are
undertaking these transformations. In the shifting composition of oceans,
bacteria, marine life and fishermen working through EU directives, the carbon
work of processing residual plastics in oceans gives rise to newly emerging
collective material politics.
Conclusion: material collectives
What types of material politics and material collectives emerge through
speculative, expanded and more-than-human modes of carbon work? What
might this work consist of, specifically as reconfigured through degradability?
Such an approach could be seen to open into all kinds of directions, but I
would like to end by discussing how this view of carbon workers and biodegradability as a material-political engagement might open up new types of
material thinking. The notion of the ‘life-cycle’ is a typical device used in the
eco-design of products and buildings. It articulates ways for materials to loop
back through cycles of production and consumption without material loss or
waste. However, from the view of biodegrading and degrading plas- tics, a lifecycle becomes a very diferent type of process, far from a closed loop, since the
site of recovery might even become a new site of manufacture and material
process encompassing the carbon work of multiple material collectives.
Following on from the examples of accumulating, degrading and working
through plastics with which I began this chapter in the form of fishers fishing for
plastics and bacteria emerging to decompose it, I would like to end with a
discussion of one speculative creative practice project, The Sea Chair Project,
which has been developed to address the increasing amounts of plastics in
oceans, and which ofers an alternative to life-cycle thinking (Groves et al.
2011). The creators of The Sea Chair Project, Alexander Groves, Azusa
Murakami and Kieren Jones, develop their project as a response to the increasing
amounts of plastic found in the seas and at the littoral margins. The project
participants have developed a ‘nurdler’ device, a ‘sluice-like con- traption’ for
collecting and sorting plastic debris and microplastic pellets from the ocean.
Working in the first instance at the strandline of Porthtowan beach in Cornwall,
Grove, Murakami and Jones salvaged plastics for reuse at
Jennifer Gabrys
this site where a particularly large amount of plastic debris and pellets
collects. Salvaged plastics were separated by density (and colour) through a
floatation-tank technique. The material was then heated in a ‘sea press’, a
furnace and hydraulic press that may be transported on small fishing vessels.
The mouldable plastic material was then shaped into a chair – or, more
precisely, a three-legged stool (see Figures 12.1–12.5).
In this speculative materials-reclamation proposal, the project creators are
specifically interested in addressing the EU initiative to have fishers catch
plastic (mentioned throughout this chapter). Here, they have taken this proposal further by developing plans for a sort of ‘floating factory ship’ that
salvages plastic for the production of sea chairs. Rather than work towards an
ideal closed-loop life-cycle product, The Sea Chair Project works with those
historical remains of our lived plastic materialities to begin to generate new
approaches to how plastics orient material practices and politics in the present.
The reclamation of plastics from oceans is not a straightforward solution to
increasing amounts of plastics in oceans, since any project that collects
plastics, particularly microplastics, must also attend to the numerous marine
(micro)organisms that may be caught up with any collection efort. However,
the shifting material arrangements of plastics in oceans here give rise to
speculative practices for salvaging degrading plastics as a resource for renewed
production. New rounds of production turn from sourcing raw or even
recycled materials made raw again, towards the ongoing – if problem- atic –
accumulations of plastics in oceans. Far from a closed loop, the site of
Figure 12.1 ‘The Nurdler’ (2011), The Sea Chair Project
Source: (Groves, Murakami and Jones 2011)
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
Figure 12.2 ‘Nurdle Collection’ (2011), The Sea Chair Project
Source: (Groves, Murakami and Jones 2011)
recovery becomes a new site of manufacture and material process. The carbon
work that emerges does not consist of closed loops of original material recycled again; instead, it generates transformed practices, intra-actions, economies,
ecologies and material politics in relation to plastic oceans.
On the one hand, it is sensible – as many researchers have suggested – to
deal with the problem of plastics contaminating oceans at the source, to strive
either for a policy of minimal waste through redesign or to ensure that plastics do not travel, whether through wayward manufacturing or disposal, to
seas. On the other hand, though, the current permeation of oceans and
environments with plastics and their chemical residues suggests additional
approaches to plastic waste as it already exists are also relevant. Large quantities
of plastics continue to be generated and disposed of across estab- lished and
emerging economies. Many of these economies currently lack waste-handling
infrastructures and manufacturing practices that would cap- ture plastic waste
before it enters the environment. Hawkins (2010) suggests that it is useful to
attend to the ways in which particular materialities may become manifest
through environmental practices.6 Specific materialities may be activated in
the actions of banning bags, for instance, or through the uncanny reuse of
these same items. These specific materialities are also the sites where ‘political
capabilities’ emerge (Hawkins 2010: 46). By attend- ing to the ways in which
materialities are constituted, sustained and pro- duced, it is also possible to
consider what practices might prompt alternative forms of material politics. By
rethinking the material collectives and material
Jennifer Gabrys
Figure 12.3 ‘Plastic Sample: Black’ (2011), The Sea Chair Project
politics that are emerging in relation to plastics in oceans, and the new carbon
work to be undertaken there, it may be possible to attend more efectively and
more creatively to the material entanglements within which we are now
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
Figure 12.4 ‘The Sea Chair Tools’ (2011), The Sea Chair Project
Source: (Groves, Murakami and Jones 2011)
Figure 12.5 ‘The Sea Chair’ (2011), The Sea Chair Project
Source: (Groves, Murakami and Jones 2011)
Jennifer Gabrys
Such forms of material engagement and material politics perhaps direct us
towards what Barad (2010: 266) calls ‘an ethics of entanglement’, which
‘entails possibilities and obligations for reworking the material efects of the past
and the future’. Reworking is also a way of working, and carbon reworking
engages with and transforms the sedimented efects of environ- mental and
bodily pasts as they turn up in the present and future. Toward what forms of
entanglement are we working, and to which natures and bodies in the making
are we committed? Which material collectives are brought together, and how
do these material relations articulate and make possible diferent modes of
material politics that work through and with these multiple connections?
Materialities and material collectives inform politics, but they are also part
of the becoming possible of politics. These possibilities of politics are located
within forms of work that transform and concretize everyday prac- tices.
Bacteria are now establishing their factories in the seas; marine organ- isms are
building highways on polystyrene; and plastic trash is mobilizing human and
non-human bodies to work through these oceanic discards in any number of
ways. However, these material residues also provide fodder for rethinking the
trajectory of our material politics, outside the closed loop of renewed capital,
to a more extensive understanding of and speculative approach to the complex
and collective carbon work that emerges from our lived plastic materialities.
1. Numerous reports and organizations document the increasing amounts of plastics in
oceans, including the United Nations Environment Programme (2005); and Allsopp et
al. (2006). The UN report suggests the estimates of plastics per square kilometre
should be read with caution, as it is very diicult to gauge exactly how much plastic
is in oceans, given how ‘vast and varied’ they are. For more infor- mation on the
ocean gyres where plastics collect, see 5 Gyres (n.d.); and US Environmental
Protection Agency (2011).
2. The term ‘carbon workers’ is used across climate-change literature to refer to specific forms of work that emerge in relation to carbon sinks (via their designation in the
Kyoto Protocol). Cathleen Fogel (2002, 2004) has addressed this topic briefly in her
work on the Kyoto Protocol. Eva Lövbrand and Johannes Stripple (2006) draw on
Fogel’s work, and briefly deploy the term in relation to understanding the
territories of carbon sinks and possibilities for mitigating climate change.
3. In Marx’s analysis, transformations of nature are the basis for human labour – but
‘nature’ also transforms through these processes, and so generates new conditions in
which to work.
4. An early report on this varied phenomenon tends towards the science fictional, as in
BBC News (1999). For a current industry perspective and overview on bioplastics, see (accessed 20 August 2012).
5. While Derrida’s text is largely oriented towards a debate on Paul de Man and
several academics’ interpretations of his work, he deploys the material and metaphoric language of waste to undertake an analysis of the persistence or dissolution of
scholarly work. The use of biodegradables via Derrida is a lateral interpretation,
Plastic and the work of the biodegradable
yet his suggestion of how things become non-things is instructive for this study on
plastics. As Derrida writes, ‘On the one hand, this thing is not a thing, not – as one
ordinarily believes things to be – a natural thing: in fact, “biodegradable,” on the
contrary, is generally said of an artificial product, most often an industrial product,
whenever it lets itself be decomposed by microorganisms. On the other hand, the
“biodegradable” is hardly a thing since it remains a thing that does not remain, an
essentially decomposable thing, destined to pass away, to lose its identity as a thing and
to become again a non-thing’ (Derrida 1989: 813).
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