Art in Science Museums
Towards a Post-Disciplinary Approach
Edited by Camilla Rossi-Linnemann
and Giulia de Martini
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First published 2020
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© 2020 selection and editorial matter, Camilla Rossi-Linnemann and
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4.5.6 Artistic activism and
narratives on environment
There is no unique and comprehensive definition of Environmental Art, yet
this research is often conducted by artists who are personally concerned
with the conditions of the environment and who seek not only to explore
the relationship between mankind and the natural environment, but also to
actively contribute to change human attitudes towards nature.
After the first alarm bells for the evident loss of biodiversity went off in
the 1980s, environmental conservation programs in the 1990s advocated for
a deeper integration between the ecological and social dimensions, as well
as for a more direct involvement of scientists in the fields of environmental
decision making and education. An activist strand of artistic research then
formed a generation of artists that have joined this process, engaging not
only in their own practice but also in education.
The growing number of academic interdisciplinary courses feeds on this
dedication and on emerging collaborations between scholars from the fields
of visual art, literature, philosophy, sociology, botany, conservation and
so forth. It is also through the training of future scientists that artists can
become active members of social change.
Case study:
Parque Etnobotánico Omora,
Puerto Williams (Chile)
Centro Universitario de la Universidad de Magallanes en Puerto
Ricardo Rozzi, Director of the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation
Program, Universidad de Magallanes, North Texas University
Paola Vezzani, Art-Researcher for the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural
Conservation Program, Universidad de Magallanes
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Artistic activism and narratives on environment
The Biocultural Conservation Program based at the Parque Etnobotánico Omora aims to study and implement activities to generate conservation consciousness. It is led by an international and interdisciplinary
cooperative group that integrates biological investigation, philosophical
concepts and arts.
Ecotourism with a Hand-Lens
An outdoor ecology and ethics university course that translates into a
public outdoor activity created by a team of artists, writers, scientists and
philosophers to promote sustainable development, including wellbeing
of both humans and the community of living beings. Drawing and metaphor composition are used both as tools for observing and understanding the world, thus reinforcing scientific knowledge and ethical valuation;
tools for science communication and cultural transformation.
Figure 4.5.6 Ecotourism with a Hand-Lens: an innovative activity developed by the interdisciplinary team of artists, philosophers,
and scientists at Omora Park. It invites visitors to observe the
microcosm and appreciate the ecological, aesthetic, economic,
and ethical values of biological and cultural diversity, and their
Source: Photo by Adam Wilson, Archive Omora Ethnobotanical Park
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Artistic activism and narratives on environment
Located in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve in Chile, the Omora Ethnobotanical Park is an outdoor museum and a biocultural laboratory
dedicated to research, education and conservation at the southern end
of the Americas. Every year since 2000, about 30 university students
are offered the Ecotourism with a Hand-Lens (EHL) course. Teachings
involve philosophers that discuss environmental ethics and scientists
who develop research on mosses, birds, insects and the methodology
of minimum alteration of the environment and of its inhabitants. In order
to communicate the values discovered during their field experience, students belonging to departments of arts, philosophy, journalism, political
and biological sciences work with a writer to develop metaphors and then
with a visual artist to transform them into images and prepare interpretive
signs that are later installed in the park itself. This experience is shared
with local school children, teachers and ecotourism guides who jointly
guide three-hour long tours based on the work done by students and
conducted by artists, philosophers, scientists, members of the Yahgan
indigenous community and by the students themselves. These courses
are offered year-round and help appreciate the aesthetic, economic, ecological, and ethical values of the Miniature Forests of Cape Horn.
EHL courses and activities both rely heavily on the use of drawing as
an observation and discovery tool. Metaphorically, the course’s lenses
do not only amplify the vision of mosses and other small organisms, but
also offer conceptual lenses to broaden the understanding of nature and
ethical co-inhabitation within it.
Bringing writers and visual artists to teach EHL courses alongside philosophers and scientists allows students to participate in truly transformative experiences. As they explore the power of drawing, narratives and
metaphors, they enrich their biocultural understanding while also contributing to conserving biocultural diversity itself. Science and philosophy
teach them that mosses, humans and all living beings share the common vital pulse of cellular respiration, growth and reproduction. Drawing
and composition of metaphors help them to perceive the breathing of
mosses, the calls of birds, the waves of oceans and many contrasting
human languages.
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Artistic activism and narratives on environment
Complemented with philosophical readings and scientific enquiry, the
EHL courses and resulting guided activities help participants experience
and understand first-hand different perspectives through which to perceive and value the world.
The way the course is structured and feeds into the public activity of
the park results in a win-win situation as students feel integrated and
responsible for the environment they have analysed and worked in, while
the park finds new creative and often unexpected ways of communicating to local ecotourism guides and the public its values of biocultural
Drawing is a medium available to everyone, and in the intimate time
taken to observe and prepare a drawing, the artistic practice becomes
a tool of personal observation to recognise otherness. Emotions stirred
by such artistic practices can enhance future science researches’ skills
to understand the surrounding world and respect other living beings as
co-inhabitants rather than as mere natural resources.
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