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L. Sáez Rueda (ed.), El malestar de Occidente. Perspectivas filosóficas sobre una civilización enferma, Anchor Academic Publishing, Hamburg, 2017
Mi trabajo se divide en dos grandes bloques. El primero de ellos se constituye como una interpretación personal, en debate con otros autores contemporáneos, del diagnóstico heideggeriano sobre la decadencia de Occidente y de su presupuesto ontológico fundamental, esto es, la “estructura de emplazamiento” (Ge-stell) donde se cifra la esencia de la técnica, concebida como la consumación del “nihilismo impropio” o, si se prefiere, como el máximo “olvido del ser”, en virtud del cual nos vemos abocados a solicitar compulsivamente todo lo “existente” (Ek-sistenz) como “existencias” (Bestand). Desde esta perspectiva, la segunda parte del trabajo se trata de una propuesta terapéutica que apunta a la emancipación de la humanidad con respecto al “nihilismo tecnológico” denunciado por Heidegger. Tras reivindicar en perspectiva histórica la dimensión terapéutica de la filosofía frente al imperio del aparato psicológico-psiquiátrico en el arte de curar, examinamos el papel que debe jugar el pensamiento ante la ambigüedad del Ge-stell a nivel ontológico y, por último, mostramos cómo se traduce dicha disposición, a la luz del concepto de “serenidad” (Gelassenheit), en la praxis histórico-social.
Disposal of non-bio-degradablematerialshas become a critical issuenow adays, mass of garbage has beencreated over the earth surface due to suchkind of non bio-degradablematerials. In order to overcomewiththis issue a new concept of Efficient bricks alsoknown as Eco-Bricks isnow been replacedwithbricks .Pet bottles are a new type of building materialwhichis made up of plastic bottles are filledwith plastic wastes, but we are fillingitwith M-sand (Manufactured Sand)forfurther use for construction purpose. [1] These are energy and resource efficient bricks and canbeused to makegardenspaces partition walls ,temporarygodowns and lowcosthouses. Use of these bricksmakes the work moreeconomical as well as reducesthe land pollution. This paper shows the study and ivestigation on a plastic bottles as well as constructionmaterial to use it as a future aspects. It also shows the manufacturing and otherproperties of ecobricks .At the end , multiple factorssuch as costefficiency ,reduction of pollution whichleds to promotevery clean executionand minimization of construction wastecanbeachivedby using PET bottles or Ecobricks.
Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and …, 1975
Le opere e i gorni. Lavoro, produzione e commercio tra passato e presente, a cura di V. Caminneci, 2014
Ricostruire il quadro delle produzioni artigianali di età greca ad Akragas risulta abbastanza complicato, sia per la quantità e per la varietà dei reperti che si possono attribuire a officine locali sia per la frammentarietà e la diversità dei dati che si rintracciano nelle pubblicazioni relative alla città antica. Non esistono infatti studi sistematici aggiornati sulla cultura materiale della polis, né di tipo archeometrico, né di tipo morfologico, tenteremo pertanto di ricostruire un quadro, molto parziale, di alcune delle produzioni akragantine, in particolare delle terrecotte figurate, attraverso una rapida rassegna sia delle matrici pubblicate sia delle aree di fornaci note. Già a partire dalla fine dell''800 infatti sono state diffuse notizie di ritrovamenti di alcune matrici, provenienti dall'area della città antica, che documentano un'importante attività produttiva. In uno scritto del 1898 Giulio Emanuele Rizzo pubblica una serie di reperti che, dalle notizie che lui riporta, erano state trovate nel 1894 " da uno di quei pericolosi frugatori di oggetti antichi" (RIZZO 1898, 263) "in una campagna un po' al sud del così detto Tempio di Castore e Polluce". Le matrici erano state trovate insieme "forse a rifiuti di fabbrica" in un'area dove "doveva esistere un'officina vasaria" (RIZZO 1898, 264). L'autore insiste sull'eccezionalità della scoperta, ritenendo le matrici, per i suoi tempi, un unicum in Sicilia. Alcune di queste, collocate in un orizzonte cronologico posteriore al IV sec. a.C., presentano scene a rilievo
Religions, 2021
Mount Putuo in Zhejiang Province, China, is the most important holy land of Guanyin in East Asia. Landscape sacralization is a key modality by which sacred meaning is constructed. This paper takes several examples—the Tidal Sound Cave (“chaoyin dong” 潮音洞), the Well of the Immortal Mei (“Meixian jing” 梅仙井), the Well of Ge Hong (“Ge Hong jing” 葛洪井), the Well of the Immortal (“xianren jing” 仙人井), and Duangu Pier (“Duan Gu daotou” 短姑道頭)—to analyze the three types of processes of sacralization. The Tidal Sound Cave is a re-construction of the founding myths; Well of the Immortal Mei, the Well of Ge Hong and the Well of the Immortal reflect harmony between local legends of Daoist immortals and the sacred Buddhist site; and the Duangu Pier accomplished its sanctification process in the course of local pilgrimage activities. By sorting out the mechanism and process of landscape sanctification and exploring the generation and renewal of landscape meaning, we can observe the logic of the cons...
Evaluarea riscurilor de accidentare şi îmbolnăvire profesională Elemente ale Directivelor UE Elemente ale sistemului de management Prevenirea riscurilor Accentul pe acţiunile preventive Responsabilizarea conducerii de la cel mai înalt nivel Angajamentul declarat al conducerii Conştientizarea şi formarea angajaţilor Instruire -conştientizare MANAGEMENTUL SECURITĂŢII ŞI SĂNĂTĂŢII ÎN MUNCĂ SECURITATE ŞI SĂNĂTATE ÎN MUNCĂ Securitate şi sănătate în muncă -Ansamblul de activităţi instituţionalizate având ca scop asigurarea celor mai bune condiţii în desfăşurarea procesului de muncă, apărarea vieţii, integrităţii fizice şi psihice, sănătăţii lucrătorilor şi a altor persoane participante la procesul de muncă Pericol grav şi iminent de accidentare -situaţia concretă, reală şi actuală căreia îi lipseşte doar prilejul declanşator pentru a produce un accident în orice moment.
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education, 2021
This study aimed to investigate the teacher’s difficulties in teaching listening at MAN 1 Palembang. This study used a qualitative research. One of the qualitative research designs applied in this study was case study design. The participant of this study was one of English teachers at MAN 1 Palembang. The participant of this study was taken from one of the four English teachers at MAN 1 Palembang by using criterion sampling strategy. The data were collected through interview. The data were analyzed and presented descriptively. there are six steps commonly used in analyzing qualitative data, as follows; (1) the researcher have to be familiar with entire body of data (2) generate codes, (3) search for themes (4) review themes (5) define and name themes, and (6) produce the report. The results of this study showed that the difficulties faced by the teacher’s in teaching listening at MAN 1 Palembang were related to as follows: (a) the students' psychological factor; (b) students’ b...
… teknillinen yliopisto. Julkaisu-Tampere University of …, 2009
To satisfy customer needs a product family has to offer distinctive features while the production struggles with the large variety of different modules and products that can be produced. Configurable products provide the ability to offer different variants for customers. Configurability is often established by modular product family architectures. Modularity and configurability are important factors for producible product families. Producibility offers means to provide effective product family architectures to support the organization designing and manufacturing configurable products. Producibility includes the idea that product family structures need to be simultaneously configurable and support the production system. This has implications to the types of modules used in the product structures. Configurable products involve large amounts of information related to dependencies between different elements of the product structure. The representation of configuration knowledge for configurable products is important. This knowledge needs to be visually available in order to provide efficient basis for the configuration process to be effective. While configuration knowledge needs to be documented to be used as a basis for a configurator, the generic product structure provided by the configuration models establishes a basis for a variety of tools that can be used to support the organization using configurable products as a basis for satisfying the customer needs.
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 2019
Journal of applied clinical medical physics / American College of Medical Physics, 2011
Boletim de Economia e Política Internacional, 2015
Communication, 2019
International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2019
Journal of Crop Breeding, 2024
Communications in Physics, 2020
International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2020
International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology, 2014
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2020
Scientific Reports, 2021
International Journal of Energy Technology, 2020